Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1920, Page 13, Image 13
'.t v v THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 291920. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West Montclair Bargain Owner leaving city and willing lo sell his new home (or $9,000. tvhich is less than mirchase price fsaveral month's asrar-Has'six nice latge rooms. Stucco construction. Oak finish downstairs, white enamel up. For particulars call Walnut 2812. BRAND new bungalow, Hk finish, beau tiful deceratlona, reduced from $7,460 to $6,900. Easy term a, Douglas 1784. A FKW horn .a and lota for aala in Park wood addition: ssfe placa for Invest, mtnt. Norrla A Norrla Douglas 4370. I ROOMS and bath, modem accept beat; cirall loft, hut Rood house. Possession at one, 13.600. ijto down. 424 oar month. Doug. 4328. ClaremoiH Bargain" Owner leaving city, willing to sacrifice 5-room, all s.iodern bungalow, east front, 5 block to V car, oak finish downstairs, na ' tural finish upstairs. Price $6,500, easy terms. For appointment : calf Walnut 2812. . ' ' ' ttit WHITMORE, a raw 6-room modern ouogaiow. Youra for $2,oo cash and Ial. mo. Cretgb. 608 B. Pg. .200. J. B. ROBINSON, real aetata and iavest meat, 443 Boa Bid. Dosslaa 8007. BEN3QN MEYERS CO.. 434 Onv Nat't North. NEW BUNGALOW QUALITY ' . '-COMFORT A BEAUTY Elegant five-room bungalow, fine oak finish and oak floor In tha living room and dining room. Living room haa beamed, celling-, dining room haa beamed x.lllna, mA n.ll. rpa, .... llghtful bedrooms on the south and eaat side, up-to-date bathroom, nlca large kitchen with a splendid larga pantry. Foundation la , praaaed brick, full ce- men i oaaemanc. noia noi ana com wa it, iiuiir amin inu Bpiviiuiu iibiil cum bin. Nice eouth porch. ' all arreened in. south front lot 60x137 with lota of strawberry planta, grapa vlnea and fruit trees. Thfa horns must be seen to be appreolated. Price ia only 38,300, with 33,000 oaah. Call ua at once and let w , fv. , it , n vim Payne & Carnaby Co., Sealtor Service. 811 Omaha J4at Bk. Illrtr- Doug. 1016. 6-ROOM, all-modern, on one floor and plenty room on 2d floor for S more room. ' South front, paved street. 1 block to car line. In Kountze Park district. Price 19,000.. 31,200 cash will hndl.i 6-rooni. rnodern except heat, on paved street, good location, H block to car. Prlc 12,00. lnna wiiav on pvu buvdi buu car line, lot 40x160. 31,000. and we ' can give you very good terms. Weeth & Herron Co., 141 Ames Ave. ' Colfax 28. Attractive Home in St. Johns Parish One of the best built eight-room. houses la the city, near Cretghton col-; lege. Oak flnlah throughout, very- at tractively decorated. Modern In every respect Price 38.60. .Term to suit purchaser. Gallagher &Nelson.' 821 Peters Trust Bldt Pong. 2382. A Splendid Home Right in . the Heart of Kountze Plate and Only $5,800 2111 Spender St. Just listed today one of the best bar gains ever offered. It's a very sub stantially built home, full two stories, with cement basement containing fine beating plant, fruit room, -laundry ia. ci titles, etc Frst floor haa reception room, large parlor, dining room, kitchen and pantry. Second loor has three fine bedrooms . and . up-to-date bath room; nice Wctrlc light fixtures UirouKhoutf -decorations, woodwork and floors all In pice condition; nicely floored attic with easy stairs to same. Full large lot with find lawn: lots of shrubbery, fruit and garden; all nicely fenced. It's an ideal home at a very modest price on easy terms. Quick ... !.. C . . I . .. mill hftw . vnn ttirnittrTv tiimi. mil lie for I terms. Payne & Carnaby Co.,- Realtor Service. t Omaha Nat. Bk. Bid. Doug. 1016. MINNS LUSA homes and lota offer the beat opportunity to invest your money. Phone Tyler H7. ' FOR colored. S roqms part modern. Price, 33.200, 3260 rash. Douglas 722. NICE (-room cottage for sale at Carter lke club. Call Douglas 6251. South. Ready to Move Into Six rooms, all on one floor, oak fin ish, built-in features, stucco and frame .exterior finish, good lot, paved street. Just one block to West Hanscom car line, good neighborhood, all home own ers: located 3083 South 32d St. Price right, terms to good party. C. G. Carlberg, j 213 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Miscellaneous. OWNER SAYS SELL ?650 CASH; $45 PER MONTH. Six room, atrlctly all modern, living room, dining room and kitchen first floor; ' three bedrooms anil bath 2d floor, with w'hlte enamel finish. Large south front corner lot with paving all paid. Very good neighborhood; close to car' and school. Arrange to see thla " at once: It Is good value and will not last long. GLOVER SPAIN x BEALTORS. r.' 2830. 318-20 City National. SDoug.' 2830. 318-20 City Nation Just Finished 4 J Move into a new home and pay V for it like rent 5 rooms, oak and white enamel finish, small cash payment will handle.. n call Mr. Buoy, wainut oo, evenings, or Douglas 2428 days. BIRKETT & CO., KXX real estate. 350 Bee Bldg.. Dougla S3 Real Estate Transfers Edwin B. Finch to Annl Olbben,. Mason St. SS ft W of 27th St, N. S. 61x38 I agues C. Burton snd husband to 426 Mary ( ', Aanipnson, avwira o'. 