Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 A
Nebraskans to
Be Honored by
Wisconsin Chapel
Prominent Americans and
Members of French High
Command Will Attend
Impressive Ceremonies.
Uolaficld, Wis., Nov. 7. (Special.)
In the presence of a notable gath
ering to include Governor E. L.
Philipp of Wisconsin, Governor
Frank O. Lowilen of Illinois, Maj.
lien. Leonard Wood and staff, Lieut.
Col. Lonis Koseignol of the French
high commission. 300 incnihers of the
St. John's Military academy alumni
association from all parts of the
country in service uniform and the
cadet corps. President Sidney T.
Sniythe will lay the cornerstone here
November 14 for the Victory Me
morial chapel to be erected here in
honor of more than 700 St. John's
graduates and former students who
served in the world war. General
Wood will deliver the address of the
The chapel will be of Waukesha
limestone. 160x60 feet, and built in
lines of Gothic architecture to har
monize with the present academy
group. It is planned to give over
one entire wall to "a huge memorial
tablet of individual name plates,
those who died in service being des
ignated by gold stars. Funds for
the project are being raised in a
nation-wide subscription campaign
under direction of the St. Johns Vic
rtory Memorial corporation. The
corporation is a separate organiza
tion from the academy, thus guaran
teeing the perpetuity of the edifice.
An endowment fund has been
pledged for maintenance,
Among Nebraska men to be. hon
ored by the memorial are: Joseph H.
McClure, Robert C. Strehlow, Ray
mond ('. Burll, Jacob C. Hess,
Wayne E. Smith, If. V. Wayward,
Howard II. . Baldrigc, James B.
Bone, C. F. Gruening, Herman Mctz,
Arthur Strehlow, J. J. Hess, Omaha:
Henry Lee Dempster, Ralph C.
Scott. Daniel Kees, Chafes W.
Needham, Beatrice; Phillip J. vVahl
strom, Wahoo; Thomas Wolfe, jr.,
David City; the Rev. Eugene Wett
Itng. Callaway; James E. Clarke,
Phillips; Wallace E. Cochran, Nor
folk; Dean C. Cook, Spencer;
Harry L. Fischer, Creighton.
Harding Gives
Sousa Buckeye
Famous Bandmaster Enter
tained by Presidential Can
didate at Home in
Cause ofY.W.C.A.
Topic in Pulpits
Of Omaha Today
Campaign for $70,000 Budget
Will Be Launched Tueiday
, Business Women Give
Day's Pay.
Sunday will be ob
in many Omaha
V. W, C. A
served today
Work of the association will be
the topic of many Omaha ministers.
i. W. C. A. literature will be dis
tributed to the congregations.
Opening of the Y. W. C. A. $70.
000 budget campaign will be Tucs
i dav. to continue one week.
The drive will be launched offi
cially tomorrow night when team
workers will meet for dinner at the
Central branch building, Seven
teenth and St. Marys avenue.
Mrs. George F. Gilmore, president
of the board of directors, will pre
side. Mayor Smith will speak.
Pre-campaign pledges are already
being received, many independent
business women pledging one day's
Organization for the campaign
comprises two divisions, general
women's division and business and
professional women's division. Mrs.
Frank Judson is chairman of the
former, and Miss Mary Austin of
the latter.
Progress reporls of the campaign
will be made at daily luncheons at
the Central branch. Teams are
headed by one major, 10 captains,
nine lieutenants and workers.
1 Senator Hardine. republican can
MIUillc IV) lite (fii3iytni.ji a mu ,vi
tenant Commander John Philip
khousa recently entertained one an
, ; otUer and the entire population of
Marion, O., when Sousa and his baud
appeared there on the concert tour
' which will bring him to the Omaha
auditorium Wednesday, November
10. i
Senator Harding and his family
entertained the great bandmaster at
the Harding home in the forenoon.
