I Care of 5.000 ' State "Children" Costs Huge Sum Task of Commissioners More f Arduous Than Any Mother --Purchase8 for Nebraska Made on Large Scale, Lincoln. Nov. 14. Tlie housewife ' with five children may think she has " ' u troublesome task in buying food -.'and clothing for her offspring, but the job cf the state board of com " missioncrs probably is 1.000 times as arduous. They have 5,000 "child ren" to feed, clothe, nurs and shel- ter. The board of commissioners lias direct supervision qver the 16 . state institutions. ' Instead of buying sugar by the 25 ' "pound sack, as does the thrifty housewife, the board of commission ers purchases sugar in lots of from 25 to 30 tons. Butter is ordered in lots of 20 tons, meats in lots of 100 tons and other foods in proportion. As for clothing, it is not unusual for the board to order 3,000 yards of shirting, or an equal amount of dress poods for the "children." Shoes ' usually are ordered in lots of 2,500 pairs. Cost, Is Enormous. Of course feeding and clothing so many "children" costs a let of mon ey. U U Uberhes, chairman ot tne board, who apporves all items pur chased for the 16 institutions; is now preparing his biennial' report to sub? mit to the? legislature when it cqn- venues in January. He say's the re port will show that the cos" of car ing for the state's dependents dur ingie last year will be 'slightly jnore than $1,500 000. Until recent ly, the cost of supporting these wards was on the increase, but Mr. Oberlies . says that during the last few months jthere has been a decline in the cost of commodities that will save the state thousand, of dollars. The board is composed of four members, M rs. Oberlies, A. E. Allyn, Carrie M. Peterson and E. B. Fair . .field, secretary. They exercise the same care and judgment in buying . supplies for their "children" as does the thrifty housewife. Quality and Price Considered. Quality i and price are the deter mining factors in all purchases of the bqard. Whether it is hairpins for the Girls' Industrial Home, smoking pipes for the Soldiers' and Sailors Home, or a plow for the Hospital for the Insane, the board views samples and considers " bids from representatives of a number rbf firms before making a decision. . "We always select articles that will give the most value in the end," Mr. Oberlies said. Supplies of a perishable nature are purchased four times a year. Non perishable goods are purchased but .twice a year. When it comes time io buy groceries, the superintend ents of the various state insytutions send in requisition forms, sow:ng how many aounds of flour, meats, etc., will be weeded to run ther re spective institutions during the next 'thrte months. Bid for Contracts. Ordinwrily the board commission ers do not find it 'necessarylo shop in the sar manlier as a liousewife. They advertise that on such and such a day, the state, ot jeDrasna i will be in a receptive mood to re- ceive agents, representatives or salesmen of firms or companies deal- in? in such and such a commodity . . , , ; i ne representatives vumc- iu i board's offices in the state house from all parts of the country to bid for the contract. They bring along samples of the goods they have to sell and pit them against competi tors. The board looks the samples-1 over, hears the prices of each firm and then goes into consultation. If it is found that the goods of the Boston firm are cheaper and that ihe qual;ty is satisfactory, the Bos ton firm gets the contract. The :same practice is followed on all sup plies. Members of 'National Grange Hear Reports ! : Boston, Nov.-14. i- Reports from "jState masters and a banquet to the national and state officers and their "wives by Somerville Grange marked the fourth days session of the 54th, pnnual National Grange convention. : William Bouck of Sedrowooley, Wash., master of the Washington Grange, in reporting for his state, asserted that "we look forward con fidently to the near future when the workers who produce all the useful things in the world shall come into complete control of the state and na tion." ' , Mules Refuse to Be Rescued From Fire; Driven Out by Water . Fifteen mules in a blazing barn at Fort Omaha Saturday night did their best tp bum to death. Time after time members of the Ninth Balloon company drove the frightened-animils from the quar termaster corps .barn on the south side of the posS Every time the mules turned when they resched the fresh air and rusher back into their smoke-filled stalls. . When companies from the