Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1920, Image 1
The Omaha Dai "Dhrvirv .oEE LY T VOL. 50-NO., 13i Esttrrt at ImK.ClM Matter May 21. ISM. at Omi p. 0. Uieer Al tt March J. 171. OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1920. By Malt (I tear). ' 4th Zese, Dalit an 8soy, : Oally Oaljf. II: Su. 14 OuMat 41k Zo (I iw), Oalli aid $!, III; Dally Oaly. Ill: Suadu Oaly. IS THREE CENTS New Irish Association Is Formed Body for Recognition of Re public Completed in Wash ington; Hearings by Com mission Open Todays Plan First-Hand Prol Bf The Associated I'reas. Washington. D. C, Nov. 17. Irish leaders from Over the' country today completed organization of the association for the recog nition of the "Irish republic." At the same time the commission of sevcu from the committee of 100 investigating the Irish question, laid plana for opening- tomorrow, its hearing with tvo witnesses direct from Ireland on the stand. The hearings of the, commission of seven were to have started today but receipt of information that John Durham, acting mayor of lial bricuan. and Dennis . Morgan of i Thurles. would be present to testify tomorrow resulted tn the postpone ment. Dudley FicM Malone, former customs collector at New York, also is'on the list of witnesses for to morrow and after his appearance on the stand.' he is exDected to sit at the hearings as the attorney for the ' American commission on Irish jnde- pendente. i r England Not . Represented. The British embassy will not be represented, formal declination of the commission's invitation having been forwarded by the embassy to day. The embassy declared it could not approve the purposes of the in quiry and expressed the belief that the only result would be the spread ing of propaganda. , . , The organization formed by Irish sympathizers affer a conference with Eamonn de Valcra, president of the provisional 'Irish republic, was said to be designed to supplant the Friends of, Irish Freedom and the I 'leading Irish independence organizi- ' ' tions. , -'V ' t ' Plan Investigation. The office of the Irish inquiry , commission announced that plans had been perfected to (send a sub committee to Ireland sbon to make a first-hand .investigation.' The proj , ect resulted, it was said, from invi tations to senJ such a committee i received by the cqmmission in , a round robin signed by British labor riarty leaders, and similar proposals from the Irish Catholic hierarchy and numerous persons prominent in Protestant Ireland. Withdrawal of Raymond Robins pS-f) Chicago from membership in the -inquiry- commission also was an nounced tonight. - His message to the commission ' expressed regret that pressing" engagements would prevent his participation. " J Receiver Appointed ' For Eight Atlantic Steamship Companies New York. Nov. 17. George V. Sterling, assistant'director tf opera tions for the Unitedj States shipping board,' was appointed receiver for eight Atlantic, steamship, companies. The appointment was made by Fed eral Judge Mayer i an equity suit brought by Marsh and McLennan, New Yock insurance agents, claim ing to be creditors of the companies. ; The Atlantic-Adriatic corporation is the holding company; the other seven are : subsidiary organizations named for the seven ships owned by the corporations. : ' Falling freight rates were given as the cause for the "temporary finan cial difficulties" in which the cor " poration has found itself, in a state ment by W. Davis Conrad.-attdrney for the shipping board, issued through attorneys for the steamship corporation. , . - Decision - to have a receiver m equity appointed Vas made at a con- jerence wun omciais w ic oniyiug board, his statement said, adding that shipping board officials stated "there isi no criticism of B. W. Morse's administration of this com anv insofar as the facts are now frgralopcd." Bjc nped Convict Threatens hunger Strike'at U. S. Pen Chicago, ; Nov. 17. Unless condi tions at Leavenworth penitentiary have improved since he escaped from there a year ago. William Brandon, a conscientious objector, will go on a hanger strike, he decehired tjday following his arrest as as fugitive from justice today. "It's getting so a conscientious objector can't make a move af that place without the other prisoners beating him up." Brandon com plained in his eel! at the detective bureau. . , Kidnaper Pleads Guilty; To Be Sentenced Saturday : Norristown, Pa., Nov. 17. August Pascal, alias Pasquale, "the crank," self-confessed kidnaper and slayer of "Blakely Coughlin. will be sentenced on Saturday by Judge A S Swarta of the Montgomery county court. ' Pascal today pleaded guilty to sec ond degree murder and guilty to a charge of kidnaping for purposes of extortion. ' . v The maximum penalty for second degree murder is 20 years and life imprisonment for kidnaping. Hunter Shoots Four Bears Found in Winter Den Marinette. Wis.. Nov. 17.