THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1920. ' Youth Is Peld -Responsible for Auto Accident Truck Driver Held 011 $2,000 Bond Following Fatal Crash; May Face Charge of Manslaughter. .William Minor, 18-year-old truck driver, was ordered held responsible for the automobile accident Satur day that resulted in the instantane ous death of Frank M. Naylon, 2767 Webster Street, fnllnwina an inimcsf held yesterday at Gentleman's mor tuary. Bonds for Minor's release were set at $2,000. The youth, dressed in overalls, flannel shirt and torn sweater, could hardly comprehend the verdict. Sit ting rigidly beside Detective Bolar, the faces of the coroner's jurors, county officials and attorneys ap parently confused him into abso lute silence. Occasionally, he fan . his fingers through his disheveled , blond hair. May Face.-Serious Charge. A charge of manslaughter may he filed against Minor, Assistant County Attorney Coffey stated. Asked by Raymond T. Coffey, who conducted the inquest for the county attorney, if he had anything to say in his own behalf young Minor stood like a schoolboy in class. Taking the witness stand, he told his story of the fatal accident. , Couldn't Avoid Collision. "I was traveling ly miles an hour down hill with the clutch engaged t and the brakes partly on," he said. "When I saw the automobile com ing from the south I tried to turn to avoid a collision. I swung the . truck to the right but too late. I was so excited, I kept on going." John D. Weir, attorney for the XN ay Ion family, quizzed Minor con siderably. . f Minor's home is in Grand Island. A sister has arrived in Omaha to- assist him m exoneration of the Itlame for the accident. Petroleum Found Oozing From Ground Near Geddes Geddes, S.'D., Nov. 22. (Special Telegram.) For the first time in the history of South Dakota 'crude .petroleum has been discovered in this section. The discovery was made about three weeks ago when an oily liquid was noted oozing from the ground on the Blair and River side ranches near the Missouri river southwest of here. At that time it was thought the oily liquid was of -vegetable nature. Samples, how ever, were sent to the university at- lowa City for analysis. The chem ist's report just received states the substance is genuine crude petro leum. ' ' So far as 5s known this the first discovery of petroleum east of the . Missouri river in South Dakota. . ', r '" ' Three Men Arrested, at ';f ' Norfolk on Liquor Charge Pierce Neb., . Nov 22. (Special Telegram.) W. E, Cochran, Glenn W. Emery and Ned Emery of Nor folk were arrested by a state agent and Sheriff Kincaid of Pierce county on a charge-of violating the liquor laws. They are suspected of being the operators of a whisky' still. A fourth man is being sought by the officers. .- A quantity of mash was found on the Pete Pellet farm near Pierce. Pellet is out under $1,000" bonds. Winner Man Convicted on ; Charge of Moonshining Winner, S. D., Nov. 22. (Special Telegram.) Ed Zeitner was con victed in circuit court here on the charge of moonsh'ning. A large truck load of distilling apparatus, several hundred gallons of mash and a quantity of the finished product was offered in1 evidence. .Sentence Avilt be pronounced be fore this session of court adjourns. Judge Williamson, congressman elect for this district, is the presiding judge. . i, Boys Charged With Theft Of Ducks in Raid on Farm : Stanton, Neb.. Nov. 22. Special Telegram. ) Hugh Mortimer and William Koehn, said to be sons of wealthy Stanton - county farmers, arc charged in complaints filed by County Attorney Cowan today with raiding the farm of Joseph Spence and stealing a large number of ducks. The ducks wee identified i in a Norfolk poultry house by Mrs. .Jence, who accompanied Sheriff , iTy to that city. County Will Have Nurse. Hartington, Nb., Nov. 22. (Spe cial Telegram.) Word Jias been re ceived here from Red Cross divisio? al headquarters in Omaha that a :.ounty nurse would be appointed for Cedar county as soon as one with adequate training could be 'secured. Civil War Veteran Hurt. Beatric. Neb.. Nov. 22. (Special.) John Webb, 5, civil war veteran, shipped and fell at his home at Blue Springs and fractured his hip. Ow- ing to his extreme age the attending jihysicians deemed it advisable not to attempt io reduce the fracture. v Iiee want ads are best business getters. ADVERTISEMENT I A Million Bottles - Makes a Million Pints of ' v MENTHO-LAXENE COUGH AND" COLD SYRUP Make a pint and- keep free from colds and coughs All druggists IT Afford protection against In. fectious diseases. All prudent persons should avail themselves :f this dependable germicide. T MUO ITORBfJSyjBRYWHERO' Crime Wave Strikes South Dakota Town . Gregory, S. D., Nov. 22.