5 ft VV of 32nd St.. N. S. 60x126 Seorge a Flack to James S. Sing, X. W. Cor. 66th and Blondo St., 130x321 ...... . W. Skinner and wlfa to D. H. Wllngwood, S. E. Cor. 14th and Fowler Ave., 121.6x240 1.701 4,060 1,600 Ivalyne Buckley and husband td Bennett W. Johnson, Bees St. 179 ft. W of !6th 8t. & S. 32HX110 1 Bertha May. Co. to J. Harry Kuja- kofsky, et'al, N, W. Cor. 61st and Dodire. 100x120 1S.S0 nary Ztmnwr and husband to Leo A. Hoffman. 88th St 408 ft.. N. of Davenport St E. S. 65x128 H,.... 1S.300 Provident Real Estate Co., to Mich ael F.v Oalllgan, 6tn St. 100 it. .N of France St.. E. S. 100xl27t,. . Lon C. Kestereon to Ceclle A. Kcs terson. Whttmore St 120 ft. W of Mlnne I.uaa Ave. 70x114 fames M. Sirples and wlfo to Joseph Karl Tyson, 33rd Ave. 240 ft 6 Of Jaynes St. E. 8. 40x133.6 lohn T. Marcel! to Thomas A. Rob erts, Jefferson St 120 ft W of 26th St N. S. 30x101 John McKenna et al, to Konstanrln C. Lootta, S St. 100 ft E of 29th St N. S. 60x160 S10 1.250 New York Sugar. New York. Octy 28. The local market .or raw sugar was quieter toaay anu no further sales were reported.:. Prices were unchanged at 7.60c for Cabas, c. L f. and freight equal to 8.62o for centrifugal and t was reported' that considerable sugar was offered at quoted prices for November tiblpment. without being taken. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, Oct 2'. Potatoes Stronger; recoipts. 42 cars: Mlnnesoiarand Wlacon- In round white, II. "i'JJ' Q6W1-1 1.71)01.85; Dakota Early round white, $1,600 T - J live Stock Omaha. Oct. II. Cattle Hon Sheep Receipts Offlotal Monday ... 11.120 4.441 14,411 4.S01 21,07$ 3,714 8.471 2,300 11,600 16.11S 11,440 16,180 66.617 17.436 71,180 Official Tuesday ... 10,646 Official Wednesday. 7,114 Estimate Thursday. 1,190 Four daya this k., 41,171 Same laat week.... 63,678 Same 2 weeks ago., 40,068 Same 8 waaka ago. . 47,814 8am daya yaar ago 64,684 14,17 10S.73S 12.036 61,278 Receipts and disposition of llva atock at the Union Stock Yard,' Omaha, Neb., far 34 houra ending, at 3 o'clock p. m., October 8, 1930: . - v RECEIPTS. vain. nuK eueoi.. iruion Paclflo 26 C. 4b N. W east T C. N. W.. west 61 6 I .31 s 1 C, St. P., M. O. ... 4 ft, B. A Q., eaat 6 ft. H. A Q . wast 4 C. R. I. P.. east ,...f -O, R, I: A P., west .... 3 Total Receipts 143 ' DISPOSITION. V Cattle. Morrla A Co. 781 Swift A Co 1,486 Cudahy Pack. Co.. ,1,886 Armour A Co. .... let . J. W. Murphy Ogden . Lincoln Pack. Co., 64 So. Omaha Pk. Co. 31 Htgglns Pack. Co... 31 48 ,60 Hog. Sheep. 70S 70 (07 667 858 1 347 MSI 344 1.026 L.lohn Roth A Bona.. 38 Aiayerowicn at vaui Wilson A Co it vf. u. vaa sant a Co. . F. P. Lewis 1 71. Kuntstnger A Oliver .1. a. Root & Co. J. H. Bulla F. (i. Kellogg ... in Werthelmer A Degen 171 (6 I iivS, ' BUIUVnn UrOS. kuis A co. V.'. K r i c'r'a 'F'o cirtau, , fekir vn","' ' Harvey 43 62 344 ; rennla A Francis Cheek A Krebs Omaha Pack. Co... Midwest Pack. Co.. Other Buyera ...... 1,327 Total 8,114. 3.730 11,306 Cattle The run of cattle continues moderate about 3,600 head being reported In today. The four daya total of 41,400 is about 13,000 smaller than laat week. With a very moderate run here western beef sold fully ateady and one or two sales were called a little higher. Stack ers and feeders were again alow and barely steady to If anything a Jlttle lower. Cows and heifers, while notlrery active, sold about like yesterday. 'Best western cows here brought 18.00. Com pared with a week ago range beet doua not show very much change. As a result of light receipts some of the good killing steers are selling possibly a little higher but plain kinda are barely steady. Stock nwm ami feeders advanced 26660c early In the week but country demand haa been light the last two days ana an tne gain has been lost. Cows and heifer are clos ing about 60o higher than a week ago i with cannera steady. Corn feda are sUil ! too scarce to make a market, nothing ; choice ha been here thla week, bulk of the offerlnga having sold at 19.00 lj.&n, with one bunch of pretty god yearlings as high as 313.60. Quotation on Cattle Fair to good beeves,, til. 60018.60; common to fair beeves, I9.604P 11.60; fair to good yearlings. f 13.00413.eo; common to-iair yeamnga, $.oo11.60; choice to prime grass beeves. 811.6013.00; good to choice graaa beeves 19.0001' tl. 00: fair to good grass beeves, ST.B0 j) 9.00 ; common to fair grass beeves. 3V0O7.60; Mexicans, lieo7.760; good to choice grass cows, - 36.00O(.76'6; fair to good grass cows, 36.2606.00; common to fair grass cows, 33.6006.00; bulla, stags, etc., 36.0007.60; veal calves, S8.OO012.OO: choice to prima feeders, 36.76911.00; good to cjiolce feeders, 38.6008.60; fair to good feeders, 37.6008.60: common to fair feeders, 36.0007.00: good to choice stock ers,' 38.OO03.36l fair to good Blockers, 37.0098.26; conftnon to fair Blockers, 6.00 06.60; stock heifers, N.5007.00; stock cows, $4.2608,26; atock calves, $5.Q0 o.vv. WESTERN CATTLE. V , NEBRASKA. ' No. f Av. Pr. NO. Av. Pr. St fdrs 1083 8 36 11 hfra 867 7 P0 33 st-str 713 8 16 11 strs 1074 7 76 17 hfrs 846 7 60 11 hfra 682 - 6 60 7 fdrs '913 S 76 36 strs 76 00 48 strs 1080 8 65 1 bull 1080 : 6 25 23 fdrs 1044 9 00 13 civs 413 8 00 It cows 1064 7 16 8 bulls 83 6 40 47 hfrs 863 766 10 hfrs 70 6 80 27 fdrs 830 8 76. 