Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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It i
: TT -i lie marriage ot .Miss Inez coylc
' "T5lt Harvey tiavcr. both of Mis
i V'tt-.. l , ..-.,.1. ..t ..... w-.i......
tln'v afternoon at the parsonage of
Tvinity tMethoilist church. Rev. A. S.
Buell officiating. Mrs. W. C Hin
ton, sister of the Kroont, and Mr.
Hilton of Omaha were the attend
ants. The coiinle will live in Mis-
What's What
For Bride-elect.
: Mrs. J. E. O'Brien and Mrs. A. D.
Majors entertained at the home of
the latter Saturday afternon in honor
ot their sister, Miss Darabec Jones,
whose marriage to MorKy Young
will take placo in November. The
guests included Mcsdaines B. 1.
tones, Rene E. H. Stevens. Anna M.
,ratton, Edward filler, Julius Pi
per, Misses Elizabeth T. Hayes,
Margaret Dclpscli, Louise Watkins,
Maud Jones, Elsa Smith, Louise
Jones, Einnici B. Sjnith, Helen Mc
Kee and Edith Jones.
For Visitors.
Mr. and Mrs.' Luther Kountze en
tertained at dinner at the Omaha
club Thursday evening in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Saxe of New
York City.
I Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall will give a
dinner Friday evening at her Jioinc
for Mr. and Mrs. Saxe. Her guests
will include Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Baldrige, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Seobie,
Mrs. Arthur Remington and Harry
McCormick. ,
il? For Brides-to-Be.
?Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Buchanan en
Itertainrdat dinner at the University
lhjb Thursday evening, honoring
jiRuth Mills, fiancee of 1!.-F. Sylves
W. who will be a November bride,
ijtfl Miss Hazel Howard, who will
become the bride of Watson 1J.
Smith of New York, Saturday even
ing, lhe guests included Air. ana
Mrs. Lloyd Burtlic, Misses ttazel
and Carol Howard; M"is9 Mills, Mr.
Sylvester, Air. bmitn ana Lyman
For Mrs. Conners.
; J)r. and Mrs. Mrs. Frank Burhorn
entertained at dinner at the Fonte
Itelle Tuesday evening, followed by
a box party at the Orpheum for Mrs.
Edward Conners of Rivcrton, Wyo.
The guests included Mr. and Mrs.
G. O. Leitch, Mrs. G. CaUow, Misses
Nan Riley, Helen Leitch, Cassie Ri
ley," Dorothy Stevens and Agnes Ri
fey, Dr. W. J. Gcmar nnd Messrs.
Harry Trimble, Harry Fritschcr. and
Carl Gcmar.
$v Elks Club.
The following dates for parties
are announced by th Elks Formal
Pancing club: November 6 and 2(r.
December 4. 18 and 31; -January lo
and 19, and February J2 and 22.
The Elks Woman's club will meet
Tuesday evening, November 9, at
8 p. m. v
Luncheon Party.
"Teachers of 'Brown Tark school
entertained at a luncheon and
shower at the school, Monday, m
h?nor of Miss Darabee Jones. Those
Bcatton, Helen Campbell. Bertha EF
'cry amusing to onlookers, but
not too pleasant for the distracted
conductor, is the little feminine
sqtiabblc about paying carfare. This
is not, as . might be judged from
all the to-do, a quarrel as to which
is to pay the trifle of change; it
is, rather, a mutual protest against
the picayune 'treat," with the result
that both attempt to pay double
fare, while their dispute halts other
passengers and delays traffic.
When one woman accompanies an
other into a car, and the. first in
sists upon laying fare for both, the
other one should tender brief thanks,
and say no more about it. If she
happens to be with the same woman
again, she can pay the double. fare
then. As no one wants to be un
der a succession of petty wants obli
gations to another, the best way to
deal with the woman who clamors
to pay every one's fare is pleasantly
to request her to pay her own and
only her own traveling expenses.
(Copyright, 18:!0, by Publlo Ledger Co.)
lis. Helen. Unitt, Nina Sevick
Monitha Carlson and Vena Smith.
