Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1920, Page 19, Image 19

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. yOYETttKEft 8, 1929.
Married Men
And Their
-It a man loves his wife and his
Lome, will he enjoy nv pleasure
away from her or do they really
i.eed recreation? If f0 I can't un
derstand why"
So writes a woman who signs her
sih Disgusted." She expresses
the sail idea which comes to me
over and over again in letters from
women he they wives, fiancees or
merely friends.
Women have, for the most part, a
leehiid that once they have found
the right man, life is a matter of
sittniR down and finishing out the
story in terms of "and so they
were married and lived happv ever
..ten" T,n it isn't. I'm afraid it
never was and never will he.
Human nature Is so made that it
'rdi change "Variety is the spice
f life" in any nuniher of senses
;.i;J most of them aren't disgusting
r harmful. I'm not advocating
disloyalty, or adventure, or any of
tie cheap, tmotioral debauches on
which folks nowadays like to go.
I'm merely suggesting that a sane
amount of freedom is good for
i verve ue.
Suppose you had to sit down to a
'inner of roast chicken and mashed
potatoes every night of the wrefc
For a while it would seem deft
nous After a time it would need
-liced tomatoes or asparagus tips or
omething a hit pungent to mak
it palatable. Then no amount ot
trimming" would turn roa?t chicken
iii'o a tempting bit of diet. It's a
ood idea to remember this bisk
hing about a primitive appetite
w hen dissecting any basic human at
titude or emotion.
A Change of Scene.
Then, too, when -weTe ill or run
!own, what ii about'the first thing
the doctor recommends? A charge
of climate. Not any more for the
healing of the new climate than for
the mere fact of its being different
from the old. "Nervous break
downs," "change of scene."
Now then. A man marries, lov
ing his wife, hoping to go on loving
Iit, longing to found a happy home
vith her. Pack of him lies a defi
i ite sort of existence which did
him pretty well for 29 vears or a
large part of them. ' Office at 9.
Lunch with some of the boys. Thea
ter a couple of times a week with
J..eSanderson.' (olf Saturday aft
ernoon with old Bill Masters. For
ihe first year or so he manages to
scrape along without seeing much
i't Irs old pals. Then he bumos
into them at lunch. Bill starts talk
i'ig bout lib new masbie and now
it lift?! Joe tells about a wonder
ful movie he's got first night in
vitation sea's for two of them. The
boys crave a "whack" at John. An-1
John finds he hankers for them and
a good old talk with them.
What does friend wife do when
the subject is broached? If she's a
sensible woman she takes it some
thing like this:
"Go ahead, John. You need a bit
of change. Voa ought to plan a
'light a week at the club, too. I
hate to have you lose' all track oi
your own friends."
The Other Woman.
Mavbe this means lonely evenings
lor her. Possibly she can fill them
with some interesting occupation.
Hut of this, be sure, she fills her
husband's heart with respect for her
unselfishness, understanding . and
broad-minded generosity toward his
rights as an individual. He'd as soon
think of playing unfair with Her as
of stealing pennies from his baby's
But there's the other woman the
woman who gets "disgusted" on
finding that with marriage her hus
band didn't sign over to her all his
individuality and all the personality
that made him attractive to her.
This is how she takes it:
"John Jones, so this is what I get
for slaving for voufrom morning
till night!' This" is what you call
gratitude! I Suppose you're plan
ning to sneak off with some painted
up doll and vol think I'll believe
our lies about the boys. The boys,
indeed! Or if you are going with
them why can't you take me? Are
you ashamed of me? Or is it just
"that you're tired cf me?"
There doesn't -eem much to say
in comment-does there? A woman
wvho wants to absorb her husband
as if she were a sponge or a blot
ting pad isn't a real person after
all. She's just a felt-absorbing, all
absorbing parasite creature, and
there is danger of driving a weak or
liigh-umpered man to the very de
ceits of which she accuses him.
Linen can be marked easily if you
irst starch it and iron very smaoth.
Lobster ChQps
I ture into t!ie
ment of Agriculture, Washington,
will send you upon request, simple
directions "for making and preserv
ing grape juice as a beverage. You
will like this to serve as a refresh
ment, either plain or mixed with
lemonade or for use in puddfcigs or
sauces ,
Here i& a delicious dessert from
the California grape: Wash and
slice in half it h a sharp knife
about five' dozen grapes. Dice two
bananas and add them with the meat
en wa nuts coarse
Moisten with whipped cream and
serve a.t once else the bananas will
discolor and spoil the appearance. .
