V THE BEE: OMAHA; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1920. New Indictments Are Returned in J' Building Probe Three Bills Charging Extor J tion Found by Grand Jury; Wrought Iron Industry 'Is Drawn Into Inquiry,' New York, Nov. 24. New York's warfare against the alleged budding trust brought forth three new in dictments charging extortion; as well as testimony linking the wrought iron and wrought steel in dustry to the long list of other pro ducers of construction materials which ire alleged unlawfully to hold prices uniform throughout the coun try. While the allied forces of an ex traordinary grand jury and the joint legislative committee made this progress in their major offensives, legal skirmishes, occurred in two courts and the city's independent in quiry into its millions of dollars in contracts was postponed until Mpn- day. . ; Twice during the day the joint committee was diverted from its investigation to defend itself" aga.nst - onslaughts in the courts. The -com-1 ' mittee was victorious in both oc casions. ! ; . Prosecution Wins Victories., Decisive defeat marked the ef forts of the builders' material bureau fur both the supreme and appelate courts to restrain the committee i from getting hold of its Uooks-and &?milexa,n'nins; ts stenographer, Elizabeth O'Dea. Two injunctions were secured by counsel for the Amr but were: flujcisly Vacated, and Iter in thl-rfav an annlinlinn -m- - - r Mil 1 k'ttbULlUil f .for aktay was denied. Thii counsel for thj bureau agree! to produce the books , and t paper! under the subpoena and to A have r officer' of ' the ibureau on hand u) testify, ' Miss O'Dea already 1 lias bn adjudged in contempt by . fthe committee for- failing to answer a summons. ' , ' t . Brindeil Named , in Bill. ; i . Robert Rr Brindeli,' president of I the Building Trades council and al- leged "king of building trades work '. men in the metropolis, was named y in two of today's indictments, both .charging extortion. The other in- "dictnient, also charging extortion, was against Bjindell't;' "chief, of staff," Peter Stadtm'iller, .a member of the Building Traded council. i Madtmiller s bail. was fixed at $100,000. Brtndeli, already under i $100,000 bail on . previous indict- merits, was not required to furnish j additional bail. Charges against. Brindclt alleged that he forced Louis . J. Cohen, a j buiiding contractor; to. pay him $500 ) under threat of stopping work yn "a i construction, job. last July. Stadtmil- ler was , accused 't of extortion; ' of ?l,uou irora the Uarden City wreci- .ay THE ,jQUMPS.- .THE GUMJP RUN OUT OF, .THANKS Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith. No. 6... No. AvJ ' Pr. 2s;....S6 - 5 15 S......B44 ess ir. 780 7 00 10 S47 .1 75 EEEB STEfiRS. No.;. . Pr; . No. ll.....l7 in n . . . . i. I ing company oy vireierung xo puiNo. ., 'Av, Pr. No, th firm fill nf hninrs in rase nf refusal. r York (nffrr. -.'Nnr-TorH1 .-lfT. -Hj .Ths . market for fof fe f utu n mi niener today on eov- nr.inK...yi. tMMt-MUn-il -scattered. iimi -buy la irnuea- cy reports oi a Vett ton In Santos, The opening was 4 to) If points higher and the market later Improved reports that purchases on tH cost ana freight market had ab sorbed Santos previously pressing for aste. March advanced to 7.27o and De cember to 6.6S0, or about SO to 89 points above last night's closing; futures, but reacted a few points In the later1 trading under l-tallslng-. The. close was 0 to 30 points Wet hlghnr.i t ' December, . i.&Sejr' January, .77c; March, 7.10c: May, f.SSc; July, 7.83c; September, S.13c; October,' 8.t8e. Spot coffee, fcteady?, Rio. 7s, 8c; San tos 4s, 10Hc - ft Esntai CKjr live Stock. 1 ' Kansas City. Mo.. Nov. 21. Cattle Be rolpts. 7,000 head; beef steers, bulls, stock era and feeders and oanners, steady to 25c lower: steer sales, S8.0012.00; choice Colorado cows, $8.60; bulk she stock, S5.00 .50; canncrs mostly S3.604.09; better grades she -stock lower; soma late- bids, 50o lower than best time yesterday; ralvea, steady; beet dealers, JlS.OOitf 13.B0. ' Hosts Kecetpts, ll,pe ! .oad,s market tnoatlr 10lJo lower tfcan yesterday's averaaret top, $l.0i Wlk of sales, 19.60 .80; pigs, 25o lower; sood and choice .. fat ilg; l.C.t6. ' ' U'S...1. ' Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.500 head; sheep, steady; fat lairtbs" strong; . west- erns. tlO.75; no feeding lambs sold early; i olds sharply-lower. Torelgni Ktelumre- Bases, . I Following areoUay s" rates of Vxenange os compared with the par Valuation. Furnished by the Petera Nattonal bank: ... far Valuation Today Austria .V. .. . ... . . , ' Belgium "tecb-siovaki ........... Temark j France -"j , Germany "fSJ I Greece Italy JUKO-lavia .... Sweden . .' T..... Switzerland 15 .067 ' .1S7 .139 3.64 MM .0157 .0910 .0391 .00S , .Z390 ' .1973 .150 liberty Ban rrltf s New Tork. Nov. 24. Prices of Liberty bondT at o were! SH. .; ' 4s. 87.40 bid; econd 4j, !: f'rst(,t'': , S8.30: second 414s. 87.46; third 414s. 89.68 fourth 4H. ': Vlctoty Ss, 86.10; Victory ."