Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1920, Image 5

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Public Railway
Control Branded
As Huge Failure
Washington, Nov. 10. l'ublic
k Ownership and operation of rail
roads has failed wherever it has
been properly tested, declared a
committee report made today to
the 3-d annual convention of the
National Association of Railway
and Utilities Commissioners.
The question . of. private 1 owner
ship with regulation as against pub
lic ownership with regulation
"should rjo longer be considered by
intelligent investigators as an open
question." the report asserted. It
added that private ownership and
operation with public regulation was
the "only just and honest manner
of conducting the public utility bus
iness of this country."
I'. I T-ticey of Illinois presented
the report as chairman of the com-
iru, ; v- . Dealing with cos of rail?
way pii.r;iMi, row and before the
war. it .
"It seems remarkable 'hat any
sane man with a knowledge' of the
increase in all costs of living should
think or expect that utility corpora
tions might be an exception to the
general rule. The operation of
these general laws has again pro
duced the political agitator who has
sought, and is seeking, to make
political capital out of present neces
sities." Mr. Lucey told the convention
. tint the situation in Illinois regard
ing the public utility commission
would "liear watching, to see what
com;"- out of it'." The governor
lie said, had won on a plat
form of municipal ownership and
1 home rule, but had run 400,0(1(0 votes
behind Senator Harding because
"there are enough honest republi
cans in Illinois who do not believe
' in the program of confiscation of
private property."
Federal Reserve Bankers
Willing to Aid Stock Men
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 10. J. Z.
Miller, governor of the Kansas City
federal reserve bank, announced to
, day that he was sending a letter to
J. II. Mercer of Topcka, Kan., live
stock commissioner of Kansas, com
inending a suggestion by Mr. Mer
cer that; federal reserve bank offi
cers and bankers hold a meeting to
discuss stabilizing the live stock in
dustry. Mr. Miller's letter was in response
-to one sent by Commissioner Mercer
to bankers of the southwest, assert
ing that the industry faced collapse
and urging -that prompt action be
taken. ' x
Denver Woman to Testify .
In Denton Murder Trial
Denver, Nov. 10. Mrs1; Ida L.
Gregory, Denver court assistant, is
preparing to go to Los Angeles to
testify at the trial of Mrs. Louise,
I'cete, Denver, held there for the
murder of Jacob Charles Denton,
millionaire mining man, she an
nounced. ,
Mrs. Gregory said she visited Mrs.
Teete while the latter was house
keeper of the home in Los Angeles
in which Denton's body was found.
She said she had notified District
Attorney Woolwine of Los Angeles
that she would appear to testify,
but that she would prefer to defer
the trip until about November 22.
Bee want ads are best business
Stoves Stoves
Deduced in Price
at Bowen's
We are showing a
most complete line of
Heating and Cook Stoves
which were purchased
from the manufacturers
at big, price concessions,
which enables us to give
you Values and Prices
which will mean a big
Saving for You.
This timely reduction
in prices on Stoves at
Bowen's means a savjng
on something you may
need right now.
' Bowen's Heaters and
Ranges waste no fuel,
are all fully guaranteed
and at no time has
there ever been offered
Stoves at such Value-Giving
prices as can be had
right now at Bowen's,
and, as usual, you make
your own terms.
11 Hens Idle; Now Lay
221 Eggs A Month
Almost Gave Up Raising Chicken
Then She Tried Thla Plan.
"When I accepted your offer and tried
Don Sung', I was getting 1 or 3 egg
eretr otker dar. The next month, osioff
I'OQ fillip, U1J XX UWUB IBIU 4.1 CKRB.
almost quit raising chickens, bat now I
w . L. will raise as many as I
Don Sang, bit 11 hens laid 221 eggs. I
I ft ean.'V-Mr. F. C Xounfc
Bellefonte. Pa.
ifou alto can easily
tart your liens laying
and keep them laying,
eteo -In coldest winter.
To Brora it, accept oar
offer, is Mrs. Toung did.
Give your ben Don Sang and watch
results for on month. If you don't find
that It paya tor itself and pays yoo a
good profit besides, simply tell us and
jonr money will be cheerfully refunded.
Don Sung (Chinese for egg-Iaylng) la
a scientific tonic and conditioner. It la
easily giren In the feed. Improves the
lien's bealtb and makes her stronger and
more active. It tonea up the egg-laying
organs, and gets the eggs. Do matter
how cold or wet the weather.