Flor ence and Ames avenue fire depart ments arrived and turned water onto the blaze and the mules, the animals finally turned nrd xonsented to be driven to a corral. Lieuts. J. R. Hall and James B. Jordan, in command o the company called out to rescue the mules, stated that in their opi.i'on the blaze was caused by defective electric wiring. Fifteen sets of harness and 10 tons of hay were destroyed. The barn was gutted. The loss was es timated bv officers at between $5,000 and $6,000. x A private, John Inman, suffered a bad cut on the leg occasioned by running against the business, end of a frightened mule's hoof. Two alarms were turned in. One sum moned the Florence company. The otler called the Ames avenue com pany. A guard discovered the fire about 8. . LightintyFixtures Qranden Elec tric Co.. lolmerly Burgess-Oranden Co. Adv. SPEEDING THE PARTING AND WELCOMING THE COMING Omahans Show t i Marked Interest In Fruit Show Unusual Display of Honey Products on Exhibit at Mid west Horticultural Expo- sition in Bluffs, i Nebraska cars predominated in the many parked around the audi torium building Sunday afternoon, indicating the interest Omaha men are taking hi the Midwest Horti cultural exposition in Council Bluffs, which will open its doors this even ing and continue the center of pub lic interest for the week. Hundreds of exhibits were de livered at the building yesterday and all day,- despite it being Sunday, crojvds of workers "wereT" engaged in installing them. The Iowa State Bookkeepers' association will hold its annual meeting here during the week, and Iowa and many other states will have interesting exhibits of honey and things incident to bee keeping. The display of honey and honey products will prove a surprise to exposition visitors, as manywon derful exhibits will be on hand. These exhibits will be from various points throughout the midwest. The following officers and demon strators arived yesterday: ProL C. V. Holsinger of Ames, superintend ent of vegetables; Harvy Lantz of the Ames experiment station, in O ' .1 ui.t.t. ..... v. . I' I. , ' . seedling fruit, especially apple Mr. W. C. Kocken. in charge of tne orchad pruning and spraying work, and F. L. Paddock, state apiarist, Superintendent of honey. r Tumulty Mentioned as New Democratic Chief Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wlr. Washington, Nov. 14. Latest gos-. sip among democratic leaders here nift. !fayr.,orgaiJ;zati0,n ty, secretary to President Wilson, with the chairmanship of the demo cratic national committee. Democrats inside and outside the Wilson wing of the party, are said to have suggested Tumulty as good material for the chairmanship to un dertake systematic rehabilitation of the wrecked party machine. Should Mr. Tumulty consent to let his name be considered he has been assured of influential support from friends f the Cox democrats. , A The Bee's Free Shoe Fund - Will you send a few cents or dol lars to help put shoes on cold little feet?! There is a "WAITING LIST" of shivering little waifs. ' The 'Needlework guild yesterday brought 144 pairs of stockings to fund d-'stribution headquarters in the city hall, to be given away with the new shoes bought from the fund's money. ' s Every possible dollar is needed.' Please send something, if you can, to the Free Shoe fund, or bring it yflurself to The Bee office. Previously reported .- ....16 John M. Fairfield, Pine Bluffs, Wjo... 5 Canh. Caatle hotel 1 A Friend 10 Total iea Japan is now producing about : 6,600,000 pounds of camphor annuil- -, a .little more than , halt the world's supply. V C. of C. to Launch "Onward Omaha" Mo vement December 2 An "Onward Omahh" conference, under the direction of the entertain ment committee of the Omaha Chamber cf Commerce will be held in the Auditorium here December 2. The detailed announcement of the program will be ready la.ter, but all members are urged by f. David Larson, commissioner of the Oma ha! Chamber, to keep this date open for the big meeting. lArrangc ments will be made. o serve din ner, and a program of intense in terest will be prepared. The purpose of the meeting will be to assemble all tha business men of the. city of Omaha wh,o are in terested in its development in the launching of an "Onward Omaha" movement. , ' The committee is ergaging speak ers of rational importance, who will interest all in the problems of ' TlF"' Over 1,000 to Be Initiated Into Lodge of. Elks Grand Exalted Ruler Guest at Ceremonies Building Plans To. Be Announced at Close