Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1920, Image 2

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Former Premier
Of Greece Is Out
For Constantine
iounari4 Declares Ex-Eniper-or
Ii Rightfully King and
. - . Will Return to Throne
After Plebiscite Held.
' i
. Athens. Nov. If. (By The As-
; Bocmtea rress.)-- Lonstanune is
our rightful i kiQg," former Premier
Gounaris, lekder c.f the successful
party In the Greek elections, told
4 the correspondent today, "and m;c
t expect mm back ns soon as a pletm-
cite is held, showing that the people
! want him." .
"We expect to assume the govern
ment in a dav or two." continued M.
Gounaris, "when the results of the
elections become" official.' Then we
shall quickly call the chamber and
nave a plebiscite.
Constantine to Return
"It was the intention of Constan
i tine to return after the plebiscite,
and I h,ave no jnessageso far from
him that he is .coming earlier. '
. ''If the plebiscite shows the people
J want Constantine, I do not see why
Frirtjce or Great Urilaiii should in
terfere. We wran he elections be
cause the people regarded the
'n,lcta a, ii.i'iMipre hv fnrf. "
:' "We wish to; avoid civil warVandfl
'further troubles:: We shall pursu
, a' policy
of conciliation, not vengeJ
vard'the Venizelists. We
:.ance. towa
; o not anticipate a revo t in me
.: army.,which is really Ganstantimst,
Queen Mother Is Regent. -
Queen Mother Olga of Greece
will probably assume the regency
todatf. it wariearned here this fore-
noon. (The queen mother is tVrvVery article stolen,
widow, ot the late King Ueorge, wno
was assassinated at Saloniki in 1915,
Admiral Coundouriotis is the present
regent.) i v 1
.It is believed here'that the allies
Vill make known) to Greece their in
tention not to recognize Constan
tine should the ex-king be restored
-to the throne. ;
Constantine Motors N
To Geneva and Puts
On Big Celebration
. I'ntTSnal Sorrlre Staff Corrtnpondant.
Geneva, iov. 17. Accompanied
by the Princess Christopher, who
was the former Mrs. Leeds, widow
fti the American multi-millionaire,
i-former King Constantine of Greece,
last night motored into Geneva from
v Lucerne, and immediately proceeded
to celebrate the victory of his party
in tne tareek elections by an elabor-
- ate dinner, witBi.champ&'gne, and all
the accdmpanying delicacies at his
' ' hotel.
The former Mrs. Leeds in an in
terview catagorically i 5 denied that
" any of her millions, was used 'to in
. fluence the Greek, people, in favor
; of Constantine' ana against the rule
;. of Venizelos. . . , .
,s King Constantine said to the Uni
' versal Service (correspondent:
"I await my calf from my people
in the calm krtdw ledge that I have
'. t fYir support. ' I hnve no attempted
, -to use any influence by propaganda
or otherwise in the elections and the
.J results of the voting'is a free, un
: ? trammeled and nverwheJming vote
I! iii my favor. From today begins
;r the dawn of a new era for Greece
audi the end ot the. military
despotism." ;
', ;
'i Omaha Youth Gains Weight
To Pass Navy Examination
::' So enthusiastic were Rosmond
Thomas, 3815 Fourth street, and
,;" C. D. Gould, 2608 Dewey avenue,
to sail the briny deep with Uncle
.' Sam that when naval recruiting of
ficers declared them under, weight,
they set about in (astronomical
.'"style yesterday to make up the re
quired few pounds avoirdupois.
: Young Thomas ate bananas and
'- peanuts all afternoon until . he
r; showed two pounds over the re
il quired weight. Gould took to drink
!i. ing water. " , i - '
" "If he drinks in the navy like he
drank to enlist, the country will
-have a dry land navy," Chief Pty
'Officer Youngers declared.
