Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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    m ...
&t'M'' THE BEE: QMAHA- Thursday October ' 28, 1920. . ; ' -
fSout Old Man Dollar" 0, '
at! '
it i
Wei I
I are
i II
liwiiitiiikj Jt
m iPhiiiip
Restoration of Old Time Prices
W Worth, of New "Merchandise
h to i
lime H
ery HappyThis Week
We have for rnonlhs been seehino in mnh iiimr AnNnt
- l"-o " wvttw
o further, for tee knew actual dixtraL inns rtnhina fmm
ugh prices. r Vou arc not more glad than we are that the
limit tint fnmm .L--. 7-- . - I I 1.1
....... wins w iicn (ifci puce icveu are nere.
n our immense neii; stack von t.ji7 mJ Anu rmUM
merchandise; and behind it are shilled hand nnA mnant henrl
full of the spirit of real service.
Toda) We make new a)ierino fmm Cit IT) NPW Mil .
JUON DOLLAR STOCK Prices that are not "special."
but only those to which $ou are entitled because of the break
in ihe market. v
, We ask Vou to remember thai n nn. JVOT WO 7 'SAY:
"4 SALE OF ANY KIND, but merely giving Jjou new
uesmaae possible by the present conditions, which we hope
onunue jrom this time on.
54-inch all-wool novelty checks and mixtures
in very smart coior eommnatinnn frr an to
. and skirts. Full 1 ft yards wide. & E 1 E
a Per yard ,,,puili;
ine Lingerie
Wool Dress C
The Season's Latest Offerings for Dresses, Suits, Coats and Skirts
- Ci. t?fii ' ' i ' v am a v - :
Storm Sferge
50-inch all-wool storm serge in 3 d 1 QE
Bhades of navy blue P1 0
Wool Plaids
54-inch all-wool plaids for skirts and dreses,
very latest coloring, full 1 , V 0A QE
yards wide PilyO
' v ' '
-K Silvertone
54-inch all-wool silvertone coating, also for
suits in full line of color, . frA Q j
full 1ft yards wide Pr0
Wool Novelty
Wool Broadcloth
54-inch all-wool broadcloth, in full line of
color for suits and dresses, full dQ Q
lft yards wide P009
Men's Wear Serge
54-inch navy blue men's wear serge for suits
and dresses, full lft yards wide. E
Per yard pfl00
Wool Duvetyne
54-inch all-wool duvetyne in full range of
street shades, full 1 yards wide. A 1 E
Per yard Lti.D
Wool Mixtures
All-wool mixtures for suits and skirts, won
derful line of colors, full lft do A
yards wide. Per yard
Mala Floor.
Wool Taffeta
500 yards of all-wool taffeta in navy blue,
and cream, 40 inches wide. ft Q E
Per yard vaiiJu
Wool Jersey
All-wool jersey fer dresses in a full range of
shades, 48 inches wide. d JQ
Per yard . , , , . . . P 1 oDl7
Wool Serge
54-inch all-wool serge for dresses and suits,
in mwnignt blue, full ,1ft yards
Suedine Cloth
For suits, dresses and coats, full line of color;
; . ... $1.45
86 inches wide.
Per yard ....
Mothers Will Appreciate
This Opportunity to Buy
Winter Coats
For the, Kiddies at '
$3.95 i
Stunning new Fall models velvet plush, cordovan, ve-.
lour and heavy English mixtures, for tots 2 to 6 years old.
Lined and interlined so cold blasts cannot creep through.
Downstair Store.
t 1
Drugs and Toilet
At Very Special Prices
Mavis toilet water, 98c.
Mavjs talcum powder, 19c.
Wool powder puffs, 4-inch
size, 22c. -
Compact powder, E. E., 39c.
Stevens' depilatory, 69c.
Colgate's assorted perfumes,
original bottle, 19c -
Tooth brushes, imported
.hand-drawn bristles, 29c.
Pepsodent dental cream, 34c.
Cashmere Bouquet soap, 18c.
Bocobelle imported castile
soap, 4-lb. bar, $1.49. ;
Putman's dry cleaner, 17e.