Of Membership Drive. Officers of Omaha lodge No. 39, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, are preparing for the initia tion of a class of more .than 1,000 members next Saturday night in the Auditorium. They say this will be the most important event in, the his tory of the local lodge. William M. Abbott of San Fran cisco, grand exalted ruler, will come to Otna'ha tor the occasion and will be theguest of the lodge for two days. . ' The initiation of this large class is in connection with a membership drive Indications are that the class will number nearly 1,200. A month ago a class of 500 was received. Elks are requested to be in the Aud'torium before 7 o'clock next Saturday tight and to enter through the west entrance. Candidates will enter through the northeast Hdoor and should be present njbt later than 6:30. The program of , the evening will include numbers by a double quartet and solos by Harry Hahn and John Saltzgiver. Judge A. C. Wakeley will read a memorial reso lution on the death' of Judge Lee Estelle. Judge A. C. Troup will read an eulogy on the absent broth ers. John McCreary will sing the "Vacant Chair." -The members will continu the drive until the objective of 5,000 has been attained, after which an nouncement will be made of the building plans for a club house and hotel, which will cost $1,000 000. v r toD TaDerS V UeCiare " T r 11 Agreement 1 s Reached WithU. S. On Exclusion Tokio, Nov. 14. (By the Associa ted Press.) Newspapers of this city report the Japanese and American governments have reached an agree ment in principle relative to the ex clution of Japanese ! laborers from the, United States. It is asserted, however, that there is a- disagree ment regarding the methods to be employed. ' America is understood - to desire provisions for exclusion embodied in a treaty, but Japan, it Is said, re gards this procedure as humiliating, and as forming a precedent it might be forced to follow in treaties ne gotiated in the future. JapaTi is de clared to consider that measuresjro hibiting its subjects from emigrfting can be taken only on its own initia tive. In other respects, the negotiations are progressing, it is repoted. and once this point has been settled, an agreement may, be expected. " ' . ' ; Broken Bow Octogenarian Killed by Switch Engine Broken Bow, Neb., Nov. 13. (Special Telegram.) W. C. Luce, octogenarian and pioneer resident of this city, was killed about noon to day when struck by a switch en gine while crossing the tracks. Both legs were severed above '.the knees. He was taken to his home where he died a few hours later. He is sur vived by his wife, one son andSwo daughters. 1 American business in general. Lo cal speakers will also be on the program to present specific things for the consideration f the con ference. It is expected that over 1,000 busi ness' men of Omaha will attend this conference. ; " Within the next few days the Chamber will send to every mem ber a circnlar advising of the work and activ:ties accomplished since the first of the yea, and the mem bers are asktd to designate which activities interest them most. They will also be asked to suggest new activities tha( can be carried out by the Chamber in the interest of Omaha, Tbe. officers are urging that these questionnaires ht returned promptly, so that a careful pro gram of activities mav be prepared previous to the big "Onward Oma-' haT meeti:.g of December 2, THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1920. Harding Party K Kept Indoors by Stormy Weather former mates netting or Golf Impossible for President-Elect; Better Condi tions Promised Today. , Point Isabel. Tex.. Nov. 14. Cut off by an unseasonable storm from recreation on land or sea. President elect "Harding spent Saturday in Point t Isabel reading and making! preliminary preparation for - the ' speech he will deliver next Thursday , at New Orleans. 