I ITS' THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1920. I' 1 1 Ckuifjsi ifortisisg Ittts 11 pr ! (nl word to line) I day las par Ira per day, I consecutive day 111 par Una ' par day,' T consecutive daya 14 par Una par day, 8 consecutive daya .No addi takenor laaa than total of 45c. Thaaa rataa apply alt her to tho Dally er Sunday Baa. All advertisement lear In both moraine and evening daily paper (or the ona charge. CONTRACT RATE ON APPLICATION. .Want id accepted at the following of flies: MAIN OrriCB...'.11th and rarnam Bta. South Side ,,..,...1311 N St. Council Bluffa ,...16 Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY FHONB AT TYLER 1000. t THE BEES will not ba raaponatbla for mora - than ona lncoitrtet Inaartlaa of an advertisement ordered for mora than ona time. . CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS Kvenlng Kdltlon 11:41 A. M. Morning Kdltlon ..: P. II. Sunday Edition 2:06 P. M- Saturday DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. I.ARL8EN Anna M.. . October 36. 1120; ted 7 year. Survived by 6 children, Mra. J. Jacobean. Fort Crook; Mrs. O. W. I'albot, Lake Manawa; Frad Carlaen, Harlan, la.; Oeorge and Marie M. Carl aen of Omaha. - Funeral from residence of her aon, 1358 No. 16th St., Saturday at 2 p. m. Interment Sprlngwell cemetery., Friends are ivelcom. " STERNER Honor Kdlth, aged 41 year. . 11 month. 11 daya. Beloved wife of John O. Sterner, Oct., 27. 1M0. Funeral, Friday afternoon at 2:80 from residence of K, Rogers, 3184 Emmet St. Friends welcome. - Interment Carol, la. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER V OMAHA'S BEST W AMBULANCE SSSSS? m Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Till South lth St. Dougla 1221 HEAFEY & HEAFEy, Undertaker and Embalmers. " Thono II. 266. Office 3611 Farnam. I OR AMBULANCK call South 680. Korialto . Funeral Home, 33d and O Sts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON FT.te.u' U14 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. .IOHN BATH, 18th and Farnam. D. 3000. 1.; Henderson, 1S19 Farnam. Douslaa 1348. MRTHS AND DEATHS. Btrths Aifluat and Anna Blerbach, "04 S. 38th, girl; Arnold and Elly Ka ma!, 3065 Farnam. boy: Shoal and Farn ;oa Oaato, , 410 C'hlraeo, glrj: Lambert lid Lillian Ilolcomb, 6il3 Florence Blvd.. loyj Arnold and Margaret Hersklnd, 860S N". S8tli Ave., liny; Anton and Antnnla llrbek. 661 S. Seth, boy; Adam and Mar ij FerRuson. 3333 Ohio, boy; J. Richard ml .'Riu-n Pcteraon, hnapltal. bov; H. H. nd Klliiore Avery, Florence. Neb., 'bov ; Peter and F.ffle Aanost. 1101 N. 18th. Klrlj Mark and Addle McCain, Rraklne St., tloy; Fdward and I.ela Menrrtll. n St., girl: Sum and Fannie Koenateiu, 18SJ K. 33,1. girl. Death Manor ft Roaqh. 11, 1450 S. lth; Eunice Webster. B.v hospital; Her man Jackson. 32.. hospital; Harold Arthur Peteraon, Infant. -avlta!:. Klsle B. Rob erta, 36. hospital, i MAkRIAGE LICENSES. The following persona were Issued per fects to wed: v Lewis D. Springer, 40, Red Oak, la., and Slclla F. Ryan, 36, Red Oak, la. Frldolph A. Nelson 31, Omaha,, and Jola R Farcell. 18, Omaha. Frank C. I.nunrter, '37.' Omaha, and Ona Ar. Henson. 30. Omaha,' ' , Arthur L. Loahbauirh, 21, Omaha, and Cecelia C. Kent, 19, Columbus, Neb.j , Harvey Sands, 54," Albion, Neb., and Maude Davidson, 33,. Balcow, Mo. Sam T.sach, 48, Omaha, and Vera Hill, 40. Omaha. Lewie Morocco, It, Omaha, and Mary Porrl, 16, Omaha. i Marlnus S. Nelson, 'over 31. Millard, Neb., and Hazel M. Voas, over IS. Mil lard, Neb. -H: . J , I j' Luciano Bnrbo. 31. Omaha, i anid .RefuL its Rivera, 18. Omaha. ' Alex T.uad. S, Omaha, and Josephine A. I.amlsh, 39, Omaha. Orenville B. Porter, 24, Omaha, and Dorria H. Boardman, 23, Omaha. Emll O. Kooratad, 31, Omaha, and Mar tha Shultz. SI, Omaha. Burtls I. Burr, over SI, Bartlctt, Neb., and Avonla M. Blessing, over 18, Cedar Rapid, la. s - I Loul Schroeder. jr., S3, Omahay and Marl Schroeder, (1, Omaha. BUILDING PERMITS. Culkln & Martin,, 4806 South Twentv fourth street, brick addition to store building, I2.500. ' Ed. Turner, 2916 Izard street, frame dwelling, 15,090. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Two traveling bags, Saturday after noon, from ear' between St; Catherines Hospital and; north on Mih treet, acrosa tho bridge and. through Council Bluff.. One tan, .name "Cook" on Inside, and one black, eard "Sherry" Inside. Bom contained womet.'a jclothlng, purse, rings and other "valuabtes. S'.ck girl very worriedi Liberal reward for retun. Bon Y-1324, Omaha wee. "jJETWEENi Kllpatrick's and First Na tional bank building, blue taffeta bag, containing check, gloves, glasse. key, lewelry an small change. Reward. Call Doug. 8400 or after 6 p. m. Doug. 0364. LOST Will the party taking mink jcarf from C 4 N. W. train No. 11 from Belle . Plains. Ia., to Omaha, morning of Oct. 24th. return same to Q. M. Welker, Belle Plains, la,, ana receive rew-ru, FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet car tele phone Tyler 800,. We are anxious to re store lost lcle to rightful 0Owners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. BY. COMPANY, LOST One red eteer, spotted face: wm last -seen going west on Q St. Notify Union Stock Yards Co. ; LOST Tail 'from fox carf. Harney 406. Rewead. " i - PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Induatrlal home solicit your old clothing, furniture, magailnear- We collect. Wo distribute. Phone Doug. 413S and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. ' WPKIN'S NATIONAL . DETECTIVE AGENCY, Incorporated. Douglas 1C7, Arlington bik., umaca, eo. RENT Hoover vacuum gweepon Har. 1071. SWEDISH manage. 