-UAlbert Forney. 20. of White Rap ids, shot ( .four bears yesterday. While hunting he discovered a cub in what proved to be a winter den. V shot the cub and brought the viiaigiuj yyxn uuuu itiiu. fcuA t.. -I! ! 1 I J . 1- - jjjncy wicu uopaitnL-u ucr ana inc .two rcmnining cubs. Father bruin 'Scaped by flight V .. . . .; . . , Omaha Man Awarded Bravery Decoration by ' Secretary of the Navy )e7 rs D. C. Patterson, jr. ." A decoration ior bravery in a life having , feat has been awarded to Commander D. C. Patterson, jr., son cf D. C. Patterson of Omaha, by the secretary of Mic navy. , Commander Patterson dived to the rescue of a sai!or who had fallen overboard from ihc Battleship Idaho, when the boat was off the Califronia toast last January. He . was ' com mander ni the Idaho at the time. In 1912 the Dmmander received commendation from Secretary of the Navy Myers for" 'ingenuity in devis ing means to relieve a vessel from water during a h irricane " ' Police Seeking Armed Men Who ; Held Up Train Gun Fight Follows Unsuccess ful Effort to Rob U. P, Kan sas City' Passenger Short Ways From Denver, v ii '.Denver, Nov. 17. Police are searching today tor armed men wno last night attempted to hold up and rob Union Pacific passenger train No. 104, eastbound, at idow, six miles cast of Denver. Eighteen shots were fired by the bandits and members of the train crew, who since the Carlisle . train ro,bbery in Wyo ming have been armed. - ' One of the bandits is bcicved to have been wounded. They escaped in an automobile which was waiting near the siding. ' ' . Three of the bandit party, believed to have numbered six men, flagged the train and as it pulled to a stop they approached the baggage car. A brakeman, armed with a shotgun, jumped from the train and when the bandits opened fire he replied. Oth ers of the train crew also opened fire. In the meantime Rock Island train No. 6, bound for Kansas City and Chicago over the same tracks, came up behind. A flagman stopped the train in time to avoid a collision. The Rock Island train's rear coaches were derailed as it passed the San dow switch. Railroad officials be lieved the switch was pulled while the train was passing over it. The Union Pacific train left Den ver at 9 o'clock." t "i ' Amateur Yeggs Enter Bloomfield Postoffice Bloomfield, Neb.,. Nov. 17. (Spe cial.) Amateur cracksmen attempt ed to rob the postoffice safe here early this morning. ' Th door.of the, safe was blown off . and inner doors showed signs of tampering. A number 'of .mail touches were rifled. Officials' be lieve the robbers : were frightened away empty handed. Several persons said they heard an explosion about 3 o'clock this mom mg. Entrance to the building had been effected through a rear door. P.ailroad tools from a. section house vhich had been brolcen into were found at the scene of the attempted robbery. No clues have developed. Germany to Protest Award Of Malmedy to Belgium Geneva, Nov. 17. Germany is un derstood to be r.lanniii a protest 16 the assembly of the league of na tions against the allocation of the Eupen and Malmedy districts to Belgium by the council the league, Dr. Gastoa Cunha, Brazilian repre sentative at the assembly heeting, de clared today. - Dr. 4a Cunha's statement was made to a Havas representative. The Brazilian added he was convinced the United States would enter the league. He said the example and firm attitude of South American na tions would, in his oponion. deter mine the policy Of President-elect Harding. ' ' '. i Lloyd George Is Expected . To Arrive in Geneva Soon Paris, Nov. 17. Premier : Lloyd George of Great Britain is expected to arrive in Geneva soon, according to newspaper dispatches from that iitv . M Ureef ay ' neviva War R Western Senators Say Finance Corporation Only Relief for "Appalling Situation Of Finances. . ' Southerner Raps Wilson By The Asoclatd Tresi. . Washington, Nov. 17. Senators lom the v western and southern states are, considering urging legis lative action to revive the war 'fi nance corporation. They said today this was the, only agency which could give immediate help to agri cultural interests in the "anoallinc' situation resulting from the suddd fail in prices. A conference of western senators and representatives to discuss the matter will be