u i i a 1 i ' THE BEE:' OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 192fr Coiivicts Fail to Make Escape From Missouri Prison Guard and Inmate Shot and Others Beaten During' Un successful Attempt to , ' ' x Make Getaway; Jefferson City. Mo., Nov. 16. ' A prison guard and a convict were thotrflTid two other guards badly beaten at the Missouri state 'peni tentiary last night whtn four con victs made -an unsuccessful attempt to fiijht their way to freedom. The men were captured before they could get outside the prison wall. , ' 1 They are Earl Hunter of St. Louis and Jess Barker, Kansas City, jierv s ing life sentencs for murder; Fred N Trion of Calloway county, under sentence of 25 years fpr burglary and larceny, and William Stender, St. Louis, sentenced to 10 ycafs for robbery. - . . i - Used False; Keys. The four escaped frpm their cells shortly after 7 p. m. by using false keys they are said to have made. They unlocked other cells in which there were more -than 3() cpnvicts. None of these attempted to leave, however. ' Two, guards wTibm they encoun tered were relieved of their revolv ers and after being beaten into un consciousness locked in cells. ' They opened fire on another guard, wounding him. A trusty went to his assistance and a gen eral alarm was turned jn. 1 Tried to Get Out V The four men got out into the yard and attempted to release a car loaded with coal standing on a rail road track there with the inten tion, of "coasting" down grade and smashing through the wall. , : Prison officials and guards rushed to the scene and during an exchange of shots overpowered the four. m tsflder escaped from the peni tenfiary several month ago, but was recaptured, and both Trion and Barker previously made an unsuc cessful attempt to get away. . Revoke Restrictions on Use of Western Coal Cars V Washington,. Nov.' 16. The Inter-" . state- Commerce commission revoked ior the territory west-of the Mis sissippi river orders restricting the use of open cars to the carrying of coal exclusively. The new order also extended per mission to carriers east of the Mis sissippi to use all flat bottom gondo- , la cars for other commodities as well as coalN Tinner, 82, Forsakes Trade ToTravel and "See America" .1 . : . tCfe-3 US 'iWirk ' ' Wheat Trust Is Plan of Farmers' . Committee of 17 Albert Nit, 82, veteran Omfi tinner, 717 North Sixteenth street, performing hk lai t Jatk in Eis tinthop, which he sold Monday preparatory to retiring after exactly half a century at his bench. X to Salt Lake City. Later he freighted trom Salt Lake V!y to Virginia Albert Nast, '82,, for the past SO yeifrs a tinner 'at 717 North' Six teenth street,' yesterday forsook his trade to "see America." Mr. Nast came to Omaha S3 years ago from Denver, to which he had driven in a prairie schooner in 1859 from Chicago. : While in Denver he heard Horace Greeley deliver a speech. v . He mined untjl I860; then en gaged in freighting across the .desert Uty. , 1 After he arnccd here he worked several years, for Snyder & Burmes tcr, a concern located in the present sitef the PaxtofTblock He opened Hs tinshop on the southwest corner of Eleventh and Farnam . street in i870 and remained there for 25 years. He then moved to his present loca tion. "" Mother Kills Three , Children With Knife; - - ' Attempts Suicide Gorin, Mo., Nov. 16. Mrs. Gro ver Bufford stabbed three of her four children to death with a butcher knife at their home near here today, then attempted to kill herself. Her condition is considered critical. The other child, a boy of 9, who witnessed the tragedy, ran to a neighbor for assistance. Mrs. Buf ford's husband, a, farmer, was at work at the time. -V . -The ages of the dead -children ranged fronr2 to 7 years. : rr- 7 Bread Prices Drop. Minneapolis, Nov. 16. Wholesale and retail breaiprices dropped 1 cent' on poimd and 2cents on Im pound loavel here and in St. Paul today. Nebraskdu Head of Organisa tion Whicli; Hopes to Con v trol Domestic and Ex portBusiness. s ' -'-7 ' J Chicago Trlbnne-pmnba Bee Leu'cd Wire. . Washington,'. New. 16. Plans aij under way-lpr :ne'f ovulation of a gigantic combiner to control the domestic and .export -'business "lft wheat This combine. according lo plans, tentatively formulated atal meeting otithe comrpmee ot 17 ap pointed by the national farm bureau's fedfration.which was-held" in Chi cago last week, is .to take the form of a-co-operative association or ganized on - the ""ines of tht Citrus Fruit Growers'" association of Cali fornia. That organization now has aJ monopoly. 