Mr. Sousa and his band were gucst9
of honor at a gala luncheon provided
, by the citizens, at which the presi
dential nominee presided, signalizing
- the occasion by presenting Mr.
Sousa with a gold-mounted buckeye,
plucked by the senator from the now
famous tree on the Harding lawn.
Sousa and bis banH replied in the
evening with a special program in
honor of their Jiosts, and with the
Harding family as the guests of
V honor at the theater.
Thousands, unable to gain admts-
. sion to the theater, packed the streets
until the concert ended, when there
was a spontaneous outdoor ovation
for Senator Harding and the "march
king." whose band accompanied the
, candidate and his party to a waiting
train, which took Mr. Harding to
More Election Clashes
. Reported In Yucatan
Mexico City, Nov. 6. Further
clashes between social'sts and lib
erals in Yucatan, arising out of the
state election campaign there, were
reported yesterday in dispatches
' from Mcrida. 1 It was stated several
"persons were dead and scores
wounded as a result of the pitched
battle on Thursday night.
i Federal troops have been rushed
to the villages of Tecoch and Mo-
r tul, where the demonstrations seemed
to be most serious. The troops are
under orders to ouell disturbances.
but not to fire upon mobs unless the ,
' emergency demands such action.
Pastor-Dry Agent Is
Held On Murder Charge
Windsor. Ont., Nov. 6. Rev. J.
O. L. Spracklin, pastor of the
Sandwich Methodist church, and a
special liquor license inspector, is
" detained in the Sandwich jail, fol
lowing the shooting to death of
Beverly Trumble. proprietor of an
inn known as Chappell Houfe.
The shooting occurred during a
raid upon the inn. ;
French Women Kef used
4 Right to Enter the U. S.
New York, Nov. 6. Two French
mademoiselles are peeping with bit
terness through the Ellis Island gate
to the United Stater
Marie Schneider showed an affida
vit, signed by Capt. Robert Charles
Gill, in which she was adopted by
: him as a daughter. Captain Gill
cannot be. found, so Marie has to go
" ' back.
- Louise Despere was to marry Al
bert E. Esray of Leon. N. J., but
' Albert changed his mind.
Statement of Clearing
House Shows Small Deficit
New York, Nov. 6 The actual
conditiou of clearing house banks
and trust companies for the week
shows a deficit -in reserves of $1,306.
790. due to a decrease from last week
of $15,301,880 below legal requirc-
Man Arrested Once
For Crime Is Again
Held for . .Girl's Death
Harlan, Ky Nov. 6. Although
released once before for lack of evi
dence implicating him with, the mur
der of Miss Lura Parsons, a school
teacher, on a lonely mountain trail
near here September 7, Dr. H. C.
Winnes, a state veterinarian, has
been arrested and again charged
with slaying the girL
County authorities, however," have
refused to divulge the new turn in
their investigation which caused the
arrest of Dr. Winnes. James Rob
inson, a negro, also is "Jicld in con
nection with the murder.
v i
Employes of Electrical
Plant in Berlin Strike
Berlin, Nov. 6.- The employes of
the municipally-owned electrical
works struck last night, leaving"
Berlin without lights or street car
Power and light plant employes
at Beuthen, in Silesia, also struck
The newspapers were forced to
suspend publication.
How to
Revitalize Worn out
Exhausted Nerves
Your nerve power depends on plenty of
good, rich, red blood of the kind that or
ganic iron Nuxated Iron helps make.
Nuxated- "Iron is like the iron in your
blood and like the iron in spinach, lentils
and apples, while metallic iron is iron just
as it comes from the action of strong
acids on iron filings. Nuxated Iron does
not injure the teeth nor upset the stom
ach it is an entirely different thing from
ordinary metallic iron. It quickly helps
make rich, red blood, revitalize wornout,
exhausted nerves and give you new
strength and energy. Over 4.000,000 peo
ple annually are using it. Beware of sub
stitutes. Always insist upon having gen
uine organic iron Nuxated Iron. Look
for the letters N. I. on every tablet. Sold
by all druggists.