318 Neville Block. MASSAGEt-210 North Seventeenth St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ' Patent" Attorneys. ' JAMES W. MARTIN, Patent Attorney, -j 1711 Dodoge St. Patent your Invention and aell it to a manufacturer. Dentists. DR. SECOR, 1017 lt Nat, Bk. Ty. J13I. Dancing; Academies. MISS GRACE ABBOTT, Following Two Year ; NEWj YORK TRAINING METROPOLITAN BALLET, Will Conduot Classes In , Classical, Stage and Social V DANCING At the Lyrlo Building, " Under the Auspices of TH&OE. A. CLUB. . Since leaving Omaha In 1918. when he vil Profeseor Chamber' Chief In structor, Mis Abbott ha been associated with the foremast artist in her profea- slon. -1 ,. , , For Appointment,, Phone Harney 7436. KEEP'S lTDTEL. ROME. Wo teach bU-rora and all kind of fancy dancing. Ua itai. or n. i7i, JTgi Pirio School for Dancing. 3434. XV,CIA lllC Farnam. Dour. I860. . FANCY DANCING FOR CHILDREN, SEASON. 139. KEEP'S; HOTEL ROME. Diamonds. DIAMONDS X'VitMfeg. to buy back' at ' email profit. GROSS JSWLht uA, .oi n- letn ot, ioug- la evi. Hemstitching and Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box ) pleating, covered .button, all sixes and Riytes; aviiwiiiuain, incvi cairns, vye- let cut work, buttonhole, pennants. Ideal Rut loo and Pleating Co.. 0I Brown B1M.1, uougia nit. Xebr. Pleating Bu'toa Co.. 180C Far nam St, D. ' 87"k Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. evidence tccured In all caresi Tyler 1136. 1:RL1ABLR Detective Bureau. Railway fi. Bids. Doug. '2US6. Night, Col. 465, BRINGING UP ' ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous Announcements. SEWING MACHINES We reot, J'j JJg" prt' ltth and Harney. Dougla 1171. PAXTON-MITCHELI. CO., t I7th and Martha Sta. Omaha. Keb. Braaa, bronze, aluminum end machine tray Iron caetlnB. SAFETY raior blade aharpened, new ra rora, razor bladae abld. Omaha Raior Sharpening Co1.. 1621 H Dodge. 103 N. 10. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattre ea made from your own feather, um- mer at winter ioea. 1807 cuming. v. BTKLL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchsaed at Rlalto Drug Store, H'b and Douma. St.. Omaha. Neb. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write tor prices. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard t. CARPENTERING, garage built, roofs Tf paired. storm- window put up. Tyler 3S18. FULL dress suits and tuxedos for rent, 109 N 16th St.. John Feldroan, D. 312. OMAHA WEI.DINO CO. f'Th Careful Weldrr." 16th and-Jackson. D. 4397. WEDDING ani.ouncements hnd printing. Douglas Printing Co. 'I'd Douglas 644. SEWINO, silks, velvetB, skirt, jackets re lined, renwidrled. Reasonable. II. 680,4. Q A n"irC! BARGAINS, 13th Farnam. JCiO v j. j, uarlght Safe Co. OPT our figures on roofB. North West Reads Roofing Co., 803 S. i'L PAPER banging and Palntlng. : Phone Walnut 4998. I . --.yi ; ' Painting, papering:, plastering. Wal 4567. Dr., Bradbury. No gain. 3 W. O. W. Bldg. rtinaha Towel Supply. 307 g. 11th, D. 6, MATTRESSES. remade1, spring rep. H 17W tENT Hoovef vacuum.. It ,, WaL. 4L yEAjviNQ. old ruca'reinaoe.Iy. 14S3 FOR SALE. Fiirniture and Household Goods: AUCTION. " AUCTION., 15 complete homes of extra high grade and staple furniture to be sold In 4 day ,- . , . In my Auction House Southeast corner 18th, and Webster - Sts. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday end- Satur day, Oct. 27, 2S,' 29, .and 30 , starts eacn day at l p. m. snnry. Th4s"l a wonderful sale of nearly ev erything, consisting of pianos, talking machlnjes, parlor furniture, living room furniture, nearly all kind. Dining room suites-In mahogany, American walstit and 3 finishes of oak. Bedroom suites In mahofrany. American wal nut, white Ivors, bird's-eye- maple r.nd Tun! mohocany, brass Simmons audi Vrnl - Martin beds complete, dressers, dusslng .tables, chlffonleres, bookcases, writing desks, sewing machines, electric cleaners, electric lamps, rugs. drapes, linens, statue, pictures, gas . and , steel ranges, heating and base burners, kitchen cab inets, dishes, cut glass, and hand-painted china. One complete grocery stock of staple groceries and store fixtures, and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. , This Is a real sale. Runs 4 days, starting Wednesday,. Oct. 27th, M 1 p.. m. 7 . - s JAMES L. DOWD. AUCTIONEER. lf you have anything to sell Call Doug. 3286, Ty. 0966 or Ty. 388t. ONE new and one old sewing machine. , Sideboard, dish, cabinet, organ, etc Old Brownell Hall, So. ,10th St. , WE BUY old and new furniture. We pay best price. Eureka Furniture Co.. weo. 3380. 1417 North 14th. Pianos and Musical Instruments. a. hospe co. E:r.nhd,nm Pianos for1 rent, 14 per month. WONDERFUL bargains In phonographs. See us before you buy. rnces & to iiim. Shlaes Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge St. DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, re pairing. Phone .Harney 2967. Oeo. 'A. Smith 3761 Davenport St. ---J . MAHOGANY player piano, very reasonable lr taken this week. uoug. 3USB. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS . " AND ' ADDIN'Q- MACHINES ALL, MAKES, bought, sold, rented "and repaired. Sole agent for the CORONA, Get cur price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. v Central Typewriter . Exc. Douglas 4120. 1913 Farnam, ALL MAKES, Typewriter Co., "all makes." sou o ism oc. xyier IPROTECTOGRAPHS, F. ; E.'a: bargains. a zo Neville Hldg. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard if ale, 3Hx3H foot platform, alio 38-lnch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office, 17th and Farnam St Phone Tylex '1000. ' V GLASS FOR SALE. SIZES 6x7, 6x8. 8x10, BEST GRADE; CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. .WIRELESS SETS, ETC, , CALL. . ' MR. HADLET, . . Tyler 1000. ,." , i ENORAVr?"G DEPT. . HEMSTITCHING and plcoting attach- men, works on an sewtng machines, 12. Full instructions. Douglas Sales Co., 1338 N. 16th St, Birmingham. Als. ONE No. 6 26A International steam boiler, 1,630 feet; Just the thing for. ga rage or store. Cost. 1506. Will sell for 1360, Inquire 2701 Leavenworth St, HANDSOME fur roat, latest model, 176; seal coat, largo ahawl collar, 1135; three aeal coat, trimmed with beaver, squirrel and martin, never worn, sacrifice. Hotel Harley, 20th and Farnam. Mra. Mc- Namar. . SURE and sate Investment, city warran'a to pay you 10 per cent Interest, 1103, IS00 and 11,000 amount. E. G. Solomon 617 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 1263. HANDSOME 1150 fur coat, never worn, 175; latest model seal cot,- sacrifice. Hotel Harley, 20th and Farnam Mr. McNamara, WE buy, aell safes, make desks, show cases,etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co. S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D.'2724. 166 8TEIN-BLOCH man's suit, basket weave, heather color, nearly new; size 28; price $30. Colfax 4743. . FOR SALE One hand addressograph ma. chine and plates. 310 City Nafl. Bk. "-K. BLUB white Welston diamond, 176 value. Will take I4S. Col. 6076. 7 PINK taffeta party or evening dress, site o. new, ajw. jjpugiaa 1DS3. FOR SALE st 'a bargain. Woods' hoist Call Tyler 1971. - , LADIES fur cloth coat, slxe 38. Dg. 8975. 3D hand sewing machli.e. cheap. S. 489. KINDLING and lumber. Webster 1459.' WANTED TO BUY. Manure Wanted Want to get In touch with parly whs h-i a few loads of garden manure. Will pay for hauling also. Box X-'7-Omaha Bea , FATHER W ,N WANO CONE Vhe n$3kLZ JT3 FiNoiNcoNcoFHib 1 u E- XrY - 3 JlT ' 'Wanted to buy. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks: used desks bought, sold and trade4). J, C. Reed, 1307 Farnam. P. 6146. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoe and furniture. Ty. 2598. A. Zavett, 70S N. 1. LIBERTY bonds bought. Macks Bond House. -1421 First Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED. Mile. IF you are looking for a mart who aas a fair knowledge, with several years' experience handling all elassea of con struction material, buying, receiving, keeping cost records and tracing, grant me an interview, box k-. jumaha Bee. POSITION wanted by young man with high school education and one year col lege. Box Y-1326, Omaha Bee. ' hODD JOBS repairing and upholaterlng I furniture. Write Tavlor. 2007 St. Marva JANITOR wants work. Webster 6068. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. - Watch the Domestic column of The ' Bee. Lots of rood place ar alwsys advertised. Don't miss them. Laundry and Day Work MAID work, wanted, or will do duatlng in furniture atore,. cleaning offices, etc. Webster 4448. RELIABLE colored woman perfect in cleaning, or any other odd jobs, , Tyler 1973. CLEANING, Ironing, day work, exp, com petent. Tyv 1739. , . BUNDLE . washing to take home. Col. Doug. 7469. . ' DAY work, .bundle waaht.is: experienced. Web. 1.-08. DAY work,, exp. laundress. Web. 6939. evening. DAYWORK, laundry, cleaning. Col. Dg. 6167. DAY work, laundry, cleaning, Webster 1306. 1 BUNDLE washing or as janltresa. Web. 1708. DAY work wanted. Experienced. Ty. 0413 DAY work by hour, reliable. Call D. 1132. SMALL bundle washings wanted. H. 732". DAY work wanted, experienced. Web. 6316. DAY work and laundry. Douglas, 6037. DAY work, house cleaning. Harney 6129. Doywork, 1st rlass laundress. Web. 1409. HALFDAYS, cooking, cleaning. Web. 3343. Colored laundress. Daywork. 'Well. 32447 WOOL blankets, lace curtains. H. Il30. DAY work wanted. Exp. Web. 6216. DAY work wanted. Dougla 1167. DAYWORK wanted. Web. 8703. DAYWORK wanted. Web. 6413. 1ST class laundress. Web. 3973, HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. COUNTY MANAGERS at once; over 100 per bent profit; no competition; leads them all; be quick, before countle are .all taken. Y. M. C. A. Bldg.. Room' 1, Hastings, Neb. .OFFICE clerk, some knowledge of book keeping, iizb; Bookkeeper (night job) BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. 917-1 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER. $136; bookkeeper. 1100; 8teno. and Bkkpr., 135, 150,' -Steno., 1100. , . WATTS REF. CO., 912 1st Nat. Bank. EXPERIENCED Burroughs posting ma chine operator,, bank work In Omaha, at once. Box 0-14, Omaha Bee., MALE stenographer, good salary, perma nent. John Morrell & Co., Sloux Falls. 1. D. r Professions and Trades. DRAUGHTSMAN WANTED , FULL OR 'PART TIME . FOR LIGHT MACHINERY, ONE WHO CAN DETAIL ME CHANICAL MOTIONS. GEAR AND SPROCKET DRIVES FOR CONVEYOR, ETC. v ADDRESS'R-19, ' . OMAHA BEE . WANTED. . Mactfinlst-operator for model 19 Lino type, eight-hour day, best of working conditions, permanent job for tho right man. Only competent , operators need apply. Wire at our expense. Farmer Exchange, Bayard, Neb.' WANTED Men : wishing positions as flemen, brakemen. colored train porters on large NebrasUa-Colorado roads; write ' immediately for full Information: 1150 8250 month. No experience necessary. Inter Railway Dept. 4395), IndlanapolU. Ind. WANTED Competent pharmacist. Best .wages to one who 1s really qualified, and has had experience showing this. Ap ply, general-, office, Sherman-McCon- nell Drug Co., 2nd fioor, 19th and Far- CAR carpenters, experienced, rebuilding fVA VniO, 4VIIS JUUf IIUCIM aT;D. field , Car and Equipment Co., Kansas WANTED First class suto trimmer. Coli eum Motor company, Casper, Wyoming. MOLLER Barber College. 