Bell's pine tar and honey for
coughs and colds, 23c
Listerine, a general anti
septic, 42c
Hot water bottles, ' guaran
teed, 89c
Lysol disinfectant, medium
size, 42c
Dainty Women
l-prftiijg. Prices! of !
t - i " . i si
kinty fvyith delight over them, or welcome as a gift 1
and fbeyond expectation, a few of these beautiful
iirlor- S. - i . nm .1 ... . ' '
f-garmenis. rney give tne utmost m comfort I
Kpvafl satisfaction, as well as pride of posses- I
lllX' ' IUI!lll::'t::l!;!ilill!ill::iti:!.;!iiii:l;
11 mi l . - . .
a - - , - '
,JSAs Cold Weather Arrives
Made of a super weight fleeced
cotton, and in a medium weight
$oh High necks, long sleeves,
ankle length; also low necks, no
sleeves, ankle lengths.
Not a broken lot but a full range
fef MTM. V
TT mm
Unions vr
Hundreds pf V1 en's Cloth and Gum Rubber Raincoats
At Prices that Have Not Been in Effect for Years
$6.95, $9.95, $12.95 and $19.50
Men and young men will welcome this opportunity to secure a coat that will protect them from the
cold winds and from the ram and sleet They are especially desirable for driving, and at these" prices,
are exceptional values. , They are ; , , . . .
English and Scotch Tweeds Double Textures Gum Rubber
' Every coat fully guaranteed, and as there are hundreds from which to make your selection in all
sizes, you will be pleased when you see them. Sizes 34 to 50.
Leatherette Coats at $14.95 and $19.50
Just 275 men's leatherette ciats will be offered Thursday morning. They are of leatherette shell,
with heavy khaki linings. Sizes 34 to 46. While they last, In two groups, $14.45 and $19.50.
1 Fourth Floor,
Id mr .
light tr
it $1.95
A Very Unusual Value in Men's and Young Men's
Fancy Wool Trousers
$5- pair
Ail Sizes. 32 to 40
Every man has One or more suits that would give a lot more wear if th trousers were only, a
little better. So, instead of selling these perfectly good coats and vests to the second-hand dealer,
why not get the good of them by taking advantage of this offer?
These trousers come in fancy grays and browns, are made of good wool cloth and finely tailored.
A great, big bargain men, that you'll appreciate. .
Fourth Floor.
Linen Prices Revised Downward
At Prices Unknown Since Before the War
tV flecks, long sleeves, ankle length.
&( ? STORE
MmnccA Soon
Table Cloths and
Imported Japanese table
cloths and napkins in colors of
blue and white, hemstitched
, - Size 48x48-inch cloth, 95c
Size 54x54-inch cloth, $1.39
Size 60x60-inch cloth, $1.89
Size 72x72-inch cloth, $2.59
each. ,
Size 17x54-inch scarfs 49c
each. ,
Napkins to match above
ciotns, 9c each.
Table Cloths
Butcher linen table cloths,
size 54x54-inch width, 3-inch
hemstitched edge, and in hand
some blue designs, $1.25 each.
14xl4-inch napkins to match,
12c each. , . , f
Table Damask
$2.95 Yard
Heavy weight, all-linen table
damask. Excellent Quality that
will give lasting service.
Irish Table Damask
$1.25 Yard
Irish table damask, 70 inches
wide, extra fine quality, beau
tiful desisma.
Covers. A9e F.nrri .-...
Library table covers, size 36x36 inches square, in handsome
Oriental designs. ;,
"Old Man Dollar's"
, Several hundred good qual
ity rainproof umbrella cloth
with a variety o$ styled
handles. Each,, iJ'J J
. Main niorj
You will want several of
these colored shell stitched
,. wash cloths which are F
priced at. .......... . DC
' , Mop and Oil
Sprustex mop outfit, consist
ing of triangle shape mop,
polished handle and large
i. Dottle of polish. COi
The set... ......... .DUC
i ' t
Downstairs Stort.
i'- I Knit Caps
Boys' heavy wool knit caps
in plain or fancy weaves in
dark winter colors. Sizes
2 to 14 years.
Choice ........ .. ZDC
Downstair Store.
Women's Hose
A large assortment of
women's black hose, good
quality, in all sizes. A won
derful value I A
at, a pair 1JC ,
' . Downstair Stor.