-Spe-cial Telegram.) Gregory haf been experiencing a vave of crime on a small scale recentlyrrnany instances of petty thievery and attempted bur glary having been brought to the no tice of the authorities. The most recent was the attempt ed burglary of the R. R. Naper Clothing store, which occurred Sat urday night. The burglar attempted to enter the building by prying off the lock on a door, but was evidently frightened away before gaining en trance. As examination has not dis closed evidence of anything having been stolen. Thieves raided the chicken rnnn nf j William Nollkamper, stealing several aozen nens, and the basement of the Charles Scheinost home was burglar ized, the robbers taking over 40 quarts of canned fruit. Local offi cers have no clues as to the identity of the thieves. Iowa Governor Addresses New York Teachers' Meet Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 22. No state should allow its boys and girls to start life with anything less than a high school education, Gov. Wil liam L. Harding of Iowa declared in an address before a convention of New York teachers. The slogan of the countay should be, "All must be educated." said the governor, adding that "education must be pop- uiarizca. "The public school has come nearer to turning out a 100 per cent perfect product than any other in stitution of which I have knowl edge," said the governor. "We have outgrown the old doctrine in this country 'that education is free.' The new slogan is: "All must be educated.' "I woirld encourage culture, but would notmake it the basis for a system. Culture is a natural se quence in the process of education, National Board of Farmers Meeting at Washington wi . Washington, Nov. 22, The na-1'1 tional board of farm organizations met here today to consider legisla tion which may be asked of congress to relieve the situation facing farm ers as a result of the falling prices for their products. Revival of the war finance corporation was one of the matters up for discussion. It was said at the board's head4 quarters that a conference of all ag ricultural organizations may be called to a meeting in Washington soon after congress convened. A committee for such a conference, it was said, might be named to par ticipate in a conference of western farmers which is to be held after the return of Senator Gronna from North Dakota, chairman of the sen ate agriculture committee. Woman, 99, Oldest Person - Living Near Madison, Dies Madison, Neb., Nov 22. (Special.) Mrs. Sarah Reed who died Tues day at the family homestead several miles northeast of Madison was the eldest person in this part of Nebras ka so far as is known. She was horn March 18, 1821, near p Harpers rerry, Va., and when a child moved with her rarents to Har rison county, Ohio, where she mar ried Benjamin Reed in 1842. In 1862 she and her husband moved to Mc Lain county Illinois, and in the spring of J871 homesteaded in Stanton county, Nebraska, where she lived the remainder of her life, her husband having died in February, 1895. Shi was the mother of eight children of whom six survive. Board Balks at Declaring New State Officers Canvassing Body Is Uncertain Whether It Has Authority To Pass Judgment on Election Outcome. Rail Body Opposes Issue ' Of Stock by Burlington Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 22. Objec tions havebeen forwarded to the In terstate Commerce commission at Washington by the Nebraska Rail way commission against the appli cation of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railrcfed company asking au thorization to issue $60,000,000 .addi tional capital stock and $109,000,000 of first and refunding mortgage bonds. The Nebraska commission "prays that the application may be dismissed and held for naught," on the general grounds that the Bur lington company's request is "in definite and uncertain." Man Held for Statutory . Assault to Ask New Trial Geneva, .Neb., Nov. 22. (Special.) Attorneys for Walter Christiancy. convicted by a jury last Friday of a statutory assault, will - argue on a motion for a new trial before Judge Brown some time ethis week. Mean time Christiancy is remanded to the county jail. Court adjourned Sat urday and Judge Brown is holding the regular,session for Saline county at Wilber this week. Watchmen at the grade crossing, along the Pennslyvania . railroad, who have become