V "4 ' ,1. f THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 25. 1920. At U i N i 11 i' Thl Omaha Bee DAILY (MOFNINOl EVENING SUNDAY TUB BEB NELSON PUBLtSHlNa B. UPDIKE. COM PANT. Publishes. MKMBBR3 Or THE ASSOCIATED PRXSS tm aamiaus rum. n tlek nt u a MmDar. mw suilUs uuintthi publleallasj of all riwa HIM Mt M mt At HMMMM In Inoal im rublittiwl Mnta. almaichw in tlM mi n t If i (UlMUtM i lata mm. ana also 441 MM BUWMOc out M0IJ BEB TELEPHONES ?! ehnia. lot Twl 1 000 .. . r Nlsht Call After IB P. M.I Editorial ptrartoMni Trtar IflOOl. ASmtttiof banwtaaal ......- Tjrla? Wilt OFFICES OF THE BEE oa Biuff, , -Ti a, iSff" tm Tor Kit rtflk im I wlahinitoa rm umcaai - - JSH rtftfe A. I WaaMnitaa Mil O BL Btaiar BMf. I farts IM lua M. Honor The Be f $ Platform 1. New Union Peseier Station. t. Coatiaued improveraeat of tha Ne braika Highways, Inclndiag tha pave ment of Mala Thoroughfares feediag into Omaha with a Brick Surface, 3. Albert, lowrata Waterway frap ta Cam Bait to k Atlanta Ocaaa, 4. Homa Rule) Charter for Omaha, with City Maaayar f era of Government. ' A Psalm of David. Fs)m CXI rndreA Into Infltsh to ' , ".. tjio J-wlU Btbla.) will gtce thanks unto theLordt with my whole heart. 9 In. the council of the upright and in the congregation. The works of the Lord aregreat, Sought out of all them that have delight therein. : , , " is work is glory and majesty; ' And His righteousness endureth for 'ever. .' ) .: He hath made a memorial for His won derful works;' A . 1 ;, a he Lord is gracious ind full of corn passion. : ! v " ; - He AaA "given food unto thm that feat' Hint; ' .'! "; . He wt'W em be mindful of His covenant. He hath declared to His peoplt the pow er of His worksi -. In giving them the heritage of nations. The wors of Hit hands arsrruth and justice; v y ' , ' f All His precevts are sure. They are established for evet and ever; They are done inAruth and upright ness, v ' - , v , ' He hath sent redemption unto His people; . . H$ hath commanded His covenant for ever: : ' Holy and awful is His name: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; , A good understanding have all they that do thereafter; v ! '-. His praise endureth for ever. ' . iTink jiving for tha LlttlaTOnai. When you sit down today, surrounded by Tirrtitia fltirl ffJanAa v Atatia 4-tak - tftftina iltav .has come to ba a part of tha America .nlci-1 " the nat, hi incurred this .Hafrlrt). living, ji wui lureiy dc wim a nean grateful to bring to a publishing enterprise, but the pass ing of Felix Agnus is as much a matter of con cern to those who make newspapers Us was the going of Henri Watterson from tht Courier Journal, or of my of tha glorious company of men who made their names familiar, through the power they exerted by publishing great newspapers. ' ' J s ' . A Stepson of Uncle Sam. . The boast of Franklin Roosevelt,' that he drew the constitution of Haiti and tfjat it was. a pretty good one, is put under scrutiny by the accusations made by President Dartigenaye of the black republic The American civif admm' titration is 'charged with, being more oppressive than the military regime, and whh .failure to aid the economc development of the country. Per-, hape Mr. Kooseveit I constitution has not peen observed, bu n if it had, been, its chances of tuccess would have been no greater than any legislation handed down from authority instead of hiving been inspired by the dctires of the people concerned. , t AH around the Caribbean sea are scattered stepsons of Uncle Sam'such as, Haiti. The pro gram of pacification began back in the admin istration of President 'Roosevelt, was continued by Taft, and in spite of the previous criticisms by the democratic party, wai practiced also un der Mr. Wilson. In the main the problem is one of imBuing these small countries with enough stability that they can pay their debts Rather than allow European nations ' to endanger the Monroe doctrine by forcible collections ana oc cupation of customs houses, it has been neces sary for the United States to tep in. The present American occupation " of Haiti dates, from a period shortly before the war. At that time there was evidence to support the be lief that German and French warships were ready for a joint expedition to