Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1920, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 12

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1 :
Society Notices
All items for the Sunday So
ciety columns should be in the
office of the Society Editor on
Friday. Items received either by
'phone or mail later than 10:30
Saturday morning cannot be used
Sunday. Phone Tyler 1000.
The engagement cf Miss Emma
Ring and Thomas E. Roach was
announced Saturday, at a luncheon
giver by Mrs. Thomas Ring, mother
of Miss Ring. Covers were placed
for 16 intimate friends of the bride-to-be.
The wedding will take place
Wednesday morning. November 24,
at St, rhilonicnas church.
Mrs. James P. Slater entertained
informally at a tea at her home Sat
urday afternoon in honor of Miss
Gertrude Anne Tfeiffer. on which oc
casion the engagement of Miss Pfeif
fer to John E. Chestnut of this ;ity
was announced. Miss Pfeiffer is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
PfeitTer. No date has been set for
the wedding.
Word has been received from Bir
mingham. Ala., of the engagement cf
Miss Julia Carney to Hay den Myer,
formerly of Omaha.
Organize Alumnae Association.
Former students of St. Clara col
lege, Sinsinawa, Wis., organized an
alumnae association at a meeting
held Monday afternoon at Holy
Angels convent. r
Officers elected were: Mrs. T. B.
Whittaker, president; Mrs. J. Harry
Murphy, secretary, and Mrs. John
J. Mulvihill, treasurer. , ,
The membershin includes six
Dominican sisters,' teaching in va
rious schools of the order in the
city, and Mesdames Edward Cal
lahan, John D. Wear, J. C. Swift.
T.' E. Reagan, C. J. Wonder, Will
Blackburn. John S. McAtee of
Council Bluffs and the Misses Rose
Rohner, Kathleen Rossiter, Claire
McKenna, Florence Riley, Agnes
Tighe, Mary Do:an, Ann Annhcuscr,
Ruth Munchhoff and Cecilia Cal
lahan. The next meeting will be held
Saturday, November 27, : at St.
Cecilias school. ,
Crescent! Dance. 1
The Crescent club gave a formal
dancing party at the Scottish Rite
cathedral Friday evening, those
present were: ;
UI..A. '
Marjorls Menold
Kthel Pratt
Belle M. Ryan
liable Meredith
Porothv Thorn
Helen Smith
8. A. Whlsler
Mildred Troxell
Art Trimble
John O. Yelser. Jr.
Bay Heed Brott
Ira A. Jonea
Otto Nllsson
Clifford E. Bond
Jack Kroyer
Utmes L. Alimeow
I Ross J. Mc-Gowan
John Soreneon
Frank B. Ueintza
A, Q. Eltat A. S. Walkff
Frank O. Ellas J. HJ. Campbell
Dorothy Wetzler
Mb ry Lewis
Elsie Hoffman
Rose Oilman
Florence MoMlllen
Ruth A- Kinney
Beatrice Olson
Paul Samnelson
Jess Tj. Srhroeder
Ij. W. Charleiworth
R. P. Clark
H. R. Baltzer
A. V. Enholm
Ralph A. Magrum
E. D. Wlera
J. H. Joynt
r. S. GHlselman
8. Berger ., , ,'
John Volts
Hugh Cutler ,
W. J. Cattln t
F. Solomon 1
J. C. Shults! !
Charles F. Haww
W. iH. Sleeper. Jr.
Arthur Rosenblum
Allen H. Dudley
J. E. Robertson
J. S. Rahel i
Allan Parmer
F. J. Ramey
Harry Silverman
Joseph C. Pepper
W. R. Gibson
J. S. Meyer
R. B. Doughorly
S. J. Leon
A. O. Brown
H. E. Sorensen
a. W. Bell
W. Lincoln. Byrne
rr. and Mrs. Wallace
Dr. and Mrs. Heffner
Whltmorc's attendants will be Miss
Margaret Shelby of Los Angeles,
Miss Mary Randall of New York
and Miss Nan Jarvis of Toronto,
Elks' Woman's Club.
The Elks' Woman's club will hold
its first meeting Tuesday evening at
the Elks club rooms, Fifteenth and
Farnam streets. This new organiza
tion includes mothers, wives and
sisters of Elks. The officers are
Mrs. A. D. Nunn, president; Mrs.
Charles Tavlor, vice president, and
Mrs. Charle's Potter, secretary.
B'Nai Ami Club. '
A dance will be given at the Ho
tel Castle Thursday evening, No
vember 25, by the B'Nai Ami club.
Card Party and Dance. .
Ivy Club I. O. O. F. will give a
card party and r.ance Thursday eve
ning, November 11, at Odd Fellows
hall, Fourteenth and Dodge.