1 j The president-elect and his party virtually were marooned for the day, the cold northerner holding sway o-i the fishing grounds off Laguna Ma- ore and a downpour of rain makinr he winding dirt road into Brown : Bacchi. Burgmann was exonerated '-.he practically impassable. He had bv the coroner's jury.Jjut the rel hoped at least to go in for golf at atives of Bacchi began suit for $10, the Brownsville Country club, but 000. The suit was tried three weeks automobile drivers pronounced the trip impracticable. Wants Another Tarpoa Mr. Harding wants to remain here and get one more try at tarpon fish ing olf Point Isabel, if possible. It is about 20 miles .to Brownsville along road that is'little more than a trail through cactus and mesquite, and for 15 miles of the way there are no houses visible from the road way. An old. style narrow gauge railroad train of two cars hauled by gasoline engines makes the trip each way once a day, and it was used in preference to motor cars by two or three members' of Mr. Hard ing's party, who took permanent leave of Point Isabel and started for home. Harry lh Daugherty, close ad viser of the president-elect,' was one of those who departed, having been laucu iy uiuiimua, uy. we uconi of a sisler-in-Jaw., Senator Elkins of West Virginia, uho has been Mr. Harding's companion on his two fishing trips hero, also iph for his home. It is expected that Edward B. McLean, the Washington pub- lisher, will leavj the party Thurs-i bow sma hed in, but officials of the day at New Orleans before the de- i lire said it vould have to be de parture for Panama. Mr. Harding . docked. lias invited Will H. Hays, the re- Passengers on the Montserrat publican national chairman, to make I were lining he rail when the crash the Panama voyage as his guest, but no detmite acceptance nas been re ceived. Visits Office. Unable to either fish or play golf Senator Harding visifed "for the f;rst time,' theo ffice set up in thft Point Isabel hotel by his secre- tary, George B. Christian jr. He also called ona number qr mem- bers- of his pafcy in the unhealed erecfed for suYimer accommoda tions and not to shelter guests against a norther such as that which has swept the coast the last two days, w. . . . He round most Ot Ins fellow adventurers clustered close about a small stove that had been erected hastily in the large room that serves Is a hotel lobby. ' One of the messages that has reached Mr. Harding, is an in vitation to v'sit ,'he city and republic of Panama 'during his week's stay ir. ! the canal zone. Despite the hesi I tancy in his present position to enter ' the territory of any foreign nation, he is understood to have replied that be would be glad to receive a delega tion to formally present the invita tion, and to have promised hat he would maka the visit if he found it possible. White House Social Activities Indicate President Improved Chicago Tribune-Omaha Hee leaned Win?. Washington, Nov. 14. Social ac tivity at the White House, which has increased since the national nas increased since me naiinnai election, is regarded here as a cer- tain indication of improvement in President Wilson's health. Just now the president and Mrs. Wilson are entertaining a house party, having as guests Miss Margaret Wilson and Mrs. William G. McAdoo, the president's daughters, and theirs cousin, Miss Helen Woodrow Bones, This is the first time to many months that the president's imme diate family circle has been , so nearly complete, Mrs. Francis Sayres Bones being the only member ab sent. Mrs. Bones, who used to be a member of the White House, hanot visited the president and Mrs. Wil son since their last trip abroad. She is now making her permanent home in New Yorkand has a responsible position with a publishing company. Fear Lake Steamship And Crew of 33 Men Lost Saulte Ste Marie, Mich., Nov. 14. Sixty hours over due at this port, the steamer Francis J. 1 Wildar. va steel freighter, with a crew of 33, is believed to have foundered in Lake Superior, northeast of White Fish points Capt. William Merier, of the tteamer John Krickson which ar lived here after battling its way through a severe storm reported that he saw a vessel believed to be the Wildar drifavig toward Pancake shoals before the gale. At the height of the storm the vessel's tights disappeared . Friend Woman Missionary To Philippihe Islands Friend, Neb,, Nov. 14. (Special.) Miss Ellen Scheidt, daughter of Mr. anoVMrs. John-Scheidt 'of this city, left for -the Philippine islands, where she will enter missionary work. She went fnbrn here to St. Paul, Minn., and from there she goes over .the Canadian Pacific to Van couver, from -which pott she- will sail. , Steamships. Arrival. New Tork. Nov. 14. Monteerrat, Cadl: New Yorkeouthampton. Cherbeurg-, Nov. 13. Olympte, New ToUc. - Patraa. Nov. 1J. Calahrla, Nek Tork, Naples, Nov. 13. Ferdlnando Falaaclano, New Tork. Shanghai, Nov. 11. Africa Maru, Taco ma; Bhlnyo Maru, -Ban Franolaco. Arlca, Nov. 10. Cooloha, Seattle. Departure. New Tork. Nov. 13. Zeeland. Antwero: Columbia, Glareow; i LaLorralne, Havre.' Chriatlanla,sNov. 13. Fredcrlk VIII., New