Both youths were accepted for en
V listrrxnA'- '" : -
Hastings Bank Clerk Freed
Of Charges Filed by Uncle
" Hastings, Neb-, Nov. 17.- (Special
Telegram.) Joseph F. . yBudnck,
Ilatintrs bank clerk, accused bhin
jmcle, jot Budneck, of adultery, was!
acquitted by ). jury in the ctstrwet
court. 'A.suit;:against him by his
mc1e for an alleged board bill, is
pending. The uncle, for many years
a well-known, police olficer here, is
defendant in pending divorce pro
ceedings. , ,
Congregational Church '
Conference at Fairmont
Geneva, Nebli'Nov; 1?. (SpecUl.j
Four automobile loads of young peo-'
pie of the Geneva I Congregational
church attended a meeting at Fair
1 mont, at which churches at Fairmont,
Exeter and Grafton were reprsent
, ed. The conference was called by
' Superintendent Murphy of Lincwn,
director of retigious, education for
) the iJenomination in Nebraskarouth
Dakota and Missouri ,
' r ,
Removal o.f Boyd County
Constable Is Ordered
Lincoln,. Nov. l7.-(Special.) At
torney General Davis has-been in
structed by Governor McKelvie to
begini proceedings under the statute
to remove from office Anton Sed
lacek, contable of Boyd county, who
necently pleaded guilty to the pos
session of intoxicating liquors in
iviolation of law.
4 Stanton Fire Department
i , Elects Officers for Year
Sunton, Neb.. Nov. 17. (Special
Telegram.) Stanton volunteer fire
- department elected John Becker
chief, to fill the vacancy made by
Foster Gamble,- resigning. John
Becker ami E.- Eipont were elected
-delegates to tbe state convention to
be held at York iu January. Frank
- C Schulz was elected alternate.
Lighting Fixtures Cranden Elec
tric Co.. formerly Borgtf -Granden
Burglars Bore Through Steel Ceiling
X 1 St. aV-V-NUV
TkU shows th hole bored through the steal ceiling of the Morris Deiches Sample Cloak and Suit
company, 216 North Sixteenth street, early yesterday morning by burglars, who escaped with $2,500 loot,
which has been recovered. The
frPh eoneerai, through whose transom the burglars entered.. Photograph by
jwo hours after a report was I Deusen. entered the store by climb- j tectiv
d that the Morris- Deiches
Samp1e Cloak and Suit 216
North Sixteeenth street, was robbed
of $2,500 early yesterday morning,
''"tectives arrested twa men who
.-v say confessed and recovered
The two men arrested are T. C.
Johnson, aljas Jack' Royce, 22,
moulder) Hotel Loyal, and . Ray
Beecher, ! 24, pugilist, Highland
apartmentsKighteenth and Nicholas
6treets. ... ' '" " .'
The men were arrested, after pic
tures and letters were found in a'
coat left in the building. .
New Methods Used.
The robbery, police say, was one
of the boldest in Omaha in months
and the methods used were new to
police, who said they are used only
by oldtime robbers. - i
The men, according to their con
fession to Chief of Defectives ;Van
President Sends
His Greetings to
League Meeting
Message of Congratulation Is
In Response to One Sent by
. Delegates; Expressing,
Hope of Recovery.
Washington, Nov.' 17. President
Wilson, in-a message sent today to
Paul Hymans, president, of the
league of nations assembly, at
Geneva, Switzerland, extended his
personal greetings to the assembly
and expressed the "hope and belie
lhat their labors will be of imhiense
value to tKe whole civilized world."
The massage was an acknowledg
ment of cue from President Hymans
conveying an expression ' of
sympathy voted President Wilson
unanimously. upon the opening of the
assembly of the. league last Monday.
M. Hymans' message said: , .
"The assembly of the league of
nations has by unanimous vote "in
structed :nc to send you its warniesH
greetings and to-express its earnest
wishes that you may spiedily be re
stored to complete health. The as
sembly recognizes that ycu have
done perhaps more than any oYhcr
man' to lay the foundatidn of the
league. It feels confident ihat the
present meetings will greatly ad
vance those principles of co-operation
between all nations which you
havexdone so much to promote.''
The reply of President Wilson
was as follows:
"The greeting so graciously , sent
me by the assembly of the league of
nations through you has gratified me
very deeply indeed. I am indeed
proud to be considered to ;have
played any part in promoting the
concord of mrtions wiNj the estab
lishment of such an instrumentality
as the league, to whose Increasing
usefulness and success I look for
ward witii perfect confidence. Ped
mit me to extend my personal greet
ings to the assembly, if theyHvill be
gracious enough to receive them, to
gether with an expression of my
hope and belief that their labors will
be of immense value to the whole
civilized world." . a -
Plenary Session of
., . League Assembly Held
-,-: :'"
Geneva, Nov, 17. (By, The Asso
ciated Press:) A plenary session
was held by the asserhbly'of ; the
league of nations-this mdrning' to
consider a report from the council
of the league relative to its activities
fince its formation. - .