collect large sums'of money due those, countries from Hitl In the,' interest of avoiding foreign entanglement in the affairs of the hemisphere, the United States stepped in to administer affairs so that this lit tle republic cold meet its obligations, not'only Jo lis) but to its other creditors,': it may oe, as tne president oi nam asserts, that we have not encouraged the development of agricultural and industrial resource!.' as we should. TI) American minister and the Amer lean financial advisor" perhaps have been in-' efficient or even faithless. Furthermore, the New York banking interests whoare accused of being more interested in theirtt profits than t in the upbuilding' of this helpless people alio may be called on to explain. . r.Bt the motives of the; American, govern ment rannnt richtfullv be- called into Question. J. nis Danicrupt miic aanou proven nocn i.ai able of jelf-government Corruption and In efficiency ran riot there for many years, nnta some on? had tc take control and clean up the predicament Tnde Sam wae the logical power. to do this, and U he did not meet the obligation, it was possible that some European power or powerswoilld do it for Iiim. In dischareine this trust. America no doubt has' made many errors: Claims of unjustified killings have n(ot yet been disproved, and the accusations against the civil authorities have .pot yet been sifted. One of the difficult tasks of the Harding administration' will Je to rectify any mistakes made In the Caribbean, and to instill the ability 'for eelf'government in such places Cod for the many blessings, comforts and mercies you have enjoyed. No people under the sun today has sritfa occasion for thariks as have Americans, who enjoy the bounty of na ture, the advantages pf civilization, and U the good things provided, in , such profusion as to exceed Computation.? We do not wish ta set shadow over the feast, but we, &t feet impelled to remind tur readers that today millions of children are hungry. It is not their fault that they'Tiave been caught in the backwash of. the dreadful whirlpool of war, Innocent of blame, helpless atoms tossed on the waves of political and so cial upheaval, they starve and freete, and, will prosperous, wealthy America stretches out its hand to save them. This appeal has been made again and. again Ik. 1. 5 ' ,. . .. . iwi yrv jasi put years; 11 wuj prpDDiy oe re peated in the future, for until something like peace and order is restored in the distraQted countries of central and eastern - Europe,, chil dren wtyjtt hungry and C0I4. w We were told a little while ago that 500,000 Armenian young sters had, been rescued from the dire fate that hung over them, our Near East relief fund hav ing ipterposed in time, These are but a few of the whple that are Involved. "geUDetemsiaition for Greece. Some further light is being shed on Euro pean estimation of the "fourteen points' by the lituation in Greece. ? The inconsistency 01 mc people thcrt is exhibited in a movement to re- Call the exliea tonstariune, ims, m. is clearly within the rights of the' people under the doctrine of self-determination, which is nat to be gainsaid. But the course proposed is also against the policy that has been adopted by the great powers; Constantino, as an adher ent pf the HOhensoJIern, was ousted Dy vem relos, who hid the support of the Allies, and the cpurse of Greece, thus shaped contributed materially to the outcome of the war. i When. the unexpected death of the suceeisor tP Con- stantine forced Vcnizclos, to go to the country for s new lease of power, the fickle Greeks. turned him out'and the prospects for the restore atlon of the deposed monarch arenow very, bright Perhaps the move wil not have a deep effect on the fut0c happiness of the world, but the governments of England and France are proposing to formally protest against the return of the king to whose exile they were not only privy but in the bringing about of which they had considerable part, , Self-dermination Is thus to be again limited by the requirements that tha act of the people meet the approval of Others who are collaterally if not directjy con A Line, 0' Type Or Two Haw ta tha Una, lat tha a.ulpa fall wbara tkay may. - 1 THE DAYS. , "I shall be glad