1 22 THE Kit,: OiuAliA; SAiUiibAi'. t it ; t t: ri r i r' I ' ,1 I i U' if 4 9 4 Classified Advertising Rates ISc pr Una (count I words to lint) 1 day ls per HnB pr day, 3 conaecutlva dae lie per Una per day, 7 conaecuilva days 14j per Itn per day. 30 consecutive dsvs No adds taken (or less thun a total of J 5''. These raias apply either to the I'a.'v or Sunday lit All advertisements so pear In both morning and evening daily papers for the one charije. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION. Want ads accepted at the following of fice.: MAIN. OFFICE 17th and Fnrnam Sis. South ISI.Ie 2318 N HI. Council Bluffa 15 Scott Ht. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TVI.KR 1D00. THE IIKE will not ho rcsponatble fir more than one ln irrect inseition of an advertiiement ordered for mora than one time. CLOSING IlOUnS FOR WANT AOS Kvenlnit Edition 11:46 A. M. Morning Kdltlon 1". ' Sunday Kdltlon 9:00 P. SI.. Saturday CARD OF THANKS. WE wliih to thunli our ninny friend, the Omaha Fire Iept.. mid thp red .led Sokol, also Mr. Ausuat Seipan mid Mr. Louis Berks, for the eulogy spoken t funernl and the beautiful floral offer ing, kindness hiiiI sympathy shown us !n our Iste bereavement of our husband nnd father. Mrs. Fre,l Dlazck and f inilly. FUNERAL DIRECTpRS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S UK ST AMBULANCE iS? M Thirtv-tliinl and Farnam HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER KINEH.U Dl I! KCTORS. 701 South liith Si. Douglas 123(1. HEAFEY & HEAFEY," Undertakers and Embsltners. rhone H. 28 r. office Mil FHrnam. FOR AMBULANCE 'call South 6K0. Kortsko Funeral Home, 2ld and O Sta FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON Fontenelle Florists. nil Dnuglaj St. Dotlglns8244 Ti )lTNnTj H , 1st ha"n d Farnam. D.W "Henderson. i6J9 Farnam. Douglas 12 IS BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births I.ucinn and Marie l'etteitglll, ?S01 Hickory. Imv: Henry and Agnes Mi rh.l S15i! S 19th bov U'pvne and Etho Sluournev. ?9:15 Hold, girl: France.rr. nnd I.oucla Catania. 1 4 4.1 S. 14th, boy; Arthur tnd OpenI Apee, hospital, boy; Mm-r ana Mola Halt hospital. Blrl' Uewlght nnd Kdlth Kastrup, hospital, girl; James and Jano Dally, 124 N. 4Sth. boy; Jessie and Mlllin Pavls, hospital, girl; Oulseppe and Rosollna Croro. Sit. Woclworth Ave., noy Deaths Mrs. Anna Rupnert, r,r, ;o!0 Martha: Frederick Mathlas Aballne. C9 1509 ,: Stanford Guilt. 17. hospital; Rob ert Wright, Infant, 4409 S. 17th; I.eroy Savell, S3, 1 SI 3 Laird; Dorothy May Allen, Infant, hnsoltal: Daniel Oreen. !, honpl tal: Francis Klecikowskl. Infant, 4316 Hurt; Mary Albrecht. IS, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following persons wore Issued per tnltn to wed: Brvan C. Ward. 26. Denver, Colo., and Helen Long, 21, Columbus, Neb. William Marshall, 21. Council Bluff", la. and Imogene Long, IS, Council Bluffs, la, AVIlllam A. Slsco, 31, Omaha, and Bu lah Holland, 21. Omaha. ' William T. Dlnklns. over 21, Chicago, Til , and Eugene A. Whltmore, over 18, Omaha, Roy August Sufficool. 25, Omaha, and Laurcne Blesh, 19, Kwlnff, Neb. Edward C. Cutler, .10, Farragut, la., nnS Maria Hamann, 26, Farragut, la. Ben I Porter, over 21, Omaha, and Olga Peterson, over 18, Omaha. Jamp.i T. Oilder. 31. Omaha, and Mabel Cutle 2 1, Shenandoah, la. BUILDING PERMITS. John M. Komp, 6318 N. 3ad, frame dwelling, 5,000. Pantel Realty Co.,' S. E. Cor. ISth and Dodge, alterations of brick and refnforced concrete apartment building. 345,000. Fireoroof Building Co.. 1802 Dodge, al terationa of brick and reinforced concrete, apartment building, 135,000, LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS LOST A lady's brown pocketbook contain ing I396, to pav funeral expenses, oe tween Sun theater and 13th and Farnam, Return to Hattie Hayes, S324 8. 21st St. and receive reward. FOR ARTICLES LOST jn street cara tele phone Tyler 80(1. We are anxloua to re- atore lost articles to rightful owneri, OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. COMPANY. LOST Brown leather grip off automo bile on street between 17th and Farnam street and Hansrom Park. Return to - 404 Petera Trust Hldg., Allied Contrac tors Inc. LOST A carat earscrew between 22d and Webster and Hith and Farnam. Valued as heirloom. J!iew."irdf 50. oug904 1. Llewellyn setter pup. white with black ears, about 11 months old. Any infor mtion call Web. S 1 2. LOST In Mlnne Lima, cream-colored Persian cat. 2712 Rcdick Ave. Col fax 4H43. Reward. PERSONAL. THK SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits vour old cloth'ng, furniture, . magnilnea. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will .- cail. Call and Inspect our new home. - 111(1-1112-1114 Dodge St. i PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE ".. AGENCY, Incorporated Houglas 1 7. Arlington Blk.. Omaha, NebJ TRY our special Sunday dinner, price It. -. Home cooking. Harney 6512. , MASSAOK 210 "North 'seventeenth St. .SWEDISH massage." 318 Neville Block. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOTEL F.OME. We teach ballroom and all kinds of fancy dancing. D. 2581 or H. 2792. Kel-Pine School for Dancing. 2424. Farnam. Doug. 7850. Detectives. . JAMES ALLAN. 