P. E. O. Luncheon.
The first of a series of monthly
P. E. O. luncheons will be given Sat
urday. November 13, at 1 o'clock, at
the Chamber of Commerce, south
dining room. All Omaha members
and visiting memDers oi r. k.. v.
may attend.
Deborah Society.
The annual dance of the Deborah
society will be held Wednesday eve
ning, December 8, at the Municipal
Tuesday Dance.
A dance will be given at the Swed
ish auditorium by the OmahaL Coun
cil of the Security Benefit associa
tion Tuesday evening, November 9.
Bunco Party.
St. Rose parish will give a bunco
party Wednesday evening at their
hall, 4102 South Thirteenth street.
'Ligori Club.
Ligori club of Holy Name parish
will give an entertain at Metro
politan hall, Monday evening, No
vember 18; funds will be devoted to
the Holy Name church. '
Alpha Phi
Alumnae of Alpha Phi will be en
tertained at luncheon Saturday, at
1 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Charles Wright, S3f South Thirty
sixth street
Afternoon Card Party.
A card party will be given Tues
day afternoon at the Holy Angels
parish hall. Twenty-eighth and Fow
ler streets, Tuesday afternoon.
"Jolly Seniors."
An old-time dancing party will be
held at Hansconi park pavilion by
the "Jolly Seniors" on Tuesday eve
ning, November M.
Holy Name Card Party.
TTnlv Maine narish will trive a card
party Friday evening, at Metropoli
tan nan.
Le Mars Dance.
" The Le Mars club will give
dance Friday evening, at Kel Pine
academy. ' ; '
Cho Chio Dance.' 1
Cho Chio club, composed of
Creighton college medical students,
will give a subscription dance at the
Barristers Dance.
The Creighton Barristers will give
the first of a series of dances, Satur
day evening, November 13, at the
Blackstone ballroom. Guests will
include only Creighton University
students and'alumm. The Barristers
are a new organization in Creighton
university and the purpose is to pro
mote inter-departmental good fel
lowship. It is sponsored chiefly by
students of the law department ,
Miss Sorenson Goes to Sioux Falls.
Grace Sorenson, editor of Every
Child's magazine, has returned from
a three weeks' story-telling tour of
the south. She -filled an eight-day
engagement at San Antonio, where
she was entertained by former and
new friends. At Waco, in addition
to filling her regular story-telling
appointment, Miss Sorenson visited
the Orphans' home and other insti
tutions, where she told her own stor
ies to children. Her next trip will
be into South Dakota. She leaves
Friday for Sioux falls, to fill a re
turn engagement.
Alumnae Bazar.
At the bazar to be held Thursday,
November 18, by , the alumnae of
Duchesne college and Sacred Heart
Academy, at the college, a round
trip ticket to California, donated by
W. M. Jeffers, will be auctioned. A
luncheon cloth, donated by Mrs.
Thomas Flynn, Will also be sold
in the same manner. Miss Marian
Hamilton is in charge of the lunch
eon, for which 100 reservations have
already been made.
Alumnae Luncheon.
The National Kindergarten Col
lege Alumnae association met for
luncheon Friday at the Athletic
club. Covers were placed for the
Misses Louise Watkins. Elizabeth
Wellman, Marguerite Walker, Deris
Eerry, Mildred Rhoades, Helen Car
rier, Mary Credon, Dorothy Wel
lcr. Elsa Smith, Nell Ryan of Co
lumbus, Neb., Veeta Miller and
Dorothy Slaughter, both of Fre
mont Omaha Club.
The house committee and enter
tainment commitee of the Ornaha
club announce that a dinner-dance
will be given at the club on the even
ing of Saturday, November 13. Din
ner w,ill be served at 7:30 o'clock,
followed by , a dance at 9 o'clock.
Reservations must be made not later
than November 12.
Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. George Powers cele
brated their 15th wedding anniver
sary October 28. Mr. and Mrs. W.
M. Powers and Mr. and Mrs. A.
Powers, all of Central City. Neb.,
came to attend the celebration.
Entertains Bridal Attendants.
' Mrs. Howard H. Baldrige will en
tertain at luncheon Saturday, No
vember 13, in honor of Hiss Eugenie
Whitmore, a bride-to-be, and the
members of her bridal party. Miss
Will Reside in California
Among the attractive matrons of Omaha who are bidding farewell to our city is Mrs.' Bryant Rogers.
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers and three children, Rupert, Margaret and Bryant, jr., leave next week for Cali
fornia. They will spend some time, touring the Pacific coast and will make their home permanently in
some city in the "Land of Sunshine." Mrs. Rogers is well known to Omahans, having spent her girlhood days
here. She will be remembered as Katherine Powell before her marriage. ' , ;
ball room of the Blackstone hotel
Wednesday .evening, November 10.
