THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1U, 1920 Official Is Sure ttY" Fund Will Be Oversubscribed . Contributions Total $43,788 Campaign Will Close With m Thanksgiving Offering 'v Tuesday Night. i: ' Team workers in the $70,000 bud , tet campaign of the Youngr Women's Christian association wilt assemble m the auditorium of the Y. W. C A, 1 Tuesday night. November 23 at gmu for a x hanksaivine onertnir, This, will mark the formal close of ; the campaign. The last of the dailv reports will be submitted today when the final tancheon will take place. Between today and Tuesday night the work ert will endeavor to call up all per tons who have not been given an opportunity to. contribute to the fund, making a complete report at l uesday night dfnner. . Oversubscription Expected. Mrs. George r. Gilmore, president of the local board of directors and general chairman of the campaign , executive committee, stated last night that she feels confident the campaign find will be oversubscribed when the faial reDort is in. .The report of the four divisions . , . . . . no rst f ! ! yesicruay loiauea $j,ioo.oi, uruiniim the grand total up to $45,788. The renort of , the business women's vision was $438; women's teams, .. $1,094.50; Initial gifts, $l,5au; negro women, ?IUo. Rabbi Frederick Cohn was the principal speaker at yesterday's meeting. Miss Mary Louise Guy, executive secretary of the Camp Fire girls, and Mr. Hoy, rteaa ot tne coy Scouts, spoke briefly. Additional large subscriptions yes Br. Palmer FWidlsy .......00 Or. Joseshtn Anuttmns 100 Oymnssium Olrle (additional) Mlokel Bit, (additional) .... W. A. Wolf Co. Winch Fuller Mil Trlnna-la. ..... DO ..... r.9 64 Kllse Cimra UeriH Ada Campbell A. J. Love 60 Divorce Court. Itl.nM. flj.rM. Pbilllp Huffman from Adalyne Huff--ata. cruel and Inhuman. ' J alia Dreuth from John Dreuth, cruelty. ' Gladys MeKenney from Lafayette Mo Kenney. extreme cruelty and nonsupport Leonard Turner from Anna Tomer, ex ' treme cruelty. Mabelle K. Uddelt from Albert A. Lid toll, nonsupport. ADVERTISEMENT Eases At once! Relief with " Pape's Cold Compound' The first dose cases your cold !,, Don t stay stuHed-up! yuit blow ing and snuffling! A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ' ends all grippe misery. - Relief awaits youl Open your clogged up nostrils and the air pas sages of your head; stop nose run; relieve the headache, dullness, feverishness, sneezing, soreness and Stiffness. "Pape'g Cold Compound" is the e-uickest, surest . relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance. Tastes nice. Contains no quinine. Insist on Pape's! nifW!ir""' Kl;.imtmtHHIHIHiiimi .llll.i, llWWll Use Your Credit 3?riday OUTING NIGHT GOWNS Cods Friday's Ejttraordinary Off er in the Gigantic $100,000 Purchase Sale Another thrilling' headline special that will add to the fame of this great . sale. Outing gowns at a price far less than the material alone would cost. IITls. eft SOT j.,m A Sk .ess. au.2J. - 1 . s wium wwiuciu uw resist, sucu muney-savingB V Splendid Weight Outing Neat Patterns All Sizes Gowns thai are cut very liberally; neatly trimmed . In Just 40 Dozen Clowns Involved Don't Delay Rabbi Cohn Endorses Drive of Y. W. C. A. Rabbi Frederick Cohn Issued the following endorsement of the $70,000 budget campaign of the Young Women's Christian as sociation yesterday: "I am glad to give my hearty endorsement to the Y. W. C. A. campaign to raise $70,000, now being conducted in this city. Whereas it is true that the asso ciation is conducted under Christian auspices, it is broadly religious and its benefits are Con fined to no particular sect or denomination. It serves Catholic and Protestant, Jew and Gentile alike in its home for working girls, summer camp and its in numerable other activities, all of which make for the spiritual and moral uplift and welfare of the entire community. It deserves to be considered a public and civic institution and is therefore enti tled to and I hope it will receive the liberal support of all our citi zens." . "... Water Board May Go To Law for More Room The Metropolitan Water board will allow the city council one more guess on the proposition ot grant ing to the board additional office space in the city hall for the pro posed consolidation oi water ana gas departments. A few days ago the water board transmitted to the council a written demand" for the desired space. The council advised the board, through R. B. Howell, its general manager, that the citv hall space in question would be granted for a consideration of $10,000 a