Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1920, Image 4

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Dangers Imperil
4, Lives of Flyers
, On Wyoming Run
...I .
Pilots Ris Lives In Fogs and
- Mountains to Carry Mail
.From Cheyenne to Salt ...
' Lake.
v- Details of the perilous conditions
-Which confront the eight ah mail
flyers who are stationed at Chey-
" ennnd make runs to Salt Lake
' V:... i r l. - - :.,
, Omaha "Sunday hy jPitot Harry G.
3mith, whose former roommate, Pi
. U5t John P. Woodward, succumbed
lo the dangers of the Cheyenne area
l a;week ago when bis plane crashed
tJ the 'ground in a dense fog. Smith
aBernatcs in his runs between
C&naha and Cheyenne.
Tin stormy weather, said Pilot
Saiith, "and there'is a lot of it, the
cRud hang down low over the
mountains. In order to follow your
course along the railroad tracks you
have to fly sometimes Only SO feet
from the ground,, which is extremely
rixWv. b vnn r verv lilcrlv in crash
into a signal tpwer, grain elevator,
ledge of rockor something of the
No Guide to Course.
?'If, on the other hand, you attempt
ti climb above the clouds you-have
nothing by which to .guide your
course and you are As likely as not
you try to comedown or for any
reason are forced to descend.
;"The worst conditions are encounT
tered around Cheyenne, especially
between Cheyenne and Salt Lake. It
is not so bad on the route out of
Cheyenne to Omaha. S
"At that we run into a lot of
trouble making the run froift Omaha
to Cheyenne. As soon as you hit the
Wyoming line you usually run into
fpgs and with a rise of 5,000 feet be
tween Omaha and the Wyoming
dty, it is very easy for a pilot to
misgauge his height and dive into
' some obstruction on the ground.
No Weather : Reports.
"Another difficulty we encounter
our lack Of information ot weather
conditions along the . route. ' We
sometimes start from Omaha with
the weather fine and clear but as
soon as we run into Wyoming, en
counter storms.
"There is one solution, " In my
opinion, exact weather reports from
noints all along the line at the time
to start. If we know.' for instance,
V tha there is a storm along the routes
Somewhere we can stay back and not
tiamn fliorht Whri 9 enpa
blindly into bad weather he is .tak
ing very great risks.
For Caused Death.
f fculd have been saved had he known
&at tliere was dense, foggy weather
iheadv ( As it was, he had left Rock
Springs on the run from Salt Lake
irt viae rrnasinir into thn mountain-
oua country near Chevenne .when he
' ton into a heavy fog. He had to
Jy low and failed to see the tock
f HUfdgt ahead and so crashed
a a sneed of-150 miles an hour. ' .
2 "We nave sPrae toush t;m.e? of; H
our flyers had to come down and
, asvtoreea to maice seven rojina
., 0-ips of a half mile one way with
. iwA callon nail before he was
. i &le to get enough water for his ship.
'f heri "there was J. P. Murray, who
alighted .in the mountains and
- pandered for 17 miles in the snow
-r Before be was able to find any trace
; Pilot; Smith took a' 'ship to
(Sheytnne, yesterday. '
irth Control Lecturer
Held to Be Unbalanced
SMiss Frieda Miller; who was de
tained by the police last week for
investigation by the Board of Public
Welfare, on the charge that she was
iving lessons on birth control, has.
!- W
ifen taken to uretna, Kan., Dy a
. sister, who is teacher in that town.
Miss Miller was examined by an
atienist Sunday morning and it was
" 'frtcrmined that s! she was suffering
. from an bsession. " She was a
4tfdentof. biology, evolution and
ifnbtyology at, the University of
: ffanjas and recently worked in the
.. (flt'ice of ,a physician , at Lincoln. '
The young woman was released
Jjy the' local authorities . upon . a
' iomise by the sister that she would
tfe cared for.
f'tfo Theaters o Be Built In
' N. Y. ; to Cost $2,250,000
, t New York, Nov. IS. Constructidh
4t two new theaters in the "brigfet
light" district before fall of next
year was announced today by Marc
.- t SlaW, theatrical magnate, who hasi
purchased the sites from the Astor
'J estate on the south side of Forty
sixth street, between Broadway and
Sight avenue.