Tork. ' Auckland, N. Z.. NovTY Canadian In ventor, Seattle; 10th, Wallemata, Van couver. Valparaiso, Nov. 11. Santa Alicia, Ta coina, , . I Mental Picture of Man Killed Under Auto Is Cause of Suicide Chlrajo Tribune-Omaha lie lotted Wire, ''Chicago, Nov. 14. Sleepless nights and long days during which i he could not banish the mental pic ture of a man dying under the wheels of his auto three -years ago, caused ChYrcnce V. .Burgmann, 32, head of Burgmann & Co., realty dealers! to kill himself by shooting. He walked-'to the center of a vacant lot near his home and shot himself through the head, dying instantly. "I was afraid some day he would do something desperate," sobbed his wife. "Ever "since the accident he has no been the same. It drove him crazy. He left yesterday in a despondent mood and must have walked the streets all night." Three years ago he ran down and killed a man Vamed Loui ago and resulted in a disagreement. it was set ior reneanng next week. Burgmann feared .--an unfavorable verdkrt would-- sweep away all his property. This, "and the memory of fhekilling finally drove him to suicide. - , Steamships Collide In New York Harbor; Immigrants in Eanic New York, Nov. 14. Close to the Statue of ' Liberty, several hundred immigrants aboard the Spanish Roy al Mail steamship, Montserrat, Were thrown into a panic when their -vessel and he steamer San Marcos from Galveston, met in collision 'while they were-moving in from ( qunramm': in origni sunngnr. I . Capt. Muslera of the Montserrat, s headed his. .vessel for the Biooklyn shore and beached it before it sank, 1 he San Marcos, a Clyde Mallory freighter carrying no passengers, j w;ts able to make the pier .with the : came, Only one man leaped from the Montscrrst. He fell on the deck of si tugboat, which dashed 4to the assistance of the two vessels, afid later was taken to the Ellis island hospital. - The San Marcos reported io one injured aboard. o . f 7 1 jOeCretarV Ol Woman S Relief Corps Dies Mrs. W. H. McKay. 71. 5134 North I T- i .t'J . At N wemy-inirn sireei, or ho years a resident of Omaha, died Friday. Mrs. McKay was secretary of the Woman's relief forps of the Geeorge Crook post, G.j A. R., of which her husband is ar member. She . was born at. Mt. Morris, 111., and was married in 1870 to W. H. McKay who Was formerly offic'al photog rapher for Kprt Crook and Fort Om nha. Sh'e is survived by her husband; three sons. W. L. of Chiqago and R. E. and C. R. of Omaha, the latter being s'tiperin.tendent of the depart ment of public improvements; three daughters, Mrs. George W. Craig of Colgary, Can., wife of former City Engineer Craig Mrs. Harry White of Lindsay Cal., aud Mrs. R. M. Monroe of Omaha; and two sisters, .Mrs. George B. McCosh of Mt. Mor ris, Il., Mrs Emerson L. Stone of Omaha. Funeral services will be held at the famiiy home Monday afternoon at 2. Burinl will be in Forest Lawn cemetery. Sons and grandsons will act as oall bearers. IT11IT 1 (jfOCer He'd UD and I .. Kobbed; Negro laken William Hunter, negro, - Tenth street and Caoitol avenue, was ar- rested atTwenty-s'xth and Charles j streets late Saturday night by Chief i ot Detectives Van Deusen and De- tertive Danbaum and is held for in vestigation in connection withthe robbery of H. H. Andrcason, gVo ,ccr, 3434 Charles street. s Andreasen was robbed of $50' at 10 o'clock.last nightrby a lone high wayman, who held him up just after he iiad driven his car into the gar- i age at the rear of his home. The police were notified at once. The grocpr informed them that the high wayman had J-un through an alley. Police scourejl the "sdley and found Hunter, who Started to run when die saw the officers. - 'V Police believe that Hunter had hired a taxicab to take him a short distance from Andreasen'; garage, and that the negro was on his way back to the tayi when seen by the officers. - . . , . .. Columbus Soldier's Body Is Returned From France Columbus, Neb., Nov.. 14 (Spe cial.) The body of Julius O. Trof- holz, soldier, who died inlFrance arrived here and will be buried Mon day with full military honors. Hart man Post Number S4, American Le-, gion, will have charge of the funeral. This is the first body sent back here for burial since the war closed. Clear Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap and Talcum PAUL CALHOUN Speaks Toolae Y. M. C. A. LOBBY Informal 12:30-12:50. (Jrop in Stop Your Coughing No need to let that couch pertitt. Stop the irritation, and remove ticklinc and hoarae nee by toothing the inflamed