Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1920, Image 15

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    J "V
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iBikw-twaelM 1
, ;,The marriage of Miss VeUavelle
Lamed finU Leslie O. Baker took
: place Tuesday, November 16, at "the
parish house of the First Christian
church of Council Elu'ffs; Rev. C O.
piucKenoruck oriiciated,
- .Mr. and Mrs. Baker are now in
u... Denver. Upon their return they will
- reside in Council Bluffs.
Celebrate Silver Wedding. V
y-; and Mrl VVI W. Bowser were
honor guests at a surprise party
.Saturday evening at their home, 5342
.( Worth Twenty-fifth street, in celc
' i . vacation of their silver wedding an
, -r TUversary.' The surprise was given
by friends of the honor-guests who
-u had already celebrated' their 25th
-Wedding anniversary. ' Pink and
''"white chrysanthemum were used
through the rooms and those pres-
ent included: Messrs. and Mea-
.o,. dames, C L. Hefcipel, J. A. Shr
rrvobd. A. J. Simpson; Messrs! Will-;-"''iam
Dell, Frederick, and Robert
-i-Bowser, v
. . r t For Bride-to-be.
'II..- ,:Mil Mildrd Rhodes entertained
at luncheon at." tbe Athktlc club
Tuesday, in honor of Miss Ruth
; .Mills, who becomes a bride Satur-
dav. Covers were r!xrert for 12 and
.jard roses formed the centerpiece.!
' Sorority Banquet.
v .'u Sigma Pni sorority of the
University of Nebraska College of
Medicine held its annual banquet at
the Hotel Loyal, Saturday evening,
r "November - 20. Mis Elizabeth
J 'Heelan of .Chicago, was the honor
""'guestT Those .responding to toasts
were Miss Heetan, Mrs. C. W.
"" Poynter, Dr. Emelia Brandt, and
'Dh Katherine Huntl Others pres-
encwere vr. waruen jonnson, ut.
"'-Harriet S. Hamilton, . VJ. Abby V.
Holmes. Mrs. Amos Peters, Mrs. R.
JE. Dayidson, Mrs. W. T. Mick,
Misses . Barbara . Churchill,
Bratt, ' Elistabeth - Proyles,
Rocer and Jane Kozelle. i
- - " " Debut Date.
The debut party of Miss Dorothy
Belt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. T. Belt, has been definitely set
tled for December 28. For some
time the date was in doubt.
Belt has not yet chosen the
where the party will be given.
; - Banqueters, v
A party of Elks and 'candidates
haiMueted at the Blackstone hotel
Saturday before going to the Audi
torium for the grand initiation ot
the' 1,000 class. ' Covers were laid
Menare.-s ;
' M. O'NellfJ. '
D. W. PKt(--" '
Georae fltnln :
O. A.- Rlghajrtlaon.:
T. R. RtltfyV
Fred Rubblna
J. Sidney chall
A. C. HutweU
t jDbn -T. Uttle .-
Emmet Avltt , .
H. T, Brlnbln
Mark Copley -.
B. B. Dixon
J. H. Dunn
Edy. Krans
V. P. I.onergan
Kenny Low
Toe'Molloy -
R. H. Olnuteait
$ ninnera Preceditisr Dance,
A number of .dinner parties will
be given Wednesday evening pre
ceding the .debut dance of liss
. Marian Hamilton. , k w.
Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Reed WiH en
tertain a dinner. " -Another
diner party is
, DrJ and Mrs. C. A. Hull, and' MA
and Mrv John L. Kennedy will also"
Mitertain at dinner. ; . ,
r , Junior Musical,
the opening recitapf theJuuipr
Musical club will bt Uetd Saturday
afternoon at thehome of Mrs. J. J.