Misses Elizabeth T. Hayes, Emma
?. Smith, Emma Meyers, Blanch
W'allwebcr, Helen Clark, Ella Hill,
I'.ernice Conway, Lduise Watkins.
Goldie Vawter, Elsa Smith, Mary A.
Barrett and Nancy Teterson.
Christmas Party.
Anjoug the holiday parties will be
a formal dance Monday evening, De
cember 27, at the Blackstone by the
O. T. club of Central High school.
The officers of the club are Kath
eryn Smith, president; Elizabeth Mc
Donald, secretary, and ,Ruth Wal
lace, treasurer.
Achoth Luncheon.
Alumnae of Achoth-sorority will
meet for luncheon at the Hotel
Loyal, Friday. Mrs. Thomas Z.
Zacck is in charge of reservations.
Junior Musical Club.
The first rectal of the year to be
given by members. of the Junior Mu"
sical club will l.e at the home of
Mrs-. J. J. Hanighen Saturday-afternoon,
-November 27.
Carter Lake Dancing Club.
The Carter Lake Winter Dancing
club wilP give their opening party
at Kcl-Pine Daifcing academy Fri
day evening, November 5. ,
Card Party.
Holy Name parish will give a
card party at Metropolitan hall Fri
day evening. -, !
' Ed Couch left Wednesday evening
for Chicago.
E. W. Dixon leaves. Saturday lo
return to his family, in California.
Dr. E. D. Johnson lias returned
from Minneapolis, where he spent
several wee"ks.
Mrs. Agnes Fenske of Platte Cen
ter, Neb., who has been the guest o:
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Gruetither, left
Thursday for hex home.
M;ss Ruth Anderson, a rtuden: at
the University of Nebraska, spent
last week-end in Omaha with her
sister, Mrs. C. W. Southwell.
Mrs. Anton Tunberg ami son,
Dean, of hooper, Neb., arrive Fri
day to spend several days with Mr.
and Mrs. G. L. E. Klingbeil.
Miss Virginia Halpine left Thurs
day for Cresco, la., -to join her
mother. Mrs. John Halpine. sr. They
will return in about two weeks.
Mildred Weston leaves Friday for
Lincoln to attend a Kappa Kappa
Gamma party there Friday evenhig.
She will return home Saturday. v
Mrs. r. R. Shoemaker of Evans
ton, 111., arrives in Omaha Saturday
enroute to California. She will be
the guest of Miss Mayme Hutchin
son. Miss Anne Axtelt, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Axtell, who is a
junior at Smith college, attended a
Halloween dance at Amherst last
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Saxe of New
w.rtr Citv arrived in Omaha. Wed
nesday, to remain a few days. Mrs.
Saxe was formerly Mrs. winiam
Paxton of Omaha. They are stop
ping at the Fontsne11e7 .
Mrs. L. S. Upton, wife of'Col. L.
S. Upton, has joined Col. Upton
after spending the summer at her
country home at Lewiston, N. Y'.
Colonel and Mrs. Upton are in quar
ters No. 19 at Fort Crook. Ralph
Upton is in the Trincipia school at
St. Louis and will join his parents
for the holiday vacation.
Afternoon. Card Party.
fra A E Carter will ooen her
home,' 6407 Maple street, Friday
afternoon for a card party to be
given by lhe women of St. Bernard
Prettiest Mile Club.
A junior dance will be given Fri
day evening at the Prettiest Mile
A children's guest party will be
given Saturday atternoon trom t to
5 o'clock.
Friday Clubs.
Federal Art Club Friday, 8 p. ra., T.
W I A.
'v.M. rh.lanjiiia f'lr.'l' W1 -
MUIIU v.. "
,lnv. 7:15 r. m.. T. VV. C. A. Mlsa Helen
Martin, leader.
chesne college and convent of the Sacred
Hearty, Thlrty-alxth i)d Burt BtreeU. .
Needle Work Guild Friday, exhibition
ot garments collected for charities. Scot
tish Rite cathedral, Twentieth and Ootig
las atreets. Tea will be served.