The "contracts
are said to total
Big Building Programs
,'; ; Boost Iron Price In Mexico
'! Mexico City. Mcx., Nov. 15.-r-Activc
work in , rebuilding sugar
mills and industrial plants which
were destroyed during the revolu
tions, re-equipping damaged jniires
and restoring railroads has sent the
price of iron high in Mexico.
The big iron and steel plants here
and at Monterey are swamped with
orders. Large orders are also be
ing sent to the United States.
Make a Full Pint
Witl home-made sugar syrup
Th betfc'and quickest acting y
i full directions on each bottle i
c -i r j J
- tfVissViissViiHkVsiHHs)lHBIsVsPisVslHsW
Affords protection gainst In
fectioos diieases. All pradent
persons should avail themselves
- this dependable germicide.
- T WtlM rrORBS.BVKYWU88 .
a.- a; -"' ' .
How Your Contribution Helps School
Kiddies Who Are in Need of Warm Shoes
pJ 000" fc O MmnJi
The condition of many shoeless
and stockingless boys and girls in
the i public schools is pathetic, ac
cording to Bess Bedell, principal of
Rose' Hill school. ! . '
She is head of a committee of
teachers whose particular duty it is
to relieve the distress of the kiddies
whose parents cannot afford to buy
shoes and stockings. Alict Rath
sack and Cassie Roys -are the other
members of this dommittee..-
, It is a labor of love with these
teachers. . Miss Bedell is serving
her secohud year. Occasionally she
does not returh to her home until
Chicago Tribune to
Co-Operate in Forming
- School of Journalism
Chicago Trlbune-Omnh Bee tensed ! Wire.
. Chicago, Nov. . IS. The Chicago
Tribune is co-operating with North
western university in the founding;
ot the Joseph- Modal schjbqf of jour
nalism. . ii ."-
The new school, which is to be es
tablished within the next few
months,-will be the only metropoli
tan newspaper training institution
west of the Allechenies. ' t f
. The editors of The Chicago Tri
bune, conferring with the trustees
of the university, "represented by
President Walter Dill Scott and
Ralph Heilman, dean of the school
of -commerce, agreedthe school
should be established as a tribute to
Joseph Medill, the builder of the
Chicago Tribune. '
The, name has also met with the
approval of editors and publishers of
other Chicago papers. These other
papers; have agreed to co-operate
with the josephiMedill school to tne
fullest extent.
Negro Suspect Lynched.
Bristol. Va!. Nov. 15. Dave Hui.t,
ncsjr, 25, captured after a chase on
a passenger train and held for an
alleged assault on .an aged white
woman, was taken from the jail at
Vvtee, Va, by a mob and hanged' to
a bridge neai; Kent Junction.
"TeTrtbte eM of Eciems-eontrcUd
wheo mere boy fougbt dlseae for ten
yean, with balfdoien tpecialuit. Both
legs id terrible condition. Almoet
1 nerut wreck. It took juitSbottlnof '
D. D. O. to clear op tbia diieaM."
ThU Is the late testimony of a prominent
newspaper man. We have een to many other
ufferen relieved by thii marveloui lotion that
we freely offer yon a bottle on onr personal
uorwiiaf. Trx It today. S9c, oc and tlM.
m lotion for Shin Disease
Five Sherman It MeConn.ll Drug Store.
It's Easy To
Put Oh Flesh
All you have to do If you are too thin
and want to Dut on several pounds of
olid "stay-there; flesh is to take a five
Brain tablet of Blood-Iron Phosphate with
eacM meaL This builds up the nervois
system, enriches the blood and thus en
ables the vital organs te assimiliate the
flesh buHdinK. etrenKth-makinic elements
of your food which now largely go to
waste. Folks Who have tried it state they
not only put on flesh but that it also al
most invariably increases their strength,
.energy and endurance. You can get
enough Blood-Irort tablets for a three
weeks' treatment of Sherman McConnell
Drug Co., or any other druggist for only
$1.60 and it's so uniformly successful
that your druggist, a man you know, la
authorized to refund your, money If you
don't like it. Better get a package today
and begin to get stronger and healthier,
as well as, better looking.
When men age prematurely, Iota
interest in their work, and life
Itself; when the golden sands' of
Tenth and Manhood hay run their
onrw beforethe allotted years have
passed; it it time to take an inven
tory of resouroes to regain the
health and vigor which have slipped
aay. t V r ndlnc, FEHH to
men, a vvuable book which dealt
with this subject and which points
oat to men whose nerves are shat
tered, a way to rebuild and retain
strength and happiness. Write
today for this wonderful book.