Hanighen, 327- South Thirty-seventh
street. Those who will take part in
' the program in the order of their ap
. . perance Aviil, be ViVSinia" Richard
son, Betty Zabriskie, Edijth Victoria
Rotins, - HeUii- Walker, .atherir-c
Morgan, Mfcysr Shapiro,?, EJeanor
Smith, Safrruel; Cafmel, Madeline
Sclitt. Remark Hanitrhe'n. Eleanor
Baxter, Rose'Dubnoff an,d Richard J
Be,ndef. A grouprOt Doys irom xne
StJ Cecilia choir will also, be on the
- program. ,.y-' y t. ','
Sunday Supper. , &
Mr. andv ilrs. IC.L. Hnntsy; ;'en
tertained at supper Sunday evening
at; their home. ; Their guests were
Messrs. and Medamvs. Louis Nasli,
EJ S. Westbrook, VV. H. Wheeler
ami Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickham of
Council Bluffs.
' Children's Party.
K Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tverdik .enter
tained at a children's party Sunday
x afternoon in honor of the, sixth
birthday anniversary of thejr daugh
ter, Grace. Twenty-four little guests
weje present. ,
i Omaha Club.
The Omaha club is planning a se
ries of tea dances for the month
Free Trial of d Method That Anyone
Can Um Without Discomfort
' -or Loss of Time
. ! -
W bav metho for the control of
Aithma, and we want yon to try it at oor
expenee. No matter whether your ease is
of. long; standing or recent development,
whether it is present as occasional or
chronic Asthma, you should send for a
free trial of our" method. No matter . in
what climate you live, rut matter what
m, ... rtr Aecnnation. if you are trou
bled with asthma, our method should re
liee you promptly.
We especially want ta send It to those
apparently, hopeless eases.arhere all forms
of inhalers, douenes, opium p.!..;,...
. fumes. "Datent smokes." etc., ha failed.
' We want to 1w everyone at our expense,
that eu method is designed to end all
'difficult fcreathinr. air wheestag, and-U
tbose terrible paroxysms.
.ThlB free offer is too important to neg.
i. . a.-. Write now and begin
the method at once. Send no money. Sim
! mail eouoon below. Do it Today
yeu do not even pay .postage.
iMiagara and Hudson Streets. Buffalo,
- Send IrA trial of your method to:
I "k:::::3:c:
Petroleum (Soke
Prpmitf Delirery Phone U Tody.
Co?umers Coal
of i December. These affairs will
prave very popular with the young
st.'-as many members are to return
trjom eastern schools during the
holiday season. The "dates for these
afternoon danSants lire as follows:
Saturday. December. 11; Saturday,
December 18r-Thursday. December
23? Friday, Decembci 24; Monday,
December 27; Tuesday, December
28; Wednesday, December 29;
Thursday, necember 30, "and Friday.
December 31.
dinner dance will be given at
the Omaha club Saturday evening,
December 4. x
! . . Lnncheon.
Mrs. A. I. McKinnon of Lincoln
gave a luncheon at the Athletic club
Monday vnoon, honoring'- Missed
Mary .and .Mane McFarland. who
are singing at the Orpheum . thi
Tea for Mrs. Salter
MrS.H Charles W. Morton, sr.. and
her daughter, Mrs. H. Robert jobst,
.'uvuui, win give a juusicai ica
Sunday afternoon from 4 until 6
o'clock at the Morton home compli
mentary to Mrs. Morton's sister,
Mrs. Mary Turner Salter, of Wil
liamstown, Mass., noted song writer,
who is spending the winter " in
-rA program of Mrs. Salter's songs
will be given by Marian Hinds Hos
pers f Orange City, la., niece and
pupil of the composer. '
. For Mrs, O'Leary.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Manley
entertained at' a dinner of 10 covers
at the University club Saturday
evening in 'honor of Mrs. Charles
O'Leary of- Los Ahgeles, who is vis
iting Mrs. Charles F. White and
Mrs..; W. R. Wood here. Mrs.