-.. -... "v Liberty bonus ciosea: , " ST Tfti ascend 4"s. S7.: third 414s, 89.30; y fourth 4t4s. 7.4ftt .Victory ,SV ! Victory 4s. S4.00. ( New York Ortwiral. . New Terk. Not. 4. Wheat tfot, mar ket weak; No. t red and No. hard, 51. 86 apot c L f. track New Tork and ho. t mle aurum, 11.85 ,4 e. t, f. to ar- 1 Corn Spot, market nsy: No. 2 ye! . low, ic, b No. S rpA. 0AiC. c. t f. New York 10-day shipment. Oats Market dull. No. I white 2a Ird Market unsettled ; middlcwest, 31.8618.50 nominal. . .- r. Other articles unchanred. "i Itar Trk Metah. Nw Tork. Not. St. Oop Basy; plectrolytlc. spot and nearby, 14014c: first quarter. 145ieHc. . ..... Tin Irregular; spot and nearby, 136.50; future. S37.7SSS.4. , Iron Nominally unchanged. Antimony t.7tt. . Zinc Easier; spot East St, Louis de livery. S.871itJ6.00c Lead Steady; unchanged; t Joseph Urt Stock. St. Joseph, Mb.. Not. 24. Cattle Re . .rclpts. 1.500 head; generally steady; 'itteers, S6.60Oli.00; cows and heifers. ti onssis en- r.iv.. onaiti iil. ' Hot Receipt, 16,000 kead; market tie to 85c lower; top, 19.75; bulk 01 aaies, 89.tieS.76. . Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 708 head; lambs. 15c to SOo hlghor, 310.00O11.00; . ewea. l4.WQ4.7i, ' . New York, Produce. . , New Tork, Nov. 34. Butter, 'weak; ' reamery Wither than extras,- 65H66c; ' ;resmry eRraa, 4le; flrst 41K,, Eggs Steady, unchanged. . , . Cheese Steady, unchanged. Live Poultry Easier; chickens by freight. 8528c: fowls. lS28c , Dresned , poultry Steady; . prices.- . i' hanged - . - " . ' j Chirac Produce. ' rt ,. Chicago, Nov. , . 24. Butter Lower; creamery, 38 63 He. ' .... c.-Dlihari recelDts. 1.835 oasea: nr.tL Italic: ordinary firsts. 69043c; at mark, case included. 60069c: standard," ;2473e: refrigeratof firsts, eJHWsa'iCj prtngs, 23c; turkeys. 40c "." ' . '. - Cbteacw otao., '' ' , ' Chicago, Nov jl. Potatoes Easier- 7 elnis. 87 cars; ', northern .white. fOoe 1 90 cwt. sacked: North Dakota re. S2.0SO2.10 cwt. sicked. - ' Aui.'tlL Not. 24?XtiMs6 trtkaa V ( CPOtP tVXH HAVE VIOKt; "XO Z' , S itreli ( HEH-VAC.e. Hl-) y0 ""j J fVHKnU TOO. WrV4 VJt HWS Vj I WEftC VL JfcsuiT ' 1 MVC-..t$IVE MB TWATf ( HtR n R V ' "ro-.cwv? .ovft'Lrrat mvlV. 6kwqs ' h& T06f SI Ff..r . Chcck- MAt .coax-! i J AROOHf- ,sUL'H 400t H0VCT4- ) "BCU. " FECIAL tCAt WrPVIW- f 0H yoVi ( 'Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day' Live Stock Omaha. Nov. 24. Receipt were: Cattle Hogs Sheep Official Monday 12,291 11,075 13,758 Official Tuesday.... i 7,882 12,167 9,444 Estimate Wednesday. 3,400 10,600 8,500 8 days this week. .. .13,576 13,732 30,702 Same day last week.. 44,032 20,23 36,440 Same day 2 wk. ago. 88,773 14,630 28,393 Same day 3 wk. ago.ir,,201 6,736 42.370 Same day year ago.. 44.603 31,237 33,372 Cattle lUcelpts of cattle were very moderate, only 3,400 head being on sale, but th demand also was light and on beof steers and feeders the market was no more Shan steady. Cows and heifers made up Hho bulk of the supply and sold steady to 26c lower. For the three days receipts have only been 23,600 head as compared with 4,000 last week. Beet steers are selling fully 60c higher than the low time last Thursday, while rows and helfors ars around 2550o higher. De mand for feeders is just about equal to the supply and real gdod kinds are as much as 26c higher with the, general run of plain and medium grades steady. Quotations on Cattle Fair to good beeves,' 33. 00011. 00; common to fatr beeves, S7.004J9.00; fair to good yearlings, 39.0O(tll.O0; common to fair yearlings, $S. 50 9. 00; "'good to choice grass beeves, 38. 767910.60; fair to good grass beeves, 17.60 8. 60; common to fair grass beeves, $5.60i37.2S; Mexicans, 36.00a7.26; good to choice grass cows, S5.757.00; fair to good grass cows, $4.75(3)6.76; common to fair grass cows.- 83.00 4? 4.75: good to choice feeders S7 76t.26; medium to good feed ers, 86.76 7.60; common to fair feeders. 5. biHB-0.76; good to choice stockers, 37.50 08.26: fair to good stockers. 86.2607.28: commoa to fair stockers, 4.6O0t.25; stock heifers, 14.2606.00:- stock cows, 13.750 6.25; stock calves, S4.50O8 00; veal calves. .o.umjiia.uu; ouiis, stags, etc, f3.767.