30 hfrs 769 6 60 17 hfrs 866 6 tf! 17 strs 646 ' 60 13 st-str ' 670 ' 00 42 strs 490 4 76 12 cows 915 60 30 atrs 780 7 86 8 civs 323 8 00 61 strs 1123 12 36 23 fdra 778 8 30 3 ytlgs 600 10.(0 26 fdrs 961 7 75 6 strs 4t 11 00 13 hfrs 730 6 60 14 cows 1041 6 86 10 hfrs 701 00 1 hfra 974 7 00 38 fdra- 1053 8 66 19 strs 884 8 30 10 cow 1083 7 60 WYOMINO. D. R. Whltaker. 826 10 85 14 fdrs S96 1164 10 88 7 cows 1031 1143 8 00 1ft cows 1000 802 00 80 atrs 120 614 S 25 15 strs 1208 1021 7 76 15 strs 88 1040 8 70 88 strs 608 617 7 25 8 fdrs 1071 IDAHO. S5S 8 25 10 COWS1043 36 fdra 38 fdrs . 3 strs 33 fdrs 7 hfrs 28 strs 10 7 10 6 4l 8 40 7 00 7 36 6 40 , 00 7 IS 3 75 r 60 7 10 6 25 6 00 IS fdn 22 fdrs 22 strs MONTANA. 10 25 15 strs 1143 li strs 123 SOUTH DAKOTA. 25 cows 1024 19 fdra 1100 10 fdri 940 26 fdri 708 7 40 8 76 8 00 lcalf 400 880 734 200 13 cowa 16 o-h 1 calf 7 761 Hogs Only a moderate run of hogs was received for today's trade and shippers furnished a fair demand during earlx. ruuuus ai prices generally aieaay.. raca ers put up their killing' droves at tt de cline of about 10c although occasional sales of packing hogs were practically ateady Trade aa a whole was considered steady to a dime lower. Bulk W supply changed hands at 313.25012.76 With best light bogs taking a top of 313.15. HOQS. No. Av. 48. .376 59. .296' 67. .244 60. .315 61. .327 93. .171 63. .213 Sh. 110 290 40 40 Pr. No, Av. Sh. 13 20 63. .284 600 Pr. 13 35 12 85 13 45 13 60 13 85 13 95 13 15 13 30 13 40 12 60 13 66 12 90 13 10 51. .26 41. .320 64.. 229 76. .310 63. .246 I 62. .206 140 40 70 Sheep Receipts of sheep and lamb were limited to 13.500 head and quality of the western offerings had a rather common ap pearance. Prices for good fat olassea ahowed soma Improvement as a result of niore active demand and thia branch of the trade ruled strong to about a quarter higher. Oood fat lftmba sold up to Sli.50, some fat wethers reached 38.50, fat ewes were reported at 36.60 and fat yearlings at $10. A atrlng of tat wether and twe-year-olds moved at $9.86. Feeder trade ahowed no change of conaequence under small offerings and a rather quiet demand. Oood feeding lambs are quoted up to $r2.25. Quotation on Sheep Killers: . Beat fat lambs, $12.50013.75; medium to good lambs, $12.00013.26; plain and coarse, $11.60011.76; choice handy yearling. $9.26010.00; heavy yearlings, $8.6009.16: aged wethers, $7.2606.60; good to Eoice ewes, $6.0006.60; fair to good ewes, .5006.00: cull and canner ewea, $1.60 10. Feeders: Best light feeders, $12.00 12,25; fair to good lambs. $11.25 011.75; Inferior grades, $10.50011.00; yearling wethers, $7.0008.60; yearling ewes, breed ers, $7.6008.60; good to choice young ewes, $6.5007.60; one-year breeders, $5.60ip 6.25; good to choice feeder ewes, 5.00n 5.50; fair to good federe, $4.6006.00; shelly feeders. $3.2504,00. PUT LAMBS. No. Av. Pr. NO. Av. Pr. 177 Wyo 7$ 12 25 FEEDER LAMBS. - 150 Wyo 609 10 60 697 Wyo 51 12 10 FEEDER EWKS. 166 Wyo 22 . 4 60 ' BEEF STEER S. It.... .1138 11 00 24.. YEARLINGS. . 327 12 00 28.. .1225 11 26 . 852 II 60 it..:. Turpentine and Itoete. Savannah, Ga., Oct 28. Turpentine Firm, $1.07: sales, 66 bbla; receipts, 120 hblR. ; shipments, S bbla; stock, .21,239 bbl.. v ' . Rosin Firm; sales, 506 caaks; receipt 766casks; shipments, none; atock, 64, 11a Quote B, $11.15: D, E, F, Q, H. I, K. $11.26; N. WO, WW. $11.30. L. B. DAY1 FOR BISTtillGT rJFJeE ... Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Financial By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES Mew York Times -Chicago Tribune -Omaha lie X, easts ttu. New York. 1 Oct. 28. For the fourth consecutive day, call loans reached 10 per cent on the 2tock js.x change today, and the rate . again failed to go below 9 per. cent all rjay. Wall street hasbeen ascribing this rather unusual persistency in so high a rate to the drawing on its New York bank deposits by the treasury. - That, no doubt, has been one in fluence, but it should not De over looked that the country's markets have now reached the time of year vhen requirements of credit by legiti mate: mdustrv are at tneir maximum, A month ago the governor of the federal reserve board stated that "the banks all over the coun try are receiving applications for loans which they cannot make." That such a condition, taken m coniunc tion with the very low federal re serve ratio and with fast week's de ficit in the asociated banks, would seem to mean that money "simply cannot at present be spared lor new t . t. ,.n1. .vflionor employment on me oivv.iv w6 Decline la Stocks. The result of this condition of thing was a decline on the stock market, that affected Industrial shares particularly, car rying down prices for some or. inem irom I to 3 points. The selling represented nnthlnir but th. rloalnv out of titeir SO- counts by professional traders possible oDeratora who were talking last weets about a "pre-election rise." There is i anrtA Heal nf tha about "elec tion markets:' in any case; but even if they were the rule, one might reasonably look for an exception in so utterly apa thetic a presidential campaign as mis. Industrial stocks