Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1920, Image 12
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1920. 12 i I A A . I ft !'4. .1 t:. Y. "Classified Advertising Rites llo ptr ine (count ( words to line) 1 day le psr II n pr day, 2 consecutive daa 44e per Una per day, 7 conaecutlve da: 'a per Una pr day. 89 conaecutlve dye a arida (alien for leaa than at total of 4ov. Three ratea apply either to (ha Dally r Sunday Baa. All advertisements ap pear In both morning and evening daily papers for tha r-ne chart CONTRACT RATES ON X APPLICATION. ' wasl ada accepted at tha following of fleaa: r MAIN OFFICE.... 17th and Farnam Eta. South Side 231 N St. Council Bluffs It Scott St. WANT ADS RF.CE1VED BY PHONE AT TTL.BR 1000. , THE! BEB will not be rasponalbla for mora than on Inorrect Inaartlon of an advertisement ordered for Dior than ona time. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS F.venlng Edition 11:45 A. M. Morning Edition 1:00 P. M. Edition t:00 P. M.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. FARNSLKY Mary E.. aged 82 yean, died Nov. 16X1920. Mother of Mrs. E. -H Farnaley of Creaton. Neb.: Mra. H. J. . Harbour. Greenfield. la.: Mrs. 8. K. Kle. ner and lira. Charles B. Newton of Omaha. funeral Tliuraday 5 p. m. Nov. 18 from r lorenca Methodist church, 301k and .Mormon atresia. ITtOCTOR-vrharlotte, aged 68 yean, died Nov. 11. lj(t. ; ' Funeral Thura. afternoon at J o'clock from N, P. Ewanenn chapel, 17th and Cuming Bta. Interment Wat Lawn cemetery. Friends are welcome. IJAHM John F.. died Monday, Novem ber 15. ages!'.' yean Funeral services Friday,' November H, 2 p. m. at tha residence. 4603 Leave.i worth atroet. Interment Evergreen 'cemetery. Friends welcome. HAI.VAt.tER Mra. Alice M.. beloved Funeral from wife of A. L. Ralnalter. realdencc, 1111 South list St., Thursday, at :':ao. CARD OF THANKS. WK wish to thank otr many frlenda and neighbors for the kindness and sym , iatlry shown us during the illnesa and death of our beloved brother. Bo gene Casey. Mra. Margaret Hogan and fam ily. , , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER " OMAHA'S BEST 1 ajuio AMBULANCE habnet Thirty-third and Fafna m HULSE& RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. South 16th St. Douglas 13!. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Lndertakers and Embalmera. Phone H. 266. i Office 2611 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call South 680. Kortsko Funeral Home, 23d and O Sta. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON enella Tlats. 1M Douglaa St. Douglaa 1244. roHN BATH, 1 8th and Farnam. D. 3009. L. Henderson, iM9 Farnam. Douglaa 1241. BIRTH'S AND DEATHS. Births Oeorgci and Mlna Rakxr, 6002 S. 30th, girl; fisvph and Mildred Jones. rtoe S. 34th, girl; Adolph and Pauline Riea. hospital, boy; Ceorge and Lucile Mattlngly. 24)3 Templeton, boy; Lewis and Sadie leglrr, 386 Leavenworth, girl; Ros oe and Myrtle A'tkins. R. R. X. 6th. boy; tMyde and Bessie Forney, 4516 Ames Ave., girl; John and Anna Gotch, hospital, girl; uustav aiul Bcrrie Rnschlte, 1K16 S. 10th. arlrl ; Benjamin end Inger Billings. ' 13th and P. East Omaha, boy; Ross and June Campbell, 6614 S. 24th, girt; Louis, and .Barbara Leonn, 3027 8. 23d. boy. Deaths John Daniel Ware,' 19, 113! S: ,29th; Joseph B. Fradenburg, 73. .417 S. 36th; Sarah E. Munaon,. TS, hospltJi; Or t'ha Eleen Rlkard, Infant, 2644 Davenport: Jessie Hale Moss. 40, hospital; Michael J. O'Connor, II, hoapttal;! Elizabeth Gardner, 73, hospital; Infant Virginia, infant, hospi tal; Cyrus B. McDonald, 74, hoHpltal; Ann Maxey. . hospital: Thomas Francis Mor- r'.ssny. 45, 320 Is. S3th Ave. MARRIAGE LICENSES. t Tha following couples have been Issued licenses to wed : R. Ernest Beaty. S3. Cntral City'. "Neb. and Carrie J. Chandler, 24, Central City. -Neo. Henry C. Hooker. Jr., 24, Obthenburg, Neb,, and Anna E. Loostrom, 22, Oothen burg, Ne, Joseph R.. Dupont, 26. Omaha, and Har riett Culver, 24. Onuhi. ' Rayimdnd H. Rullman, 26, Omaha, and Tictorig, J". Schlmklrlcz,. 20, Omaha. Edrd T. Bartle, 34, St. Paul, and Martha E. 'Poppe, 26, Beemer, Neb. Everett H. Good, .over 21, Peru. Neb., and Virginia M. ('handler, over 18,- Omaha. i LOSOOUND AND REWARDS. FOR aAtici.ES LOST on street cars tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxioua to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST, RT. COMPANY. . ' , LUST A cat, black, yellow and white, ' nfar 3100 Wirt. Reward If returned to 430 South 40th St, Harney 0046. LOST Gold wrist watch between Strand and Athletic club Saturday night. Re ward, call Ifalnut 0549. LOST OoM Elgin watch. . Reward. Col. 8280. Call Dr. Charlea J .Wonder, LOST Black hog with white spots, weight , about 800 lha. Col. 1295. LOST Brown French Harney 213. bull dog. Phone PERSONAL. THK SALVATION Army Industrial horns 1325 VICTROLA for 1160. Colfax 0848. solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines, we collect, we distribute. Typewr.ters and Supplies, ' Psons Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. TYPEWRITERS 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. ', AND 1 WILL not 1 responsible for any debts ADDING MACHINES1 incurred by my wife, Marie Bryan, on or ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and after this date. repaired. Sole agenta for ths CORONA. (Signed) JOHN W. BRYAN.. Get cur price before you buy. Every PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE machine guaranteed.. , g BtirEXSg-nSr" Central Typewriter Exc. ZxPIcnT maaseuse; for appointment, P0"'"" ";0- ' : ' Farnam. Phone Doug. 5877. PROTECTOGRAPHS. F. : E.'s; bargains. MASSAGE 110 North Seventeenth St. 820 Neville Bldg. Electro-Therapy massage. 