Press Club Luncheon.
The Omaha Woman's Press club
will meet for luncheon and a busi
ness session at the Chamber of Com
merce Tuesday at 1 o'clock.
Iron Board Cover
The cover on the ironing board
may be made of old sheets, but is
better made of., new heavy un
bleached sheeting 60 inches wide.
This allows, the width of muslin to
form the length of the cover. The
cover should be hemmed and four
pieces of tape firmly sewed to each
side so that it can be easily put on
and taken off. Ready-made covers
laced together through eyelets are
also convenient. There are various
spring devices for holding the cover
together, but tome of them are likely
to tear it.
A sheet of asbestos placed under
the iron rest and the paper or cloth
used for cleaning the iron, protects
the" .muslin cover from scorching.
Some bards have a piece of tiff
about eight inches wide tacked
across the-end on which the iron is
to stand.
Notes of Interest to
The recently formed Belgian
academy has decided to admit wom
en to its sacred councils.
Only about 6 per cent of the fe
males irr Spain are employed outside
their homes. )
Mrs. Esther M. Richardson has
been a school teacher in Kansas for
the past 63 years.
Mrs. Hugh Wallace, wife' of the
American ambassador to France, is
considered the busiest American in
Paris. ''
One thousand -girl scouts in Har
risburg, Pa., acted as nurses for
babies for mothers who desired to
vote on election day.
Of the 789 qualified voters on the
list in Upland, Mass., 390 -were wom
en, the majority of which exercised
their right to vote.
The famous school of the Beaux
Arts, where the great traditions of
French art are taught, is now open
to women in all its departments. Up
to the present women could only
study painting and sculpture, engrav
ing and lithography being barred to
them. j
In Zeeland the girls an;! women all
wear f'jll long black skirts, wite
caps ljny gold spirals, coral beads
and aprons.
Kurdish women are particularly
attractive. They go unveiled and
they have the straight, duect look
of the men. ;
1 Women artists' models in Japan
are paid $23 to $30 per month and
are expected to do two or three
hours' sittings a day.
It js estimated that the 1920 census
will show that fully one-third of all
persons in the United States who are
gainfully employed are women.
There are in the United States
25,000,000 women and girls over 10
years of age who are not wage earn
ers, but arc occupied in their homes.
Women were practically unknown
in the business world in Argentina
until American business concerns be
gun establishing branches there.
Probably there is no other car that every day in the year meet the demand of the Physician quite so
satisfactorily as does the Ford Coupe, evith its permanent top, its broad seat and deep upholstering, its
sliding plate glass windows, by which in a minute the car is changed from a closed car to an open car.
While in inclement weather it remains a closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, storm-proof. Equipped wkh
electric starting and lighting system. Demountable rims with 3 -inch tires all around, tire carrier, and
embodying all the established merits and economies of the Ford car. Low in purchase price; low in cost of
operation and maintenance; simple, yet sure in operation, and durable beyond any other' maka of car.
Just as useful to the Traveling Salesman, Real Estate Man, Contractor, Builder, and a two-seatedfamily
car. Leave your order with any of the dealers listed below.
18th and Burt Sts.
2562 Leavenworth St
-, 20th and Ames Ave.
4911 South 24th St.
McCaffrey motor company
15th and Jackson Sts.
Problems That Perplex
Anwcrt by
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
Please help me decide some ques
tions in mind. I have been keeping
company with a young lady for
nearly a year. 1 asked hor some
time ao if sshe would marry me;
she said, "1 Will let you know some
We do not live in the name towp,
but will see each other Thanksgiv
ing day. I am sure she will tell me
then and I believe she will nay "yea."
If she does, what will be proper for
me to tell her? How long after
wards will I buy the ring? We will
be at her home. Is it necessary to
ask her father for her, and, if so.
what shall I say o him? She has
been "stepping out" with other fel
lows. Is this all rlfiht, or should
I object, to it? Who sets the wed
ding day, or should both of us?
Should I ask her how larjre a dia
mond to buy? A SUBSCRIBER.
If the girl says "yes" say what
you really mean. Tell her It makes
yon happy, or talk over plans for
the future, or whatever is natural.
Be spontaneous. Don't plan too
closely what you will say, but try
to be sincere with your words. The
rule about "seeing father" is not as
strict as it once was,, but it seems
to me a young man should address
the girl's father on the "subject.
