Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1920, Image 1

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VOL. 60 NO. 122.
Body Votes
Down Split
Contending Factions Patch Up
Differences Agree to Sub
mit New Constitution to
Omaha Meeting Closes
Wet, but happy, with suit cases
bulging and minds full of new ideas
assimilated Tri the last three days,
Nebraska teachers by the 'hundreds
boarded street cars in the pouring
rain yesterday ' afternoon and re
turned to their homes and schools.
The fifty-fourth annual session of
the Nebraska State Teachers' aso
ikition officially closed yesterday. It
attained an attendance record sur
passed only by tnat of last year
when 164 more were present. The
talent and tangible results of the ses
sion this year easily led those of
past meetings. They include:
.4 (filiation with the National Edu
o'iou association. "
Adoption of a plan to jBettle defi
, tiit.'ly the constant fight of whether
; there shall be a central meeting or
M-ctional meetings.
Adoption pf a plan to put an edu
ra'!ona lobby on the job at Lincoln
this year.
Hotel Accomodations.
Consideration of a plan bv tlnS of
l'yers of the association to Ac a
contract with Omaha hotel, next
year in which rates to be charged
will be recorded and' avoid constant
v.T.ingling among delegates over
hotel accomodations.
Establishment of two new, sections
10 the association a typical section
dealing with problems of the abnor
mal and subnormal child in public
v:hools and a normal training sec
tion. -
Officers and members of the
executive committee must remaif in
Qmaha today to pick up a fw odds
and ends of unfinished business be
fore returning to their homes. These
include counting of ballots cast for
a new president, a vice president and
a . treasurer and the election of a
committee of nine educators to
adopt a new constitution which will
he presented to, members of the as
sociation for consideration in thj
near future. t
Election Results to Come. x
A. If. Stoddard, president of the
association, announced late yester
day afternoon that the committee or
nine would be selected by the execu
tive committee" early this mormng
,f d,p Hotel Fontenelle. The result
.i 111 t- rtti.i iwl hv
j "lie ruling vui up unui'
i-V t. l-N.llnf..- fn- tl'ri'p
i;Oo:i, lie vmtu. nniv" -"g
new members of the executive com
mittee who. will succeed Jesse II.
Xewlon of Lincoln; A. . Teed of
Wavnc. and R: J. Barr of brand Is
land also must be counted. , .
The promised 'fight fcver the divi
sion cf the association into sectional
nicdiiiffs on the convention floor at
hte' Auditorium yesterday morning
did not materialize. At a committee
hold Thursday night at the
Hotel Fontenelle, the contending fac
tions patched up their differences ana
agreed to present a plan to adopt
a new constitution to referendum
by the teachers, members of the as
sociation. ' .
Resolution Adopteu.
This was accomplished by adopt
ing a retolution on the convention
floor to amejid the constitution and
the amendment proposed was an en
tirely new constitution. Another mo
tion carried giving a committee of
nine power to write a constitution
and providing, in the event the vote
to kill the present' one carried, that
the one written by the committee
automatically became the constitution
under which the association would
s operate.
To insure Jiarmuiiy on the con
vention Hoor it was arranged that
those who had been at loggerheads
on the proportion True of Mc
Cook, Stoddard of Beatrice, Lefler
of Lincoln and Bcvcridge of Omaha
should speak in behalf of the reso-
(Continued on Vk Two, Column Six.)
Naw London Frock Models
Are Equipped With Bracelets
1... VT C' fB
1,011(101'., IM'V. LllJ?IHOftv..i
adding bracelets of various kind j
. . I. . .11 .... t K i ,,,u frnrlr
IU IMC t.'l itivn nir"
Upon the bare upper arms of an
afternoon gonn "merrythought"
bands of velvet are seen. Black is
chosen as a white skin foil and is
introduced on the left arm only in
the form of a broad band fringed
with monkey fur. I
An evening joilcttc has a twin
train of filmicw lace drawn to the
wrists by supporting bands of flow
ers, easily detachable if desired.
Resource is displayed In other di
rections to produce unaccustomed
effects. One beautiful frock is
punched with metal-rim eyelet holes
such as the shoemaker uses, and an
other has a gigantic brodcric an
glaise design upon it. Chinese de
signs are ajso immensely fashionable
this autumn.
Printing Firms Organize
To Fight Employes' Strike
' Springfield, Mass., Nov. 5.
Nearly 30 employing printers of this
city, Chicopee and Westfield, whose
15b union printers and pressmen
struck yesterday to enforce their,
demands for a minimum wage of
$40 a. week, announced the forma
tion of an organization to fight the
strike, saying that business condi
tions were such that slackening of
output would not be a serious
Missionary Speaks in Geneva.