called, it was said. v-hen Chairman Gronna, North Da kota, of the senate agricultural com mittee arrives in Washington. Une suggestion is that congress adopt a mandatory resolution direct ing the immediate revival of the corporation. Scores Wilson. , n an appeal to President Wilson to restore the corporation Senator Dail of South Carolina, wrote that he had discussed the matter with Secretary Houston, and added: "I must say that he does not compre hend m the least the situation,' or he does not desire! to assist the Amer ican producer atld I feel that it is absolutely useless for anyone to con fer with him further on the subject. "I have conferred with all the leaders of our party and I have not yet found a single man who does not agree that the war finance cor poration should resume operations at once." t t The executive committee of the na tional board of farm organizations will meet here next Monday to dis cuss relief measures. Appeal to Houston. Delegations named at the recent agricultural conference here also asked Secretary Houston to rehabili tate the war finance corporation and were met with the statement that it not necessary, the secretary quot ing exports to show the amount of agricultural products which have moved over seas. 0 . ' Passage of the Capper-tfersman-Volstead bill legalizing, collective marketing will be urged by the farm ers' representatives at the coming scsrlon of congress,-it was said to day. They will also ask for con gressional investigation of credit and rates of interest. Rail Board to Hear v Arguments on Wage Demands Monday Chicago, Nov. 17. Arguments for and against the1 wage increase de manded by employes of morevjhan 100 "short line railroads will open nextx Monday before the United States railway labor board meeting here, the board announced. Testimony on behalf ot the rail roads and their employes has been completed after hearings lasting several weeks. The board's decision probably will not ba ready for several weeks, members of the board said. As the nucstion of jurisdiction af- Wects every electnc line which in any way could be classed as a feeder of steam systems, and in some cases would even apply to city traction systems, board members predict that when the decision is rendered the disappointed side, will appeal to the supreme court. As the Esch-Lum-mins law has never been before the courts for an interpretation, such an ! action would be agreeable to the board, as it would clear up other doubtful passages., 0ut-of-Town People Make Subscriptions To Bee's Shoe Fund FouV of yesterday's responses to The Bee's Free Shoe Fund come from out-of-town people whose hearts are touched by the plea of the little children of the poor. . If yoik can spare a few dimes or dollars to put shoes on cold littl: feet, will you send or bring your of fering to The Bee office. A Thank you. I'rr Tloniily reported I). P. Id. Brajtnn, la At C. Alurtemwn, Braj-ton, la. f ault - fiiaro PhmtMtnt, Onreola, b.. Z. Steele, Bridgewater, la Total .sun Mines Taken Over by Strikers in Mexico :.. Eagle Pass, Tex.. Nov. . 17. The strike situation in Coahuila became aggravated when strikers took ove the mines, according to an official message received here from Mexican Consul Emiliano Tamez. The mes sage stated that the government dis approves of action and will hold strikers responsible for all destruc tion of property and disorders. Pro tection to Americans was guaran teed, the message stated. The strikers are reported ,to be well organized and maintaining per fect order. Standing firm in their demands for 100 per cent increase in wages, they are determined not' to relinquish' the mines, according to an American who arrived from the scene, until their demands are met r . Banker Is Held , London, Nov. 17. John Leo Ber man, American manager for a branch of the - Lloyds bank, was charged in police -court today with connection with forged 'bills of ac ceptance, allegedly involviui? 