110 . South Fourteenth St. Catalogue Free. Agents and1 Canvassers. WANTED Young men for house to houa work. $30 per week 'guaranteed. 311 Neville block. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Experienced tire sales men with executive ability, capable of being promoted to manager of branch( stores. State briefly your experience, whether ''married or ingle, wliat " part ,of the country you are most familial with, sal f.ty wanted and volume of business secured for lasf. or present em ployers;1 also the class of trade. Only tried and ( producing sales men need I apply. ' Box Y-1296, Omaha Bet.' SPECIALTY salesman In silverware, rug and tilankets; can use couple of good men; out of town work, C. F. Adam Co.. Ill South Sixteenth 8t. SPECIALTY saleaman ln silverware, rugs and blanket; can use couple of good . men; out of town-, work..,. C. F. Adam Co., 623 South Sixteenth St. A good advertising solicitor. Ill Paxton Blk. " 'Hotels and Restaurants. DI9JH washers and pan washers wanteiL Hotel tFontenelle. Boy. V, ANTED A 'Hoy Tor os foun'.alu. Unitt. Docekal "Dry-, ,17th Farnam, j i SEE J I CCS AND MAGCIE IN FULL 1 PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE HELP WANTED MALE. Boys. WANTED Messenger boy. the hours are from 1:16 a. m. to about 4 p. m., work light. See Mr. Moore, Journal Stockman Co., Stock Yards. Miscellaneous. WANTED Laborers on paving Job, out of town, 16 per day and quarters; steady work. Apply 692 Brandeis theater bldg. WANTED Capable man In phonograph repair department. Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co., 114-18 So. 15th. Dg. 1628. CHEMIST FOR WATER ANALYSIS AND OENERA7, LABORATORY WORK. REFINITE CO.. 1024 HARNEY, WANTED Man to work In drug store, all route work. Drug Store, 33d Ave. and Arbor St. WANTED Competent yard and house man. References. Apply O. Store, 1708 Farnam St. 30 CORNHUSKERS wanted at Farm Bureau office, Court- House, Council Bluffs, I. . . FIRST-CLASS soda dispensers Unltt-Doce-kal, 17th Farnam. Dg. 0808. WANTED Bank messenger. Box 0.-12. Omaha Bee. , HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young lady for clerical posi tion! must be, quick to learn and ac curate with figures and able to operate typewriter. Permanent position with good future. Apply Advertising De- partment, 4th floor, Brandeis Stores. GIRLS to take course in shorthand, type writing, pouKneoyins, ,w, , ; structlon enables you to finish quickly; . . . i a - j .11 faMUa TeJal positions iurmsneq can iiuii,, in. HAULING, ashes, rubbish. Walnut 8616. ' ' Professions and Trade?. GIRLS! ' WHY NOT LEARN A PROFESSION? Telephone operating is perhaps the most fascinating work open to young women today. Good wages are paid, meals afe furnished at cost and light and cheerful rest rooms are furnished exclusively for the operators. t Young women between the ages of 16 and 30 can be operators. Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment- Secretary, ; Room 616. New Telephone Building. , 19th and Douglas Streets. WANTED AT ONCB EXPERIENCED SHIRT OPERATORS. APPLY MISS CAREY, 3D FLOOR, SCOTT-OMAHA TENT ft AWNING. 1501 HOWARD ST. WANTED Hand lroners for ladies' clothes department. Evans Model Laundry, 11th and Douglas Sts. Household and Domestic. : COOK ...... ' - J WANTED, WHITE, Iyas Family of Three. A good competent cook will find this position to her liking. ' Wages 175 per month. Apply Mrs. George A. Joslyn, 3902 Davenport. WANTED Competent woman for general housework, best wages-and board; hours from I to 1 p. m. Call Walnut 1954. F. J. Marks, 4115 Izard. WANTED Maid for- 12-year-old glr!, must be good' seamstress. City refer ences. Apply Mrs. Ward Burgess, 122 No. 22nd St. ' ' MIDDLE aged lady wanted for general housework, 5 In family, good wAges. Mrs. Geo. T. Porter, 8625 Lincoln Blvd. Wal nut 2821. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework, 3 in family, no wash Ins, good wages. Har. 4042. 1320 So. 34th St. SCHOOL girl or girl employed wanted to work for room and board. Very good home. 1610 S. 36th St. Har. 6470. WANTED A girl for general housework, no washing, small family, best wages. Harney 1669. WANTED Maid: no laundry, references. Mrs. W. J. Hynes. 432 S. 88th St. Har ney 4760. . . GIRL for general housework, family of four, no washing, good wages. Harney "382. MAID for general housework. No children. Laundress kept. 6203. Burt St. Wal. 0287. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. Arter, 3520 Harney, liar, use. WANTED Competent house maid, apply ... . .. , n.l I.- 1.1 c .Tirs. mm nurn'.-SH, A .-.v. ea p.. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. CALL HARNEY 3996. WANTED A white girl fdr second work. Telephone Har.. 69. t Hotels and Restaurants. LINEN GIRL WANTED f APPLY HOUSEKEEPER, SANFORD HOTEL. GOOD lady to work In luncheonette. Good pay. Olympia Candy Kitchen. ISIS Harney. - RESPECTABLE girls to wait tables, ex perienced, Olympia Candy Kitchen, 1619 Barney. . - ' EXPERIENCED chamber maids wsnted. Brown Apts. 908 No. iist at. vs. 564, TWO pantry girls wanted. Mercyrirts : pltal, Council Bluffs. Is. I DISHWASHERS and pantry girls wanted. Apply liotei mm-n-in, GIRLS wanted to wait tables at Candy land Miscellaneous. BIO SISTERS ASSOCIATION for tht benefit of business girls. 