31J Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1:36. RELIABLE Detective Burenu, Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 2056. Night. Col. 4B5. Dentists. DR. SECOR, 1017 1st Nat'l Bk, Ty. 2138. Diamonds. DIAMONDS We pay the best price with privilege tn buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N lGth St. Doug laa 5049. Dressmaking. SEWING, silks, velvets, "klrts. Jackets re. lined, remodeled. Reasonable. H. 6804. - DRESSMAKING, expert fitting, design 3 Ing. Tyler 1387. Hauling. HAULING all kinds, sshes, rubbish, etc.; cinders delivered; basements cleaned. Doug. 3136. MAULING, all kinda; trucks, all sizes beat service. Vest rates. Tyler 1976. Hemstitching and Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all aizes and styles; hemstitching, picot edging, eye leta cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IdJa.1 Button and Pleating Co.. 308 Brotaji Blk. Douglaa 1936. : JJebr Pleating A Button Co nam St. D. 667. 1806 Far Patent Attorneys. .'JAMES W. MARTIN. Patent Attorney, 1716 Dodoge St. Patent your Invention and sell it to a manufacturer. Steam Boilers. ' ONE No! 6 25-A International steam boiler, rate 1.350 feet, cost 1505. will - sell for 1290. Victor Roos, 27th and Leavenw.-rth Sts. , Miscellaneous Announcements. "SEWING MACHINES' We rent repair, eell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 1973 paxton-mitchell co7. nth and Martha Sta.. Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra ters, razor bladea sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. 1522 Dodge. 103 N. 16. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattress es made from your own feathers, sum mer A winter aidea. 1(07 Cuming. D. 2467. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased al RIalto Drug Store, ,1t h and Douglas Sta.. Omaha. Neb. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. LEWIS N. BOISEN. watchmaker and Jeweler. 101 Securities Bldg. Phone Ty -, In tut. i - - BRINGING UP FATHER 7 r ASLEEP bO I'LL IT IN One: rHiHT WITHOUT ITTIN' HIT WITH OME. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous Announcements. CAItl'F.NTKHINll. garagea built, 'oofs re. l aired. .rorm windows put up. Ty. 2 f 1 H . WKOniNU ani.f.uncemeats and priming. DoiiKliia Priming Co. Tt Uouglaa 644. I'lJI.I. dress suits and tuxtdos for rent, 109 N 16th St.. John Feldman. IX 312s. OMAHAWEI.T)1NO CO. 'The Careful Weld.ra." 16th and J.icKson. D. 4397. SAFES BAHRAIN'S, 12th Farnam. J. J. Darlght Safe Co. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bids, bnaha Towel Supply.Jt07 S llth. d" 628 MATTRESSES remade, springs rep. IM762 RENT Hoover vacuu FOR S (Furniture and H Hoover vacuum, SI 2o. Wal. 1947. SALE. Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTION 1 19 Homes of Extra High-Grade and Staple Furniture. Four-day Sale, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 3, 4, 6 and 6. Starts Each Day at 1 P. M. in My Auction House, Southeast Corner 18th and Webster Streets. This la one of the best sales I have ever had, consisting of complete furnish ings of some of the best homes In Oma ha. Conslsls of pianos, talking machinea. parlor furniture, dlnlngroom suitea In mahogany. American walnut and gold en and fumed oi-k; about 85 extra good Wilton. Anglo-Persian and Axmlnster ruga, all sizes; one Oriental rug about 9x13 and two smaller Oriental rugs: bookcases, books. writing desks and chairs to match, cedar chests, sewing machines, sun room w.clter furniture, den furniture, davenports and Uuofolda electric inmos. both standard and li brary, electric cleaners, two electric washing machines, 4 electric Irons, won derful bedroom suites In American wal nut. rnahotaany and white Ivory; brass and SlnioiP beds complete, twin beds, sanitary couchs. mahogany, walnut. birds-eye maple, white Ivory and oak: dressers; dressing tables and chlffionler, chlfferobes. library; tables, sil Kina3 silverware. fancv And staple dlshefl, linens, costly drapes, bedding, gas and steel ranges, heating stovea. ic poxea, kitchen cabinets, and hundreda or ar tides too numerous to mention. This is a big sale of some of Omaha'a best homes of furniture. Remember the aaie Is Wednesday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday. TAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer, If you have anything to sell call Doug. 3286, Ty. 0966, or Ty. 2882. 4359 CHARLES ST. Monday morning, 9:30, Nov. 8, 1920. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Completa fur nishings 5 rooms. Electric goods, viz. washer, percolator, iron, sewing ma chine, vacuum cleaner and vlctrola. LIv lng and dining room furniture. Kitchen utensils, dishes, refrigerator, gas range, silver, clock, bedroom suites, bed cloth ing, rugs, garden tools and boy's bicycle. LEAVING CITY BARGAIN. All furniture, 7 rooms, cheap; beds, dining room set, rugs, ice box, gas range. Come today, 2612 Dewey Ave. WE BUY old and new furniture. We pay best price Eureka Furniture Co.. Web. 3380 1417 North 24th. GAS range, small oil heater. baby sulky for sale. Har. 7101. Pianos and Musical Instruments. WONDERFUL bargains in phonographs, see us before you buy. Save 50 to $100. Shlaes Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge street. A WnQPl?. m EverythlnTn ii. 1J JJ. r and music Pianos for rent, 14 per month. DRUMS, traps, marlmbaa. instructlona, - pairing. Fboue. Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith 2761 Davenport St. FOR SALE Brand new Leedy bass drum. Call Tyler 3202 or apply at 918 Hickory. Typewr ters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES ALl. MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agenla for the CORONA. Get cur price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. 112 Farnam. ALL MAKES, Typewriter Co.. "all makes." ?nr, a jKth St. Tyler Z424. PROTECTOGRAPHS. F. : E.'a; bargains. 320 Neville Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 Btandard aeale, 3Hx3ty foot platform, also 28-tnch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee offic,, 17th and Farnam St. Phone Tyler 1000. LEAUTIFt'I, set Hudson seal furs, wide stole, melon, shape muff, the oct, J40; seal muff, canteen shape, S20; also mink and liquirrel stoles, sacrifice; these furs never worn. Hotel Harley, 20th and Farnam. Mrs. McNamara, Suite 111. FUR coat, latest-model, never worn, $.85: beautiful seal coat, large shawl .oilar, select skins, $140; also 3 handsome seai coats with laige beaver, squirrel and marten collars and cuffs; coats never worn; sacrifice. Hotel Harley, 20th and Farnam, Mrs. McNamara, Suite 111. ' GLASS FOR SALE. SIZES 6x7. 6x8. 8x10. BEST GRADE; CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIRELESS SETS. ETC. CALL MR. HADLEY. Tyler 1000. ENGRAVlf'G DEPT. SURE and safe Investment, city warranM to pay you 10 per cent Interest, $100, $300 and $1,000 amounts. E. G. Solomon 517 KarbR.-h Bids. Douglas 6262. BRACELET watches, formerly $J0, spe cial all this week, $10. Room 602 Se curities Hldir. F. C. Taylor. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases. etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 27J4. BRACELET watches, formerly $20. spe cial all this week. $10. Room 6('2, Securities Hldg. F. C. Taylor. MANY household articles, wearing ap parel, gun, rifle, tubs, etc., very cheap. Harney 72'i7. MANY household articles, wearing ap parel, gun. rifle, tubs, etc., very cheap. Harney "267. rOll SALE One hand addrCHSoRraph ma chine and plates. 210 City Nat. Bank. ALL kinds of moving boxes and .barrela for sale at 1548 No. ISth St. ELKS RINGS AND EMBLEMS AT 603 SECURITIES BI.DO. ELKS RINGS AND E M B L E MS AT 60: SECURITIES BLDG. NEARLY new Col. 3S28. vacuum sweeper, cheap. 5-FOOT show case. Colfax 3563. WANTED TO BUY. WANT to buy shoe repair shop, must be In pood location, well equipped, doing (food business and a bargain, rind lo cated in Omaha or Council bluffs. GIvp full partlculara In first letter. Ad drew Ros R-l. Omaha Bp?. DESKS MKSHDESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and ttaded. J. C. Re-d, 1207 Farnam. D. 6116. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes-and furniture. Ty. 2598. A. Zav.lt, 706 N. It. i i v. Ur-I WANTED TO BUY. LIBERTY bonds bought. House. 1421 First Nat I. Mucks Bond B!t. Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. Yd'NG man. employed In bank during day, doslres work evenings aa book keeper. Box W 1, Omaha Pee. YOUNG man wants Job evenings as chauf feur. Box W-20. Omaha Bee. JANITOR, or any kind work. Web. 6063. HAUUNGashea. rubbish. Walnut S615. Female. HO uVe KE E P E It S, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lota of good places are alwaya advertised. Don't mlsa them. BOOKKEEPER and typist, 6 years' expe rience, wants position; references. Box X-22, Omaha Boo. Laundry and Day Work. IRONING and sewing by 'day, wanted by neat colored lady. Harney Tim. BUNDLE washing to take home. Douglas 7469. Col, DAY work, laundry, cleaning, experienced. Webster 130fc BUNDLE wishing, or as Janltresa. 1708. Web. DAY work, laundry, cleaning, 5167. Col. Dg, DAY work, experienced, 6168. competent. H. HALF days, coking, cleaning. Web. 3343, BUNDLE washlnir. city reference. H. 7320, DAY work, clenning. laundry. Col. D. 1132. HOUSEtW.EANlNG. day work. Web. 1708, DAY work, house cleaning. Harney 612 DAY work wanted. Web. 8703. DAY work- wanted. Web. 6413. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED WE HAVE AN OUTSIDE POSITION OPEN FOR AG GRESSIVE YOUNG MAN BE TWEEN 25 AND 30 YEARS OF AGE. PROMPT ADVANCE MENT FOR LIVE WIRE. AD- DRESS BOX R-10, OMAHA BEE. CREDIT man, 200-$225; bookkeeper, $125; Rieim ami penman. 913. WATT'S REFERENCE COMPANY. 912 First National Bank Bldg. CASHIER, country bank; salary open. WESTERNt REFERENCE & BOND ASSN., 1306 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED, CAR REPAIRERS. APPLY AT SUPT'S OFFICE, UNION PACIFIC SHOPS. 11TH AND CASS sfs. WANTED First class auto trimmer. Coli seum Motor company, Casper, Wyoming MOELF.R BARBER COLLEGE, 110 S. 14th St. Catalog free. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Experienced tire, sales men with executive ability, capable of being promoted to manager of branch stores. State briefly your experience, whether married or single, what part of the country you are most familiar with, sal ary wanted and volume of business secured for last, or present em ployers; also the class of trade. Only tried and producing sales men need app!y. Box Y-1296, Omaha Bee. V.'