You can obtain Don Sung from joor
druggist or poultry remedy dealer, or
send 11.04 (Includes war tax) for a
package by mall. BurreM-Dugger Co.,
214 Columbia Bldg.. Indianapolis. lad.
Chinese for Egg-Laying
j Woman to Take Exam
If She Can Get Cook
A cook must be found for the
household of Mrs. Lola Vincent, 320
South Fortieth street, or Mrs. Vin
cent will be unable to take her ex
amination for admission to the state
bar in Lincoln November 22-23.
Mrs. Vincent's cook ended eifrht
years in her employ last June when
her mistress graduated from the
law school of Omaha university.
She is expected to return next week
and on her return hangs Mrs. Vin
cent's examination.
Mrs.. Vincent has been, interested
in real estate in Omaha and under
took the, study of law. in this con
nection. She declares she does not
intend to practice.
Reduction in Sugar
, Fails to Materialize
Montreal, Nov. 10. Further re
ductions irf the price of sugar 'failed
to n aterialize, .despite the fact that
Atlantic Sugar Refinery stock was
driven by, heavy , selling, to a new
low level of 39y2c.
Refiners said they expected the
mirket to rally in a few days, but
retailers were buying conservatively,
notwithstanding the flat 13-cent qu6
tntion to wholesalers was un
changed. . . ' -
In the V ancouvcr market' s'ugar
was reported selling, at 16c whole
sale. Flour declined 80 cents a
barrel in Vancouver, carload lots cf
98 being quoted at $11.85 a barret
Apply" thickly over throat
(cover with hot flannel
Over 1 7 Million Jan UttJ Yearly
"Mentho-Laxene is the Best
Cough Medicine Known
Especially It Worked
, Wonders with our Chil
dren." (From a Mother's Letter)
Ionbt, is said to be our on worst
enemy. Often people suffer months, some
time years, with severe coughing and
continuous "fresh colds," not knowing or
not believing that science has fonnd a
most efficient and practically sure relief
for nuch conditions, (if it Is not consump
tion). The makers of Mentho-Laxene
guarantee results from every bottle, or
offer to refund purchase price, and In ten
years less than 60 persons liavo asked for
money back. Four thousand barrels of
Mentho-Laxene syrup were used last year,
and each season finds a greater number
of satisfied users. Each bottle has di
rections how to make a full pint of cough
syrup, simply and easily or it can be
used in 10-drop doses Just as you buy it,
For chronic colds, coughs, bronchitis,
hor.reeness difficult breathing, whooping
cough, we bellsve there is nothing better,
"especially for our children," as 'Mrs.
Pearl Hauck, of Covington, Ky.. states it.
Yor.r druggist has it,' or can get it from
his Jobber. Try it toinj.
Take a tablespoonful of Salts
if Back hurts or Blad
der bothers.
We are a nation of meat eaters and
our blood is filled with uric acid,
says a well-known authority, who
warns us to be constantly on guard
against kidney trouble.
lhe kidneys f.o their utmost to
free the blood of this irritating acid,
but become weak from the overwork;
they get sluggish; the ' eliminative
tissues clog and thus the waste is
retained in the blood to poison the
entire system. .
When your kidneys ache and fell
like lumps of lead, arid you have
stinging pains in the back, or the
urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or
the bladder is irritable, obliging you
to seek relief during the night; when
you have severe .headaches, nervous
and dizzy spells, sleeplessness, acid
stomach or rheumatism in bad
weather, get from your pharmacist
about four ounces of Jad Salts; take
a tablespoonful In a glass of water,
before breakfast each morning and,
in a few days your kidneys will act"
fine. This famous salts is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined 'vith lithia, and has
been used for generations to flush
and stimulate clogged , kidneys, to
neutralize the ac:ds in urine so .it is
no longer a source of irritation, thus
ending urinary and bladder disor-
Jad Salts is Inexpensive and can
not injure; makes a delightful effer
vescent lithia-water drink, and no
body can make a mistake by-taking
a little occasionally to keep the kid
neys clean and active,
Umn back without aucstwo
If HUNT'S bin falls ia tke
treatment of ITCH, ECZBaCA,
other itching sUa diseases, ttf
a 7S cent bos st our riak. ,
W ftf
Harding Cabinet
Leading Topic
For. Politicians
Governor Lowden Regarded as
Best Bet for Secretary of
Treasury Many Other
Names Mentioned.
C hicago TrtbnnetOnmhS) Bee leased Wire.
Washington, Nov. 10. While
President-elect Harding in health
ful pastime is courting a restoration
of personal "normalcy" after his
exhilarating ride on the election ava
lanche, republican politicians here
about are waxing hectic in specula
tion on the composition of his cab
inet According to,somc of the party
loaders, Mr. Harding already has
determined his cabinet selection in
a number of instances and has
asked at least two men of national
prominence to accept portfolios.
