THK BEE; OMAHA. ' TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 '1920. j l t" . Evidence Sought By Officers Here Of Dynamite Ring Police Still Unable to Locate Men to Whom Two Ship- liients of Stolen Explosives ' Were Made. Better iFire Protection - - For Forests to Be Sought . . r .. .- . , m development of Systematic Policies in Several Forest all States to Bring About Adequate Pro duction and Protection Urged by ' . Forestry Association. . . 1 to ho r Y Thut Omaha may be headquarters s v of a nationally organized dynamite Il ring is the belief of State's Attorney rarker of Deadwood, b. D., wUo is investigating the alleged wholesale theft of dynamite by Carmaletto Cucci, former Tjmuna.jnnn, who was arrested at Terry. S. D, Attorney Parker's investigations have developed cvideiice of a plot which involves a ting of blackhand men and dynnmiers in Omaha, lie says. The arre of Cucci aided in frustrating a plot to blow up sev eral Omaha homes he declared yes lerday. i ' . i Chief of. Police Eberstein "agretd yesterday,4o the i ossibility of suclf a ling existing in Omaha.. "We must face the - facts, even though they arc distastful," he said. "There were 160 sticks of dynamite found in the store room of the American Express company , last Wediiesdav, enough to Mow up a city block.'" Seek Third Shipment. ilt was revealed for the first time today that police are attempting to trace a third shipment of dynamite which passed through Qmaha from the Black Hills abbut two, weeks . ago; M - ! " ' Police have been unable to locate Antonio Roberto, to wham the 106 ' sticks of dynamite were shipped nor can any trace of the mysterious Michael lannazzo, said to have re sided last at 1102 Soutl Thirteenth street, w ho police believe received the first shipment of dyuaniite which , :nay have caused the death of Frank- plan who was iIown to deatn last i Mtmtuer. ' m , :- Attorney Tarkcr at XJieadwo.od; df . dares the letters exchanged between Cucci, lannazzo and RJvcfrto ae written in a code known only to members of the ring. ' Experts now are trying to unravel .letters' seized by police , -, ! Cucci is Silent. ; 4 Cucci, held iu the county jail at Ueadwopd, has, refused to answer any questions. , Whet SnformeU'that Cucci had bceit stealing giant pow der," or'dynWryfcs from the Trojan M inning company; " officers searched his house, and discovered an ex press receipt for a box shipped to Omaha from Tyfcrry-in August. It was this receipt that ltd rto finding the dvnatnite litre. ;? ' "Cistern Twins" Face Separation By Adoption Nebraska FarmerYWife Asks welfare Home ior lioy; Home Offered Other v , .- 3 Community Center". Councils Are Elected ,'J'he' following local councils for ' the supervision , of community cen ters have been elected in the r,e- spectire neighborhoods: Iknson John Eritton, president; Miss Hazel Schaft'er, .vice president; Miss Mario ,Kamnv sectjeury-treas- I . cr ; TM rs. &s$rM, ttbaijn . en. Hallaiument cbtanittee; ,Mrs,-Glandt, fir?licity; Lewis, Hansen, sergeant- U O-arms;. Mr?. -.-Andy . &cnarter, 'iJauccsV Robert Palace " and- Mrs. Tlohn BrittoiCfcssyUntsvV - ; . - ' inorencie-3fc;B.'.", Raymond, chair ,' man: Mrl.' vMcMfhill, secretary; . ,B. McMahitl,5Cfttira4 Johnson, Mrs. Pearl' GrimesvMr. and Mjs. J. S. oi..t.orl trc .Rpn ' Baker. ' MlSS Bertha Thoelke.' ' , - - ' . Mpnmouth Park Jlrst J. Sylves ter, chairman; Mr. M. Thornton, 'Mrs G. W. Baldock, Mrs. Grace Elerding. Mr. J; E., Gill, Mrs.. , Trotter, John 'elson, Mrsf Edward Andrews. Mr t. Michaels, Mrs.. St. L. ShaMitross. ' ' ' ' " Resolutions Condemning ' Elctiod8.Are Passed tthlcago. Nov. i .tt.-Resolutions condemning - tbe velections held ' m Greece a"d demanaing mat a view be held ni that, country ior tioit of a new sovereign to vacant tf.ronc, were unan imously adopted at a meeting . oi the Greek American Loyalist kaguc in Bowen hall. Hull House. i D. J. Thappilatos, New York, the piincipal speaker.,-charged that the Greek elections were controlled by' Veuizelo's..