Owl Drug Co., Sherman & McConnell 5
busy stores and all other good druggists.
Stop Tobacco
How One Woman Helped Hex Boys
to Overcome the Inroads of
Tobacco Poisoning.
Sends a Free Trial Package
Lucko was the
lucky discovery of
a woman. Like a
magic wand it hits
the spot. Instead
of that irresistible
desire for a smoke
or chew, Lucko sat
isfies, it soothes,
?alms, takes off
1 a .... tiarvnua
edge and you feem
better, eat better,
sleen better land
It's Great to Be Fr work better. It is
From The Disgusting certainly a wonder
Tobacco Habit. ful discovery and a
free trial package
will be mailed to every tobacco user who
wants to quit. The hundreds who have
used Lucko never go back to the dyspep
sia,"' heartburn, palpitation, nervousness
and all the other poison sufferings from
tobacco. Don't fail to send for this free
trial of Lucko. It is really a wonder
ful discovery. Address Lucko Drug Go.,
204 Glen Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio.
should tend
for a trial
package of
Lucko at once and save her husband or
son from the poisoning tobacco habit.
Lucko is odorless and tasteless and can
be given secretly in tea, coffee or milk
if you wish to do so.V .. . v
Every Mother
A Bad Cold
Relieved Quickly With MENTHO
LAXENE You Buy' It Concentrated and
Mix With Pint of Syrup.
Doubtless every reader recalls ' having
neglected a slight cold until In 24 hours
it settled into a "Bart Cold'' and then about
72 hours of distress, discomfort,' If not
weeks of bronchitis or pneumonia or
rattarrh. Now confess, K you've had
such an experience, and tak.i time by th
forelock by preparing to check and abort
colds, coughs, catarrh, difficult breath
ing, watering eyes and painful headaches.
It can be done by tiisjng Mentho
Laxene either in Its raw state ten drops
to the dose or by making a granulated
tugar syrup and mixing In a pint bottle of
.1r. A pint wlil last a whole family
for a long tljne and keeps every member
free from the distressing after-effect
of a bad cold. Atent;io-L.axcne is guar
anteed to please or money back by The
Blackburn Products Co., Dayton, Ohio,
and any well stocked druggist can supplv
you. . Don't take a substitute. There ia
really nothing to coiunare with Menthi
I.axene. 4,000 bnrrnrs used last year.
Whyf Because lit best and cheapest.
Six Full Colinmnins of Conclusive -Proofs of the Real Economies in Cash Buying
Toyland Now Open
A complete iicw stock of Toys, Dolls;
Games of all kinds to gladden the
hearts of the little folks. All at at
tractive cash prices.
On Fourth Floor.
""""' S"S' "";
New Paint Department
Now Open in Basement
The best in quality at lowest pos
sible cash prices is our motto. Get
our prices, you to sure or
Special on
Women's and Children's
Women's Wool and Cotton Vests,
shaped in natural gray with high
neck, long sleeve, ankle length, pants
to match,, regular price $2.75, on
sale at $2.50
Women's Silk and Wool Union Suits,
with Dutch neck, elbow sleeve or
high neck, long sleeve, ankle length,
, regular price $3.98 and $4.50, on
sale .at $2.98
Women's Medium and Heavyweight
Cotton Union Suits, band top, ankle
length, pink or white, regular price
$2.25, on sale ... X '. $1.98
Boys' and Girls' Medium or Heavy
Fleeced Union Suits, with high neck
long sleeve, ankle length, in white,
ecru or gray, size 4 $1.30, rise on
Boy' and Girls' Wool and Cotton
Union. Suits, with; high neck, long
sleeve, ankle length, natural size 2
$2.05, rise on sizes.
Children's Heavy Fleeced Vests with
high neck, long Iecve, regular price .