318 Neville Big. Miscellaneous Articles. ANNOUNCEMENTS. : Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME, v We teach ballroom and all kinds 01 . fancy dancing. P. 2581 or H. 2792. "v. Kpl-PinP School for IJanclng. 2424. WE SELL X UIXS ya,,m. boug. 7151. ALL KINDS OF BOTTLES, Dentists. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. KR. SECOR. 1017 1st Nat. Bk. Ty. 2138. . CALL DOUGLAS 6407, Detectives. OR DOUGLAS 6402. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldft Doug2056. Night. Col. 465. Diamonds. r- ; DIAMONDS VhhW,g. to her back at small profit. GROSS . . , JEWELRY CO, 402 N - 16tB St. Doug- . ,' - '" 4' - 1-TON Fairbanks' No. 4 atandard Dressmakingr. scale, IHxSH foot platform, also . 2S-lnch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust SEWING, silks, velvets, skirts, jackets, fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office. rellned. remodeled, reasonable. H.4804. 1 7th and Farnam St. Phone Tyler Hauling. V7 ,m ; . , HAULING, all kinds, trucks all sizes; best t service, beat rates. Tyler 1976. ' Hauling. ; " MR. MERCHANTl : GLASS FOR SALE. Have you hauling to do every day or SIZES 6x7. 6x8, 8x10. BEST GRADE; eo that doesn't pay to buy a big truck? CAN BE USED FOt HOT HOUSES. Investigate my- proposition.' -McVay. WIRELESS SETS. BTC. Douglas 8136. CAl.l, HAULING all klnda, ashes, rubbish, etc.; V Tyle"A1000 T" ' ' ? .' . cinders delivered; basements' cleaned. ENGRAVING DEPT. Pour 813- Ff YOU NEED XMA3 MONEY HAULING, ashes, rubbish. Wal. 3515. Why not aell aome of those clothes Hemstitching and Pleating. fun.'fe.'Vt?:. or.!ohr3 ttift ACCORDION, etde, knife, sunburst box Someone may be glad to get tbem. and pleating, covered buttona. all sizes and " .lntThe ,h,?lD styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye- ,,thSm.- SaIL"1 Wnt Ad D- let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. partment. Tyler 1000. , Ideal Button end Pleating Co.. IM uADIES fur coats. Why pay 1150. Will Brown Blk. Douglas 1936. n , Mme co,t ,76; I ,,, Ma, Jiebr. Pleating ' Button, Gp. 180C Far coat $14U;. have 2 beautiful-mink eoata nam vSt. D. 67e. and 3 seal coats trlmmeoT with beaver. marten and aquirrel. Never worn. Hotel Patent Attorneys. Harley, 20th and Farnam. Mrs. Mc- J. W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1714 Dodge. ' Sell your Invention to a manufacturer. SURE and safe Inveatment, city warrants ", ' 1 1 to pay you 10 per cent Interest. 1100, Miscellaneous Announcements. $500 and $1,000 .mounts, e. a. Solomon nnntTXTfi tr a tttxtt-ici ' 7 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 6262. SEWING MACHINES diamond for sale. . W. rent .-foX r.t; 'prTe, S! .- : . MlUftj.L b Omaha. Bee. 15th and Harney.. Douglas 1171 LARGE re.-tl Russian Fith cape, latest PAXTON-MITCHELL cbZ ' SrlrV'a.U ,5('0 , 27th and Martha Sta.. Omata. Neb. i'Llili Tier 603L Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine SCARF pins, rings, brooches, samplea 10c. gray Iron castings. .- H. C. Merrill. Morton Grove, Til. 5.UAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattress- WE bayell safes, mske rietks, show- s made from your own feathera. sura- raas.etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply C: irer & winter aids. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. 8. W. Cor. iith and Douglas. D. IT. 4. BRINGING UP " trPf'Saur how III JffiFS) I Mil E I yeo.- Jf,rW TV nrYZfrftoZzS rOF I v frStP jfr$L UTTL.E NOW- w, s ItVHATI WILL VE IT t j 'p -' '.!.,.'.. ' ' ' ' ' ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous Announcements. SAFETY raaor biadea ahajpi ened, new ra Omaha Razor zora, razor biadea aoldr 1 Sharpening Co.. 1&23W Dodge. 10 N. 1. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT caa ba purchaaed at Rlalto Drug Store, Jt'h i and Douglaa 8ta.. Omaha. Neb. FILMS developed; "printing and enlarging. Writ, tor prlcea. Tha Enalgn Co., J607 Howard St. LEWIS N. BOISEN. i watchmaker and jeweler. (01 Securities Bid. Phona Ty ler 060. DICKSON & Newman, building, repair work; garages, $160 up. S. . 274 or 8. 1761. OMAHA WELDING CO. The Careful WeldVra." 16th and Jacl on. D. 4317. safes -rs 12th Farnam. Darlght Safe Co. FULL dress aulta and tuxedoa for rent, 10 N 16th St.. John Feldman. D. S12S. SAT IT WITH ILOWERS FROM HESS & ISWOBODA, 1415 FARNAM HTKIteil. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel Douglaa 644. MATTRESSES remade, springe rep. H 17 Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W.-Bldg. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. llth. D. tan. WEAVING, old rugs remade. Ty. 1433. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION. AUCTION. 24 COMPLETE ' HOMES OF HIGH GRADE AND STAPLE FURNI TURE CONSIGNED TO 'ME TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION. IN MY AUCTION HOUSE. S. E. COR. 18TH AND WEBSTER STS. FOUR DAYS Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Sat SALE STARTS EACH DAY AT 1 P. M. No restrictions everything goes, Consisting of pianos, talking1 machines and records, parlor suites. 1 parlor suite, overstuffed, cost over $1,000 and llko new:, library tables, bookcases and books, writing deska. rugs of all kinds. Anelo-Persian. Wilton velvet, Axmm ster and Brussels rugs, all sizes: dining room sets complete In golden and fumed oak. cirlv Enalish and 1 American walnut sets complete In period furni ture, Sompe, Burkley and Gay and aome Toby furniture, beautiful bedroom suites In mahogany and American walnut. 'brass and Simon beds, complete with springs and mattresses, dressers In oak ' walnut, birdaeye maple and mahogany, chlffoniera. dressing tables, sewing ma chines, ' davenports, duofolds, washing machines, electric cleaners, electric lamps, both standard and library, ice boxes, kitchen-cabinets, steel ranges, .. gas rangea, 1 white enameled gas range. tireless cookers, rocking - chairs,, aome massive leather chairs, linens, fancy and staple dishes, cooking utensils and nun dreda of articles too numerous to men tion. Romember this gale lasts 4 days. JAMES I.. DO WD, Auctioneer. If you have anything to aell call D. 3286. Tyler 0966 or Tyler 2885. FOR SALE Entire furnishings of 6-room dwelling, Including dining room suite, parlor suite, gas heater, rugs, etc. Leav ing city, will sacrifice. Tyler 3664, 3614 So. 20th Ave. lOR SALE Eight-piece sun room set snd complete breakfast set in brown fiber, all in excellent condition. Pnone Har ney 2888. ' TWO elegant Simons twin beds or will exchange for baby crib and baby car riage. Douglas 6749. HOOVER vacuum, like new, $48. W. 1947 Pianos and Musical Instruments. $98.50 CASH OR $200 ON TIME! WHICH WILL YOU HAVE? , -Why pay twice as much for a phono graph on the payment plan when you can save 60 to 100 per cent by paying cash ? See us before you buy. $1 rec ords, 45c. Records exchanged, 15c. .1 SHLAES PHONOGRAPH CO., ' 1404 Dodge St. Douglaa 2147. FOR SALE To close an estate will sell right of Wurlltzer player piano wit n drum attachments: good condition. J. A. Mirhelaon. Grand Island, Neb. A. HOSPE CO. X!Z tn muale Pianos for rent. DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, re pairing. Phone Harney 2167. Geo. A. Smith 2761 Davenport St. . FATHER FOR SALE. Miscellaneous Articles. APPLES, onions, potatoes, delivered In ( bushel -lota or more, any part of the city. Call Tyler 2736. BROWN fox neckpiece; bead bag. H-68. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deska; used desks bought, eold and ttaded. J. C. Reed. 120? Farnam. D. 6114. WILL buy aecond-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. 2698. A. Zavett. 706 N. II. Ol'TTMAN paya highest prices for furni ture and men's clothes. Harney 6173. WILL you sell your business to me for $3007 Hamilton, Doug. 3340. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. PAINT OR PAPER on celHngs and walls cleaned, varnishing, staining i. waxing. Douglaa 1503. H. MelL EXPERIENCED janitor wants work firing and porter work. Good reference, Web. 6063. COLORED .nan wants mornings and eronings. janitor work Web. 2380. Female. . HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domeatic column of The Bea. Lots of good piacea are always aaverusea. Don i miss tncm. Laundry and Day Work BUNDLE washing. H. 7330. Call mornings.. evgs, DAY work 8333. by , whits woman. Douglaa BUNDLE washing called for, del. D. 239j V'ONINO. t leaning, day work. Web. 474 WOOL blankets, lace curtains. Har. 1130. DAY work, exp., colored. Web. 6053. SWEEPING and ironing. Web. 1787. DAYWORK.Vexperienced. South 2390, DAY work wanted, exp. Web. 2941. DAYWORK wanted, Web. 2941. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER for traffic dept.,- $100 saleaman, must to experienced, salary ana commission. WATT'S REFERENCE COMPANY, 912 First Nafl Bank Bldg. Professiona and Trades. BRICK-LAYERS -" ., . ' WANTED. ST. MARYS MAGDALENES CHURCH, .'19T1I ANTJ DODGE STS. ! WAN TED Mechanical and architecture . araiismen. reunite Co., 1023 Harney. Tyler 2866. . Salesmen, and Solicitors. WASTED, '.' Salesmen ' -i .. to -.Sell . Popular Car; i ' Excellent Opportunity. Address Box R-505, , Oiionlia Bee. . ( TWO MEN WANTED. Reliable, hlgh'grade, at bnce. Live leads furnished. Easy proposition to handle. You qualify your prospects only, our Managers close the sales No stocks. Suite 1123-24 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. TRAVELING salesman, staple commodity. Established trade. Experience in tnis line not required. Nebraska territory. Salary, $140 and expenses, with rapid advancement. , WESTERN REF. BOND ASS N. 1306 First Nat.