Tonr name and addreat on a post
card will do.
599 Berry Block. )
after 6 p. m., after having taken boys
and girlsPto have shoes fitted.
All cases of need discovered ' in
the schools are reported by the prin
cipals or school nurse to the in
vestigating committee. Attendance
Officer Carver, whose office is in the
city hall, acts as a disbursing officer
fora shoe fund.
The Bee is receiving contributions
to this thoe fund, because this news
paper .believes and knows that this
is one of the rnost worthy causes.
"You would hardly believe," said
Miss Bedell, "that we find children
whose , ihoes have been worn
through to the extent that their feet
No Radical Changes ,
In Federal Reserve '
Act Contemplated
i . ,
Washington, Nov. IS. Assurance
that the republicans have no inten
tion of making radical amendments
to the federal reserve act is given
by "Representative McFadden of
Pennsylvania, chairman of the house
committee op banking and currency,
in a statement outlinig the 'program
of the committee for the coming
'season. i . !
... Mr. McFadden said that,he value
of i. the federal , reserve:-system ,"" is
recognized, and that only such
amendmcnts'as Wilelarify and make,
i more workable will be considered.
Such criticism as ha beeifmade, he
pointed out, largely related to the
administration of the law.
Among ' proposed amendments
which may be considered, he said, is
one which will settle the controver
sy over the par collection of checks.
me repeal ot some oi ine reaiscoum
privileges that were given to the
ities as a war emergency, Sand an
increase in the number 61 members I
of the federal reserve board.
Known as the only complete credit guide for retail merchants "
Oldest established credit bureau in city.
119,000 names of Credit Buyers on file with full financial state-,
. ment., . . '-
Call for these reports and secure protection against bad ac
counts. No expensive association dues. Very nominal cost.
Call Douglas 7980 at Suite "218, Leflang Bldg. i ,
" in
Popular all over' the World , as
for Colds, Grip and Influenza
Preventive.: .
V : Be sure its tfromo
The genuine bears
t y
are on the ground, to me it Is
really pathetic. Can you imagine any
better cause .than providing shoes
and stockings for children who
actually need them?" ';
The accompanying illustration
shows a scene in Mr. Carver's office.
Miss Bedell brouiht three children
for shoes. Mr. Carver is shown is
suing the orders. , A few minutes
after this picture was , taken Miss
Bedell accompanied these children
to a shoe store and provided them
with protection for their, little feet.
And they were very-happy, chil
dren when they went home in new
shoes. . . - c
Dance Hall Proprietor ,
Is Shot by Hold Up
After being shot in the thigh 'dur
ing a scuffle with a youthiul bandit
who attempted to hold him up as
he was locking up the Ben Hur
dancing academy, Twenty-eighth
and Farnam streets, J, J., Reddy,
proprietor, gave chase o the robbeff
for more than a block .until; his
vound compelled him to enter .tne
Fogg ' drug store, 2802 Farnam
street, where he ummond police.
Surgeons attended his wound,
and1 ReMdy was taken to Fengir
hospital. His condition is- not con
sidcred serious. ;' - '
In tne petroleum industry of the
United States but 4 per cent of the
total amount invested is held by
foreign capital.
uscibus cake, cteamu
marsnmauaw ana rtcn
' .. , . i
tftXXXcde CUV Oli COmbuWain
f YcCqA0 IllTI Ldl?P
V-UiJwlg k aAW
1 " 1 111 !
1 ;
a remedy
and as a
I v
Apd Farmers Here
For Bijr Meetiiiff
18th Convention of Nebraska
Faruiers Co-operative Grain
And Live Stock Associa
, tion Opens Tomorrow.
Farmers, grain men, andlive stock
dealers from all parts of ithe state
were flecking to Omaha yesterday to
attend the 18th annual convention of
the Nebraska Farmers' "Co-operative
Grain and Live- Stock association,
which vyll hold its sessions in the
Rome and Castle hotels, starting to
day and continuing through No
vember 18.
The principal address before the
convention will be that of J. W.
Shorthill on "Wfiat Shall We Do
With Our Markets?" Mr. .Short
hill will present his subject foroUe
consideration of the managers' ses
sion, which meets Wednesday aft
ernoon in the Hotel Castle ball
room. .
Mayor to Speak.
