Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1920, Page 3, Image 3
, V V THB 0MAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 31, 1920. ' . ' A ; THK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 31, 1920. W II . . PMM I 1,200 Girls' Xennis Flannel Night ' Gowns A LOO to 1.69 values Many different styles, well made, cut full and roomy; sizes up to 14 years;, special, each 88 c Main Floor and Basement Silk Blouses Less than price of - 1 the Silk! 1,200 fancy checked Silk Blouses; sizes to 44; good style, Ion? sleeves, small white sailor collars; .well OQ L 'Inade. Special, each OJC Y dain Flbor and Basement Women's " Cotton Blouses Worth $1 and $2 800," white nd colored, some slightly soiled froTn handling. sr 69c Main Floor and Basement Girl's Bloomers Popular 59c value Black Sateen,' good quality; sizes 2 to 12 years. OQ Special, at OJC Women's Pure Thread 1 Silk Hosiery Irregulars of $1 Vol. r . s. " ' Semi-fashioned of silk to the knee, lisle soles, lisle .tops; in black, white and col- Q1 . ors ; special, per pair, O 1 C ' Main Floor South v 1000 New Trimmed Hats Monday 1,000 mart hats for street and dress wear; variety of styles; good O fA colors. .. Special, Main Floor Bargain Sq. Rag. Rugs v Worth 2.5(5 Size 30x60; lavendergreen, blue, tan, brown and gray with, white woven border; fast col ors. Special, 1 98 Fourth Floor Center 4-yd Linoleum N Worth 1.50 Genuine Cork Linoleum, with baked enamel surface, wood and parquetry effects; tile and mosaic patterns. 1 1Q Special, at 1H7 Fourth Floor Center 1,000 Pairs Men's Overalls and Jackets Best 2.20 weight blue denim, high back and suspender back; sizes, 31 to 42; ajU- 1.29 t . . Basement -Men $ Store 2,500 Sample Untrimmed Hats' Worth 2.50 Of Bilk velvets, desirable shades, good colors. - Spe cial, Monday, A Q at Basement East Extraordinary Sale of Philippine Gowns I 3.98 to 5.0C 1 AC Values at l.ZJU 6.98 to 10.00 Values at Gowns with conventional embroidery and drawn work, or -plain leaf 'and floral pattern ;'V, round orjyquare neck, and kimono sleeve. . ' , Envelope Chemise, with square tops, having filet motifs in front and strap shoulders; others with corset cover tops, lace and hand drawn or embroidered. , Brandeis Stores Third Floor Renter. Great . Domestics j Worth S0c to 40c, Nainsook, lingerie cloth; all 36 inches wide; suitable for fine un derwear, lingerie, etc.; in long mill lengths, values from 30c to 40c;'special, per yard J . . k , 9-4-81-Inch Bleached Sheeting- 9-4-81 inch; the well nnsitivplv wnrth $1.00! Unbleached Sheeting 10-4-90-inch; our popular Black quality, worth 1.00, special, per k Bleached Seamless Sheets 72i0 9-inch size; our popular Pride of the Field, quality; hemmed ends ready for use; wonder ful 3.00 value, special, 1 OQ each, ..-y ' lOi7 Bleached Pillow Cases , Made of splendid quality muslin; size 45x36 inches; worth 50c; special, each, Brighten Up the Curtains and Drapes Drapery Velvets 600 yards, 50 inches wide, in plain and striped patterns; o QQ worth up to 7.50 per yard;, special, at 00 Quaker Lace Curtain Nets , Regvilar 1.00 and 1.25 values, an exceptional selling of this material at, special, p7VLt. per yard, O C v Tapestry ' For drapery ' and furniture coverings, 50 inches wide; our regular 7.50 'qual ity, special, al 5.00 Brandeis Stores 36 Inch Cotton Challie Worth 38c In pretty Persian and floral designs, beautiful colorings. Monday, . 'ISic ' BastmtnP North 6,000 Fine Tumblers OfBloum Glass In our New China Department,. Fifth Floor, we offer this spe cial bargain; 8-oz. C size. Each, at OC Fifth Floor East - Skirts and Chemise Another extraordinary sale of Philippine Under wear, including Gowns, Skirts, Envelope Chemise and plain Chemise. These are beautifuFgarments, of fine Pearline Cloth over American patterns, all hand sewed and hand embroidered by the na tive Philippine women. i 5.98 ' : O H C Values Values 4.95 V Anniversary Specials in (No Mail or Phone Orders) and 5,000 Yards Bleached Longcloth Positively Worth $1.00. known pepperell or Black snpmal. rtpr vard. I ' " N None better; Hawk 63c yard 4 5-inch, .regular 85c value, per yard, ' 42-inch, regular 83c value, per