were not atone In feellna the Influences of money stringency. Most , of rh active railway shares also declined,- and there were some signs 01 the same influence In the day's bond mar ket .Even Liberty bonds .went lower. B-orelflrh eichanre. on the other -hand, was quiet and generally steady, especially to ward the close. A number of railway earnings statements for September were published, but they will need considerable expert study before any conclusions can be drawn as to the actual relation of the new freight rates to a yield of 6. per cent on property valuations. . j neauction in AOte. , . , In today's weekly statements of the European banks, the noteworthy disclosure was that of the continued reduction of Its note circulation by the Bank of France. At the old conventional rate of the old franc, the note issues, the caocr currency of the republic, increased $1,300. 060,000 during 1919, and at the end of last December, the outstanding paper Ir redeemable in gold was more than five times as great as the bank's circulation of July, 1914. With the beginning of 1920 an honest effort seemed to be made for at leaat checking the progressive currency Infla tion. At the end of last June, a smaller amount of notes waa outstanding than alx months befoKfr whereas, in the first half of 1919. there had been an Increase of nearly $700,000,000.' This present autumn brought a change, however, and between August 1, and October 6, about $440,000.- 000 Was added to the currency. Since that dato, which marked the hlarheat point of paper Inflation during or. since the war, retirement of the paper Issues has been resumed. They were reduced $8,000,000 In the second week in October. $47,000,000 In the third, and $41,000,000 In the week, covered by today's statement. Presumably; the French government has been paying off lta loans at the bank through public sale of government obli gations or fryn the proceeds of larger vvitccuuuB. i iw ouistanaing paper currency still exceeds by a very large amount the total of lsst summer, but the essential point Is that at least a program for reduction exists. 1 ' : New York Cotton. New Tork, Oct. 28. TheTcotton market opened weaker at a decline of 20 to 41 points on the hitch In the negotiations to end the atrike of the British coal min ora, poor cables, continued unsatisfactory advices regarding; the textile situation and prospects for clearing weather in the south. The list dropped about 65 points below the previous close. J. S. Wanamaker, president of the American Cotton association, has sent telegrams to governors of 14 cotton-growing states, asking them to call a special session of their lesglslatures to enact laws postponing payment of taxea and other iiir.Burc, assuring, s kluuorm reduction VI S3 per cent in cotton acreage for 1921. The early selling movement carried the market off-to 20.48 for December and 20.05 for January, or 45 to SH points net lower on the general list Later prices recovered the greater part of their early losses, with January selling at 20.65, or within 8 points of last night's close, . The advance to 20.72 for January ,car Hed prides back to about last night's close The market weakened later, January ruling around 20.30 during the mid-after noon, compared with 26.72 at the close yes terday. Chicago Uvs Stock. " Chicago, Oct. 28. Cattle Receipts, 11,000; beef and butcher cattle and . calves, mostly 25060c higher; top steers, 317.75; bulk, good and choice, $15.6O017.2a; "grassy kinds, $9.26015.06; butcher, $6.26 010.50; bologna bulls, slow, steady a'. $6.7606.(0: veal calves, mostly $13,000 it.OO; grassy calves, $5.50010.60; feeders, strong to 26e higher. Receipts westerns, 2.000; market, 16025c higher; bulk, 18. CO 011.25. i Hogs Receipts, 21,000; mostly steady to 15e lower than yesterday's average, clos ing weak at day's bottom prices; top, ope load, $13.30: bulk light and butcher, 313.75 (13.25: bulk packing sows. $1 2.00 12.25; pigs, ateady to strong; bulk desirable, 90 to 135-pound pigs, around $13.35. Sheep and Lamos Receipts, 31,000; fat lambs, uneven: generally steady; top na tive lambs, $12.50 to shippers; packers top, $11.00: bulk natives, $12.00212.75, fat sheep, steady to 10c higher; choice fed western yearlmge. $11.50; top wethers, 18.60; western ewes, $7.00; feeders, steady, best quotable, $13.56. , . . OKsnsas City Live Mock. XansasVOlty, Mo., Oct. 28. Cttle Re ceipts, 6,800 head; fleef steers barely steady; early sales, $8.3608.60; pithing choice on sale; stockera and calvea kdy to strong; all others around steady; by1' she stock, $6.00 0 7.60; canner arou4 43.00; best vealers, $13.60. Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; closing fairly active, generally 25 to 40 cents lower than yesterday's average; top, $12.10; bulk, medium and heavyweight, $13.40013.75: good and choice, 130 to 160-pound hoga. $12.25013.60. Sheep Receipts, 4,600 head; Iambs and yearlings, 15 to 25 cents higher; feeding yearlings, $10.00; western lambs, $13.66; sheep, 26 to 60 cents higher; feeding wethers, $8.00; feeding Iambs, steady to strong, $11.26 paid. St. Joseph IJvs Stock. V -St Joseph, Mo. Oct 2$. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,000 head; market active, It to 26 cents higher: steers, $7,50016.60; cows and heifers, $4.00015.00; calves, $5,604 12.00; stockers and feeders, $6.00010.00 Hog Receipts, 2,000 head; steady to unevenly lower; top, $12.76; hulk, $12.00 012.76. r Sheep Receipts. 3.900 head: market strong; lsmbs, $12.00012.75; ewes, $5.60 06.25. . Liberty Bond Prices. New York. Oct.; 28. Prices of Liberty bonds at-noon were: 3tts, 92 94; firt,t 4a, 81.78: second 4a. 33.80; first 4fes 39.10; second 4Us. $8.36; third 4s, 90.64; fourth 4s, 88.62; Victory it, 96.02: Victory 4Ks. Liberty bonds closed; 3Vis, 93.00; first 4s. 81.30; second 4s. 88.24; first 41. a, 89.70; second 4 44. 88.14; third 4Kb, 16.04; fourth 4. 88.16; Victory 2s, 95.SC; Victory 4s, 98 tl. xMnaeed OIL Duluth, Minn.. Oct 28. Linseed Or, track and to arrive. 32.76H. Vote F(jr Day Omaha Gram Omaha, .Oct 28. The first new corn -of the season was ori the market today. It was from Farmers' Urtion Milling and Grain company, Snyder, Neb., and consigned to Welsh Grain company. It graded.No. 4 yellow, brought 7Sc and tested -18.8 per cent moisturer Merriam& Millard company was the purchaser. . - Wheat -trading was slow, buyers and sellers failing to get together readily. Prices-' were somewhat higher than yesterday's close. Corn was about unchanged. Oats were c lower., c - " Receipts, of wheat today were moderate and other grains light. , WHEAT. No. 1 hard. 1 car. $1.07; cars, $2.0$. No. I hard. I oars,' $3.06; 3 cars, $2.64; 1 car, $2.01f I car, S2.0L. (smutty. No. S hard, 1 car, $f06 (heavy); 2 cars, $3.03;- I-Sv-car, iimuitr;, No. nara, - car, yvij amui-j ty); 1 car, araunyj. . s . . No. 6 hard. 1 car, $1.91 (heavy). -"- Sample hard. 1 car, $1.87 .(smutty); 1 car. $1.86. - , No. 6 spring. 1 car, $1.80 (dark north ern). ' ' ' t ' - c' " Sample spring. 2 cars,' , $1,7J ' (dark northern): 2 cars, $1.66 (dark northern). fo. 9 mixed, i car, , , No. S mixed, 1 car, $1.92. ';: Sample mixed, 1 ear, $1.92; 1 ear. $1.90 (S per cent hard); 1 car, tlSK 1 car, $1.70. . . ' , . -, , . . CORN. t ' .. , No. 4 yellow,' 1 car, 76 (new)'. No. I mixed, 2 cars, 77c- No. 4 mixed, J. car, 76c. .'.' No. mixed. 1 car. 74c. Sample mixed,' 1. car, 71c. " ",.. 1' '" ' OAT8. r- : -V.v-jtA No. I '.white, I cars. 60c. ,i No. 8 white, 8 can, 4tKc; 3 cars, 49 c special billing). BARLEY. f Sample,.! car, 63c ' CHICAGO CARLOT RECEIPTS. i j Today WK. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat i ..... 18 16 -76 Corn V. ...109 175 "6 Oats 67. 115 "" iSS KANSAS CITY CARLOT RECEIPTS. Tdoya Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat ;196 . 168 126 Corn 4 15 , , 18 Oats ....... 12 . 18 16 ST. LOUIS CARLOT RECEIPTS. i , Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat 74 , 109 K)J Corn tt 34 40 Oala !- 60 f, 80 NORTHWESTERN CARLOT RECEIPTS OF WHEAT, ".r v . Today Wk'Ago Yr. Ago Minneapolis 397 - 23 i' : 342 Duluth ... 22 .-) Total 61t ..1,041 464 30 Winnipeg 1,011 OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Kiuisina uiBs. ,.. i Week Tear Today. Ago. Ago. 86 103 30 16 81 11 , 29 6 S - . f 11 . I 2 , ... SHIPMENTS.' S.. ,76 85 . 77 v. ...... 4 .17 - 21 ....... ,t 26 19 4 5 9 I .. 2 Wheat Corn . . Oats . Rye . . . Barley Wheat Corn . . Oats . . Rye . . . Parley PRIMARY RECEIPT? AND SHIPMENTS. - Today. Year ago. ............1.216,000 ' 1,111,000 Wheat Corn . . Oats Wheat , .... 406,000 ' sae.outi 677,000 53,000 SHIPMENTS, v ' , I w. . . . ., 811,000 .J ,;-406,OJIO . , ,,, ,( 27yIO.,';i. '36,flOO 404,0(Ur a;609k40 EXPORT CLE AH ANCESJi V, Corn i . . Oats . . , Today. 1 ear a Wheat Corn a.... 1.416.000. 35, 0 .....'.' 43,000 ..... " Minneapolis (t)raln. Minneapolis, Oct 28. Flour Unchanged to 10 cents lower: In carload lota, family patenta quoted at $11.00011.25 a barrel in ys-pouna couon sacss. Bran $31.00il3S.OO. " " Wheat Receipts, 897 cars,", compared with 342 a year ago. - Cash: No. 1 Northern. - $2.0840 2iti Ski December, $2.02; March; $2.H:i- Corn No. S, yellow. 87038c; .-.V,-. Oats No. 3 white,. 490-5ecY - A ' Barley 7897C. .. ' Rye No. 2, $1.9 1.7114.' ' '" '," Flax No. 1, $2.776 02.79, . , Kansas Clfy Grain. . ":. ' Kansas City, Mo., - Oct- 28. Wheat December, $2.02 02.02 ; March, $1.96. corn uecember, 7c; .-, early . May. Slc. New Yorfc Oct. 28. Bar SifvOiWomes tlc, 99!?; foreign. 79 c. ; ; - Mexican Dollars 6o. China The leadership in low prices, set. by Philip's big store, is now show ing its maximum power and value to the customer. ' ' t Every drop downward, on merchandise, has been and. v i0 is being promptly refletjted in our prices to the cus- tomer. 100-piece set of imported English" (yhina dishes, extra quality, ' .dQ1 Q' ' at V.. . . ' '. ,.................... ,' . .' . Nr . An extraordinary assortment of berry sets to choose $10 PA - from, 'at.. . ,". . A . VftiOw v Hand-painted, fancy, decorat- , ed, large size bread plates, spe- .l......98c T . ti 1 -1.. j j ' nanu-paiiibeu ; a u k creamers, a regular $3.60 value, af.r. 