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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1920)
f THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1920. 5 Girl's Husband Is Jailed: Parents Long to Aid Her But Lack of Funds Holds Grief-Stricken Couple Here, Unable to Go to Daugh ter and Het Baby. In a modest little cottage out at 4352 Franklin street there's a mother longing to rush to the aid of her daughter and her tiny granddaugh ter. But more than 1,000 long miles separate the two, and, for financial reasons, the mother, Mrs. James W. Cragin, must wait here, hoping and praying for her daughter's welfare; hut unable to offer a mdther's com fort except by letter. f Mr. and Mrs. Cragin received a tlistressed telegram Tuesday night from their young daughter, Ella, in forming them her hiwband of Imt two years, Lo ten . V. Graves, had leen arrested for robbing the mails. Spend Sleepiest Night The night before they bad received a long distance telephone call from Henderson, 'N.' C" For a moment they actually heard the frenzied voice of Ella, but were unable to un- derstand her. The, connection was then lost and the parents spent a sleepless night, wondering what fate had' befallen their dear one. , Dispatches from Henderson in formed them yesterday morning Graves was caught with $17,000 in cash and $1,000 in Liberty bonds se ct eted in a spare tire on his auto ir.cbile, and held by postal authori ty. They were surprised at the appar ent dishonesty of their son-in-law, but thought only of their young daughter, recently the iiiolhfr of a baby girl, far away among jirange people. Married at Y. M. C A. "We thought Loren Grave was honest, that he would make Ella the best kind of a husband," said Mrs. Craginstif fling a sob. "He met Ella five years ago in Battle Creek, la. "When we moved to Omaha he came here and securefl employment with the American Express com pany. He entered the United States mad service on October 17, 1918,! shortly after he and Ella were mar-j ried at the Y. M. C. A. . "They live, apparently happjr. in a little cottage at 6020 Hbncy street. ; They were near us ind w rejoiced j in the happiness of our daughter. Wipes Away a Tear. "Then Loren asked to be trans-: f erred ta North Carolina. He was j a southerner, and" although w j wanted our daughter near us we did j i ot ODjcct to tneir going. Mrs. Cragin paused, to wipe a stray tear from her eyes and continued brokenly: "I-l'm afraid my daughter's life is ruined. She wanted her father to come to her, but we telegraphed her he couldn't come. We are cot wealthy, but we'll always be able to give Ella and her baby daughter a home. She knows that We'll raise the money somehow for her to come to US. ., - ; , "Oh, how'she must need me! But I can only stay here and pray she will come back to us." Leads Butterfly Life. Graves ability to purchase expen sive automobiles and to lead he but terfly life of thd idle rich, despite his small salary, aroused suspicions of postal authorities, according to re ports. 1 - Investigations showed his tather-'in-law here had been giving him no money. Postal officials here had no evidence to'indicate Graves' dishon esty while working at' the Omaha federal building, where he was em ployed at a registered mail station, although "registers" had been miss ing from his station on several occa sions. - - , -- Mr. Cragin, who is an employe of the Butler Bros, company, said he would do nothing to assist his son-in-law, but would "somehow raise money to bring his daughter home." , , 1 ' U.S. Ships to Aid in Evacuation of Crimea Washington, Nov. 17. Vice ( Ad miral Hnse at London reported to the Navy department that he was sending all available American naval vessels to the Black sea to evacuate Americans from the Crimean area. fie also said he had ordered the misers Chattanooga and Olympia. the fuel ship Jasen. the Ramapo and all destroyers in the Mediterranean to report to Rear Admiral Andrews at Constantinoule. . . r z Woman Is Killed by t ' . Auto, Driver Arrested Killed instantly when struck by an automobile driven by Drew Sut ton, 4934 Cuming street chauffeur for F. H. Davis, Blackstone hotel, at Farnam street and Park avenue. Tuesday night Mrs. Ida Saunders, regress, 45. 213 South Twenty-ninth street was dragged 25 feet by Sut ton's machine. Sutton did not stop after the ac cident and was apprehended by George Hoffman. 