45,000 pounds. The prisoner was remanded for eight days Chicago Girls Will Send Harding Turkey v I .?!. TAfl Thanksgiving pv&t;NOV. 17-' yv J-a ." turkey fo Chicago will for President- it i naraing s I nanKsgiving din ner, the Harding girls' club of a local packing company today having completed arrangements for the for warding of a 38-pound bird to the Panama canal zone where the Hard ing party will spend Thanksgiving. The turkey will be carried ona Pull man car and members of various Harding girls' clubs along the way will see to its safe handling. Specialists at Tierney Trial Unable to Agree Physicians Differ on Ques tions Regarding Ability of ) Woman to Distinguish Right From Wrong. Two nerve specialists disagreed in district court yesterday afternoon in answering hypothetical questions on the ability of Mrs. Mike Tierney to distinguish right from wrong when she shot and killed her son-in-law, Ray Dunlap, September 24, at her home on the South Side. Dr. William H. Betts, called to tht stand by Eugene O'Sullivan, at torney for Mrs. Tierney, was asked for an opinion on Mrs. Tierney 's sanity after O'Sullvian had. related the hardships to which Mrs. Tierney had been subject since!she was mar ried at the age of 16. That Mrs. .Tierney was probably suffering from uncontrollable im pulse or temporary insanity was Dr. Bett's opinion. He said she was probably unable to distinguish right from wrong. ' i Physicians Disagree. Dr. G. Alexander Young, physi cian for the Douglas county insanity board, in reply to a hypothetical question asked by County Attorney Raymond T. Coffey, similar to that asked Dr." Betts by O aulhvan, re plied he "saw no clear or definite evidence of insanity. ' He expressed the opinion Mrs. Tierney was suffering from strong emotional impulse, but said he be lieved she could distinguish right from wrong. Uncontrollable impulse may be a sympton of insanity, he admitted, when examined by , O'Sullivan. "Would the jealousy of a, daughter increase the strain on her mind?" O'Sullivan questioned., "Yes." 's - - . . "Could she be held responsible if she was suffering from hysterical automatism?: Hut One- THea "One suffering from hysterical automatism would be unable to en tertain ideas other,-than the idea which probably- caused the strain One's mind contains but one set idea." ... Mrs. Tiertley shaded her eyes when her son, Michael, was brought from the county iail'in custody of a deputy r.heriff, to testify in behalf of his mother. The courtroom was crowded to (Turn to Pane Two. Column Four.) Coroner's Jury Says Man Died of Bearing At Hands of Couple Phoenix.. Ariz., Nov. 17. That "brutal and inhuman- treatment" at the hands of Victor Check, son, and Belle Check, daughter-in-law. caused the death of Thomas J. Clfeck of Topcka, Kan., here Saturday was the verdict' of a coroner's jury here todav. Witnesses testified- that Check had been beaten' frequently for hours and had begged neighbors to notify the authorities. Victor Check is in jail on a cor- oner's warrant and Mrs. Check was released on $5,0Q0 bond, Testimony was offered to show that previous to Check's death Sat urday night in an automobile, neigh bors heard the sound of ' blows, groans and a, falling body in the Check apartment. Dr. W. O. Sweek. who conducted the autopsy, testified that the autopsy disclosed head con tusions; that the lungs showed tu berculosis and the general condition of the body showed poor nourish ment and condition Check, 77, was reported to have a fortune of more than $200,000.. ' Big Siege Gun Will Stay Stored as City Dads Talk Sheboygan, Wis., Nov. 17. A big siege gun used by . the Germans in the recent world war and secured for Sheboygan by Congressman Ed ward Voigt and Mayor Herman Al brecht will remain in the city tool house instead of finding a place as an ornament in one of the city parks following a majority -report by nine socialist members of the common council. llama mm ma 1 Four Captured Irishmen Shot Trying to Get Away White Gate, County Clare, Ire land, Nov. 17. Four of six men ar rested last evening under the restor ation act were shot dead this morn ing while trying to escape from their escort, according to an official re port. - Real Beer Given Place y - In Milwaukee Museum Milwaukee, Nov. 17. Two bottles of beer, one dark and the other light, with a plate of pretzels, have been placed under a glass case on display at the Milwaukee public museum, preserved for the page of future generations. , , Navy Department to Sell Stock of .Surplus War Clqth Washington, D. C, Nov. 17. The Navy department announced that it Would sell 500.000 yards of cloth now being held as surplus war! stock. . Bids will be opened at the department Nove mbe; "" ' . A : . -Senator Harding's Two Catches Whn A U. S. Threatens to Revoke Permits Of Western Union Veiled Promise of Reprisals Made by State Department ' As Answer to Telegraph Company's Action. 