Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1920, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 18

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    5 B
N The I -Room
With tlie advent of the ever higher
.ost of starting a home many young
folks are considering the one-room
apartment. And many landlords are
rediviiling their apartments to ac
commodate this Litest solution to the
housing problem.
It has heen my good fortune to
help a business girl furnish her first
home. It was not the typical "little
gray home" with which the west is
supposed to be plentifully sprinkled,
but a modern one-robni apartment.
She and her husband-to-be were to
go to business every day and so
everything had to be planned to en
tail a minimum of housework. But
the apartment house had been ex
pressly built to accommodate just
such couples and it was with a real
sense of delight that we began the
The room was a large square one.
There were two deep closets, one
for clothing, the oiticr was the kitch
enette, done in white, but not dif
ficult to keep, for the surfaces
were of washable namel. The small
range was an electric one. The elec
tric light flooded this windowless
closet. Everything necessary to the
making of a simple meal was close
at hand.
The bathroom had a built-in dress
er, with a generous mirror, a glass
covered table top ajid a chest of
roomy drawers. Tljere was also a
double set of shallow drawers on
either side of the mirror for the
smaller articles cf the toilet. The
bathroom was entirely done in white
and the towels ond rugs we pur
chased were of white, with a Greek
fret design m sea-green.
But the furnishing of the large
room was the real delight. It was
necessary, in order to improve the
effect, to "break" the square effect.
To accomplish this several small
rugs were used on the parquette
floor instead of one large one. The
room, in order to accommodate the
various col6r schemes of the various
tenants, was entirely panelled in
wood finished in a creamy white
dull enamel. There was a plate
shelf upon which we used colorful
bits of china. For instance, we had
a plate in brilliant red. There were
among the other things a conglom
erate colored vase, a Chinese yellow
incense burner and still there was
rom for the things that were to be
there in the years to come.
Single beds, to be folded into
mahogany tables in the day time,
were among the furnishings. These
were not grouped I together, but
were placed near comfy chairs and
did service not only as library
tables, but when pushed together
provided a company dining table.
There was a fyige stuffed daven
port with a predominating rose tone
in the tapestry. tyw tabourettes,
two or three of them, held potted
flowers or the smokers' comforts.
But the lamps were the furnish
incs unoiV which we used much time
and thought. There were lamps to
represent candles at the side of the
walls. These were covered with
frosted glass covers. But When
lighted against the white wood
panels of the walls they looked cold
and insipid. And so fftades of a deep
orange silk were substituted. These
gave a charming effect of them
selves and added just the required
bit of color to the walls. But, of
course, these were rot always to be
lighted. And ' in a Japanese art
shop we found just the floor lamp
we were looking for.
The standard of this floor lamp
was of antique gold. There was a
vivid red- silk shade with deep
fringe to match. There were long
silken tassels encircled with fine
cords of gold by which to switch
on the welcome glow. This was
selected' with the vivid red shades
because in this part of the country
there ( is a rather disagreeable rainy
season when the less optimistic
citizens need some of these me
chanical aids to cheer.
There are decided possibilities in
these one-room aaartments for those
planning a first home. .
Bathroom Hints.
All cloths arfd utensils used in
cleaning the bathroom should be
scalded and dried, preferably in the
open, -air.
The crust of lime which Is some
times deposited by hard water can
be removed from porcelain-lined fix
tures with hydrochloric acid This
acid is' very poisonous and is also
injurious to the skin and to many
materials, including the metals used
in plumbing. It must, therefore, be
handled wih extreme care. Gloves
should be worn when using it.
To clean the bowl of a closet, bail
out as much water as possoble, pour
in about a pint of commercial hydro
chloric acid (sometimes called mu
riatic acid) and let this stand for
several hours, or, until the crust
crumbles when poked with a stick.
Then flush with a large quantity
of water. The water in the tank
is not enough; more must he poured
in by hand in order to dilute the
acid and carry it away rapidly.
In a porcelain-lined sink or bath-
tub the acid must not be allowed
to stand on the soiled earthenware,
because it may get through to the
metal. underneath and eat that away.
It must, therefore, be applied drop1
by drop to the lime and flush out
with plenty- of water as soon as fhe
crust begins to rrumble when
pressed. -
Miss G. Cooper, recently presented
with the governor' clinical medal, is
the first woman to win the coveted
prize in the 100 years of history of
the Charing Cross Medical school in
To take a census in Kamerun is
considered easy, for each man dec
orates his roof with figures repre
senting his wives and children and a
large figure to represent himself.