V Geneva, Neb., Nov. 5. (Special.)
1 , An address was given at the Con
rresational church by Mrs. Lydia
ord Davis of Oberlin college. Mrs.
4Aav:s was a missionary in the inter
ior of China tor eight years. Her
husband was killed in the boxer up
rising in that
ritirvtf (Mvnd-Clan Mattw
Ontlit P. 0. UatUr Act
Second Congresswoman of U. S. Always Has
Been Avowed Opponent of Woman Suffrage
Muskogee, Ok!.,'. Nov. 5. Miss
Alice Robertson, fanner, cafeteria1
owner and the only congresswomtm
clect in the United States sat lit her
little restaurant today planning the
menu for the noon-day meal.
"I think I should Celebrate my
own election by preparing some ex
tra fruit salad and fried chicken,"
she said as she typed the bill-of-farc.
"Miss Alice," known over the
state as the most picturesque char
acter in Oklahoma, made the race
for congress, although she was op
posed to and worked actively
against the woman suffrage amend
ment. The stfiry of Miss Robertson's life
which began in a little Indian mis
sion 10 miles from here 65 years
ago is the story of a sacrifice by a
Young Woman Is
Fount Murdered
In Weed Chimp
Ground Near Body Show's
Traces of Desperate Struggle
. Of St. Louis Gir.1 Against
Her Slayers.
St. Louis, Mo., Nov. S. Miss Edna
Ellis, 18, was found mysteriou.Iy
slain in a clump of weeds in a vacant
lot in the northern section of the city
toay. Her throat had beeit slashed
and a 'broken razor was found near
the body. She was a1 stenographer.
The girl had been beaten severely.
Both eyes were discolored and her
left jaw was swollen. The body bore
numerous marks of maltreatment.
The condition of the ground near
where the body was found indicated
Miss Ellis fought desperately with
her assailant. The lot is located in
a populous section and police say
they do not understand why the
girl's outcries were not heard by
neighbors. '
Miss Ellis, who lived near the
scene of the murder, was last seen
getting off a street the neigh
borhood enroute home from work
last evening. Shortly before the
bodv was found at 9 a. m. Miss Ellis'
mother reported to police, that herj
daughter had not come home last
Police began a search of the neigh
borhood and footprints in the lot led
to the discovery ot the body.
Says Not Guilty
Alleged 'Brains" ofi MUlion
Dollar Bond Theft Ring Ar-
raigned in Washington.
Washington, Nov. 5. Jules W.
(Nicky) Arnstein entered a plea of
"not guilty" when arraigned here
today before Justice Gould of the
District of Columbia supreme court
on an indictment charging him and
others with conspiring to bring
stolen securities into the district
from New York. Arnstein deserved
the right to withdraw, his plea within
a week and make such other motions
as Tie might decide upon.
One phase of the Arnstein case is
expected to be ruled on Monday by
the United States supreme court' and
until then Justice Gould refused to
decide the yiestion of bail.
Shoemaker Ordered
, To Call Off Strike
Boston, fass., Nov. 5. A strike
of shoemakers which began at the
factory of thcThomas G. Plant com
pany on May 13, 1919, in an effort by
labor unions to enforce a closed
shop, was ordered to cease in an in
junction granted by the superior
court today;
Local unions ot the United shoe
Workers of America and of the Al
lied Shoe Workers union of Greater
Boston are enjoined perpetually by
th : decree from any attempt to bring
about a. closed -fhop. The injunc
tion is said to be one of the most
sweeping ever granted by a court iu
this state.
Giant Bull Moose Stops
Train Bearing Millionaire
Lenox. Mass., Nov. 5. -The "Mil
lionaires' Special," bound from Pitts
field to New York with several
members of the local colony aboard,
was held up just outside the Lenox
A giant bull moose from the es
tate of William C. Whitney, one of
a herd of 16 which gathered near
the tracks, got in front of the engine
and prepared to charge the trainl
it looked as though cither the
moose or the engine was about to
suffer considerable damage when
Conductor Fred Scott, cornetist and
mooseologist, dug out his cornet.
and, going to the rear platform, bc-
! gan tooting "Yankee Doodle.
At the sound of the sweet strains
the moose backed up and then
started on a run for the back of the
train. The minute he got out of the
engine's path, Engineer Bert Shep
ard started full speed ahead.'
Irish Officials Asked
, To Describe Conditions
Washington, Nov. 5. Many Irish
officials have been asked by the
American commission on Ireland to
appear before the commission at its
I hearing beginning November 17. to
tell of happenings in their country.