&o, No. 18.. YEARLINGS. At... Pr. . No. .SOi $ t 90 14.. - CALVES. AV. Pr. No. .M S 78 . .Sl 8 00 ., .STOCKE-M3 AND- FEEDERS. jrt o. av. 30 ,708 21 893 8. .....765 At. Av. Pr. 871 I 7 75 At. Pr. 163 13 00 160 12 SO Pf. 1 5 25 6 65 7 60 At. . Pr. No. ..7M- 7 00 WESTERN CATTLB.' (NEBRASKA At. Pr. Ho' : At. 16 civs 821 lSMra-712 27W'S87 J4 sts 72St t.. Pr. S 00 6 SO i 25 60 T 10 4 SS 6 85 7 !6 60 23 cws 15 cws 960 S26 I Pr. 5 25 i Pr. 75 Pr. 7 60 6-10 7 10 6 00 Pr. 6 60 S 75 33 civs 221 00 ' 87 civs 862 7 75 19 cws 1082 6 60 ISatra M08.-8, 36... 84 sirs- 711 I-25. -.6&SU 70S' 16 cws 916 6 76 10 blls 1(178 12strs 1062 .,7 .75 .. .Jl cwi 984 11 civs 264' 6 76 " 22-strs 831 30 cws 934 "6 50 llstrs 795 11 hfrs 718 6 00 (WYOMING.) i No. - A v.: Pr. No. Av. Pr. 43 sir . ' 841 I 6 40 - tstrs 892 8 6 60 16 Cws. 47 : 00; SSstrs 1,08 : 7 60 27 Str 869, .i 6 2jS 8,2 CWS 922 6 40 81c;'.78l' tS; TP ' 1 cws '802 . 4 23 2,6 Sdhsii.840 ft. 40 6fdr,VS72 T 40 11 cws tSt i'M-r 1cwSi 767 ; t 60 13 fdr ' 648 7 0 28 Mrs 84 7 35 20 strs 6l ? 8 0 '40 Mrs . 821 8 00 81 cws 70 , 61 25 13 fdrs 8 75 24 cm 1062 5 50 . 42 strs 965 T 26 21 cvra so B J No. Av. Prf No. At. 35 strs 870 7 90 IS cws 986 19 cw 1.068 .6 60 (OREGON.) No. - Av, ' Pr. No. Av. ' 26 -i 32 strs l.oss - 5 25 (COLORADO. No. v At. Pr. No. Av. 36 fdr 83 8 26 8 str 996 , 13 cws 970 8 60 6 hfrs 865 27 strs - 808 " 7 85 27 strs 821 ' 27 fdr 814 6 60 21 hfrs 796 18 cws . 66 6 60 ' (SOUTH DAKOTA.) No. At. Pr. No. At. 16 strS 1042 8 25 33 cws 904 10 fdrs 623 7 00 10 cws 77 4 Hnc Reprints at hogs were of fair era amountinc to 10.500 head. Other markets were liberally supplied and, trend to values was lower, the same as on most days recently. Most of the offerings sold at a-deeHne of about 26c with occasional sale 36o or more lower. Bulk oi sup ply 'Changed hands at S9.269.75, with best hogs making a top si fs.sv. HOGS. No. At. 6h. Pr. No. ATT Sh. Pr. ' 29. .863 140 9 15 4..30t 140 I li 54. .237 110, 9 25 48. .248 SO 40 66. .293 40 9 60 29. .190 ... S 6i C7..21S ,.. i 9-70 86. .249 150 t 75 i..S2S S 80 V. ; Sheen ind Lamns-OMy a limited run of sheep and lambs arrived for today's trade and killing classes soia on a general ly steady basis, with feeders slow to lower. Quality of the supply was not very attractive and best lambs here sold at 310.60 witlr good ewe bringing 14.60. Good feeding lambs had to sell around 69.00 and good leeatng ewes at m.to ana less. - y Quotations en sheep and lambs: Kill ers Beet fat lambs, 110.60 0 10.75; medium to rood .lambs, -SW.25O10.60; plain and coarse lambs, J9.7610.26; yearlings, 37.04 8.60; wethers, SS.00 9 6.59; good to choice ewes, $4.264.6; fair to good, ewes, 4.00 04.25; cull and canner ewes, fl.25O2.60. Feeders Good to choice lambs. 19.00 O 9 25; fair to good lambs, ?.7639.0; in ferior grade, t8.00O8.60; yearlings. 6.2i O7.00: good to choice feeder ewes, .3.25 8.60; fair to good feeders, 12.7608.25; shelly feeders. 82.00O2.60. FEEDER LAMBS. . At. Pr. No. AT. rr. t 00 671 wyo o i ov 25 ' 291 Wyo 66 I 10 00 238 B.D. 48 10 26 S 75 260 8. D. St S it FAT LAMBS. i Pr. No. At. Pr. 0 s FAT ETWBjS, Pr. NO. No. 270 Wyo 407 Wyo 871 Wyo 851 S. D. No. 471 VTyo '9 64 67 46 AT. tl New York Quotations ; , Financial Furnished by Logan & Srj'an, Peters Trust building: . RAILS. 'fc-A.. Tues. High Low Close Close Baltimore & Ohio. 39 38 39 39 A.. T. & 8. F -84V 84 84V4 84V4 Canadian Pacific .117 116 117 117 N. Y. & H. R...... 75 76 75 75 sne- k. K 16 15 15 Gt. Nrothern, pfd. 80 80 , 80 Chi. Gt. Western. 9 9 9 IlUnlos Central .. 89 S8 88 Mo.. Kan. & Tex. 4 3 4 Kan. City South. 21 20 21 Missouri Pacific . 33 S8 23 N. T.. N.H. & T. 2214 31 2 North. Paclflo Ry. 87 86 86 Chi. & N. W...... 77 . 77 77 Penn. R.R. ...... 44 .-40 41 Reading 'Co. .....89 . 87 87 C, K. I. P SI 30 36 South. Pac. Co.. .,113 111 112 Southern Ry. ..... 25 , 24 25 Chi., ZD. Mil. A SL P. Stli 84 944C IIU Union Paclflo ...121 120 120 121 Wabash i ' STEELS. i Am. Car & Fdry.124 122 124 123 AUis-Chalmers .. 0 30 80 20 Am. .Loco. Co.... 84 84 Utd. Alloy Steel. 84 34 Baldwin Loco. ..86 93 oeiiu eieei corp.- es Colo. Fuel' 4s Iron. 30 Crucible Steel Co. 86 Am. Steel Found. 21 Lackawanna SteeU 63 Mid. teel Ord. 38 Presaed Steel Car. 83 Rep. Iron ft Steel. 68 Railway Steel 6pr. 86 Sloss-Shef. Steel.. 64 U. S. Stsel...... 88 $ 16 80 90 3 21 22 20 87 77 40 88 31 113 25 64 29 91 30 84 84 96 ' 66 29 4, 39 62 63 3 83 835 83 66 86 S3 7 ' 85, H 33 W 84 33 96 56 80 96 1 , 63 33 83 48 86 66 81 12 2 46 4 19 17 rripn?Ta Anaconda Copper. 