Kalston Woman'! . Club Friday, " 2:30
p. m., Mrs. R. J. Larson, hostess. The
home economics deparynent will have
mi,,, nf thn nroirram. Mrs. W. C. t-a-
miston. leaacr.
Problems That Perplex
Answered By
fgO HELP you ;
J &mtf toward
A rmtllstl tiirl.
rv.-nr V.llrf:!': I would llko
to know if it is unladylike to ureept
iKvitmi.iiK m 'notorinir and to
dinners with my employer, a married
ri) an ?.
5y fianco threatens to nrean our
enuneeinent tf I accept another in
vitation. 1 tail si'O no harm In it.
but he and mv aunt pay it is not ristvt
10 BO out wmi uirii iiifii.
have acreed to accent your answer
in this matter. I- 1-
Sly dear child don't you realize
vnn urn ilnlni ftvvr S(l tllilllV folks a
great injustice? You're belnff unfair
to your employer's -xltc to your own
dignity to me myauy your nmnc
has a rttht to expect of you.
All the sweet, tender things are
cheapened by deeds and a dinner
rlnn't iiipnn fin much tO VOU that
your're willing to ignore Kfrod taste,
th. nnlnln tf 4liA IVJirlil tllA rillf
of tho Kanin and your own best in
terests. It isn't right, dear and Jn
your soul of souls you know tnai it
isn't worth doing a thing that is posi
tively cheap.
,"A Man Without Shame.
Dear Miss Fairfax: Omah Bee:
I am a single girl of limd have
been a resident ot the town I live in
since birth. A man of 3S, also a life
resident of this place, married and
the father of two children, declared
his love for me a month or so ao,
but states at the same time that he
loves his wife and children and his
love for mo will make no difference
in their lives. Please advis& me how
to end his infatuation.
Put an end to this at once. Don't
Worry about doing it tactfully "or
with consideration for the man. He
deserves none. It is abstird for him
to tell you that the Insulting affair
he's trying to start with you won't
affect his wfe and children. It will
cither break up their home or ruin
you-ror both. The way .o end a
thing' like this is to refuse to have
anvthiiitt to do with the man. Don't
worry about his fatuation. If it
has no encouragement, nothing on
which to feed, it will die.
Attend Foot Ball Game. ,
A number plan to go to Lincoln
Friday to aftend the foot ball game
between Lincoln High school ana
Central High school of Omaha,
Among them are Alice Kimberley,
Helen Sorcnson, Lovica Allen Caro.
line Forbes, Helen Brown, Dorothy
Barber and Ruth Wallace.
Eaclr package of "Diamond Dyes"
contains directions so simple that
any woman can diamond-dye old,
faded earments. curtains, dranenes
window hangirfgs, chtir and couch
coverings, portieres, everything,
whether wool, silk, linen, cotton, or
mixed goods, new, rich, fadeless
Buy 'Diamond Dyes" no other
ki id then perfect results are guar
anfeed. Druggist has Diamond Dyes
Color Card to help you select shade
An Ideal Shoe
for Winter
When the women of Omaha buy
shoes in this season, careful thought
should be given the durability 6f
the shoe to stand the season's cold
' snows. ' V " ;" '"'J -. .
No Charges
No Discounts
No Deliveries
We recommend the shoe shown
here as a logical mid-winter
and winter shoe. It is a neat
appearing Black Kid 10-Inch
Boot, with the Louis heel. It
is well constructed and will be
comfortable in Omaha's cold
est weather. We carry this
ehoe in all sizes for $9.95.
Wool Hosiery $2.45 and Up
SiHc Hosiery, $1.75 and Up
Spats in All Shades
Shoe Market
320 South Sixteenth Street
, I,,
, m ? 1 i mt -n-n i i ii i rrnti
friends and
Use Shinoi
and the
I v ' or Convenience
"Go As Far As You Like"
To make Troco the world's best nut tnargarin -
Our instruc-
Hons to
A. E. Hoffman
Famous in the
butter world
These were our instructions to A. E.
Hoffman when he joined the Troco
organization. We said you have
full liberty to go as far as you like
what we want is perfected Troco.
We built him a new factory, up-to-the-minute
in every detail of equip
ment and sanitation.