204 North Fifty second street who pursued him. Po lice say Sutton was speeding. He is held without bond. N Workers Raise $40,444 of $70,000 In Y. W. C. A. Drive Reports of workers in the Y. V. C A. $70,000 budget campaign Tues day noon were $6,079.65 for the preceding 24 bouts, making the grand total $40,444.82. , The Omaha Clearin House doubled its sub scription of $1,000 and many other contributors fallowed suit The negro women's division, reported 4 $1,001.50 contributed by the negro business men of the city." Mrs. Grant Williams snd Dr. Paul Cal houn spoke at the noon meeting of the workers. Commander of Siberian Forces Visits San Francisco San Francisco, Nov. 17. Brig. mander-in-chief of the American forces in Siberia who left Siberia tor Manila in April, was here today from Manila en Toute to Camp Dur, N. J. .He said that the last hand ful of American forces in Siberia,"! A group remaining to -handle return of army equipment had left Siberia Will Gves Initial Insight Into Double ' Life of Chicago Man Chicago, Nov. 17. Fcr nine years Mrs. Alberta Neff,, believed she was the lawful wife of W. B. Xeff. high salaried manager of the Automobile Supply Co.. who was killed a few days ago in an automobile crash at Bridgeport Conn. . Mrs. Xeff caused his body to be cremated and the ashes laid away in a casket cost in her $450.. Today his will was read and Mrs. Neff almost collapsed when the fol lowinar clauses were read by the at torney: To i Alberta Kyne, also known as Mrs. Alberta Neff, now residing in Chicago, the sum of $1,000. "To my wife, Samantha Neff. last heard of in St Louis in 1910, her dower rights, not to exceed one third of my estate. "To Miss Frances O'Herrin, now residing in Chicago, the .balance of my estate, including all clothing, jewelry, papers, etc." "I never dreamed he had another wife,", said Mrs. Neff today. "I knew about this woman, Frances O'Herrin and if there is anyway she can be punished I am going to see she gets what is coming to her." Neff was a member of the -Oak Park lodge of Elks, and was widely known and popular. , "Woman Found Not Guilty Of Killing Infant Nephew Newport, Ky., Nov. 17. A jury in the Campbell county circuit court iovnd Mrs. Ida Warner not guilty of the charge of murdering Stanley Williams, her infant nephew. Mrs. Warner was tried on one of three indictments in connection with the death by poison last September, of Stanley, months old, Shirley, 4, and Carl, jr., 2, children of Carl Wil liams, and wife. Salesman Killed When Auto Skids Over Embankment Portland. Ore., Nov. 17. Word reached here that C F. Hulswit, salesman for an Escanaba, Mich., manufacturing company, was killed yesterday 'at Vader, Wash., north of here when his automobile skidded in the mud on a mountain road and rolled down a 200-foot embankment A DVEBTISEM EXT EAT LESS MEAT IF BACK HURTS Take a glass of Salts to Flush Kidneys if bladder bothers You ' Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble Ui some form or other, says a well-known authority, because the uric acid in nieat excites the kidneys, they be come overworked; get sluggish; clog rp and cause all sorts of distress, particularly" backache and misery in the kidney region: rheumatic twin ges, severe headaches, acid stomac::, constipation, torpid liver, sleepless ness, bladder and urinary irritation The moment vour back hurts or kidneys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is rbdc from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia and has been used for generationsfto flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neu tralize th". acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending blad der disorders. ' 5 Jad Salts cannot injure anyone: makes a delightful eff ervescent lithia v.ater drink which millions of men aud women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious .kidney disease. ADVEKTISESrEST BETTER THAN WHISKY FOR GOLDSAND FLU New Elixir, Galled Aspironal, Medicated With Latest Scientific Remedies, Used and Endorsed by European and American Army Sur geons to Cut Short a Cold " and Prevent Complications. Every Druggist in U. S. In structed to Refund Price While You Wait at Counter If Relic f Does Not Come Within Two Minutes. Delightful Taste, Immediate Relief, Quick Warm-Up. The sensation of the year In . the drug trade Is Aspironal, tha two minute cold and cough reliever, au thoritatively guaranteed by tha lab oratories; tested, approved and most enthusiastically endorsed by the highest authorities, and proclaimed by the common people as ten times as quick and effective as whiskey. rock and rye. or any other cold and cough remedy they have ever tried. All drug stores are now supplied with the wonderful new elixir, so all you have to do to gut rid of that cold is to step into the nearest drug store, hand the clerk -half a dollar for a bottle of Aspironal and tell him to serve you two teaspoonf uls with four teasooonfuls of water in a glass. With your watch in your hand, take the drink at one swallow and call for your money back in two minutes if you cannot feel your cold fading away like a dream within the time limit Don't be bashful, for all drug gists Invite you and