75c and 85c, on sale 50
Every Looker
Buyer Monday
Here are values in
Silks and Wool Dress Goods
Scarcely Short of Phenomenal
Offerings in Silks and Wool Dress and Coating Fabrics that will make
you think of pre-war sales values that , register one more triumph for
cash methods. ' '
' Thousands o2 Yards of
Beautiful Silks
At most surprising bargain -'prices
this great-
Every yard fully up to our high
quality standard.
$5.00 40-in. Satin Charmeuse $2.95
Brown, CopeivNavy, Taupe, Wine,
Gray, Plum, Black, Pekin and Rose.
$5.00 40-in. Crepe Meteor $2.95
Navy, Brown, Black and Taupe.
$3.75 40-in. Crepe Meteor, $2.25
Rose, Copen, Pekin and Gray.
$3.75 36-in. Satin Duchess $2.49
Navy, Brown, Taupe and Black.
$3.25 36-in. Taffetas and Satin
All colors.
$3.25 40-inch All Silk Heavy
Georgette, $1.45.
All colors. Finest of quality.
$1.75 33 and 36-in. Corduroy $1.35
Xavy, White, Rose, Cherry, Brown,
Copen, Beaver and Black.
$1.98 18-in. Paon Velvet $175
s I All colors.
$9.50 42-in. All Silk Chiffon
Velvet $8.75
Pekin, Black, Navy, Brown, Taupe
and Beaver.
111 i
H1 yW
Fine Wool 'Goods 1
Values that speak for themselves every
item a real bargain.
56-inch Coating $7.98
All high-grade Coatings, such as Bo
livia, Chameleon Cord, Heather, Velours
.and others. Have been selling up to
$12.50 per yard. Cash Price . . . .87.98
50-inch Chiffon Broadcloth $3.98
All Wool, Sponged and Shrunk, with
the fine permanent silk finish; all the
new Fall Shades; selling elsewhere for
$6.00. Our Special Cash Price ..$3.98
56-inch Priestley's Serge $3.98
All Wool Priestley's Imported Men's
Wear Serge,, in Navy and Black only.
Have been selling regular for $5.98.
Special Cash Price $3.98
: 54-inch Tricotine $4.98
All Wool, beautiful soft finish, in fine
and medium Cord, $7.00 is the price other
places. Our Cash Price $4.98
44-inch French Serge $1.98
All Wool, a fine quality, just what you
want for your new dress, the regular
price is $3.00. Special Cash Price $1.98
$13.50 Seal Plush for $9.48
50-inch wide Behring Seal Plush, with
long silk nap that won't crush. Sells for
$13.50 regular. Our Special Cash Price
is ...$9.48
Have your Skirt made to measure by our
Expert Men Tailors. We guarantee the
fit and workmanship or your Money Re
funded. The making of a Skirt $3.00
Mall Orders Promptly Filled.
One-Third to One-Half
Price Reductions on
Men's Winter
4,000 suits of Men's Heavy
weight Combed Egyptian Cot
ton Rib Union Suits, made by
the Augusta and Park mills,
colors in gray and ecru, sizes
34 to 52, former price $3.95,
Monday cash price. . $1.95
A cleanup of over 1,500 suits of
Men's All Wool Unions
Globe malc, size 34 to 50, for
mer price $7.00, Monday cash
price t $4.95
All broken lines of two-piece
Underwear in all-wool, wool
mixed and heavy cotton fleece,
size 34 to 50, formerly selling to
$3.50, Monday cash price, per
garment $1.45
Men's Cotton Fleeced Union
Suits, Hi Rock make, all sizes,
former price $3.00, Monday
cash price . . , $2.25
Hayden Bros.
