Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1920, Page 7, Image 7
' ' THEpBKE; OMAHA, E'KlUAy, UUiUBEK jy, 'igau. K 7- 3 Woman Denies She . ppiecatei Oil Fraud Americanism to " Wm Next Tuesday ' Hays Declares No failure Under Leadership Of Harding and Coolidge, Republican National A Chairman Says. . , , " BY WILL H. HAYS. v KepUbtleaa Notional Chairman. -- New York, Oct. 28. Drop Sunday and there are three mgit working day of this campaign. So far as the republicans of the country are , concerned, the three day's will be as full of enthusiasm as of work. The spur of the endeavors ever is present Our candidates are men who inspire effort in their hehalf, not only because they are the. kind of men that tjiey are; but because of the high Americanism' which they represent ( - t V Under certain" leaders iheja can be no failure, and there is, no failure this yearv Thl leadership of Warren G. Harding and Calvin, Coolie ap peals to men and women voters of the United .States not only to the republicans, but to ' thousands of others whose creed, like that' of the , republicans, is Ameticanismi . From the very beginning of the present administration, in Washirig .1 i t. - .L: j fhV n Vi Vf rl aZ ili H calculated to' defraud in the IVtrhee haPve,tbeef 'hit &SZ Rle of approximately ?7S0,000 worth ,nA aa:.. u 1 of oil stock. have been high sounding words and elegant diction in plenty, but be yond this, little or nothing to appeal E. I T- . a I JW of Mrs. Katherine M. Stanton. New York, an oil broker, who pleaded not guilty in the United States district court to an indictment chartrinor her with uslnir the mails to defraud in the coTiduct of the sev eral oil companies whose Cirection has' been in her hands since the death of- her husband. It is charged she disseminated matter through the to the imagination or to the hearts of the red blooded Americans who Save world-wide sympathies and the willingness to help all peoplesin distress, but who feel that their firs? duty is to their own country and to their own countrymen. Extravagance, wastefulness and a disregard for -the principles of eco nomics have marked e,very step of the . way of the democratic administra tion of the nation's affairs. The people are determined to put a stop ' to something which ' is worse than prodigality. .The only way to put a stop to tit is to put in .authority those who will put a stop to it. No republican who . has, so to speak, taken thought of the morrow, has any doubt as to the outcome on next Tuesday. Stalwart American ism always has won aifd stalwart A mrricanism is to win again. FarinW Union Head , Says Corn Burning , No New Procedure Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 28. burning corrkas a substitute for coal is not a new procedure for Nebraska farmers, according to C. H. Gustafson, presi dent of the " Nebraska Farmers' union. Reports reaching Mr. GuV tafsotr from many parts of the state indicate that the farmers are serious ly considering the using of corn this .- year as a substitute for the ,high priced coal. . "Many farmers have been forced to sell unshelled corn at 48 cents a bushel," Mr. Gustafson said. -.'Assuming that new corn weighs 70 pounds to the bushel, it is readily understood why it is cheaper to burn grain as fuel in preference to coal that costs at Jeasf$17 a ton," he said. In the early history of the state it was a common practice among the farmers to burn coal as fuel, Mr. Gustafson said. In recent years, however, the price of cen has not justified, the farmers in such af prac tice. Mr. Gustafson is of the opinion that farmers of the state have not , used corn as fuel 1906 when the corn crop was even larger than .this year's estimated yield of ,251,- 619.000 bushjels. ' ' . - . s Yokohama Sillk Exchange ' ! Closed as Prices Decline c Tokio, Oct. 28. (By-TheTAssoci-, ated Press.) The Yokohama silk' exchange was closed yesterday vheii prices dropped below the minimumV fixt hv the hllvinc svnriirato Th official of the exchanpe are in rnj-)J sulfation with the government re gardingthe Situation. The general depression in the silk industry is continuing. Contractor Put Out of Work by Trade Trust New , York, Oct. 28. Jacob Fradiis, a general contractor, today told the joint legislative committee investigating the "building trust" that William P. Brindell, president of the building trades council, had "put him out of business after l.e had refused "to produce $25,000" in order that he might retain his labor and complete the job. Fradus also testified 4ie had paid Brindell $1,000 in $100 bills for a job and a working agreement with the council. v . II. G. Wells DemeHIe Had Talk Wilh. Leader of Reds London, Oct. 28. If. G. Wells', the author,' whose name was rcffrYtd to by Secretary of State Colby in reference to the visit of Washing ton D. Vanderlip to Rdssiai has .is sued a formal statement ta the press denvins the- correctness of reports made by Evan E. Young, UnitedJ States commissioner fr the Ualtic provinces, stationed at Riga, con cerning conversations which" Wells was reported to have had ' with Nikolai Lenine about Yanderlip's proposal. Secretary Colby's state ment, issued October 26, said the Young report stated that Lenine had informed Mr. Wells that Yarider lip had claimed to represent ' Sen ator Harding, Senator Harding in a statement .denied , knowledge of Vanderlip. ADVERTISEMENT 4 ihat Sprinkle of Sugar over yourx cereal dish is. expensive and it is a needless expense. Try the rich flavpr of GrapeNuts A blend of WKeaVand malt -ed bariey rich