Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1920, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 14

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THU UM AHA ?UIN UA I MJ V r.Mtsr.K 14, lyU.
Benson Society
Miss Zrlla Cass left Monday for
ner home in Muart, la.
Miss Lillian Sticrer returned Sun
day from an extended trip to Thay-
1 Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rickenbrode
leu Monday to spend the waiter
in Oklahoma.
Mr. C. I'ickerill of Creston, la.
was Sunday guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kindig.
Mr. John Killian and daughter,
Miss Ettie Killiau, will le.ive lues
day, November 16. for California. '
Perry Stevenson of .Webster City,
la., was a caller Wednesday at (the
home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Oliver.
Miss Laura Laver of New York
City is a guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. H. S. Cartel. 2929 North
Fifty-ninth street.
Rev. Mr. Koch of North Platte
delivered the morning sermon at
the English Lutheran church, Sun
day, November 7 '
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Marshal are
'spending a few days at the farm
home of their daughter, Mrs. Har
very Sager, and Mr. Sager.
Mr. and Mrs. V. R.. Shelley, who
are enroute from Gothenburg, Neb.,
to California, are guests at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Mason.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson and
Mrs. William Wicke spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Kramer of Bennington, Neb.
Master Willis Melcher, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Melcher, is visiting
his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. G.
kj. rrancisco oi .uenver, wio. - ,
Mr. H. C. Kindig,' accompanied '
by his brother, B. H. Kindipr of Peo
ria 111. and uncle, C. H. Kindig of
Paxton, 111. left Tuesday evening
for Hastings, Neb.
John Gillespie and Richard Skan
key returned home the first of the
week from a hunting trip along the
Platte river near Waterloo. Each
brought home 50 ducks as their
share of the spoils.
Benson Woman's Club.
The Benson Woman's club will be
entertained Thursday afternoon,
November 18, at the home of Mrs.
J. T. Pickard, ?r08 North Fifty
eighth street. A musical program
arranged by Mesdamcs Arthur
Howe, Richiird Skankey, E.( N.
- Carson, and C. . Crisnian, will
be given. Vocal selections to be ren
dered are the "Lost Chord," the
"Prayer Perfect," and two Indian
selections by Cadman, entitled,
"From the Land of the Sky Blue
Water." and "Far Off I Hear a
Lover's Flute." Miss Louise Cuvler
I will furnish a violin number, "The
Souvenir, by Bridle Mrs C. N,
Wolfe will give a paper on "Who is
Who in Music." Two five-minute
talks on Child welfare work will be
given by Mrs. E. W. Johnson and
r. Jennie Callfas.
Annual Church Sale.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Immanuel Lutheran ckurch will con
duct it annual sale Wednesday,
November 17, at 8 p. m. in
the auditorium of the Benson
City hpJJ. Articles to be sold
are all hand made. A candy
booth, where all kinds of home made
candies can be bought, will also be
a feature of this sale. The doors
' will be open at 7 o'clock. Coffee,
cake and doughnuts will be served at
15c a plate. Proceeds of this sale will
be applied on the interior decorations
of the new church now under con
struction on Fiftieth street and
Military avenue.
, R. P. C. Kensington.
Mrs. W. A. Wilcox and mother,
Mrs. E. Tyner," were hostesses
Thursday afternoon to the members
of the R. P. C. club at a kensington
at the home of Mrs. Wilcox, 4947
Emmet street.
Dinner Guests.
Air. and Mrs. H. B. Wright had
as their dinner guests Wednesday
night, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy,
.Jr., of Omaha.
Presbyterian Aid.
Mrs. Hugh Jones of 5822 Ohio street
assisted by Mesdames T. J. Wool
man, R. H. Maloney and Mrs. James
Walsh, will entertain, the Ladies
Aid society of the Presbyterian
church Wednesday. November 17,
Birthday Party. t
Mr. and Mrs. John Giles enter
tained at their home Friday evening
in honor of the birthdays of their
daughter Marion and also of Mr.
William Forgy. Shaded lights and
rosebuds furnished the table decora
tions. Those present were the Misses
Haiel Babeock, Thelma Wolfe,
Carolne Forgy, Flora and Floyde
Limberg, and Grace,. Hazel and Mar
ian Giles; Messrs. Ben Butler, Gor
don Dunn, William Francis, Thcron
Jeffry, Clayton Olson, Rensis and
George Likert and William Forgy.
