SIOUX CITY NEW YORK OMAHA LINCOLN An Unprecedented mi w .Xiiii iiii . Value Giving Coat Sale Wednesday Extra Preparations " We expect a great crowd,' and every possible prepa ration has been made, to, insure prompt service Extra salespeople extra wrappers extra facilities. J 318-320 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET Wednesday Mosf Sensational V.J OK T U inl 00 E A Involving Our Entire -Stock x of Finest Quality WOOL and FUR FABRIC COAT Formerly Up to $175 V Up to $7 5 Coats-- $125 Coats . am 3 Up to $175 Coats h 0 $ Evoras Veldynes Duvetyns Chameleon Cords Suede Velours 8 , Bolivias Lustrolas : Marvellas Peach Blooms Duvet de Laines ' SB H3 Yukon Seals . Sealettes , Peco Blushes Baffin Seals Behring Seal Velvets Nishni Seals Sealskinettes . ?5 ft; in;-' Just when the First Touch of Winter makes a warm coat necessary, we make this unusual offering of our en tire tremendousstock of highest grade coats, plain tailored and sumptuously fur-trimmed garments of ultra style.' and quality,- showing'.the.very best workmanship, -i- ; , ' -Xj . "S 0 '?ici, Piled Fabrics, lavishly trimmed with Nutria, Scotch Molef Australian Opossum Natural Raccoon, Hudson Seal, French Seal, Fitch That Quality, Style, Value and Orkin's are synonymouswas never more clearly shown than in this unequalled event. Whether you wish an (elegant plain coat, a voluminous wrap, one of the many combinations of belted styles; or a lavishly fur-frimmed model, they are to be had in "wide variety. k v its mm. mm Evening Wraps ' Street Wraps and Coats Motor Coats, Fur Fabric Coats ; filouse Wraps and Coats IT-J J. .W.'-J Choose From the Finest and Most Comprehensive Stock We Have Ever Shown r COAT SECTION SECOND FLOOR Plain Models Fur Trimmed Models Huge Cape Collars Dolmap, Effects Short Sport Models ma m mm i1 : -fjimJA THE COLORS Malay Taupe Dryad Nanking Suchow i Bedouin Astec Navy Black Brown and many others. ' in 4 o 5 Every -Model , J Sketched On Sale Wednesday at 9 a. m. ', h i., J