year, the money to be used toward city hall maintenance. The water board told the city council that the law imposes a duty unon the council to provide "ade quate quarters" in the city hall for the uses of the Water board. The water board has been advised by its counsel, J. L. Webster, that the law is on its side. The law may be "called in to en force the contention of the water board, according to recent indica tions. ' Commissioner Dan Butler Favors City Manager Plan City Commissioner Dan. B. Butler declared yesterday that he favors the city manager plan of govern ment. He believes that with a board of directors of about three members to whom the manager would be re sponsible, and with a consolidation of certain departments, efficiency would be increased and many thousands of dollars saved. He also declared for, a consolida tion of the city and county govern ments. Police Seeking Alleged Distiller Who Escaped Police are . searching for John Glasper, 3406 Patrick avenue, alleged distiller of intoxicating liquor. City Detective Gleason and Federal Pro hibition Officer Patrick Ford made a raid on Glasper's premises, Wednes day evening. Glasper fled and Gleason pursued, tiring at the neemg man. He believes one of the shots struck Glasper, The officers say they found three stills and 200 gallons of mash in the house. " Driver Who Killed Negress Held for Investigation A coroner's iurv. sittintr yesterday at the undertaking establishment of ! Silas Johnson, held Drew Sutton, j chauffeur for F. H. Davis, for "furth- i er investigation by the county at- : torney" in connection with the death ; of Mrs. Ida Saunders, 45, regress, i 4934 Cuming street, killed when she ; was struck by an automobile last Tuesday evening, near Park avenue on Farnam street. For building railings of iron pipe hemispherical joints have been pat ented, which can be riveted in posi tion at any angle. 1417 Douglas Street Regular $3.50 and $4 Values tua, yuttcs ana pocsets; every aesired color, plain and fancy. Two Gowns to a Customerr-Come order to permit as many as possible to snare in this big special, we will limit two gowus to a customer. Dr. J. M.Aikin, Noted Specialist in Omaha, Succumbs to Illness Dr. J. M. Aikin, 63, resident of Omaha for 32 years, and a noted specialist in nervous and mental dis eases, died yesterday afternoon at 4 at the Methodist hospital after an illness of two months. He was oncrated on October 10 for an obstruction in the stomach. He is survived by his wife and his daughter, Mrs. Willard Slabaugh. Dr. Aikin wos secretary ot the Ne braska State Medical society for several vcars and was eclitor of the Nebraska State Medical Journal. He was a graduate of the Univer sity of Iowa Medical school. He was a member of the First Presbyterian church and an officer of that church. His home was at SOU Webster street Funeral services will be held from AWVEKTISEMENT For Corns Little or , Big-Use "Gets-It" Slept Cora Pain. Instantly and Re moves Them Completely. Whether your "pet" ii on top or be tween, the toe, no matter how big or how email or how "tender" three drops of "Gets-It" will lift you right out ot your misery. You will laugh to tee how quickly The Only Way to Cure a Corn it to Remove It, with "Cete-It" your corn lets so its crip, how It eurls rltht ud and dies 10 you can lift it off with your fingers. It's folly and nonsense to pare and trim a corn trying to ease Its pain when "Gets-It" will easily rid you of It entirely. ' "Gets-It" ia sold at all dure stores and eoats but a trifle. Your money back on re quest. Mid. by E. Lawrence & Co., C, ChU easo. j. tramrth ot delicate, mat, run DwDle In Mrs wacks1 time Is SSan Instances. Used DTOTer 4.000.000 fMOnle dened fie farmer united Snnnsllv ami hiiTfe en- States Senators ud Members r Commas. well-knAem nhrel. m and fanner Public Health olTi Auk your Artrtii a- drnniat about Is. Avoid dantreroaa inbstitntes. t'mr eaie by the 6 asermsn McDonnell drug stores and all other good druggists. Sharpens Vision . Bon-Opto gives quick relief to in flamed, aching, itching, burning, work strained and watery eyes. Best drug gists recommend and guarantee satiav faction or will refund your money. 