Macedoine Salad
Take one lettuce, six small sarins
onions, two carrots, three stalks of
celery, a few slices of cucumbers and
two tomatoes. Pick the lettuce leaf
from leaf and, after washing thor
oughly, toss in a tfiwel to drain off
the moisture. Vash the onions as
well and cut them into'the desired
lengths. Cear the lettuce leaves
apart with the fingers, peel and shred
the carrots and celery and arrange
them in suitable dish, the sliced cu
cumber and toniarbes and a hard
boiled egg cut in rings. Garnish
with green onions. Serve with a
French dressing.
Home Cooked Meals
Table d'Hote Sunday Dinner
Our Specialty, $1.00
3408 Burt St. Harney 6512
All Work Guaranteed
Use Cheese ,
Like milk, cheese is an inexpensive
food, no matter what the price.
It is safe to speculate that cheese
owed its origin to some accidental
souring and ripening of -sour milk
curd, for long before refrigeration
was known cheese was the form in
which milk was preserved for future
Today the coagulating agent that
produces the curd is rennet, and the
ripening, the process that gives the
characteristic flavor to each variety,
is due to the action of ditferent kinds
of bacteria.
This results in a very -wide variety
of cheese, from the cream cheese
that requires only a few hours in
the horn: preparing to the French
cheeses exposed to the mold of
moths in damp caves.
NMl gool cheeses are, pure, health
f -1 foods, the hieh flavors being due
to natural rioenine processes.
Cheese has an important mission J
in the dietary; served as an accom
paniment it adds some food value,
flavor and distinction; it materially
increases the food value of a dish.
Which Costs More?
"I am quite sure that it costs more
when one doesn't keep house," says
the woman'.who lives in a boarding
house or hotel. "If we could only
go back t9 housekeeping I am con
vinced tnat we wouia not nave sucn
heavy expenses." v
And the woman with a house of
her own is just as sure the really ex
pensive way to Jive is. to run a house
of your own. "But boarding is so
expensive," says the first woman.
"You have no idea." And the other
one adds, "Yes, but if you haven't
been keeping house yu cannot
dream how things cost."
.Doubtless both modes of living
are expensive. If one entertains,
likes company and guests galore,
Do You Know XV
Three Questions a Day for the
1. How the squash got its
2. What qualities should good
j white bread possess?
3. Is it safe to use rubber
r'mgb for canning that have been
,left over from last year?
(These questions will be an
swered by the Housewife.)
Answers to Previous Questions.
1. All cooking oils and fats
should be kept in a dark place.
They should be carefully covered.
2. Bake pear as you would
apples, adding va little grated
lemon peel with the sugar to give
flavor. Some cooks think brown
sugar gives a better flavor to
baked pears than white sugar.
3. Sultana raisins aje small
seedless; ones. They come from
Smyrpa and grow without seed.
(QiopyrlKht. 1920 by the McClurs
Newspaper Syndicate.)
Illinois Spadra Semi-Anthracite Cherokee
Prompt Delivery
Colfax 0425. 3315 Evans St. Douglas 0840.
Poing Without a
Maid In Your
Have you ever noticed that some
times the woman who is now get
ting along without a maid or do
mestic help of any sort is losing her
knack of sitting down in her own
living rooms or drawing room and
enjoying her own home?
And one of the worst develop
ments of the mailess system is a
sort of restless -spirit. There is no
more leisurely lingering about the
dining room tabic over after dinner
coffee while the maids in the kitchen
are finishing the dishes.'' Now some
one makes a motion to rise as soon
as the coffee is swallowed. Dishes
have to be and what fun is
lingering over. coffee when one must
do dishes?
Undoubtedly there is a certain sat
isfaction in sitting leSsurely in your
own living rooms when you may
look at the carefully polished floors
F.nd the well cleaned rugs without
the association of the hours of work
on your part that were needed to
prtfduce that result. You enjoy the
glow of the open fire more when
you are not persistently thinking
that the more wood that is burned
the more will have to be lugged up-
rairs and the more the ashes gather
the more you will have to carry
downstairs. '
You would rather be off to the
movies, seated in a straight, uncom
fortable chair while your mind is
carried away from associations of
work and where you may watch to
your heart s content the winsome
heroine who somehowAever seems
to have to disturb herself over house
hold matters or problems of ser
vants. Perhaps if you- were as good an
actress as the real woman in the
films you would be able to get the
comfort you are losing out of your
own home; You would be able to
play two roles. You would be able
to be the hard working housewife
by day and in idle hours the care
tree woman ot leisure ot your
has a habit of asking friends for
luncheon and tea and is given to
little dinner parties, then undoubted
ly there is economy on the side of
keeping house, for anything ap-
proacning the sort ot hospitality that
one can offer even in a simple home
is amazingly expensive at hotels or
tea rooms.