663 Be Blag Douglas 6593. LADY attendant In Turkhfli bath dept. rorn nospuai. uy. tllRL forlteht nhop wnir, Mathews Book store, 1630 llBrnoy Sr , ' I j ' '"M NOT LOOKIN FECI " V. , lb "i THE U&RA,rV rRe VAATlH TIME L00KIH6 PE IN THIj IMO v lurk rtATUst Movwt, la O ' " . i ' 1 ' HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modem. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptometry, i shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil -service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for large Illustrated catalog. Address , , BOYLES COLLEGE, ' v -Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of B'isl.iess. 1 Day and Evening School. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg Douelss 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. LET us send you our prospectus , on Business and Residential Lots in oil town, Wyoming. The Gate way to latest oil development in the Osage field. American Brokerage, : ,522 Peters Trut Bldg. Phona. Doug. 6437. DRILLING FOR OIL In Oklahoma where production runs 11,000,000 per day. That's where we are drilling right now and can sell you a 10-acre lease offsetting our well for $300. Act quick. T. J. CANNON DRILLING CO.. 926 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. CALIFORNIA land corporation needs in formation agent In every community. Good ' money without leaving premnt occupation. Fully secured $100 Invest ment required. Address 319 Mill Build ing, San Francisco, Cat. ' FOR SALE Corner candy shop in Beauti ful Circle Theater Bldg., (1,000 dawn. balance monthly payments. Personal supervision by lady or gontleman will pay well. Circle Theater, Ottumwa, la. FOR SALE N, Y. apples, hand picked hand culled, car loads, bulk; 11.60 bushel, delivered any point eastern half Nebraska. Wlchham -Berry Farm, Salem, Nob. , FOR sale A Ore shop In county seat of 5,000, in S. D. Tire sales and repairing; good business, small investment. Address - Boic Y-1337, Omaha Bee. 310 REWARD for return of P. & H. No. 187 bicycle stolen out of basement ,ol' St. SeclllaS school, Oct. 26. Walnut 2976. TO GET in or out of business, see LEWIS & Co.. 411 McCague Bldg. Rooming Houses. flRST-CLASS, fully equipped blacksmith ehop, 7 miles' from Omaha. Call or write ! Bbi 216. Ralston, Neb. FOR BALEfr-room rooming house and restaurant. Call So. 3360. FOR RENTROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1600. AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUl READERS AND ADVERTISERS SINGLE and -double rooms for men only; steam heat; running hot and cold wa ter; within walking distance. Brown Apt., 60S N.-lt St. Doug. 6644. EXCLUSIVE. Very desirable room or steeping porch with dressing room. West Farnam dis trict. Phone Harney 6076. 1'URNISHED room In beautiful private home tor gentleman, block to Farnam car, 825 per month, Walnut 0877. MODERN room to 2 gentlemeVi or couple . employed; home privileges: 1 block to car line. 2204 No. 21st St. NICE room or or or two; girls pre ferred; walking distance to South Oma ha. 4740 S. 13th St. r FURNISHED room dark walnut suite, hot water heat, rSnnlng hot and cold water. So. 3780. ' LARGE, beautiful room, X windows, large closet bath, floor . private, good heat, riarney '4030. COZY, . warm, homelike boom, modern home, private family. 2204 Emmet Web. 0539. NICELY furnished front room, private, on car line, walking distance. Webster 3561. . . BEAUTIFUL modern steam heated room. , Everything complete! Colored. Web. 6151. MODERN room, 4 block to car; close in: gentleman preferred; garage. Harney 1106. 1URNISHED room near car line in pri vate family. 1618 Lake. Webster 8738. NICELY furnished front room, private family, walking distance. Web. 3551. TO young man or business . woman, . fur nished room, also garage. Colfax 4093. DESIRABLE . room for gentlemen;, also garage; breakfast optional. Har. 4885. Nicely furnished room; closet,, suitable far 2 gentlemen. Tyler 268.;407 JSo. iitn St. NiCE clean heated rooms, lasy t walking; 2228 JONES, room for 'gentlemen, pri vate, walking distance. - Douglas 2770. ONE large sleeping room, suitable for or 3 gents, reasonable. Tyler 3551. LARGE front sleeping room. Base burner. Employed couple or 2 ladles. Ty. 6Q61. 1820' CAPITOL Ave., ' well heated, large and small furnished rooms. Ty. 4aa, FURNISHED room for 1 or 2 ladles, very rcasonauieii good neai.. narney o,i,. WELL furnished rooms. 2215 California. F6UR newly decorated rooms, partly fur .nlshcd; very reasonable. Dg. 932C.- NICELY furnished room suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Good heat. Dg. 7578. NEWLY papered and furnished sleeping room-; .gentlemen only, Ty. 6169. NICE furnished room, modern apartment, clof-e in, for 1 or 2. Harney 7212. NICE rooms for rent. 124 So. 24th St.. Well furnished, good heat. Ty. 2367. 3937 S. 23d St. 1 blk from car. Furnished room for gentleman. Call So. 1103. HOME for 1 or 2 gentlemen appreciating a good home. Call Walnut 8699. LARGE front room, modern, private home, large closet. Harney 1667. TWO modern sleeping rooms in s brick liar, wanting distance. Dg. dim. WEST Farnam district, furnished room lor i or z gentlemen, jiar. ua. DUNDEE home, 1 or 2 nicely furnished rooms, good heat. Walnut 0234. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen: S3. Harney 3676. TWO nicely furnished pleasant rooms. Good heat. Harney 6689. SUITE of nice, well heated rooms; private home. Phone Har. 6198. 3010 DODGE Modern furnished room on Turner Blvd. Har. 7246. COMFORTABLE room. Dundee. Wal nut 2576. FRONT' room - for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Dg. 7660. Room to rent for colored. Web 6161 2 nice warm sleeping rooms. Har. 4453. ROOMS for colored. Web. 1897. Housekeeping Rooms. 2707-09 Dodge St., 1st and 2d floor rooms en suite, reasonable. Harney 3093. 1603 Blnney St 2 housekeeping rooms. everything rurnisneo. vteo. nvv HOUSEKEEPING, room with kitchenettte. 3821 Jackson, i Harney 8576. - LIGHT housekeeping roams, 8 large rooms walking distance. Dg. 6349. , ' LIGHT housekeeping roem. Be" -ea-sonaMs. 113 No. 19th St FOR RENT SOOMS. Housekeeping Rooms. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 4737 No. 40th St. Call Colfax 6246. r LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 1624 Cass. Board and Rooms. 7 LARGE room, good location, family of two, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; home privileges: no other roomers; breakfast If desired; walking distance. Harney 4100. NEWLY furnished room in private home for two people employed. Will serve one or two meals If desired. Prices very ' reasonable; Col. 4381. VERY nice comfortable room. All con veniences, close to Crcighton colleire. Good board. 326 No. 26th, Gentlemen preferred. Dg. 3781. ' WELL furnished front room, private family, modern, west Farnam district, I blk from .ear. Breakfast if desired. Wal, 3064. ' BOARD and room In private home, suit able .for couple or gentlemen. Harney 1913. 3720 NORTH 18th St., rooms In private home; ladles preferred. Webster 4069. 2559 DODGE Attractive single and dou ble. Hoard. Harney 7039. SLEEPING room fcrltji board. Harney 0504. 3 PARLOR rooms wtth board. Dt 7994. Unfurnished. WANTED, two, downtown unfurnished, steam heated rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. Box Y-1325, Omaha Bee. TWO unfurnished rooms for couple with ou children: heat and gaa. Har. 6138. 3 ROOMS, modern, except heat. To couple without children. Webster 3443. FOUR ROOMS AND BATH, NO FUR NACE. WEBSTER 3164. SIX unfurnished rooms for rent, Dg. 4688. 630 20th St. Call UNFURN4SH ED rooms. Call Dg. 7994. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. MODERN house for rent, 6 rooms fur nished, November 15 to May 1. 385, ' DUMONT & CO.. 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Doug. 0690. Unfurnished. FOR rent, a 3-room house with 5 room ' accommodation one-half block to car line; in fine shape; lo cated about 2li to 3 blocks south of Carter Lake club; $25 per month. '' ,Jv . J. L. H r ATT CO MPANY, " 900 First National Bank. Bldg. Tyler 066J. .,, ' VERY desirable home Finished in oajc throughout, Four bedrooms. Hot water heat. 3867 Farnam St. Vacant eooii. WALSH-ELER CO REALTORS," Tyler 1536 333 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT Six-room cottage, good lo cality. South car line, modern except heat, 840. Douglas 7163. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. EVERYTHING furnished, 3 rooms' and bath. Ideally located, close In, fine apt bldg., good neighborhood, best of jfcnltor service, winter rate 896, ref erences. Douglas 1734. J. . FURNISHED APARTMENT IN. THE BLACKSTONE. HARNEY 94J. Unfurnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 ' Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex , elusive Apartment Hotel. ,-. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy 5 ROOM apartment. Strictly modern.-10th Pierce. The Dunsany. Dg. 6392. 9 r. flat $30. 3705 Q St. D. 3566. FOR RENT Business Property. FINE garage building 3572 Harney street, -60x132 feet, with nice office en second floor. 30x60 feet. Can give possession November 1. Will remodel front for auto sales room. Apply . Nebraska and Wyoming Investment Co., ,D.' 1671. EXCELLENT store room for rent, 201 South 19th street. See Foster-Barker i Company, 209 South 19th street, tele i phone Douglas 1:.60. WELL located store room, suitable for of fees. Douglas 6832, Mr. Kemp. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY anir van CO. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SKRIVCE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jacltscn Sts. Douglas 288. MOVING, PACKING. STOR AGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. - Doug. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by ,11. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 340f.. GLOBE VAN, TRANSFER AND s . STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFER CO us estimate 5'our moving, packing orage. 160 Davenport. Doug. 290S. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FERRETS for sale. Write II. R. Peck. 601 Southeast 6th St.. Des Moines. Ia. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. GOVERNMENT and farm harness and leather collars. 35 per cent discount Write for free price list. Desk "No. 8. Mid West Harness, 706 No. 16th St. HAY. $18 per ton delivered. A. W. Wag oner, 801 No. 16th St.. Dg. 1142. HORSE for sle. Omaha Express. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car A Safe Investment This is the season when closed car luxury is most appreciated. We have the following cars ready for delivery. Thev are all" in first class condition and guaranteed in every way. ' Willys-Knight Coupe, ' Oldsmobile Sedan. Hudson Sedan. Ford Sedan. i Hudson with winter top. .Chalmers with winter top. Guy L. Smith, , . 