'A variety of beautiful electric table lamps to choose from, large sizes, regularly sold for $10.00; on sale, special, only , Large size 17-quart dish pans, ' ' ' ' at , a. . . ii , Hotpoint electric heaters, just the thing for these chilly real value, at. ; ..... Imported doll heads, . for. V 24th and O Streets. . N . South Omaha. ' - Our Iaxpeniv Location EnabU Us to Sail Bsttar Mrliaadio for Leas Monj ' I' 1 l 1 H ,1 BSSgS3aBgB3Maa5 111... . 111 , - Qiidago Griont By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. - Chicago Tribone-Onuba Bee Leased) WSra, Chicago;' Oct. 27. Higher prices were made fop all Irrams, aWioueh the best figures were not held at th last. Export buying was less , in evidence and local operations were more noticeable. Prices had a wide range and the close was t interme diate prices, with, wheat "up-1, '4 lHccorn JeHc higher except for October, which :. gained ex . and i ash corn 2c highertRye 'gained Cash winter wheat prices, were 2 3c lower in some instances and un changed in others.,,"- Some choice number 2 soft red testing 60y 61 pounds, brought 13c. over from a local miller.' Premiums generally were-unchanged.' ' Number 1 north em springs, at 615cOV4rr, and dark northerns 1218c over December. Receipts, 26 cars. , t Cstt Cora Htssr. V , Cash corn prices 'were 0ft higher with premiums up 10, No 4 sailed. 4c; yellow, 606o and whits tq or, De cember, with receipts 124; cars. ", ' Cask oats were taken dors readily at unchanged ito-o hirheV her and 0 c lower ,ln vmiit, uncnangea to ss higher- at - Minneapolis, -t Country, offer ings and receipts were light and' the ship ping inquiry from the' east better, with No. 2 white. 101o . over . December against o discount recently. ' , Rye was handled In a Jlm'.ted way, the seaboard buying fairly Active. Caah lot were' Ic' lower i and export bids reduced 2031o over Chicago December,, track New YorS. -,- ' Barley 'was handled In .a limited .way without material cliangte loprltses and futures wsro neglected, ,t . ;"f - ; ' i F Pit Mote.', ', ' t, Wheat trader are Inclined -to be hull- is'n with any encouragement - from the outside. The light stocks here. , srlth elatmr of large holdings of December by the seaboard, combined With the fear that farmers may bold on long enoug.i to create a change of sentiment In- favor of buying, makes tne professionals un easy, not only In wheat, but in corn. In the tatter markets, stocks are tha. largest at this time In 40 years and It: is said that the largest holder has become Im nresaed with the belief that the movement will be lighter and he 'is not offering his Mrn in 4he east or for export to - any extent. ' ' :-- ;; ,' . Export business in wheat and rye was tiyni. anu ine ouying asauia m. lumm the smallest in seyeral days. New York reported 600,000 bushels of com sold for txport the , past two days and the seaboard was bidding 2c les than of late for rya, with offwlags light lit ',-, The -movement of Wheat' values was erratlo within a range of, 6c The low point was $3.03 for .December with the close 11c from the top. Action of values was influenced largely:.ty pit of ferings and one house sold against their purchases at the start., Receipts of cold weather with frost In Argentine made a. sharp advance, early 'as priees in nuenos Aires were up 1c. - A break about mid day tame on gelling on an unconfirmed report that Franc would be out of the market for th next three -months,' while the late advance to the highest of the day was on th general covering move ment. ' Corn had, better support, especially on the break, although selling preaanr at times was heavy. The largest local selling was by Mincer, who covered later In the day. Prices responded readily at times to buying support and wealshned when there was any let up and an In crease in the selling pressure. - ' Oats were bought largely by local traders and sold by caah Interests. Action of values Was Influenced mainly by thi erratlo course of wheat "T j CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. py Prajlke Grain Co.; Dong. 2627. Oct. 28. I Art Open. High f Low. I Close. I Yes'd Wht ' ' '. " ' 7 Dec. 2.05 I. 3.09 2.03 2.07 2.06 Mch. 1.98 ) J.Oi 1.97 2.01 2.00 Rye. . Dec. 1.70 1.72 1.70 1.71 1.71 May 1.56 1.67 1.56 1.68 1.57 Corn , i . Oct .83 .84 ,8J .83 .82 Dec. .81 .83 .8114 .82 .82 May .8714 ,89 .87 .88 .8S July .89 .90 .89 .83 .81 Oats. Dec ,.64, .54 - .53 -.64 . May .59 .59 .66 .69 .69 Pork. - Oct. 23.00 23.00 22.70 22.80 23.50 Nov. 23.00 33.00- 32.71 23.85 , 23.60 , Lard. ' i ,. -'. - Nov. 19.20 19.20 19.05 lt.OS 19.35 Jan. 16.66 16.66V. 16.27 16.37 16.70 Ribs. Oct. 16.30 16.30 15.26 , 16.25 16.60 Jan. 13.87- 13.87 13.56 13.63 13.90 ' - Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. , New ' York, Oct. 28. Evaporated Ap pies Market dull; paflM unsettled Call fornla 623. .. , Apricots guiet. ieicial Values in Dept. for Frii Our pnees to the customer have been lowered to a i greater extent than the manufacturing ttrices to us. . , , Here are some -of the results - of this policy: ; . ' , .- - v- - ': William Roger 26-Piece Set, of the best silverware, including beautiful chest, a regular 125.00 set,' 'on special ......... $14.50 100-piece set of dishes, beautifully decorated, best, quality to be had. a real bargain, 1 tOO Cf at ,V. . . VW6..WV s r s anu $ 1 Q Q PlvO ... ........... , . f&o values, DEPARTMENT STORE New York Quotations Range of x prices' of. th leading stocks famished by Logan A Bryan, Peters Trust building: RAILS. . .. f ; -Wsdries- Htgh. Low, Close, day. A., T. A S. P. ...I 88 87 88 8 Haitlm. A Ohio... 46 43 44 46 Canadian Pao.,..125 128 124 1344a, N. Y. A M. R.,,, 80' 79 80 .81 Eric. R. R. ....... 