THE BEE: OMAHA; SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, ivzv. Eckman Sane as ,He SisnccI Will 4 X Deposition Says testimony ot I rained iur8e y Read in Court Supports Contention of Young Wife in will Fightr Several depositions to show that the late E, M. Eckman was sane when he signed a will leaving his "jh-etty young bride his entire estate were read in county court yesterday moniinir ". connection with his step daughters' effort to break the will. Elizabeth B. Norman, a trained nurse, gave minute details regarding "how the will had been drawn in Eckmau's summer tottage in Minne sota while Eckman laid on his deathbed, "Was Quite Normal." ''I was invited to spend a time with Mr. Eckman and his wife, who had been a close friend of mine," said Miss Norman in her deposition. Mr. Eckman was quite normal dur ing my stay and on the night the will was drawn he declared he wanted a will so written that his entire world ly possessions should go to his wife. "He mentioned two of his dia monds and insurance policies while conversing about his estate. He said his oldest daughter had married a worthless fellow and complained his daughters failed to mrtice him. "Because of this he said he in tended to cut his daughters off." Mrs. Eckman, who was formerly Miss Gwendola Petty, a pretty nurse, listened attentively to the deposition ; her nurse friend, and occasionally nodded as if to give1 assent to its truth. , "Mrs. Eckman wanted to wait until morning before drawing up the will," Misa Norman said,1 "but Mr. i Eckman insisted it be drawn up that, night. "There was a little table a few feet fr m his bed on the porch of, his summer cottage. The will was written, then rewritten. I was the first to sign it." - Will Is Drawn. ; Mrs. Enimet' Hannan and Mrs. F. C. Henry, Omaha stepdaughters of Eckman, are contesting the will on the ground their father was suffering from paresis, a form of insanity, at the time the will was drawn. " It is estimated the Eckman estate wilt total from $100,000 to $150,000. George Drew, a butcher at Worth Jngton. Minn., in a deposition read yesterday, said Eckman had sold him an order of goods and that he seemed perfectly sane. Eckman "might have been drinking a little," lie said. . i I ! Eckman was president of the Eck man Chemical company here. He first met his nurse-bride when she cared for him at his apartment dur ing an illness. A courtship ensued, ending when Eckman, Miss Petty and a chauffeur fcuaaiasijeGiii - Soma womti can't Ten manage a lian- so who could aspect them to men ace a real boy 'or girl? f Starts Tomorrow at tho SQ0G9 Stoves! THAT DO THE BUSI NESS AT BOWEN'S There's a difference in Stoves when selecting one you want one that will heat your rooms at a nominal expense. One that saves fuel and an other yery important item is, you want to pur chase a guaranteed stove for the least possible price. Our price tags no longer bear the old war prices, but the greatly re ' duced Low Ebb prices are in effect at' Bo wen's right now, and an abso lute .guarantee goes with each Stove. And, as usual, you make your own terms. Advertisement. drove to Minnesota and wcit mar ried enroute. Eckman died Hhe day following the midnight session in which the will was drawn and signed. Dvorce Court. Decree. Myrtle B. Smith from Sidney Smith, cru elly. Hrrnlce Qonsnlves from Manuel Gon alvre, nonsupport. Rmsle Slater from Harry Slater, non support. retltlon. Flora Pawton egslnst Melvln Dawson, nonsupport. llHtel IS. Hlllmer against H. H. Hllmer. cruelly. Bee want ads are business getters. "Black Hand" Mystery Solved; Dynamite Is Used by Road Graders The. great "black hand" dynamite mystery has been solved. The box containing 100 sticks of dynam'te found in a clump ci bushes on the banks of the Elkhorn river last Thursday by George Danielson, a "red cap" employed at the Union a road overseer. Deputy Sheriff Foster, when Red Cap Danielson reported the discov- The Shirt Sale That IS a Sale Sara ' : ' fflk YES, a real shirt sale not a handful of odds and ends, gentlemen, but hundreds upon hundreds of beautiful new Fall Shirts. ' NATIONALLY FAMOUS Eagles, Yorkes, Bates Street, Beau Brummels n OFF CELEBRATED Manhattan Shirts 30 OFP x CHOOSE FROM Tub Silks, Jersey Silks, Crepe Silks, Broadcloth Silks, Silk and Linen, Silk and Satin Stripes, Madras, Russian Cords, French Madras, Per ctdesSunray Madras and a host ot other exclusive weaves and patterns. 2j00 Shirt One-thlrd Off $1.35 $ 2.50 Shirts One-thlrd Off $1.65 $ JUKI Shirts One-third Off 82.00 &&0 Shirts Ope-third Off $2.35 $ 4.00 Shirts One-thlrd Off .. ..... 82,65 $ 4.50 Shirts One-third , Off V. ..$3.00 $ 6.00 Shirts One-third Off $3.35 $12.50 SUrts One. 6.00 Shirts One-third. Off $4.00 650 Shirts One-third Off $4.35 $ 7.50 Shirts One-third Off $5.00 $ 8.50 Shirts One-third Off $5.65 $10.00 Shirts One-third Off $6.75 $11.00 Shirts One-third Off $7.35 $11.60 Shirts One-thlrd Off ST.fiK third Off, $8.35 YOUR Hat Store for Several Reasons UNLIMITED selection from leading makers the newest of the new. styles the most careful service by v expert hat . men. ' See the new ,1 CLOTH HATS AND CAPS STETSONS, BORSALINOS, C& K'S., MALLORYS. CONNETTS, VELOURS, SOFT AND DERBY, $5 TO $20 Nebraska Extra Talne Hats $4 85 86 Men and boys, we take care of you with equal effort to please Largest selection of Cloth Hats aad Caps. Prices range $1.00 to $5.00 jom SMNtsum .vrvasaasasBiMaisi : CORRECT .'