01 nannnng, pacxing ana selling the citrus fruitsgrown'on the Pacific coasv- - Unofficially the, trade commission has been advising the committee of 17 on the methods or organizing this wheat trust t. ,. In broad outline the plan is to form a huge combine in which the indivi dual farmers oi their various or ganizations shall be the sharehold ers. The preseat idea is to proceed under the laws of California, which are said to be particularly favor able to such an organization, and a committee has been sent there to .study the situation, and confer with the Citrus- Fruit Growers' associa tion as to the best method of proce dure. 7 . ' The yheat growers' combine ex pects to b( redy for business in time to handle the croo of 1921. The scheme by which ifr intends to se cure control of the 'American wheat ' ADVERTISEMENT SULPHUR EASES PILES AT ONCE : Almost Instant Relief and at Very Small Cost - The moment vou aonlv a little Ntfentao-Sulphur the itching, irrita tion and bleeding stopsA Don t toft tinue to suffer,- because fuick relief awaits you. Any druggist will supply you'with a small jar of Mcntho-Sulphur. This seems to soothe, lieal and dry up the trouble quicker than anything else. market is to contract with the farm crs either individually or through their co-operative eMevatqr- companies to purchase their entire output over a Period of from five to seven years it was estimated by those who were present at the inauguration of this plan that the new combine could contiel 51 per cent hi thel wheat grown in the United States in the first year of . its operation and that subsequently it would be able to con tract tor a Jarger wheat percentage each year than thereafter, . as the farmers discovered that they canb tain better prices . for their crops from this organization. C. A. Gustafson, president of 'the Nebraska Farm bureau, is chairman of the committee of 17, and some of the others who are said to be leading spirits in' the forming of the new combine are J.( M. Anderson, head of the co-operative exchange 6f St Paul, and, C. H. Hyde of Okla homa. . $1,000,000 Fire$aging In ,'Coal Mine In Pennsylvania Uniontown. Pa., Nov. 16. A.fita which company officials estimate wit! cauae a minimum loss of $1, 000,000 is raging in the mine of the Uniontown-Connellsville Coal com pany, near Brownsville. The fire started' Sunday in "the main shaft. The cause has nor been determined. Cohapany officers said the mine will bi flooded tomorrow. Officials say the mine will be. rendered use less for about two years and 200 men will be forced out of work. S. 1 ' To SucceaJDalrymple. Washington Nov. 16. Appqint ment of Frank D. Richardson as supervising' prohibition agent at Chicago, succeeding Major A. 1 V. Dalrymple, resigned, was announced today by the bureau, of infernal revenue. , Mr. Richardson has' been connected ywith, internal revenue work at Chicago for jome time. - Mother Rescues 3 s Children From Fire ') By Blondin Stunt Chicago Tribuiie-Omaha IV Leaned Wire. -vNcw York, Nov. 16. Breakinir away from firemen, who sought to -restrain her, Mrs. Yetta Arvin, 45, rusnea into a burning tenement in the rear of 78 Lewis street today and ran tip the smoke-fillcdtairs to her hcjme on the fifth and top story, where her three children were sleep ing. . By the lime Mrs.. Arvin had awakened the children, Hyman, 14; Esther. 7; and. Aaron, 3, the sfnoke iu the hall was so thick that thc,y were unable o escape by the stairs. Running to a rear window, she shrieked for help. - Ten feet away is" the fifth floor of the building at ,89 Gocrick street. Several youths stretched a board Between the windows, and over this improvised Bridge, Mrs. Alvin ' led her three children to safety. t : r- 'J ; Sac County Schools Close For Corn Husking, Season Sc Citjs la., Nov. 16. One-third of the rural schools, of Sac county are now closed for a vacation of two or. three weeks in order to per mir all of the pupils practicable to assist iu husking corn. With the present shortage of help the farm erS are anxious to utilize, their fam ilies in order to get the corji under cover before winter storms come. ,Traffic Jiearin Ordered. Washington, Nov.