1 Use Your Credit Friday; Early ' 3ale Starts Promptly 9 a. m. Helps '-z3 Weak Relieves Vj Friday 3rd Floor the residence Saturday afternoon at 2:30. , Sunshine Starts Up Marriage Permitj Rush People watch their step on cloudy days, observed "Cupid" Stubendorf, marriage license clerk at v the court house. ' i "Why, I arrived at work early yes terday morning and didn't do a bit of business till 11 o'clock," he con tinued.' "It was cloudy. When JJie sun came out at 11 they began, to stream in for licenses. "Funny thing," he mused, opening his license book. "First four people to come in after 11 yesterday were Phoenix Hosiery Is accepted as the best by most well dressed men and women. ' Their Pure Silk Thread assure you lasting wear ing quality their strong, sheer fabric assure you a snug fit and their rich, permanent colors and shades give many months of well-dressed Service. , ' Our assortment of Phoenix Hose is complete. Here you will' always find the shade to harmonize with your suit or dress.. Two Phoealx Stores, IMS Farnam Street and SOS South iota Street, ADVERT IS KMBNT Uric Acid Treatment 75c Bottle (32 doses) FREE just because you start the day wor ried and, tired, with aching1 head, burning and bearing down pains in the back worn out before the day begins -do "not think you have to stay in that condition. Be strong and well. Get rid of j the pains, stiff joints, sore muscles rheumatic suffering, aching back or kidney trouble caused by acids. Get more sleep, If your rest is broken half a dozen times a night, you will appreciate the comfort and strength this treatment gives. Rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles, and all other ailments due to excessive acid, no matter hoV chronic or stubborn, yield to The Williams Treatment. Send this notice and 10 cents to pay part cost of postage, packing, etc. to The Dr. D. A. Williams Co., Tr84, P. O. Bldg., East Hampton, Conn. You will receive a 75c bot tle (32 doses) free, by parcel post. No further obligation on your part Only one free bottle to any family or address. Take Qrovo'o Laxative Popular all over the for .Colds, Grip and Preventive." Be sure its Tho genuine bears this signature Price 30c. sss ISJ 4- all named Taylor. Look and see for yourself." The four Taylors were entered in the following order: Florence M. Taylor and J. Guy Hays of Lincoln, Harry A. Taylor and Pearl Johan nessen of Omaha, Henry L. Taylor of Omaha and Verna V. Smith of Fremont; Charles P. Taylor and Ida E. Phillips of Council Bluffs. Asks Divorce From Man Who Balked at Living With Her Marie A. Sonin, 4920 Capitol ave nue, filed suit in district court yes terday for a divorce from Jacob Ed ward Sonin. She says her husband told her the law might make him support her but could not compel him to'liye with her. She says he has an income of $10,000 a year. Quickly i Soothes fF ItcKng JX Scalps -Treatment: Gently rub Cu t4cura r : a uiutiucni. with the end of the finger, on soots ol HanrlnifF nnH itchiner. Fotfow next mornim with a hot shampoo of Cuticura Soap. repeat in two weens, nothing bet ter than these fragrant super-creamy emollients for ail akin and sraln troubles. - "t '"U-'fJ'''1- Address: CiMeankb sreteries, Ouiaes M. Km." Sold every where. Soap ate. Ointments and Mc. Talcum lee. Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. tafoloto Worlaf as a remedy Influenza and as a uromo PAIN-, ' I I 1 Oil SDOtS ol Burglars Baiter Down Office Door and Rob Safe Having battered down an office door of the A. Ziprmau Goal com pany. 71S South thirteenth street. Wednesday night, burglars broke open a safe with a pick and crowbar and stole $600 in cash and $500 worth of liberty bonds. ) Hans Nielsen, fingerprint expert of the Police 'department, took copies of finger marks found on the sate, to Use in identification of suspects. AHVKHTISKMKNT Kiddies' Coughs Can . Be Eased Quickly Dr. King's New Disco, ery will do that very thing, easily and quickly. (ON'T ay, "Poor 1 little kiddie, I wish Iknei knew what to do for youl" When the cough firat cornea, give a little Dr. Kins' New Discovery as directed, and it will aoon lie eased. It's a good family cough and cold remedy, too. Loosens up the phlegm, clears up the cough, relieves the con gestion. No harmful drugs. For fifty years a standard remedy for colds, coughs, grippe. At your druggists, 60c and $1.20 a bottle. For colds andcoughs Dr.Kiiigs New Discovery Make Bowels Normal Habit formingpurgatlves, when taken for constipation, rack the system vio lently. Nature's way is the way of Dr, King's Pills gently and firmly regulat ing the bowels, eliminating the intestine clogging waste. Same old price, 25c. iPrvmptVorit Gripe tVs Pills ADVEHTI8KMEXT WITHIN THE REACH of every w o m a n h e a 1 1 h and strength. They're brought to you by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. Take this med icine, and there's a safe and certain benefit for the chronic weaknesses, derangements