yard, ' Wool Finished Blankets OQ1. Basemtnt -North Home With New Draper Madras Large assortment of colors in plain and stripes; 50 inches wide ; regular 2.50 1 W quality, special, at JL O Curtains One, lot, including net, mar quisette, voile scrim, in all the leading styles; A Q special, at, per yd. "U Fourth Floor East 2,400 Pairs Men's Wool Hose. Worth 50c to 1.25 Fine samples, light and heavy weight, majority sizes 10 Vi and 11. Spe- QQ cial, pair, OJC Main Floor Mcns Store Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap x Worth 12 h2c Limit of one box (three cakes) to each customer, while 8,000 ckes last. yn Special, per bar, " OC Main Floor West BraM($eiir Stores WHY . Brandeis Stores v Lead in Price Reductions , .. I Bigger bargains ihan ever at Brandeis Stores - Monday. Additional quantities of high class goods ordered vf or our anniversary sale are now on our counters. JA V Our buying organizations give our customers the earliest advantage of price reductions in the general market. Jn such reductions we naturally include merchandise in stock which we had purchased atv higher prices.' IVe ciajm, no credit for giving low prices. That's our business and it makes more business. "Manufacturers and jobbers often in need of immediate unds Will make sacrifice to those . , who can pay spot cash foj enormous pur chases. BrtmdeiaJStores can dp this. y Thus we regularly obtain price reductions which are not within the reach of r smaller concerns. ( A w : That's why -Brandeis Stores always lead in low prices even as they lead In quality of goods: , : - Prices given on this page are merely hints of' our prices' generally.' Bargains similar to those mentioned here will be found through- bat Brandeis Stores on buj luying early. Hawk brands; Blankets 22c ; 65c Bleached Bridal Tubing made in beautiful soft finish in 55 Size 66x80 inches; in assorted plaid colors; thread whipped edges; regular 5.00 dJO OQ values, special, per pair. . . ..... . . . VJ 0f ' Bleached Muslin . ' 36 inches wide; splendid quality; full spring water bleached; extra soft finish; IP. wonderful value; special, per yard JC Essential Garbage Cans Of heavy Weight gal van-1 ized iron; will hold 14 gallons; 14x21; priced at Galvanized Tubs No. 2 size, of heavy galvanized iron, two side drop handles regular t 1.69 value, at 1:39 98c Brooms Four-tie, of good, quality broom corn. Specially OQ priced at J OJC Wizard .Mop' For, polishing floors; large size; special, r 1.59 r Children's Sleeping Garments Worth 1.25 Well made style of soft flan nel; adjustable cuffs; sizes 1, 2, 3, and 12 years , EQ Special, each, OJ7C Basement Arcade . Men's Black Sateen Shirts Worth 1.75 & $2 Extra fine quality; sizes 14 H to 171.75 and 1 9Q 2.00 (values, Basement Mens Store Monday, We suggest , Monday-Great Money-Saving Values in Linens and Toweling S 500 Dozen Full Bleached Turkish Towels V ' Regular 49c Values, at v On Monday 500 dozen full bleached Turkish Towels will be placed .Towels .are of double-twisted varn. with VipmmeH onrlo ,1Qvl invito. the greatest towel Value offered ' Fuir Bleached Huck Towels - "Chief Value' linen hemmed ends, l&xZG inches, soft and absorbent quality; a bargain; regular 39c values, - rj each, at, I C - "Linen Weft" Toweling . The so-called "Linen Weft" or "Union Crash," plain or semi-bleached, soft and absorbent quality, a "special toweling for. fine china or glassware. For Monday only, regular ID 29c value, at, pjr yard, IOC Heavy Damask Aboufe50 dozen pieces of a heavy quality of mercerized Damask in a range of tiful patterns; worth 1.25 per , ' Luncheon Sets A very fine quality of embroidery cloth, scal loped edge, embroidered in pink and blue in me is-piece aomes, ana the 5 - style, neatly boxed; worth 4.50, special for Monday, at Housewares at Sale Gray Enamel Dish Pans 14-quart size, made of high-grade enamel; cfal, 1 ... 7$C 1 ' Russian Floor Polish For floors, . furniture and woodwork. 