in its own Grapo-Nuts requires no sugar feature of its gen eral lisefulhess t and economy: At Grocers -,L Everywhere Made by Postum Cereal Cojnc 1 Battle Creek(Mkh. F ' V DIAMOND DYE OLD . FADED DRAPERIES, ' COVERS, HANGINGS Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any" woman can diamond-dye old, faded garments, chair , and -xouch : coverings, portieres, everything, whether wool, silk, li&en,' cotton or mixed goods, new, rich, fadeless j colors. , i Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind (then perfect results are guar anteed. Druggist has Diamond Dyes Lolor Card to help you select shade desired. ... . - ' . e Save on Groceries at the '-'" Union Outfitting Co. 1 23c- Dl Monte Jam Delicious Blackberry and Cherry pure fruit jams, here, at OQ a iar OJC .Borden's Eagle Brand Milk, can... Argo Gloss Starch, T the Mb. pkg. C Bonne Bouche Luncheon Sar dines, packed in pure 1r salad oil, a can. . . . IwC Post , Toasties, a nev shipment, at, a pkg. Mazola Oil,, for -Salad cook ing and baking, full PO . quart cans C Cream of Wheat an ideal breakfast food, a big Ag package, at , 4i"C : Bring Your Shopping Bag to ' V. Carry These , 8c X''.. Thrifty Goal We can help you stretch the reach x of "Old Man Dollar" when you' put him on the trail of coal. There is no need to pay fancy prices when you can secure Sunderland's Illinois Coal Econo my Lump, Egg, Nut $14.75 per ton E-Z-Lite Lump -vN u t $13.75 per ton Most heat units per, pound. Most pounds per . dollar.1 Thoroughly screened. Delivered promptly by courteous arivers and Yell-0 Wag ons pr Trucks. ' We invite your order. ' , Sunderland Brothers Co. Main Office Entire Tkird Floor, Keeliae Buildi - Serentfwith and Harna Streets. "1 Health? (The most expensive thing n the world 1 ill health. The greatest single 'cause of ill health is poor teeth". It is false v economy to neglect your teeth by staying away from the dentist. Frequent Visits! , to "your dentjst arex sure to pay large health divi dends. s . DR. G. D. SHIPHERD. Vice Trei. & Gen. Mgr. Put the same confidence in your dentist that you, have in your family, physician land see him often. : - Bailey r Dental Company Incorporated Dentists. Dr. E, Vi. Bailer, President i, 704-14 City National Bank Bid?. 1( Phones: Dooglas 8420, Dosflas 3421 i and llnmp." MADE to ORDER Ah riou ncfemeht ction Price Redu V In line with the lower rdarket whichenables us to buf ljiaterial t mpch lower figqres than sixty days ago,; it gives us- pleasure to .grant you this reduction and we a c cor d i n g 1 yqu 6 1 e , you on 1 our complete stock, staples included viz: : 'v ouit and Extra Tro users SCHOOL BOARD OTE TOR THESE THREE WM. J. HISIOP ot McCgu Invtitment Co. LEWIS NELSON ot Allen-Reynolda Coal Co. MAX I. WALKER ot M L Walktr Co. OUR PLATFORM W art In favor ot tha strictest aeonomy consistent with tha aafo manairmnt ot our School System: wa belteva in squara deal for all parts of th city and tha elimination of craft and favoritism. - . and Upward ' 'Y This means a suit with an fextra ' pairof trousers for the price of the suit alone. -. . . . . i;. j -. ' v Overcoats, too, at Record Cuts WJEEREMS 209-211 So. 15th St. ; . , ; Karbach Block fSE -fiEK WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS: mm fiTfnT . From the tbortd to Uott . Around ButterRut Coffee-is ?woven a fair-like tale of romance. Grown in some faraway tropical country, carefullv cultivated Iry dusl natives, it is picked at tKe right time, dried -ana Hulled. 'Still green, it is carried from the inland to the boats, by donkeys, in some countries, and ox-carts in others. From there it is shipped across' the seato the north and arrives in our great teftninals of New Orleans or New York. Fast freight brings the Gbffecj to Omaha," where we in turn roast, grind arid pack it, and it soon reaches our ' table, a pot f 11.. 1 rr .1 it . . n " , - , e r r o delicious real oftee with all its - Butter-tlut, e Coffee De licious. v . . ' 1.1 . . - HI Paxton & Gallagher Co. tdjracg ill if I : 1 Ik ft r U a 'in. Wt i 4 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm 2 mi H. R. Bowen Co. 16TH AT HOWARD It's a ) Continual Saving When You Shop at Bgwen's - Oontinuinp; our regular pol icy of assisting Ouiahans to ave, we again quote several items on which there is a material saving to be had if they be purchased at Bowens: 7 Another Brekfit Special ' PQSt TOASTIES 3 pkg only 25c CARNATION MILK large aice can 2 cans only 25cV Walter Baker's . ' Baking Chocolkte J,-LB. CAKE 23c Haakina Herd Water CASTILE SOAP per bar, only 5c , 3 bare to a customer . - , 6-lb. Jewel 1 A ELECTRIC IRONSL vcl'I plated, 6-ft. extension cord $3.95 H. R BoWen' Special Carpet Sweepers $1.95 BOWEN BROOMST , well made, etrong handled brooms, 33c Substantially made '" well finished Fumed Qak Rockers 4n ideal rocker for use in any room.' Specially priced, at .$4:25 Fumed Oak LIBRARY TABLES $19.50 All. quarter-sawed oak, heavy Colonial design, size 26x45. This is an exceptional table at an exceptionally low price, so avail yourself of this oppor tunity to get a high grade table at small cost. Simmon's Wood Cribs Drop side; can be had $n ivory, white enamel or ma hogany finishes, size 27x54; priced at. only $12.00 BUFFET SPECIAL Quarter-sawed oak plank top, buffets, 42-inch top, spacious 'rawer room, mirror back, '5vv Colonial design; priced to your shopping advantage at $37.50 H.R.BowenCo. 16th anch-Ho ward Sts. Supply Your Needs ' by Using: . Bee Wants Ads Best Results 'I I A'. , i " v.- . jv. -- a ' t a . m. . m, H 4 nr j 1 -