1 . .. - t. ' i . By The Associated Fre. - Wasnnl8ton 'Nov. 17. A yeileld tlirtat that the permits granted for the landing of. Western junion cables in the United States wll be revoked unless the company continues to ac cord the American government the sanje privileges that it accords 'the British and other governments in handling cable messages, is con tained in a formal statement issued today by the State' department. The Western Union Telegraph Co., says the -statement by the State department, not only has refused to accept any government cable mes sages without prepayment of tolls, but also has refused to carry at the reduced government rate, messages originating outside of the United States, i "Obviously,", said - the depart ment's statement, "the United States could not be expected to allow the Western Union Co., an American corporation, to charge for its mes sage twice the rate charged, for ex ample, the British government, nor to accede to a requirement that the ordinary practice of business with respect to periodical settlement of accounts, shall be set aside in deal ings with our government" 10 Miners Released From Burning Mine Earlington, Ky., i Nov. 17. Ten miners were rescued today from the burning Arnold coal mine near here. Bodies of five others were recov ered. One other person, trapped in the mine, was still tnissing. i 1 he rescue, effected bv tunnehnsr around the fire, which had shut off the single entry of the mite, came 20 hours after the flames broke out. Tl- l ,?. . xnc mrec wniie miners . among the 16 entombed are amonar the dead, all of the rescUedbeing ne groes. One negro is missing. ' All except one of the five known1 dead , are survived by widows. ' : ... - Boy Saves Life of Woman Who Tried to Drown tterself Chicago, Nov. 17.-Mrs. E. Hamil ton Lee, wife of a government avia tor in the mail, service between Chi cago and Minneapolis was taken to the psychopathic " laboratory today following four attempts to destroy her own life yesterday. She would have succeeded but for the efforts of Edward Agnew, an 11-year-old boy, who clung to her skirts as the waves were washing her out into the lake. The hoy hung on desperately, de-J spue ner enoris to Deal mm ott, un til a park policeman arrived and placed her under arrest. Mrs. Lee said her husband has been niggardly in his allowance and she has been making a losing strug- fle to'support herself and small son. he and her husband have been sep arated for some time. She made four attempts to drown" herself in the lake at the foot of Oak street, but three times the high waves threw her back upon the beach. The fourth attempt would have been successful but for the Agnew boy. Wholesale Price of Rolled Oats Reduced 17 Per Cent Chicago, Nov. 17. A 17 per cent reduction in the wholesale price of rolled oats was announced by the Armour Grain company. ' Officials paid 20-ounce packages which have been retailing at 18 or 19 cents ihoulI sell in a few jwecks at 15 to 16" cents tCoprriht: 1920: By ThaChlncoTrlbuna. ImnJtd thU n wily mnd, emlmly, bat caught thit on thrm was terrific excitement. Pays Wife $100,000 To Obtain Divorce Mrs. Crane's Suit Settled for Lump Sum; Woman Gets ' " Custody of Child. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. i Chicago, Nov. 17. In considera tion of 100,000 paid in cash in one jump sum, and custody of her child, Mrs. EVida Piza Crane agreed to drop her separate maintenance suit against Herbert P. Crane, millionaire ot at., Uiarles, 111. This unexpected agreement Was announced -in Gene va, 111:; where the trial was in prog ress. It was hinted yesterday that Crane had offered $75,000, with cer tain stipulations and said tha was absolutely the highest figure. Mrs. Crane field out for $100,000 with no restrictions and g it; The only concession on her yart0 a pledge to get an absolute divcrcc,. thus setting Crane free of her and . ihc child: Other features of the settlement are: Crane to pay all expenses of his son's education if Mrs. Crane- so de sires, but Crane is to designate the schools if he pays the bills. ' Mrs. , Crane to drop all claims against the Crane estate. Crane to pay all costs of the litiga tion. Bluffs-Man Convicted Of Concealing'Goods ' Stolen in Nebraska A jury in the Council Bluffs dis trict court, after, being out from 11 until 5 yesterday, returned a verdict of guHty against" William Holmes,' on trial in connection with the rob bery of the Winters Bros.' store at Valparaiso, Neb. f - Holmes was indicted on the charge of conveying and concealing stolen property and was captured by local 1 police when they raided the D. A. Moore flats, 309 West Broadway, on the morning of October, 13, fol lowing the robbery on the previous evening. ' Three suitcases of silks and other loot stolen from the store, concealed on 1he roof of the ,Moore place, were recovered. Moore was jointly indipted with Holmes, but remanded a, separate trial. County Attorney C E. Swansbn , said last evening that he -probably would not try Moore until the January term. Holmes will get an indeterminate sentence of five years In the Fort Madison penitentiary. ...... I Petroleum Institute to Discuss Supply at Meeting Washington. . .Nov. . 