.NTED Salesman for Kansas and Ne braska on a commission to handle a line of men's and ladies' spats, men's and boya' canvas and waterproof leggingSs and leather puttees. Ladiea' and misses', and children's Jersey leggings. Children's .Jersey, angora, and corduroy pantaletts. Give references and experience. Box Y-1332, Omaha Bee. TRAVELING salesman, gorcery specialty. Will consider man without road expe rience If experienced In retail selling. Salary $125 to start. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN., 1306 First Nat. Bank Wdg. SPECIALTY salesman ill silverware, rugs and blankets; can U3 couple of good men; out-of-town work. C. F. Adams Co., 623 South Sixteenth St. SPECIALTY salesman with business ex perience to lepresent eaii'rn factoty, Cash or bond required. Moody, S01 . hi m -i ,i .u riuK. 1'RINTINO salesman for growing shop in lies Moines. A-I references required as to ability and character. Box Y-1333, Omaha Bee. Boys. WANTED A boy with grocery experience, to work Inside. Milwaukee Delicatessen, 516 So. lfith St. Miscellaneous. MEN wanted for warehouse work. Con crete Engineering Co., 11th and Nich olas. WANTED Young man. Apply Fish Dept., Table Supply, 17th and Douglas. co r"n Fic k k rs-w antei papillionT NEB. PHONE OAK 1303. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. BEGINNER stenographer. Council Bluffs, $70: stenographer, some bookkeeping, Insurance, $100. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. GIRLS to take course in shorthand, type writing, bookkeeping, etc.; peraonal in struction enables you to finish quickly; Positions furnished call Douglas 7774. GENERAL office assistant, counter clerk, 28 to 30 years of age. Salary $100. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASSN., 1306 First Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED Single young woman who lives at home, for cashier. Apply general of fice Serman & McConnell Drug Co., 2d floor, 19th and Farnam St. FILING clerk wanted. Call after 8 a. m., 4th floor. Bakcr-Corey-McKenzle Bldg. Bradstreet Co. u IF" iT Bt HER ROOM I'M ALL RICHT- HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Professions and Trades. GIRLS! WHY NOT LEARN A PROFESSION? Telephone operating is perhaps the most fascinating work open to young women today. Good wages are paid, meals are furnished at cost and light an cheerful rest rocms are furnished exclusively Tor the operators. Young women between the ages of 16 and JO can be operators. Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary, Room 616. New Telephone Building. 19th and Douglas Streets. A HIGH class cook, chambermaid and waiter. References required. Apply to J- m. naiurige. tiio we .Building, LADIES' tailor, first class only, good wages to right party. Toggery shop. resion, la. Household and Domestic. WANTED AT ONCE Good girl for general housework. Small family, modern conveniences Laundress kept. No small children, good wages, good home to right girl. Address Box X72, Omaha Bee. VANTED Capable woman for hous work In family of three. Steam-heated room with bath provided. Capt. Slaugh tor, phone No. 14, Fort Crook. Neb. WANTED Reliable girl to assist with cars ot 3 children and do upstairs work. Mrs J. M. Harding, 116 N. 38th Ave. H. 4963, CAPABLE white woman for housework, no laundry, best wages. 416 So. 38th St, Harney 2650. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Small family, good wages. Har. oat r. GIRL for general housework; family of ; no waaning; good wages. Har. 038 COMPETENT girl for general house work, Mrs. Arter, lsis Harney. Harney 6866. WHITE girl for general housework ref erences required. 621 So. 38th Ave. MAID for general housework, small fani- uy. u.m a. asm Ave. Harney 2804. VYAiNiKD competent rouse maid, apply wis. waru ourgess, jza o. i&a Bt. WANTED Competent second maid,, Mrs, ward Burgess, 122 N. 22d St. WANTED WHITE LAUNDRESS. 3709 JONES ST., HARNEY 0672. Hotels and Restaurants. DINING room girl wanted at the Douglas v.ouniy nospitai, .30 per month, loom, uuaro. ana lauuary. narney uos. Miscellaneous. BIG 8ISTERS ASSOCIATION for ths benefit of business girls. 662 Bee Bldg uougias 6 as 2. WANTED Second cook. Nebraska School ror me uear. wal. 0158. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn Darner trade; Dig demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write itus voage at. Tri-city Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT RCHOnt. Complete courses in accountancy, machine oooKKeeping. comptometry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for large uiuuuaieu catalog, Aaaress BOYLES COLLEGE, Boylea Bldg.,. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of B'lsi-iesx Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. FIRST-CLASS, fully equipped blacksmith snop, ( miles from Omaha, lor sale. Box 216. Ralston, Neb. OLD established real estate and insurance Dusinecs for sale. Address X-556, Oma ha Bee. TO GET In or out of business, sea LEWIS at tjo.. 4ii aiccague Bldg. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished kooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TzK 1000. AND ASK AB' UT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVER V WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUK READERS AND ADVERTISERS SUNNY south modern rooms, beautifully furnished In mahogany and rak. In pri vate home, reasonable. 1H blocks from Farnam car. 813 Francis St. Tyler 3C3S. EXCLUSIVE. Very desirable room or sleeping porch with dressing room. West Farnam 1i. trlct. Phone Harney 6076. 