The matter of the ring is up to
you. You might ask the girl of she
prefers a diamond or some other
stone. If she is like most girls she
will prefer the diamond. You
should say nothing to her about the
size of the stone. Buy a ring which
you think will please her. making
It as nice as you can afford. H is
perfectly natural for ft girl to like a
pretty diamond, but she is not the
right kind of a girl if she wants
vou to buy a large stone Just to sat
isfy vanity, whether you can afford
it or not. If she accepts you on
Thanksgiving, it seems to me Christ
mas would be a good time to present
her the ring.
So long as you are not engaged, it
Is all right for her to go with other
fellows. If she accepts you Thanks
giving, you might tell her that it
hurts you when she goes with other
follows, and she probably will not
contlnyde to go with them. That,
however, Is a matter you should
leave largely to her good taste and
You should talk over the wedding
day together, deciding upon an ap
proximate time. Let the girl Bet
It he exact date.
Iilltie Miss Doubtful Your letter
sounds straightforward. Why
should there bo anything wrong in
knowing a man of 2D? Many men
of that age lire very fine. The man
is considerably older thun you and
I would advise you not to he too
hasty in developing the friendship.
It is all right for the man to stop
at the hotel in your town when he
comes to see you, but you should
make it clear to him before he
comes that you car.not entertain him
In your home. Tell him truthfully
that your sisters and their husbands
will be with you over Christmas, and
that it will be necessary for him to
stop at the hotel. But you can tell
him your table is large and you will
expect him to Join the family there
for meals and In every other way to
be at home at your house. He may
prefer not to Join you at breakfast,
but you may invite him.
Yes, if he comes all the way from
Cleorgte. to see you, give him a
Christmas present. A fountain pen,
something in leather goods, or even
a tie pin, would be appropriate. The
gift should not be elaborate or too
personal, but should represent to
some extent your kindly feeling.
E. N. Some of the best men In
the world are fat men. It Is very
evident you Ad noW care for the
man in question, but you seem dis
posed to trifle with him. If you
can't give him sincere friendship, lt
him alone and t least don't hurt
his feelings and destroy his con
fidence in women.
Washington Letter j
(Conttmird From P On B 1
years of the war here and ha'4
manv friends here, anl the Hon. ,
H. D. Landis, recent of the
university. Professor Landvs and
1'rofcssor Avery left Lincoln on
October 11 to officially represent ei
the University of Michigan at Ami -semi-centenary
celebration of the (
Ohio State universitv at Columbus, :
O. On October 14, IS and 16. they;. ,
represented the university at the in
auguration of President Burton of ,
the universitv of Michigan at Ann ,
Arbor. On the 18, 19. ami 20 Chan-
cellor Avery, as nreident for the
year, presided over the sessions of
Land Grant colleges at Springfield,
Mass. This convention comprises
55 universities and colleges, in fact .
all the colleges of the country re
ceiving federal support for agricul- '
ture. The association represent a
total of 10,000 professors. 100,000
students and annual expenditures o ,
$40,000,000. From Springfield Mr.
Landis and Chancellor Avery went
to Amherst to participate in the ex--ercises.of
the semi-centennial Mas
sachusetts Agricultural college. The. ,
23d, 24th, and 25'.h they spent in
studying the architecture and layouts
of Harvard university. Institute of
Technology and Brown university.
Mrs. Avery joined the university
party in Rhode Island and came ;
wit!i them to Washington. Archi-
tecture and memorials were studied
here. A very delightful evening ,
was spent with the Washington t ,
University of Nebraska alumni on ,
the 28th, at which Chancellor Avery
and Regent Landis reported on the,'
progress of the institution since the;;
last Washington meeting four years
ago. The party were entertained
delightfully in the home of the
Stractons at 1004 Park road, and
left on Friday evening of last week
for Lincoln.
Spain has 5C(0,000 more females .
than males. -
f - 1 , .
J Ml 111 1 Mil I ll-l H II 1 1 1 iV. 11 11!
MS' 1 Wot
IS. economy to bu AuIabaugK
Furs this season. Aulabaugh"
prices are an entire year lower:
than Joday's market, for in buy
ing direct from the Indian trap
pers, Aulabaugh Furs " are not
affected by "the speculator'
or by other market influences,
and come, therefore, lower in
prices fairer in value and
higher in quality standards.
Compare Aulabaugh' Furs they are
wonderful pelts luxurious in beauty,
and smart of lines, ikkt
These Are Specials
Tliat Will Interest You
35-lnch Fine Quality Hudson
Seal Coat la,rge shawl collar
belt and bell cuffs, unusually
priced this week
One of the most remarkable
American Mink capes, trimmed
In tails and paws. This week,
we make & rery special price
iii it ra
19th Southeast Corner at Farnam Street.
III Mlllll. Illll- HIJ II. J II I -3'fegSpMWl
-l)Q.IH&nn " -if", ism--,