to go." aha said, The day's are gray and thin; The daya are like a dark wood That I' must wander in. Hebcrt Hoover si reorganed proct looks cerpedi Thc Jnciient is serviceable only as it w, stuuie cniioren curing jjiustrates the futility of attempting to apply I v 7UO,lins- e must dc aided sj,eer abstractions to the government "61 the ujr iu hm generous, sympatnetic folks-who. world. nave coninoutea t tnis worlc since it first be came necessary m 19J4. While you enjenr the Ice Cream and the Campaign. repast you will sit down to today, add zest to' If any lingering doubUas to the refining us navor oy resolving to promptly and liberally effect of woman's gentle "presence in . politics subscribe to the fund that will provide food for Kesriained, it probably has been dispelled . by Hungry little ones in Europe. v the publication of the campaign expense ac t1! count of the Maryland Taxpayers' league, amponane newspaper Change. - items for Ice cream and cake total $200. One The announcement that General Felix Agnus does not Jike. to think-thai this in any sense nis - Mwciaies na disposed of the Balti- represents an ulterior or pernicious influence mora American, selling it to Frank Munsey, who will take control onvDeccmber 1. does not meajt a great deal to western folks, but it is e matter of tremendous importance to people down east. The American is one of the oldest newspapers now published, having been set up in 1773, three years before the American colonies- declared their independence. For almost a century and a half it has served the ptople, , not of Baltimore alone, but of Maryland and a Targe surrounding circle, faithfully , and well, . not only In the matter of printing the news, but by its constructive effort. V . Particularly has Its motto, "We Build?' been , exemplified during the almost half century the paper has been under the directing control of General Agnus, whose own sturdy character and capacity for constructive work has daily been exhibited in the columns of the paper. H was -inevitable that some time thji venerable .publisher would be. compelled to lay down -the ' burden, and perhaps Jit is( to be-congratulated that he did not wait for death to force Mm put 'of active life. He may have a short time for ' rest and contented reflection before he answer the roll call and joins oA the other side the troop of. zouaves he marched , with jis a boy sixty yearly ago. ' ' The paper will be continued under Mr. Munsey's direction, with all the advantages - that ampje .cxpital and wide connections can .. .J. ' t - - . ., - as affecting the vote of the ladies. On the con trary, they probably cast their, ballots just as they would if the entertainment had not been. provided. It traditional, however, in Ameri can! politics to do somethinof this sort, and we shudder to think what some of the old time expense accounts would have looked like had the bald truth been shown. Every man whose political experience-comes down through yhe years that pVecaded the Australian ballot., in this country knows something of practices. happily only memories, that prevailed but which never found reflection, In a campaign expense account How. the "gang" would have jeered any suggestion of ice 'cream and cake in those good eld idaysl and yet, even the hardest boiled of the practical politicians will admit, modern methods are decidedly to b preferred. A voter may consume quite a quantity of ice cream and yet retain those faculties ordinarily employed in discriminatjtfg between candidates and issues, and that was not always the eise in former 'Campaigns,' On the-whole, we are in clined t'o vote for the Ice cream.s '". "Now," as Macbeth so aptly " phrased U "let good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both." 1 1 Have a thought today for the hungry chil dren of Europe, V - "Tha daya are like an old song-1 . I have forgot to alng, Plucked at the fall of twilight , On a lone haunting string. , 'The daya are Ilka a chill wind All folded full of enow, , The daya are dumb as frost," she' said; , I "I ahall be glad to go." MARY. WHETHER Europe and Latin America like it or not, the Monroe Doctrine must and shall be preserved. ; You may remember thecase of the man who' was accused of being a traitor. It