Two sisters of presidents have
had charge of the White House
Mrs. McElroy, sister of President
Arthur, and Miss Rose Cleveland,
sister of Grover Cleveland.
Kitchen Floor
The kitchen Ihoor, which needs
such constant scrubbing, ' often
causes much trouble,! as soap and
water softest the wood and increase
its tendency to splinter. If it k
splintered much it must be scraped
smooth and then wit care it ought
to do nicely.
Have the floor clean and smooth,
the tracks filled (iT a close grained
needs no
a thoroughly, iTutle oil or one ot trie
special preparations that arc manu
factured for the purpose.
Oil slowly wardens and darkens a
floor, so that grease and stains do
not sink into the wood. Never wax !
or varnish kitchcii or bathroom!
may cause a nasty fall, and in any
case it is a waste of money, for
the water that has to be used in
both kitchen and bathroom will ruin
the looks of cither wax or varnish.
After the floors are once in good
condition it is not a difficult mat
ter to-leep them so.
Many Radical Circulars
Seized In Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Nov. 5. Twenty thou
sand circulars classed by Depart
ment of Justice agents as "radical"
were seized by federal officers at
the Pennsylvania railroad stHtion.
The circulars, bearing a message o
"coal miners of America," and
signed by the central e.ecutie com
mittee of the communist utv of
America weie .'hipped from Cleve
land. O., government officers said.
Professor Wounded After
Whipping Hich School Girl
Middk-boro, Ky., Nov. 5 Pro
fessor Barnes, principal of Midillc
boro High school was shot and
fatally woundcj by Adolphus Oaks.
It is reported Professor Barnes
whipped Oaks' sister, a high school
student last Thursday, Barnes had
tendered his resignation and in
tended leaving the city Saturday.
Oaks is in jail.
For Infant!
& lnTtlida
Th "Food Drink" foi AH Ages.
Quick Lunch at Home, Office, and
Fountains. A tot HORUCKS. :
tirAroid Imitations A Substitutes
Take a can of lobster, free it from
bone and mince till smooth. Then j
add to it one tables pooiiful cf but-'
ter, season with a little paprika pep- I
per and a little salt. Add two raw
eggs, one tablespoonful of tomato j
sauce and one tablespoonful of
cream. Butter some little cutlet i
molds, then put the prepared mix-1
molds, smooth over
with a hot, wet knife, and place the
molds in a saucepan, rut sutticient
water at the bottom to prevent the
mixture drying. Poach in a moder
ate oven for about 15 minutes, then
take them out and serve on a bed
ot cold or hot slaw.
( T o m o r r w Ca b ba g e Salad)
Home Dressed Spring Chickens, All Brands,of Creamery Butter,
To Make Grape
Fortunately for tbe Iong-suftering
housewife, sugar has fallen in price.
So that she can take advantage of the
grape season to make jelly.
If you have never made grape jel
ly, it is mucn wiser to experiment
first. Wash a couple of bunches
of the grapes, selecting preferably.
those having a few green grapes on
them. A FT EH not before the
grapes are washed, pick them irom
the stems by a quick stroke of the
hand. Crush them with a silver
spoon until the juice flows. Cook
them gently until the seads readily
separate from the pulp.
In this small quantity, five min
utes cooking usually accomplishes
this. Strain through a fine strain
er or a piece of cloth previously
dipped into boiling water. Measure
the juice. Add three-fourths as much
sugar as juice. Reheat and boil,
until the mixture jells. This stage
may be determined by holding a lit
tle of the mixture high above the
pot (where the air is cooler) and
allowing it to drip gradually from
the spoon.
If t the jelly stage is reached, the
last ''drop will hang "heavy" or cling
ike a bit of jelly to the spoon.
Tki a Vt a f set frr 1 ft 1 Kr la Til 1 A t
by dropping a little on a cold plate
and allowing it to cool. When cold,
it should just hold its shape when
the plate is tilted. Care must be
taken, however, not to overcook jel
ly. Not only does it assume a dark,
unsightly color by overcooking, but
it passes the jelly stage.
If your jelly seems to be a dark,
molasses-like syrup that refuses to
thicken, it indicates that you have
cooked it too lot g. So, it is wisest
to experiment with a couple of
What's What
Nowadays no one addresses the
whole table, excepting regular after
dinner speakers at a banquet. Yet
too-absorbing a tete-a-tete conversa
tion is also to be discouraged as be
ing distinctly unsocial. A man
should pay chief attention to the
woman he has taken in to dinner, but
he should not ignore his neighbor on
the other side. It sometimes hap
pens, indeed, that the other side re
ceives all the attention and the dinner
partner must then depend for con
versation upon "the next chair."