1484 PINKNEY Large well furnished, for gentleman, half block to car, bath ad joining, excellent locality, private home. Webster 6633. WELL furnished, steam-heated room; pri vate home, near car line. West Farnam; gentlemen only: references. Har. 3620. UNDER new management, newly dec orated furnished sleeping rooms, good heat. 2037 Harney. Douglas 6678 FOR rent, modern sleeping room, also garage, close to car line and cafe. 1919 Blnney. Phone Web. 6749. NICE room for one or- two; girls pre ferred; walking distance to South Oma ha. 4740 8. 1 3 1 h St. WANTED To share furnished room with refined lany, nurse preferred. $3 week. NICELY furnished rooms suitable for gen tlemen, near Sherman Ave. cor. Web ster 5.H41. 2206 Harney 2 front rooms. Newly deco rated. hot and cold water, electric lights. NICE modern room. 1 or 2 girls or young men, private home, reasonable. Web. 2434. ; FRONT room for gentleman: new home, private lamlly, walking distance. Har 4548. ROOM for couple or 2 ladles, steam heat, close In. West Farnam. Harney 'I4ti5, 1424 A ST. Furnished room, dark walnut suite, hot and cold water. South 3780. NICELY furnished room for 1 or 2 gen llemen. 2201 Spencer St. Web. 404 NICE FURNISHED RTToSf" FOltHiUSNT, 2658 DOUGLAS. HARNEY 6878. 2201 SPENCER nice furnished room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Web. 4046. FURNISHED room near car line In private jamiiy. lais laite. wen. 373N. HOME for 1 or 2 gentlemen appreciating a good home. Walnut 3699. TWO suites, two rooms each; suitable for married couplen. Tyler 1870. BEAUTIFUL modern steam heated rooms for colored. Webster 6161. NICE clean furnished room, walking dis tance. Modern 2556 Harney. 410 SWEETWOOD AVE., nice rooms. Call Douglas 7458. sleeping NICELY furnished sleeping room, Jacksun. Harney 8576. 2821 SEE J! CCS AND MACGIE IN FULL PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE fjr? WELL-I OW! I LCFT ME. I JulaCd OT AWAY SHOE ON THEL EniW ' L WTH T - J ,F"OrHT PORCH - IBiO by Imt'L MToa fiavict. Inc. Klh'' iL - FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. DUNDEE, comfortable warm rm. W. 2575. FURX. room, private family. Wal. 0059. COZY modern furnished room. Web. 4928. FURNISHED room. 610 No. 18th St. Housekeeping Rooms. 2 NICKLj furnbitied rooms. 1st floor; gas range sr.d sink, hot and cold water; walking distance. Adults only. 124 N. 24Jh St. TWO large light rooms for housekeeping. steam heat, newly decorated, 1309 So. 32d St. MODERN 2-room suite, 1 single room. Walking distance. 25C9 St. Marys. Ty. 6589. TW O large connecting rmmis for light housekeeping on first floor. 2222 Far nam. 2707-09 Dodge, lat and second floor rooms m suite reasonable. Harnev 2032. 2003 ATWOOD Ave., furnished rm. T. 0170. LIGHT housekeeping room. 2713 F street. 2 NICE light housekeeping rooms. H. 3172 Board and Rooms. LOVELY room, connecting bath, in strict ly modern, private home; excellent board, to business couple, or two gentle men. Harney 6466. , I WILL hoard, room and wash reasonably for lady; prefer two ladles who wish to room together. Call Tyler 3202 or ap ply is itkory Ht. LOST Lady's gold watch, chain and pencil, downtown district. Harney 4J09, reward. FOR 2 (lentlemen, furnished room In pri vate nome. io per week. 4246 tarnam. Wal. 5442. CLEAN warm room, modern heme. 2 gen tlemen or couple, board if desired. Har. 7498. BOARD and room, private home, suitable I for couple or gentlemen. Harney 1913. FURNISHED ROOMS, with breakfast. 2819 Woolworth Ave. Harney 6373. THE New Francis, 116 North 25th St., Room and board. Douglas 7994. FIELD club district, furnished sleeping room, oreaKiast. Harney tjt71. 2559 DODGE, attractive single and double rooms and board. Harney 7039. SINGLE room with board. Har. 7498. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO or 3 unfurnished rooms; light, water, gas furnished; reasonable. Har ney 69S0. TWO or three unfurnished rooms; light, water, gaa furnished; reasonable. Har. 6960. THREE unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, 2443 So. 20th St. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. FOR RENT Fine Kountze Place home. 2120 Lothrop street, 4 rooms on first floor, 4 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor. All modern and in fine shape. Garage for one car. First come, first served. J. L. HIATT CO. 900 First Nat'l Bank. Tyler 0063. VERY desirable home finished In oak I throughout. Four bedrooms. Hot water I heat. 3867 Farnam St. vacant soon. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors. Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT. 1147 No. 17th St. Six-room house to reliable party. Inquire 1149 No. 17th or call Web. 5103 or Web. 6002. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. EVERYTHING furnished, 3 rooms and bath. Ideally located, close In. line apt. bldg., good neighborhood, best of Janitor service, winter rate 95, ref erences. Douglas 1734. STRICTLY modern, furnished 2-room apt., private bath, steam heat, walking dis tance. Brown Apts.. 608 N. 21st St. Doug. 6644. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. FURNISHED APARTMENTS IN THE BLACKSTONE HOTEL. HARNEY 945. ROOM furnished apartment for rent, witn private natn. Hill rarK Ave. Unfurnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. -ROOM, all modern flat. West Farnam district, $75. Will lease to responsible party. Harney 3763. WANTED to rent, wuburban house, with some ground. Colfax 2484. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished or Partly Furnished House Wanted Business womnn holding responsible I position with large concern, wishes to I rent furnished or partly furnished house of six to eight rooms with garage, fori herself and mother, In west or south I section of the city. Will lease for rea sonable period. State location and rent I In first letter. Address W-18, Omaha I Bee. WANTED 2 or 3 rooms for light house keeping in good neighborhood. Address Box K-83. Omaha Bee. FOR RENT Business Property. WO private offices with large reception room and large basement for storage I purposes, for rent. Thiise offices are on I the ground floor and completely equipped with fine office furniture. Present tenant leaving city and will tell I furniture at a bargain or wilt transfer! lt.ase without the furniture. No bonus! asked for the base. Call at 207 South! ISth St. or phone Douglas 1010. 35 WIL rent space for your car unlll March 1, 1921. at 1501 Many St. Hartuug s Transfer Co.. Tyler 1976. FINE garage building 2672 Harney street, 60x132 feet, with nice office on second floor. 30x60 feet. Can give possessio November 1. Will remodel front for auto sales room. Apply Nebraska and I Wyoming Investment Co., D. 1571. EXCELLENT store room for rent, 203 1 .South' 19th street. See Foster-Barkerl Company, 209 South 19th street, tele phone Douglas 1360. SINGLE office located In front of eleva-I tor. Apply First Nat. Tank. Room 400. WELL located store loom, suitable for! offices. Doug. 0832. Mr. Kemp. For Rent Offices. VERY attractive small office rent very reasonable. Cali room 4e9 Finance I Bldg. (old telephone building), 18171 Douglas St. MOVING AND STORAGE. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Howen Co. Tyler 3400 OLOHE VAN. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing! and storage, 1604 Davenport. Doug. atn. Drawn MOVING AND STORAGE. WE assemble and forward carloads ot both household goods a fid automobiles. Watch this column, as It will keep y-u Informed where we are maklt g carload shipments to. It you are shipping to any of the cltlfs represented or to towns adjacent to out shipping points, see us about our rates, as It Is likely that our through rats is less than the regular local rate and you have the advantage of carload serv Ice. Today we are accepting shipments foi the following cities: Minneapolis, Minn. I. os Angeles Cal. Oakland. Cal. San Francisco, Cat Chicago. III. Columbus. O. GORDON FIREPROOF WARE HOUSE AND VAN CO 219 N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 894. Omaha. Net FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN CO STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERIVCE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackscn Sis. Douglas 288. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving. Tackln- and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. HAY, $18 per ton. delivered. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th St. Doug. 1142, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. CADILLAC . USED CARS A Safe Place to Buy Our used cars have stood the test. Our customers are satisfied. We have Just refmished. repaired yes RE-NEW-ED another lot of really good used cars or me Kind tnat are being bought by some or tne most critical Deo pie, because they have found that OUR used cars are really QUALITY cars, and that ours Is a "A Safe Place to Buy. Look over this list: Cadillac type 67 touring. Cadillac type 69 touring. Cadillac type ES touring. Cadillac type 63 roadster. Cadillac type 63 touring. Cadillac type 67 4-paasenger. ' Cadillac type 65 4-passenger. Cadillac 1914 4-cylinder touring. Cadillac type 61 touring. Pateraon 1920 touring. Stcarns-Knight chummy. Hudson SuperSix touring. Dodge touring. Bulck 43-K touring. Oldsmobile touring. Studebaker touring. If you cannot come In RIGHT NOW use this coupon. Ask us about any car and we will tell you its true condition. Car (B) Name Address We know of other used cars that can be picked up at a "snap" at this time. If we haven't the kind of a car listed that you want, let us know. Remember, RIGHT NOW, we are showing the finest quality ever, at new values better prices. Think before buying any used car and many new cars what are you get ting for your money 7 Our used cars make good because we make 'em right. Try them all and then come to A Si.fe Place to Buy J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO.. Farnam at 26th. Harney 0710. REAL VALUES IN REBUILT TRUCKS. White, i-ton, RE-NEW-ED. A few Ford ton trucks, priced very low. Republic 1-lon, like new, cushion tires, Republic 2-toti, very good bargain. NEBRASKA WHITE TRUCK CO.. 1411 Capitol Ave. WILLYS-KNIGHT TOURING. 1920 model, excellent condition. Priced to sell. For particulars call Harney 6066 or Ilarnoy 6459. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND VO 20th Harney Sta. STUDEBAKER, 7-passenger. to sell or as first payment on cottage. Cot 1052. for The Bee by McManus Copyright, 1920 International News Service AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. A REAL BARGAIN Closed Packard coupe, for sals very cheap. Will accommodate 4 or 6 people. Has been driven less than 200 mllea Can be seen at my residence, 6201 Dav enport St. W. H.McCORD. Phone Walnut 0053. BUY A REBUILT HUDSON SUPER SIX At the present time we have a fine assortment of exchanged Hud son cars in many models and Dody styles. The Hudson is the most popular fine car if Omaha and represents the utmost in comfort, economy and endurance. Visit our show rooms and let us show you the finest line of used cars in Omaha. All sizes, all prices. h.very car guaranteed. GUY L. SMITH. "Service First." 26th and Farnam St. Doug, 1970. NEED MONEY. WILL SACRIFICE MY HUDSON SPEEDSTER. PERFECT CONDITION. HARNEY 6469. ONE-TON Republic, only 8 months old. with body and can, newiy painteo, guar anteed same as new; only $1,090. Two-ton Kelly truck with stake body and cab; good condition, good tires; only $450. One-ton Republlof rebuilt and painted. like new: $875. Ford touring car, 1911 model, fine condition, good body, well painted; only $295. Terms If desired. ANDREW MURPHY ' SON, 14th and Jackson. BARGAIN IN 1918 DODGE TOURING IN A-l CONDITION. HARNEY Tilt. f w & vtc tnlren In. on a orooertT deal one nearly new Hudson touring car; as i have no use lor mis car, i win sacri fice for cash. Has been used very lit tle here in Omaha, and still carries the guarantee which the Omaha dealer will transfer. Let me know If Interested and I will arrange for you to see the car. It is In storage now. I might take a smaller car aa part payment, or Liberty bonds, box B-28, omana Bee. 3 BARGAINS One Apperson, 1917-a chummy. One Apperson. 1918-8. Ons Reo roadster. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM. APPERSON NEB. MOTOR CO.. 2626 Dodge St. Tyler 4434. We have some splendid 1919 newly painted Fords foi sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy it. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3622 SOME bargains In used Ford cars Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jockson. Doug las 3600. DANDY Overland touring, best of mechanical condition, will sacrifice for quick sale. Adress Box R-888. Omaha Bee. J FORDS, DODGES. BUICK FOR SALE OR TRADE. EASY TERMS. CALL S. J O'ROURKE AUTO CO.. 3701 8. 24tc St. WANTED For soot cash. 100 used cars quick action; no delay. Auto rJxrnsnge Co.. 2069 Farnam St, Douglas 07e 1920 BUICK touring, winter top, good tire. Call Dr. Riley. Douglaa 7460, or 201 Neville Block, days only. 920 FORD sedan. Derfect condition. starter, demountable rims, cheap; cash or payments. Tyler 6304. WE have 60 good used cars to sslec from All prices 1EKKS AUTO CO., 2026 Farnam. THE DIXIE FLYER, W. R, NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2620 Farnam St. WILL sacrifice my 2? or 3-ton dump truck, If taken this week. Call Tyler 1976 or Web. 6226. REO six sedan. excellent condition, new tires, bargain. Harney 6216. 920 FORD runabout, first-class condition. real bargain. Tyler 0660. WANTED to buy. a Brush car. Address Box R-333. Omaha Bee hbott touring, very cheap. Har. 1606. EO 6 FOR SALE. HARNEY 6256. Accessories. VULCANIZERS, SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT. Sectional, full, half and third, circle. retreading molds, truck tire molds, flex ible huffers. steam air baga and gen erators, machine skived shoes, cord and fnbrlo 1, 2, 3 and 4-ply cord and fabric rellne.-s. second-hand equipment, toois. etc. Everything for the vulcaniier. Out of town dealers write VULCANIZERS SUPPLY CO.. 2913 FAR NAM ST.. OMAHA NEB. Harney 6833. PENNSY I.VANIA V A CU U M CUT 30x3 $12.60 I .32x3.1 $19.50 30x3Vi 14.90 ( 34x4 2C.60 STANDARD TIRE CO. 410 N. 16th. Douglas 3830. Repairing and Painting. MAKE old fenders look like new. When you want your repairing work done, call D. 3913. Downtown fender and redlator repairing. aeetylcnV welding. 1310 How ard St. J. M. Petty. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. I HAVE 1,440 ACRES of land that has made $50,000 a year for the hst 3 years; I will sell to responsible parties, all on time, not a dollar down, no cash payment required until the land makes it, and only one-half the crop payments until paid for. This is the only real bargain in this country. See it todav. T. A. SMITH, JULESBURG, COLO. 160 A. Burlington, Colo.. $500 down or will take Omaha property. Colfax 4111. FARM LANDS. Kansas Lands. 113 ACRKa at auction m mllea from lllladalv. Kan.. Nov. 1. 120. io acrea In cultivation, 16 aorea the beat of alfalfa. SS for crop net year, the rent of tha farm la In paatura, fenced for ahoep and hoga. water without end; eprlnga, creek and good welli and vla tern at kitchen door. Tha abova la all good. rich, fertile land. A J-rooin hoime, two porchia, arch cellar. 2 new barna. Implement ehed. 14x32; .ien houae. 12xl. with concrete floor; hol low tlln block garage. Tha farm laya gently rolling, a small amount of timber, close to school and church, t mllea tn county Beat. Ona-half caah, balance a yeara time, 6 annual Interest. Vr partlculara Bddress II. M. Justice, Auc tioneer, Paola, Kin. . Minnesota Lands. ALL FOR $12,000. A dandy 160-scro farm; level, clay loam soil; fenced and cross-fenced; no rocks; 60 acres under cultivation, bal ance mostly light brush, very easily cleared; good pasture now, all tillable; good 2-atory, 7-room house, warm house, warm frame barn for 26 head, separate, horse barn, granary, poultry house, hog house, stone roothouse, machine shed, well house with gasoline engine, wood shed and silo. Will Include 14 good cows 6 calves, 4 horses, 2 hogs, flock of chickens, mower, rake, 2 plows, har row. 2 cultivators, 2 wagons, rack, litter spreader. 