With children, too, the greater
cost all goes in the balance of board
ing, for the family of two adults and
two children keeping house could
hardly double the expenses of the
same family with no children.
Garter Salesmen
San Francisco manufacturer of a fine line of garters
for men, women' and children requires a salesman
with exten4ive acquaintance among notion and
men's furnishing jobbers and large retailers. Big
possibilities substantial remuneration. Give com
plete details in first letter as to age, experience,
present connection and territory covered. State if
you can give all or part time. Strictly commission
basis. Line weighs about fifteen pounds.
The Sidley Co.
San Francisco, Cal. '
Why DonTYou
Try Pyramid?
Even a Free Trial of Pyramid Pile
Suppositories should Bring Grate
ful Belief Front the lum in ft
and fain.
Tou have no Idea how satisfactory
is Pyramid until you use it. Try It
The Painless Dentist
"The Greatest Port of En
try for Disease Is the
Mouth." n
Clean Tefeth do not decay and
clean gums do not become in
fected. Have us watch your
-small cavities. Do not wait for
a toothache. '
Crown and Bridge Work that
look and feel like your own
teeth. Gold, plate! the best
made comfort plates made to
fit any mouth.
Teeth Extracted absolutely
without pain by the use of Vapor-Mist
and Oxygen, without
the least danger.
We Treat Pyorrhea and Cure
Three competent operators
and no long waits.
Office: Fifth Floor (510) Pat-
ton Block,
16th and Farnam Street
Phone Douglas 1201
Lady Attendant
Dr. M. H. Garrison, Asst. Mgr.
Dr. P. Allen, Formerly of
Emerson, Neb. -
Open (Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday till 8 p. m., for the ac
commodation of the working
now. Get a 60 cent box of any drug
gist. Be relieved of itching, pro
truding piles, hemorrhoids and such
rectal troubles. A single box has
often been sufficient. Take no sub
stitute. If you would like a free
trial, please All out and mail the
488 Prruaid Bldf.. Marahtl, Mich.
Klndlr Mud in Fra lampl ot Pyrastli
Pile 8uiMifcrlM, n pUld wrapper.
Nun ,
Street' ..,
pUill IT
The Owner of
. Has a Right
to Be Proud
This Ever Popular Style 80
Distinctive in Design
But Practical All ihe Time
Your home needs a fine Sewing Machine, such as
the WHITE. . And youTwill be rightly proud of
your choice when you select your WHITE at
7 " I be Mouse
of Pleasant
and Harney
Walnut Recipes
Cheese balls: Take equal parts of
cottage cheese and ground walnuts.
Add a little celery cut fine, chopped
parsley, and mix with sweet cream.
Salt to taste. Make into small balls
and. sprinkle witli paprika. Serve
as n;lis.h with nut bread.
. Salmon scouffle: Small can sal
mon, one-half cup bread crumbs,
one cup milk, three eggs, one-half
cup chopped walnut meats, salt, pip
rika and lemon juice; season salmon
with salt, paprika and lemon juice.
Then add milk, yolks of eggs, and
walnut mts. Fold in whites of
eggs well beaten. Bake in but
tered pan 2U minutes. Serve with
cream sauce.
Sandwich filling: One-half cup
Diamond brand walnut meats chop
P"d fine, one-half cup sharp eastern
chees, grated, one-quarter teaspoon
silt, one-half teaspoon dry mustard,
one-eighth teaspoon paprika. Mix
with eiwugh mayonnaise to spread.
Meatless meat loaf: Two cups
cooked beans, two cups bread
n umbs, one cup walnuts (ground or
chopped fine), one bell pepper
chopped fine, one egg, two table
spoons mlted buteer, salt and peppor
to taste. Mix all ingredients thor
oughly. Shape into loaf and bake
.10 minutes in moderate oven, Serve
with tomato saure.
