"Guilty" Say Six, i Prisoners, All :j Are Sent to Pen $ ' ' , . .... Jt ur Thief Arrested - Last :;Week, Now He Is on Way ;, To Prison 6 Sentences Aggregate 43 Years. A Sentences 'with maximum aggre- sates of 43 .years art the penitentiary lM Tfre imposed on six men who jf V- pleaded guilty to various crimes be i fort District Judge Goss yesterday. 1 1 None of the prisoners made any I Jlea, vmerefy mumbling the single word "gHHty. ' .', jj ' 'Nick Maksinionich, who was ar- rested last week for 'stealing furs f from the establishment of Dreshcr '"f I?ros., cleaners', where he was em i M ployed, pleaded guilty to a . charge ' of grand larceny arid was sentenced tj one to seven years in the peni tentiary. , Maksimonich was fol lowed bji other employes of the cleaning establishment one evening when he' is alleged to . have stolen a mink skin cape. He took it to a prearranged place and received a check fox $200 for it. The cape was yalued at $800. s Stanley C Peters, having imbibed a'" larfte quantity of Jamaica -ginger the night of October 26. broke intos the Jiome of Barney H. Feltman. 260r Mason street, and was stealing Jany things when he was caught He was sentenced to one to seven years.- - --,, Floyd Baker and K. TDavidson, both colored, hrnloe inrn th iM of Antonio La Bue. 323 North Fif teenth .street, the night of Novem ber 8, and stole money, ; cigarets, candy and chewing gum to the value of $97,50. They pleaded guilt to day to charges of breaking an? ien ,tering and were sentenced by Judge i Goss to one to 10 veara in the neni- tentiary. -, , 'James Roberts, alias Loney White, pleaded guilty to receiving some of the stolen goods and was sent to the penitentiary for a term of one to seven years. , Tt A. XT --.! . I M. . "j -iwucn iNcai, picaaing gamy 10 a iV charge of carrying concealed wea- 1 pons, was sonf to the penitentiary ior a term not to, exceed two years. 7 j Ghurcli Refuses to Aid ;! In Red Cross Campaign ' Goshen, Ind., Nov. 17. The church of the Brethren of Goshen, by its social welfare committee, notified Elkhart county chapter of ttfe American Red Cross that it will refuse to co-operate in the member ship drive to be conducted here and that it will advise all the members ofi its populous congregation not to subscribe to, or .contribute funds to Kthc Red, Cross because that or ganization had distributed and is dis tributing, tobacco to soldiers in the United States army and navy and because advertising matter for to bacco" firms is accepted for publica tion in the Red Cross magazine. The church holds that eminent au thorities declare use .of tobacco to be injurious to health and vitality. ! 1 Better Elements Ban Nisht Riders All Forces of Southern States I o-Operate Now to Prevent- Further Lawlessness. Little Rock; Ark., Nov. 17. Re sponsible sentiment in this state is running strongly against night rid ing which has been undertaken in this and other cotton growing states to prevent the ginning and market ing of cotton at the present low price. Representative ' planters, bankers and business . men feel strongly that this lawlessness is giv 'nar the south a "black eye." ' At a recent meeting of the Arkan ca division of the American Cotton association here, night riding' was condemned as an act ot gross ignor ance. Governor Brough has taken a vigorous stand' against night rid ing and he has had further support, among others, from Claude , Fitz oatrick president of the Arkansas- Bankers' association. All the forces of the state and local governments in Arkansas are now co-operating to prevent further lawlessness in the cotton ginning centers. ii t ' tr:l. ...... i Many gormm vi viuicuvc. I. This counter movement is believed to be doing much to stdp the activi ties of night riders. Mass meetings have been held hi many towns and the co-oneration of the citizens has been proffered officers in maintaii;- ing order. Acts of violence for which night rulers have been given credit in Ar-I.