According, to others, the president
elect has reached no final decision
and will not attempt to do so until
after the series of conferences Hy'th
representatives of all groups of the
party he will hold at Afarion aftert
his return from the Panama canal.
.The one, outstanding conviction
among the politicians is that Gov.
Frank O. Lbwden of Illinois will
be a member of the cabinet, if he
cares to accpet. Indeed, according
to one report, he has been, asked to
become secretary of the treasury. By
virtue of political tradition he is en
titled to a cabinet post because he
accomplished the nomination of
Harding by withdrawing and swing
ing his strength to the Ohio senator
in the convention.
, Thompson Against Lowden. 1
Mayor Thompson is understood to ;
nc exerting innuence against tne se
lection of the governor, and in be
half of the appointment of Con
gressman Frank Smith to a cabinet
job, in this cise, however, the
president-elect would not entertain
objections from any quarter sve
me iwo Illinois - senators, DOtn oi
whom would approve the appoint
ment of Lowden.
Indiana is regarded as certain to I
be represented in the cabinet, though
in choosing Mr. Harding is ' con-1
ceivably somewhat embarrassed. Rc-
1500 Beau
Over 50 Hats, Formerly $18.50 at $9.25
Over 75 Hats, Formerly $25.00 at $12.50
Over 20 Hats, Formerly $30.00 at $15.00
Over 25 Hats, Formerly $37.50 at $18.75
Over 15 Hats, Formerly $75.00 at $37.50
1 ft
rvblican National Chairman Will
Hays, who organized victory tor the
patty, is entitled to a portfolio and
in keeping with tradition h; would
become postmaster general. It hap
pens, however, that the close-it friend
cf Mr. Harding in the senate, the
man who was for Harding first, last
and all the time even when the en
thusiasm of most others had waned
is Senator Harry New, who, like
Will Hays, hails from Indiana. Two
men from the same state in a cab
inet is not anomalous but it is un
utual. Politicians at Sea.
The politicians are. completely at
pea in the speculations on the choice
of a secretary of state. Root, Knox
and Lodge remain practically the
only names discussed. The emi
nent fitness of Root for the place
ii widely conceded, but his choice
is also widely scouted because of his
pro-league leanings. Between Root
j.nd Knox, who is a bitter-endct.
Lodge is regarded as a logical com
promise. But Mr. Harding is bent
in restoring free Panama canal
tolls for American coastwise ship
ping, and Lodge, like Root, support
ed President Wilson in effecting the
repeal of the free tolls act in 1914
while Knox, as Taft's secretary of
state, defended the free tolls provi
sion. A good many republican leaders
believe that in view of the encouragl
ing success of the republican party
in breaking into the solid south with
the capture of Tenneesse:, a south
ern man, probably a 1 etuieessean,
will. be, appointed to the cabinet. The
only1 man mentioned so far is Jesse
M. Littleton, chairman of the repub
lican stale committee of Tennessee
and a brother of Martin M. Littleton,
the New York lawyer. R. B. Creag-cr-of
Texas is expected to land a
big job, possibly in the diplomatic
corps, ,
The report that General Wood is
to be secretary of war is discounted
Hot water
Sure Relief
The Combination Should Prove Irresistibly Attractive to Every Thrifty Woman and Miss.
In Every
by some who think they have reason
to believe that General Pershing as
sisted by the influence of his father-in-law,
Senator Warren, will land the
job. Former Senator John W. Weeks
of Massachusetts is a likely selec
tion for secretary of the navy and
Theodore Roosevelt is also widely
regarded as promising cabinet tim
ber. Harry Daugherty of Ohio, Hard
ing's primary campaign manager, and
Former Senator Sutherland. of Utah,
who advised the candidate during
the election, campaign, rare looked
upon : a.-; probable members of the
family. Both are lawyers, and cith
er one might be made attorney gen
eral. '
Housing Committee Opens
Sessions In the Middle West
Chicago, Nov. 10. With 'the ar
rival of United States Senator W. M.
Calder and his party from Cleveland
the senate special committee of re
construction and production today
opened its sessions, investigating the
housing situation in the middle west.
Testimony presented toda.v began
with a reDort by Wharton Clay, ar
chitectural engineer, on losses of
housing due to fire waste.
Hand Work
produces the finest kinds of
fabric. These same articles
can only be properly, cleaned
by hand. Silks, velvets and
(aces should be entrusted only
to persons having a long ex
perience in their handling.