The list includes the mayors. of
Belfast and Londonderry, the chair
men of urban councils of Thurles
and Mallow, the town commissioner
of Balbriggajf. the lord mayor of
Cork, Mrs. Thomas 1 MacCurtain,
widow of a former lord mayor of
Cork, .and Miss Irene E. Swanscy.
sister of a police inspector killed
during the disorders, i
The Omaha Daily Bee
May 2, I MM. it
Marati S.
woman .for th: betterment of the
Indian tribes here.
Her father came to the old In
dian Territory in 1840 when the cry
of "gold" was heard from Cali
fornia. Her victory was by 273 votes, out
of approximately 50,000 ballots cast.
"Miss Alice's" campaign here was
similar to President-elect Harding's,
but instead of being conducted oi-
Iter front porch, it was conducted
in her cafeteria.
Whenever a man or woman went
.i ...
mere 10 cai sue sat aown at tne
table and "talked it over." She
also ran advertisements in the daily
pypcrs proclaiming the day's menue
giving Bibical quotations and ad
vancing political arguments. Tlx
"ads'' rivaled even ihe news columns
for their interest.
Murderer Goes
'To Gallows for
Killing Sheriff
Man Who Killed President of
Pendleton Roundup in Jaih
break Expiates Crime
With His Life.
alem, Ure., isov. ,i. hnimctt
Bancroft, alias Neil Hart,, was
hanged here today for the murder
of Sheriff Til Taylor during a jail
break at Pendleton, Ore., July 25.
Bancroft's execution was the first
in Oregon since capital punishment
was restored by popular vote last
Mav. '
"1 regret what I have done," were
Bancroft's last words, "I feel tjiar
God is on my side and I am not
afraid to go when He calls me."
Pendleton became, in spirit at
least, a town of the old west again
when Neil Hart, halfbreed Indian,
who was hanged here today, killed
Sh riff Til Taylor, Pendleton round
up chief, Sunday afternoon, July 25,
and with five companions broke .from
the Umatilla county jail and fled to
the timbered hills.
Out came rifles and revolvers and
Pendleton business men, profession
al men and cattle raisers, many of
whom once rode the range, took to
their horses ;;nd automobiles and set
out in pursuit of the escaped men.
Within a week the prisoners were
rounded up and back in jail and Han
had confessed to the murder.
Canadian Government
Revives Old - Time
"Grub-Stake" Rules
. Ottawa, X6.v. 5. The spectacular
rush of hundreds of oil prospectors
to" the far north, where "strikes"
have been reported, has caused the
government to revive the old grub
stake ordinances of Yukon days.
As the lituation threatens to be
come serious, it is proposed to pre
vent those who go in from be
coming charges upon the Royal
Canadian mounted police. There
fore, only those in physical condi
tion to stand an Arctic winter and
with enough "grub" to keep them,
will be permitted to go.
Discovery of oil at Fort Norman,
in the MacKenzie river basin, has
resulted in the departure of several
parties from Edmonton, Alberta,
with dog teams to stake claims in
advance of others ivho will travel
by the river route in the spring.
At the present time every avail
able berth on all the boats plying
to the north has been taken for the
spring months.
Efforts Being Made
To Solve Irish Issue
London, Nov. 5. Two interesting,
although unofficial, attempts arje be
ing made to solve the Irish question,
it developed today. The first of
these is an effort by influential polit
ical quarters to induce the govern
ment to communicate with the Sinn
Fein members of Parliament in or
der to try to reach a practical agree
ment and prevent the ruin of Ireland.
The second is that three coalition
members of Parliament will formal
ly propose a plan for withdrawing
the military in Ireland to strategic
centers and allowing the local au
thorities to take the responsibility
for the preservation of law and order
with the eventual view of negotiating
a political settlement of the problem.
Palmer's Right to Hold Coal
Suit Evidence Questioned
Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 5. Fed
eral Judge Anderson declared in
United States district court today
ti;at the investigation to be made
by him next Monday of Attorney
General Palmer's connection with
the soft coal conspiracy cases would
be for the purpose of ascertaining
' whether the attorney general cau
make an agreement to suppress a
portion ot the government s evi
dence." Bulls Scarce in New York;
Bull Fighter Goes to Peru
New York, Nov. 5. The cham
pion bull fighter is with us but he
isn't staying very long for lack of
public bulls to slay.
He is Juan Garcia Belmonte. of
Spain. He has laid 200 of the fero
cious rushers low and is enroute to
Lima. Peru, where he is assured of
opportunities of giving the. coup de
gyace to some more.
Compensation Period for
Omaha Man Is Extended
Lincoln, Nov. 5. (Special.) The
Compensation department of the
state has authorized the Stiles Con
struction company to pay J. O. Al
lenquist of Omaha $15 a week for
37 weeks loncr. The company
has already paid that amount for
44 weeks. Allcnquiat was injured
by a stone falling on his leg, crush
ing one ankle and badly injuring the
An tiffed
French Aid
Position of General Wrangel
In South Russia Is Re
ported to Be in Ex
treme Danger.