' V. G. Eckhafd 'of Illinois., officer
of the American Farm Bureau feuer
ation, will deliver the opening ad
ress of fhei convention, when he
will speak en the subject, "Ameri
can. Farm Bureau Federation, Its
Aims and Objects."
Mavor Ed P. Smith of Omaha will
deliver the address of welcome in
the Rome hotel, to which Dan M" II-
ler of Dorchester, will respond for
the directors and M. Lrandan ot J
Nebraska City will respond for. the
managers. i
' Will Tour Yards.
Railroad freight rates and car dis
tribution, terminal marketing and
federal taxation and other subjects
of interest to farmers and live stock
dealers will be discussed.
A 1 rip to the . Union Stock Yards
by all delegates is a feature of the
cl6sing of the convention, Thursday.
A complimentary luncheon will be
served at the Live Stock Exchange
after the delegates make a, tour of
the yards. "
Hundred Men Are Arrested '
Following Cleanup Order
Following an rder that Omaha
should be cleaned of all undesirables,
detectives arretted yesterday 100
men who are charged with vagrancy.
-Fifty men who wjere arrested Sun
day were given lQnays each m po
lice court yesterday.
Detectives will contimie to arrest
aU'ineo notv employed. ' '
Immigration Restriction
-. Laws .Will Be Discussed
Washinzton. Nov. ' 15. Plans for
framing legislation restricting im
migration and naturalization of
aiiens' will be discussed today by
the house immigration cbmmittee.
Chairrhan 5hnsoil of Wasiiington,
Eaid the lirst session of the commit
tee would be executive. . "
Live Stock Men
inicAi i jj i, in l ii n ii i u n n h in m iniaMa.ii
"I am so nervous
are all on' edge"-"
, these expressions 0
who has been brought to. this state by some temale trouble which
has slowly developed until the nerves can no longer stand up under it.'
No woman should allow herself to drift into this condition 'without
' giving that good old-fashioned rootand herb, remedy. Lydia E. Pink-ham's-Vegetable
Compound a trial. , : 'U
Read the
TortIi East Md.1' I
four or five years and doctored with and nervous, could
1 J . fit .11. 1 1 . V .1 I.
one doctor alter anotner duu none
helped me. I was irregular and had
such terrible pain in, my back,4ower
part of my body and down each side
that I had to go to bed three or four
days every month. I was very nervous,
tired, could not sleep and could not eafc
without getting sick. lA friend asked
me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and I am sorry I didA taking Three bottles of Lydia E. Pink
not take it sooner for it has' helped me ham's Vegetable Compound I felt like
ronderiully. I don't have to go to bed
with the pain, can eat without being
eick and have more strength. I recom
mend your medicine and you are at
liberty to publish my testimonial"
' EuzAnF.fn. Weaver, R. Ii. 2, North
East, Md. v . -
Scottish Rite
Masons Meeting
Annual Fall Convocation Be
gins With Four-Day Re
,. union at Temple.
The annual fall convocation of the
bodies bf the Ancknt and Accepted
Scottish Rite in the Valley of'pma
li opened at the cathedral yester
day. 'Seven; hundred .brethren
had registered . up to noon, and a
large number were expected to ar
rive throughout the day. The reunion
will contfinue until after Thursday
evening. ' .
A dlass of over 400 has petitioned
Cor the degrees which will be con
ferredi under the general supervision
of Frank Cargill Patton, 33d sover
eign grand inspector general for Ne
braska. Yesterday afternoon and
evening the degree of the Lo'dge of
Perfection was conferred, Venerable
Master Edward L. Hoag, 33d Hon.,
having charge of the Wbrk. On Tues
day' the degrees of the Rose Croix
will be worked, Wise Master Aaaron
P. Brady. C. C. H.. presiding.
Wednesday will -be given to the de
grees' of Kadosh, James Howard
Stine, 33a Hon., 'in charge of the
work. ' On Thursday morning the
31st edgree will be conferred on
the class, John E- Simpson, 32d, con
ducting the ceremonies. The aft
ernoon; of Thursdav will be given
over to the impressive ceremonial b,
the 32d degree, over which Carl Jt.
Herring, 33d Hon., will preside.
On Thursday evening thesfcunion
will 'conclud wih an Americaniza
tion banquet, at which it is now
planned to have speakers present
the cause and outline some - plans
for the work.