The work of the -assembly meet
ing began speeding up today with
the organization of the six commit-'
tees appointed at -the Opening ses
sion Monday, and the election of
chairmen. It has been decided that
thjese committees will work in priv
ate,; but that the minutes-of their
meetings will be published as soon
as possible. Subjects will be erferred
to tiem by the assembly without de
bate. -. .
.uotiorio Pueyrredon, head of the
Argentine delegation, took the floor
first after the opening of the 'as
sembly session today speaking in
French; he declared that the suc
cess of. the league required a most
complete membership, , referring to;
the necessity, in his A view, of the
United States coming in.
Aberdeen Paper Stencils
Pages When Printers Quit
. Aberdeen, S. D., Nov. 17. The
Aberdeen, American this morning,
issued in a mimeographed form a
newspaper of six-letter size pages.
William G. White, .telegraph oper
ator of The Associated- Press, sten
ciled the news report as it came in
over the wires. Printers in Aber
deen are on-1 strike for an increased
wage schedule,
' - -3
tr ICVyi fx
XTxXj i v SSliS
tools lying around were taken- from
ing through a transom m the Ernest
Bihler photography " studio' in the
LeflSng building. , iv
Police say the men apparently
studied the ground before the rob
bery because they knew Bihler had
tools they could use.
A hole wa bored in the floor of
Bihler's dark room. After drilling
through a- three by four , joist 12
inches deep, the men were forced
to cut through a sheet iron ceiling.
ney men . dropped to a balcony
in the store, six feet below.
The men used suitcases ad travel
ing bags to carry their lobt which
consisted of 10 fur coafl 70 waists,
skirts and other-women's wearing
Johnson told police he was tirecn
or drilling removing his coat be
cause he was. "warm. . It was in his
coat the picture and letters were
found which led to his arrest - Dc-
. , ., ,
Minneapolis Woman in r
- Tierney Murder Trial
( j
Miss Mabel Thompson, Minne
apolis blonde, who was placed on
the witness stand at the atrial of
MrsMike Tierney fo,r the murder
of Ray Dunlap. Miss. Thompson
said Dunlap and she had been 'en
gaged and she read a letter from
NffS. Tierney whicn threatened to
"cut him and the woman he was
with: to pieces" if be didn't: return
from Minneapolis to OmaBa.
Financial Aid for J
Farmers Necessary,
Gene Melady Asserts
'Unless financial relief Vomes. to
the farmer and live stock.' grower,
prices for live stock and farm prod
ucts wilK rapidly decline,", said Gene
Metady yesterday. v$ ;
"Live stock, receipts, a'tv the South
Omaha yards show a decrease to
date this year ' of 2Z5fX)0 1 cattle,
420,000 hogs and 725,000 sheep, yet
prices on the hoof are. going lower,
while packing house product' on the
block do not show much of a de
cline as compared with the highest
spot on the market on cattle, hogs
and sheep during the-war. -
"The western run on cattle is
about over and from now on packers
will Have to get supplies from feed
lots to fill thejr orders. This week
we are getting-a few sJiort-fed cat
tle,but 'the demand for them is
islack.;- K' i ' - i'-'V
.'.'Hog receipts continue; light, yet
there is hardly ajiy shipping demand
and packers sem to be indifferent in
the face of light runs and buy spar
ingly, seemingly making every effort
possible to lower-values, which indi
cate that the prices on hogs will be
lower. - .
"The' big "end of western' sheep
and lambs has-been marketed, a few
scattering loads of feed-lor lambs
and ewes coming back. The prices
are faltering around at a top for
lamb of $12.25 with the bulk of sales
at $11.50, with ewes from$5 to $5.75
for top."- ) . .