advanced in years, will be replaced by women. Lincoln, Nov. 22. (Special Tele gram.) Has the state convassing board, which consists of the govern or and other state officers, any right to declare the state officers, elected at the recent election, elect- This is the proposition which was up before the board this afternoon when it met to 'canvass the votes and declare elections of the candi dates who had received the largest number of votes. They took a chance and declared that Warren G. Harding and his running mate, Calvin Coolidge, were entitled to Nebraska's vote, but when it came to declaring the rest of the victors, they balked. Because of changes in the law, it is the opinion of the attorney gen eral that the legislature in joint session is the only authority which can declare the state officers elected, although he was not so sure about itthat he desired to stand on that opinion. Accordingly the board ad journed for a few days to give the attorney general .tiflie to look the matter. t May Encounter Delay. If the legislature is the only authority for declaring a state of ficial elected, it means that Harrv 'Cook, elected to fill a vacancy on the railway commission, cannot hold the office until after the legislature meets in January, and Thorne Brown, who was apopinted to -fill the vacancy, but was elected to the long term which will exist after T. L. Hall s term expires in January, will have to hold office until that time. ' ' Now that it has been officially dis- up covered that Harding and Coolidge carried the state, it will be up to Governor McKelvis to select the in dividual who will carry the message to Washington. ' Elector to be Selected. Under the present law, the state republican convention selected the eight electors, two at large and one from each congressional district, and from these the governor will have to select the messenger. They are Mrs. Draper Smith of Omaha and Mrs. H. H. Wheeler of Lincoln, at, large; I. J. Weaver, Falls City; Firsf district; Allen Tukey, second; E. E. Houston, Tckamah, Third; J. F. -Cole, Aurora, Fourth; George S. Austin, Orleans, Fourth; and E. T. Westervelt. Scottshluff, Sixth. They will meet in the governor's. office some time in IJecember and cast their votes, after which one of them will "break the news to Wod row." ' The messenger is allowed by the federal government 20 cents a mile onee way, from Lincoln to Washing ton, which will aiTioiinjMojjWIMif-. ficient to pay his expenses if he doesn't "roost" too high. "Army" General at Norfolk Elopes With Friend's Wife Norfolk, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special Telegram.) C. A. Bailey, former general of the Good Samaritan army, eloped with Mrs. Joe Com fort, the wife of an associate, ac cording to complaints iade in court by the county attorney, following charges made by Mrs. Bailey, who is left alone In Norfolk with several small children Police say Bailey "ditched" Comfort at Sioux City and is enroute to Waterloo, la., with his friend's wife. 1 ADVERTISEMENT BETTER THAN WHISKY FOR COLDSAND FLU New Elixir, Called Aspironal, Medicated With Latest Scientific Remedies, Used and Endorsed by European and American Army Sur geons to Cut Short a Cold and Prevent Complications. Event Druggist in U. S. In- structed -to Refund Price While You Wait at Counter If Relie f Doe's Not . Come Within. Two Minutes. Delightful Taste, Immediate Relief, Quick Warm-Up. Towels, Sheets, Pillow -Cases GREAT PRICE REDUC TIONS AT BOWEN'S Right now is the op portune time to buy, es pecially of those things that are in use daily. Never in our history have we been able to offer such wonderful Value Giving as now. This is especially true in Towels, Sheets, Pillow Cases and Bed Spreads. Many are being offered right now. at about one half price. , You need wait no longer for lower prices they're here right now at Bowen's. Advertisement. The sensation of the year In the drug trade is Aspironal, the two minutfrcold and cough reliever, au thoritatively guaranteed by the lab oratories; tested, approved and most enthusiastically endorsed by the highest authorities, and proclaimed by the common people as ten times as quick and effective as whiskey, rock and rye, or Rny other cold and cough remedy they have ever tried. AH drug stores . are now supplied with the wonderful new elixir, so all you have to do to get rid of that cold is to step into the nearest drug store, hand tho clerk half a dollar for a bottle of 'Aspironal, and tell him to serve you two teaspoonfuls with four teasDOonfuls of water in