2th andFarnam. ouDglos 1970. . i'oUR-cylinder touring tar, 2820 F.St. Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright, 1 020 International News Service M AN HP i Frr . v "i Hlb ErR- TRUMPET aOME WHERE, in Mt-Kg: j 5 ' AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ' Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car We always hdvc a few first-class used cars which are real bargains. Each is guaranteed and with a real service behind it. Call Doug las 1970 any tim" for description of cars and prices. NEED money, will sacrifice my Hudson speedster, mechanically perfect. Call Blessing. Harney 6066. i We have somu splendid 1919 ucwly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy it. Drive It Yourself Co., 13J4 Howard St. Doug. 3622. 336 WILL rent space for your car until Aiarcn iu. lszi at idol Aiarcy st. Har lung's Transfer Co., Ty. 1976. 135 WILL' rent space for your car until jnarcn i, izi, at 1501 Marcy St. Hart ungis Transfer Co. Tyler 1976. MUST convert the following cars Into cash at once: 1 1918 Liberty touring (winter top). 1 1920 Bulck. , 1 1918 Velio Chummey roadster. Terms if defclrcd. Address all replies w uua mx'v, umsina .wee. , urtuo jjuiukh DODOES. NEW AND USED CARS. WINTER TOPS, FORD BODIES CASH OR TIME OOIiDSTRUM. AUTO SALES CO.. . 1318 HARNEY ST. TYLER 714. WE SAVE YOU . 15 out of every $10 pn auto insurance. Phone Dougla 776. 313 Peteri Trust piug. continental my. up. HAVE taken 1930 Stephen Salient Six In v.. wmuc ior reai estate, mis car Js practically new. Will give terms, or what have you to trade? Box X-78, DODGE SEDAN Late 1919 4-door Dodge sedan, newly immtea, ana in penect snape.- Bargain wttwt ,v, jypgnne ltlg., Lfg. eiSU. SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motqr Co." The Handy Fort! . Service Station. 16th and Jackson. Doug. - las 3500. VVH have 60 good used cars to elec frnm All nH... MEEKS AUTO CO.. 3036 Farnam. FORDS. DODGES, BUICK FOR SALE OR in. ciABi iKKMS. CALL S. 899 O ROURKE AUTO CO.. 3701 S. 24th St WANTEfl ITft, ann ah IrtA 1 quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange v,u.. auug rarnam at. xjougiaa 6U25 HAVE practically new Ford touring car I and $500 cash as first payment on a 6 or s-rooni nouse. - DAuglaa 9686. 1918 REPUBLIC TRUCK IN A-l CONDI- tion. call dg. 635i and ask for W A ftl BUI.J 7. DODGE touring, fine ehape, will sacrifice. Leaving city. Address Box R. 99, Oma ha Bee. - MY 1918 Llherrv tnlirlno. In fl,. tlon; will sell cheap. Web. 3565 after o V. m. - THE DIXIE FLYER, W.; R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 3530 Farnam St. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND Co 30th Harney Sts. .MAXWELL Sedan, a real snap for aorae . one. Tyler 2463. Mr. Slovock. 83 A Overland car. fine condition. (450. Cash or Liberty bonds. Tyler 3306. WILL sacrifice 34 or 3-ton dump truck. Inquire at 1501 Marcy St. DODGE touring car, excellent, 8175. 4831 Cumtn St.. Wal. 2885. S300 BUYS . a good Cadlllao touring. Web. 6130. D-45 BUICK roadster, flue shape. H. 2505. REO-6 FOR SALE. HARNEY 6256. Painting and Repairing. AUTO painting. 3768 Burt. W. 6811. Accessories. NEW TIRES FIRST CLASS 30x3 3 9.95 32x3 ii 314.95 r.OiJVi 811.95 36x4........ '..329. 95 KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1722 Cuminn. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES, 60 PER CENT DISCOUNT. 40xS t 9.75 j 32x4 819.35 30x3V4 11.90 33x4 19.50 33x3Mi ".BO f 34x4 30.00 Mail Orders Filled. STANDARD TIRE CO., 4W N. 16TH ST. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 6619 Es. 1694. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 116 Om, Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 3715. PRIVATE MONEY. 81011 to (ln.OOO made promptly. F. D. WKAD, Wead Bldg., 310 S. 18th S. ' PRIVATE MONEY. BHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 4339 PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money. Garvin Bros 345 Omaha Nat. Miscellaneous. A FORTUNE IN OIL. Fortunes are made 1n oil leases. We are drilling right now In Oklahoma and cs n-sell you '10 acres offsetting our well for $200. T. .1. CARMON DRILLING CO.. 925 City Nafl. Bunk Bldg. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. SEE I'S for good wheat .corn and alfalfa farms near Denver. Cheap lands, fine schools, fine rosds. Ask the men who live here and know. Bennett Realty Co., Bennett, Colo. 160 A. Washington Co., Colorado. No Improvements. Easy terms. (16 per acre. Section 3, 4. 66. 3JS03 Wirt St. Omaha. 169 ACRES Burlington, Colo.. (600 down or will take Omaha property. Colfax 4183. Nebraska Lands. 80 Acres to Be Sold at Auctton SATURDAY. OCT. SO, 1920, COMMENC- IN'G at 2 P. M. SALE TO BE HELD-ON PREMISES. 80 acres, known as part of the Schnldt farm, located 31 miles from Omaha ; postofflce. 3 miles north and 1 mile west .of Elkhorn. Neb., t mites from paved Lincoln - highway, quarter mile from echool: nice and slghjy location; en good graded road; half nt land 'In cultivation, 7 acres swee clover, more can be broken; Improvements constat of a good-6-room house, -with full ce ment basement; new well and windmill; verv good terms, JAMES KOrECKY, AUCTIONEEB , FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. ( o 1 WANTING1 to quit the resl estate bul nen on account of my health, I'm, go ing to offer all my land holding, I IMive at Cheyenne Wells, Colo., for sale 1st bargain price, and' good rnt. If you are Interested In getting a quarter or half aectlon or loutlon rlaht. writ O. I. 