expect you to try it. Everybody's doing it. , When your coid or cough is re lieved, take the remainder of the bottle Rome to your wife and babies, for Aspironal is by far the safest and most effective, the easiest to take and the most aareeable cold and cough remedy tor Infants and cjiil ijren. . . i j Wilson Accepts Membership j In National Democratic Club I' New York, Nov. 17. President Wilson has accepted honorary life membership in the National Demo cratic club. His letter accepting the membership follows: "It is with a sense of very deep and genuine aprcciarion that I ac cept the honor tne National Demo cratic club has conferred won me by electing me an honorary life member. I am proud to have this evidence of the club's confidence and esteem." AmKKTlSESEVT RUB RHEUMATIC, ACHING JOINTS AND STOP PAIN Instant relief with a trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs Oil." smajl i Rheumatism' is "pain" only. . . Not one case in 50 requires inter nal treatment Stop drugging! Rub soothing, penetrating "St.' Jacobs Oil right into your sore, stiff, aching joints, and .relief comes instantly. "St Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheu matism liniment which never, dis appoints and cannot burn the skin. Limber upl Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle vi old. honest "St Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, and in just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic pain, sore ness and stiffness. Don't suffer! Relief awaits yon. "St Jacobs Oil", is just as good for sciatica, neural gia, lumbago, backache, sprains. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER Are Exclusive Representatives for the , Best Pianos In the World .; We exhibit the finest and most varies stock of Pianos ud Player Pianos under one roof anywhere. v AH Pianos sold on the basis of the lowest possible price according to quality. '"";. The experience we have gained during the last sixty-ons years, and the advantages accruing to us by reason of our posi tion, as the largest piano bouse in the middle west, enables as to place before you values that are truly remarkable. stunway Tha piano by which all others are measured. EMZESON Over 100,000 satisfied pur chasers will testify to it last ing tonal quality. McPHATTi A plans that stands in the very front rank. SCHMOILES & MUELLER Our own piano with a sweet, rich tone, used in thousands of homes in the middle west Bay Ifew for Xmas Delivery. Very easy terms My be ar isjt34 from IL50 per week and up. If yon cannot call, write for free catalog and special bargali list. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER South Uut St . PIANO CO. Oldest and largest Fian House fa the West. i After Thirty-seven Y e a r s 'o f Business I am Forced to Retire. ' The owners of the building want my room for a bank. I am closing out at a sacrifice as I cannot find a good location. Ryan Jewelry Co. George W. Ryan, Pres. Securities Bldg. COAL Radiant All Size. V The Cream of Fraaklia County, Illinois. $14.75 & PROMPT DELIVERY CONSUMERS COAL AND ' SUPPLY CO., "DeaUrs ia Good Coal." DoDfUt 0530. Blue Bird Dinner Sets at About Half Price Saturday at Union Outfitting Co. Fortunate Purchase Makes It Possible to Of fer Sets at About V If You- Ezpeci Guests On Thanksgiving or Xmas Don't Miss This Sale With the arrival of a carload of Dinnerware the Union Outfit ting Company announces a time ly Thanksgiving Sale that makes it possible for thrifty home makers to save about HALF on a set of beautiful dinnerware. These sets come in the famous "Blue Bird" pattern. It is one of the most popular designs in Dinnerware ever created anq is said to bring good luck to those who use it. Young couples so6n to be mar ried and brides of former years" who desire an attractive Dinner Set at a substantial saving should not overlook this "Special Purchase Sale. The Union Outfitting Com pany located just out of the High Rent District offers special in ducements to young people just starting housekeeping. As al ways, you make your own terms. . Advertisement HA&DMAN ' A piano that actually improves with use. STEGEB & SOX S An Instrument of splendid tone, durable construction. LDTDXHAN & SOHS ' A piano that has stood the test for seventy years. . PLAYER PIANOS that please the most critical buyer. Hantaan, Emerson, Lin deman A Sons, Artemis, Solo Concerto. . Buy Youj " GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE The Omaha Wholesale Grocery Co. 209 N.rtk 13 St 1 We shew auay High Grade Usee Ptaaof at f 125 aid rp. Use Players at $395 , aal up. Burn Coke In Your Base Burner or Furnace Every ton of our St. Louis "By Product Coke contains all the car bon from a ton and a half of the best bituminous coal. It holds more carbon than tne best Pennsylvania Hard