O'Leary was formerly Miss Vera
Fleming of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed P. Boyer enter
tained at bridge at their home fol
lowed by supper at the Athletic
club, Monday evening, for this vis
itor. , 4
Mrs. Tack Sharp gave a bridge
Mrs. Charles Wright will give a
luncheon at her home, Friday, and
Mrs. Frank Engler will give a
luncheon Saturday at the Blackstone
for Mrs.v fj Leary 'Who leaves Sun
day .for hep home. . I
' Fort Omaha Tea. )
Mrs., Henry White entertained at
tea at 'the White quarters at Fort
Omaha Tuesdays for the women of
the post.-. -r.i- '
Fort Crook' Bridge Qub;
Mfs. W. 'A.iCavanaugh and Mrs.
Verne Cole entertained mfembers of
the Fort Crocjk Bridge "club; at .the
Officers' qlub" Tuesday afternoon.
, Interest to Expectant
- Mothers.
Goshen, Indi T took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetab
e Compound with
food results after
bad suffered for
some time with
female trouble.
Some years ago I
bad twin boys
and took' your
Vegetable 'Com
pound before
they came, also
before my four-year-old
boy was
born, and after
wards, and think
it fine for such cases. J ted others
what it-did for me andVoa may pub
lish my testimonial." Mrs. Geo. A.
.Foos, 711 S. 9th St., Goshen, fnd.'
' ; The experience of Motherhood is a
trying one to most women and marks
distinctly an epoch in their lives.
Not one woman in a hundred is pre
pared or understands how to prop
erly care for herself. Every woman
at this time should rely upon Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a
N most valuable tonic and invigorator
vi we iuie vrgaiiiaui.
In many homes once childless there
are now children because of the fact
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound - makes women . normal,
healthy and strong and this good old
fashioned root and herb remedy con
tains no narcotics or harmful drugs.
Pont cQuk
t 'T'HE violent paroxysms of
i . I coughing soon eased by Dr.
' King's New Discovery. Fifty
years a standard remedy for colds.
Cb.ildrenlik.eit. No harmful drugs, -buU'ust
good medicine. At your '
droggiets 60c and $L20 a bottle.
'Lazy People, Lazy, Bowels
So many folks neglect the serious
condition of constipation. It under
mines the health, takes all vim out
of you. Dr. King's Pills will iff a
gentle manner invigorate the systern,
stir up the liver, move the bowels.
bame old price, 25c., all druggists. -
arid Supply Co.
if f; II
Miss Gladys Beaumont of Lincoln
spent Monday in Omaha.
Mrs. Arthur P. Kimball is spend
ing several weeks in Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. Halleck Rose will
spend Thanksgiving in Lincoln.
mIs. Ella B. Mahcr leaves Wed
nesday to spencV Thanksgiving in
Norfolk., '
Mrs. F. H. Cole, who has been ill
at Clarkson hospital, is convalescing
at her home.
Mr. Edgai Morsman, jr., who
has been visiting in the east, is ex
pected home Saturday.
Miss Gladys Peters, , reigning
queen of Ak-Sar-Ben, who is in New
York City, will return home early
in December. ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters are in
St. Louis, where, they .were called,
last week, by the serious illness of
Mr. Petery father.
Dr. Leroy Crummer and Dr. Al
fred J. Brown, who have been spend
ing a short time in New York, re
turn tor Omaha Wednesday.
Mr, and "Mrs. James E. TJavidson
leave Wednesday to spend Thanks
giving with their son, James, at Cul
ver Military academy in Illinois.
