Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1920, Page 11, Image 11
9 An THE BEE; OMAHA, FRIDAY, "OCTOBER 9, 1920. 11 Society V, urace Bailey, sister 01 the bride, will be maid of honor and the brides maids win be Misses Florence Tenks Weddin Date. Invitations are 'being issued by enry Pcnsingcr Whituiore for the marriage of his- daughter, Eugenie kins of Chicago on Wednesday eve ning,. November 17,'at Trinity cath dral. The ceremony will be followed by a reception at the Omaha club. WeeksBailey. r. Miss Florence Jenks will entertain members of the Weeks-Bailey bridal party at her home Friday evening. Walter W. Weeks, who will be i marriea saiuraay evening to miss Louise Bailey, daughter of Mr. and I Wednesday from his home in New 1 loric r tk ,.,.j.i;. ...mi i !. . he wcuuuiK wmi lane (Jiaic 411 parlors of the First Presbyterian ciiurch and will be fpnowed by a re ception in the church parlors. Miss and Martha Noble. Harold Nara- mor of Bridgeport, Conn., will act as best man. " The ushers will be ' Herbert Negle anjd James Bailey, brother of the bride. Assisting at the reception will be a number of Miss Bailey's sorority sisters, members oi'Itappa Alpha Theta. They wilt be Miss Dorothy , J..yan of Urand Island. Miss Bettv tNKennedy of Omaha, Miss Margaret v Ilowej .pf, Omaha, Miss Margaret . Harmon, bf Lincoln, Mrs. George ; retnng of Nebraska City, and Mrs, ' Kupert Kenner -Xil Hebron. Neb Othen assisting will ,be Miss Ruth . Nickum, Miss Elsa Smith, Miss Lucy .( Garvin, Miss Susannah Jobst of Lin coin anvMiss tlabeth, jhedd of Chicago. v 1 Mrs. O. Wi Eldridee will sins Miss Alice Temple, sorority sister of Miss Bailev. will nlav the weddins 1 niarcn. . Mjss Kate Sharrard of Rockford, 111., an aunt of the bride, has arrived to attend the wedding. .. Mr. Weeks 'and his bride are to reside in Marshmonn, Woods, New -. 4 What's AVhat. ; By HELEN DECIE York. . Entertained Past Presidents. ' Mrs. A, E. Sheldon of Lincoln nd Mrs. John Slaker of Hastings ntertained at a dinner at the Hotel Pathfinder in Fremont, Wednesday evening, for the past presidents of the State- Federation of Woman's - Clubs. Airs. Sheldon is chairman ot the past state presidents and Mrs. Slaker is now president. Those '.present were Mesdames H. M. Bushnelt of Lincoln; T; J, Gist, Falls City; H. L. Keefe of Wathill; F. H. Cole of Omaha, and Mrs. J. N. Paul "of St. PauL ' y , Nelson-Voss. Miss HaielVoM and Marinus Nelson,- both, of 'Millard, Neb., were married., Wednesday , noon at Kountze Memorial church; ' Rev. Mr. Dorr performed the ceremony. Miss-Voss-is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Voss of Millard. She is a graduate 6f tBe Omaha Central High school. The couple left Wed nesday for l.oiig Beach, Ca!., to spend the winter. Plant-for' Bazar. i Plans for the bazar, November 17 arid 18, t the convent of the Sacred Heart, Thirty-sixth and. Bert streets, sire progrejsing'fapidly; ccordingo picmbers. miss niancne ivmsier, iormer oresident of the .alumnae, lias been . appointed auctioneer for tnVday, : She. will also be in charge, of the grab bag., Members of the alumnae met Wednesday at theiiome V cf Miss Nan Murphy; This group completed 16 bridge-table, covers . during the day. , , ,. " ' . These table covers are unusual in design and will be one of the inter esting features of the sale. Six havt already been bought, but the pur chase,; cannot taKe'place until the opening of the' baiar. - . Fraternity Dance. Phi Rho igma of the University cf .Nebraska, college of medicine, will entertain 1 at a dance at . the t r n :m i p r nniMr .mlui vii v v. v vtn'iHi Appears in Vaudeville Stunt , -Isabel Pearsall of .Omaha, presi dent of the junior 'class of the Uni versity of Nebraska in; Lincoln .and member of Pi 'Beta Phi sorority, ap peared in a song and dance skit Monday evening at the American Legion vaudeville performance ' at the Lincoln Orpheum. Two men appeared with her. , For Mrs. Beaton". ;,- , - Mrs. Blanche laterson cnienuueu at a kensington at her hony:, Ts- ! day afternoon, in honor of Mrs. David Beaton of EvinSton,. 