16. The world's oil -supply particularly the situation in .Mexico and in the Near East, . will be discussed during the three-day annual . meeting of the American petroleum institute which began here today. General sessions will be held each afternoon and eve ning, ; supplemented by morning group meetings. Discussion at today's first general session centered on -'the world pe troleum problem." W. C. Teagle, president of the Standard Oil com pany of New Jersey, and George Otis Smith, director of the geologi cal survey, were among those, to .speak. . - v . - It is expected, that considerable attention will be focused on the British-French , agreement dealing with the control and development of oil fields in the Near East. Poles Concentrating" Army ' In Upper Silesia. Is Report Berlin. Nov. 17. Confidential re ports that the Poles are concentrat ing larg$ masses of troops near the frontier of Upper Silesia have been received by the German government, says the Lokal Anseiger. The at tention of France. Great Britain and Italy has been called - to the situa tion, the newspaper declar' Labor Leader Is Indicted in New York Trust Probe Grand Jury - Returns Three Bills .Against President of. : Building Trades, Council; . I Bail Fixed at $100,000. New York .Nav, 17. The joint legislative' committee's investigation intq the "building trust" resulted to day in' the' indictment of Robert P. Brindcll, president of the Building Trades Council--one of the highest paid labor leaders in the 'United States on charges of attempting to extort money from contractors by threats cf calling strikes. ' calling strikes. ' Collective extortion chareestr against Brindell, Special Assistant District Attorney Richter declared in-appealing to the court to place the labor leader under heavy bail; will aggregate $1,000,000. ' After pleading not guilty Brindell was held prisoner in the criminal courts building for more than an hour, until his counsel could obtain $100,000 bail. He was given nine days in which to amend or change his plea or make necessary motions. - ""TirNi Courts, i The indictment, the second re turned by the grand jury handling cases growing out of the legislative investigation, contained three counts. In it Brindell was charged specific ally with attempting to extort $7, 500, ' from Jacob Fradus, a house wrecker, by threatening to call a strike on a demolition job unless the money was paid him. Vigorous I protest was made to Judge Mulqueen in the general ses sion court by Martin W. Littleton, counsel for Brinde!, against the heavy bail. - He said it was exor bitant, adding that "despite the con ipicuaous news lines and disclosures made before the Lockwood com mittee thef-defendant has, evinced no intention ot fleeing the jurisdiction ot the court. Because he refused ' "to produce $25,000" for Brindell, Fradus, upon whose testimony the labor leader was indicted, testified before the committee on October 28, that he "had been bankrupted and put out of business" by Brindell. ; : Later he said he . gave Brindell (Tors to' Pace Two, Column Six.) Former Iowa Woman Killed When Train Strikes Auto Reno, Nev.. Nov. 17. Mrs. Harry Treat of Chicago was instantly killed at Sparks- when an automo bile in which she and her husband were en route home was struck by an eastbound Southern Pacific pas senger train. Mrs. Treat's skull was fractured. Treat was seriously in jured .and is in a Reno hospital. Their automobile was demolished. Mrs. Treat was 25 years old and a native of Dubuque, la. The Weather Forecast Thursday fair; moderate tempera turc. ' Hourly Temperatures. 5 a. in .27 . a. m 29 1 p. m 2 p. m....... 3 p. m 4 p. m....... t p. m....... ( p. m '. . 7 p. m....... 7 a. m 30 S a. m 14 a. m 81 10 a. in..... 33 11 a. m.... 36 13 noon ...40 p. m. Tfmpvratnrra Yesterday. HI. LV HI. L'w Bismarck ....43 :!Ln Ansalei boHton 43 .1J Mnnphin 4S Huffalo ...... S4 SDIXaw York fl .)(. ralaary ' ....... 1( ,'SA .Vorth Platta..4 Cheymna ....44 'Ml Ihlldlplila. . .. Ch'caito 34 S4'M. l.ouln 31 3 St a 26 Denver 48 31 At. Paul Pea Moln...36 ;i.n Francisco. 