.f'PAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Quicker Time to Chicago on Hock Island Evening Train Effective November 21st, time of Train No. 14 to Chicago will be shortened. This train will, leave Omaha at 6!08 p. m., one hour and eight minutes later than at present, and .will, arrive in Chicago (La Salle Street Station) on present scheduled time, 8:35 a. m. Train No. 302, which now leaves Omaha for Des Mpines at 12:35 p. m., will leave at 4 :30( p. m. under the new time card. Schedules of all other trains will remain unchanged. Tickets or reservations at Consolidated Ticket Office, 1416 Dodge Street. Telephone Douglas 1684, or'at Union Station Ticket Office. J. S.IVlcN ALLY, Division Passenger Agent 312 Railway Exchange BIdg. 1ST station, belongs to John Ilolfeldt, era to him, said he thought it might have been shipped here by the "black hand." Deputy Sheriff Hoye went out and took the dynamite to the neighboring home of County Com missioer Compton near Waterloo. Conipton said he thought it might belong to Holfeldt. Hoye hunted up Holfeldt. "Yes, that's my dynamite," said Holfeldt I use it on county road work. 1 use it to blow up stumps and rocks and not to blow up people and t wish folks would let my dyna mite alone." Full 15 Years Given Assailant of Girl Clarence C. Portfr, . chauffeur, was sentenced to 15 years in , the penitentiary yesterday by District Judge Troup for attacking Grace Gisliuii, 15. Porter had "picked up" the Gishan girl in his automobile and taken her to a deserted spot near the Forest Lawn cemetery, according to evi dence introduced in his recent trial in district court. "I could give you from one to 20 years," observed Judge Troup, "but I'll give you a flat sentence of 15 years to make sure you'll not be released." Using a bling shotgun shell as the propulsive force, gun has been in vented to shoot confetti high in the air over a crowd. One Minute Store Talk "Let the buyer beware," used to be the policy in clothes selling. This store changed all that in Oma ha to "let the buyer be protected." But from some of..' the so-called sales going on, it seems that some stores forget that people have eyes of their own and a keen sense of values. "No wonder your store is crowded with eager cloth ing buyers," said an ob-t serving customer. I Why be satisfied J with 1 than Greater Nebraska values? -JOHN A. SWANSON, Pres. WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treas. THE SUPREME CLOTHING ATTRACTION ' OF THE WEST-OUR GREAT. Price Revision Campaign' , Finest of Fine Clothes at New Low Price Levels 7es,a price revision that brings to you clothing values unequaled in years. Values that practically put you, the customer, into the market today as a wholesale buyer. Next spring clothing prices, at wholesale, will be lower. That won't keep you warm this winter, but this Greater Store's dras tic action will. Determined to go the limit in lower pricing this Fall and Winter, we have at the very opening of the season , Deliberately Underpriced - -r Every Dollar's Worth ot Our Magnificent Stocks of Winter Suits, Overcoats, Motor Coats YOU SAVE $10 to$25C0MPARE! ,You must further realize that here is the most carefully selected stock and by far the largest be tween Chicago and the Coast; also, that every dollar's worth is strictly highest grade Clothing not a penny's worth of indifferent stuff bought for sale purposes. ( - r . In Justice to Yourself, See the Entirely Unequaled Values Here Saturday at STORE ih-'A l-'-'A closes fc'J-;fV;Utv-; 6p.m. ivnP'il SATURDAY j ' ' ft f: tfe V'v 1 ffS . 4 !ri WJ '2S ?30 $3S $40$S0 . i . A Special Value LfTt) en s a oung Demonstration at vptiryU' Men's Smart Suits Values up to $65.00. Inspect, Compare! , Even the very finest exclusive hand-tailorjed clothes at $60, $65, $70 and $75 are underpriced to save you $20 to $25. No such values elsewhere. ' .To Every Man and Young Man We direct to your attention the truly wonderful suit values we've assembled in this great group at $40.00. Not the flimsy, nondescript weaves of the war period, but sturdy worsteds as well ' as high grado'Cheviots, Cassimers, Velours, in a host of rich, new autumn colorings and pattern effects. All sizes. Prepared to Serve Every Man--Here's Red From the universal Chesterfield to the great, big all-enveloping storm coat ; from the superb leather-lined fur collar overcoat to the sumptuous fur-lined gar ment. The limit of overcoat production is provided in our matchless displays of America's finest overcoats. An exposition of Fall and Winter suits, so far, in a class by itself for diversity of styles and range of fabrics that no man or young man can afford to miss inspec tion today. In all the west not another such complete display of finest of fine .Clothes. The Nation's Style-Leading Clothes Makers THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER, - HICKEY-FREEMAN QUALITY SOCIETY BRAND, FASHION PARK LANGHAM HIGH and many other celebrated lines, assembled at this Greater Store and every garment involved in our radical price revision campaign. MsiTs, Young Men's, Yaunisr Young Men's and Boys' Clothing, Entire Second Floor Mala Budding and Annex. SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY. fJ I .-J. 7 1 1L l J J J 1 J Jill jiiM HHN A SWANSON.rms WM I COMPARE OUR VALUES ALWAYS. Hard-to-fit men, your Clothes troubles spread out into a smile here. Stouts, Short Stouts, Slims, Young Stouts, big men, short men, men of regular or h regular proportions can be fitted here with custom satisfaction in Clothes ready-to-wear. . - CORRECT APfAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN. .v. :