Jit.. - - , , V : t .'I- 4 J 12 Holding .Husbfuul Garrison's Krv Phaseol Mentation of 'Wife J ' ora wonder, -Mauil had built the fire' 4 .Mother Craiiam's bed room with "njatne ttid dispatch." It. was blaiing merrily when I went in to inspect it. "After turning down the sheets and running a hot water bottle over; them.. that tie'rc might he no possibility of a chill for. her, I went back to the flitting room, where she sat mill shivering,, though her heavy bathrobe Avaty wrapped around her, and " she va huddled over the fire. -. . i, . "Come, mother," touched her shoulder, and she looked up at mc pitifully. ' . i ; ' ' "Do you suppose I'm going to be ill, Margaret?":.&he 'asked, tnd there . . was distinct iri.;ht in hep yes. "Not seriously, at any. rate,". ! -evaded. "I thrhk you are o.verltircd. and have-taught rvfea cold, - But we II have you all right shortly. And ... you'll feel i great leal better, in beji. Just lean 'Hfn me. I have everything - ready for you." ' .' ." '. -.. "1 guess I don't have, to be car ried yet," she .said with avflash .of ihe spirit she had "shown a fwv min utes earlir. So I steed "hack to let her try) the walk tlone keeping her- enough, "however," to 'catch her ; if ' she should have .over-estimated her strength. ' 3 r- V ' My mother-in-law. however, js one of the pluckiest women I eVeriave known. I was. certain .that, '. she w ould not ask my assistance, unless shr wrr compelled to dorso.' And ?l' wns fight in itiysurtnise.i; Her indomitable spirit tarried .''' her . through the rooni. wjierc 'She sank panting but triumpnant . upon Jhe ' bed. '' . "There! Vou see?" she said chiW1: ishly. and I smiled dotvrat Iter .In dulgently., -; :-i,t- ' -.'. ; Mdgeat th Hdlnf " ; ' , "I see that you're deteftnine'd to have- your owu way,1 1 said, gayly. ... "Bt now I'm" going to hive mine. Just cuddle down" twder these- coy-: i cn-and let mc. take your shoej 'and i . as . i 11 the hot '.water bag 'V comfortably ; againsfher spine.- "I'll ge,t another for your , ftfet directly, "and ; we'lr soon get Vou warm.'! -;Vv J- ."II-doB't believe I'll eycrHget i warm again," she-said, with that- iering tecthi and I saw that she was i siffcnng a reaction fr6m the-burst, of plrit which had carried her acros 1 ithc luiiu yr-' '' "Oh'.' yes. you ' will!", I said,-' al though wy1 heart was heavy witb fdtfUpding. 'Illness ,it,M6ther; Ora v ham .always-alarms me greatlypbe- cause of her weak-fceart.' although jihe has been in betttr health during the last year han anv any time since I have "known hef ! ' ; 2 Jft- V "Working swiftly; -I took,- off her f sshoes and stocking's, '0ut another not, V- JR'ter Bag, to her leef, piled covers ''M her, prepared a dose of .herVheart 4 drbpji,, and gave it- to'r. ; As I fifl ' viShed.adtninisteHnl ft, light knock .loundeil thj j6tjr. " . r i. ; - . 1 - K- nnmU Alrid. t, - 1-1. commanded, and I remembered Tier 'aversion to havmsr any stranger near her' when she is ill- -'; i.wAV. , won't.''tf promed;.as I opened , the -door W , stepped into . the lull, , : '. At" .Kn a. !.. VI.. .. j.irfl-..-. .V.. ' . , . :Whv shouldn't 1? Jt . "1 fancy it Is Mrs, Lukens " I an-i Clire I know of. It s "syvered V t.',v? , f , '! quickly .it cart break up "W.ti Jnn't W. Inr in here !' she fness i the , throat. 