18 , 17 17 18 uc junrioern -piu. noia, ' Bisi Li Chi. at. Western. 11, '10 , ftii Illinois Central... 33t3 $3 Mo., Kan. A Tex. 4 4 . 4 Kan. City South.. 34 S2 22 Missouri Pacific. 27 26 26 N. Y., N. H. A H 22 31 33 Northern Pacific. I. 874; 86 S7U 86 11 83 '4 24 .88 Chi. AvN. W....U &0 t80,21 Pennsylvania RJ 43, 4343c' 3 Heading Co. '96' 94? 6, 96 C, R, I. A P. ....- ITVS6 '26 36 Bo. Paclflo Co..... 99- 90 99 98 Southern Railway., 36 $8 29- 80 Chi., Mil. A St P. i 41 40 41 43 Union Paclflo ,.,...136 123 136 . 126 Vbash H-10 11 11 . ,- . si v.: STEEfiS. .-:(' -. ' v Am. Car Fdry..JS4 132 133 134 AUIs-Chalaiars MU 33 32 - 12' -83v Amer. Loco. Co.... $5 - tt 14, ifc Utd. Al. a Corw-L.:: ... i.. 87 J, Bald. LOCO. WkSt.113 110 111 113 Betn. S. corn.' .... 69ft. (7 k 70 Crucible 8. Co. . .125., 120 123, 126 87 64 .'88 97 ,76 ts Am. 8. Fndfles.. 37 $6 3T Lack, a Co. ...i. 64 ''63 . 4 Mid. S. A Ord. ..-81 37 27 P. Steel C. Co...; 96 .96 t6 Rep. I. A 8. Co. ,. 76 14 -76 Rail. Steel Sorlnx .s .... Sloss-Shef. St A I. 64 62 62 66 ... 17 8 87 87 COPPERS, - Anac. Cop, Min... 60 39 60' 0 n67 68 78 .16 18 V 16 Am. a. A Kei. co. Butts A Su. M. Co. Chile Copper Co.. 16 lit. 11-.' 14 vnino copper us... x Calumet A Arli.. 63 24- 26 63,. 54 , 43 ,'43 22 ,22 13 18 10 11 13- 13 68 ., 67 - r i . 71 - 73 63 23 , 18 10 -13 66 Inspire, Cons. Cop. 42 Kennecott Copper, 22 Miami Cop. Co. ,;' 18 N. Cons. C Co. 10 Ray . Cop. Co. . 13 Utah .Cop. Co. ... 68.. ' INDUSTRIALS. - A. B.,Sug. Co, i. 73 72 a.,u.ivv.i.s o. . ..lyat lis 142 ; 142 Am. Int. Corp. .', 72 . y70.,70 73 Am. S. Tob. Co.. V.-86. X 844- 84i 86 Am. cotton, VII CO. 34 . 24 24:, Am. lei. cs lei. naja Brooklyn R. T.'-.;', IS .. Bethlehem Motors.. 4 Amer, Can Co....; 38' Chandler MototCa- 88 Central Leather ... 41 Cuba Cane Bufrar. 34 t94 99 100 v 12 IS 12 1 4 , .4 41 I2ts''3 -33 tt 83 83 41 S 89 64" 33 v 34 , 68- S31 cai. racking corp. m Cal. Petrol. Corp.. 123 orp.,123 .123 123 .... Corn Pro, Rfg.Co. 86 v80 , 83 82 Nat. Enam. A St 6t 67 68 Fisk-Rubber Co... 30 lt 20 20 Gon Eleotrlo Co. .138 137 138 138 Oaston Wms. A W. 4 ' 4 Gen.. Motors Co.. . 17 -16. Ooodrlcfi Co...... 50 46 Am. Hide k U Co. 10 t Haskell At Br. . t?ari'6 65 U. S. Ind. AlevCo. 83 0 4 4 1'. 17 60 j 49 10 ' t 66 ' 66 81.83 17 17 Inter. Nickel 1T 17 Inter. Paper Co... 85 62 FAJax Rubber Co... 38 . 38 28 ' 61 13 18 Keny-sp gra Tire. i tv Keystone T. A R... 13 13 Internet Mer. M., 18 18 61 14 y Maxwell Motor co. 2 Mexican Pet . . . ,.192 186 188 191 Middle States Oil.' 14 I Oil. 14 14 : 14 , 14 It 28 38 'v39 nd .. luU 9 ' 10l 10 Wlltvs-Overland Pierce Oil Corp.... 14 rp.... 14 , 14 14 A It 90 I 87 . 88 ? Mot 34 33 ,34 Co.. 76T 73 74 15 10 Pan-Am. Pet. Pierce-Arrow Roval Dutch 3i 76 76 II. 8.. Rubber Co. :. 76 74 76 Am. Bu. Rfg, Co.,104 102 104 104 Sinclair II A Rfg. 32 31 , 31 32 Sears-Roeb. CO..109 107' 10 lot Strorob.' Cart, CO. 66 .66 66 67 Studebaker Corn.. 57 56 66 67 Too. Prod. Co..... 66 Trans-Con. Oil.,., 11 65 66 66 11 11 s.11 49 51 61 Texas Co..,, 61 U. S. FdV Pr. Cor. 47 U. 8. S., R. AM.. 53 White Motor Cd... 44 Wilson Co., Ine ....... . West El. A Mfg., 46 Amer. Woolen Co.. 71 Total-sales, 812,700. 45 63 41 47 47 53 ' 63' 44 46 68 46:. 47 69-71 CI : Wed. Close fcfoney ... 10 no .0141 Marks . Sterling, 3.47 . 2.48 Omaha Hay Market. Vl -" Receipt , of the pat few days have been rather heavy on prairie hay and jyltu the poor demand, ft has caused The ' H.llna 11.00 ner ton on all grades of , prairie' hay. A The lower gradesJ nf nralrie hav are a drusr on the marKBtH and are very hard to move. Alfalfa racelpU have been lighterind the demand has somewhat improved , on .the better grades causing the market to advance $1.0001.50 per ton. Oat ani wheat straw remain steady. . No. 1 Upland prairie, $16.00 016.00; NQ. 2, $11.00012.00; No. 3, $7.00 0 9.06. No.,1 Midland prairie, $14.00015.00; No. !r$w.ooi2.oo. No. 1 lowland prairie, $7.00 01.00;! No. 2, $6.0007.00; No. 3, 35.0006.60. Choice Alfalfa. $27.00; Jo. 1, $21,000 23.00; Standard, . ,$17,00 30-00; No. 2, I14.0016.00f No. 3, $11.0t)12.00. Oat straw.. $9.010.00. Wheat straw, $8.0009.00 ' J ."V fancy English style earthen tea pots, in 111 sizes, regular $1.98 articles, on sale, 1"2'5 ' at ............. Wine sets, consisting '' of one large fiottle and six fancy glasses, a $2.50 til 7Q ' Vlue, at......... VV . $6.50, - -' 4 $1.00 days; a 510.00 v, 15c lfcndsa ' Bonds' gad pot quotation furnished by Peters Truat to,, , , . i I k , , . . -b Approximate i . " Bld AaHed Yield Am, T. AT. 4. 114.'.. .. 92 tS .60 Am..T.-A T. 6s, 136.... 66 97 6.70 Am.Tob.-Co. 7s. 1982. .. 99 99 Am.,Tob. Co. 7s, 1922... 9 100 Anaconda Cop. 7s, l2t.. 95 96 French Oov.'ts, 1946... .101 108 Armour' tfoo, e. 20-14.. 3j, 96 tArmour-, 7s, '1980... '..... 97 97 Belgian Oov.6s, 1925.... 91 92 Bslglan Oov..'7s. 1945.. 100 100 Beth. -Stkel 7s, 1935. t4 94 Both. SUM 7s. 1923...... 96 ' 97 British ,. 