Mrs-Nathan Merriman has re
turned from California, where she
has been the past year. Mrs. Harry
Dlehl and children, who accom
panied' Mrs. Merriam, will remain
indefinitely in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter IT. Rhodes
and daughter, Mildred, son, Charles,
who is attending Ames college.
f 7 ' 7 9 7 7 I
Sec this paper Thursday
ticulars of
7 - J', r7
; V MlilRfH T 7 :f 1 V 500 Suits and
, :;: , y : ; r ..M Overcoats -
An Artistic Triumph - - ,
The Distinguished Pianist, -Playing
Monday Night at Fonfenelle
Ball Room
Several pieces Which he' played 'were :
immediately reproduced -without the touch
- of human hands by the marvelous
In the
v There Wa$ No Difference "
Note for note, every delicate shade or fiery
burst of-Ornstein's transcendent performance,
his personality even, all were there. The great
audience was spell bound. Those who heard
this remarkable concert will enjoy hearing
Oipstein again, and those who were not -pres-1
ent will experience the same thrill in hearing
1 the Ampico iri" our Strudios reproduce the play
ing'iof Ornstein. - '"A .
i . ' .
1 You v are cordially invited to hear the Ampico
in the Knabes in our Ampicoparlors. Not only
Ornstein but any of the 100 or more great pian
ists who-have recorded their playing for this ,
- marvelous instrument, j .
L5th and Harney
Iowa, will spend Thanksgiving' day
in Lincoln where they will be the
guests of Dr. and Mrs. Van B".
Smith. ' i
Miss Maude Peck returned last
week from an extended visit in oJew
York. En route home she visited her
cousin, Tupper Wyman, in Chicago.
Mr. E. M. Morsman, sr., accom
panied, by his niece, Miss Mabel
Harper,' left last week for Holly
wood, Cal., where they will remain
until May 1. , .
Mrs. ih Robert Jobst of Lincoln,
is in Omaha spending a week with
her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. C W.
Morton. Mr, Jobst will join her
Thursday to spend Thanksgiving
A daughter was born Sunday to
Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons, Valley
Junction, la. Mrs. Simmon? before
her marriage was Miss Anna Groh,
daughter of the late Rev Dr. Leon
ard Groh. 1
Mrs. Leon Teale of New York
City will arrive Wednesday to be
the . guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Nathan. Mrs. Teale
was- formerly Mis Hattie Nathan
Miss Susannah Jobst of Lincoln
will spend the week end here at the
C. W. Morton home. Marian Hinds
Hospers Of Orange City, la., will
also be a week end guest at the
Morton home.'
- , a
Keep Room Bright.
The baby's room should be bright,
sunny, dry and of fairly good size.
It is much- better for the baby to
sleep alone in the room, but if there
are two children, they shouldl sleep
in separate beds', the mother or
nurse being in-an adjoining room.
this Great uoney Saving Event
- 7. .. -: 7. - 7
Douglas 1973
Problems That Perplex
" ' "i ; Answered by
Ambitious Girls.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I have a prob
lem that I wish you would give your
consideration, I am a girl of IS.
and a stenographer' earning $75 a
month. My grrl friend 1h also 18
years of age and stenographer earn
ing $75. Now my question is this:
Do you think it advisable to start
up an office for publio stenography?
We can get an office free and know
ot a few business men in town that
do not have enough work to keep
one stenographer busy. Do you think
that we could make on the average
$75 each after we got a good start?
We can both vtake shorthand dicta
tion and write from 75 to 100 words
per minute. Please let me hear from
you in .your column in The Omaha
Bee.. , ' AMBITIOUS.
I delight in ambitious' girls and
do not wish to dlscurage you in the
least. If you are thoroughly capa
ble and businesslike you might do
very well. I am certain, howevec,
of this. If you ar'e good enough to
do public stenographic work, you
are worth more than $75 per month.
Let- me advise and- then use your
own best Judgment. Don't go into
business for yourself (and you have
chosen a hdrd one) ' until you can
hold a position at $125 per month
under the present scale of wages.
That wiU Indicate that you are a
little better than the average and
of . beautiful Dresses on sale
Wednesday. For details see our
advertisement on page 3. -
1508-10 Douglas.
for full par
III IF1I sT s fl ."1 tH
m w I 1 i i'-,.. ...
you should be that competent before
undertaking to 4ow your own boat
up the commercial stream,
Christmas Girts.