After an evening spent in music and
games a 'dainty luncheon, with 2
birthday cakes, used as center pieces
for the table, was served by the
Missionary Tea.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
Missionary society will be enter
tained at a missionary tea, Tuesday
at the home of Mrs. William Butler.
Mrs. C C Beavers will lead the
devotional exercrse and Mrs. Hal
sey will give a talk on Americani
zation. 1
Baptist Booster Club.
The Benson Baptist club will be
entertained Friday, November 19, at
the home of Mrs. C. E. Jones.
Harmony Club.
Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Mason were
host and hostess to the Benson Har
mony club, Thursday evening, at
their home. 2957 North Fifty-sixth
street. This is the first meeting of
th club for this season. Mr. and
Mrs. V. R. Shelley, former members
of the club, were guests of honor.
English Lutheran Mission Society.
The English Lutheran Mission so-
...... mt Ttittrcdav nftprnnnn
November 18, in the parlors of tlei
. i- t7-j t:, ,..;m u
cuurcn, ir. i en xiiijiu win "'
hostess and Mrs. Guy Mathews will
lead In the lesson study.
Special Evangelistic Services.
Special services to continue for
three weeks will begin Sunday eve
ning in the Benson Baptist church.
Mrs. Burford Hostess. .
Mrs. R. Burfctd will be hostess ta
tl.e Methodist Ladies' Aid society
at a 1 o'clock luncheon, given at her
home, 3301 North Fifty-niath street,
Wednesday, November 17. Mrs. A.
C Lessard and Mrs. E. V. Stopper
if . r . i j
Will ajsisi mrj. ounuiu
Holiday Visitor
x ' 'MIm 1ms
Council Bluffs
Narcissus Chanter of O. E. S
'i hough most tourists, of the win
ter go to the south or the great
southwest, there are some who jour
ney from those sections to the mid
dlewest. Miss Cecelia Callaghan of
I-os Angeles, 'a visitor in Council
Filuffs, is one of those, having left
her own beautiful home in sunny
California to spend the holiday in
this land of frost and snow. She is
a guest at the home of her sister,
Mrs. James S. McAtee.
cissus chapter, No. 261, of the O. E.
S. Will be held Thursday evening,
November 18, in the Odd Fellow'
halt. . ,
Luther League Active.
Members of the Englis Luther
league are very active in taking a
collection of troney, food supplies
and clothing to be distributed among
the needy poor during the coming
winter months. Delegations from
this society hold monthly relig
ious services in the county poor
Benson W. C. T. U.
The Benson W. C. T. U. will be
entertained Friday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Austin Taylor, 2919
North Fifty-eight street.
Change Organization.
The Standard Bearers of the
Methodist church met Tuesday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. Waller
Reishaw and changed their organi
zation to that of a young people's
foreign missionary society. The fol
lowing officers were elected: Presi
dent, Miss Florence Mcllnay; vice
president, Lucile Barnum; treasur
er, Finella Legge; recording secre
tary, Fern Sullivan; corresponding
secretary, Eunice Roth.
Entertains at Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Young enter
tained at Sunday dinner for Mr. and
Mrs. Percy ftummell of Omaha.
F. M. S. Convention.
Representatives of the Methodist
cnurch attended the foreign mis
sionary convention held in South
Omaha, Thursday and Friday, No
vember 11 . and 12. The standard
bearers attended en masse Thursday
and participated in a basket lun
cheon served in the church parlors.
To Elect Officers.
The Belle Rebekah lodge will hold
its anual election of officers Mon
day evening November 15, in lodge
rooms of the I. O. O. F. hall.
Miss Olga Petersen, daughter of
Mrs. P. Petersen, and Mr. Ben Por
ter were married Thursday at 4:30
p. m. at the parish house of St. Ber'
nards church. Rev. Father Kerr
read the marriage, lines. The atten
dantsv were: Mrs. Roy Jeffrey, sis
ter of the bride, and Mr. Frank Por
te, brother of the groom. A re
ception and dinner was given in the
evening at the home of the bride's
mother. Mr. and Mrs. Porter wil1
reside at 2731 North Sixty-fifth
street. 1 ,
Bridge Parties. ' -Mrs.
Roy Devol entertained five
tables of bridge Tuesday afternoon
at her home on H'gh School avenue.