Now this expert, in this plant, has
produced a new and perfected Troco
a fancy brand of nut inargarin.
Mr. Hoffman has been identified with
the butter business all his life. For
over 30 years he has made and judged
butter and taught butter making.
This ripe experience has taught him
how to perfect Troco, which is
churned like butter with snowy
coconut fat replacing butter fat.
He gives it the same rarely sweet
flavor which made his butter famous
in his butter making days.
You want this newXperfected Troco
for its fine flavoV, delicacy and
. nutritive value. SoWder it from
your dealer. ,
As we didn't ask Mr. Hoffman to
meet a price, it may cost more, just as
fancy butter commands a premium.
Distributed by
701 South 10th Street.
Douglas 1985
30 years
making butter
Order from
your dealer
Troco Cook -Book
Troco Company
30 N. Michigan
Avenue, Chicago
a Genuine
Style VI" I. $50.0X
Victrola X.
Oak, Walnut or
The Largest Exclusive Victor
House in the West
1 ii
We. Hap Them Now,
AIlStyksahSAll Finishes
Victrola XI.
Oak, Walnut or
Mahogany. N
Victrola XIV. '
Oak, Walnut or
, Mahogany.
Thoiands of iomcs . wSro unable to secure their
' i Victrola last year on account of the shortage. A splen
did display in our -salesrooms affords: you a pleasur
able selection. '
Buy Your Victrola Now
Name your own date for delivery
Our Special Outfit 0 style VIII Victrola with 20 selections on
cn-inch double faced Victrola records, ' $ S8 50
very easy payments PvJ vrV
Our Special Outfit E Style X Victrola with 2 selections on
twelve ten-inch double faced 'Victor records. d l O g OQ
Very easy payments ' Iff lJJdJ
Out Special Outfit G Style XJV Victrola with 24 selections on
twelve ten-inch double faced records. ' $2?'? 20
Vprv easv Davments 9 J J tJ
Other Outfits From $30.10 Up.
Don t Hesitate to Uome in.;
It 's a Pleasure to Show You.
"The House of
Fifteenth an J
Victrola XVII.
Oak, Walnut or
You are sure to be satisfied if you. purchase
here. For over 25 years we have made good all
promises and backed all guarantees.
bnten of Middle Age
Owing to modern methods of living not one woman in a thousand
..approaches this perfectly natural change in her life without experi
encing a train of very annoying and sometimes painful symptoms.
Those dreadful hot flashes, smothering spells, fainting spells,
nervous troubles and irregularities are symptoms that should have
prompt attention. , These, two letters prove what a successful
remedy Lydia-E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is, for women
at this time of life. x
These Two Women Helped Duririg.Change of Life.
Taunton, Mass.-4 1 could not eat or
sleep for six months,had fainting spells
and could not walk without help for
three months,caused by female trouble,
My cousin, who was a doctor, told me
to take' Lydia R Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and it helped me greatly.
TheD during the Change of Life I used
the same remedy. I am Beventy years
,ol4 nov and am able to do my own
housework and walk one mile to church
every Sunday morning and evening. I
am recommending the Vegetable Com
pound tc my friends having the same
troubles as 1 had. Your remedy is the
best on eartb. 1 cannot find words
to express my gratitude for it." Mrs,
Susan C. Staples. 157 B School St,
Taunton, Mass.
Philadelnhia. Pa. 44 1 want to let von
know what good Lydia E Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has done me. I
had organic trouble and am going
thtough the Change of .Life. I was
taken.with a pain in my side and a bad.
headache. I could not lie down, could
notat or sleep. 1 suffered something
terriblfc and the doctor's medicine did
toe no good at all my pains got worse
instead of better. I began taking the
Vegetable Compound and felt a change
Irom the first Now 1 feel fine and ad
vise anyone going through the Change
of Life to try it for it cured me after I
had given up all hopes of gettingbetter.
I will tell any one who writes to me the
good it hastfone me." MnOLvRGARET
Danz,743 N. 25th St, Philadelphia, Pa.
Women of Middle Age Should Depend Upon
1 MM lotrMfeoo
i - i - -1 r- - - - - -