- Bank Bldg. TRAVELING salesman. Grocery or grocery specialty experience. Salary, $150 and expenses. WESTERN REF. & BOND AS8'N. 1306 First Nat. Bank Bldg. SALESMEN We want a few more young men to Join our club in Scientific Sales manship; complete training $30; posi tions furnished. Box W 19, Omaha Bee. SELL TIRES direct from manufacturer to user at 30 per cent discount; free Inner, tube. No capital required. Paul Tire A Rubber Co.. 1508 W. 16th St.. Chicago. SPECIALTY salesman tn silverware, rugs and blankets: can use couple of good men ; out-of-town work. C. F. Adams Co., 623 South Sixteenth St. AGENTS oaable of handling a high-class . proposition. $50 and bonus. See Moody, 601 World-Herald Bldg. WANTED A couple experienced grocery - cierks. Table Supply Co., 17th and Douglas. PAN WASHERS WANTED. HOTEL FONTENELLE. ' Hotels and Restaurants. DISH WASHERS WANTED. HOTEL FONTENELLE. YARD MAN WANTED. HOTEL FOI4ENELLK. Boys. WANTED A boy with grocery experience to work evenings.' Apply to Milwaukee Dellcateasen. 616 S. 16th St. Miscellaneous. WANTED Several energetic young men to represent us tn thla city and vicinity; the work conalsts of soliciting, collect ing, etc.: salary $30 weekly, excellent chancea for advancement. For partlca lars write Continental Adjustment Co., Dept. 204, MoKay Bldg.. Portland. Ore. WANTED Ten corn huakers. Corn yield ing 60 to 90 bu. P?r acre; 7 cents per bu. Lee Rlppey, Mondamln, la. WANTED 3 young men for warehouae work. Prento-Light Co. 1515 Leavenworth. HELP WANTED FEMALE, Stores and Offices. PERMANENT position-with large man ufacturing concern for girl with type writer billing and clerical xperlenej. Give references and anlary extected. Address W-17. care Omaha Bee. WANTED Mechanical and architectural .1rfsmiin. Rcflnlte Co.. 1028 Harney. WANTED Exprlenced lady cashier for relief work. Beaton Drug Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. TELEPHONE OPERATORS r, . An agreeable' and profitable occupa tion for young women. See Mrs. Morris for positions tnd op portunities In thla employment. Room 616 New Telephone Building. CHOCOLATE dfpper wanter, 620 week. Olympla candy Kitcnen, iaa ana rar nam. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 SOUTH 14TH ST. CATALOGUE FREE, Saleswomen and Solicitors. for "BARCLEY CORSETS." Orders may bo nkeu In your own home. Earn $5 a day and up whiH learning. Miss Ella Qulnn, City Mgr.. 1439 N. 17th. Webster 1780. ' STENOGRAPHER ai:: clerk: new or ganlzatton: chance . for good advance ment, salary iuw. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N. ' 1306 Flrat Nat. Bank Bldg. EXPERIENCED salesladiea for candy and drug dept. Benton Drug Co. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee TOant Ads. Good, well-paid and uomellle places always advertised. WANTED AT ONCE Good clrl for general housework. Small family, modern conveniences. Laundress kebt. No small children, good wages, good home to right girl. Address Box X72, Omaha Bee. MTULD those who were Interested Joe Smlley's, Burke, S. D ad for housekeeper, write again as mall was not received. WANTED Middle-aged widow to keep house for two brothers on a larm. Write Y-1345, Omaha Bee. W ANTED Competent family, (rood wages, f-outh 34th St. second girl, small Harney 4042, 1320 WANTED An experienced housemaid Mrs. Chaa. M. Wllhelm, 3602 Jackson St.. Har. 2056. WANTED Nurse girl ;o care for two children, i Mrs. Roy Byrne, Walnut 0200, WANTED Woman for general housework, No washing. Wagca $15. Web. 4104. A MAID for general family; good wages. housework: smull Harney 2904. 'Hotels and- Restaurants, EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Brown Apts. 608 North 21st St. Doug. 6644. EXPERIENCED Oonant. head waitress. Hotel Miscellaneous. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION for the benefit of bualness girls. 663 Bee Blag ' Douglas 6562. HELP WANTED. Male and Female, WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade: big -demand: wages wnue learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptometry. snortnana and typewriting, .railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1666 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Nel Van Sant School of Blaine rtav d nrl Rv.nlnff ftfhnnla . ' 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg Douglas'5890. BUSINESS CHANCES. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. In town r,f 600, northeastern Colorado, doing largest business in town,, fine lo cation and is fine opportunity' for a live msn. Tresent owner desires to re tire account old age. Soft water, elec tric lights, high school In town. Stock will run around $20,000, with easy terms. Wtil'help finance responsible man. The Sedgwick Investment Co., Sedgwick, t:oio. . FIRST-CLASS, fully equipped blacksmith shop, '7 miles from Omaha, for sale. Box 21 6. Ralston, Neb. TO GET in or out of bualneM, LEWIS ce Ko.t mil ;vicwBirua joiok. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. COMPLETE RM. LIST OF ALL CHOICE ROOMS IN OMAHA READERS AND ADVERTIS- iiKS. CALL 1UK 11 AIM 1 TIME. TYLER 1000, WANT AD, , , SINGLE and double rooms for men only. running hot and cold water, steam neat, walking distance. Brown Bachelor Apts.. 503 No. 21st St. Douglas 6644. EXCLUSIVE. Very desirable room or sleeping porch with dressing room. West Farnam dis trict. Phone Harney 6676. . NEATLY furnished front room: strictly modern, suitable for 2, prefer couple employed; garage 11 desired. ' wen. 3979.'.- NICE room for one or two; girjs pre ferred; walking dtatance to South Oma ha. 4740 H. 13th St. NICELY furnished room, breakfast, din ner If desired; reasonable. Douglas 6950 or Tyler 3439. - - NICE steam heated aleeptnar room In mod ei-n private heme. 1507 Yates. Wob. 6619. . ' LARGE furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2 yqung men. Private home. D, 7650. LARGE sleeping room, suitable for two. - 1128 N. 17th. Call, Web. 2508 after five. FURNISHED room, modern, desirable; $15 monthly: references. Web. 0651. ONE op 2 furnished Vooms, bargain, priv ate home, reasonable. Har. 6465. WEST FARNAM Large nice front S. room on car line. Harney 4815. THREE sleeping rooms, good heat; gentle men prererreo. can n. iiib. ONE large furnished persons. Ty. 2262. room tor 1 or 2 NICELY furnished rooms. St.. Tyler 4844. 116 Xo. 26th NiCELY furnished, 116 ier 4844. N. 25th St. Ty- WELL furnlahed clean room In steam heated ttpt., private. Harney 1664, DUNDEE Nicely 0069. furnished rooms. Wau BEAUTIFUL room, modern flat. Ty. 5183. Steam heated rm.. gentlemen. D. 8291. GOOD sized sleeping room. Har. 2210. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE FF.EFINO ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE. BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERT WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. WANT AD. i ROOMS lurniehed complete , for houce keeping: sink, hot and cold water; gas range, good lest, suitable for 3 or 4 girls or men and wife; no children. 124 North 24th St. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, single and suites; reasonable. 4421 Douglas SU - t . , SEE J I CCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE FOR RENT ROOMS. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO nlco, right basement rooms; newly furnished; would exchange for light work. Walnut 6442. 1 TWO large light rooms for housekeeping, steam heat, newly decorated. , 1309 So. 32nd St. 2163 ST. MARYS AVE. Light housekeep ing rooms, single and ensulte. Ty. 3397. 1508 N. 17TH ST. Two modern furnished housekeeping room". Tel. Web. 46 47. 1016 S. 10TH St. Light, large, clean housekeeping rooms, brick flat. D. 0010, COMFORTABLY furnlahed 2-room apart ment. 2S01 St. Marya Ave. Tyler 2093. 3 HOUSEKEEPING roo-ns, cottage, partly furnished. also 6-room Harney 40'J1. FIRST and second floor rooms ensulte. reasonable, 2707-09 Dodge St. FIRST and second floor rooms ensulte reasonable. 2707-9 Dodge St. NICE clean furnished warm housekeeping rooms. , ebster 0802. TWO modem looms, Douglas 6349. walking distance. Three housekeeping rooms cheap. H. 4001 HOUSEKEEPING r walk. dlst. D. 5349. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM WATCH THE BEE WANT .DS. AND IF XOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. ' 2710 LARIMORE AVE., board and room In real home for young man wanting a good home. This Is not a rooming house. Very good home-cooked meals. Call Col. 1423. NICELi'. furnished room, wl'.h board In private family, for lady employed. Har ney 20S2. i EXCELLENT, board and room for gentle man, private home, on car line. Jiar ney 1297. ' . 2877 CALIFORNIA Board and room for couple. Harney 073 - Unfurnished Rooms. 2 ROOMS In big modern flat, Ilanacom Park district, heat, light and phon furnished. Adults only.. 2803 Popplo ton Ave. Harney 1236. - , UNFURNISHED rooms, $1 a room; clean, warm. Call 1 ebster 3802. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms for rent at 1310 i. 30th Ave. Har. 3729. 3 rms.. 3 floor, all mod. Cheap. Doug. 3291, 3 OR 4 clean rms. with b.ith. H. 4920. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. WILL RENT my nicely furnished five room bungalow to a refined couple In exchange for board for myaelf and two children, school age. Will make an at tractive offer to right parties. Colfax 4758. 2857 Saratoga St. Unfurnished. l.i-room modern.. 207 So. 24th $100. "-rpom modern, 1709 8w. 16th 4:. 8-room mod. ex. lit., 2635 Seward St.27.6 f -room mod. ex. ht.. 20th and Pierce 20. C-room with 17 acres, Florence, for col ored. " -iconiB. 4039 Decatur St $15 F. D. Wead. 310 So. 18th. Tyler 0151 10 ROOM brick house, 4824 Davenport, $10000. Lease If desired. PETERS TRUST CO. Tyer 0544. , 17th and Farnam. VERY desirable home finished In oak throughout. Four bedrooms. Hot water heat. 3867 Farnam St. Vacant soon. , WALSH-ELMER CO., ' Realtors. Tyler 1536. 