Hold Man for Assault
? On Feeble-Minded Girl
Beatrice, Neb!, Nov. 17. (Spe
cial.Matthew Pierson,-52, a farm
er living 14 miles southeast of Be
atrice, was bound over to the dis
trict court, by Judge Craig on a
statutory charge preferred by Clara
Lillie, 15, feeble-minded girl, Nvhose
father, Frank Lillie, was recently
committed to the asylum. Pierson
Lwas released on bond of $800."
Syrian Lecturer Will
- Speak at Unitarian Church
Under the title, "Wise Men from
the East and Wfse Men from! the
West" A. If. Rihbany of Boston,
is to lecture tonight in the Unitarian
church on the contrast between ori
ental and occidental civilizations. He
is a native of S1-
- y H- J s
xih"; gSWt 1
the -studio of the brnest ttihler photo-
Bihler. ..
tectives Heller, Anderson-trancl
and English' awoke Johnson front
sleep and he told of Beecher being
in on the robbery.
Two Women Arrested. 1
Beecher was found with a woman
at the hotel, who gave her name as
Hazel Harris, ,20. She was arrested
for investigation. The loot was
found in the hotel and in the High
land apartments.- Detectives later
Went , to the Millard hotel, where
! they arrested Mrs. Johnson, 21, for
"further investigation
The robbery was discovered bv
Bihler when he opened his studio. He
notified the Harry Koch, Insurance
company, who in turn notified the
police. Bihler reported he lost a
camera and pair of gloves.
The Harris-girl told police."she
was to" be married to Beecher
Christmas day. . .
"I know nothing of the robbery,"
she kept saying.
Specialists at TiAney
Trial Unable to Agree
(Continued From Pare One.)
capacity. The audience bent for
ward to catch every word of the sor
did, and sometimes disgusting, de
tails of the case.
Mrs. Tlctney resumed her testi
mony at the opening of the after
noon session. She testified that she
had not practiced marksmanship be
fore the shooting of ftay Dunlap
last Saturday and that she had held
a revolver only a few times in her
life. J
Claims lapse of Memory.
She claimei lapse of memory
concerning many details f the
shooting and events immediately fol
lowing the tragedy. She did not
remember whew the Revolver was
when she got it to shoot Dunlap.
"Were you .worried, about the
marriage of your daughter and Dun
lap?" she was asked. '
"Yes," she replied.
Mrs. Tierney insisted' that she
could not remember having
asked the sheriff-to be allowed to
clean her teeth before going to jail
and she declared she did not recall
the circumstances of beinsr taken to
Jan. , . -
Shelikewise declared that she did
not remember having written a let
ter to Helen -Thompson at Minne
apolis, tne letter - being referred to
as threatening.
1 Known in Minneapolis.
Lawrence Mallen, South Side, tes
tified that while in Minneapolis he
boarded four months at the Helen
Thompson place with Ray Dunlap
and Earl Tierney. Upon examina
tion by the county attorney, Mallen
testified that Ray Dunlap and Miss
Thompson maintained improper re
lations in Minneapolis.
Mrs. Tierney Jes:':fied that she had
been subject to speels, induced by
the effortss of her husband to 'per
fect his inventions, and also by a
condition of her own life She.
stated that she never attacked her
children, but that she threw objects
at hef husband when angered over
his invintive work.
Michael Tierney, one of the sons,
who is being held :n the county jail
on a government charge, testified
that he was changing his clothes
when he heard the first shot on the
occasion of the shooting of Dunlap,
and that when he rushed to the
scene of the'traffedy he grabbed jthe
revolver as his mother was pointing
it at her'own head. .
Hastings Man, Convicted
'Of MurderAsks New Trial
Hastings, Neb., Nov, JZ--(Special
Telegratn.)-Alleging error in the
admission of the testimony of two
girls, who said they were sworn un
der assumed names, and contending
that,, the act alleged in the complaint
is not delined as a crime by the Ne
braska statutes,, ' Lawrence Thiede,
convicted last week of manslaughter,
has filed a motion for a new trial,
it was alleged in the information that
Jullu? Krohl of Posser died as a re
sult of alcoholic poisoning from
home-made liquor administered by
Thiede. ,
State Officers Address
Gage County Farm Bureau
Beatrice, Neb,, Nov. 17. S
(Special.) The officers and direct
ors of the Ga"ge County Farm bu
reau held a business meeting in the
office of County Agent Rist and
heard interesting addresses by Ses
retary Rute of the state bureau arid
Mf. Crawford, state campaign man-'
ager. Uther speakers touched on
county, state and national farm bu
reaihwork. -
Falling Elevator Door
. Injures Pharmacist's Foot
Geneva, Neb., Nov. 17 (Special.)