throat with Biennial Moving N Day Experienced At State House Public Work Department Will Occupy .Downtown Building Assistant jVt torncy General Leaves. Lincoln, Nov. 14. (Special.) The biennial moving day which strikes the state house every time a legis lature convenes is on. In past years hist as soon as the legislature got out of the way the state board of public lands began scheming to find a place for the smaller departments which during the sessions have been crowded into other offices. Now the department of public works, whidi has been holding down the senate chamber, the offices of the senate secretary and the offices of the house chief clerk, has moved down town and occupies the entire fourth floor of the Funk bui'ding at Twelfth and O streets. The securi ties department will move tomor row to the building of the Central States company at the southwest corner of Fifteenth and M streets. Assistant Attorney General Dort, who has been located in thj office of he lieutenant governor, will va cate and go across the way and As sociate with the other members of the state legal department during the session. For some time the adju tant general's department of the na tional guard has been located in the Nebraska State bank btiilling at Fifteenth and O, while the state fair board has been at the Lindeil hotel. Something like' three years ago the pure food department needed more room and thy petitioned off a part of the senate gallery and attached it to that department, .while the at torney general's' office appropriated the cloak room of the senate and later partitioned off another corner from the chamber which it lias been using for one of its assistants. Pro visions will have to be made forfa rW' "oom for the senators' use should it be found that Assistant Attorney General Wheeler cannot be driven back from no-man's land. Italy and Jugo-Slavia Arrange Negotiations For Defensive Treaty Rapallo, Italy,vNov. 14. (By the Associated Press.) A defensivt treaty between Italy and Jugo-Slavi,i will be negotiated and concluded at an early date, according to reports current here. , . "The apprehension felt in some quarters that the Serbian constituent assembly about to be elected xwil7 not approve the Rapallo treaty is unfounded," Signor jBonomi,' Italian war ministT, nid to The Associated Press, a9 M. Trumbitch (the Jugo slav foreign minister) promised that the treaty w'll be ratified by royal decree, as was done by Italy in the case of the treaty of St. Germain. . ."The Alpine frontier obtained Jy us is the strongest that could be desired for defensive purposes with out having any advanced posts from which to carry out aggressive meas ures against! our neighbors. For this reason ife consented to give up Longatico, which dominates Lei bach, as we do not believe anybody in Italy is anxious to conquer Lei bach. Bv ot" f- ''-i-'even there is almost inaccessible." f Unitarian Campaign 1 Closes November 21 p. W. Eldredge, Omaha chair man in the national campaign of the Unitarian church for a $3,000,000 fund, -has received word from nat ional Tieadquarters that ?0l,4UU has already been subscribed. The first 27 churches to report all over-subscribed their quotas. Omaha is head of the division which Includes Nebraska. Iowa and South Dakota. The campaign started November 11, and will con tinue until November 21. W. . F. Baxter and Allan McDonald are Omaha members of the general com mittee. -'N Announcing Lower Prices v ' State Department Now Issuing Passports to Germany and Austria Chirk Tribune -Omaha 11m Loaanl Wlrf. Washington. .Nov. 14.-The State (!tnartnunt is now issuing, or amending passport for use in Ger many, Austria or Hungary. The de partment interposes no object-on tc the entry 'nto Gerfljauy, Aus'riaor Hungary by Americans who have important md urgent , business to transact there, but in view of the present situation. "such porsoin sliould understand," it is officially declared, "tha? they go upon their own responsibility, and , that they cannot be guaranteed the same pro tection which they might expect un der normal conditions." Warning to this effect was 'issued by the State department on October 21, 1919. and it is still in effect. The department still withholds passports from persons intending to enr soviet Russia, but while assert ing Jfhat this government's- protec tion'annot follow American citizens into Rusa, is understood not other vise to hinder Americans to go in disregard of the jdvicc of the de partment. ' Man Robbed of $1,280. In