-16. The Inter state "Commerce V commission tndav ordered a hearing November 23 'on the proposed suspension of contem plated increased tariffs and restric tions in tne shipment; of fruit any vegetables throughout the country . J3ee want ads are bu All But 2,000 Bushels Of Wheat in Chicago Is Canadian Grown Chicago, !Nov. 16. Every bushel of wheat of contract gfade in Chi cago public elevators is Canadian grown except 2,000 bushels, accord ing to official figures made public here today. The total stock is only 86,000 bushels, and of this amount 84,000 bushels is Canadian. The supply decreased 168,000 bush els in the last wek. Lack of accumulation of stocks of '.wheat not only here but at, other western markets general, and m the. present ' malt motament from the hands of farm- ers'is attracting special attention." . Aspirin Then It'sGenuirre Aspirin is trade mark Bayer Manufsc ture Monoaceticacidesttr of Silicylicacid. " , THANKSGIVING .All Dining. Room FijaTii- ture Has Dropped in rico at Bowen'a, ' Thanksgiving ' marks the period of that, de lightful time of ; enter-, taining and celebration so dear to the American heart. . - As. our activities are centered about the home, it is onjy natural that we start, with - the dining room. . With , this in mind, wejiave marie rad ical: price reductions on all dining furniture. , Now when you come to Bowen's yoi will not be asked to pay the od , prices.-'They have been done -away with. It is now the greatly reduced prices: 'that are. in effect i throughout this store, '. We are now ' offering Period American -Walnut and Mahogany Dining Furniture at such Value Giving prices that none need v be ' wilhont . it this Thanksgiving Day. Advertisement Superior Quality Supreme Service - i: TT VERY Red Crown sacrifice of power every Cj service station offers day of the year. 7 you these two mooring Low grade, "smoky"mix- essentials dependable tures and blends not onty t . 'products and prompt, fall down when pu to the , courteous attention. test of rrformance, but ' A, - ' ihas been a policy of cause eicessive carbon, ' ' this company to not only ' fo P1 meet but anticipate the cylinder scoring, v ' ' needs of every nrtdnst Bcorfonuzeooil by using y '. ' . As a result, Red Crown Polarine. It ismade in ' ; 1 ' stations anddealers are y :ur- grades, differing inW usuanyfouhdonthenewly body but not inequality. These erodes; are 1 ; k: . cendy developed suburbs ' Polarine and rur districts. - Polarine Medium Heavy . . . v - . ;"v ; Polarine Heavy " i Red Crown gasoline is a Polarise Extra Heavy - ' v "pure, straight-refinery For winter use, the Polarf X. motor fuel, of the propel ine and Polarine Medium - y ' ' : boiling poinMo insure , Heavy grades are recom- quick starting ; with ria s mended. - :'V;-;(v u - - .,m-v '.. : v- ' ' S . A TT A rtN rrr --m . Omaha : v 7 , ' - 1 UUUUUUUU i 6AS0UNB r p ;tui9MccaHiin; fc hn nn.n nn rt ; . . ' w 1 ii' w i , 1 n 1 m t i i i ii i i. i ii in., i j pi in i i-w X the btrthday, jthe wedding anniversary, or anyr of those other notable days which mean so much to the wife ? Don't go on thoughtlessly life's: : happiness comes" as the result of considering the thoughts- of v other, and in doing the little things at the expected time. , 2 'v. ' -; I -4 s These are suggestions for your ' Anniversary Gifts Half dozen knives, forks or spoons a gravy ladle, salad forks, in fact any of the silver pieces to'match your silver, service. Thentbere are waist pins, dinner rings, bar pins or a string of pearlsr These are all good, and are certain, to1 be appreciated, ' 1 I L ;J r : JYour jeweler is alwayis prepared for ,6u with wonderful assortments gladly give :yo Viplnfnl sncfitpstinns when selfirtincf thft Aiini-' OO"''-'' '.'( . o V v'ir versary uittr v , - J 4- - Jewelry The Gift That Lasts r ' P. S-Jt Is alga time If yon are planning . nnythlnp in the way ol "special order" , gins '? : : ; y for Caristmns, to consult your Jeweler now , - - 3 . ... n