-nnsas have taken various forms. In addition Jo the burning ( of gins, warehouses and other ' property, fumers v. ho attempted to market tbtir cotton have been threatened with death or severe t punishment, and in some cases have been badly maltreated. ,, ? - l Families Are Intimidated. Negro families have been- in timidated "and driven from --their homes irccause they sought employ ment or- worked as cotton pickers. Hundreds of cotton gins in various sections of the state lhaye been' post ed with warnings against continuing to buy and gin. cotton, the threaten ed - penalties-, for not ' heeding the warning including destruction of the plants and forefeiture of the lives ol the owners. In one county-eight men now are awaiting action of the grand jury on a charge of setting fire to a ginnery, sud in another section of the state three white farmers have been sen tenced to a vear's imprisonment and Lassessed heavy fines for intimidation of negro cotton pickers. . . . A motor operated tool in which knives are revolved has been de signed for stripping insulation from the ends of wires. -' . Bee want ads are best business getters. - v. - I Delegates to League Assembly; In Warm Clash N Hot Debate Staged Over Ques tion of How Open Discus- sion Might'; Apply tov '. Work of Body. By The Associated Press. , Geneva," Nov., 17. How. far the principle of open discussions might apply to the work -of the assembly of - the league of - nations was a question which furnished the feature of 'Tuesday's sessions. - Ir brought into contest for the first time in a sharp debate two of the chief fig ures among the delegates. Lord Robert, Cecil, representing South Africa, contended for open meetings of the committees as well as of the; full assembly. Kens Viviani, ot the French delegation, stoutly defended the parliamentary tradition of pri vate committee work with subse quent publication of the minutes. His view prevailed after a "pro longed discussion. v Lord a Kobert pieaaea strongly that the assembly make a stand in favor of the full openness ot discus M. Viviani pointeed out tnataii precedents were to the contrary. In the disnatch of a nuss of business before them, committees, he said, were obliged to talk questions over privately. - r Lord Robert said that British pre cedents differed from the French. A compromise was finally reached between the two by which the com mittees willbe permitted to hold .open session when they see fit, the minutes of the deliberations to be published as soon as possible after the sessions. Signor Tittonv Italy, M. Viviani, Lord Robert Cecil "and George Nic oll Barnca engaged in another live ly clash after recess over the pro posed rule that questions on the agenda should be considered in the assembly with the eommhtces be X?rc the latter deliberated. 'Mr, Barnes called attention to the im portance of "onimittees having the views of the assembly on such im portant matter, before they began work. - Relief From Legislation - Asked by Gas Companies Newe York, No 17. A pica that gas companies be relieved from the rigidity of statutory- enactments and that legislation governing gas pro ducers be simplified, was made by George ;B. Cortelyou, president of the Consolidated Gas company of A Real Sale OVERCOATS Values from $60 to $100 these are a special purchase fronr one of our regular manufacturers while they last N . J- y f ' v --. - $40 $50 $60 If you've been 'waiting for lower Vprices on really GOOD MERCHANDISE, now is the time to investigate we promise v that you won't be disappointed. ' " r P. S.- This alctoe not affect our regular stock of Overcoats, lliiiu! Satisfied , Patients ; Have Been 'Responsible For BAILEY. Popularity iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiutiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!niliiillH IIIIIIIUHUllUUHHInllllHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIUIIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIII iiiHiiiiuill;mlinMIiiHlfMMII limilHilHIIIUINIIIHUIlHilllUlllillll ADVERTISEMENT Piles Cur9 in 6 to 14 Days DrriKKlsts refund ' money If PAZO OINT MENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles. Instantly re lieves Itching UHes, and you can get rest ful sleep after first application. 60c. New York, at' the 'opening session of the second annual convention of the American Gas association today. More than 1,000 delegates,"cpre senting 85 per cent of the natural gas industry, were present. AI1VERTIHEMKNT NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH -Apply Cream ln Nostrils To fipen Up Air Passages. ' Ahl What relief I Your clogged nostrils orJsn right up, the air pas sages of your head arc clear and you Can breathe freely. - No more hawk ing, snuffling mucous discharge, li..