1 , . IT VI I v v -i - r 4. "As I guessed," Mn: Lukens Wash- What.f rt does annoy ' : standing in the. hall. and. one look at-f ; Aeef or have to do busuie her, calm, kind aace aiadc my heart .a hit lighter at ftle pYospccf of facing thct care of a skkpersxui iina land y stratige'to me.. ' -.' :S "I tlephotied Jhft J'aigcj'; she iatd, tersely, characteristically vesting' no v words.' "and he will be here almost at ohcpv c'Now; iftha is the matter, - and what' cart I do for you?" y t "1 am afraid Mother Graham has 'v,' influenza,?-, I said, secretly quaking 1 for fcCr she -might, think we ought 1 to .tike' hcr'io a hospital if she 'were , , injifferingi from'' so infectious xa dis ease, but determined not to mince , mktteM. "Of course. Dr. Paige will i'knowbut her symptoms are very. ; nuich like those of the rest of us. ,; who all had it last winter. So, of :7 ejourse, you must ftof come near. But , if Maudy could Yook us things ? yk "Don't worry.'child.", ' She laid a , A-'ff Capable, 'thin-veiled hand ' on my ..shoulder. '.'That's what we're here for. to help, each, other." A nd.every " body in hc to mi has hid itifluenza, v so' nobody's afraid of it Mandy, of courscj' will-do anything yon. wish, V -and so will 1."" W7;"- . ' ; "Margaret!" ' My mother-in-law s v liigh-pitchcd voice , called ;,rac pef . ''-cmptoriKv , - ' . . Mrs. fiakc)is smiled cheerily, -i'SendVMandj over-4.for anything lyou want.? she admonished, vanish , ng doKBthc haU. leaving; behind .her an assurance of aid and good will that strengthened mc to meet whatever might be before, me. s Many Beecher Sermons v , 7! , Burnjft Fire in CKutch ew York, or. 24. Priifceless k n.anuscripts iuid rtlics wfitten and collected by Henry Ward Beecher, ' including jnany' sermons in his own "handwriting. wcre consunied by a fire early today that destroyed the Sunday" school buildinar adiokiinz ilte; histdric. Plymouth'"-, church, Brooklyn, w.here the famous pulpit rator. was pastor' -for many years. The old, church edifice jtsaH, erected y, narrwiy escapes oesiruc- : tioiu PclfehU Problems : IV.' How can a bqsyfadier"jkeep " touch (Wth the interests of his '7 '-Hldren?. -." :fi.MVv' x Bys BpenJjftg a. little tinie .with viach of them' every, day if .only n ' icw moments,- No atl 4!too busy ror .this no -father. . One ofy the busiest of, the judges of the swpremc , , ;c urt of the United ' States ;,walks 77 v his young daughter's office door 'V vith her every tdotning,. ...jf..,-.' . --- - ADTgimiitKMgxT ' ;''1;'7 .! T ' Faa. Curl 1 .$ to U Days ' iruesll- Ifdn4 money ,lt PAZO OISIT MKN'T fU t cur ItchlBB, Blind.' Bled . pg or- Protr'udlrft PttA ItuUntly itr Y - teveti ftohlPUe. nd yOo cma rt rt 9 tta WW nec' flt ppllctlii. ' - 0c. ! I ml K HUHT-a faila la tM ' tate)rtnTCR.aCZXMAA . RINOWOKM, TETTKR or votkeritchfaaaHadiMsas.Tr ,' ' 5J Ii' More Truth By JAMES COMING RUDY ARD KIPLING , I have noticed something mWsing m"hc jgoviw, Though I couldn't figure just exactly ..what." ij. o . . But I felt that there were chances for big,-brave, red-blood " " romances 1 ' " 't& , Which. the brightest of producers hadn't V But since I have aeen the latest London iTwpers, ". .v';.; 1, ;;'- What for many years has puzzled me,,I-know, . iV. . i though most literary persons have , been writing bad jiiid worse 'uns, ' V " -"''; A -rfr Mr. Kipling never wrote a movie showi? V if.: S We have missed, and never knew it, big Mulvney '? ; And the Paythens that; he, joyfully. destroyed. V'f i , A'nd;(8;now,we see quite plainly)1 w have, watched the pi'c ' tures vainly v -y . v' '. 