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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1920)
- V THE OMAHA BEE Let Your Mind Be At Rest i 11 1 1 - i 1 1 ww if xt rri V TT T TtTv 7T - II Ever line Monday morning our telephones have, been ringing bringing anxious questions from eager customers: "How long does your big sale last" "Will you have your low prices for tomorrow? I can not get .down town today." Let us set your mind at rest, If we can. Just remember: We bought more than a million dolW worth of this new merchandise when the market broke so badly, just a few days ago. There is no "special sale" of any kind In progress at this great ftore. We are simply offering to the public new goods at the new prices not "special" prices just the prices you are entitled to pay on today's market We have ample quantities of goods in almost' ' all departments, and shall continue to sell them, day by day, at present prices. J Come to the store any day you may find stocks broken in some departments, but we are buying new goods as fast as possible to make replacements. ' l- ' It is wise to buy the things you most need, as soon as you can. But set your mind at rest we shall have plenty of goods; and our present prices will continue indefinitely. That, at least, is our hope, and our expecta MAIN FLOOR Women's Hose 95c Pure silk semi-fashioned hose in black, brown and gray 7 inches wide. Fancy Ribbons 19c All silk Jacquards, satin stripe, moire! all colors, 6 to V Men's Sweaters $5.95 'Extra- fine, quality pure wool, coat, style, shawl col lar, sizes $4 to 46. ... ; ... , Men's Caps A large assortment of styles and colons to select from ... ... .'. . . . , ::.). . . 95c Boston Bags $2.95 Heavy cotex, with inner lining and large inner pocket. Each . . : Bath Towel Sets $2.15 Two towel's and two wash cloths, beautifully boxed, de sirable for gifts Chiffon Taffeta $1.69 Navy, 36. inches wide, heavy quality, priced at. yard . . -UningSatip All silk, pretty designs, 35 fK L f at. inches wide, all colors, yard. Vv I fyk at Dimity Bed Spreads $2.95 Crinkle dimity spreads with scalloped edge, and cut corners. Colored stripes of blue, pink, yellow or all white, 2x24 yards....-. Linen Toweling Stevens' celebrated linen toweling 20-yard limit to a customer yard 37c Georgette Crepe 95c 40 inches wide, in every possible shade, all silk, yard, at Women's ; Union Suits $1.49 Super weight fleeced cot ttfn and a medium weight wool All styles. Heavy Rib Boys' Hose First quality, in all sizes J from 8 to 11. Pair JJ Silk Jersey Underwear $2.95 Superior weight silk Jer sey vest, knickers, union suits, etc. Exceptional valve Men's Hose Lisle and mercerized, ex- v tra fine qaallty. Black, whit. Palm Beach, etc., , pair 18c "EVERYBODY STORE" TUT l Th Jofe inioir "Old Man Dollar" Has Cut Out For Himself Friday Lowr Prices on New Goods That Will Bring Joy to Thousands Among tfie many bargains to Be found here Friday is ANOTHER WONDERFUL SALE OF WOMEN'S TRIMMED HATS AT $H .00 it., i ftf:. iftk Tl i.ff: WV ivim (vniim; m SECOND FLOOR Women's Boots Air the latest styles in all sizes. Cuban, and Louis heels. A fK pal g f wonderful value at Uy ym J I A this new low price Flannel Middies All flannel, mid- K f m mmt dies in sizes 14 to vZi U 20, in red, navy and fJ J green . rr - Children's Coats Warm coats of velour, broadcloth and other new mate- , K pari a mmt rials, trimmed with fiT C Jk U fur. Choice of large tlJ 1 mf 3 assortment at I Children's Dresses . Dainty and prac- , K m . g mmt tical little. gingham U 1 UL school dresses for 11 I mm ages 7. to 14. T Luxurious Fur Scarfs A beautiful as sortment, including fffe ft ft f a variety