France Refuses to Help
- Paris, Nov. 5. Further dispatches
confirming the extreme gravity of
the position ot Gen. Baron Wrangel.
Ilea J of the anti-soviet forces in
'south Russia, nave been received by
the French foreign office, but are
beirg withheld temporarily. With
the . capture by the bolsheviki of
Perekop and the surrounding terri
tory regarded as the key to the
isthmus, fears now are expressed in
French official circles that General
Wrangel's very existence in the
Crimea may he . , seriously en
It is reliably reported that Gen
era! Wrangel has sent an urgent ap
peal to France and other allied
powers telling of the critical situa
tion confronting him and requesting
more aid.
From an authoritative source, it
was learned that France feels it now
i? "too late" to give him further as
sistance. It was explained that
Fiance had rendered him all the as
sistance in her power and .any
further support would have to come
from the other allied powers.
Troops in Crimea.
Sebastopol, Nov. 5. (By The As
sociated Press.) Gen. Baron Wran
gel, head of the anti-bolshevik gov
ernment of south Russia, has stic-
essftillv withdrawn his troops to
Crimea before the advance of soviet
armies south of the Dnieper river.
He is master of Perekop and also
Salkova. , ,
At Salkova General Wrangl has
captured thousands of men belong-j
in? to the units ot general cuaen-
ny's cavalry. The spirit of his troops
is good, but they are worn out Dy
their long fight.
Soviet forces are besieging the
antUbolshevik trench system on the
narrow neck of the Crimean penin
Still Retains Hope. '
Constantinople, -Nov. 5. General
Baron Wrangel. whose forces have
been driven back into the Crimean
peninsuh from Russia proper by
bolshevik armies, has broken a si
lence of four days with a character
istically laconic message to Baroness
Wrangel. His telegram Said:
v"Ve are fighting hard, in full
- The baroness who ha? spent many
sleepless nights since the bolshevik
offensive began, said today:
v "All I want is the truth; no mat
ter how bad it is, I can stand it."
"Billy, the Bear," Is
Only Democrat to Win
Dawes County Office
Chadron, Neb., Nov. 5. I. J. F.
Iagger, known throughout western
Nebraska and in Wyoming and
South Dakota as ''Billy the . Bear,"
is the only democrat elected in
Dawes county. He was returned as
clerk of the district court, and of
fice he has held for many years.
In the earljr days, "Billy the
Bear" was a western hustler, like
all frontier young men. But one
night he was frozenin a blizzard
and when he was found he was so
severely frozen that both his legs
were amputated above the knee, as
was his left hand and most fingers
of his right. Since then he has been
known as "Billy the Wear,' and he
has become one of the most be
loved characters of all this section.
Probe Begun of Ballot .
Fraud in New York
New York, Nov. S. District At
torney Edward Swann today began
formal investigation of alleged
frauds in Tuesday's election. As a
result of the finding of 26 marked
ballots yesterday in sewers of the
Thirteenth election district of the
Fourth assembly district, Mr. Swann
summoned the election officials of
that district to his office to be ques
tioned. Meanwhile,' the street cleaners of
that and other districts were di
rected to search sewers and other
places of possible concealment for
missing ballots.
Other alleged irregularities also
were reported.
France, Britain and Italy
Sign Triparte Agreement
By The Asaorlatrd I'reos.
Paris, Nov. 5. France, Great
Britain and Italy have signed a tri
parte agreement in which they
j agreed to support each other in
I maintaining their "spheres of in-
f'uence' in Turkey. The limits of
the areas in which the respective
special interests of France ftnd
Ita'y are recognized, are. defined by
the same document.
This agreement it developed, was
signed at Sevres, August 10, the day
the public ceremonial of the signing
of the peace treaty with Turkey took
pl.tce. j
Palmer Is Asked to Probe
Florida . Election Riots
Boston, Mass., Nov. 5. Federal
investigation of the lynching of Juli
Perry and the burning to death of
five other negroes at Ocooe, Fla.,
on election day, was asked of At
torney GencratPalmer, in a telegram
sent him by officers of the National
Equal Rights league. The telegram
decbycJl Perry and his associates
"heroes in the cause of freedom,"
and "victims of an election massacre
prepared by the Ku Klux klan for
every colored citizen who insisted in
casting his ballot. ,
New Senators Are
All Opposed to
Versailles Pact
New York World Seeks Views
of Successful Candidates On .
League of Nations and Re- '
ceives Them.
New York, Nov. S. The World
telegraphed a request to the 16 newly i
created senators that they tell the
World what, in view of the verdict
of the people at the polls, would be
their attitude, toward the Versailles
treaty and the league of nations.