The prize for hifch score was won
by Mrs. Walter Lutz and Miss
Evelyn Thomas received the con
solation. Yellow and white chrysanthemums
were artistically used throughout
the rooms and on the tables from
which refreshments were served at
Another delightful party was
given by Mrs.' Devol on Thursday
when 20 guests -vere present. , Mrs.
Elmer Shugart had high score for
the afternoon and Mrs. W. E. Mc
Connell was awarded the consola
tion. Dinner.,
A beautifully appointed dinner of
12 cover was given at the Omaha
University club Friday evening by
George S. Wright who is to be an
usher at the Dinkme-Whitmore wed
ding next Wednesday. His guests
include the members of the bridal
Mrs. Frerf Empkie and Mrs.
Perry Badollet will entertain at a
luncheon followed by bridge Tues
day, at the home of the former.
' The following Council Bluffs
r.eople were in the audience at the
Brandeis theater last Thursday eve
ning when Miss Case gave her
Omaha concert under the auspices
cf the Tuesday fusical club:
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Woodbury,
Mr. ad Mrs. R. C. Francis, Mes
dames 'E. A. Wickham. Charles
Hannan, jr., Robert Turner, W. T.
Leverett, Dillon Rose, Robert Mullis,
Karl Kehrer, Misses Elizabeth
Quinn, Vera Wind, Marguerite
Morehouse and Agnes Wickham.
Mrs. Francis took a particular in
terest in the concert, as she is a
personal frjend of the Case family
and knew very well the first tAusic
teacher of this celebrated artist.
Numbered among the enjoyable
Armistice day affairs was the lunch
eon given at the Dodge home on
Third street by Miss Ann Dodge.
A beautiful centerpiece of roses was
used on the table and places were
arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Everett, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott
cf Omaha, Mrs. Frank Pusey of
New York City and the Misses
Caroline and Ann Dodge.
Klatter Club.
The Klatter"- club met last Fri
day with Mrs. Kirl Hoist, and Mrs.
Caroline R. Theinhart will be the
next hostess.
Mrs. J. J. Kelihtr invited 20 guests
in Saturday to meet her sister, Mrs.
F. M. Bartling, who is here from
Grinnell, la., for a stay of two weeks.
The afternoon was spent with
Mrs. A. V. Hennesy has issued
invitations to a bridge party next
Wednesday afternoon.
Three baby boys wtre born within
the past 10 days to the following
former Council Bluffs people, all of
whom now reside elsewhere: Mr.
and Mrsv Roland Otis of Omaha,
Mr. and Mrs. (.lifford Wolfe of
Rockland. Me., and Mr. and Mrs.
George Russing of Omaha.
Mrs. Wolfe is in the city at the
present time visiting her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Macrae. She
and her son are at the Edmundson
Popular Visitors Leave.
The Misses Ann Maury of
Roanoke, Va., and Virginia Brown
of Uniontown, Pa., who have been
in the city for the past few weeks,
will leave today for Uniontown,
where Miss Maury will visit Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Johr Melhop, jr.,
are at Excetsior Springs, Mo.
Mrs. Lyle Button has recovered
from an attack of diphtheria.
Mrs. George McDonald of Fort
Worth. Tex., is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Frank IJiket
Miss Frances Farrell. who is at
tending the Sacred Heart convent in
Omaha, has returned to her studies
after a visit with her aunt. Mrs. E.
A. Wickham.
Mrs. Lettie Montgomery has re
turned to her New Yt rk home after
a stay of several weeks in the city.
Mrs. Will Cutler and her daugh
ter Mary Louise are expected home
this week from i iiPor e. Ind., where
they have been visiting relatives.
Mrs. Frank Pusey of New York
City, accompanied by- Miss Ann
Dodge will leave this evening fot
Los Angeles, Cal., where they wil'
spend the winter.
Mrs. H, A. Quinn, who has beei
visiting in Ottumwa, la., is ex
pectcd home the middle of this week
She will be accompanied by he
sister, Mrs. Packard, who will spend
a fortnight at th; Quinn home.
En route from a western honey
moon to their home in Uniontown
Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sarnpl
are in the cty for the week-end witl
Mrs. Sample's father, Mr W. E
Mr. Thomas H. Christian of Col
nmhus. Ga. arrivp.1 here last Tues
day and will remain with her parents
Air. ana Mrs. j. r. itugnes unti
after the first of the year. Her hus
band, Lieutenant Christian of tht
regular army, was recently trans
terred to Camp Benning and wil'
come to Council Bluffs for the holi
days. A feature of Japanese weddings is
the building of a bonfire made of the
toys of the bride.