- He suid that unde such, cofraitions 'the r;sults are likely to falsify- the: will of .the people of Grfeece. ' ; ' ' He also charged that the recent offensive of th; Greeks gainst Mustapha Kenial Pasha, was a tramcd-up piece of comic i opera stage plav, resulting from ii stcret agreement brtwen . Vcnzelos and the Turk -leader., ?" . . Me'xieo Mafos Charge to , v vExtr'adite Saldana Gal van1 : MexicaCity. M.ei Nov. IS. It is-whispered that -the r.eal reason for the effort of the jMexican govern ment ito liave Salilana Galvan ex tradited ffom the Unked States is that he il one of the rnost trouble some members of the San Antonio Tex., junta, which is presided over by Ignacio Bonillas, the man 'who was picked by Carranza to be his successoi; as president of Mexico. ' Galvan was municipal president here vhc thp Carranza government collapsed. He lost no time in getting out of the country. s "N scite he ti I till ;hc va A r V ERTISEM tNT SLOW DEATH Ache, . paint, nervoutne, diffi culty , in urinating, often mean erious ."iorder. Th world' standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid ' trouble COLD MEDAL vTtl Washiugtuii, Nov. IS. When congress meets in' December a bill will be introduced for a national for est program including better fire protection for the forests. " "This step, following an agreement by all the industries interested, marks the first united move in this direction, in this country," says Charles Lafhrop Pack, president of! the American Forestry association, which an nounces the outline of features to be embodied in the proosed legislation. The plan calls for national appropria tions of at least ?U,000,000Ta year. The provisions of the proposed measure are two-fold for a con siderable eJension of direct federal activity in forest ownership and production, and for the development with federal aid and encouragement of systematic policies in the several torested states to bring aoout ade quate forest production and repro duction. . ' . Must Give Protection. The program provides specifically, through co-operation between the government, the states i and owners of timbetfands, for adequate protec tion against forest fires, for re forestation of denuded lands, for ob taining essential information in re gard to timber and timberlands, for extension ofte national forests and for other steps essential to con tinuous forest production on lands chiefly suitable for this purpose. The 'following legislation is proposed: Authorizing the secretary of agri culture, after consulting appropriate local agencies, to approve an ade quate "policy for each state, covering fire protection, reforestation, cut ting and removing for timber crops. Notlss than $1,000,000 annually available for such co-operation with states. ' ' i l - . Replant Vast Areas. A survey of forest resources, for est prdduction and forest require ments of, the nation. fc ' Provision or studies and experi ments in forest reoroduction meth ods, wood utilization,' timber , tests, wood preservation, development of by-products and other steps to bring about the most effective us oi tne nation's forest resources. Provision for a study of forest tax. atitv.. to assist states in devising tax laws which will encourage the con servation and growing 6f timber. Also, methods of insuring, against forest losses bv fire. . Provision fdr more rapid replant- . Hf ,!,. n - A n a( A ar 11 A oA lands vvithi nthe national forests. . Purchase More Land. ADorooriation of $10,000,000 a year for five years for the purchase of lands, which (should be added, to the national fpresf system, whether or nrt on the headwaters of naviga ble streams, as - such purchases are now limited, te ' Authorizing ..the addition to na tional forests of lands now' in other' forms of government ownership, but found chiefly suitable for permanent forest production. ' "The very great importance of this program and the suggestion, outlined cannot be overestimated," said Mr. Pack. '"They affect every state in the union and the business interests of every state,, which mean3 that every man who wants to build a home, who wants to get aloi-g; w ill be .affected ry this important legislation. United Forest Policy. ' 'It so happens that this united move for a national fores.t policy," continues Mr. iaek, comes at an ap portune time and its importance to the welfare tf every citizen cannot be overestimated. The plan ties up with water power development ad the coal situation. When we out the millions of water power to work, the situation will beam to richt itself. Water power development and the retorestration should go hand in hand. We are at the tloor of great commercial development Let us open that door." The meeting which decided upon a national forest policy was at tended by John .Foley, representing