Jewejry and Cash Harry M. Mulashock, 2915 Doug las street, proprietor of a jewelry store at 1514 Dodge street, was held up and robbed of $13)0 in itwelry and $U in cash at lwentx-ninth and Dodge streets while on his way home Saturday night by two un masked men, according to a report made, to police Mulashock said that one, of the young men covered him. with a gun while the other went through his pockets, taking a two-carat perfect diamond, a gentlemen's wrist watch and his pocketbook. Mulashock' s store , was the one which was held up two yers ago by the Kirk gang, at which time he was bound and gagged while, the robbery took place. Denies sRed Cross Refused To Send Workers' to Ireland New York, Nov. 14. The Central Federated union's action in voting to ignore an American Red Cross appeal for suppoit because the ar ganjzation had been inactive in Ire land was declared by H. D Burnell, director of the membership cam paign in Manhattan, to be unjusti fiable. ' He branded as "false" any state ments made that the American Red Cross had refused to send workers into Ireland. New Subscription Rates The Omaha Bee By mail inside the Fourth Postal Zone (within600 miles of Omaha) Daily Only $500 a Year (Week-day Issues) Daily stday ' Writ your order -- M The Omaha The Omh Bee, I Omaha, Nebraika. f Gentlemen: fcuclcreed find I TV. nnlt. B..t..).w ) The Dally and Sunday I The Dally only I Kama I Street or 'for one V I P. O, Box. I I Town.,., DaU t ttart The Bee on Goodyear Tires Official announceWnt is hereby made to the public of a new price schedule on Goodyear Tires and Tubes effective November 15, 1920, detailed information concerning which is now being furnished all Goodyear Service Station Dealers. ;'V " Embodying higher level of quality and a larger capacity for service than ever before, Goodyear Tires at these new prices offer unequaled value in economical and satisfactory performance. Your nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer is now able to supply you with Goodyear Tires and Tubes at these lower prices, and thus afford you, through a quality product and the service with which he backs it, the utmost in. return for your investment See him J;oday. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Offices Tkreuthout OA World TVo Children See Mntlwr nnrl Rnliv Killed by Father. Chicago Man Commits Sui cide After Murdering Wife and Fatally Injuring Tiny Tot. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Boo Iaurd Wlrr. Chicago, Nov. 14. While two of his children, dumb with terror, watched through a window, Kazim herski Ruthowski, Mock yards labor er, murdered his wife, stabbed their yoimgest child, a girl 4-months old. and then, that and stabbed himself to death. The wife and children had iuft returned from church where they had gone to pray tor their father and 'hat he might net be so cruel to them. The tragedy followed three days of bitter quarreling and neigh bors were not surprised at the out come. Ruthowski had been especial ly cruel to his family for some titnr. Last night bis if e found a letter he had written to a man friend in Pittsburgh. The family came lure last July from Old Forge, Pa,, and the letter concerned a woman Ruth owski was supposed to be involved with there. A neighbor woman who heard the. quarrel preceding the murder s:iys Ruthowski told his wife she would never have a chance to tell what was in the letter. He tore it to bits and then attacked her with a knife as she begged vainly for her life. To make certain her death, he also shot her. He slashed the babv in the abdomen and, it will die. The two older children escaped by run ning from the house. After assur ing himself his wife was dead. Ruth owski ran to an adjoming room and stabbed himself repeatedly and fin ished the job bv putting a bullet through his temnle. Ruthowski's especial grievance 'his morning, according to the neigh bors, was the 'act 'hat breakfast was not ready when he arose, due to his wife attenlmg early mass at a Polish church. As soon as she and 'he children returned he began the ruarrel that resulted in the death of the two, and the fatal injury -of ,the baby. Want Crossings Guarded. Stanton, Neb., Nov. 14. (Special Telegram.) The city of Stanton has taken ' action demanding that the C. & N. W. Railway Co.. either place 'watchmen at three , railway crossings or put in a. system of gongs. $999 a Year n, twr it out and mail o Bee today. I .192 I I I..... for which aenl me I yean I ...R. F. D., I State... ..,.... ' J ..-J ffl I