41 'jo, 11 ll Am. Smlt. A Rfg. 46- 45' 4 46 Sup. Mln. 11 11 n UTU .i, ,n supper V.O. Xi Chlno , Copper ... II 20 Calumet & Arts. , 46 46 Inspiration Con. . 84 4 Kennecott Copper, 19-il Miami Copper Co. 17 17 AeT.-'cona Cop.. 9 t9 r. on' c00-- 1J Utah Copper Co.. 62 82 62 INDUSTRIALS. . Am, Beet Suger.. 45 56 65 M, A, a. A W. I. S. S.110 101 102 lift adv. inter, corp.. 44 42. 43 43 -'u. UUIU. 1UD.,, 19 fl Am. Cotton Oil Co. 22 23 Am. Tel. Tel..... 9- S7 Am. Zinc L & 8.... 7 7 uoiAinflim jauiors. sfc. s American Can C. 36 Chandler si Car... 77 Central Leather Ci 39 38 Cuba Cans 8ug C.. 25 '24 Cal. Pack. CSrp .. 4 (3 CaL, Petrol C 20 19 Corn Prod. RC... 78 72 Nat. E 4 S 481.4 47 Flsk Rubber Co.,.. IS 14 14 14 17 12 52 14 73 12 99 !V 11 8 4" 96 77 28 26 25 44 S -84 -20 10 73 78 47 48 16 15 127 126 137 127 '' 26 75 . 76 39 General Blec Co. Gaaton W ft W . . . 4 4 4 General Motors Co. 16 16 -16 Goodrich Co ...... 42 42 42 Am. HAL Co.... 8 8 8 Haskell A B C... D 88 68 U. S, Ind A C 72 ' 71 71 Inter. Nickel 1 16 16 Inter. Paper Co.... 60 48 48 AJat Rubber Co...' S3 S3 33 Kelly-Sp'gfd T.... 44 44 Keyston TAB..'.. 8 9 9 Inter. M. M 16 15 15 Maxwell Wo. Co... 2 2 2 Mexican Petrol. ...162 159 161 Middle States OH . 13 12 .12 Pure Oil 35 34 84 Willys-Overl'd C. . .8 Pierce Oil Corp. .12 78 24 71 7 95 26 Pan. Am. P ,& T. Plerce-Arroif M. itoyal Dutch Co. V. S Rubber C. Am?8ug. R C... Sinclair Oil ft R. Sears-Roebuck C..104 Stromberg C Co.... 44 Studebaker Corp... 46 Tob. Prod. Co...... 64 Tob. Prod. Co 64 Tran.-Coa Oil ... ' Toxa Co 48 U. S. Food PC... 83 U. S. Sm. R ft M..v 49 The "White M Co.. 40 Wilson Co. Ino .... 48 West'gh'se A S Western Union West'gh'se E A M 48 American Wool. Co 68 12 76 23 69 66 94 26 77 23 69 71 ? 66 6 . 94 84 25 26 101 104 .104 41 . 4 49 44 ' 45 54 64 9 49 91 4 63 53 9 49- 31 49 89 48 13 42 66 Money .. Marks .. Sterling Close. .. ..1.4S ..3.48 39 39 48 .... 93 92 .... 87 43 43 68 7 Tuesday Close. S.62 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. Bv TJodlko Grain Co. ' Douglas 2627. Art. I Open- Wht. Deo. Mar. Rye. Dec. May Corn. Dec. May July Oats. Dec . May Pork. Nov. .Tan. .Not, 118.70 Jan.1 114.59 Rlba. 1 . Jan. Ilia? 1.64 .1.63 1.61 1.40 .67 .7341 .4 .41 .49 28.00' 2 2 JO High. 1 Low. Close. Yea'y, 1.67 1.58 1.60 1-M4 1.62 1.62 1.55 l.4 1.51 -1 46 1.47 l.H 1.40 1345. 1.86 1.40 .67 .4 .65 .67 .73" .70 .71 78 .74 .71 .72 .75, ,4Sf .43 .44 46 Atli .48 48 .49 23.0 23.00 23.08 22.60 22.00 28.50 22.60 119.88 119.70 11.6 18.8T 14.i U4.28 14.62 14.60 12.4S lll0 It 40 llSS 1 7 By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES Chicago Tribune-Omahn Bos Leaned Wire. ;New York," Nov, 24. An irregular decline in. the stock market, with much less active trading, a money market little changed in the actual rates but tending toward easier con ditions, further reaction in' foreign exchange, a' new low price for the year in the silver market and a de cline in wheat which fully canceled Tuesday's 8 cent advance these were the more or less confused inci dents in the financial situation to day. The. day's ' movement on the stock exchange was mostly a repe tition of the day before. A number of stocks advanced at the opening; this was followed by the familiar selling pressure, which converged, especially on two or three of the specials, after which the market be came very irregular, with net de clines the rule for. the day. The decline of 2 cents in sterling was accompanied by weakness in practically all other European ex changes, including the rates on Hol land, Spain, Scandinavia, and cen tral Europe. "i 1 Situation Confusing-. i . Ths movement of exchange Is affected 12 41 to so great an extent by pur speculation. 20that:4t Is difficult to separate ths real mxiuences jrom - mm unreal, whw ment was mads In wall street on tne fact tlM the very .considerable sums nf rnM arrivins- from London and not Obtained at the weekly competitive sales of Transvaal caeuugnineuis, snoum mu to be reflected in the sterling rate. If, however, thiff gold is sent for account of the British government, it would pre sumably be a special transaction uncon nected with . the exchange market and arranged, like th shipments of Beptember, with a view to that government's own operations In th New Tork money mar ket, i... Whn today s cotton market held iirm, reaching at one time a price more than 1 cent a pound above Tuesday's lowest, the wheat market broke' nearly 10 cents, recovering only fractionally. Such wild upward ana downward fluctuations in a staple commodity without the slightest chang In the actual facts of Its mar ket from one day to another, simply