111.,. who is visiting Mrs. Harvey E. Milhken. Fifteen guests were present t " Dancing Partv. Miss Marie Kennebeck entertained vamenne nonma" v-auv,,, m eighteen guests were present. . Hard Time-Tarty. - A hard time masquerade party will be given Saturday everting by Aim chapter, O. E. S., at Masonic temple. Halloween Party. The American Legion band will give a concert and Halloween party at the Municipal Auditorium Friday . evening. The concert will be from 8 to 9 and wilt be followed by danc ing. Mrs. Allan Tukey will have charge of a carnation booth And can teeners under Mrs. Luther Kountze are to assist at other booths, as will vwomen from the Florence post -of . the legion. . , ... . . s.. " " : ' For Miss Newtjranch. r ' . Mrs. Arthnr E. Rogers entertained'! at a luncheon of nine eovers at hei . home, Thursday,, for Miss Kather ine NewSranch and her wedding at- tpndajitK Miss Newbranch's mar riage to Howard Douglas takes place Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Newbrtnch will entertain the bridal party at dinner, Friday evening, at the Ath letic club. . - ... ' Delta Gamma. - Members of Delta Gamma were entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Martha Noble. Miss Hazel Howard ancr Miss Ruth Mills," November brides, were the aonor guests. fi In the great American game the highest stakes may be won occasion ally by bluff, rather than by cards in hand, so that jvith an adept at poker, four-of-a-ftush raised again and again may frighten awaysay, .the holder of a pair of packs. . But when the four-flusher happens to raise a player holding a- full house or four aces or a straight Hush or even a plain unassorted ' five-card flush he is forced to throw his hand into the discard when his bluff is called and his weakness exposed. The four-flusher in society bluffs his way along for a time, but sooner or later his came is discovered, his character assets are evaluated at theiri wnrth1cnc hi hinft i Called and his reputation is thrown into the discard. (Copyright, 1920, by PiWIo Ledger Co., Personal Mrs. James H. McShane returns Saturday from an extended 'eastern trip. ) Mrs. T. M. Finn anf children. James and Frances, have returned from a two months' trip to Victoria, J3. L., and Seattle, Wash, 4 Leona Gruenther is ar the Ncho las Senn hospital, where she under went an "operation for the rejnoval ot her tonsils I hursday morning, Dr. C. A. Huil left Wednesday evening for New York City, where he will join Mrs. Hull upon her ar rival from France, where she spent the entire summer. Mrs. Carrie L. Bryant of Geneva. Neb, spent Tuesday with her niece, Mrs. W. K. Loughridge, and Dr. Loughridge, enroute to Des Moines to spend 10 days. , Mrs. Alexander Pollack andMrs. Dollie Elgufter and daughter, Vath erine, have gone to Havana, Cuba, where they will spend "the winter with Mrs. Pollack's son, Mark A. Pollack. J M ! ! E. O. Ames has returned from California. Mrs. Ames- and the chil dren will remain in San Francisco for the winter owing to a recent ill ness of Mrs. Ames. Oliver is a stu dent at Palo Alto Military academy and June is. enrolled at the Catherine Burke school. TurkisJi women have asked Kernel Pasha for permission to form a woman's death arniy to fighj the Greeks, .. . , ,' Unity yPlayers to Present One-Act u Play The'TInity players will present Stuart ' Walker's one-act play, "Nevertheless," Friday evening in the common room of the Unitarian church, under the direction, of Mark Levings. The cast will include Mr. Levings, who takes the rote of the burglar; Miss Marjorie Parsons, the girl, and Harold Campbell, the boy. The playlet will be - followed, by dancing. - . i - Officers of the organization are: Alan McDonald, president; MVs. Robert F. Leavens, secretary and treasurer; Mark M. Levings. director. Mr. Levins directed andtoofc a leading parr in the Folk theater pro ductions last season. Tickets for the opening perlor- Woman's Faculty CJub. At a meeting of the Woman's Fac ulty club of the University of Ne braska College of Medicine Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. Alexander Youne it was decided mance Friday evemn5 may be ob-j,hat the art exhibif o etchings of i :amous meaical men would be held c, the day of the dedication of the new laboratory building, which will probably take place November 19. The tea for girl students of the College of Medicine, which was to have been given Wednesday after roonfollowing the business session, was postponed until the next meet ing, whkh will be held at the home of Me. ohn Summers Wednesday afterifoon, November 24. tained at the door During the remainder of the sea son two or three one-act playlets will be presented at the perfor mances which will be given every six weeks. D. O. S. D. O. S. club entertained at a luncheon of 14 covers at the Hen ihaw, followed by a matinee at the Orpheum Wednesday. ( ADVERTISEMENT For Gofns Little or Big - Use "Gets-h" Stops Corn Pain Instantly and Re moves Them Completely. Whether your "pet"' is ,otop or be tween the toes, no matter how big or now small or how "tender" three drops of "Ofti-It" will lift yon right out of your The Only Way to tun a Corn is to ( Removef It, with "Gets-lt" misery. Yon will laugh to see how quick, ly your corn lets go its grip, how it curls right up and dies so yov can lift it off with your f inner. It's folly and non sense to pare ud trim a corn tryin to tals its pain whea lists-It wiu easily rid you of it entirely. "Gets-It" is