the Association hi Wood Using In dustries: Charles Lathrop Pack and P. S. Ridsdale of the American For estry association; Elbert H. Baker of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and S. l Weston, representing the Ameri can newspaper ruoiisners '.as sociation; ! George W. Sisson, jr.. U. W. Crocker, V. E, Haskell. R. S. Kellogg and C. H. Wqrcester of the American Paper and rtilp association; Colonel Wil liam B. Greeley, the United States Forester; E. W. McCullough of the Chamber of Commerce of ithe United States; George S. Long National Lumber Dealers' association; E. T. Allen, Western Forestry and Con servation association. ADVERTISEMENT "They WORK while you deep" ADVERTISEMENT INDIGESTION ' CANT STAY i Stomach Pain, Sourness.Gases, I., and Acidity ended with t "Pape's DiapepsiB' , Ontrof-order stomachs feel fine at qncel .When meals don't fit and yon belch gas acids and undigested food. When you feel m indigestion pain, lumps of distress in stomach, heart burn or headache. Here is initant relief. - . i ' . Just as soon as you eat a tablet or tw of Pape's Diapepsin all the dyspepsia, indigestion and stomach distress caused by acidity, will end. These pleasant, harmless tablets of Pape s Diapepsin always putt sick, upset, acid stomachs in Order at once, and they cost so little at drug stores. , ) " ' bring quick relief and often Avard iff deadly diseased (Known as tha national remedy -df Holland for ; ore than 200 years. All dnig-y lEiats, in tnrce sizes. . -i 0 Look for the aiune Cold Med! on vrjr THANKSGIVING . .. 'All Dining Room Furni ture Has Dropped in Price at Bowen's. v' Thanksgiving marks the period of that de lightful ,time of enter taining and celebration so dear to the American heart. 1 As our activities re centered about the home,y it is only natural that we start with " the dining room. With this in mind, we have made rad ical price reductions on all dining furniture. , Now. when you come to Bowen's you will not be asked to pay the old -, prices. They have been done away. with, t It is now the greatly reduced, prices that are in effect throughout j this store. ' We are now offering Period - Americ an 4W,alnut and Mahogany Dining " Furniture at such Value Giving prices that none . need be without it this Thanksgiving Day. . -r-Advertisement Baby; ' x . J. v Betty and Jimmy Wellsi "cisteRi twins,? who, according to rlilinff, of juvenile court,-have neither fathet nor mother, are facing separation for the first time in their four months of J me. , . . Since the tiny waifs were discov ered ina dry. well four. months agb and taken to the Methodist hospital t$ieyhave been fed from the same tott!e- and rocked to .sleen in '.the ianre. cradle. , .v v.- ' .Permanent Separation Loofns. . They were enristened together by nurses whov,had becom fond of uiem, ana ineir iasi namewas aaaea notin jest at their tragic start in life, but because jthcre was no known family name for them to inherit. , ; But the separation which looms on-their young horizons ap parently will be a permanent one. Persistent denial oi parentage by "Doc" Kent, charged , with being their father, and Louise Bbeke, charged with being their mother, in the famous district .court case led juvenile ourt; authorities to-turn th twins over to the Nebraska l Chil dren's Home society. V' v Two Offers Received. And now Rev. R. B. Ralls, sdper intendent of the society, ignreparjng to place them with some) fatuilyi for adoption. , V ' He received two offers to adopt one of the wtins yesterday. Cne offer, which is from the wife of a Nebraska farmer, expresses prof ercjtee. for ihimy. The oilier ex presses ;uo preference., ' : "1 expecumany more offers, but, after all, I believe it would be' best to separate the babies," said Rev. Mr. Ralls. "We are trying jo place them where their tory is not kiffcwn ad it would lie easier if they were adopt ed intcKditTernt families. Of course, thiAwould. mean separation for life anurdirterent names. . ; ' , . I n I,.. f Special TYain Rushed To Rescue of Teller How 'he broke up a -regular Kacjk Island tiain to'make hp'apecial on whi?h to send relief Vol Ottawa, III., from-Chicago to free, a banli'. teller Who..was said to be imprisoned in a safe ' vault, . was , told by. Tr H. Beacdm, Rock Island railroatloTFi- cial, white visiting' his brother, T. B Beacoin, 468 Jbncs strecti over the weeK-ena. , . .' . .. Beam is iicC president. of the Kock Island. He stooped in Oma ha on his way frpm Kansas City to Chicag in his private car. . The. cashier whom Beaconi , sought 'to save was the man who had robbed the Ottawa "bank - and fled, leading offidials "ofc the baak to believe he hadvbeen locked in the vault. Bea- . ' 1 . :.l - r vuui s apcuitfi wdiu,, jauepi experts, reformed yeggmen.'and the like,' was fl&gged. before, it reached Ottawa with th word theafe had been opened with an sfcetylejle torch and (found empty, v The missing tel ler was: iocateanear .upca, in.,, ana cootessed to tue robbery ana ,sate rusel' v k--' ' ' ' You ap-c constipated,.