a' class. TWith your watch in your hand, take the drink at one swallow and call for your money back in two minutes if you- cannot feel your cold fading away like" a dream within the time limit. Don't be bashful, for all drug gists invite you and expect you to try it. Everybody's doing it. When your coid or cough is re lieved, fake the remainder of the bottle home to your wife and babies, for Aspironal is by far the safest and most effective, the easiest to take and-the most agreeable cold and cough' remedy for infants and chil dren. MOTH IWD For. Expectant Mothers Used Bt Three Gekerations MITI KOKLrt OH KOTHMHOOD All iT. Tltt MOriCW RKULATOI CO. WW. I-D. ATLANTA. aJ ADVERTISEMENT MOTHERSJO THIS When the Children Cough, Rub Musterole on Throats and Chests No telling how soon the Symptoms may develop into croup, or worse. And then's when you're glad you have a jar of Musterole at hand to give prompt, sure relief. It does not blister. As first aid and a certain remedy, Musterole is excellent Thousands of mothers know it You should keep a jar in the house, ready for instant use. It is the remedy for adults, too. Re lieves sore throat bronchitis, tonsiIiti3, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, pains and aches of backer joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains, frosted feet and colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). , 25c and 65c jars; hospital size $30 A. HOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED All Wrk Guaranteed IBIS DoufUs St. TL Doug. IBS m HI "TQYLAND" Sixth Floor Braideis Stores "TOYLAND Sixth FJoor it Great Tuesday Sale o . NOTIONS At Prices That Won't Let You Forget Dressmakers and Home Sewers should stock up for future use at these low sale prices. 25c grade of Shell Hair Pins - 15c Heavy Button Thread, 3 spools for - - - Dozen Steel Buckles, special Dozen Dress Weights, all sizes 25c box of Wire Hairpins - Wire Hairpins, per package - Card Hooks and Eyes, 10c values - . . Toe Guards, 2 pairs for - - 60-inch Tape Line, each ........ Tube Machine Needles for - - Pur Chains, 25c value, each - - - x- 75c Sanitary Aprons, special, each - ..... Pair Pin-On Garters - - - - - - - Collar Bands, all sizes, three for - - - - Bolt Bias Tape, to -inch width .... Bolt Rick Rack Braid ; best grade ; all colors . Bolt 25c and 35c Imported Finishing Braid, all colors, 19 4 Coat and Pants Hangers, 10c values . -" - - 25 191 -25 50 -10 ,15 - 1 5 -25 5 - 3 10 49 10 25 10 10 - .-i. -SET". 1L,,...,Z, -J Silkene Crochet Cotton, all numbers - - 2 bottles Singer Machine Oil - - - - - - Bolt Wash Edging, 25c grade 3 pairs Shoe Trees - - - - -,- - Real Human Hair Nets, 3 for Good Strong Safety Pins, 4 cards 10c Ironing Wax, large size - - -' - - -10c Cotton Tape, 3-yard pieces, 3 for - . - Yard Carpet Binding for - - Sewing Needles, 25 4o paper, each . lingerie Ribbon, 15c bolts, each - - - -Dozen Kid Curlers, one big lot, t - - - -Boys' and Girls' Kazoo Waists, all sizes; each Pair 15c and 20c Shoe Laces - Bone and Steel Crochet Hooks, each ... Pair Scissors, 1.00 value --,--.- Paper Shopping Bags, each - - Pair Office Sleeve Protectors - -Boys' Pants Bands, all sizes, each - - - Box Bachelor Buttons - - - Dozen Underwear Buttons - Middy Laces, each - - - -3 dozen Marking Initials - - - - - - 2 dozen Button Rings - - - - - - - - - Key Rings, each - - - Pair Men's Paris Garters - Pair Babies' Midget Garters - - - - - 2 yards White's Rick Rack Braid One Lot of Wash Edging, per yard - - - Spool Barbour '8 Linen, 50c grade- - - - - Paper English Needles 1.00 Dozen Good Sanitary Napkins - - -10c Women's" and Girls' Barrettes, two for -Pair 40c Kleinert's Dress Shields - - - - - 3 spools Fast Colored Darning Cotton - J. P. Coats' 250-yard spools Machine Thread -Pair 50c Kleinert's Slip-on Dress Shields - . 75c Kleinert's Rubber Jiffy Pants - - - -Large Spool Basting Thread ...... Pair 35c Velvet Grip -Garters for corsets - 10 25 - 10 25 - 25 25 - 5 - 25 - 5 - 9 7V2 . 5 89 - 5 - '4 69 - 8 19 -15 10 - 5 9 10 ,5 - 5 35 10 . 