For 23 years an Omaha
firm has been building up a
force of such workers, and at
the same time has built a
reputation for itself as en
deavoring to really serve the
Rolnnr vnnr rlpnrfpr ns rnrA-
fully as you select your cloth-
"Good Cleaners and Dyer."
1513 Jones St. Phone Doug. 0963.
So. Side, 4708 So. 24th St. Phone
So. 12S3.
Guy Liggett, President (or 23
Original tickets remain
on Hats, You divide
the price by 2
A Sale of Millinery
ng New or Novel.
this Tremendous
Privilege of Unrestricted Selection from over
tiful Fall and
We even include our entire stock' of, fine
Velour and Hatter's Plush Saildrs from Vogue,
De Marinis, Seybel, Smart Set, Irving Burges
sor and oChers. By far the greatest variety of
fine hats ever seen on sale in Omaha.
Color, Size, Shape, Material
Student Revolt
In India Growing
Brotherhoods .Demand Col
leges Sever Government Con
nections Moslems Lead.
New York Tlmex-f'hirnKO Tribune I 11
Copyright 1U?0.
Delhi, Nov. 10. A-student rcrolt
which started in the great Moham
medan college at Aligarh. is spread
ing to all the colleges throughout
India. "Student brotherhoods" are
being formed in a number of schools
which, working as a part of Mr.
Gandhi's nonco-operation move
ment, demand that the colleges break
their government connection and re
fuse government financial grants on
Big Sale Saturday
Table Linens and
Bed Linens at the
Union Outfitting Co.
Thrifty Housewives Should
Anticipate Their Needs
for Months to Come
Women who take advantage of
the Special Purchase ' Sale of
Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels,
and Wash Cloths which takes
place at the Union Outfitting
Company, Saturday, will be well
This big sale is made possible
by an extremely fortunate pur
chase made by the Union Outfit
ting Company from leading mak
ers desiring to reduce stock.
Housewives will find tempting
arrays of rare values in Table
Linens, Bed Linens and Towels
in a wide range of desirable
The sale is additional evidence
of the ever increasing Buying
Power of the Union Outfitting
Company, located just, outside
the High Rent District. -
at half price isNoth-
But when you add
Price Reduction the
Jar BB v SaKasaVS . v -- MM m V ' 1 . t.
J VMt. m A W
j the penalty of having their students
I leave.
I At Aligarh a real physical revolt
lied bv Mohammed Alt, the leader of
India's 70.DOO.tHKl Moslems, resulted
in the college being closed, the ma
jority of the students being called
home bv their parents. Approximate
ly 200,000 'students, however, re
mained at Aligarh to form the
nucleus of a new national Moslem
university under the principalship
of Mohammed Ali. For several days
Mohammed Ali and his rebellious
students occupied a building
in the college, but two days ago
they were , forcibly evicted by the
is stored under cover on con
crete floors when handled by
Main Office
Entire 3rd Floor
Keeline Bldg.,
17th and Harney Sts.
Phone Douglas 3940.
10 lbs. Best Granulated
Sugar ...".$1.16
Prunes, New 192Q Crop,
3 lbs. v....'.;: A.. 53c
25 lbs. for $4.35
Extra Fancy N. Y. Cream
Cheese, lb. .. ... 28c
Watch for Our
Semi-Annual Sale
Thursday 9 A. M.
x mil 3 Ml SJ I
V mL ...
Over 200 Hats, Formerly $5.00 at $2.50
Ctoer 300 Hats, Formerly $7.50 at $3.75
Over 150 Hats, Formerly $10.00 at $5.00
Over 160 Hats, Formerly $12.50 at $6.25
Over 100 Hats, Formerly $15.00 a $7.50 ,
and Trim
' i. 1 !
W "Jf
govenment authorities. Now the
rebel students occupy fcveial bunga
lows and' 20 tents near the closely
guarded C4Uege grounds.
At Delhi, tle capital of India, 1.50(1
students belonging to three Delhi
colleges met yesterday and funned
a brotherhood. They then took steps
to leave the college unless the trus
tees declare the schools to be in
dependent national institutions. The
majority of' parents denounce the
action. b,ut they are helpless against
the propaganda of Gun c! hi and Ali.
Bee want ads are' best business
getters. .
invited i
Courtney Bldg.
No. 1 Steer Beef Sirloin
Steak, per lb 3e
No. 1 Steer Beef . Round
; Steak, per' lb. . . .'.25c
English Walnuts,; 1920
crop, per lb. ... ...32c
10 lbs $3.15
Daily Specials.
Sherman ft McConnell Drug C
I - --ft