-bilious, and what you need' is one or Jwo Cas carets tonight sure for yonr liver and bowels.' Then you will wake up wondering what became of your dizziness, sick headache, bad cold. or upset, gassy stomadh. . No grip ing no inconvience. Childrea love Cascarets, too. 10, 25, SO cents. We will fill orders at 3 pain for $3 J3on(y so fonf as they last, and they will - not last lang at thh price. Prices will be increased after this supply is exhausted. Save$L50 A Pair Oa'Your Silk Sackings Only one dozen pairs will be sold to one fcerson olftring on the special cou.-' pon provided. Simply write your name and address plainly, send Postal or Express Money Order for $3J3 and. 3 Tain of these fine highgradm pvre silk stockings will be senrpostpaid.'j Remember, this offer is made only .while , . oar present supply lasts. Tb, ere are o seconds every pair guaranteed perfect. If you are not entirely satisfied with, your purchase, after examination, your Maty will be cheerfully fcfunded. Only one color aid siie to a bat Immtdutl ShmnnnttjJ annaaamiianiamiHuiimnHnuuimn HONOR HOSIERY MILLS, 108 Uoaanl St, WYock, N V. V ' s Endowd find $3.33 for which nd mc pottpaid. 3 twin Of Highgrade Pure SHI: Stocking, the , kiod tbmt have told for J2.50 each. I have checked color desired. (Please print nam). . f .- BLACK . Nome LL '. . . . y 'li.. '-''' WHITE . AJims LI ' I ''. )'"' 4 - ': BROWN Totrn ' : ' ' : ' y.'.'V'. , V NAVY Sou- - i Si ;;:am!UiiiKioiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJitiJ!ii:n BUY A FINE CLOCK 0 , - ' , y - - 1 -',-,, ' This week at an ex- v 9 v tra discount at our t closing out sale. RYAN JEWELRY CO. Geo. W. Ryan, President Securities Building AHOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AN9 ; , REPAIRED v All Work Guaranteed, 1518 Doujlaa St. TeL wua. BUY FROM YOURSELF 'km Cut Your Coal Bill Vz , Holt's Heat Regulator Can Be Readily Attached to Any Hot Air Furnace and as Readily Detached ' vTake It Wih You When You Move! Saves Its Cost the First Year ' Keeps the Temperature in Your. House , Even $45.00 Installed . , Complete It Is You Who Are Interested in Your .' Coal Bill- Not Your Landlord $45.00 Instalfad . Complete , Fully Guaranteed R0LT flEAT .REGULATOR CO. . --, 2520 Farnam Street : ' Phone Douglas. 7514 for Demonstration . Heat Keeps Down Coal Bills ! "&u can keep the fuiv hace fire lower, and the ' entire house at a health- . fully .cool temperature, . if you use a .".. -, ' JYtdi)OCtt -. VI V.', Railroads Feel CheckiH Business " , ' ' .. 1 1 , . ConimiSfiioti Fears .Earnings During Winter Will fie Poor, Despite Rate Increases. . . Bf A'STAFF CORRESPONDENT. Chicago Tribune-Omaha, Hf J.a'ard Wire. Vfashington, Nov. 15. With the business depression beginning to be felt by the railroads, members of the Interstate Commerce com mission are fearful lest the railroad earnings during the winter months make , an unsatisfactory ' showing despite the increased - freight and passenger Vates. ' V - I Until twd -days ago, f hen figures on the landing of 'ca'is with toni mcreial freight for the week ended October SO, were available, the effect of the widespread slowing down of business was not evident so far as the volume of railroad traffic was concerned. . , . ' t t The fmiirrs :u.