of styles XVVl I and many different rJ M J f All Silk Petticoats , Magill silk petticoats in the season's latest styles and colors In A a . mmt taffeta, saUn, " Jer- Of I Q C sey, pussy willow, ; 'X Cj3 Knitted Sweaters Wool and wool mixed sweaters in tfh f f f slip-over, coat, tux- VI edo and many other 1 til a M mj J styles, In all colors. T 9 . Low Prices on Corsets Well-known makes such as Gossard, Irene, Franco, Ringo, etc., in styles to suit 7ffc A V every figure. Three mM , Sateen Petticoats Made of lustrous 1 sateen, with knife ftfc f f mat pleatings and ac- Vy I I U cordian pleated fj X X J flounces ...... .. Tj Silk Lingerie , Gowns, pajamas, envelope chemise, cami soles, petticoats, of satin, crepe de chine. Georgette in f lesb and white. Beauti-j' . fully trimmed with ' f mmt laces and ribbons, . LW $4.95, $3.95, $2.95, . JtjC $1.95 na.. Phillippine Underwear Hand made and hand-embroidered under garments of the fin est materials. Ex- jl quisite designs and IP m patterns, $5.95, Tl X, 7711 $4.95, $3.95 end.. VfmmAJ J Children's Sweaters , Keep the kiddies warm with one jof these wool and wool- gfo mml mixed sweaters, in L 1 IW all colors and n J J j3 styles ! i Junior Coats Coats that the , ' girls will like; made H 4 yl ft of fine materials U I VI and in the newest 0 Jl gj mj J styles ' ' Girl's Coats A limited number fK am f mmt of the season's lat-' L B jf t est and most stylish Jl I M mJmB coats at this price , . Middy Dresses One of the most fH m f g mmt practical dresses for AJ III VI school wear, in all- all I if. J wool serge Women's Slippers ' Dainty felt slip- gf mmt pen for the cold J winter days make til JEu mM J splendid gifts y . c - " . '. DOWNSTAIRS STORE Clothe Baskets 29c Diamond splint clothes baskets at a price you will be glad to see again, i 50-Pound Flpur Bins $2;39 Made of Japanned metal, in assorted colors, will hold 50 pounds. Children's rt Rompers 65c Many styles in ginghams, chambray, percale, plain colors and fancy designs. Ages 1 to 6 years. . Women's Corsets 95c Seven styles in low, me dium and high1 busts worth very much more. , 'Gossard 9 Brassieres 45c There are not very many of them, so it will pay you to come early. Boys Caps 25 c ' Madeof heavy wool yarn, in plain and fancy weave; ages 2 to 14 years. , Damaik Napkins $2.59 These are very fine qual ity and 21 inches square. A special. Table Damask 69c Bleached, heavy weight and excellent quality. Many good designs. : Misses' and Children's Middy Dresses $7.95 Navy blue, serge, with white braid trimming pleated skirts. Chidren's : Coats $9.95 New fall styles, in many colors in new mixtures; agea 7 to 14. years.v Women's and Misses Coats $14.95 Stylish garments of the season's late materials, in all colors. Boys' . Duck Coats $4.98 Blanket lined, and dandy garments ,for the coming cold days. Striped Outing Flannel 35C Yard An excellent quality in neat stripe designs, and 36 inches wide. Reached Muslin 16c Full 36 inches wide and excellent quality; : half bleached, too. piaid ; Blankets $3.69 Full bed size, warm and "comfy" in a good line of colors. - . - Plain Color Blankets $239 Come in either tan or gray, with handsome bor ders. A real buy. ', Boys' Koverall Suits 99c Ages 2 to '8 wonderful suite for boys good for little girls, too. T Excellent ' Flannel Shirts $2.39 A full range of sizes and colors, made from real good material. Horsehide Gloves $1.00 This is one of our best values. Horsehide mittens at the same price. Bargains in Enamelware 69c A limited quantity of cof fee pots, bowls, kettles, water pails and like articles. THIRD FLOOR 1 FOURTH FLOOR Colored Madras I f Boys' Suits 86 inches wide, in . The choice of our ' f ff A f all the popular , f1 1 f entire stock of boys' Vv , Sk shades, heavily mer- T 1 I Buit in four S1"1 J $ mlJ cerized, perfect ma- fj X JL 4 groups, from T niw, terial - ' , , Knitting Worsteds I TlS?