2 .' Missing Ortheris, and hulking JockXearoyd. f' Put these three heroic figures on the f ilium V' , , k r r' (As they. will, whert Mr. Kipling stgts to'write) ' ' ', Let 'em gain the fighting glories thai they ysed to in the ' stories' .;: . ,..'eV'iv' 'Vsic- ?S And they'll pack the picture housel ivory night. . :., . . .. . , v'. : ' .- There is something rough and real-about 4he fictioU1, , That proceeds from brother Rudyard's ready pen;' ' There's a zip and an attraction in his 'slashing style of, action v That you'll go to see and go to see "again, A , . ' 7 ' Though he writes of poaching seal Inside, tire Circle, ' ' Or of tiger hunting down along' tMe line, ' - ., Or of barrack room carouses he will always f ill, the houses Anywhere tbey put his name up on the sign. In the future we are going to save our Quarters, , ,For we're overfed on cowboy stuff and such, And the rough house and" disordered the shootinj 'border '"V ' '. r . 'Uf--.tf.i i'" Have been played, we set of feel, a lot too much But when- Mr. Kiplingi. jHips,in "h pajamas Ann pruceeus au wnw.a jhctoi Of the Paythen or the Hindo, is we know (flarw 'well he .kin )dd, v Every time his narni is out,ave're gcSnf te gol.fxJi ' ?, " : " HONORS .The'fact that Mr. Bryan has asked the" presidenttf esigiif rouses the suspicion that in 1917 the president made, the t If we could only clamp an iniport daty'oh the gow-Canaili is now sending to us, fhe expenset of the war would soon fff j ' It seems impossible to eqiip the peak of high p'rices with t& toboggan, ; slide. .t,.. .- ' ' ' ' V: ' -Af" ''V v; V'vt- ' , I ' I'M THE GUY. I'M'THE GUV who eats garli s tht best surprising how any sore-1 have great faith in garlic and use it every time t get the least bit of, a com. . ' i like the taste oj garlic, too: it's like eatinsx fried onions in pill form, and I don't mind saying I'm strong,, f P. ' 1 ' . .A-I- A 1 ;or inea oionssleaif or no -iieaiy everyone ss with? ybat Jf it docs almost asphyxiate r.vvyone m tliq street car, or the 01 ticel I can't help that. '7 1 don't mind the odor in the least, i I've' got a cold auywa so I don't get-it. , If you don't like the smell, keep r.vay from me, If you find it over powering, get a gas mask.' Yotit, senses of smelt may be delicate, but mjnd isn't. .. ' . , Ccpyright, 1IS0. Thompjoji Feature Service. .r, A. ' Does ' Mean Per 'Cent?,; (Copyright, J920, by The Wheeler j - i Syndicate, Iijc.) .-. While practically all works on mathematijjs and the. history of 4he , shorthand symbols , which have vcome to represent ' ''plus,'! ."minus." ,','divjdcd by," anet .the iikc, f.re" ' distinctly hazy? with reference- to the derivation of the; percentage mark, the following theory has beef1. nd.'