The following replies have been re
".New Iberia, La., Nov. 5. I shall
vote for the league of nations with
proper reservations to safeguard the
nation's welfare and interests. I am
opposed to unconditional ratification.
Edwin Broussard."
"Phoenix, Arizri Nov. 5. I am in
favor of an assoc ations of nations
looking toward and making sure the
permanent peace of the world, .o
iong as the integrity of America is
thoroughly safeguarded. 1 am abso
lutely against the Wilson league of
nations m its present form. Ralnh
D. Cameron."
Portland, Ore., Nov. 5: "1 will
support President-elect Harding in
a constructive plan to preserve
world peace. T interpret the elec
tion to mean that the people of the
United Stated repudiate the league
as proposed by President Wilsons
Robert E. Stanfield "
Champaign, 111., Nov. S. "I shall
support the policy proposed bf
President Harding alter he ha? con
sulted with the best minds in the
United States. William B. Mc-X-nley."
Denver, Colo., Nov. 5. "I am un
al'erably opposed to the treaty as
negotiated by President Wilson. I
favor action in accordance wi'h th.'
republican" national platform as
adopted at Chicago. Samuel' Nich
olson," Chicago, Nov. 5. "I am for a plau,
league, international court, or or
ganization that should safeguard the
ideals of America, nut not embroil
tia ...MilInrinllcItT ill ll pttv nOfiti-
cal turmoil of Europe E. F. Ladd,'
Gooding, Idalio, Nov. 5. "The
Versailles treaty as brought back
from Europe by Mr. "vVilson is dead.
J t;t newly elected president win ieaa
the way in this important matter, to
the American people and the whole
world. F. R. Gooding.
Burlington Railway
Asks Permission to
Increase Capital
Washington. Nov. 5. The Chi
cago, Burlington & Quincy railroad
applied to the Interstate Commerce
commission for authority to increase
Its capital stock by $60,000,000 and
to issue 6 per-cent first and re
funding mortgage bonds to the
amount of $109,000,000.
: The issue of capital stock Would
tie distributed pro-rata among the
Stockholders of the . road. This
would transfer to capital account
$60,000,000 of the railroad's surplus
of about $200,000,000. The issue of
bonds is sought to reimburse the
railroad's treasury for expenditures
out of earnings in additions and bet
terments on the line. Of the total,
$80,000,000 worth of their proceeds
would be held in the 'railroad's
treasury for any lawful purppse, in
cluding dividends, while the remain
ing $29,000,000 worth would b disJ
posed of for future additions and
betterments to property.
Grammer Appeal Is
; Dismissed by Court
After 13 Reprieves
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 5. The appeal
of Allen V. Grammer, Howard coun
ty youth, under sentence of death
for the murder of Mrs. Lulu Vogt,
has been dismissed by the
States district court at St. Louis, ac
cording to a telegram received by
Attorney General C A. Davis.
Grammer, with Alson B. Cole, was
convicted of first degree murder
three years ago. Cole has been
granted 16 reprieves and Grammer
13. Cole rccentlywas granted a
new trial. The granting of a new
trial to Cole probably will neces
sitate another reprieve for Gram
mer, the state defiring his testi
"Bath House John" and Pal,
"Hinky Dink," May Lose Out
Chicago, Nov. 5. The decision of
Chicago's voters to have one alder
man and 50 wards instead gf two
aldermen and 35 wards today
brought to light the interesting' case
of "Bathhouse John" Cotighlin and
"Hinky Dink" Kenna, who have
bossed the First ward for ' more
years than many voters can remem
ber. Speculation was rife in poltical
circles as to which of these celeb
rities would drop out .at the time?
of the next election. They are fast
friends. u
Warden of New Jersey Jail
,v Is Murdered by Prisoner
Mount Holly, N. J.. Nov. 5. W.
Harry King, day warden of the Bur
lington county jail, was beaten to
death with an- iron bar in a cell in
the jail by Harry Asay, a prisoner,
who was said to be suffering from
delirium tremens. Charles Vernoo'a
"trusty.'V was also attacked and is
said to be dying in the Mount Holly
Geneva Woman's Club Plays
"Standish of Standish"
Geneva, Neb., Nov. 5. (Special.)
The book review flepartment of
the . Woman's club presented the
play, "Standish of Standiih," at the
city auditorium. The play is' of the
Pilgrim days and antique articles
used in the staging of the drama
were on exhibition at the close of
the performance
3y Mar). Intldi 4th lone, 0ll tad Sunday. 19 1 Dally Oaly. M: tuaday, $4
iHlda 4th lui (I yir). Oally and Sunday. SIS; Dally Qnly. 112; Baaday Oaly. U
Man Fails
Farmer Suffering From Gun
shot Wounds Charged With
Trying to, Kill Neigh
bor's Family.