sold at all drug stores and costs but a trifle. Your money balk on request. Mf d. by . Iwrenee t Co, Chicago. . . . . i ADVERTISEMENT FOR SKI1RMS ZemO; the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Just What You Need. Is Not Greasy Don't worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a dear, healthy skin by using Zemo, ob tained at any drug store i or 35c, or extra large bottle at $1.00. Zemo generally removes .pimples; blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring worm and makes the akin dear and healthy. Zemo is a dean, penetrating; antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle-for each application. It is always dependable. . TheE.W.JtcCoaereland.O. ' For Expectant Mother ' Dsed By Tksee Gekeiuto smrrf nt sjaeiur oe Jigraisiooo u lur, ru Mumrnu annum Co.Hsr.fa, Aruar., (7h -rrrax:t6ii,p,ru!B(ZA and mjm A Letter to the Mothers of Omaha and Vicinity r J. L. Brandeis & Sons rarls Offlc 1 Rue Ambroise Thomaa Kew Xerk Office 1261 Broadway x -,. Omaba '2. - , . ' ' . : : ' " " October 28N1920 To the Mothers of Omaha tod Vicinity; - You have been waiting for an opportunity, to save-On your boy's Winter Suit. You will have that opportunity at Brandeis Stores on Saturday. On that day we will offer all of tax boys' knicker-bocker suits in three lots TiMa m.? iin.nfV 1 7.50 and $25.00 - " lV VMtVW av,WF -T " T - " , j - : The present prices of these suits range up to $47.50, but on Saturday yea will have the choice of the house at the three prices named. To the mother, as well as to all other thoughtful buyers, quality is as important as price. We can assure you that the quality ot these suits will please yon as well as the prices do. They are Hart Schaffner & Marx and other famous makes, and you know what that means. . .' . ' : ' .When you read that our Saturday prices on these suits are $10.00, $17.50 and $25.00, you need not be told that this is the best Boys' Clothing bargain ever offered in Omaha. ' - ' X: We invite every mother to visit our stores Saturday and take ad vantage of this great opportunity ; Yours truly, -J. h. BRANDEIS & SONS -V;. . -,: ., "i .,. ... :. -. ( . 3P. S. In the same sale we will offer girls' serge', velvet and taffeta dresses at the low price of $15.00. These formerly sold, at $25.00 to $35.00. We will als6 offer boys" mufflers which formerly sold at from $1.00 to' $1.50 m at the low price of 49c. There will be many other f splendid bargains" in .imngsior tnecnuaren. if it n jpi hi e hi I rr- Wi n I) The dotted Unci n dioflle tke fltur con tqttr uAm uneorteUd. You may hat Hit tmrut in ei'lfter bitch lace or froitf-lac style. The dotted lines l - v I'the dotted lines show a developnient which' is a source of annoyance to many women whdse figures are otherwise slender and fashionable. ?v -: -1 " " .5 I "" ' ' J This type of figure requires special corseting to adjust the faulty lines and distribute , the fullness , which has settled atthe thigh. A Redfern Corset has been designed to do just this. ; Redfern "Corsets are for individual types of figure; and no trlatter what yojir type of figure. " there is a Redfer;n which will sdbdue its faults and I bring out its best lines. Back Lace Front Lace Ml a. lk .m. -- A" anoncy vatcsi wiisvhi iti.tiMHBf If HUNT'S Salve falls la the treemientcf ITCH, BCZKMA. RINOWORM. TETTER or, OtbOTMehinc skin dlseewa Try IS cett tos e our sith. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. ADVERTISEMENT Escaped an Operation There is nothing in the world a woman so much fears as a surgical ' operation. Often they, arfc necessary, but often not; an$J many have been avoided by the timely use of that good, old-fashioned root and ' herb remedy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you are suffering from some drad ailment peculiar to your sex, why not profit by the experience of these two women whose letters follow?" These Two Women Saved from Operations. ! Cedar Raoids. Ia, "After the birth of my last child I had such painful spells they would unfit me entirely for my housework. "I suffered for months and the doctor said that my trouble was organio ulcers and I would have to have an operation. That was an awful thing to me,with a young baby and four other children, so one day I thought pf Lydia RPinkham's Vegetable Compound and how it had helped me years before and I decided to try it again. I took five bottlesofVegetableCompoundand used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and sfnee then I have been a well woman, able to take care of my house and family without any trouble or a day's pain. I am ready and thankful to swear by your medicine any time. I-am forty-four years old and have not had a day's ill ness of any kindifor three years." Mrs. IL KdKMG, 617 Ellis Blvd, Cedar xiapioB, io wa. Sandusky, Ohio. "After the birth of my baby I had organio trouble. My doctor said it was caused by too heavy lifting and I would have to have an operation. I would not consent to an operation and let it go for over a year, having my sister do my work forme as I was not able to walk. One day my ; j. aunt came to see me and told me about , your medicine--said it cured her of the same thing. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and they have cured me. Now I do my own housework, washing and ironing and sewing for my family and also do sew ing for other people. I still take a bottla of Vegetable Compound every spring for a tonic. I recommend your medicine to others who have troubles similar to mine and you can use my letter if you wish." Mrs. Patti. Papenfusb, 1325 btone bt.. Bandusfcy, Ohio. "Cure Your Rupturo Lilio 1 IGurodr.lino" 1M Sea taptain Cured Hi Jhra Rupture After Doctors Said "Operate or Death." ' ' Bis Bsmsdy and Boo Bent Pres. Captain Callings sailed the seat for many years; then, he auitained a bad double, rupture that soon forced htm to) not only remain ashore, but kept him bedridden for yeara. He tried doctor after doctor and trnes after truss. No results! Finally, he waa assured that he must either submit to dangerous and abhorrent operation or die. Re did either! Ha cured himself Instead. ADVERTISEMENT A Sure Way To . I End Dandruff Thre fa one sure way that has nevet. failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve it, then you destroy It entirely. To do this, just get. abouVfour ounces ot plain, common Uquid arvon from any drug stored this is all you will need), ap ply it at night when reUring; use enousrh to moisten 'he scaln And ruh fit in gently with the finger tips. ay morning most, if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications wiir aissmve ana, entirely destroy every single sign and. trace of It, no mat ter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all itching and dig. ging of the scalp will stop Instantly, and your hair yl be fluffy, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. ADVERTISEMENT Thousands of Such Letters Prove the Curatiye Value of i(j)(iall(M(Olte(i) "Fellow Mea tmi Women, Yea Donl HaM Te Be Cat Up, and Yoej Dent Have , -I Te Be Tortured By Traseee." Captain Colllnrs made a study ot fclmself, of his conditionand at last he was rewarded by the finding of the method that so quickly made him. a weU, strong, vigorous and happy man. -Anyone can use the same method it's Kimpie, easy, Every ruptured safe and Inexpensive). Derson in the world should have the Captain olUnga book, telling-all about how he cured himself, and -how anvona mav follow tho urn. treatment in their own home wlthoutu any trouble. TBe book ana meawine are FREE!. They will be sent prepaid to any rupture sufferer who will 1)11 oat tbe below coupon. But send- It rlsht away Bew before you put down this paper. FRtt HVPTVRi BOOK AMD Rateor ooupom. Oapt. W. A. OoUlngs flnoj - v v BoslUB Watartown. IC. V. : " please send SM Tour FRKB Raptors Remedy and Book without any obit, ration on my part whatever. : r -, Name ...... Address Entirely New Way to , Banish Superfluous Hair i (Really Removes Roots and All) , ' Why should any woman continue to an ua-ly. humillatlnr rrowth of hai on her face, now that it is known this can be completely and quickly removed, roots and ell, by the new phelactine pro cerfsT The process is not to be compared at all with the depilatory, electrical or shaving ' methods. Phelactine1 is non odorous, non-irritating, non-poisonous. so harmless it could be eaten without eny bad effect. Best of all, the hairs come out entire, even the roots, before one's very eyes I The skin is left as smooth and hair-free as a child's. Anyone, who purchases a stick of phe lactine frees the drug-cist and follows the simple directions, is bound te be pleased and delighted. 111 ....... i i i 1 1 riiir.jji, V Cuticura Will Help Yon Look Yonett Make the Cutcura Trio your every day toilet prerlratiorl-and watch your skin, nsir and bands improve. The Soap to cleanse and purify, tbe Ointment to soothe and heal, and the TaUnmitorjowdertadperfunie. Why Not Try 'a Bee Want Ad sUUT The scientific blendinsr of reliable Testable remedies of benefit to persons who suffer from v Unto faa Slew Kcswrory SIccdIi Ims el Appetite 1 aUflesHve TresiMee - -baBeesiM suatl Klaslretl Ailsaeata Are yea run downt Are you irritable t Are you over Worked? Then try this approved remedy and satisfy yeuself of its beneficial la. gradients... la original lt-os. bottles only. RI.A.CEA Dltfja. CO. . Sole Manufacturers v, s.i. MERRITT DRUG STORES Na7 I SI I So. ISth Street No. 8 aoOS Farnam Street and leading Nebraska druggists. Kansas Ciy, Ho. m lit JL