1 333 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT. 6-room house. No. 1415 N. 38th St. Inquire of owner at 1415 'N. 40th St. Not have ovjr three In family. E. P. Griffin, Back door. FIVE-ROOM newly decorated modern $45. North aide. D. 3556; bungalow, Tyler 1910. 5-ROpM house, furnished or unfurnished. tor rent. 00. 40n. 6 ROOMS, all modern, $40 a month. 207 North Ht. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest elusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. Ex- WE don't oMect to children In our apts. Have a S-room, completely furnished aot. In "Hollywood" for 395 per month. WORTH THE MONEY. DOUGLAS 1734 COMPLETELY ' furnished three-room apartment with private bath, steam beat walking distance. Brown apartments. 608 North 21st. Doug. 8644. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. FURNISHED APARTMENTS IN THE BLACKSTONE HOTEL. HAR.- 946. Unfurnished. APARTMENT FOR RENT A new up-to-the-minute five-room apartment Just ready for occupancy, consisting nf zood sized living: room breakfast nook separated by French doors, a sun porch, fine bedroom with double exposure, very convenient kitch en, tile bath, wall bed In living room oa it floors throughout, mahogany fin ish- In living room, ivory enamel in bed and bath, an exceptionally well ar ranged apartment in , the Monticello at 518 South 31st atrcc(. Your choice of several. Rent, $10.) We also have soie of the larger apartments in the same building at 8140, PETERS TRUST CO., Tyler 0544. 17th .and Farnam Sts. SEVEN-ROOMS end bath: newly deco rated; on south side. $20. D. 3556; Tyler io. FOR RENT Business Property. For Rent Offices. SUITE of offices, two large rooms with three private offices parti tioned in mahogany and glass in cqrner City National Bank Build ing. . The furniture and equipment are of best quality throughout and ideal for professional or commTfr cial purposcs No bonus for lease and will sell furniture reasonable. Call at 421 City National Bank Building or Phone Douglas 1160. SINGLE .t tu located 111 :frulil 1t National Bk., of eleva Rm. 400. tor. Apply SMALL office Ii Finance Bldg. (old Tele Call Douglaa 7681 - phone BlOg.) FOR RENT Business Property. FOR rent or sub-lease, storeroom 26x107 .foet, best location In Kearney, Neb. We are - vacating January 1, to get larger rooms. References required. J, C. Penny Co., Kearney, Neb. 2-STORY brick building 22x66 feet, on 14th near Douglas; fine for small factory or Jobbing. $135 month. Doug. 1734. SEE F. P. WiSAD. 310 S. 18TH ST. MOVING AND STORAGE. WE assemble and forward carloads of both household goods and automobiles. Watch this column, as It will kep you 'Informed where we are maklrg carload shipments to. If you are shipping to any of tha cities represented or to towns adjacent to our snipping paints, see us about our rates. sa It is likely that our through rate la less than tha regular local rate and you nave tne advantage or carload serv rce. Today we are accepting shipments to tne following cities: Los Angeles, cal. El Paso, Tex. GORDON FIREPROOF WARE HOUSE AND VAN CO.. 219 N. llth SL Phone Douglas 394. Omaha. Net FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN CO. STORAGE. MOVING. PACK1NO HOUSEHOLD OOOD8 AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERIVCE. ' COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackarn Sts. Douglas 288. MOVING. PACKING. STORA4BE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, nacklnr- and snipping. -OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug 4113. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. (?wned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 8400 WE can- save you money on automobiles and household goods to California in through cars. Omaha Van & Storage Co. 806 So. 14 th St. LOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 433S. Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. iot DavenDort. Doug. :aos, POULTRY AND PET STOCK. I'OR SALE sixty spring chickens. O. a. iiaroing, .31 o urexel St.. south umana. FERRETS for sale. E. Backstrom 7th St., Des Moines, la. t-21 S. E. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale HAY, $11 per ton, delivered. A. W. Wag- oner. 801 No. 16th St. Doug. 1142 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car 1 A This week we have oil display the finest line of automobiles ever shown in Omaha. Our reputation and absolute guarantee "isi back of any car we sell. A visit to our sales room will be a revelation to j bu. I Look them over- Hudson Touring Hudson Sedan Hudson Speedster Essex Sedan Essex Roadster Essex Touring Studebaker Touring Studebakcr Roadster Dodge Roadster; Buick Touring ' . Hay.ies Touring Willys-Knight Coupe Willys-Knight Touring Lexington Touring Chalmers Touring Buick Sedan Ford Sedan Hudson 6-40 Touring Packard Coupe Every car ready to go. one guaranteed. All sizes wide range of prices. Write for Catalogue. Guy L. Smith, Every and a "Service First." 