64 Kl Paao SO 34;giattla i Karma city..S i Slum Cltv 31 Lander S III , ' 8HlirrV Bulletin. Protect shipment during the nest tn Si hours from lirnDrature as fo. Iowa: All directions afainst Irtcsin tenipe ratura. Third Man Arrested in Mail Theft Officers Seek Driver of Auto mobile as Fourth Man; Loot Is Property of Federal Reserve Banks. Have Clue to "Brains A third man was arrested yes terday afternoon in connection with the bold robbery of the registered mail car in Council Bluffs Satur day night on the .Burlington railroad between the Union Pacific transfer and the city passenger station. The arrest of the second man wat revealed yesterday noon. Federal . officials now admit the robbery wa! the largest train holdup ever staged irt the United States, but are still at a loss to determine the total loot secured. Two mail bags alone, of ten stolen, contained over $1,500,000. The three ien now held by fed eral and postoffice officials in con nection with the robbery are: Merle Phillips, 20. mail sorter, 2121 Avenue F, Council Bluffs, arrested Monday morning. After an all night's questioning,, he confessed to his share of the robbery. Arrest Third Man. FredE. Poffenberger, 19. former fireman on the Northwestern rail-. road, 2439 , Sixth . avenue. Council Bluffs. He was taken into custody . while eating supper at his home I Tuesday evening. Like Phillips, aner a grilling all night, he con fessed. A man whose name is said to be Roberts was captured yes terday afternoon and was taken at ence to '.he federal building where he faced the, Poffenberger youth and postoffice inspectors. Poffenberger and the third man have been in the officelof Marshal Fred Shumaker since their arrest, undergoing the rigil questioning un der which Phillips and Poffenberger broke down and confessed. Phiflips is still in the county jail. ' Confirms Phillips' Story. Poffenberger virtually confirmed the stories to which Phillips stuck after his first confession. According to the double confes sion, the story of the robl ery. in volves four men. . The arrest of the fourth man is ' expected at any moment. II? is said to be the diver of the automobile in which the loot was hauled away. Phillips continue to deny personal knowledge 6i the two meen other "' than himself and Poffenberger. Poffenberger is supposed to have arranged for Phillips' share as look out on the tender' of the engine while he and Roberts went through til PQf I , . . . . . . , onenoerger admitted lie .broke ' m.. r .-. a in me wiiiuuw ui ine car with his revolver and he and "an other man," believed by federal 1 agcuts to have been Roberts, went through the car and opened the side door. . j At the" stop the train made for In dian creek, the 10 pouches were thrown out. 'The fourth man, for whom officers (turn to Tage Two,' Colnmn FlTe.) Private Detectives Join in Search for ( Kansas City Gunmar. Broken Bow,' Neb.. Nov. 17. jarge number of private detective: joined the search for Dennis Ches ter, who escaped from a train neat here Monday night while being taken from Montana to Kansas City to . answer a charfe of slay in Florence Barton, wealthy Kansas City society ; girl. 4 Kimball Barton, jr.. brother of the slain girl, and Harold Wintrrs, her fiance, arrived here and will assist the officers in their search. Many residents of Broken Bow are also at work on the case, although Sheriff Talbot of Custer countv pxnmurA the opinion that Chester left this vicinity last night on a westbound freight train. -Bloodhounds took up a trail as far Merna, nine miles from here, but were forced to abandon it when they lost the scent. Chinese Called to Explain High Cost of Chop Suey Chicago, Nov. 17. Twelve Chinese restaurant proprietors were sum Pioned to the city hall to explain the high cost of chop suey to the CDimcil investigating living costs. ' The bewildered Orientals were greeted with a stream of 60 pointed questions, which reached to the in nermost secrets of the Chinese res taurant management. AJlerman Max Adamowski, chair man of the committee, declared 50 1 cents for plain chop suey and $1.25 for chicken chop suey, were too high. Kiev Evacuated.' Warsaw, Nov. 17. (By The Asso ciated Press.) The Ukrainians have evacuated Kiev and other towns thev had occupied and are fleeing defeated before the new Russian soviet of fensive. The bolshevik cavalry has swept through the Ukrainian lines a: various points. Three of General Petlura's di visions were surrounded by soviet troops when the Ukrainian left wing broke because of bad communica tions. . Former Premier of (Greece Has Formed New Cabinet Athens, Nov. 16. George Rhallis, former premier, has succeeded it; terming a cabinet to succeed the Venizelos government, defeated in .undayV elections, and the new min- itry will be sworn in Wednesday, it was announced today. M. Rhallis is 80 years old.