?.n;c,d by sev-; eral experts and appears to be., well' founded. '" '.7 ; Granted that the figures -j'00" "represent the hundred, or' the vLatin centum the figures 1, 2 or 3 placjfd in front of them signify-4 injjr oc;iy the number of hundreds and remembering that one of the meanings pi per is "through'., then the Biagonr.l ' line drawn through,, or between ,the two Ciphers will give us 'the exact meaning of the symbol "a line drawn, through per. centum." If is als6 reasonable to suppose thatthe connecting link between the first "0" and the cross-line came into being through, the rapid writing of the symbol. asi the hand would raturally.'follow' through upwards, but would not' be likely to connect the final' "0." ADVERTISEMENT WHY EClPBESa THEflTEB ''" - ,', , 1," " " ' ' ' f .SPECIAL: THANKSGIVING PROGRAM O'iJftiEN,? MANAGER 1 PAULINE SAx6n v AND PROPRIETOR : AND SISTER "A Peep Behind tha Scenei," 7' is7 ; 7. with Maurict Downey ,... "FelfteV. of VadaV.iIU, LATOY& VESTA ARTJRJUJSTON & "Th Inabriata- Bachelor" V.- '; - v'..-- 'f jpOf: '." in Something Different. , i . "The Evorglade'' ''-' " . . " i '. . ' '-'; 'Y"v ; PHOTOPLAY ATTATII; '-;V'" v v EDGAR LEWIS7'T::.-' ' . V' .: ,7Pr..Ju.i' 77.'7V . 7 . 1 "A Beggar in Purple"; ; ; . Based' on the Novel by' Andrew Sowtar 7U . '; i t . ?i . ..... :'V'" ?CK SENNET COMEDY -' f " '7 rNVfi" i.'-;' Than Poetry J. 'MONTAGUE on the .ARE' EVEN-' i'iP:'' i .'. ' v . "v f Bog HiU Pirigrah By 'Georges;. " There "s, a ,'nioyj.nj htpn fobt to have .the hunting lieejises foa.'Slira Pickens exempted, he never, yet has been known to hit anything. He shot .at. . , 'ii!" ' .v' V It is riimbred that the old miser of Musket Ridge ha? the small-pox. but Tobe Moseley, says nobody will get seared over it.Jvasrhe -;old man neer has been knowrt to-fgive any thing to anybody. 77 ,. ' ,7" , ' f ''.''Atlas Peck 'says' he ysed to be neve . sileiK . was i golden,, but .he don't, any more, :as he sat right, still thd other 'day -and JeKa fellow talk him out;;of $6.u" !.. .,.''',.;. , .t. Wilson' Pardons German, : 7 But He "Must 1-eave U. S.; Washington, Nov,f24.---President Wilson has commuted thp sentence of Franz von Rintelitv a: German convicted of ; .war-time . conspiracy, on condition,, .that1 , -he,, Aleave. t the United Stateg" before hextJanuary 1. aIMI'SEMENTS. Special Entertainment " " For Ben.Hr Daftcers Thanksgiving Nifht ' At i Bep-Hur )ncipgv ; Academy ' 28th a Faraam-StreeU 55 wsmm THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25. 1)20. S L E E P.Y .TJ .' CHAPTER, I. i. ' . : .Working For Mr Crow.. , . "bl'd'Mr. Crw had xfecided that he would 'not fly south' to spend -"the winter. lie said he. was getting al most:' too old for .sucli: along jour-r A I 1. 1 I. . . 1 - A ncy. .tau ic rcui;intcrcH,-too,, inai he had 'heard X he' weather. was going to be mild that winter. .,;.; .' ijiere s just one. tiling- tnat wor ries me," he told Aunt, Polly, Wood chucVone day, when he was - talking How -much will'you pay n&T, S?a,U AJ V;r! T, .' i 'I, don't the, liiattcr overwith' her.,?, knowvwhat I ' shall liaVe? to eat. "But Mr. Crow said .hewas a lighf sleeper aiioVthat"' icou,ld. no Inorj. sleep tlw whJle winter 'ong dhan Aiint Polijrr' .ouWrfly.' Vf.' " ""Then, whydqii't, yon" . store .up some cbW-ttlhe w-Sv: tfie7 Vauirrels co?",sheasked. him. jTbere-as ....one thing abotjt 'Aunt Pbliy she,, always had .a rerdjtfQrf.evSerything.s t "That's a good;, idktMr,', Csow told her.;"'"Mayt5cU ian, .set ,s6me body tpelpe-rtod-p-:' . And. that if cry .day he t-weAt to Sandy Ghipmunk tnd asked him if he didn't want to gat lief, sortie food for him:. -.''