Illustrates the extent to which ideas re garding intrinsic values for anything have been thrown into oanluston. : Figures Not Fulfilled The midweek reviews of the Iron and steel trade point to a perplexing situation. Although, as stated ay the iron Age, sne independent steel . companies ,are operat ing only at 60 to 70 per cent of capacity, with even the export trad "about one third the volume of a few months ago," prices of finished material are not ref lecti lng the situation. In some Important steel products, even th expected reduction of the higher prices at independent mills to the Steel corporation' figures have not been fulfilled. The Iron Are explains that "there Is more profit In shipping en old contracts than in taking new business at cut prices." But this could scarcely be a long: contin uing argument. ' Meantime the steet trade seems 40 have been completely paxzled at Chairman Gary's statement disavowing any purpose tf aHvanpfn. thai fltte.l i.nriuir.Hnn'1 nrices under existing conditions. Sine no body had imagined an advance in tne general run of steel products. It had been some what widely assumed that Site statement indicated abandonment of the long report ed plan of raising the price of rails in December above th present $47 per ton. But the steel trade seem reluctant so to Interpret It. New York Cotton. New Tork- Nov. 24. The cotton mar ket opened stesdy at an advance of t points on October and at a decline of I to 22 points on other months. Decern.' ber showed the most weakness on th call because of notices on about 600 bales. Pressure Increased after the start and prices fell about 25 points tinder last night's close. The cables were popr. The early balge met some southern sell-, ings and realizing, prices declining SB 60 points. The market was firmer during the afternoon on covering and trade buy ing. Stop orders were unco-vered on the advance, which carried prices up 26 to 70 points. ' Kansas City Produce. , ir.n ( M t v Mo Nnv. St. .ITcfcra Firsts. 69o: 1 cent lower to 1 cent higher: seconds. 60c. Butter Creamery, S cent lower, 69o; packing, 1 cent lower, 81o. iouitry unchanged. 16 42 8 60 1 72 16 60 83 4s- 16 2 162 18 35 8 12 78 23 46H 54 64 49 33 49 Av. No.1 898 Wyo 109 187 Wyo J Av. 465 Wyo 101 Pr. t 75 Pr. 2 26 4 04 t 00 No. At. Pr. No. Ay. 441 Nat. . 90 4 00 681 Wyo 103 Chicago Live Stock. , Chicago. Nov. 24. Cattle-Receipts 10. 000 head; native beef steers. 25 to 60o hlghor: top yearlings, 117.75; no load lots prime heavy cattle offered, several loads "hole. S16.60: single st;er. 818.00; bulk native, 39.604)15.76; western steady to strong; bulk, $?68.8; fat cows and heifers, steady; canners, strong to 6o highers bulks, closing weak to ,0W.eJj veal calves, 60 to 75o lower; best, 313.25 4913.60; heavy oajvee, ,slow, steady; stacker and lteders, strong. ( Hogs Receipts 23.000 head; market opened 15 to-26o lower, later mostly 10 to 25o lower than ' yesterday s average, closing- Btrong and fully lOo higher than day' opening; top.SS10.e0; iulk. tj .80; pigs, 33.50 , to, 50c lowe;-bulk ds strable 100 to 130-pound pigs. 9.409.86. Sheep and Lambs Receipts 14,000 head; fat -- sheep and lambs generally steady; tep native . and ,. ted western, ill 00; bulk natlv lamer, 110.00 11.04; choice fed western ewes. 4.7i hulk na tive ewes, $t.004.60; feeders steady to lower; top feeder lambs,' fll.26. Sleax City Us Stock. ' Slrrax City, ta.. Not; 24. Cattle ceipta. 2.600 head; mirtit steady; ted steer and yearlings. 38.I4Q16.0O; grass steer. . 09.60; grass civs. 4i0i.25; fat 'cows and' heifers. 6.40ll.t0: can ners, ; 3.0004,26: vealers I4.0012.00: rotnraoxt ,clves, J8.60.75i .feeders. 35.80 8.64; feeding cows and Belters, (3.260 8.00; (Vtbckers. tl.00JJ6.76. Hogs-Recelptu, 13,000 head; market 15 cents - loworj light, 39.6609.85: mixed, 99.S609 6S:' heavy. 19.0009.40; ' bulk of sales, SM60915. .. ' . nea itecuipis, i,o? aeaai maraei Mirraeapelis Oraia, Minneapolis. Not.' 24. Flour Unehan god to 48 cents hikher. In carload lots, fami ly patents quoted at 88.8O0t.OO, a barrel In 88-pound cotton sacks. Bran j.e'isfj J.uu. Wheat Recalpta. 495 cars, compared with 04 cars a year ago. Cash No. 1 northern, 81.62 01.81: , December, 31.47; March, Sl.80. ' Corn No. 8 yellow, 68Vc. Oats No. 3 white. 41041O. Barley460'8Oc. ' Rye N. 2. 31.39 01 40, Flax No. 1, 218601.S7. Kansas City Crain. Kahsss City, Mo., Nov 24. Wheat n Twmhfr. 1.51 March. 31.49 Cotn t' embe, 87t; May, 64e; July 4 v itc 1 ' ' ' 1- St. Iu4 Grain, St Louis, Mo.,' Not. 24. Wheat Decem ber, 81.61; March, 21.54. ' Corn December, Jc; May,'710 hid. .' Oata December. 