was charaged that he had spoken as disre spectfully of the Monroe Doctrine as Jeffrey once spoxe-oi ino equaior. ms me msn ucuicu vigorously. in avoweq inai nc tuveu avo' roe Doctrine, that he was .willing to fight for it, and, If necessarjr to dig for it. All he had said waii that he didn t know what it w?s about. HB PROBABLY WISHES TO AVOID A SUBPOENA OR BOMBTPlKG. ! (Chippewa Falls, Wia. Item.) Recently at her home in Chippewa Falls, Mrs. Norman recelvelf word that her hus band and soma friends would pass through Chicago en routo from Texas to Oklahoma. v COIy. BUTCHER relates that the average reader who patronizes the New York 'public library, prefers Conaaj Doyle's detective stories to any others. Quite naturally. There Is more artistry in roe, ana tne taies upou we i-rcncn-man, Arsene Lupin, are ten times-ignore ingen ious than Doyle's, hut Doyle ha infused the adventures of Sherlock Holmes with the incjehn able something known- a.s romance, and that has preserved them. I he great majority ot de tective itones are merely ingenious . , VOTJS BAURIKZ MIETJX DIRE, Sin Subjecting to thr test-of psychoanalysis your recent pun in wnich you counterpoisea tne act of digging: potatoes and the study of Lattn rooia, migrni i not assume infii you conniuer that part of the w. k. Bolanum tuberosum whlcn so often graces the groaning vtoard, to wit, the part wnien is aiggea, tne root, un, tne aisu lusionment of flndmg such crass lgnorancel one whose mental equipment, with its seeming- nreaatn or xnowieqge, its Keen wjt, ana iw gin of rapier-like repartee, has 'ever been on inspira tion a veritable star to which I have attached "IT tn.lu 1 1 ' VlnJ aM mmm T .t. all not, indeed, I will not believe but that you must know that tne part or tne said , tuberosum to which you have referred, and to which -I have referred, is a stem a stem which grows beneath the soil, 'Us true, but nevertheless a stem that type of a stem commonly known to those wise in the lore botanical as a "tuber." Anticipating your .aratitude for being thus enlightened reply, "Don't mention it. The pleasure is all mine." BOTANICUS HARVARPIANA., FOR real oonularity there is lutfhinftJike bull-fightor, as the roaring welcome to Mexico's hero testifies. Unlv second is your figurative bull-thrower, as Mr.. Bryan's success in Chau- tauquan arenas shows. THE ROMANTIC PROFESSOR. On Lovera fceap the Ph. p. Looked down from atoops' quarry . . A-ruminatlng silently v On legend dim ana hoary. - ;; ii'Twiia V,orA" Via ttinne-ht. "fhnaA lnuefl) kl.qsert Embraced, and then without a wall . . v Plunged from this point of miea achist. Past thirty feat of fissile anaie." , The doctor sjhuddered-wall ha might TVicv wiiiat hnva lnvad well!" ha SUDDOHed "Past aixty feet of dolomite, Ana twenty mora -unexposeo, j Yet twenty morfr Decorah shale " The learned man did ahiver, " ''And then," he mused "so goes the tale, And then they n tne river." To sate his curiosity The sad professor reckoned , , The rate of their velocity , . 'Twos ninety feet perTsecond! , - "The Turkey river," he did sigh, "The mystery may unravel. For with that speed their bones must iie - In Pleistocenio gravel" S ABD-EIi-KADER. MR. HARDING read from the Psalms; "The troubles of my heart are enlarged; Q bring me out of mv distresses. And to the listeners the words seemed "the personal prayer of the elect." But Mr. Harding need not worry about his heart. It is the enlarged head mat gets a statesman into xrouoic. OUR notion of a superhuman undertaking is to attempt to interest the people of tne united States in internationalism. And. by the same token, zero in worries is worrying about their taking it up. WONDER HOW THE TROUBLE STARTED? (From the Lee County Times.).,, ' Andrew Oftedahl and John Fightmaster . were Rochelle visitors Monday. " ' "Andrew Oftedahl has gone to the Ro chelle hospital fop treatment THERE an: some 4hings which stndents, in the School of Tournalism will not have to learn. One of these is that in reporting the death of a fire chief the phrase "Gets Last Call" is inevit able. to owBMtarowx. A mmv an aft nnaf A r vaiI wiiiBiiiai matri Ini some small chamber where, obscure, you Despair, and hope, and watch a planet wink At dusk o'er cable's end: or do