In the illustration the hostess, hav
ing waited for a pause in the talk to
her right, has addressed a question
to the man. He remains deaf and
blind to all but his other fair neigh
bor, and she, to avoid additional em
barrassment, must convey to him the
fact that his hostess is awaiting an
answer to the query which he has
not even heard.
As a wit once said, society par
dons absence of mind only w hen it is
accompanied by absence of body.
(Copyrlfht, 1920. by Public Ledgtr Co.)
Women's Ideas That Paid Big Dividends
Antoinette Vonasek Found Hers Shoveling CoaL
Antoinette Vonasek is the only
licensed woman engineer in a big
eastrn state, and should one con
gratulate her she might smile,
for this is only tfie beginning of
her career. Others might make
the blunder of fitting down to
rest, as one wo has t accom
plished life's big achievement,
but not she.
Iter ambition1 now is to form
her own company, and she hopes
it will be composed of women,
to enter the steam-tittmg tieia
sne teeis that her abilities de
mand a widjr field.
She began as matron in a pub
lic school: it earned with it no
promise of anything greater, and
she did not like it One day the
fireman fell sick and she was
asked to take his place. This
may not be in the scheme of
progress as some see it, but it
wao Miss Vonasek's idea.
She made good as a fireman,
and later, desiring to become an
engineer, she left the school em
ploy and got a position with a
large building corporation, tak
ing charge of two high-pressure
boilers in a large office building.
She familiarized herself with the
mechanist of steam heating
plants and she had supervision
on many occasions of the instal
lation of heating plants.
Having received an engineer's
license, she swept aside all or
ders that a civil service examina
tion was only for men. was ex
amined and passed with flying
colors. She is now a school en
gineer not the kind that works
by the clock, hut the kind that
works all hours, day and night,
when weather demands.
She loves machinery; she was
willing to begin her lesson of
learning about it where many men
begie; by shoveling coal. She is
climbing to the pinnacle of a
unique success because she was
not afraid of the hard work at
tached to her big idea. Are you
afraid of yours?
Copyright, 1S:0. Thompson Feature Service.
bunches. Under cooking is a jiiore
desirable fault thanovercooking, for
if the jelly retains its color and just
refuses to thicktn, the fault can be
corrected by emptying the glasses
back into the cook-pot and recook
ing the mixture.
Readers often ak me if it is
necessary to have sterilized contain
ers for storing jelly. Owing to the
large amount of sugar used in mak
.ing jellv, a sterilized container is not
essential, as the large quantity of
sugar prevents spoiling
To prevent the formation of mold,
jelly is usually sealed. For this pur
pose the housewife will find pararine
highly desirable. Place the parafine
bar in a saucepan over hot water.
As it melts pour it off over the jelly
when the latter has become thor
oughly cold. The next day after the
jelly is made is time enough to ap
ply the wax.
lhe bureau ot documents, uepan-
per lb Ji?4C
Choice Steer Round Steak, per
lb -25c
Choice Steer Rib Boiling Beef,
per lb 9 Me
Choice Steer Pot Roast, per
lb. 12'ic
Choice Steer Rump Roast, per
lb 19c
Extra Lean Pork Roast, per
per lb 59c
15c can Pumpkui 5c
No. 3 cans Tomatoes, special,
13ic, or 3 cans for 40c
3 lbs. of our best Coffee
for . , ...$1.00
Crisco or Snowdrift, special, per
lb. can, 26 He; per 3-lb. can. 78c
Fresh Peanut. Brittle and Taffy,
special. Saturday, per lb... 29c
Tall 1-lb. cans Salmon, special,
per can, 13 c, or 3 cans for 40c
lb 24ic
Compound Lard, per lb. ..18?4C
Peerleit Laundry Tab-letf Washes Clothes without rub- OEf
bing, .16 tablets to the box, per box
Full Lin of Fruits and Vegetables at the Lowest Price. -
Come Once
and You Will
Always !
Harney St.
, 1796.
per lb
Fancy Steer Pot
Roast, per lb
Fancy Young Veal
Breast, per lb.
Steer Sirloin i
Steak, per lb.
Prime Rolled Rib
Roast, per lb.. .... .
Steer Round Steak,
per lb .
Morrell's Lean
per lb.
CRISCO in 1-pound and 1-pound cans, Saturday only,
per pound
Best Granulated 1 Ol
Sugar, per lb leSgC
10 bars Naptha OO.