Danderine is "Beauty-Tonic"
Immediately after a "Danderine"
massage your hair takes on new life,
luster and wondrous beauty, appear
ing twice as heavy and plentiful, be
cause each hair seems to fluff and
Don't let your hair stay lifeless,
colorless, plain or scraggly. You.
too, want lots of long, strong hair.
glistening with beauty.
A 35-cent bottle of delightfu
"Danderine" freshens your seal
checks dandruff and falling hai
This stimulating "beauty-tonic" give
to thin, dull, fading hair that youth
ful brightness and abundant thick
ness. All drug counters sell "Dan
We've Saved
ins of
Dollars for
that is, we saved "mil
lions" and more by mak
ing it possible for Oma
hans to use Suits, Over
coats, Skirts, Dresses,
etc., season after season,
instead of hustling to the
store and buying new
garments as each new
season would arrive.
r-if you'll look our Dry
Cleaning process over
carefully you will find
it policy to get YOUR
clothes here too in a
hurry. v When you see
how "near new" we can
make clothes and when
you realize how little it
costs to do it, you will be
a "Dresherite" ever
Phon Tyler 345 Plant
at 2211-17 F.mlm St.
'Phon "South 0050" Reaches
kDrethera South Side Branch
Beginning Monday We Will Offer
Our Entire Stock of Women's
Evening Gowns
At Va Off ,
Regular Prices
Our beautiful selections of evening
gowns and dancing frocks disease the
charming little informal models, charm
ing in color and contour, and show the dis
tinctive and individual types of the more
elaborate gowns. In fact our stock includes
Every Original and Beautiful Mode for
Formal and Informal Affairs
At a Great Price Reduction
Every gown is fashioned of one of the
season's most favored materials, in light
evening shades as well as black, along
lines that interpret the new figure silhou-
ette. This wonderful sale right at the be
ginning of the season of festivities offers
to the woman or miss in need of an evening
gown an unlimited opportunity to select
from a satisfying collection of models at
exactly one-fourth of the original price.
Burgess-Nash Company.
bvirybodyS STOHK"
165 of these dressmakers
are willing to work for 3
cents a day or
Six dollars will engage one
for you
Silks, laces and woolen goods can be cut and made into
dainty and serviceable garments in half the time usually
required if you have a i
Western Electric
Portable Sewing Machine
in the home. Likewise, the sewing and making of table
and bed linen can be done far better and in much less time
if you have an electric sewing machine to help you.
There is absolutely no work connected
with the operation of an electric sewing
machine you' simplyguide the materi
als, and by a slight pressure of the foot,
you regulate the speed at which you
wish to sew. . i t '
The Electric Shop's Big Sale
Western Electric Portable Sewing Machines
ii an advance holiday offer one you should take advantage of
A practical dressmaker has been engaged to assist you in your
sewing and if you will bring it to the Electric Shop, wbere, in
a room which has been given over to sewing, you can operate
an electric sewing machine and make up your garments. A fac
tory representative will explain fully each and every part of the
machine, so in ten minutes' time you will bp enabled to sew on
anj' and all classes of material to your entire satisfaction.
Have you noticed how sewing is regaining
its old popularity? How a laborless machine
like the Western Electric helps the cause
Each garment made on an Electric Sewing Machine means a de
cided saving in time and money then, too, you can have more
and better clothes for any and all occasions if you become youi
own dressmaker. Our advice to every thrifty housewife is to have
an Electric Sev '-g Machine. See them iu operation at the Elec
tric Shop and ba.j one sent to your home. It Is not what one
spends but what one saves that counts in the final analysis.
Western Electric Portable
Sewing Machine
Console Type
The Console Type Electric Sewing Machine
here shown is the latest innovation
in sewing machine construction. .Made
of solid black Walnut, highly finished,
and having hand-carved legs, this elec
tric machine with heaJ dropped and front
closed, becomes a beautiful table a table that
will lend added charm to the furnishings of
any room in any home. It can be used for a
luncheon or card table in fact, it is a deco
rative utility table wherever placed. This Con
sole Electric complete costs no more than
would a Console Table of the same high-grade
construction and finish. See it on display at
the Electric Shop.
Nebraska rpj Ptiwer Co.
amom at nftwnlh
Th recular initiation of the N