-1 Mm HrvneCQ tin striieclitlC" Tfor breath at night, your cold or catarrh is gone. ' Don't stay stuffed up I Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of Ahis .fragrant, antiseptic cream in ybm nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of rhe head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Ely's Cream Balm is just what every cold ana catarrn sufferer has been seeking. It's just splendid. . V i. The) Readers of The Bee Have Faith in Our Want Adi. Why? Because They - Afe Mutual Friends. The Brogue V A Smart Locking ; Durable 'Shoe for Winter. - : . . .7 Conservative, discriminating women buy Brogues. ' There - t 1 1 m 1 V 1 a. are several reasons umimy uecause oi ineir neac itpuearanco . for all occasions. ' 1 ' ' They are suitable for street," college or theater; in fact -they win admiration at all times. 1 . ., The Brogue is well built, njedium heavy,sfri rich tan calf skin with Military heels, drier are selling at thistore for $9.45 , andup. , ', . ' i 1, We have a wonderful assortment of Wool Hose and Spats for you to select from. - SHOE MARKET 320 South )6th Street Conant Hotel Bid. NO CHARGES NO DISCOUNTS NO REFUNDS ' PPllllIIPiiillllH Golden Oak Dining Suite Bargain ! 1 Here is a beautiful and complete dining" suite bar- HH gain finished in the beautiful golden oak. Has . large round; extension table that is very sturdily g constructed and six chairs. Chairs have the long H wearing imitation Spanish leather seats; This is' indeed a bargain that can't be duplicated anywhere U . else in the city SaVe from ?10.00 to $20.00 right , here. Trice for tomorrow redutbd to only:.... '. " g : t In oar Prothetic Deptrt- I :W ment done vrf employ four of .;;H the best operators in the prd i S fession. This .work is in Kf charge ot and under the com Jjl plete control of a man who. was formerly at the head of v :I Boston's largest dental labora i s tory and by securing his ex If , j pert services we have been in N position to establish the only - ... p. PORCELAIN LABORA Ifg TORY there is in this part'of !, ' s the country. Vi vi I. " 1 S 3 , It: He . specializes in making the Porcelain Shells, or new enamel for the teeth, a pro cess that restores the natural appearance of each disfigured tooth so perfectly that you cannot distinguish it from your other teeth. This method of restoration permits the saving of the life of each tooth so treated as there is no occa sion whatever to kill the nerve which is the Blood supply. 'This is a prominent feature of- BAILEY- DENTISTRY and ftjis well deserving of your investigation. , , I G i OR. Ck P. .8HIPHERD, Vie Pres. & Gen. Mgr. You Can Safely - Recommend 1 BAILEY J DENTISTRY ToYoiir Friends. 1 1 I. ii Economy EXfocipncy .. ,s Reliability Guarantee: Seven Years Ago Dr. Shipherdfas vice president and general manager ; of the Bailey Dental' Co., recognized the neen of a plan in dental science that would eliminate many of the un satisfactory practices then prevailing. He studied and . experimented with untiring energy and the remark able growth and progress of, bis organization Is a splendid tribute to the soundness of his theories. , - ' V Dr. Shipherd was among the first to Introduce the X-Ray in Omaha as applying to the practice of den tistry and thus he completely revolutionized one of the most- Important features of dental diagnosis. Another Important move by Dr. Shipherd in his efforts to put dentistry on a higher plane , of satisfaction was, theN naming of ONES FEB tocover the patient's case. In. other words, he Introduced a plan that 'absolutely ., eliminated all uncertainty In: the patient's mind as toi what the expense would be in completing every feature ot the work required In their case. r, - - i . ' ' In pursuing his aims toward BBTTER DENTISTRY . Dr. Shipherd determined upon the pol of telling every one of his patients just exactly what needed to v be done for their best interests. Many times he lias sacrificed the privilege ot caring for a case by refusing ' to perform a service in such a way that the ultimate 3 results would he disappointing to the patient - . i '4- ' ' The high regard In which BAILEY- DENTISTRY, is held by the thousands ot people who, have been our patients Is a justly earned compliment to the Meals . conceived by Dr. Shipherd seven years ago. Seven, years ago Dr. Shipherd had only four asso ciates, while now fifteen people comprise the organiza-' tion. . Each and twery member of the Bailey staff pos- uses me aouity tnat nas neen nroaaenea ana multi plied by THOROUGH EXPERIENCE. ', i ' ' -' , "t'" (If you are ia need of dental treatment and appre ciate the soundness of