Ruse Catches Victim
Walter L. Bardsley, .vi, wealthy
Pottawattamie county farmer, is
under the JeiWiie Edmund
son Memorial hospital at Council
Bluffs. suffering from gunshot
wounds in his head and legs, as the
result of his alleged attempts to
poison the family of W E. Zimmer
man, 55, a neighbor, living about
four miles yest of Neola, la.
According to the sory told bv
Zimmerman to County Attorney C.
E. Swanson, four or five attempts
have been made by a previously un
identified person to poison him, his
wife and his two choldren. On one
occasion water, in a well on his
farm was found to be impregnated
with a bitter tasting stuff, thought
to be poison. The well was pumped
dry and fresh waterplaced in it.
Dressed Chicken Poisoned.
Another time someone broke into
the house during the absence of the
family and tampered with a dressed
chicken, which was to be cooked for
dinner. The chicken was fed to a
rat and a dog. The cat died and the
dog's life was saved by a veterinary.
Zimmerman suspected Bardsley and
reported the attempts to the county
Ill feeling between the two fam
ilies was caused by a dispute over
the ownership of. a purebred hog
and by quarrels over the alleged
straying 6i Bardsley's stock onto his
neighbor's farm. Several of Zim
merman's cattle and hogs died from
strange maladies, he told the county
attorney. N
"Thursday. night, during the re-
Sorted absence 'of the entire Zim
merman family from the farm, Zim
merman lay in wait for intruders
With, a shotgun. He saw aman enter
the' barnyard and ordered him to
halt. The man dropped a bag which
he was carrying and raised some
thing which, Zimmerman says,
looked like a rifle. The latter ooened
fire with his shotgun and then turned
a flashlight on his ooooneut.
Zimmerman told the county attor
ney that the man he saw in his barn
yard wa Bardsley, that he recog
uizeeHiim by the rays of his flash
light when he was only 30 feet away.
Bardsley escaped, h6wever, and re
turned to hfs home, where he phoned
Sheriff William Groneweg at Coun
cil Bluffs and told him that he had
been sluJt 011 his own farm by thieves
who attempted to steal his automo
bile. 1 He was brought to the Jennit
Edmtindson hospital in this city,
suffering from wounds in his head
and lower lhnbs.
An information was sworn out in
justice court yesterday by Zimmer
man, charging Bardsley with viola
tion of the state law by mingling
poison with food. A warrant for his
arrest was served upon him inthe
hospital, and he is held pending his
preliminary arraignment on the
The bag dropped in the Zimmer
man barnyard was found to contain
a substance thought to be caustic
potash, a manufactured product con
taining lye and quick lime. A spade,
dropped by him at the same time,
according to iZmmerma, had his in
itials bl on the handle.
Red Cross Conference
Is Held in Alii
Alliance, Neb., Nov. 5. (Special
Telegram.) Representatives of six
western Nebraska chapters of the
Red Cross, including "the Alliance
chapter, together with four represen
tatives of the central division at Chi-
uu - c i ;..
,!, t .i, t i, t i,i
chapters. Representatives of western
Nebraska chapters, besides Alliance,
were Julia Rucker, Chadron; Clare
Van Meter, Chadron; M. M. Enes,
Gering; Mrs. ' Robertson, Melbcta,
and Mrs. C. E. Young, Hyannis. The
Chicago delegates were Thomas Al
iinson, director of civilian relief for
the central division; M. S. McMul
len, chairman of the Roll Call cam
paign; Dollie Twitchcll, in charge
of the nursing department, and M.
M. Reddy, field representatives. Two
meetings and a banquet were held
at which plans were outlined for the
extension and enlargement of the
work of-the local chapters.
Italians Observe Second
Armistice Anniversary
Rome, Nov. 5. Representatives
of all regiments of the Italian army,
gathered from all parts of Italy,
marched in the great parade held
today to celebrate the second anni
versary of the armistice with Aus
tria, which, so far as Italy was 'con
cerned, ended the great-war. The
men, all of yhom fought during the
war. marched through' i the mafri
thoroughfares, bearing their regi
mental flags and singing patriotic
song's amidst the applause of im
mense crowds which lined the
The American flog, carried by the
director and students of the Amer
ican academy here, received a very
warm ovation. I
Scottsbluff Elks Plan
Big Program November 12
Alliance, Neb., Nov. .5, (Special
Telegram.) A large delegation of
local EJks is planning to attend the
annual smoker to be given by the
Scottsbluff Elks November 12. The
entertainment committee has ar
ranged a number of first-class at
tractions including a 10-round box
ing bout between "Kid" Graves of
Omaha and "Clever" Clancy of De
troit. Three good preliminaries have
been arranged. LMeirations from
many towns in the vallcv are also
planning to attend.