46c; May. 49 a bid. Bar snvef. New Tork. Not.- 24. Baf Sliver Do mestic 81 c; foreign. 72c Mexican Dollar 55c. G!t Your Furnaca A Treat' , Buy Ytr , c a a. . This Wiatar From tk UPDIKE LUMBER & COAL CO. . fhAm Walnut Q300 ' ' ' ' Omaha Grain 1 ''' Omaha, Nov, 24. , V ' Demand.ior wheat today was fair ly good at a decline of 23c The Chicago future market in this grain was sharply lower. Corn was off ,7o.; generally 1. Oats ranged unchanged to J4c rower, the bulk at a -decline of c.". Rye was nomi nally several -cents' lower and barley about unchanged. ' Grain receipts today were generally light. There will be no market tomorrow, Thanksgiving day. WHEAT . No. 1 hard: 4 cars, $1.57; 2 cars, 11.68; 1 car, 81.64 (smutty.) No. 2 hard: 1 car, $1.66: t cars, 81.65; 1 car, 81.62 (smutty); 1 car, 81.48 (smut ty.) No. 3 hard: 1 car, 11.52; 2 ears. 11.50; 1 car, 31.47 (smutty). . No. 4 hard: 1 car, 31.45 '(smutty); 1 car, $1.43 (smutty). No. 5 hard: 1 car, $140 (smutty). Sample hard: 1 car, $1.48 (heavy smutty); 1-car, $1.34. ino. x spring; 1 car,- fx.ito laara, normal cm t. No. 4 spring: 1 car, $1.40 (dark, north ern). No. S mixed: 1 car, $1.43 (durum); 2 cars, $1.42 (durum); 1 car, $1.40 (smutty durum.) CORN. No. 3 white: 1 car, 42c (new); 2-5 ear, 2e. - No. 5 white: 1 car, 57c OATS. a No. 2 white: 1 car 43c. No. 3 white: 1 car, 43c: 8 ears, 42c; 3 cars, 42 o (shippers' weights). No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 41 c. No. 1 yellow: 8-5 car, 6Cc (old). ,. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 65c '' No. 8 yellow: 1 car, 63c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 62e (naw special billing); 2 cars, 59o (new); 1 car, 68c (uewy 1 car, 68c. Sample yellow: 1 car, 5c (old). No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 61c No. 4 mixed: 1 oar, 59c (new). . BARLEY. Rejected: I car, 65c; 1 car, 65c (musty). OMAHA BJECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Cap.) week rear Ago Ago Receipts- wneat Corn Oat Ry Barley Shipments . Wheat Corn ................ Oat Ry Barley Today 04 34 8 2 7 ...... S 17 8 17 8 41 16 18 3 8 . 98 8 13 0 0 PRIMART RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Bushels.) Receipts Today . Tear Ago Wheat .' ......1,384,000 1,518,000 Corn 648,000 924,000 Oats , 413.000 ' 666.000 Shipments Wheat 1,254,000 1,019 800 Corn w 316,000 , i 364,000 Oata 605,000 . ' 605,000 EXPORT CLEARANCE. Today. Wheat 1,689,000 Corn 62,000 Oata '. CHICAGO CAR 'LOT RECEIPTS. Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat , 37 16 35 Corn Ifi A23 Oslts. 47 42 60 KANSAS CITT CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat ..1...165 127 . 315 Corn- 21 21 64 Oata 1 16 32, I ST. LOUIS CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat ..i 87 86 68 Corn 61 OT 82 Oata v 45 19 ,42 NORTHWESTERN CAR LOT RECEIPTS OP WHEAT. Today Wk. Ago Tf. Ago Minneapolis 495 322 304 Duluth ..291 194 ' 403 LTotal 786 518 707 Winnipeg 884 C99 447 0 S. VISIBLE (BUS.) Today, (Wk Ag. Tr. Ago. Wheat ...29,324,000 , 40,806, 000 92,906,000 C.6rn ,.... 7,140,000 8,917,000 1,260,000 Oats .34,3801000 25.063,000 17,293,000 '. OMAHA STOCKS BUS.) Wheat ... 1,165,000- 1,295,000 5,458,000 Corn ... 126,000 193,000 2,305,008 Oats . ... 1,203,000 1,315,000 8,415,000 Rye ..... 273,000 . 232,000 Sti.flOJ Barley 40,000 24,000 i 305,004 New Tork Sugar. New Tork, Not. 24. The raw sugar market was quiet agatn today, but the undertone was steady and prices were un changed at 4ftc for Cubaj e. i. tf, equal to 6.76c for Centrifugal.' There was a sal late last night of 6 000 of Cubas to a refiner for prompt shipment at 4c o. I. f., and while no business was reported today, reports from Cuba said that there were Inquiries In the market there from the far east. ChgoGrmn By CHARLES D, MICHAELS. Chicago Tribune-Omaha; Bee Leased Wire. Chicago, Nov, 24,-iActjon of the grain markets today was the reverse of Tuesday's, opening'prices being the highest, but 'M'ereinot up to the close of the previous day, and the finish was well Upward therbottom. The traders ; are; erj- rrluch mixed in their ideas, arid- while many be lieve that the worst of" the liquida tion is) over, there is little disposi tion to buy heavily for investment, and holders ace indisposed to stand any; punishment when the market turns against them. i , The absence of outside buying was strikingly- noticeable, while the sell ing, especially in wheat, was most conspicuously and ' effectively de pressing. At the close wheat showed losses of 8tf8Kc, corn 2Ji2Kc.. oats Hlic, rye 4j4c and barley un changed to 3c