; Dear Miss- Fairfax: A couple ot
my boy'frlends are planning on giv
ing m Christmas gifts. I do not
want them to. Can you suggest any
friendly way to tell them not to?
What would be proper to give
them in return? we are about 16
years old.
Your second question proves that
you really want these boys to give
you Christmas presents, for you are
planning to return their gifts. If
you sincerely do not want them to
make presents to you, you will find
a polite an tT delicate way of letting
them know. '
' Vlrgk: Treat your friend courte
ously when, he comes to towft for
Christmas, and if he. wishes to re
new your friendship let him make
the advances. Snarling the hair
breaks It off and eventually hinders
Special fife! m
Seasonable, fashionable Winter Fodtwear, of
standard quality at rare values. '
A High Louis heels, in black kid, light brown and
mouse-colored leatheitfA
Originally SbldlFor as
High as $10 fO
Now, . . $6.95
Spats -
In all colors and shades to
match your shoes, dress or suit.
Spats that "make your appear
ance up to standard. t
1 M $3.00 ' K
For Ladies
In 'Louis 01 Military Heels.
"A price for every purse,
A shoe for every 1005.
2nd Floor Securities Bldf. S. E.
In This Mighty Sale!
s Af Gigantic Thanksgiving Event
Fambus "Frati' Clothes made by
H. A. Seinheimei; df Cincinnati
and clothes by Epstein Charles
Douglas rGo. of Rochester, ,
New York.
' '
These makes of clothes rank -amongst
America's finest all
hand tailored developed from
fabrics of the hour models for
men and young men. -
Suits for businessfknd dress- -up
occasions"" Overcoats in
great-storm coats dressy mod- '
els and Coats for sport wear.
The field for chQosingMs re
markably great.
Suits . and Overcoats
Worth to $89.50 Jn Four
ImmenseLots Wednesday
$1A 85
We ,urgo the most thorough comparison A
of the offerings in this wonderful sale. It's
Vly because of , our need for immense
stocks of merchandise when the market was
at its lowest ebb that such offerings1 are
possible at all.
In addition to bfferlnir nnr natrons, iha
the growth. A girl should not ao
cept a ring from a young man un
less she understands its significance.
x Creighton Bachelors.
V A dance will be Riven Tuesday
evening at the Hotel Castle by the
CrcightoiBachelors. v
MissEdith R." Stnith. of, Scotland,
the first woman o receyi degree
from Oxford university, Avtll teach
botany at Ratcliife college. Cambridge.
of beautiful Dresses on sale
Wednesday. For details see our
advertisement on page 8.
1508-10 Douglas. 1
Cor. 16th and Farnam
at "::
r I
irreatest apparel ralnes ever announced by
any 0 in aba stere tre are offering them
lonir periods in which to pay for their pnr
chaseit.yKo restrictions bay all you need
psy iy rs you get paM.
Bo wen's
Lqw Ebb
Prices on
j All Stoves
"We are quoting below a
few items,, Iho present
prices as compared with
what the prices were uptil
recently. x ' ,
. ;
Elite Economy Heater
With circulating hot blast air
tube around fire bowl exactly
as Illustrated. '
Former Price $28.50
Earl Economy Heater
Full nickel ' trimmed; stove
equipped with hot blast air
tube around fire bowl exactly
as. Illustrated.
liln. size fire bowl $27.00
16-ln. size fire bowl.... $34.00
18-in. Size fire bowl $39.75
Cast Iron
The stove here illustrated
without reservoir is of cast
iron construction, full 18
inch baking . oven with
heavy duplex grates and is
a guaranteed baker anda
V big value at the greater
price of $95.00, but today
v an unequalled value at the
Bowen Low-Ebb price of
And, as Usual," you
make your own terms
Todays Price
mi , i
Cuticura Soap
Will Help You
Clear Your Skin
1 V
I UM LJ n.iM0S30
''"' iiiiimiiiinniiiH wum aw gfjgfei
' A