Desire to Announce that
Mrs. J. M. Dumbauld
Expert Corsetiere
Will Give Individual
of the
Their Corset Department
November 8th to 13th
Fittings by Appointment
Thousand Women's and Misses' Cloth and Plush Coats Sent
in by Our New York Buyer
Two Special Groups Monday
Coats at $49
Choice hundreds of classy
Cloth and Plush Coats,
made up in 40 different
styles, many fur trimmed
coats, large variety ' of
shades and varied lengths,
sizes for misses, ladies anc
stylish stouts, (fcAQ ff
special values .Pr7.UJ
Special group of Fur Scarf -in
many styles in Wolf,
Opossum and Coneys, Spe-
c4Mo.a-.:.... $25.00
Monday a. m. special, 9 till 12
only 100 Women's Taffeta Silk
Petticoats, worth $4.0ol.$2.69
200 Women's House Dresses, sold
at $3 and $4, Monday. . .$1.95
75 Women's Bath Robes, worth
$6.00 and $7.00, Monday. $3.95
Coats at $29
Choice of large group of
.warm Winter Coats in
Cloth and Plushes in many
styles, sizes for misses and
ladies that were made to
sell up to $45, 9Q AA
special at ,...P7.W
100 Women's and Misses'
Silk Dresses, sold up to
$25.00, special ((
Monday . . . . I . P lO.XJV
9 to 12, 200 Georgette Crepe
Waists sold at $3, Monday $1.50
100 Wool Slip-on Sleeveless
Sweaters, $3.00 values. .$1.50
200 Baby Bonnets, slightly
mussed; worth $1.50 and $2.00,
Monday 50
It is None too
Early to Think of
We have a complete line of china at
prices that will please you. You
can come In and make your selections,
pay a little down and we will keep
them for you until you want them.
05.00 Haviland China Dinner Set of
100 Pieces Plain, frraceful shape,
with pretty floral decoration, han
dles and knobs treated with coin
gold; complete service for 12,
per set 867.50
$225.00 lOO-Fleee Bavilnnd Gold Band
Dinner Set New shapes, service for
12 persons, special 8165.00
(87.50 lOO-Plece Austrian China Din
ner Set Spray design, handsome
shape, gold edge; service for 12
persons. A special for Monday
at 858.00
lOO-Plece Austrian China Dinner et
Plain shape, spray design. A spe
cial for 849.00
250.00 lOO-riece White Ilanaom
Shape Dinner Sets This set Is de
serving of your special attention.
Fine American porcelain. Complete
service for 12 persons ....819.50
$35.00 lOO-Plece Gold Band Dinner
- Set, J27.50 Fine American porce
lain with Gold Edge, complete serv
ice for 12 persons 827.50
6,000 Piece of Deeornled China
Values to $1.50 each, while they
la$l, special 254
This lot consists of 7-inch China
Plates, Oatmeal Dishes, Ramican
Bread and Butter Plates and Bouil
lon Cups: values to $1.50 each. Spe
cial, each 254
Special Reductions on Stoves
and Furnishings
Six-hole All Blue Enameled Range, Polished
top, with warming closet and reservoir
for S135.00
Six-hole Polished Top Range, nickel
trimmed, with warming closet $85.00
Six-hole Polished Top Range, front feed,
with warming closet, for $55.00
Cabinet Gas Range, high oven $49.00
Two-hole Laundry Gas Stove for $10.50
Three-hole Laundry Gas Stove for $12.00
Two-hole Gas Plate for $7.50
Three-hole Gas Plate, cap burners, $6.00
Extra large Aluminum Roaster ..$6.00
Medium size Aluminum Roaster ..$4.00
Round Aluminum Roaster $1.89
Savory Steel Roasters, extra large size,
for $2.00
4-quart Aluminum Sauce Fan ....$1.50
1-quart Aluminum Double Boiler ..$1.75
12-oz. Bottle of O'Cedar Oil 50
4-oz. Bottle of O'Cedar Oil 25
Cotton Dusters 39
3 large Rolls Crepe Toilet Paper 25
To Cut Down the Cost of Living-Try Hayden's First
Cash and Carry Means a Saving of 25 to 50 '
48 lb. Sacks Beat High Grade Flour. f 3.85
24 lb. Sacks EeBt High Grade Flour. $1.50
U lb. Sacks Pure Rye Flour $1.35
5 lb. Rolled White Breakfast
Oatmeal 55c
4 lbs. Best No. 1 Hand Picked Navy
Beans 25c
7 lbs. Best White or Yellow Corn
meal 25c
The Beat Domestic Macaroni, Spa
ghetti, or Egg Kodles, pkg 7 Vic
Gallon Cans White Table Syrup ....IM)c
Gallon Cans Corn Syrup iSe
H Gallon Cans Oorn Syrup 4c
Oil or Mustard Sardines, van ic
16 ounce Cans Nutro Milk Comp....lUc
16 ounce Cans Wilson Milk I4c
16 ounce cans Pet or Carnation Milk. Lie
Largo Jars Pure Fruit Preserves ,...35v
3 Cans Karly Junn Teas, Kanry
Sweet Sugar Corn, or Ripe To
matoes 35c
No. 3 Cans Golden Pumpkin
Gallon Cans Molasses 80c.