.' ;?n ' '7"':r' V "Hw "'much WilJiyoupay me?" Sandy' asked him. ' . : ' - ; T'il give vou half, what you gather for me,'.' said Mr, CrW7 "And that's1 certainly .air. I'm"sure. . It's often done. ' ArwMt's calie ;'i!or;king at thchalve.' " . 7' M' It ' seemed lfaisi t9 "Sandy Chip munk, too. , - t-'A , "That's a;bargaik" hsaid.7"I'lt Old. Mr. Grow told Sandy to put it in his house; h Jhe top of the tall elm tree. - :'j ' t 'i " "1,' don't like to climb , so high,? Sandy objected. "You know I m not so good a climber as Frisky; Squir rel. He"..vouldli't .mind5 climbing up tS your iiduserj-8ut' it "might make me dhz" . ' '7 5 -' ' "yell,'t '.said. 'Mr. 7 -Crowy -"why T Mat.: enitif A Friday A Sat. . . . - u i i. i. , Saeclal Marine for. La Diners To '?.- day at 3 p-vlaV " ";7; - ' ' Uala Holiday Attraction 7 ...I.' ' :. . The Famous : FRITZ I SCIIEFF Grand ind Comic Opera; Star In the Muticat Corner Hit "GLORIANNA" Nights 50c to $2.50; Mate. 50e W 2. Kt! '"Whyydxv can sleep (Juntil spring, jtt( as,l do,'' Aunt Poliy, said. "Then you; won't fwapt 'anjihirfg to eat." 'f want itp ibflfeithe fbbd,1oJ-,,yb;ui Mr.-" Coxvtti'im , . r v7 1 I ifeT Ul&dMUOl L47'. l Nlfhte 60c, T5c, $1, S1JSO and 92. , B ' J II Popular Mitineo - Wedaeaday . . ,t '1 gitfsjlWll " A-Vt w Vly. u Mfyit as j es wVEI 7 Han aMis ii.w.' " f . . a... .... . n . . H-T atarTJi Ifl ,iiiTr.;.T7lt rqicii . li.'7'; hwi11.! I ll V;.ifc. .J.jt LaurtMlaallBa HENHAW - 1ITEL M.-rVL'A L E'S THE TAUE OP fdon't yod'hring the food to'theoot or my tree antl get Hirskysbquirrel to carry'it to the topi ' - "I'lldo it," 5aid Sandy ChiR 'm'unUf Frisky is 'wTttiiig." So he went" off .to find Frisky - Squirrel, who proved to be . muchi.interested in the clan. ' tti "' , "How-much will you paynfte?5' he asked Sandy Chipmunk. - 0 "I suppose voU - ought ' to have half, the food."'.Sandy said.' "That's what'Mr,. Crow is paying -me." ;; Frisky Squirrel said that that seemed fair. So .they , set to "work Ht once.'' And every . time Sandy brought a load of food to the foot of the tall elm. where- Mr.-Crow lived,' he . found - Frisky Squirrel waiting for hirn. ify 'Let'i,seef-,S Frisky said,, vwhen Sandy ,broigKf the first load--Tsince lift -to get half, 'I'll take everything ypvu bring in youi?x left cheek-pouch. And you can take" wrtat you bring in wle right one..",, . ' ; ' '; ; Sandy 'Chipmunk said that vthat ?emed. fair." So each time he, came tq the elm he left with, FriskyV only Vhat he carried 'in his 1 left cheek-; jjOuch)7 And before ratherjng m&re tood.;hsc(mpered nome to Jf ire away his own share. '. '; ' ' ''Jfa the 'day; '.passed. And . Vhn evening' came, an d the sun was dropping out of sight" inkthe ve&a Sandv'wid' Firskv decideduhev bai worked Jong enough' for MrCrovvi- ts yu i- suppose ne r.as eriougij food by this time?";" Sandy askeJ.1' He looked up at Mr. CroVs house, -"We mustn't fill; his '.house too fulL'S fiot'Said.. "He has to have loom. for himself.'you 'mow."' ' ; . "l on'Uhink'he'll haye a,ny tfou i'el answered. '; " -. " ii : . 1 i "WpIIa- T'm erlait 'vivW tiplnert .W1 Sandy told him. -"If :it!didn't;make me dizzy to climb so hieh I'd likc td take, a look' at Mr. Crow's food f hope hell be pleased".-' : ; ,M' hopehoi will,". .Frisky jSqmrrel agreed.' 3-.