26tii and Farnam. Doug. 1970. LOOK AT THESE. Ford one-ton truck, panel body. Republic two-ton, cab and chassis. Fard one-ton, stake body. Republic) one-ton, (rood rubber. Ford one-ton. pneumatic tires, v Republic two-ton, covered body, cushion wheels, extraordinary bargain, ' : V NEBRASKA WHITE TRUCK CO. 1411 Catpltol Ave. NEARLY new Hudson Speed ster for sale at a bargain. Terms If desired. Call Har ney 6066. Mr. Blessing. 1 - CADILLAC. Type 55. 7-passerger, touring, in ex- cellent condition. Terms If desired. Call Mr. Blessing. Harney 6066. We have -some splendid 1919 , newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll Iruy Drive It Yourself Co., 1 -1 1 Howard St. Dom? J622 K.RPK. DODGES. BUICK FOR SALE OR TRADE. EASY TEKMO. UI.L . ! O ROURKE AUTO CO.. 3701 8. S4th St. Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright. 1920 International News Service AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. USED CAR dO.,. 120 Ford Coupe, new tires.. $575 i920 Ford Coupe 550l 1919 Ford Coupe 52.5 1919 Ford Coupe .... 500 1918 Chassis, good order 115 1920 Chassis 90 TERMS IF YOU WISH. USED CAR CO., 2059 Farnam Street. YOUR ' hauling ; contracted by hour, day or year. Trucks, any alze; best service, best rates. 1501 Marcy St.. Ty. 1976. FOR SALE BY OWNER 1917 Maxwell r-lfdster. Good run ning order Only $1?6. See car at Vin ton Garage, 163-0 Vinton St., or call Tyler 3587. - - STORAGE; FOR RENT -( Live or dead storage for automobiles for rent. PALACE AUTO LIVERY. CO.. 22d Cuming Sts. Doug. 0404. $25 WILL rent ai cs for your ear until April 1. iszi f 1501 Marcy St. Hartung's Tran er Co., Tyler' 197$, BARGAIN in 1A or 3-ton dump body; aiao WTootts noist. very reasonaDie, address Box XXX, Omaha Bee. BEO SIX SEDAN, NEW TIRES, BAR GAIN, GOOD AS NEW. RUN 8,000 MILES. HARNEY 6276. SOME bargains In used Ford ears Mo Carrrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th snd Jackson. Doug, las 3500. FOR SALE Dodge commercial car, fine condition. Has been driven 3 000 miles. Priced right for qulok sale. Call Doug l?.s 4722. WANTED For spot cash. 100 used cars quick action; no delay. Auto exenange Co.. 2058 Farnam St. Douglaa 6036 OAKLAND Ser.slble Six. SH-OAKLAND CO th Harney Sts. 920 BUICIr touring, winter top. wire 3UICHrt wheels, etc Inquire 201 Neville Blk. WINTER top for Dodge touring; good condition. Bargain. Walnut oezx. ONE brand new 34-B Oakland sensible six toarlng car at $1,050 If taken at once, Jiftmlnek -& Jlracek, Verdigre, Neb. WE have 60 good uaed cars to selec from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO.. 8026 Farnsm. THE DIXIE FLYER, W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2626 Farnam SL DANDY good running Ford touring. $100. Twenty other baruptns. 2210 Farnam. 1917 MAXWELL sedan. In excellent con dltlon. Tyler 2462. Mr. Slovack. 1919 WINTER lop 201 Neville Blk. Buick touring. Room - Days only. OLDSMORILE 8. 1919, TOURING. WEBSTER 3565 EVENINGS. CALL 1917 MAXWELL, 2517 Lake St. $200. Webster 3364. FORD SEDAN, good condition. Price $385. 01 rax 4940. 1919 ALLEN hununy roadster. Web. 6130, Accessories. NEW FIRST TIRE8. 30x3 Tires $ 8.95 Tubes $1.95 30x3y Tires 10.50 Tubes 2.45 S2x3H Tires ... 1(50 Tubes 2.70 81x4 Tires 16.95 Tubes 3.93 32x4 Tires 17.45 Tubes 3.20 83x4 Tires 17.75 Tubes 3 45 34x4 Tires '. 17.95 Tubes J.70 VULCANIZERS SUPPLY CO.. 2912 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM CUP. 80x3 $12.60. 32x3H $18.60. S0x3H $15.75. 34x4 $26.60. Standard Tire Co. 410 No. 16th St. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt ' motorcycles. Victor II. Roos, 27th snd Leavenworth, Dept. B. Omaha. Neb. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 1HI Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2716 WE are again in position to make first mortgage loans. SHOPEN CO., 234 Keline. 1100 to 810.000 made promptly. D, WEAD, Wead Bldg.. 310 S, llth Sr. PROMPT service, ressonable rateiS private money. Garvin Bros 345 Omaha Nat iteaVl FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. Pay Cost of Putting in Crop. f 10.000, Balance 6 Per Cen: On Crop Payment Plan. 640 a. 450 a. i In wheat. 610 broken, 6 ml. town. The crop will likely aell alone at l?5.000 next faU. T. A. Smith. Julesburg, Colo. 160 A. Burlington, Colo., $600 down or will tako Omalta property. Colfax 4168, New York Lands. $6,500 BUTS 200 acres 3 miles from vil lage, station, hign school, etc.: dark ""loam soil. 600 augar maples, 9-room house, 3 large barna, well watered large orchard. In .-Hiding hay. straw, grain, 15 cows. 6 heifers, 20 hens, augar (ools. farm equipment $3,000 cash. Free list. Ellia Bros.. Inc. Springvllle. N. T. Bee want acls are best business getters FARM LANDS. Text Lands. 5C AN ACRE CASH Texas schooLHS'iii for aala by tha atata at $3 per ij; to par wore carh. halancetln 40 4 ler cent ' interest Send 6d postage for further Informa tion, lnvoslor Publishing Co., Dept. fa. Man Antonio. Tex. Miscellaneous. iiO-ACHU valley farui. all- under cultiva tion. J00 In wheat, S ata of Iniprova menta, 3K mliea to town, 100 to Omaha. Price, $200 per acre, terma; mortgage paper taken; cheaper' land or Oman property taken In exchange. Sea owner at 213 Keellne Hldir, Omaha ' 24 ACRES ,M PROVED Graham-Pet? rs Realty Co., 2 Omaha Nat. Bit. Bldg.. Omaha. Nab. Douglaa tl. Kvenlna Wal. 1101. ldO ACRES well Improved, tnuat be eold at onca to cloae eatata. attorney, court hduae. Cha.. Kubat. REAL ESTATE .WANTED. WE WANT HOUSES, TO SELL. Buyers galore! Come in and see us. J. J. MULVIHILL, Realtor. 