Coal. $24.00 Per Ton Delivered r May we show you how to save money and increase satisfaction "by using St. Louis Coke? Sunderland Brothers Co. Maia Office, Eatire 3rd, Floor Keeliae Bldf., 17th and Harney Streets. ' Breikf Majestic Electric Heater scabies you to hare healthful, life-giving 1 beat la any room "where thsra is aa altctric oatlat. ' , It gives yoa instantaneous, tats, steady heat, where you want It, when yoa want It, as long asyou waat it with- out work, worry, odors or dirt. , All portable Majestic Electric Heaters ars equipped frith I feet ot heater cord . i ... t Uajestle Eleotrlo Heaters are the original patentee: heaters et this" type. Tbtrt ri t frUhli tyf$ liajutU Tbm tri 3 iri tjfi MqjtttU Aik ynt Staler aksof tfiftsffe Uajastk Bactric Dtvelovaaat Coaapaiy- , Vmfiihwi $t4 faiMftai UmmOr PtaieaWJt ajajeaflc cJetMc Hettm 0Nf h Crssffaa ht Jfraf f s?tsi Bedding Prices Ha fa Dropped At Bo wen's . i Yesterrfay's cold weather was but a fore runner of the colder days to come and- to come soon. It is best to prepare now secure the bed ding that will fit the weather. Another good reason, the most important rea son for buying the win ter bedding now, is that at Bowen's they - no longer ask you to pay tha old high prices. They : have been done away with. It is now the greatly reduced new prices that are in effect in this Value-Givjng store. Advertisement It gives more heat "and leaves less ash than any coal you can buy. We screen it thoroughly. tt by its tnaEke hett This - KEEPWARU No one can be happy when the house is cold, or when you have trou ble with the ' bid stove. Therefore" right now, when you . need; it most, Bowen comes to you with the message that all stoves have dropped in price that is this store's way of doing things that is our idea of serv , ice to do . when it is roost needed. " At Bowen's you will no longer be asked to pay war prices for stoves. They have all been done away with. It is now the greatly re duced new prices that are in effect in this Value-Giving Store. Advertisement Bee Want Ada Best Results Supply Your Needs 7 by Uainr H.aaV Ha M A JL E. COO. KSf Off on Our Entire Stocks Women's Coats Women's Suits Women'sDresses This is a sale without precedent so early in the season; and best of all, due to a recent trip of our Buyer to New York City, stocks are fresh and new. The styles, tailoring and materials are all that could be desired, and you will find everything you need priced at less than you expected it to be. All Suit. Vi Off All 'a $39.50 $49.50 $58.50 $69.50 $74.50 $79.50 $84.50 $89.50 $94.50 $98.50 Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits $26.34 $33.00 $39.00 $46.34 $49.67 $53.00 $56.34 $59.67 $63.00 $65.67 $19.75 $24J50 $29.50 $34.50 $44.50 $49.50 $5450 $59.50 $69.50. $79.50 Eurs , Fine scarfs, muffs, stoles, and coats J not to be excelled! in style, quality oi I moderate pricing. $12.75 $125.00 Mothers' Gift Coupon ' Colored Crayons always please a child and so on Thursday to every mother who brings this coupon to our store we will givea box of high quality, colored crayons FREE of charge. Prices Drop Along With the Temperature on Boys' CTCoats and Mackinaws "Old Time" prices on Boys' Clothes is the policy of our Boys' Department and you will find it reflected in the sturdy fabrics the careful ( tailoring and , smart good looking hbQC styles of our Boys' Over- coats and Mackinaws. The M : new price range starts at "up Boy' $20 Suits $14.92 Mother! This sale gives you an opportunity to secure a real "dress up" suit that will stand hard knocks at a reasonable hare TWO pairs of pants. Is the Delivery of Your "Bee'' Satisfactory? . The Omaha Bee aims to . give , its subscribers 100 delivery service. It will -be deemed a favor if subscribers - will report . promptly, failure to receive v their copy or any other ir regularity in the service. Telephone Tyler 1000 . Ask for Qty Circulation Dept. Shave With Cuticura Soap The Ne Way Without Mud V COMPANY M iiWJ M A 4aV AAMW iBI 111 lllf '1 4. JACKSOM STS. Coats Off All Dresses Vz Off Coats Coats Coats Coats Coats Coats Coats Coats Coats Coats $13.17 $16.34 $19.67 $23.00 $29.67 $33.00 $36.34 $39.67 $46.34 $53.00 $16.75 $24.50 $29.50 $34.50 $42.50 $49.50 $57.50 $65.00 $74.50 Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses $11.17 $16.34 $19.67 $23.00 $28.37 $33.00 $38.34 $43.34 $49.67 $53.00 $79.50 Waists New Fall Blouses in a wide variety of delightful new expressions, featur ing new suit shades," are priced up from $4.95 "E-vrry Boy bmod shoes are ffaaran terd to -ie ati faeiory wear or a new paiT free; a pair, S3.Z5. price. Many Bronchia I Troubles Booth tie irritatio aa! K rehrrp th dittrcH. .Do both qtucklv and effectnwis br nauX promptly deoeedabi retaaty . , Ea r ant a!s are business fetters. 1 ..".-