-- ..J.i Sandy i Chipmunk , noticed thaf. Ffisky SquiVrel . was smiling. ' ,;.Bnt' h'ej.thought that . it :was only, pecagse AMCSEMENT8. . v !'". "nMitiit: fiin i Center" V .. DAVE MARION'S OWN CO Preant. I San OF. lUDrlttlRI P'Mnleat let v"" "". Barieaj Wlthjfull Out) Cuper and lameBMe-eatt. 7-' Bim Brof. Sho Baad T, Typical Marlea . Bttut Clierua. Thteknlvtei y Matlaee at iM. & LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS 8t., Mit., Wt.: Chu. Howard in "BntDHT 8niDs" : , . . ' , - - htnkax.Tiag- : :'!?4 Matinee Totfay '2t44T .7,.V Tonifht 8:15 .' - V , MARIE !i MARY McFARLANDi "BREATH OF SPRING";. ADLER DUNBAR JIMMY- LUCAS wMa FRAN CENEf "La Cractoaa"; Ray dmliq: Elly; ,'Tople.of the Dajr", KlMpma. MatihMl lSe to SOc; lew TSc aart.00 Satnrdar and Sunday. I Night 15c to 4ts.. r .,- ';-'-' . BEATTYS v Co-OperatiVi Pay, Dividenekl to - Those) Who Do tb. Work 7, .-'..;. r - it i.n.wa, 1 1 mmm u - i i .1- 4 . ,. ..n.p.i f , , 7i r MACK CONNERS. Mgr. 7 . Omaha's Magnificent , FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY , Special Thanksgiving Attraction Dancinf Matinee Thanksgiving Day, Admiaaion 25c. , Thanksgiving Ball ait Night. Admission 5Sc. LARGEST SPRING DANCE FLOOl IN.THE CfTY tootinuous ujncir.g z ja ' . r- am a aa L?; iv;v LHENSIf AW v v ; ;,.'. i. ... . t . f .... -a i, - ' . . . m a J en Lowse IJlateWmner, ml Music K . nicrainmcnf Eianc'mg he was ..thinking .'about Mr. Crow, and how happy he would be.. X. "Let's , wait 'here' iM he comes home," Sandy suggested. But Frisky Squirrel said that he was gping to bed early that night, because he expected to have a race with the sun the next morning, j.; "I'm going to try to beat him,V he explain chI. "I'm going .te. see if I can't get up , before Tie d9." So Frisky said ogod-night and left Sandy to wait for Mr. Crow alone. Copyright, GroMet A Dunla. Auction Sale of Many ,t)KveThomas? Gifts IT Brings in $26,000 New -'Vork, ' Nov. , ?4. The first day's sale of OlivevTbomas' personal belongings .at 7 public auction brqught; $26,000. Fiye years or so ago Olive h,ad been aft employe of a Pittsburgh department? store at ;$3 per week. . V - . .-' Yesterdav- society leaders vied with stars of Stage and screen In bidding for, theettects ot tne wire? ox jacic Pickford, who died from the effects of mercurial poisoning in Taris last September ;h . ' , '. The.goods include a platinum diar mod ring, several pearl necklaces, two fur coats and two automobiles.. Over 100 articles were sold, rangT ing from the expensive jewels , to chic little velvet sjcirts and waists, New Amusement Place m A . ' - a. p; . to i:3U j. n. CAFE. . .X' 'i - ...... i.i .i .. iT - -...-- - . .... i.i i a ,..' - eV. I't f T W JK l srw K Iff0 7f If tznftfi9'- I : THANKSGIVING DAY II I . IUIH ,l"JI"MI CQPJD, TNI .fCx ' , ,; , 7LEWISRGENTvL'( II " ' S ,1v' . . , . ADDED FEATURES r- J ')i I Keuter & faul's Wative 4 4 n Li ' IL "1. "Ap " ' Hawaiian , m Brfljiibition, 1 I 7 ; II v I ....'l: ITrKl..A. . ., l BT. --.n- It;: . . -1 mi A c...u:.a. r?i-.. ii , a a iuisci ; ' : " , - ; ' ' ; in i ill r&vuuvuuic wwiuvwiwi ii; - ' . null . " 1 h ii ;... .. ..... . I-'SfX h-.M-' ' . I'-: ' ,K ' "Thp Pill -lliibwi, y-.ci, i yr iv.t - f;v .''.; I.-'"?,'-' " ' T -r1-' f 'a. ' . '. I ' ' sunul fM 1 V ''T.. fct- "'1 I .