Fancy Japan Rice, per lb 10c
Grapcnuts. package 13c
Teast Foam, pkg a'fcc
10 lbs. Best Pure Cane Granulated
Sugar '. $1.U
. .HOC
. .5c
. .SOc
. . 15c
Choice Californja Prunes,
rancy King Apples, id ,
Fancy Cleaned Currants, lb. ..,
Fancy Mulr Peaches, lb
Fancy New Stewing Figs, lb....,
Thompson's Heedless Itaisins. lb.
Condensed Mincemeat, pkg.
Dromedary Dates, pkg
Fancy Popcorn, per lb
Fresh Roasted Peanuts, lb
New English Walnuts, No. 1, lb,
The best Creamery Butter, carton,
per lb 63c
The best Creamery Butter, bulk,
per lb 61c
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter,
per h gfte
Fancy Dairy Table liutter, per lb. ..Mo
Fancy Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese
ler lb 30c
Fancy Full Cream Young America
Cheese, per lb 35c
Fancy Full Cream N. Y. White
Cheese, per lb 40c
Fancy Full Cream Hrlck Cheese.
per lb 35c
The best Strletly Fresh Eggs st the
Lowest Market Price. ,
Fancy Queen Olives, ft W(
Large 1)111 Pickles, doz 33c
Sauer Kraut, qt ltVtC
All the best brands Nut Butter, per
lb Sle
Pure Honey, lb 30e
Fresh Ground Peanut Butter, per lb..26o
Our Famous Golden Santos Blend
the talk of Omaha lb ....3.1c
Fancy Golden Santos, lb. 30e
M. & J. Blend, the standard of
quality, per lb 40c
Our famous Ankola Blend, it has no
equal for quality or price, per lb. .4se
The best bulk Tea Slftings. per lb. 17 He
Best bulk Cocoa, per lb 11 He
Choice Pan Fired Japan Tea, per lb..3oc
Fancy Oolong, Ceylon. Gunpowder,
English Breakfast, lb 61c
13 lbs. beat P.ed River Ohio Potatoes
for 3Se
Wisconsin Cabbage, lb fc
Fancy quality Cauliflower, per lb. ..Me
Fresh Spinach, peck t.1e
Fancy Head Lettuce, head IV
.1 Iba. Fancy Sweet Potatoes 1e
3 lbs. lied or White Onions loe
All Wall Paper
Patterns in Our
Stock Are New
Remarkable Seductions on All Styles.
24c Kitchen Patterns and Papers for
rear halls, sold with borders, roll 15f
39c Parlor, Hall and Dining Room
Papers, plain, figured and cloth effects,
special, at per roll 24
Bedroom Papers in Room Lots Co
lonial stripes and chintz effects. Wall,
border and ceiling; enough to paper
average 12x14 room, very unusual,
at 4.50
Estimate Famished
for Labor.