and i dis eases peculiar to women. It will build up, strength- m, and invigorate run down" or delicate women. It regulates and assists. At some period in her life, a woman requires a special tonic and nervine. -; If you're a tired or afflicted froman turn to -'Favorite Pre scription," you will find it seldom fails to benefit' n UrKir An 1 Y 'air! I 1 1 1 1 '' I j : I r I r j" r r r KLWlI Js-stseaaJl ffi ITT Escaped an Operation There is nothing in the world a woman so much fears as a surgical operation. Often they are necessary, but often not; and many nave . been avoided by the timely use of that good old-fashioned root and herb remedy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you are( suffering from some dread ailment peculiar to your sex, why not profit by the experience of these two women whose letters follow? These Two Women Saved from Operations. Cedar Rapida, Ia.M After the birth Sandusky. Ohio.4? After the birth of of my last child I had spells they would unfit me entirely for my housework. I suffered for months and the doctor said that my trouble was organio ulcers and I would have to have an operation. That was an awful thing ' to me,with a young baby and four other . children, so one day I thought of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and how it had helped me years before and I decided to try it again. I took five bottles of Vegetable Compound and used Lydia RPinkham's Sanative Wash and since then I have been a well woman, able to take care of my house and family without any trouble or a day's pain. I r am ready and thankful to swear by your medicine any time. I am forty-four years old and have not had a day's ill ness of any kind for three years." JMrs. IL Koenics 617 Ellis Iilvd, Cedar ltapias, lowa. Thousands of Such Letters Prove the Curative Value of 1 Rta&fofe Cssommboo 39 t LYDIA C.PiNKMAM MCDICINC CO LYNN.lAlfl. Thanksgiving Sale of Blue Bird Binner Sets Saturday at Union Outfitting Co. I I -. sss Sale is the Result of a For tunate Purchase at Very Low Prices Housewives Desiring a New Set for Thanksgiving Should Attend Sale Just In tim for the Thftnksfiv. ing table the Union Outfitting P.ninnnnv nlncps n Snpinl Pni. chase of Dlnnerware on sale next Saturday at about HALF the regular selling prices. The Dinner Sets are particu larly attractive. A pretty tinted Autumn leaf border, mingled with flying Blue Birds makes a distinctive and unusual design. They can be had in 31, 150 and 100-piece sets, and due to the im mense ourchase, sale prices are just about half. The pattern is so unusual and the vlaues so extraordinary that every housewife with a Dinner ware need should plan on attend ing the Bale. This sale is further evidence of the ever-increasing Buying Power of the Union Outfitting Company located outside of the High Rent District. No transac tion is ever considered complete until the customer is fully satis fied. Advertisement. The scientific blending of v i sssssnsaTSSSBsnaa. , . . . of benefit to persons who suffer from Nervousness Slceplessnes Depression Loss ol Appetite i Brain Fag Digestive Troubles Slow Beeovery from lallaenza and Kindred Ailments Are you run down? Are you irritable? Are you over worked? Then try this approved remedy and satisfy youself of its beneficial In tredients. In original I6-01. bottles only. BRI-ACEA DRUG CO. Sole Manufacturers For Sale by Kansas City. Mo. 1 MERRITT DRUG 6TORES , f No. 1809 So. No. 2 2002. Farnam Street and leading Nebraska druxz'irt". SSQBE such painful my baby 1 had doctor said it was caused by too heavy lifting and I would have to have an operation. I would not consent to an operation and let it go for over a year, having my6lster do my work forme as I was not able to walk. One day my aunt came to see me and told me about your medicine said it cured her of the same thing. I took Lydia E. llnkham's Vegetable Compound and used Lydia K rinkham's Sanative Wash and they have cured me. Now I do my own housework, washing and ironing and sewing for my family and also do sew ing for other people. 1 still take a bottle of Vegetable Compound every spring for a tonic. I recommend your medicine to others who have troubles' similar to mine and you can use my letter if you ' wish.w-Mrs. Pact, Papknfcse, 1825' Stone St.. Sandusky, Ohio. The Boy of Today Is the Man of Tomorrow. It's Up to Us, Right Now, to Decide What Kind of a Man That Shalf Be. Starts SUNDAY at the SQ0G9 reliable vegetable remedies 16th Street. organic trouble. JVly sissjff m"'mmm Ii law' f aaTaC M tfc I I a mm VI H i sWissataeaisjSaaaaeBa.