1 -quart size,' OQ 49e; 12-0unce size, SUG f N Cudahy's Pearl White Soap For Laundry Purposes 10 Bars for 39c Brandeis Stores 10$ Pieces .Scrim and Voile Worth 39c Plain ""and dotted, all colors. Special, yard, at - 19c IVV UKU 9 Leather Vests - Worth 16.50 Sheep lined; for hunting and outdoor work; sizes 88to 48. Values to 16.50, Q OP at only I.OO Basement Mens Store Just Arrived! Tricotihe - For Mtsses Women WJrth $7 Special at i Another Great Sale ,'of Misses' High Class Dresses, Especially purchased at low prices; so we can therefore . offeV our patrons these won derful values. These frocks will be the Htpipof con- versation among 'Omaha women when they see them, - Copies of' High Class Dresses They are copies of High Class Dresses for street and business wear; tight waist, straight line, narrow skirts and full may be found ; some braided, others beaded, 'while many are embroidered in gold. These Dresses are worth $75.00. Special Monday, 35.00 ' , Brandeis Stores Second Floor West . 1 t - in years. ' They are regular 49c AH Linen Crash Full bleached toweling, fancy red border; heavy quality', Especially adapted to hand and roller use; regular 59c values, c per yard, i Good Quality Napkins Heavy quality of mercerized Damask in the 21x21 inch size; wearing qualities O CA same as linen; special, per dozen OU 100 Dozen Napkins of a very fine quality of mercerized, hemmed ends, 18x18 inch size, in a range of pretty pat-' terns. Regular 25c values, Monday ,in. only, atV i ' v LuC : Linen Table Cloths 1 , " ; About 100 all linen Table Cloths' in the Irish make; size 70x70 inches, in patterns of Poppy and Stripe, Tulip, Anemone, Chrysanthemum, Fleur de Lis, Rpse and Spot; for Mon- C QQ day only; cloths worth 9.00 each, at O 0 beau- QQ yard. piece octagon o rr Brandds'Stores- Main Floor South ' Aluminum Tea Kettles 5 and 6-qt. size,' good quality alum inum; slightly damaged; spe cial, each, 3.49 Galvanized Pails ' 12-quart size good quality galvanized iron; priced at ' 39c Johnson's and Old English Wax , - for polishing Hardwood and varnished floors. Reg ular 60c value; C special, at ' 4wC Fifth Floor West Marquisette and Grenadine Nets Worth 75c ''. 2,000 yaWs in pretty mat: rials. Special, yard, . OQ at Wool Finish Cotton Blankets Worth 4.00 Pair In assorted colon; thread whipped .edges; heavy, warm, fleecy nap; double bed sizes; special, 2 19 per pair, 100 Fine Dresses or Small f N I on sale.' The! ; Tu: values, each, at Savings Aluminum Percolajtors I fan 6-cup size, plain pattern; splendid gift to buy for Xmas. Special, at : 1.98 Delphqs Corn Popper Made of heavy blue sheet steel, with long handles. CQ, Specially priced at OJC .Electric Irons Imperialbrand, guaranteed; highly nickel ed finish, ap proximately 5 feet of cord; 5.98 1,500 Yards Colored, Drapery Madras a W wanted shades; former price, 1.50.. Spe- 'QQ I Ucial, yard, uenuine Amoskeag Apron, Gingham Worth 35c Guaranteed fast indigo blu$. in assorted checks and broken styles; per; yard, at 19c ( Genuine Be1 aeon Plaid Blankets Worth 8 50Pait Size 66x&0 inches; in beauti ful blbck checks and broken plaids; colors are pink, blue, gray and tan. , C OC Special, pair, , VI .AO ' ',1 Wool Mixed 7 Blankets Worth 10.50 Pair In assorted plaids; full double bed size; in colors of blue, gray, ten, pink. O Eft Special, pairt OiUU Girls' Knitted -Princess Garments 89c and $1 Values Light and dark gray; well made and cut full; sizes 4 to 14 years; 89c and "Q, 1.00 values, at xJJC Baby Blankets Size 30x40 Neatly scalloped ends; made of ' good quality fancy outing flannel; while a limited quan tity lasts, special, OOl each, f7LK. No Mail or Phone Orders , Basement West Percale Was 48c' Light and dark colors; in dress, wrapper and shirting styles; all new patterns; worth regularly 48c; 36 inches wide. Special, now, 1 P at, per -yard, XOC No Mail or Phona Orders Genuine ork Dress Gingham r Worth 48c Beautiful plaids, checks and I stripes; air new fall styles; regular 4c value. on Special, yard, & White " Outing Flannel Worth 48c 36 inches wide; heavy quality, with long, fleecy nap on both sides; regular 48c value. Special, per "yard, 29c Cotton t ..V ( Batting Worth 29c Bleached, splendid quality, rolled and papered, 'Approximate weight 8 ounces; while the lot lasts, at the Ve- markably low pri'e of, per roll ' 0c Basement West Basement -West Basement West Basements-Center