-Earl fTomlin, pharmacist at the
Picard store, was painfully injured
r;iatv&i!ro0nn htehte .
r w c Vimer it crt amnntiitlnn ftf enmr
Nebraska Man
- ni n
Dunnes iiuiumiu;
For Grain Slump
C. G. Smith Cnarges BigCon
6piracy oh Part o( Gam
blers "and Captains of
Columbus, 0., Nov. 17. Blame
for the present slumo in prices" for
farm products was laid at the door
of a "well-organized conspiracy on
the part of the grain gamblers and
some of i the captains of finance,"
by C. G. Smith of Nebraska, presi
dent of the Farmers National con
gress, in his annual address at the
annual convention joI that body. Mr.
sSmith expressed the hope that ."con
gress will endorse farmers in tneir
refusal to sell their products at a
loss." '
It appeared the consensus . of
opinion among speakers that the
American Farm Bureau federation
was the organization best fitted to
protect the .farmer by seeing that
he gets '"a proper retur'n on his
!mtctmnt "
Smith urged passage by cengress
of the Fnch bill, requiring label
ing of . woolen goods as to virgin
wool content; the Kenyon bill to
control meat packers; urged rest
tion of immigration; urged dismissal
of Louis F, Post, immigration com
missioner, and praised the Ameri
can Legion for its Americanization
work. He condemned the Dolan
bill which seeks to levy a tax of 1
per cent on farmer values in excess
of $10,000. -
"If agriculture goes, the rest of
the nation goes with it," said J, A.
Shirley, Springfield, Mass., manager
of the Eastern States league, an
other speaker.
Denies "Tfcittt" Is Planned. '
Chicago; NoV. 16. On behalf of
the farmers' iharketingYommittee of
17, recently appointed by thF Ameri
can .Farm Bureau federation, C. V.
Gregory, editor- of a farm journal
here, issued " a statemeat denying
that the committee had adopted any
plan for marketing wheat. Recent
reoorts had said that the committee
of which Mr. Gregory is a member,
was about to float a giant wheaj
combine. I ,i
ed to Ctudy grain marketing and
work out plans o prevent fluctuations
in prices which are a hardship both
to producer and consumer," said Mr.
Gregory. ''No member of the com
mittee has suggested the formation
of a grain 'combine' or 'trust' .The
federal trade commission has not
1 law- ... .m in a a CL'LUl".
been asked foradylce as to the for
mation of anycombine.'
"The question of handling the
grain crop of 1921 through a 'com
bine' for a period of five to seven
years has never been discussed by
the committee and no proposal that
the governme nt be made a party to
any wheat "combine' has been-made
by any member of the committee."
Third Man Arrested
In Mail Car Robbery
(Continued From Pa One.)
are now looking, was waiting with
his automobile.
The pouches were placed in the
car, but in their haste . one was
dropped. This was the sack which
was recovered near the Eighth ave
nue school, containing $723,000 in
securities. .
A second pouch was cut open. Pof
fenberger disclosed this in his con
fession. -
Postoffice officials are puzzled
over what became of oyer $700,-000
in securities which is known to have
been contained in the sack.
Both Phillips and Poffenberger
deny knowledge of what became, ot
this loot Search of their homes fail
ed to reveal any of it, although a
fresh hole in the ground behind the
Phillips home was discovered whicn
the youthful prisoner failed to ex
plain to the satisfaction of, his ques
tioners. , . -
Leave, in Auto. !
The third man, believed to have
been Roberts, hopped aboard the
waiting automobile with the fourth
accomplice, and, : with the other
eight pouches, sped away. - .