lower, while pork closed unchanged, lard S2'3c higher for November, and 7c lower' to 10c higher on the deferred futures. Ribs were 15c lower. , New Bearish. The news was mostly bearish, Including ; easier stock and cotton markets,1 a' sensa tional break in English country markets, a decline In foreign exchange, continued bank trouble tn North Dakota, and weak ness In Argentine markets. The combina tion was sufficient to check new buying A feature of the day' trading was the activity of holders of bids, particularly In corn, who traded against them almost from the start. . . ' . Export demand for cash wheat has been of immense proportions the past two days, estimated at around 3,000,000 to 8,000,000 bushels. . There was 25,000 bushels hard winter wheat sold at Chicago for export. South western purchases were liberah with farm ers securing $1.2601.35 In western Kansas. Primary receipts exceeded those of last week and a year ago, but wer nearly 300,000 bushels less than th exports of wheat and flour. , Corn Market Nrvous. Corn was sold heaTlly at the start and the lowest "prices of the day war made within a short time. It was a nervous market with commission houses good buy ers on the break. . Buying against bids f,irh:9Hul m' mat deal af suBDort at times. , Receipts vera 86 car and- cash prices Ic p to 20 lower. . There was Immense Covering by shorts on the break. Shipping sale wer uv.vuv bushels. Receipts, 41 cars. Export bnslness In ryo T reported to be of large proportions but no totals were given. A sale of 60,000 bushels was made from an Interior market to the sea-. board.. No, ..-on. tracjt, was ic over ue- cftmhee. t Barley sold readily when choice, but there is a lack of offerings of this kind. Prices were Unchanged with sales at 6165c. ... Oats followed other grains with a fair trade. There was heavy selling from th start, the bad Break m prices in ungusn Bonds and Notes Bonds: and quotations furnished by Peters Trust company. A p. Bid. Asked. Yld. . 94 8.30 , 94, .94 . 99 110'. . 99 100 , . 95 95 .100 100 94 95 95 92 98 94 90 I Am. T. & T. 6s. 1924 .. Am. T. & Ti si 6s, 1925 Am. Tob. Co. 7. 1922 Am. Tob. Co. 7. 1923 .. Anaconda Cop. 7s, 1929, French'OoV. 8s, 1945 WestlnghoUde 7s, 1931 Armouh 7s, 1920 Belgian Gov. 6s, 1925 .. Belgian Gov. 7s. 1946 Beth, Steel Ts, 1935 .... Beth. Steel 7s, 1923 City, of Bergan 8s, 19 45 British 6s, 1921 C. B. & Q. 4s, 1921 .... City of Paris lis, . 1921 .. rnn r. .... Ku, 1 li'.' a .. C. C. C St. L. 6S.1829 , 89 Cud: Pack. Co. 7S, ivu . . Goodrioh:7s, 1925 '. .'.' 85 Jap. Gov. 1st. '4 s,. 1925 . 74 Jap. Gov, 4s, 1931 -. 6 list A Xlvera 8a. 1921 .. 98 Proct. & Oara, 7s. 1922 !. 99 100 Proct. & Oam. Ts. 1921 i. 100 100 Swift .&. Co. 6s, 1921 97 98 Swiss Govt '8s. 1940 .101 102 Union Pacific 6s. 1928 i.. 99 99 Wilson Conv. 6s, 1928 .... 82 .84 : I . 85 : 91 87 94 96 97 97 96 94 91 98 98 U() 7.40 6 B0 7.00 7.75 7.80 7.70 7.70 8.10 7.6f. 7.60 8.60 8.20 7.30 7.70 94 11.70 93 6.60 89 . 7.70 98 7.90 85 11.20 70 11, SO 67 11.00 98 7.80 6.SU 6.80 8.10 7.80 6.10 8. 75 Bond. The following quotations are furnished by Logan Bryan, 1'eUrs Trust, build- IllgJ i .jtv y, - , -'. ..1,1 Am.'. Smelt. A Hi. ' 0. ....., i 'iOto Am. .TeU 0ol.te6 I94H .. 79 ..i 70' Armour 4a.. 19.19..!.., 76ift7 a o. kV mil is&69 ilo ovl. 4Ua. 1993,. 70O71 Cal. Ons Ilnl. 6s. 1937 83 Hf SS C, M l t. P. gn, 4, 1933. 10nv71 du Kn. & rnf. 4U, 2,014., H0VMti0 C It, I. IV 4s; 1434. -S1i a & It. O tVil. 4s, 1926 64av6 (Itj Nr, 4s, 19t 90 UI81 111.' Ceil. Jt. 6s, r.'.u...,, i navtin'sv Mo. iWrsfM'.' 14". ... i do 6s,' 1926 u((i)ri;4 i ,i tn.. 1975 .minis Rio Oramis V 1st 4s. 19;i9. . . ;4 '4 fi 65 St. L. M F. P. L.,4s,,lS0.. 6060 da adj. s. 1911s...., " du Ino. in. 1900 "sl S. T. tt S. W. Int.. 6s, 1959.... 'f. 1UJ8.. Bl"lll'JW W. U. Tel. Col. Tr. Wilson 6s, 1941....... K. C. So. ts, 1959.... C. Q. W 4s, 191.9 Sea Hl 4s, lDsH.v.... t'olo. Ho. 4 s, 1935... C. A tV ,.. I K. K." OS. ...... i. ... Hud. & Man. ref. 6s.. 86(87 ..... 7 1 tPIt M.64 41 tfii 73tt'7S 846 ...... 61. WB2',i liOUJUll " ' NVw 'Yorta1 Bonds. Th following quotations are furnished by Logau & Bryan, 1'stors Trust bulid- . 9(fli9. . 77(?77 71 . 8080 . 20 KP20 . T77'i , K3U(Ai88 1 on , SHf!i9.1 74 74 .' 7677 1 80 t89i 1 .... . At'hlson 4 B. a. Con. 4s k,w'2., Both. Steel Kef. 4s 73 72 l',,nl l,v Is 4s lA'ittyli C, 11. Q Jt- 4s St. Paul -Clon. 4 s .'........ O, N N; N. Oen. 4., Ti. & N. Un. 4s... ......... Now York By. 4s Nor. Vao. P. L. 4s. ...V... Rending Con. 4s, tlnloh Paclflo 1st 4s 1) H, Stent 6s. . .1 ...... IT. P. 1st Itef, is, a P. Cv. 6s.... S. P. Cv. 4s rnn lUl Fonn. Qen. 4s. ............ Co. Com. 5i....,,.U,.,. 8S 84 , Chicago htOcks. The following quolatiops are furnished by Locan & Bryan.' members of all prin cipal exchanges, Koom 24S rotors Trust build (formerly B building), 17th "no Farnam streets, Omaha, Neb.!' Armour & Co. pfd., Armour Leather Co., common. 16 W ....' Armour Leather Co., pfd.... 970 ..... Cominonwealthvdiilison Co.. 103 4p ..... Cudahy Packing Co.,, common 69 .... Continental loors T O .... Llbby, McNeil & Llbby...... 11' 11 Montgomery Ward Co. 1 . . , .204 SJ... National Lcathor l1' Ben Motor Cur ' Co. . .. 14 ft .... Swift & Co ....I.,.,.103g Swift International 26 36 Union Carblda ft Carbon' Co.; .' 62 Q 52 Tarpentlne and Bosln. 1 ; . Savannah; Oa., Nov. 24. Turpentlhe Quiet: lastl sale. November 20--at 2c; receipts, 343 bbls.j shipments, lr bblsj stock, 17,390 bbls. V Rosin Quiet; sales, none receipts, 743 casks; shlppients, 246 casks; stouk. 5.8Ss casks. Quotations: B, 1). E, F, O, II, I. U, M, it, WU and WW. 11.00.r - New Vork Dry floods. . New Tork, Nov. 24. Print cloth! and greetings were slightly firmer today, with a littla more, business being trans acted. Men's wear 'reductions attracted attention,, while knit goods were quiet and burlaps continued unchanged here, although firmer at Calcutta. qountrV markets of 10 shilling per quar- a lacior. oiiinji", 'ter being 110,000 bushels. Receipts. 41 dars. Evaporated Apples ana Dried Fruits. " Tok.' "Not. 14. Evaporated Ap ples Market dull. Prunes Inactive, ' Apricots Quiet. '- " . Peaches Barely steady, , Raisins Firm. , I A. H05PE CO. PIANO " TUNED AND REPAIRED . All Work Gnaratstaod 1518 . Douglas St. TeL twig. 108 F &Ctge TlUUt fdrlAHTS & niVALIDS ASK FOR Ilorlick's The Original AtoSJ IautatioM nasi SnK.HSi.l- 'STI!!tnva,ldUa0fBKChndrt I Rich Milk, Malted Grain KrtrM f . l'a-4r4 Lil fVivarMisl iVuta " HT Many New Ideas in Toys Are Shown at Union Outfitting Co. Mammoth Toyland Location Out of High Rent District Brings 25 to 50 Saving on Toys. ' Shrill screams of delight from little folks, ;mingled with excla mations of wonder from the grown-ups, are to be heard as oae strolls through the aisles of the mammoth Toyland at the Union Outfitting Company. It is a wonderful showing of toys. A display that proves our own American toy makers have come . into their own. Sturdy, well made dolls and toys are the rule, rather than the short-lived toys one remembers in years gone by. Jolly old Saint Nicholas, him self, is on hand to learn what the little folks want and to suggest to mammas and papas that they buy . while selections are good. As usual, toys can be charged. .. t Advertisement. . I iH.'Oblll 1 1 n 1 Your Gift to Him A Watch If you would have your gift to him one of practical worth-a gift that he can use every day then let it be a watch. Selection of a Listing from Our' Guaranteed Watches Elgin, 20-year case .......... .'. .$17.00 Elgin, 20-year case, 17 jewels. . . .$26.75 ' Illinois, 20-year case, 19 jewels, adjustable to three positions. .$30.00 Gruen, 12-size, 19. jewels, thin model .$35.00 Howard, the gift watch supreme. .$60.00 "Gifts-That'Last" ' John Henrickson 4 JEWELER i6th at Capitol Established 1832 X . II' J -; p Mix without change tn 'the ihnegh tkeptng car via the Leave Kansas City 5:30 pm, arrive j Jacksonville 1 0:50 second morning via Frisco Lines and Southern Railway,, . Ae 'direct tout. Dining ear tervice all thi tvetiti '! ' ' ' c J 11- . t .1- wr : The Kansas Gty-FIorida Special makes convenient con traction at Jacksonville with trains for East and West Coast points. , , ., ., i. , , For llhntmkj Itkrahm, r information, ai u, mli , .' . road jara at Jor tkepint cat iftradiota addm .. FRISCO TICKET OFFICE, 70S WaW St, KANSAS CITT, MO. . C. UmrienDWsioa Passsr Assnt. . ' f Let Handle your grain shipments to the Omaha. Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas City,. Sioux' City, or any other markets:-' , ki - . ' We Specialize In the careful handling of all orders for grain and provisions for future delivery.' 1 We Operate Offices at Omaha, Nefc Lincoln, Neb.; Hastings, jNeb.j Chicago, Hi.; Sioux City, la.; Holdrege, Neb.?' Geneva, NeV; Det Moines, la., Milwaukee, Wis.; Hamburg, la.; Kansas Cty, Mo. - ; We Have Upd Up-tolate Terminal Elevators in the Omaha and Milwaukee Marketswith the latest facHi ties for handling your shipments. v,' .... . . - ' . . t. ike Grain Go. "The Reliable Consignment House" . Omaha, Nebraska ' I) .1 it ' ij; !! r ) ' i t prtv, ItMli.; - - jswenf I t 6 v I ( ' .... . ' ' 1 , . ' . . . ' ' ' " -... , f -m.rj,