our policies, come In -and talk things over freely with Dr. Shipherd. He will give you personal attention and the utmost consideration. EX AMINATIONS are FREE. N ; - ' . ' "r . ' ' J". " , - ' Bailey Dental Company ' Dr. B. IV, Bailey, Fresldest - ' , laeorporated Deities. , - City KaUoaal Bask Lldg. lth aod Hsrsey. .'r Pheaeii Desglss W20, Douglas 8431 , U, , 5 The following facts in re- gart to BAILEY DENTIS- M TRY are points which are of H vital interest to you: - s Dr. Shipherd gives each and ' every patient his own person- j 'a supervision. The XRay S tells him just exactly what s condition your teeth are in and W he records their status on your f chart and from this outline" H your case is studied Jn the m most exacting detail. , He disensseswith you and W. : explains every feature so fully , and carefully that you appre ciate . the need and value of such, ', conscientious diagnosis. ; m ' 4 He tells you what the cost will "-pi be it is ONE 'FEE and, it Zcovers your case first and last. s i The price is base4 on the high- " j , est type of service and the : i kind, that will give you satis' ' ..factory results this is what you want and expect BAb ,( ZEYslENTISTRY guaran tees SATISFACTIONrWe, .request you to comet in for an examination ot your work. I from time to time and, any al- terations for the1 betterment ot the work we have done are made. FREE OFy CHARGE, The ONE FEE has covered it. - ',11 - . v l ? ' -v.-v. :.... ; I ;' I" 1 gyy ' Pheaesi , Desglas W20, Douglas U3L, y .. I J i.:,L:.i...:..ii....-.A. ' ; :.- i:- - - 1 I g""UiwiHi.inwii?illiiiiHHinni fu. 'rr.l . nMUMfiiini"""""1"""" jl!,J Expert Diagnosis. XJiay ' Examination IPIEB Chifforobe ..',.-. v. ., Comes -In: the beautiful ' golden oak finish and is just the thins; for the mall bedroom.1 Has large wardrobe, dresser drawers, 'writ-. ins desk, and lcuge French mir- , ror. Comfort Rocker r m : s..i .. irsissstsKvwj i nr ti - t i i ii . Oak .Heater :4C Here.ts the famous Loyal Regent. A wonderful oak' heater-attractively, trimmed In nickel and ex cellently constructed. Wonderful saving: for, torprirrow. , f . . - .- A cozy rocker of this kind will be i especially enticing- on a .chilly winter evening-. Upholstered in genuine Spanish leather and a real bargain for Thursday's sell ing. , Simmons Bed Hogg; 0k . a. guaranteed Simmons bed at a pnes that is trreatljr reduced. ) Comes in the while enamel or golden bronze finiwh, and is aull size double bed. You are sure to jik9 me value here. B Dining Chair $075 S Caa you ' beat this won t derful bargain ahywhre? We are sure you can't. 9x12 Heavy Grade (Nr) Ar Axminster Bugs . ipt)t37i) 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs.. 27xr54Veiyet Bags $31.95 $2.95 9x12 Seamless ' &7( AP ' Wilton Rugs .... ) I uJuo 6x9 Wilton Bugs, a 'splendid se lection of new &CQ OC patterns . n . . . . . pJO3 lvetBug?".!. $43.95 v - A large oak heater that will as sure you complete warmth the coldest days we" will have this Winter. Beautifullv trimmed In nicKei ana, a wonderful bargain. f3S .tcSmli Cook Range 75 It's a genuine cast iron range and a very rood value. Hn baking oven and four large coal holes. Also high warming closet Nickel trimmings,. 1 Special Value 75 49 Here Is.alue in great measure! Just imagine the bargain we are offering.. a genuine quarter sawed (oak buffet that is excellently constructed. Has rooroy lower drawer for linen, two large cupboard compartments, and '. two drawors at top. . 1 m Terms 54-InchTable A large. dining table that comes In 'the genuine quartersawed. oak. Is exactly a illustrated and offers a 'great "saving to the bargain-wise customer. You won't see a bargain like .this for many a day. Solid Oak 85 Tou w.ftl be sure to like 'this large solid oak dress er. Has thre - sets of roomy drawers and a large French plat mir ror, V Si i , Don't delay! Coirie , i in tomorrow and ' ' acquaint yourself -f with 1 our ' EaSy- ! 'Payme n t - P 1 a n ; whereby you pay? ! for- furniture while you are us ! lng it. Your Credit ft Is Good Use It! i a am ilMimiwii: Eiiimiimiiiiui llilillllillllllllllllil r Combination 2L Sixteenth Bet ween-Harney-and Howard llilllll A very practical and useful rat .4 for the kitchen. Burns coal wood Sr. ",. v11" kr ov ht burns -fllther coal or gas. and has high warming closet. Nickel and porcelain trimmiBga. Four coal holes and four gas heaters. I- B1 11 11-.- h ' . : -V-,-., ' . v k,' ' -..s ' . . .. " ' r : ". " " ;:' V