Alleged Auto Bandit
Who Killed Officer
At Bayard Escapes
i -
Bayard, Neb., Nov. IS. Leon
Martinez, alleged Mexican automo
bile bandit, who a. month ago shot
and killed Water Commissioner
Lindgreen and seriously, wounded
Chief of Police Webb, escaped early
Sunday morning from a hospital
here, where he has been undergoing
treatment for, wounds he received at
the time.
Martinez, who. was gravely
wounded by Chief Webb at the time
of the fight with the "officers, was
regarded too ill even to- leave his
beds He iad nothing von but ' his
night clothing, and the weather is
freezing - cold. Authorities believe
he had assistance front the outside.
A jsosse is searching the contry for
hm; but up' to this evening without
success. "1 ' i! ': .
Another Ship Sold.,
. Washington, Nov.' IS. Sale of. the
,S25 deadweight ton steel cargo
vessel L-edarhurst tor ai ,H,o to
he Charbonneau-Rajola-company ot
New York, was1 announced today by
tC shipping board.-
it seems as though I should fly" "JWfy nerves '
I wish I were dead," How often have we heard ).
others quite as extravagant from some loved one,, ,
Letters of These Two
was fa. HI health . 3ulimearx)lis.llinn. " I was run dotra 1
was more tired
when I went to bed. I have two chil
dren, the youngest three mouths old
and it was drudgery to care for them
, as I felt bo irritable and generally worn
' out. From lack of rest and appetite
my baby did not get enough nourish
ment from my milk so I started, to give
him txfo bottle feedings a day. ' After
a new woman, ran 01 me ana energy.
It is a pleasure to care for my children,
and I am very happy with them and
feel fine. I nurse my baby exclusively "
aeain. and can't
medioine." Mrs.
E. 24th St, Jlmneapolis, ilmxt..
Nervous. Ailing Women Should Rely Upon'
U. S. Consulate Named
In Confession of Spy
Who Stole Jap Plans
Tokio, Nov. IS. Another spy
story affecting American officials is
published in the Yomi-Uri Shifhbun,
which states that Sergeant Miior
Hasegawa of . the Formosa garrison
was arrested recently outside v the
American constitute .at Taihoku,
which he was visiting, it declares, in
connection with the disposal of
stolen plans of fortifications. The
newspaper says that Hasegawa con-
icsseo mat ne stole the plans in
April, last, and xrffercd them to
Henry Hitchcock, American consul
at Taihoku, who, Hasegawa alleged,
agreed to purchase them for $50,000.
Hasegawa took the Jjlans home,
awaiting the money, the newspaper
continues, consul Hitchcock wetft
to America in October. Eugene H.
Dooman, formerly consul at Kobe,
succeeding him. When Hasegawa
again visited the' consulate he was
arrested. . .
The fads, of the case, according
to the American charge, d affaires
here, are that in April lasj a Japan
ese visited Consul Hitchcock and of
fered him the plans. Hitchcock de
clined to discuss the matter. Later
the man visited Consul Dooman,
who telephoned to the pojice and
caused his arrest.
Stops Hair Coming 6ut;
, Thickens, Beautifies.
A few cents buys "Danderine."
After'a few :applications. you cannot
find a fallen hair( or any dandruff,
besides every hair, shows new life,
wor, brightness, more color and
abundance.,; ' ...
Money back without .
If HUNT'S Salve bill In tto
treTtment of ITCH, ECZEMA,
othef itchinc km dtieue. Tnr
i ' a 75 cent box at our Nik.
Sherman McContaell Drug Co.
not rest at night and
11 A -
in the morning than
say too much for your
A. L Miller, 2633
nrTvVV With 6-fot cord d0 QP
, - I extension, only.. . Pf
TTl r A R Wl "171
i ii 1
9 ' v
Brooms, 33c
...... 2-
45? Electric Irons
Aluminum Double
Boilers-Full 2-qt.
. Size, $1.25'
; Aluminum
v $1.40 '
Black ebonixed wood ban-
die, family sue. ( , . 1
Baby Walkers
' Just the thing to teach the
btby the job of walking.
1 Guaranteed
9-inch .......
glass' cooking
Pie Plates,
Carpet Sweeper i
An H. R. Bowen & 1 . f r
Co., Special. ..... P 1
Rely oil Cuticura
To Clear Away
Skin Troubles j
.... i '
I " II
M - M s
LW it
. this signature
"V ,
Price 30c.