- P 0 r sweaters, , coat we made of MvVI M1 SSi. fQr durable materials, UjUO old rose, gray and Vr 4 v other colors....... i- i i Boys Mackmaws Panel Curtains ne boya wm enjoy yf C 9-inch lace panels, 2 yards long. wearing these good- 1 ra woven in continuous g mmt looking macki haws at sVC sections, to be cut Ctf ' ""' "P- ... i puritan Phonographs- w-i i j We have heen able to secure a large num- llllDrOlQery A lOSS Dr tneso standard machines at a price so lpw Fifty different . as to astonish you. . shades from which ,4 A W T 1 to select; fifteen ICXC DrCSS 1 TUnKS yards on a card, at i A 1 v j -u a - n , (tQTC n I r locks and catches j mM A mJ ' Bedroom .Curtains lonely Tyt,7" dine,Pwith bluand - Ekd Wai'dfohe Triinks " pink dots of plain 3jjC V ,5"d"U,4, ' white . .... ."l U : . First, quality Hart- 37 ' . - . mansteanier -wardrobe tf Tapestry Brusel Rugs ;L"f. ,:"?:lf ipiOOU In neat all- oven . ; ' Xnshetv? (feOQ 7C Cane Suit Cases ! quality, size 9 feet fjifii f f J 24-inch size,, ere- K 99 ' fm. ft by 12 feet........ tonne lined, brass " 9 A - l n locks a n d catcnes . ; tJJ f m k j Imported Grass Kugs leather trimmed. .... r-9.9rj. A limited number . I t ! O of 80 by eo inch a f i)A i raveling Bags grass rugs, stencil Jill Cowhide, walrus and . , Borders, and can be UJ L J S Ung grain leather fhl' API used either side... trayeling bags, 18-inch VkU Uk Double-Faced Terry Cloth l;rM,.??A'."a pVViJ Combination col- I O l o 11 oring, rose and blue h 1 Tsf JBaby OUlKieS t 5? $179 ss-$9.15 I 1 J1 I I P"c s Inlaid Linoleum Genuine imported Greenwich inlaid lino- lMfri' Raiinrnnt leums, artistic patterns and colorings. Heavy "CM V,ua,lO weight, with pat- ' A English and Scotch , terns clear through, 9 A J II tweed, double textures Ts g ft and cannot wear mtM MmMmM and gum-rubber rain- Nf -Vf off, 6 ft. wide V V coaU fully guaran- HlJ M m I m,A - -J teed, all sizes....... " nd up. Veivet Rugs Men's Leatherette Coats inches- an inexpen- tl A'' ' ft A limited number of leatherette shell coats, sive throw rug in a k4 Vf with heavy khaki lin- th 4 A , ft neat range of pat- djLmJJ n' in tw0, groups, 4 I M terns and colorings. i . S19.50 and m4r A,mJ J plabSf.Fl00r Coveiing Men's Pants , raraffme base ', '. with seven layers of A g An assortment of . H ft g mmt enamel a durable Ut al -wool pants in fancy k U Vfl and 'lasting floor T"! mixtures, sizes 32 to fJJfJTrtl covering, 6 ft. wide ; - 40 t Axminster Rugs Men's Suits Extra heavy rugs, , Our enormous stock of men's suits has been ,,.,, .., ov p.,. . $oyo & .::.:'r.r.".',.::oZo.oU i J up. Body Brussels Rugs' I Men's Overcoats - fordfbesTquiutyl- H f 0 1- 2?k iTl range of patterns 7k overcoats in six groups A C f f j and colorings. Si2s fjjtf mW m J nd reduced them in 2f Jr I 9 by 12 feet only. . T W W V price ranging f rom Ami J J J j 1 F I j and up. Men's, Boys' Moleskin Vests I Boys' Blouses One of the gar- A mmt a i , . ments you will aP: flj 1 Q K of boyl'8 "m dti : 7(a thTnew priced. PlJ0 " blouses, well made SC ) good for school wear. w AU-iii-One Overalls Boys' Sweaters pielelVsuit,nin " $ O HO Warm wool sweat- (hA f)H blue denim or khaki lj S 4jf . pull-over style, H J ' f as you wish : tpttssi VJ with shawl collars... mmtmmtJ Men's Pants I Y Boys' Sweaters oo 4 i!.n ''f68 ?f lh il AN All-wool Shaker knit . Afl AN $4.95 saL?...g $3.95 f Woolen Blankets I Boys' Knickerbockers Inches, plai'd de- J 1 1 Q C trousers' for thboy- (t O C . ! t I