Sweet po'tatoes and marshinal
hws: Eifilit medium-sued sweet
potatoes, three-quarter cup chopped
walnut meats, one-half pound fresb
marshmallows, butter size of wal
nut, salt and pepper; boil potatoes
remove skins nnd mash. Add wat-
.. j . t
nuis. n tier, s.iii auu uchpci. n
thnrrtuirhlv nml nut in bakinc
Walnut and olive sandwich fill
ing: Mix equal parts of walnut
meats and ripe olives chopped fine
with enough mayonnaise to spread
v w i t,;.i ymm
Delicately toft anil rsflnot
Is .the complexion aided by
tfadine Face Powder
This exquisite beeutlfler lm
psrts en indefinable chirm
a charm and 1 lovellneie
which endure throughout
the day and linger in the
Its coolness Is refreshing,
and it cannot harm the ten
derest skin.
Sold In Its grsko box et
leading toilet counters or by
jail 60c.
5&3SS, U. & A.
Sold by Brandei Stores and Other
Toilet Counters.
103 E4KNAM ST. &
5P3 SO. 16" ST. ,
No Change in Policy
Because of the
We are still fighting old
H. C. L. We've helped the pub
lic hit him soyie hard jolts.
Remember our "Make your
old clothes do" campaign? .
Many people taking our ad
vice, had us renovate their
wardrobe, and saved the price
of new garments.
Most of them now have the
habit, and will have us keep
their new-clothes new. They
know how much more wear
they get from them and how
cheap such service really is.
Serving the public in ope
capacity for 23 years has
taught us how.
"Good Cleaners and Dyers."
1515 Jones St. Phone Doug. 0963.
So. Side, 4708 So. 24th St. Phone
So. 12S3.
Guy Liggett, President for 23
Tight Plates
You are possibly wearing
loose plates. We say unneces
sary, because we make plates to
fit. We guarantee this state
ment. We are using better ma
terial and better methods.
Get our prices and see our
1 r I -
DR. G. W. TODD, Dentist
Office Over Corn Exchange Bank,
15th and Farnam Streets
Merchandise Has Dropped to a Low Ebb Mark
and Your Dollar Is Again Reaching Its Full
Purchasing Power at the HsR. Bo wen Co.
Here is a sale of high quality
furniture that you should
be sure to attend. We are
just receiving deliveries on
many suites and1 individual
pieces which were ordered
many month's ago, but held
up, due to manufacturing
conditions. The prices wc
are quoting are all based on
the cost to us and we are
way under today's markets. It will be a long time before you will receive
the benefit of such prices again. Tlfcrefore accept our Value-Giving offer-
Overstuffed Suite in Tapestry
or Velour at Big Reductions
Here is a large overstuffed suite that just lends an atmosphere- of comfort and genial hos
pitality. It is built better than seems necessary and will give you many years of good
service. From the standpoint of durability, this is one of the best values we can offer you.
This suite is covered with a higk grade tapestry and offered O O C AA
at Bo wen's Value-Giving price of ". VaCtawOi JJ
Note Below the Values Offered in Overstuffed Davenports
Former Today's
Trice Frice
Overstuffed Tapestiy Davenport.. $225.00 $139.00
Overstuffed Velour Davenport 240.00 148.00
Overstuffed Tapestry Davenport '250.00 155.00
Overstuffed Tapestry Davenport '.. 340.00 195.00
Overstuffed Tapestry Davenport 375.00 225.00
-And as Usual You Make Your Own Terms
Queen Annei Suite in Walnut
1 or Mahogany A Rare Value
A very inviting yet graceful suite designed by America's most skillful furniture designers.
Suite consists of a buffet, china cabinet, tabl e, one arm chair and five plain chairs. The
buffet has ample room "for linen and silverwear. The china cabinet is furnished with
a large glass door with glass panels on cither side. Throughout, this suite is the work
of master craftsmen.
The former price of this suite was $323.00. Bowen's Value-Giving price today, $325.00,
and as usual you make your own terms. i .. -
Table Scarfs
A large assortment of Library Scarfs in Tapestry, Imported Damask andy French Velourg
in all sizes. A splendid Wedding or Holiday Gift. Note the following sizes and prices.
18x48 inch Silk Damask $3,95
20x48 inch French Velour . . ... 5,95
24x45 inch Freach Velour 4.95
24x48 inch Tapestry 4.95
18x72 inch Daanask 4.45
12x48 inch Tapestry . .. 2,95"
12x72 inch Tapestry 3.95
Hany others in Silk Damasks lined with mercerized poplin for Tiano Scarfs and Daven
port Tables, from $5.95 to $15.00 each.
Wi Jktl
ISIS Douglaa St, Tel.