Harding Refuses
Offer of Vessel
For Panama Trij
Presidcut-Elect Thanks Wil
son for Tender of Battle
ship, But Says Arrange
ments Are Completed.
Marion, O., Nov. 5. President
Wilson's ofier of a battleship to
Carry President-elect Harding to
Panama on his vacation voyage,
was declined today by Mr. Hardiilg.
The president-elect wired to
Washington that although hj was
thankful for Mr. Wilson's courtesy,
he already had perfected his plans
for the trip and has engaged pas
sage south from a gulf port on a
passenger steamer.
The sailing plans of the Harding
party have been the subject of con
siderable negotiations between Hard
ing headquarters and steamship com
panies and although the first im
pression of ofticials here was tjiat
use of a battleship would offer a
welcome soltiitioif, the senator him
self decided he wr-uld .prefer to keep
t lie booking agreement already made.
He sent his message to Secretary
Daniels, who had transmitted the
president's offer:
"I most gratefully acknowledge
your gracious telegram in which you
convey the president's thoughtful
courtesy in, directing a warship to
be placed at my disposal Jor a con
templated trip to Panama, along with
the use of the Mayflower for, con
nection at Hampton Roads. Please
assure the prcr-ident of my grateful
appreciation of his consideration,
but I cannot accept because I am
traveling by railroad to a vacation'
point in Texas :aid I have booked
to embark from a Gulf port for
"I thank vou also for your cour
tesy." 70illiop Marks
Germany's Deficit
"Sacrifice Tax" Has Been De
cided Upon by Country in
Order to Pay Off Debts.'
Berlin, Nov.. 5. (Havas.) Ger
many's treasury faces a deficit of
approximately 70.000,000,000 marks.
Dr. Karl Helfferich, former vice
chancellor, declared in the Reichstag
here today. He said that in the
face of expenditures amounting to
100,000,000,000 marks, the receipts
would total 30,000,000.000. He .de
clared it was impossible to vote. the
credits .demanded for the inter-allied
high commission In the Rhine
territory, and reproached the min
ister of finance. Dr. Wirth, for not
having done anything to remedy the
situation. i
Dr. Wirth, in answering, stated
the caWnet had decided to introduce
a bill providing for a "sacrifice tax,"
adding that the government would
ask a credit of 1,000,000,000 marks to
buy cereals abroad. iHe declared
the financial difficulties of the Ger
man people could be solved "only
if they can live."
Three Mentioned in
Building Probe in
New York Indicted
New York. Nov. 5. Bench war
rants were issued today for the ar
rest of at least three persons in
dicated by the grand jury investi-
l Rating the. alleged building trust
! Iin.n V.., . .1 ' J .'. -. . 1
ii"u" muse niuitiiu were
r.ot madfl nnhlir
. hile the firsl indictments in con
nection with the investigation were
returned to Judge Mulqueen in Gen
era! Sessions, the joint legislative
committee quizzing witnesses in city
hall regarding the "trust" wis being
informed that the whole limestone
trade of the United States was "in
the grip" of the National Association
of Stone Cutters. '
Nonpartisans Sho Big
Strength in Dakotas
Sioux Falls, S. D., Nov. 5. Po
litical observers here declared that
the strength of the Nonpartisan
league candidates in South Dakota
was surprising, in view of the fact
that the republicans thoroughly
swept the state jn Tuesday's elec
tion. But comparisons with former
elections show that the league lost
materially in the cities and consid
erably in the rural districts.
Nonpartisan league candidates
k ave heretofore rarely run ahead in
any district, but, returns from the
Tuesday vote show a few districts
where tke league candidates led the
Nonpartisan Candidate
In North Dakota Is Winner
Fargo, N. D.. Nov. 5. After trail
ing behind in the vote sinca election
nijrht, Gov. Lymv J. Frazicr. repub
lican candidate, endorsed ;'. by the
nonpartisan league, swung into the
lead early today in the cAernatorial
race. He had a lead 'of more than
800 votes over his Jemocratic op
ponent. , Frazier's re-election has
been conceded by the Fargo Forum,
which supported O'Connor,.
The Weather
Rain on Saturday; not much
change in temperature.
Hourly Tempemtures.
t . m.
8 a. m.
7 . m.
It a. m.
a. m.
10 a. m.
11a. m.
13 noon
a i p. rf...
38 I 2 P. in.. .
"IS p. m. , ,
39 I 4 p. -m. ..
1 5 p. m...
(I p. m...