1931.. ...... 81 81 C. B, A Q. 4s,;M21....V. 96,' tt Can. OoV.,5; 1931..... 18 , 99 Can., OoV. 6, 1929..... 98 t3 C C C. A St. L. 6s, Ittf 90 10 7.1 7.00 f.6 , 7.80 V.S5 f.80 8.30 7.40 7.60 8.60 7.20 8.10 6.40 t.80 . 7.60 6 90 9.60 11.60 10.30 7.80 7.80 S.tO S.Ot - 7.60 6.00 COd. Pkg. Co. 7S, 123.. 98 II Goodrich 7. 1926 Jap. Gov. 1st 4s, 1126 Jap. Gov. 4a. 1931 Llgt. A Myers 4a, 1921 Norway ts. 1940 10 74 K 67 6JJ 17 , .101 10t Proct A Uam. 7s. 1923... hOO 100 Swift A Co. 6s. .1921..... 97 H; Swiss Gov. 8s, 1940.... ..103-i 104 .. Union Pacific 6s. 1929... 89 "A, 100 Wilson Oopv. s, 1928... 86 8-.20 gity,of Parlays, 1931.... 95 88 10.80 Chicago Stook.' ' ' , The fallowing quotations ar furnished ty Logan A Bryan members of all prin cipal Exchangee, room 248, Peters Trust building (formerly Bee building), Seven teenth and Farnam, streets. Omaha. Neb.i .Armour- to. pia. .......... m Armour Leather Co, - com. , Armour Leather Co. pfd..', Commonwealth Edison Co. Cudahy Pack;. ' Co. - com. . . , Cndaby Pack. Cov pfd.... .. 16-..-... .. 12 - ..'... ..103 .. 63 . .. 92 .... .. 7 .. 74 .... ..11 12, continental Motors Harti tman Corp. common LiDoy-MCNeu 1.1 Doy Montsomerv Ward - Co. 24 National Leather 1 Keo Motor Car Co. .......... 24 . .... BWIK.4S UO. . r'wlff International 38 27 Union Carbide A Carbon Co... E ;. 68 ,' New York Curb Stoek'a. ,1 -Allied Oil i...... 18 0 20 Bestoh, Montana' .....V...... 43 0 Boston Wyoming 0 Cresson Oold , 4 cosden on v- Consolidated Copper 20 Cosden OH ..i,.....,... 714 j-jik saaain a-nv Federal OH ...... .4.......J. 20 Glenrock-Oll 1 Magma Copper 0 Merrlt ,OIl 140 a 2 14 Midwest Refining! Co. ......159 01S1 Sapttlpa Oil ., .'. -60 Slmrna petroleum Toriopah Divide ......... 104a 0 11 10 1 10 1 10 1 It 0 10 24 0 23 U. S. Steamship- ...... ... u. s. Retail candy - Whits Oil tMl how he aMXumulated , I $ 10,000. l ten years) by ' saving per montn. ijm , of our investors wrote that . 1 "Getfing Ahead' has made . ' him realize that every dol lar he saves) he an Invest with comparative safety ahd high yield. Another says it opened up to him the possibility of profitable invefttment in bonds and; - stocks.. We will gladly send a ropy of "Getting: Ahead." - - - ,-- '" -1 f ' ," KSIEBEL A CO. IWTBSTMENT. BANKERS We Offec Sew Issue $30,000,000 J -t .. : .; s-, - -. - ... .... " Westinglwu Electric and sManufactulrmg Co; 7 Gold Bonds DUe May Prico MA aridntet est U To Yield; . ' 'i '" "';'. - . . ' ' '. ', ' t4 '.'.. ..-' Wire o TelepSMae Orders at Oni Ezpeis. "'' -, ,1 t TheOmahd.T (Affiliated, with th Omaha National Bank) ' ,': Omahai Ntjtjenal "Batik Building . . Service... . .'- - ' . -. ... - .... I . in the Careful Handling of .AM Orders for Grain, and Provisions for Future Delivery-in AH the Important Markets We Operate Offices-at ' ' - '. Private ' Wire Connections "''toAllOffiaei- AwAtCVt VCafUdS V-'IJ .' ',"!'- WE Consignments of All Kinds of Grain ' to OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE. KANSAS CITY and SIOUX CITY '-; - ' - - . v' Every Car Receives 1 Careful Personal Attention' The Updike GrainCompa THE RELIABLE SouthSide Mulatto Kned $7.50 for Assault ancl Battery jGeorge Rose, mulatto 5724 South Thirty-third street, was. fined $7.50 in South Side police court yesterday for assault and battery on complaint of ; Mike ' Pradigan, 4433 - South Seventeenth street Both men 'are employed . at the Morris packing plant; where Roso is alleged to have beaten,, Bradigan during an , argu--ment. ' . , v ' j , ' South Side.' Brevities Hard and soft coal. . A. Ia Bergqulst A Bon. Tel. South 0062. ''Illinois coal. $18.76. Howland Lbr. and Coal Co. .Phone Bo. 1614 Adv. , Wsnted Men to "run sausage, a turf or. Aia beef boner. Call South J!20. 'Adv. :' Just- received shipment of .' petroleum cok. seml-anthrsclte-to arrive loon; bard eoal and Elksorn oQke for Ijsseburner and furnace. -All good grades of soft coal. Prompt delivery by careful drivers. Call So. 0033. O. U. Hfdlng Coal Co. Adv.- Dried Home' Bnilderg takes no : chances with the money of In-' . vestors. Every transaction is 'cut and dried before being dn- , suramated. , , , rfTV . . . , -. - Loans are made Only- on 'properties embracing new buildings constructed by Hone ISuilders. The security is such ' that more than the amount of . ' - the loan would be recovered In . the event of foreclosure. . ".,-.'.' Home - Builders . has sever had occasion to foreclose, horw ever, because each loan , is , tased upon the ability of the borrower to pay; ; the Interest and repay the Jrjnclpal-from current Income. , . . 1 If you want a good return on ' your money without a single element of speculation, put It ' in the 6 securities owned and . administered by Howe. Build ers. -.- ." . . ; American Security Co. DodgeTt 18th . Omaha FISCAL AGENTS FOR Trv t. U. sulmer, President " - G. A, Bebrbongb, 8erTreas, Mi l,n931 . j?, many i a : Omaha, Nebraska -Lincoln, Nebraska ' Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois' ' f Sioux City, lows" -Holdrogo, Nebraska Gonsva. Ntubratka V DsVMontes, Iowa t Milwaukee, Wiscoa'sta Hamburg;, Iowa Kansas City, Missouri IT YOUR CONSIGNMENT HOUSE ,1,' i ; 1 1 ' tut and 7 - ? y