you-wake Long nights to ponder for sweet wisdom's sake On Plato'sword or let your spirit drink Of Shakespeare's' ruddy wine till eyelids sink, Nor could bear up tnougn lire were at a staae r v a. ... - 1- I T", . - A .1.1. T 1 . ' isay, X QO Hi w udk I xul tins x nuuw. You strusrsle insincerely toward no goal . That seems to mpst men bright; you come and go In quietness, possessing your own soul, Tnklne lar.avfid In nitv on the show And keeping your mind's -treasures fair and . whole. , A. ii. . "MR. COX declared that he was- ready to go Into the league forme. by Mr. Wilson? Senator Harding declared thatte was opposed to going Into tnat league. nis usue was as puiin a any issue could be." Mr. Lodge, , It was, but nobody paid any attention to it. The onlv issue that cut any hcure was the demo. cratic administration,- as Mr. Lodge perfectly THE RBWARD OF INDUSTRY. (From h Kankakee News. Marie Laporte, telephone order girl at . Erslnger'a grocery store, received a shook this noon while attempting, to use four phones at once,, which knocked her uncon- How T Quaatiaaa ta ur, to Jveep a. na w a evans mm T ' i coacaraing ayflase, aaailatlaa and inravanllaa al Evan ar rcaaare at Taa, Baa, will ba aaiwarwl pal llnllatiaa, wbare a lUmpaJ, ad4rH4 anvtlaoa Well diaaaaa. aubmittad pararaaUartukjaat to fraaar llaUlatlaa, wbara a aumpaa, aaarasaaa anvaiapa w aacwaaa. ur. -vaaa will ot naha dlaaaala r (iraacrlba ior individual dlsaaaaa. : Addraaa lattaia la vara al The Baa, ' , Capyright, JStfl, ky Dr. W. A. Evn, EACH scious for a time. Prise at "MONROE GirlV Calf Wins Show," Monroe, Wis-fTfmes, . No.no. It was a Brown Swiss bull calf. NO, THEY ABB QUITE DIFFERENT. Sir: A sign e!r an eating place in Ely alum, Minn., reads; "Cafe and Restaurant," Mebba they don't mean the .same thing. THE Indians! compositor who set it "Gorilla warfare in Ireland"-was more than commonly inspired. ' "i- : ' . - YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS PAIIU . " (From tha Sumner. Ja., pasatta.) Carpenter A Bensine wish to. extend their thanka to the publio foiclhe re8Jyaa. sistanca which was volunteered last Friday afternoon at the time of their Are. A COMMON way of committing suicide in Ireland is to answer a knock at the door. "' .. . B. L.T. l ! N. ,. - . Do They Want Self-Determinaticm? The census taker announces that tha human population of the. land inside the Arctic circle is 22" per cent less than the dog population; but. of course, he, cannot mean to insinuate that the district has rfgonc to he-dogs." Seattle . Post InteUigeBCfc ' ' " ' " . V " m PERSON HAS TWO MP" A DTE As to what is called organic heart disease wa have learned very little in the last 10 years. What we know about leaking valves has been known for a leng time, put whan f comes ta tha serve aid of tha heart we have a lot or new information. . In fact, so much has been IseoV' ered within the last doaen years that it has become necessary to scrap every opinion held prior to 1J08, ta wipe tha slate clean, and to start fresh. s ' When the blqod is pouring fnto the heart it first reaches tne auricie, from there ifep&ase to the ventricle, and then into the arteries. The heart renllv is enmnosed of two hearts fusedogether a right heart pumping blood to tha lungs ana a left heart receiving blood from the lungs and pumping It to the tissues, The two sides qf the two hearts are built along the same general tines. With this let us try to find out why and how the heart beats. .' Dr. L. F. Bishop in his book, on heart disease written for the lalety compares the heart-beat to theex plosion in an automobile cylinder. Tha heart muscles, having rested fraction of a second, accumulates energy and Irritability, which, . ex plodes after a fashion to produce muscle contraction. .'