5 - 4 25 - 25 49 - 5 19 10 10 29 - 49 5 - 19 10c Black, White and Colored Headed Pins; pearl, . ten and larger heads ; 3 on a card ; 2 cards- - - 5 Odd lots of Sanitary Belts, 50c, 65c and 75c grades; all sizes; each - , - - - - .... -39 Pair Black and White Stocking Feet; renew worn out stdfckings, at - - 5 Bust Forms Gray Jersey Covered Regular I a r r 1 1 .b. "V - OP Value Sizes fci Main Floor South Buy Housewares Tuesday at these Sale Prices Savory Boasters a " 1 " Heavy black steel roaster, No. 200; good Blze; regular value 2.98; special, each, ' 2.49 "Iisk" Roasters Made of heavy steel, blued enam el; self basting; has enamel tray for holding turkey or other meats you are roasting; priced from 4.49 to 6.79 "Wear-Ever" Roasters Made of high-grade aluminum; guaranteed; has meat rack for holding your roast from bottom of roaster; regular value 8.70: siecial, each, 6.98 1 Onyx Roasters Oval, made of high-grade Onyx enamel; guaranteed; regular price 5 98; special, each, 4.98 Aluminum Percolators 6-cup size, made of high-grade aluminum; regular value 2.69; special, each, 1.98 Cudahy's White Laundry Soap, . 10 bars for 42 Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 cans for 24 Fifth FloorWest Sale of 3,900 Pairs of Sample Hosiery y 4 "' Men's Women's Children's Worth 69c to 1.50 ,Juro thread silk, fibre silk, silk lisle and cot on; some are fancy lace stripes; others in plain silk; boys' and girls' sport ribbed three luarter sox and English' ribbed hose; women's lalf box with rolled tops; men's fibre silk and (ilk lisle hose; colors are black, white, cordo van, navy and other shades; special, per pair, Choice 49. C Pair MaiKFlooi Well, Well, Well! Here I Am Again Children!- and my little round belly is still shaking like a bowlful oi 7ey. "Toyland" at Bra&tdeis Stores . Is Santa Claus Headquarters Listen Kiddies! For Your Special Entertain ment I've Brought With Me "TJie Story' Lady" s ' , f- v - " Grace Sorenson ."The Story Lady Will Be Here Saturday at '3 p.m. ' V All Omaha children and the children from the surrounding territory are invited to hear this wonderful story teller. , She Will Tell Stories Every Day for One Week at 4:15 P.M. Miss Grace Sorenson has be come famous as a story teller. From Southern and Western States she has many calls and the children love her as they love ber stories, which, by the way, are original. There is no charge for this entertainment. Children may come with their mothers or unac companied. Remember the date and hour: Saturday next at 8 P. M. aad every day during the following week at 4 :15 r. 31. Linen Specials On Which You'll Save Money 1 . 2.75 Japanese Cloths, 1.98 These are in the 64x54-inch size, Japanese blue and white table jrtoths; In patterns of chrysanthemum, wistaria and bamboo; a big special offering for one day only; each. , - 1J8 59c Huck Towels, 39c Full bleached huck towels, chief value linen; hemmed ends; plain white and fancy colored borders; sizes 18x36 and 20x40 Inches; very special, each, , - 89 r ' 4 Main FloorSouth EXTRA SPECIAL! v Boys' and Men's Wear At Sale Savings ! 40.00 and 12.50 Boys' Overcoats, 8.95 Military model overcoats; button to neck and convertible collar style; full and half belted models; sizes 3 to 18 years; for Friday, specially priced at x 8415 '''''". Boys' 1 and 2-Pants Suits at 9.95 In neat mixtures and corduroys; trousers lined throughout; sizes 8 to 16; well tailored; per suit, I Mi 1.25 to 2.0Q Boys' Knickerbockers 98c Come in gray and brown and blue mixtures; sizes 4 to 14 years; worth 1.25 to 12; special, per pair, ' Men's Jersey Gloves Regular 35c values, special, per Pair, 21d Men's Canvas Gloves With knit wrist style two pairs for 25 Men's Ribbed Union Suits 1.79 Sizes 34 to 46; an exceptionally good value, specially priced, per suit, at LJP Hundreds of Men's Trousers, 2.29 - . . Choice patterns in neat stripes and mixtures, strong and full cut; sizes 30 to 42 waist; special, per pair, 2.29 Men's Work Shirts, 1.29 ; Extra good quality; light and dark blue plain and striped cham brays, gray cheviots and fancy mixtures; lay down collars; faced sleeves and double stitched; sizes lift to 17; special, each, LS9 Basement Men's Store Infants' Wear Items For Mother's Economical Buying White Wool Toques, at 59c Pink or blue borders; regula. 98c kind. , Silk and Wool Hose at 59c In white only; sizes 0 to 3 years. White Outing Flannel Gowns For children 4 to 14 years; extra heavy grade of "t SQ flannel; double yokes; special, each, , X 07 Third Floor East Sale of Wash Goods You'll &eet Your Friends Here White Shaker Flannel, 19c Heavy quality, with long nap on both sides, per yard, IO4 48c Fancfr Printed Kimono Crepe, 25c In a wonderful assortment of new styles and colorings; worth regularly 48c; special, per yard, . 25t 75c Fancy Printed Sateen, 39c Splendid quality for draperies,' fancy work, comforter" coverings, , etc., 36 inches wide; worth 75c; apecial, per yard, - 39 Mill Remnants Dress Gingham, 22c Plaids, checks and stripes; all standard qualities; apecial. per yard, , 33 - Basement North "Sir