-. that Week, liow over, show that the peak has been passed. The number of cars loaded, which for the three preceding weeks had been more llun 1,000.000 weekly, setting new records, dropped to 973,120. The effect of the business slump has been the tnobt marked upon car shortage figures. For several weeks the car shortags averages have been declining. There was such an accum ulation of freight as a result of the traffic congestion of lite past sum mer that the present business condi tion was not reflected in car loading figures while ths accumulation was being cleaned up. 1 The change in '.he situation, how ever, , was quickly jioticeable in a tailing off of the number of unfilled crders .for"cars, ' On September 1 the "car. shortage for ' the" county totaled 147.509. fo tJie week ended October J0 tbt average daily short- ,1 .'1 ages had dropped to S5.412, which--was a reduction t! 1,0,000 rsrs from the preoding week. , a iEtia Raids Homes nOf Irish Volunteers Dublin, 'Nov. IS. The 1 , militia rai.ied about 50 .dwelling Jtouses of irtsh volunteers, notified the occu pants that the authorities had full particular of their association with the republican army and intimated ;hat they would be arrespd unles they ceased association vtth that body. . (. , lite weekly summary of events published by the Irish constabulary declared that the indisputable source of all crimes in Ireland is ' an or-s ganired gang of assassins describing itself as the Irish republican army. "This , band of assassins." con tinues :he statement, "must ' be ciamped out at any cost. But for the unhappy people of Ireland, .the victims ot this appalling scourge every consideration must be. shown Gas Heater ti to give the necessary extra warmth in the rooms you are "V, occupying. I . "Welsbach" heat is radiant I heat whofesome, effective, 4 instantaneous. The heater . , has the beauty of an open grate fire glowing and color ful. It is entirely odorless.x, . anH bivm . full hunt valuA ' U for every foot of gas used, C ' ' ThtWeUbachCf$Htafr . cli only 4wv cnt y an hoar t opirat: 5m it at our Salttronm Many Other Types of Gas' Headers V SOLD ON . A , PAYMENT PLAN . - v ' Metropolitan Water District fias Department . ' Telephone Douglas 605 - 1S09. Howard Street. :. v TBie Mffft Me ' . A-Real Sensation! .";f ' T;7R0WI)S' rnen rcr stocks, v , crowus'Oi wonieiiNDuyiiig smns m anuciyauuju.'ux vuiiaiiiiaiTiii. ' Mviner crowds two. three and four feet deep at times all "getting I'vf : m 6ii' the .mosi remarkable shirt jsale in shirt selling history,' because , A' IlWCllUCiUlC o.v lllio lllllc Ul II1C VV Cll .iiavv JVU uvuiit 4 i .. . i ' ' - -- : jjf ? Manhattans n W:5y$A .. V'Bates'Stoeti y-Sta i 1 - V and V ; (Y( Yorke Shirts & YL ? WA ri-h 1 : J '..Nebraska's, W?U fjiSMW : - -. From, Tub Silks fjetsey Silks 1-Crepe Silks Brondchth Silks SiAr and Luieri Silk and Satin Strioes Madras, kussian Cords : French Madras, Percales Sunr-ay Madras and a host " other exclusive weaves v and patterns v 1 ; r All SWrts In the Sale Are' Out Oil -the-Counters' tnoose as lojuows: , i y $2.00 SbJtg--Onertbird.' Off,.' $1.35 . . $2.50 i Shirts One-thyd Off, $1.65 1- $3.()0l SbJrts-One-third. Off, $2.00 'V$3.5Q , Shirtg-One-third Off; $2.35 v' '4.00 SMrtsOne-third Off,' $2.65 - $4.50 ', Shirts-One-third . Off' $3.00 ' I v $5.00 Shirts One-third ( Off,, $3.35 $6.00 Shirta One-third Off, $4.00 ;v $l?0 SMrtsOnehird Off, $4.35 $7.50 Shirts-One-third Off, $5.00, $8.50 .Shirts--One-third Off, $5.65 ltf.OO Shirts One-Jhird Off, $6.75 $11.00 Shirts-One-third Off, $7.35 $11 50 vShirts-Onehird Off, $7.65 V v'i . ' .v $12.50 Shirts One-third Off, $8.35 77- r . ' ' shr oi!R flft'l-..",i il ' iOfl 10 -'r iO ' COMPARE'" lavHounnaA SEE OUR , - ' ' ; WINDOWS " .'TODAY . ' . COMPARI OUR VALUfiS y ALWAYS.. 'lL- CORRECT APPAREL FOR ' MEN.l, AD - WOMEXs Bedding Prices ! Have Dropped At Bowen's L ' Y e s t e r fl a y's cold weather was but a fore-, runner of the colder days to come and itq come , ' soon. - .j'-'.V? ''"''' ' ' ' '' ; ' - Jt is f best to prepare 1 now--secure thte bed-, .din? that , will : fit 'the' "weather.. .... ' : " . Another good reason, thi.most important rea son for .buying the win ter bedding now, is that ' at . -"Bowen's V they J no longer a&k you; to pay the old high prices. They . have been done away. with, v It is. now the greatly , reduced; new, prices that are in effect in !.' this - Value-Giving ' store; ' V ' M ' ' : - Adveiliiement Is the Deli very 6f Ypur ; "Bee" Satisfactory ?- : ' i , '..- ... . ?- ' , . - i ,- '-V, , t-y v The Omaha . Bee, aims to. ' give: its subscribers '.'.100 ; - 7 r delivery service. , . "It .will be .deemed a favor s if subscribers 'will report " ' prompuy, iauure 10 receive . . their copy or any other ir- : Arlarity;1n the, service. ;, 1 ; 1 v; Telephone Tyler 1000! Ask for City. Circulation Dept. , J ' . - vo e accvpi aa uanaxiani. . . i I I- . V f ;