Soap " OO t
Pillsbury s Pancake ' 1
Flour; per pkg IOC
No. 3 can Tomatoes, ,20c per
ean, ( CCr
3 cans UU4,
Dundee or Libby's Milk, per
can 12 lie, AO
per doz V 0
No. 3 can Pears in heavy syruD,
rear.3!!'. $i.oo
Extra Fancy Hand Picked
Navy Beans, OC
3 lbs OC
Special on Saturday, OA
French Rolls, per doZ..tC
Also a Complete Line of Bread, Rolls and Pastry.
special Saturday
Extra Fancy Grape OP
Fruit, 10c, 3 for
Fancy Young Veal
Roast, per lb.
Steer Shoulder
Steak, per lb
Swift's Premium
Half Hams, per lb. .
48 lb. sack Best
10 bars Electric
Spark Soap
Quart cans Log Cabin
Maple Syrup
Advo Corn and Monarch Corn,
per can 20c, d0 Af
per doz. . . :
Tall can Plantation Milk, per
can, 10c,
per doz. ......
Extja Fancy Baby Beets, per
can, 15c, 1 CA
per doz V UU
Assorted Chocolate
Cookies, per lb. . . .
Fancy Bulk Creamery CO
Butter, per lb UaSiC
Chocolate Eclairs, 2
for 15c, per doz. . . .
ets, per
.. 35c
Central Special Coffee, per
Pillsbury's Health Bran IP
Flour, per pkg. iiJC
Wedding Breakfast White
csrp:.!0.!': 90c
Mayflower, per C1 TC
can, 15c, jr doz V 1 I J
No. 3 can Apricots in heavy
syrup, 25c, per 10 7CL
doz J
Extra Advo Hart Brand Peas,
per can, 25c, 0 Qfi
per ddz &t,ZJJ
6 lbs. 'Assorted (f
Cookies J1.UV
Pumpkin Pies,
each wC
Fresh Checked Eggs in PA.
cartons, per doz wlC
Fancy Sound Cranberries, per
quart, 10c, 9C
3 quarts J
Best Grade Nut AC
Butter. 5 lbs vl .tO
Home Grown Sweet Potatoes,
basket . . .
: 50c
Clover Bloom, pkg CQ
Butter, per lb.
- . ,
Douglas 3940
We Deliver
$5.00 Orders to
Any Part
of the City
Courtney Bldg.
Mail Orders
Attention "
10 lb. SI CAR FOR 81.22
Crisco, 1-lb. cans, 29tft 1H-Ib.
cans, 444) S-ib. cans, 87t
C-lb. can S1.65
Crystal White Soap. 10 bars, 67
Celluloid Starch, pkg 10
Libby's Pork and Eeans, can, 15f
Per dozen 81.65
Fels White Soap, 3 bars for.. 25
Bishop Preserves, 3 Jars 81
K. T. Cheese, lb 34
Creamery Butter, lb 63
Honey, comb 32f
Extra Fancy Brick Cheese, per
lb 34
Eulk Peanut Eutter, lb 2S
1-lb. jars Strained Honey.... 37
Cabbage for Sauer Kraut. 100 lbs.
for ". 81.85
Jonathan Apples, extra ' fancy,
per boK 83.29
Delicious Apples, box 83.95
English Walnuts, new crop, per
lb : 37
Golden Santos, lb 30
3 lbs. for 85
Household' Coffee, lb 35c'
3 lbs. for 81.00
f.ipton's Cocoa, H-lb. can 29
Spring Chicken., per lb 32 Vi
Pork Roast, per lb. 35
Fresh Ham. per lb...... 30
Spare Ribs, per lb 20
Hindquarter Lamb, lb. ...... .25
Forequarter Lamb, lb 18
Lamb Chops, per lb 25
Rolled Rib Roast, lb t7H
Pot Roaxt, per lb 15
Bacon Backs, lb 35
No. 1 Lean Bacon, lb 40
Country Cookies, lb...., 32
Honey Cakes per lb 32
Special Nut Cakes, lb 35
Oatmeal Crackers,' pkg 18c
Graham Crackers, pkg 18
Special Saturday, French Roll?.
per doren 20
Chocolate Eclairs, 2 for 15c
Per dozen 90
Pumrkin Pies, each 25
Also Complete Line of
Worlds Best, 5 for 15; 100 for..-v- S2.75
Vanko, 8c value, 6 for 35M box -82.85
La Flor De Intals. 50 for 83.25
Flor De Pinta, 7c value, 50 for: 82.00
Prince Albert, Tuxedo, lb.l. 81.34
Garcia, 12c value, 50 for 84.50
Luzonicas, 8c value, 50 for 83.00
Otello, 12V4e value, 50 for 84.00
Tracy's Handmade, 50 for 83.00
Camels, carton 81.75
Salted Peanuts, per lb 28
Gum, per pkg 4?