Where-the eight sacks were taken
remains a mvsterv. although federal
agents admitted last night they be-
. i a . . ,
neve tne loot to oe conceaica iu
Philtips and Poffenberger re,
mained on the train until it reached
the city passenger station. Then
Phillips " went to his work at the
transfer and Poffenberger went to
his home." '
Because fhe.thicd man, said to be
Roberts, left this pair to ride off
with the fourth man, . Phillips and
Poffenberger are said to have con
fessed they had been double-crossed
They believed the third man duped
them in order to leave more loot to
be dividetr-between himVthe fourth
man, and "the frains" behind the
robberyv 1
May Aaeit "Brains."
Federal agents say4hey have a
clue to the ."brains" and hope to
fnake an arrest within the nxt 4a
As the investigation proceeds, the
officials charge become more and
more inclined to believe the greater
bortion ,of the Phillips confession.
It is now admitted , the loot was
securities from a federal reserve
bank in California being shipped to
another federal reserve hank in
Washington, D. C.
All inspectors and agents on the
case c6ntintie to deny they know the
ever, the orders rn the investigation
full extent of the ldj9.
It was revealed last night, how
are being issued to Council Bluffs
direct from Washington and through
no intermediary. ,; -
Millinery Store Sold.
Geneva, Neb.. Nov.' 17. (Special.)
The militery store owned by Mrs..
H. M. Acker and managed by her
for 14 years, was" sold, to Miss Etttf
Hall of Lancaster, Mtf. -
fir N
meaiUCrUmblU yOSkJOt
L0RNA D00NE Sucuii
' '
I Head of Elks' Lodge
I Leaves for Omaha to
x Attend' Initiation
r William M. Abbott, grand exalted
ruler of Elks, will arrive hi-, Oma
ha at 7:15 n. ni. tomorrow, accom-
f panied by his private secretary, Hor
ace W. Amphett. When tne train
passes through North Platte today
at noon the Elks of that city will
meet himjind provide wild duck for
his supper.- ,
, A reception comuittcj consisting;
of John C. Barrett, Raymond G.
YoMig, George F. West, F Pratt
Harwood and Lyle I. Abbott, all
past exalted rulers of Omaha lodge,
will meej. the grand exalted rujer on
his arrivarhere and will provide for
his entertainment until his departure
for Chicago Sunday.'
Frank L. Rain of Fairbury, Neb.,
past -grand exalted ruler, will arrive
on Saturday, and other grand lodge
officials are expected to participate
in the initiation bf 1,000 candidates
into Omaha lodge at the Municipal
auditorium Saturday. Severay hun
dred Elks from neighboring lodges
will also be in attendance. .
Labor Leader Indicted in
New York Trust Probe
(Continued From Tag One.)
$1,000 for a letter which" obtained
a $30,000 contract for a company
organized by his i son.
The indictment of Brindell was
not unexpected. Payments totalling
morevthan $100,000 were alleged to
hav? been received by the labor
leader during the last 10 months.
Amounts . of payments alleged
ranged from '$200 to $32,000. the
latter .being paid by H. S. Robert
son, a builder, on account of an
agreement to pay Brindell $50,000
for "strike insurance:" and "labor
movement information."
Witnesses said Brindell and his
agents referred to these payments
as "commission," "compensation,"
"rakeoff," "our bet," "divvy" and
"berries." one "berrv" sienifvine
Builders fcs'-fied that Brindell
had., turned down offers of small
amounts, declaring that he was no
piker." They characterized hie labor
leader's attitude as "bold" and said
mat unless they came across as
directed he would not hesitate to
:wt them out of the business.v
In absolute control of the build
ins trades council with its member
ship of 115,000 nion workers Brin
dell has been regarded as one of the
most powerful factors in organized
labor iii New York,
Beatrice Girl Killed in
.Kansas Auto Accident
Beatrice, Neb., Nbv. 17. (Special.)
Miss Elinor Brown, daughter of
Mrs. Mary Naylor Brown, a teacher
in the Beatrice schools, was killed
in an automobile accident at Man
hattan; Kan., where she had been at
tending school. No particulars wre
given. Miss Brown was 18 years of
age and the only'daughter of Mrs.
Mary Naylor Browiv. Besides her
mother she leaves one brother, Shan
npn Brown of Holton, ' Kan. Her
father died 18 years ago.
Highwaymen Active.