43 I 7 p. n..
48 I p. m.. .
. . .45
. Shipper Biillrlin.
rrotert hlpmetii rturlnn the next :i to
J hour from lempfnuurra an follow..;
North iin.l west t.altm frcciltif tempr-turoa,
Garry 0
r omi ses
President-Elect Begins Laying
Ground Work for Associa
tion of Nations as Pledged
In Campaign.
Asks Leaders to Marion
tty tit AuoolBttil l'reaa.
Marion, O., Nov. S. President
elect Harding already has begun ful
fillment of his campaign promise to
consult the nation's leading minds
with regard to a new association of
nations, and he hopes that bv the
time of hi& inauguration next March
he will have laid Lis ground work
of a plan behind which the senti.
ment of the nation can unite.
A light of those to be consulted
first has been drawn up and invita
tions are going forward to several
to tome to Marion at the conclusion
of the month's vacation trip, which
is tobe started by the president
elect tomorrow. Both republican
and democrats, are to present their
views in individual and personat
talks with Mr. Harding during the
winter months, but he does not con
template, for the present at least, any
general astmblage of his advisers
for round-table discussion.
Names Kept Secret.
The names of those already in
vited have not been made public,
but it was announced from the president-elect's
office tonight that "men
and women who have been eminent
in the discussion of our foreign re
lations" made up the list. "Additions
will be made during Mr. Harding's
vacation trip, it was added, although
no consideration will be given by
him during that period to choice of
a cabinet.
The announcement followed a con
ference between Senator Harding
r.nd Will H. Hays. Neither reveal
ed what subjects they had discussed,
but it was understood the national
cnairman's visit here was made at
Mr. Harding's request and had to do
both with the campaign just closed.
.!id with the policies to be shaped
for the coming.
The objective of the senator's va
cation trip is Point Isabel, Tex., and
although he plans to occupy mot
of his time there hunting and fish
ing,, another of his close campaign
advisers, Harry M. Daughcrty, will
accompany him. f It is taken for
granted there will be some discus
sion of policies and administrative
programs between them.
Plan Taking Form.
That the plan for conference on
an association of nations already was
taking form was revealed in thi?
announcement from' Mr. Harding's
"Senator Harding let it be known
today that he is sending out a num
ber of requests for personal and verv
informal conferences with men and
women who have been eminent m
the discussion of our "foreign rela
tions. These conferences will take
place upon his return to Marion in
December and will be individual ami
personal, with the main purpose of
learning what nolirv mn-i- nt,ci-
united support.
"Senator Harding means to avoid
any unseemly anticipation but he
feels if wholly becoming to get an
expression entirely free from cam
paign -ias, and to get it ct the
carlieu possible date. It is the first
step toward the meeting of minds of
which Senator Harding "so frequently
spoke during the campaign. He did
not make public any list because it
will not be complete before his vaca
tion ends.
"Senator Harding further an
nounccd that no consideration would
be given to a cabinet during his re
creation period."
Fulfilling Promises.
Ofticials close to Mr. Harding
that in his campaign speeches In:
promised repeatedly that the "meet
ing of niinds" would begin las soon
; ?s possible after his election and thai ,
; he also frequently declared that the
j purport of his consultations would iU suggni any piail oi, Ills
own. but to ascertain how divergent
views might be so brought into bar
many as to put a united nation be
hind hfm fli his negotiations with
other powers. i
He also has indicated in campaign
speeches that irreConsiliablcs op
ponents of the league of Versailles,
as well as its ardent supporters,
wouid be numbered among those to
whose advice he would listen. To
the senate he promised to give a
s iare of atention proportionate to its
power in perfecting treaties.
Although the president-elect lias
never named publicity any of those
he will include v his cousulations
speculation of a wholly unauthorita
tive character lias ' resolved persis
tently., about a number of conspicu
ous figures who might answer to
the description Mr. Harding has laid
down. -
Several Mentioned.
So far as the senate itself is con
cerned this .undercurrent of gossir
has carried frequently the names of
such republican senators as Chair
man of the Foreign"Rclatiohs Com
mittee Knox of Pennsylvania, for
mer secretary, of state and a teratv
irreconcilable, Johnson of California,
another . irrecacilable leader and
Lcnroot of Wistoasin, a leader of the
x :
Eugene Field Memorial
Fund Reaches $23,000 Mark
Chicago, Nov. 5. Announcement
was made yesterdav. the 25th anni
versary of the deth of Eugene Field,
children's poet, that funds for a
Field memorial monument at Lin
coln park had been raised, liver since
his death Chicago children have been
adding their pennies to the slowly
growing fund ot $25,000, which was
completed by action of the art in
stitute trustees, who today voted to
supplement the $9,920.25 children's
colleftion. One of his best known
poeols is "Little Boy Blue,-'
0. 4fc