'l'f(t Inv. Co., 869 Omaha Natlonaj. Bank Building. Omaha. r Michigan Lands. Landseekers Big opportunity In Michigan. -Hardwood land (15 to (35 per acre. 10 to 160 a. Small down payment, easy terms on balance. Big money In grains, lock, poultry or' fruit. Big llluatrated booklet froe on request. Swlgart Land Co.. J1363 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg., cmcago, in. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY special number Juat out cob- , talnlng 1930 fact of clover land la Marinette county, Wisoonsln. If for . home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of Landology. Jt is free on requost. Address Skldmore Rlchlo ,Land Co., 433 Skldmore-Rlchio1 i Bldg., Marinette. Wis. Miscellaneous. 24 ACRES IMPROVED Graham-Peters Realty Co., 829 Omaha Nat BU. Bldg., Omaha, Nek. ' Dougla 653. Evening Wal. 1101. REAL ESTATE WANTffD. WE WANT HOUSES TO SELL. Buyers galorel Come in and see us. J. J. MULVaHILL, Realtor. 200 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Phone Doug. 0096. ' To buy or aell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1110 City Nat Bk, Bldg. Dougla 1434. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HQUSBt Want quick action? Just try u Call Tyler 496. " OSBORNE RBALTT CO.. 430 Bee Bldr. WE have a number of buyers, both cash and on asy term for tori room bouses. Call u If you want a quick ale. Rasp Bros H Keeline Bldg. Ty. T21. HAVE buyer with (600 cash down. Lilt with us. R. T. Clary Co.. 3404-01 Am Ave., North Omaha Realtors. , Colfax 178. I ' 1 W. G. SHRIVERfriB 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Blflg. Doug. HH.H HAVE Inquiries for homes; do you want to sell- you property? List It with C A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. LIST your home with Die of If you are looking for house see me. Frank 1. Panowlch, 636 Paxton Blk. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE I HAVE a modern Vroom house, bot water best, In good neighborhood In Lincoln. Win gachango for the earn la Omaha. Direct owner, 3009 8. 26th at., Lincoln. ' ' . GARAGEW two-atory brick garage end atock lit eastern Nebraska town. Will exchange for land. Carl Pfelfer, Boot- J land. S. Dak. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. WAREHOUSE 1115-17 NICHOLAS ST. Three stories and basement "ware house. 66x120 feet with trackage and loading platform. Elevator and aprln kler system. Price (36,000. Easy terms. GEORGE & CO., ' REALTORS, Tyler 3034. 902 City National Bank, WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors, Reol Estate. Investment Insurance, Rentals. Tyler 1526. 333 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. WE HAVE an unusually well located piece of trackage at 7th and Leavenworth, (1x132, tracka on both sides. At right price Alfred Thomas, 604 First l.'at'l Bank. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Here Is Your phance Only $2,800 Good S-R. home In Benson, near car and school; nice large lot; fine shade; an unusual opportunity; act, qplck. BROWN REALTY. CO., Uoug. 1505. 211 Kennedy Bldg. Dundee. Dundee District Eight-room, modern home, half block to car, 4 rooms on first floor, 4 bed- ' rooms and hath on second. Price, (4,2(0, terms. - Chas. E. Belman, Doug, 3236. 702 Peter 7rust Bldg. Florence. NETHAWAY. Suburban prop'ty. CoL 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West , $2,000 DOWN, BAL f ANCE, $35 A MO.j . 8-room strictly modern residence, lo cated on a corner lot; 4 rooms on tire first floor and 4 bedroom and bath on the second; good basement furnace heat; dandy garage for 2 cars; paved - street, ail paid: located In Kountse Park district. If you have (2,000 you can buy this for (4.800. Stop and think of this for a minute. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 537 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas) 1781. Surroay. Call Coifs 8337. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT i Brtck and tile, 7-room. hardwood fin ish throughout, hot water heat ther mostat, tiled bath, two toilets, two lava tories, many B. I. features, beautiful fixtures, storm cellar. Large lot, fine shrubbery, brick garage, heated, 14 blocks from car line. Very good terms. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS, , Douglas 46. . 915-1T City National, Montclair Beautiful new elastics stucco home on Lincoln boulevard, oak floor through out; oak finish downstolrs. ivory and mahogany upstairs; fireplace and book cases in living room: built-in buffet, breakfast room, tile bath, 2 bedrooms and heated sleeping porch: (2,0(0 cash, balance on terms to suit purchaser. Call Mr. Green, Douglas 3466 evenings. Walnut 4951. ; Omaha Real Estate and Investment JOH T. BOH AN,- 631 Paxton Blk. Phono Tyler 4889 "ROOMS, strictly modern, full basement, 2 lots, garage, cement drive. Col, 4182. For Sale 210 shares Henry R. GeringjCom pany stock. Price $75.00 per share. Box 0-28, Omaha Be. THE manufacturer of a fast-selling electrical household appliance has deal ers (department stores, elec tric shops, hardware and fur niture stores) who need sales men trained to sell this and other appliances. We will train men of good character and place them to advantage with our dealers. Actual work in the field during the train ing enables them to earn more than an average salary. See Mr. Jech at Granden Electri cal Co., 1511 Howard, after ,3 p. m. f 1 i I- ... j . . . ' ' B. " ' i ', ,.Sj-v " 1 i ' 4 ' V-.- I V . u, - ,AniteV w -s- ,MMf rAiM '.N'T (T-rw.- ,