Bandits took $18 and a ring from
J. R. Kozowski, Duncan, Neb., at
Thirteenth sfnd Farnam streets, Tues
day night, and two highwaymen with
revolvers, Held up J. M.. Roneka, 15l8
South Twentieth street, at Twentieth
and O. streets, and totk $20 from.
Fine Toiletries x
Attractively Priced
Shah of Persia glycerine
soap, Thursday, 19c a
cake.' ' ) r
Colgate's bath soap, , 3
bars for 25c.
Wild Root ' Shampoo in
liquid form, a 50c size will
be sold Thursday as an,
introductory offer for 25c
a bottle. . ' . ,
Odo-Ro-No; a 60c size for
49c, and a smaller 30c
size for 23c.
Main Floor
New Neckeries
x of Marabou
In most attractive styles.
Natural taupe or black
marabou combined in
some pieces with curled
ostrich, is offered iiya va
riety of scarfs and capes
ranging in price from $11,,
to $45.
North Able Main Floors
Silk Gloves ,
Kayser double silk gloves
in black, white, -beaver,
covert and gray $2.75;
gauntlet styles, $3.25 a
pair. -
Suede-lined silk gloves in
brown, black, and gray,
'are $2.50 a pair.
Spcarfish Capital Plans : y
m T ! t :. CI
10 ixeiieve uouso ouonage
' Spcarfish, S. D., Nov. 17 (Spe
cial.) It is announced that Spcar
fish capital is behind arntoveinent t&
erect more than a score ot ounga
Dinner G owns and
Dancing Frocks 1
For every type of femininity. There's a
cool, seductive affair of jet andxcrystal
beaded black tulle vith a gleaming
silver sheath of an underslip There's
a naive little frocl? of a peculiarly
vivid rose silk net, heaps upon heaps
of it, every flounce" ribbon bound,
yvhich has.a tight, squarely cut bodice
that is assuredly Spanish in origin. -
Frocks' fox every taste. One
or two from the atelier of M.
Corbeau. Variously priced-?
' Apparel SebtioiisThijrd.Floor
Children's Heavy Sweates
Scarfs? Gaps and Mittens
Styles for" both boys and. girls are goffered, in
warm, heavy woolens of brilliant hue' v
For boys there are
heather mixtures in tan,
maroon and dark green,
sizes eight to fourteen 1
years. . . '
Six to fourteen-year-old
girls will find our selec-" i
tion of sweater coats
delightful. Dark brown,
tan, rose, blue, Ameri-
can beauty and two
shadesof green.
, ' - For Christmas gifts, knitted gar
' merits' arc as acceptable to parents
as the) fre delightful to chilirciv
' , 1 - Sejeoad Floor
The Men's Sop
$1.50 Nctkwear, $1 15
Your Choice of every
one dollar and a half
tie in our entire stock at
this price Thursday. . ,
$5 Pajamas, $3.99 . t
This value is for Thurs
day. s ' ' .
Interwoven Hose " '
Reduced in Price ',
$1.25 Iriterftovens $1.
75c Interwovens, 60c.
To tho Loft A You Enter
lows here during the whiter and
lie wiutef and ;
this will soWft C. .'i'H
i in this city, ' v ,j
of .suitahle ijj
spring. Itjs believed
thy housing problem
where ' the shortage
dwellings has been acute for some
time. ' ' , , w
. Caps, hoods and toques
in every imaginable
style are priced" frdm
50c to $2. 1
- . . . ,
Scarfs, and tarns, 'either
hand or machine knit,
come at all prices.
All-wool mittens in
white, dark4 blue or
brpwif, are made in one
to eight-year-old sizes.
?' Shell Edge'
Guest Sets v
A -large (17x32 - inch)
towel a smaller (20x36
1 inch ).one and a large
wash cloth, make up the
set. .
An attractive shell edge
in blue, dark blue, laven
derpink and yellow.
A TOrknit set makes a
charming gift for Christ
mas or for a shower.
- They, are displayed in
" dainty1 boxes and are ex
ceptionally fine values.
i""ttA$2 quality for
VO "x $1.50 a iet' -
t;-. I . wn. tl."
' 1 1
1 1
u T
'''"V" '
1 OiU
.r f
. X I
. i . (U t I
: Ai'ii
the toes inay,bc ncccajary,
' v.. ; " " .
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