. The wave of contraction starts In the upper part of tha right auricle at a point called the slno-auricular node. From here the wave spreads over the auricles, and from there to the ventricles and down to the tips pf the heart. The wave having gone all over tha muscle, tha bleod having been pushed out into tne arteries, tne neart rests ror a-traction or second to gain new force tor tha ne: beat.. This is What happens in a normal heart beating quietly and normally about 70 times a -minute. If this regular seauence, is interfered with tha result Is some form of irregular ity of tha heart or pulse. . ' Dr. Bishop tells us there are seven known varieties of irregularity. They are Sinus arrhythmia, heart block, ."THANKSGIVING." ' . Tba crops are 'gatberad from the .field, A4 of winter's food we're aura; , , This aaaaon wa a wonderful ylel, And that wa are thankful . tor, . . The flerlous aunshlne theia fall day Wbera tha coal supply la paor, Han helped our country In many ways, And that wa are thankful tor, Tha growth of eur city In the lat year And the atricter ebaervance of law, ' Olves us a better place on this aphere. And that we are thankful for. for all good things premature contraction, simple par oxysmal tachycardia, aurloular flut ter, auricular fibrillation, and alter nation of the pulse. All of these are unfamiliar terms and mcjat of them are meaningless to the general run f people, and in addition are hard to remember. , , But maybe In time they will come Into general use just as appendicitis, pulmonary tUbercu)oais, and mitral regurgitation have. The way to be gin learning them is to read them. x They are not all of the same signi ficance ftor do they CSttl for the same treatment. For instance, sinus ar rhythmia is often noted on children. If a child be nadq to take a deep breath in many casea it will be noted that the heart beat quickens or slows ej quickens and then f Iowa, Even when lhis condition la jomo. what exaggerated it la of no conse quence, and yet many a mother has oeen rngntenea uy ik up a many a child has bean kept in bed or for bidden to play ' rough games un necessarily on account fit thja con- aition. . s . . . The Culpablo Biscuits. . M. W. wrltesi "What effect wilL baking soda have on the system; when Used in hot biscuits at one or sonie timea two meals a day for, two or tnrpe years r ' - REPLY. ,: -'.,:;:.. Several publications Issued by the. unitea States government strongly advise against putting soda in cook ing Vegetable It destroys those properties which ' make vegetables advantageous articles of diet from the - health standpoint A small amount of soda in. biscuits does not do much harm .though soda biscuits re not wholly free from' plame. We ra en- thankful earth, So we'll drop' all aaeas and burst Into mirth, . ' Wltft thanKaslvinv srcatlSg all, , SAM I MOBRIS. PLAYER ROLLS: ape B&tter - tHAT DREAMY" WALTZ TRIPOLI 1 8 good; example. , Corte in and Jiear it 't in our nev? Roll De-, 'partment. ' " - ' llUi Btid Hwrney, .About the price) if Bread, Omaha, Nov, ?3. To the Editor of The Ueef Just a few short yeaaa nato the pa nca eauiied news nr. tne po6r abused, manufacturing bakers appealing to me auuionties ior re lief from burdensome conditions on their output, and since then a price of lOo has prevailed for the ordi nary loaf of bread, and It la fair to presume that! Vita tiaure carrUd reasonable profit for bpth' tile b&Ke. and the retail dealer. Wlthii) f.ho past rew montns we nave witnessed a shrinkage ar M tcf 5 pSr baiTel In the priced of flour and corre sponding declines in the' value of lard and augar, the prlnolpal oon- FtituentB of the aforesaid loa of loaf remains at 10 cents with no apparent increase in tlra vise of the loaf. It is fair to presume 1f the 10 cent price parried a margin t profit., a year ago the profit now muer be exhorfeitant. Shades pf a. Mitchell palmer and Mm. Kyan protect us. - I,- ,. . . , . A PATIEN CONSUMER' ' Qmaha, Noy. HT the Editor of xne Heel How long, on hpw Jong, will the bread consuming citisens of Omaha pay "the 'robber jJrlces-. ex acted by the bakers' , trust, wit ho It any protest from' either press ot public? What has happened to our city commissioners? f Is, It .beoause it is getting ap neacv the . spring election, thar they fear fo take any action? As long as the publio pays tho prjtfe 1 exacted there will be no phange for the. better. 8tdp buying bread at the prices now charged, for opa or two wetfka- Go baek to hpmt ibftjilnsr for a change Com pare the price pf flour, eugit, po tatoes and lard now and six .months ago and our loaves so little changes In that time. I hope Vtje Eee will take this matter up in the inteSesta of the common people. ; If olher cities havo reduced the f prce of bread,' why pot Omaha? , ' JAMES ; WALSH. OX " 'Treasury Statement. O.nahONo If. To Uie Ed.tor of Tha Use Just In order to Keev reoords straight. I wish to quote froBi thq atldross "vered by the secretary of the! tredmiry before the AmehU lankery..gtoqlBtlin at the.