Molasses Kisses, 8 oz 24
Mrs. Alice Olirien from the Romford Company Department of Home Economic;, ftill be at oar store
this week frying daily demonstrations with Romford Raking Fonder. Subjects:
Sweet Process Breadmaking from 10 to 12 A. M. , 1
A choice variety of Cake lessons from 8 to 4 P. 3L
Fresh Killed
Buehler Bros.
Omaha fs Leading Cash Markets
- for
Lowest Prices Quick Service
212 North 16th Street
2408 Cuming: Street 4903 South 24th Street
Beef Pot
Choicest Sugar Cured Choicest Choicest
Cut Breakfast Fresh Cut
Round Bacon Hams Sirloin
Steak ( or whole) ( or whole) Steak
23c 34c 27c 23c
Genuine Soring Lamb, -i g Genuine Spring Lamb,
Fancy Hindquarters 1 OC j Fancy Forequarters . . . ' ' C
Choice Rib Boiling Beef. . . 10c
Choice Beef Pot Roast. ... 15c
Prime ' Rib" Roast .... :.j .... 1 8c
Choice Round Steak.-.r. . . .23c
Choice Sirloin Steak. ... .-.23c
Fresh Beef Hearts. ...... 11c
Fresh Cut Hamburger. . . .18c
Choice Boneless Corned
Beef ...20c
......... ..,.23c
Sugar Cured Picnic
Sugar Cured Regular
Hams V
Sugar Cured Skinned
d ft ins '
Sugar Cured Strip Bacon
Sugar Cured Bacon
Squares .. . ... . ..-.-. .
Sugar Cured Breakfast
Bacon . ......
Cudahy's Puritan Regular '.
Hams - 37c
Cudahy's Puritan Skinned
Hams 37c
Cudahy's Puritan Bacon. .50c
Morris Supreme Skinned
Hams 37c
Fancy Cream Cheese ..... 32c
Fancy Brick Cheese 32c
4903 South 24th Street
2408 Cuming Street
Fancy Early June Peas,
3 for .38c
Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 for . . 38c
Fancy Cut Beans, 3 for . . 40c
Fancy Pork and Beans,
3 for 35c
Evaporated Milk, tall cans,
3 for 39c
Evaporated Milk, 12 small
Coffee, Stars and Stripes
Choice Boston Butts ...... 29c
Fresh Leaf Lard. . . . ; .:.-.23&c
Fresh Spare Ribs. ..... . . 20c
Choice Pork Loin Roast . . . 30c
Choice Fresh Side Pork . . . 28c
Small Lean Pork Shoulders 23c
Fresh Neck Bones, 4 lbs. . . 25c
Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs 25c
Fresh Pig Ears, 4 lbs. ...... 25c
Little Pig Hearts, 3 lbs. . . 25c
Fresh Pig Snouts, 2 lbs. . . . 25c
Fresh Pig Tails...... 18 c
Choice Salt Pork. . . . 27c
Pure Lard . . . ...... . . , .27c
Compound . 19c
Fresh Pig Liver 7c
Fresh Pig Kidneys, 3 lbs. . . 25c
Swift's Silver Leaf Larcl,
10-lb. pails $2.70
Swift's Silver Leaf Lard,
5-lb. pails .$1.40
Fresh Bulk Sausage. . . .T.-. 20c
Fresh Link Sausage. . .. . . 22c
Choice Wienies and Frank-
furtS '.- .!.-.;. . ..-.;..:;o-;:.-t. 20c
Choice Polish and Garlic . . 20c
Fresh Liver Sausage. 18c
Fresh Bologna Sausage ... 18c
Choice Minced Ham . ..v..25c
Choice Pressed Ham. 25c
Fancy Summer Sausage ... 25c
Choice Veal Roast. . .... . .-.20c
Choice Veal Stew. ....... 15c
Choice Veal Chops. ..... .25c
Best Creamery Butter .... 60c
Swift's Snowflake Butter
ine, 5-lb. tub.. .$1.70
Special Prices on All Brands of
Nut Butterine for This Sale.
rTLZifV. I