200 Brandeis Tliea. Bldg. Phone Dour. 0096. i To buy or aell Omaha Real Estate sea FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. BU. Bldg. Douglaa 1421. YOU WANT TO HELL THAT HOUSE Want quick gstlon? Just try us. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. W. G. SHRIVER.8. 1047-1 Omaha Nat Bit. t!dg. Doug. 1638. PT rpTTTjtlTTC REAL ESTATE. . J . 1 UiDOJilN O Ini, nd Bental. 905 Omaha Nat'l Bk.-Bldf. Douglaa 218! HAVE Inquiries for homes; do you want to aell your property H List It with C. A. Orlmmel, Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Wanted Houses to Sell. The Old Reliable Real Estate Officp. THE M'CAGUE INVESTMENT . COMPANY, 1506 Dodge St. Douglaa 1S4S. LIST your home with me or 1' you ar looking for house see me. Frank J Panowlch, 636 Paxon Blk. LIST TOUR PROPERTY WITH GLOVER SPAIN. Realtors, 918-20 City Nat'l Bank. Douglas 285$. HAVE buyers with $500 caah down. List , with us. R. F. Clary Co.. 2404-06 Ames Ave.. North Omaha Realtora. Col. 0175. i.ifiTiuna wlMTinn Western Real Estate Co., 413 Karbach 'Bldg. REAL ESTATE UNIMPRO VilD. WE HAVE an unusually well located piece or trackage at itn aim Leavenwonn. 11x132. tracks on both sides. At right price Alfred Thomas. 404 First .'at'l Bank. REAL EStATETRCKAEr 113 FEET ON 11TH ST., $60 PER FOOT. ROSTWICK, 400 Petera Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. BRICK DUPLEX $8,000 J $1,600 CASH. ' Balance on easy monthly payments. This Is not over 8 years old. Has six rooms on each side; separate furnaci-s and strictly- modern. Located at 280." 07 North 24th. Annual rental $96?. , Can be Increased. W. FARNAM" SMITH CO. 1120 Farnam St. ,- Douglas 0564. GOOD duplex wll! net over 10 per cent or. refce asked. Well located, practical ly new. ALFRED THOMAS SON 604, First National Bank Bldg. V'ALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors, Real Estate. Investment. Insurance. Rentals. Tyler 1536. 888 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. I DUNDEE This classy stucco home lorated In '.he neareat part of Dundee on large corner lot and consisting of living room with fireplace, nice sun room, dining room, breakfast room and kitrhen on first floor, and 3 large bedrooms and heated sleeping porch on second floor. Beauti fully finished and very attractive. Price $16,500. Can make reasonable terms. D. V. SHOLES C0.v REALTORS. Douglas 0046. 915-17 City Nat'l DUNDEE ,$4,350 Five-room bungalow, finished and floored In oak In living room and din ing room. Two bedrooms finished In hardplne. Furnace heat. F.ast front lot, 47x182. About $1,700 'cash will handle, balance monthly. WALSH-ELMER CO.. Tyler 1536. 3S3 Srcnrltles Bldg. ' Bargain in Dundee Beautiful 5-room home, finished in oak and white enamel; larg living room, dining .rooms and kitchen on first floor: 2 bedrooms and barh on second: 'large lot. paved street. Price $8,500. Easy terms. Phone -Walnut 2812 -for particulars. v Florence. NKTHAWAY. Sub-.-han prop'ty. Col. 14?. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West $4,300 Six-room house, story and ha!f plan, been .built jabout five or six years; has large garage and three lots, located south of West Leaven worth this side of Elmwood park. Amos Grant Company 1 - REALTODS Doug. 8380. .130-2-4-6-8 Brandeis. -Theater Rid, n Claremont Bargain Owner leaving city, willing re sacrifice 5-room, all-modern bun galow, east front, onerhalf block to car; oak finish downstairs, natural finish upstairs. Price -$6,500; tasv terms. For appoint ment call Walnut 2812. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN will buy this Income property. New oak floors and new decorations through out. Income $3,9" and your own liv ing rooms extra bealdea garage for 6 cars. $15,000 for this property on 80x185 foot lot, located near 30th and Pacific streets. A real snap. GLOVER & MORELL, . 716-20 Keellne Bldg. Tyler JJ'.'3. Leavenworth Heights New semi-bungalow with all large rooms, finished in oak down stairs, white enamel up. Kellastone construction. Price $8,250 Easy terms. Call Walnut 2812. Omaha Real Estate and Investments, elOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxtoti Blk. Phone Tyler 4810. J.- B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest ment 44X Bee Bldg. Douglaa 8097. "The Rscellecttoa ef Quality Ramalaa Leaf After the Price te Forgotten." GOODYEAR and CORNHUSKER AUTO TIRES anal TUBES Bicycles, Repairs, Accessories, Supplies, Cunsmita, Locksmith, Phonograph Repairing, Cutlery, Tools, Rax era, Vacauia Cleaner. NOVELTY ttEPAIR CO, , Reeeee Raw ley. Prep. MAIL ORDERS. 404 3. 24TH ST. TEL. S. 1404. 7- AH . ,1 V .4, J ' M--4g- ft ex. -.". 4 A t , m sap s) , 4 - t ' ,J. a