2 sets harness, water tank, buggy, sleighs, grindstone, gas engine and pump Jack, cream separator, am! hay feed for winter: all for l,nnil with $7,000 rush, balance to suit. 6 miles from Webster. Wis., on Soo Line, 8n miles northeast of St Paul. Imniedlatf. possession. A splendid farm hikI a bl bargain. K. O. Fuller, 86 Globo Hldg., St, Paul. Minn. FARM AND STOCK. $1,700 Forty, beautiful, level acres. 15 tmdei cultivation, balance pasture, all tlllabl. and easiest possible clearing, eicellenl quality dark sandy loam; raises good corn, oats, wheat, rye. clover, timothy, potatoea, vetch soy beans and sweel clover; good 2-story, 4-room frnme house; frame barn for 10 head; good well; will Include two good cows, good team and harness, wagon, plow, harrow, cultivator, mower, rack, cream separator nnd 6 tons of hay; all for $1,700 cash, or $1,200 cash, balance to suit: work close by during winter if desired for man and team at $8 a day. On main road. 7 miles from good market town on new Soo Line. 86 miles northeast of St Taul. This splendid little farm and bit opportunity will be found Just as rep resented and It will surely pay you tj come at j. J. '. Port, owner, 661 Ashland avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE 277-acre highly Improved ' . , i 1. 1 1 XT. . ,17 1HI1I1 III riHimin. V,U,,.J, acres under cultivation; 40 acres in pas ture. This Is a real farm and can ba bought right for cash or terms. $10,000 cash will handle, balance can ba ar ranged. Standard Securities Co., Room i, Wead Bldg. Texas Lands. 1,000-ACRE ranch on main Una of rail road. 40 miles from Ban Antonio, Tex, 400 acres In cultivation (100 bales cot- ton raised on place this year), balance timber; It buildings, store (10x60), bank, poatofflee and school house re -enforced concrete; hotel $10,000 modern resi dence; 2 artesian wells; running water to all buildings; railroad and running stream through ranch; 12 tenant houses, also hotel rented; soil will raise corn, cotton, strawberries, watermelons, pea nuts, feed and garden truck; good for fine stock or colonization; owner aid, wishes to rstlre; tract with Improve ments, $76 per acre; bank references: come or send representative; wire for descriptive circular. Box 107, Fleas- snton, Tex. 5C AN ACRE CASH Texas school lands for sal by the state at 12 per acre; to per aere cash, balance tn 40 years, 60 per cent Intereet. Send 6c postage for further Informa tion. Investor Publishing Co.. Dept. 2. San Antonio. Tex. Miscellaneous. Equipped Alfalfa Farm, 211 Acres, $6,7ov, Easy Terms Nearly all black prairie soil; good road, near town; one best farming ec- tlons; creek-watered, wire ienceo pas ture, 60.00O-feet timber, young fruit orrhcrd: 2 comfortable dwellings, 6 and 7 rooms; barn, tenant house; own er cannot care for It, Includes quick buyer 2 good mules, 12 head cattle, poultry, etc.; all for tfi.750. part cash, balance easy terms. Details this and farm with $7,000 Income last year, page 69. Strout's Big New Illustrated Cata log Farm Bargains 32 States. Copy free. Strout Farm Agency. 831 -BF, N. Y Life Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. 24 ACRES IMPROVED Graham-Peters Realty Co., 829 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Douglas 653. Evenings Wal 1103. Wanted. LANDS We have a fine tract of land In Kim ball county consisting of 360 acres, every foot of which is tillable; 100 acres in winter wheat; lays unusually well nnd la a real bargain at the price et which it is being offered. One good wheat cron will pay for this land. For further details call D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. Douglas 0046. 915-17 City National. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2715. PRIVATE MONEY. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18th S. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money, oarvln Hros 346 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bonds. NEED MONEY 8 to 15 Will sacrifice my securities consisting of first mort gage bonds, etc. to net purchaser 8 to 15rc. Quick action is neces sary. Address Box X444 Omaha Bee REAL ESTATE WANTED WE WANT HO USES TO S ELI . Buyers galore! Come in and see us J. J. MULVIHILL, Realtor. 200 Brandeis Thca. Bldg. Phone Dcus:. 00 To buy or sell Omaha. Real K.tat.- s. FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. B1dg. Douglaa 1428. YOU WANT TO" SELL THAT HOUSE' Want quick action? Juat trv us, Call Tyler 496 OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. WrGrSHRiVER------ 1047-9 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1635. HAVE tnqulrlea for homes; do you want to sell you property? list it with C A. Orlmmel. Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. LIST your home with me or it you ar looking ror house see me. Frank t Panowlch. 436 Paxton Blk. HAVE buyers with $500 cash down, Mat with ua R. F. Clary Co.. 2404-04 Ames Ave.. North Omaha Realtors. Colfax 0176. Kee want ads are best butiuett geitehs. "1 I i o -A f . - r- if A A.' '?.Ay-k il is . . i-, - , , .-. . t' V K. f