- . I q V'lRi . - f f ' 11 vi.,7 I1-; 1 ;- m"v" - .v-'.'v'l I I I With An All-Star Cast I ;Gfrnival Night .. " ' an? Cabaret 7 - ' ' ' . ,'v' Henshaw ValUy Sweets Omaha's- most bequtiful confectionery parlors Special Thanksgiving . v 7 Candy, . Extraordinary . assortment .of fancy boxes. .(mmpn Sense.,, V'i By J. J. MUNDY. , , . :JuiSf 0ttt MrJllan.' ,; . i'w lai comparing your positjpn .today, whh what it was a year ago, what An vntl fill fl?, 1 - '', ' do vou find Isn't it Droven to you. that you are no hettet off financially, ii, , no ' bc't.Varf Winkfe Go.g to sleep tilt it it position, with the firnv have no betl7" , . ,a,, " j . , You arc, dissaiisheci possmiy slackening your, erfoit.' ' , , But think What you have done a'l the nast year just drifted along the way of least resistance. Isnt iruer-.; . . , J You have , thought it' -not" worth' while to fii'ove yourself wr.any par ticular value to the firm. You have. thought' it.no - worth ..Every Mother 4nFather Will BeMore Jhn pank- ful Wh'en,tliey See" t ?A I 'I ' ';''"'- J. ' i'' Th photopWy Jto h, nfioyetl by?,. thvv yottBf and old. XoDaTinaT TocIat at THREE 0r.1AIIArdtfVs i ' reproduction of a scene f rom .)lticture. ? SONtISf-TLK--DANClNGj .',' f 7 YohII he eurpriied.at theae cleyer youagiUre. "Kiddies Matinee TOMORROW SATURDAY Our. regular ' Tail. So aend the Tounratert AP04-L0 29th and Leavenworth TODAY AND FRIDAY; niir.Ki FRFnn y Finn A Ph'oWrlV : the Famous Story by .... . ..i .: S- nM m bju v ur1 a niei 11 a BLANCHE SWEET ' ' in a irivid dramatic story' of a wo'man'i witi . matched k aiyaiiiiM man s u.-i:-:,! ' -y.. The De2dlierSex': 1 . t' Kill That ; - FOR V CeWi, Coagls ... Sm. . 7;7, . C-N. a, CVSCARA 7" ( Neglected Colds are Dangerous ' ' ' 7' rTake no chances. Keep this standard rented handy for the first anteie. Break ap a cold to 24 hoars RsHsvoe 7, 7 '; . . , ..Grippe in S daye Escdlant forHeadadte ' Quinine in this form doee not sSect Ae head Caacara is beet Tonic Lasative No Opiate in Hfli's. , V'v ' 1 ' r while .lo figure any wys to' cause nrices coins up anvwav.I' vou said. ' Anat so navV "vbu find vour beTter off. if not actually much at l.n t,.r uiair lict vrar. I w 1 f A. i Vr4 I 1 Do you really want to be any in 2 . L' ttr off If it means you have to make I f ; tion? M " ,. , Wake uo. What arc you, i aid on late to do ativsood? Tan vnii honestlv' sav ' that 1 yotl Reserve ' any i more than youhaver e T y ; Hftfvlc.; lnc.) : 17 LThc Liberty shipyard plant In i-Wil- mmgtOn, IN. nS orrn raiw" bjr that city for $37,500. Theyard was used to build vessels, tor the government during the war andwill tiow be tfyq as a nuyit.ivi uyy". 3. 4:45. 8:11 94S- child'a riee. will pre- toradrro. i GRAND Today and Friday.' DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "His Majesty, the American" . , SPECIAL v i. -Matinee at SiOQ. p. m, t. : Toaay. 1st His Latest Pictur f4fltl7AYS7 -ADDACIOIIS" ! ' "'.-!" ' ' V" a' ' Front Sat. Et.; Potatory I'M Cold With QUININE AND ' vLa Grippe 'Sef I 7 r ;'.v.7 ; ; t 1 11 ..... a si . : ... . - v;. I ; a r 1 il ALL J)R UpGISTS SELL IT - a aceai oos ec wriaa.. Sbersit A. MaCoaatU Druf Ce. :M'r'SvN'..lA.V-.''T:- . .'.' ii 5 - e ' V '.', .Hi.,'.1' v.. 1 '1 IJ t 'or'-'---'--'-.." ...fff.," .f . , A a. . .v ' A a.... ........ , r- ,'-.....,.v,,.,,A,.,....,.,,f ... ..... , -.1 . . , . fl , , Ai , A . . aa;' ... , I.,' - r i i- -