-rpefnt neeting,. Ii Vh'eh he says; t "..,,.. "On- AuguHt SI. 1919." the gross debt of tha United States was slight ly over 126.600,000,01)1) of which nearly $4,000,000,00(1 - represented loans maturing within tho year, on September 30. 1920, tho gross debt was 124,087,008,000, reduotlon of, over 2,60O,aeo,O0O. while tht float In gdebt was 18,847.000,000,. or ai-, proximately $1,60000,000 less than on August 3t, I9l' I pause to remark that a fiscal ad mjnistratioi) that pay off $2,500. 000000 of the Mttohal debt in opo year (one-thlrtech of the total) is not doing so badly aftr all. He says fBEthert. .v v ''Thosej reductions . were effected nhlofly. py the application of the proooeds pf taxation and salvage and were made possiblevto Borne extent by. the reductions or treasury oai ances effected aa a result of reduced expenditurd and the retirement ' large amounts, of Iqan , certirtoates. Tho treasury expects tlt further reductions In both gross and float ing debt will be shown at the end of the current month and that by the close of the current quarter there will be a much 'hiore substan tial decrease," "tf'ly- As I said before, tins; IS offered merely as a matter of recorjJ-apd by way of giving the. devil his due. since wo have "coma to- bury Caesar, not to praise him," "H. B,lM. I .... 1 For Good Government. ' In one Massachusetts town there were t more women than man on the registered, voting list, it that town doesn't get good government hereafter, there's something wrong BOmewhere.-The xacqma Ledger. iaaaaaaaaaaBaaBaipBaaaaaBMaaBaaBaBiBMaa S4M''rr 4, ) : y.J.-' -, ;-f rii" '" ' ..." " it 8 To Our Glq sin & O vM;i Sale IT WILL SAVE YOU MONET Ryan Jewelry Go. GEO. W. JYiWBfes. u Securities Bldg. S . ' 141 SPWTI IUtllMtHIHnMIUIIUItt4lljllMt;!jlllJfMrnJtWJIitlfniHrMillUtUlt14NiiniJfMt1jiJtHIiirfl rrrs?atw 1 1 i. : tin uu n 1 jg) ill I P I I - The name often means a great I f I I I ' T de1' but tha repuution and rec- , H I ' .' ' III llllll ' " ord back of the name mean even . . " I ' I '''I' more. There's something in the , ' I S llll llllll "V nme First National that gives ; I I III ' r'i yan thrill of pne when you - ' 1 I ' llll llllll y ?'he x tional " my 'x 111 ill " - BackofmelameFintlfaticflsJ :l P I r ' ' 111 llll 1 ' ' . reputation and a record ef. -".-V IMI I I M :i . seraief to the communiQr' hat a h' Jim, I ' r-U gees Beeli to the. days of tha In- I 1 I dians, the buffalo and the Pony V 31 I fj I I- J : I equipped, eonvfniently; lodsted.. ' TVJ I M If I v r rtrai llattonal ftbk today.ls '-Ba,'? v. f r n ' A expression 01 tne aeveiopmenf at 1 - ' I I "S 1 ry'!"?' :i '' meeornmiMUtym whJr aiisak ,M ' 1 ' A 'v X gl naet ymana.gg 1 iCTfelw fdS:X' A- Hwe f f I j' v JevJT-' . aneje)ct?i) outlet a ' ' "BI"! '-.':- ') : -"'V Heater bdufeti'f ; ,:"' 1 Plcq One of the Smalt Ulusial Instramenis't Tit iw K be bad. no end .to the enjoyment to ' " Violins' from ,..., fy Guitara f rom Mandolins from Banjos from 'Saxophonea from. Cornets J rom ( hk. Accordtona from ,'$15.00 to $200.00 $10.00 to $1S0.0O $12.00 to $100.00 $15.00 to $ 75.00 $83.00 to $200.00 128.00 to $108.00 $16.00 to $ 80.00 Come in and let us help you fn your selection ins n " and Mutla Store Bt 7tP mm 1 1S13 . Douglas Street l will give you in Winter all tJe advantages $at you. enjoy jrom tne sun in Bummer. j -w i 7 .. ' .,. isle Mastio Eleetrio .Jfeaters are. equipped wither ' i of heater cord rf'.' ' "v.!'"' ' Bft I a fV', , & "Majestic' Electee Hthi5'i'.' ; !, if ' I " . I al . b ii t ' ii a ar n vxurimL Mwm sail -a ;m m mm All pertabls $ feet UllsU rUrfU VrJaafaa. V. ff'v Mtuvusay awavfyi as cjk9 ? JUW J? origiaal patented heateti Qf this type. , u , -., ; -St "V. '-Oil '?. ' ;. i ' Tien wn j tmrrt tjpt MqvM "Ai ftur itiltr bout Nsjesfie ' Majestic Electric Development Ceapaay , BasefKlarfn aid filtalns'. - "' ' CSy SaarnadK USE BEE tWANT; ADS THEY, BRIN G RESULT X 4- ."- )- e - t . aa ; - ax : . . . tV-.' v'.t- 6 - :.:-irftliii