Plaid Blankets
Full size plaid blankets in a
quality that has great
warmth. All colors from
. which to make your
choice, at, a pair.
Downstairs Stsro.
A large lot of women's veils
in black, brown and navy
and in a combination CQn
of colors. Choice. . . . OJC
I Main Floor.
Hundreds of dainty hand
kerchiefs for women, priced
at the very low price J Ej
Main Floor. '
Sparkling facets, cut round
.and oval, imported bead
necklaces. These are iet.
amber, amethyst, pearl, etc.
Choice, 10 and Oft
mio uuia
Warm and comfortable
sweaters, for the little tots,
made just like mother's, in
all the new shades and the
latest styles. ftp
Each . .
........ .( .
SKond Floor.'
Beautiful silk tassels, 3 and -4
inches in length, for trim
mings. Choice of rose, green,
navy,: taupe white, IC ,
brown, etc., each. ... IDC
Main Floor.
Watch for It in Our Ad
New Story Told
Of Crown Hrince
Rudolph's Death
Member of Hapsburg Family
Lifts Veil From Mys
terious Austrian Double
Tragedy .
I'nlrwmal Sorrloo Staff Corrospontlrnt.
Berlin, Oct. 27. The "mystery of
Mayerhng, as the mysterious death
of Croyn Prince Rudolph of Aus
tria, around which there have been
built manv lenends. has been sDoken
of for years, was lifted by a member
of the Hapsburgs for the first time
today. .
Archdulce Leopold Ferdinand, in
an article in the Vossische Zeitung
tells what he declares is the true
version of Rudolph's death. Ferd
inand in 1902 renounced his rank
and gave up all claim to the throne,
taking the name of Leopold Woel
fling and marryfng the girl of his
The archduke says that the real
story of the death of Crown Prince
Rudolph was told to him ty his
father who -was the most intimate
friend of the old Emperor Franz
Joseph and the crown prince. Ferd
inand himself was also a close friend
of Rudolph, knowing him intimately
for a number of years.
In his story in the Vossische Zei
tung he describes the unhappy mar
riage of Rudolph to Princess Ste
fanis, of Belgium,, the match having
been arranged . by the respective
royal houses without consulting the
young couple. He tells of her violent
jealousies and how the stormy home
life of the royal couple finally threw
Prince Rudolph into the arms of
the beautiful Baroness Vetsera.
. , Made Reservations.
After, some difficulty Emperor
Franz Joseph finally secured the
word of honor of Crown Prince Ru
dolph that he would break with the
baroness. I
"Bit," says Ferdinand, "Rudolph
gave his word with the mental
reservation , that he would see his
love once more and drain to its
dregs the painfully sweet jcup of
farewell. - '
'On that Jast evening there were
numerous euests at ilie huntinir
lodge at Mayerling, including Hek
tor Baltazzi, famous racing man and
his brother, Anstide, both Greeks.
Hektor was generally reported to be
the fiance of the pretty baroness of
whom the crown prince was en
amoured. Killed in Argument
"During a party of the evening the
gentlemen were all in one of the
small parlors of the lodge. The
baroness was elsewhere at the time
and there was the customary heavy
drinking by i the men. Rudolph
could never stand much drink and
after a few glasses often became
very violent. ....
"A discussion which arose' became
very heated and Rudolph soon col
lided with the hot blooded tempera
ment of the two Greeks.
"It will probably never be known
just how the trouble started, but
soon there were threats of the use
of daggers and swords and as these
threats were made everybody jumped
to their feet , j
"At this moment, without anv
warning, a full champagne bottle
Women to'Urge
Laws to Check
Divorce Evil
Mrs, Draper ' Smith and Dr.
Jennie Callfas Tell RoUr
, ians Women's Plans for
Use of Ballot
What the women are going to do
with the ballot now that they have it
was told members of the Rotary club
at the noon-day luncheon in the Ho
tel Rome yesterday by Mrs. Draper
Smith and Dr, Jennie Callfas.
Both speakers are officers in the
National Women Voters', league, a
nonpartisan organization.
ThcJeague is divided into eight de
partments. Mrs. Smith beinar in
charge of the educational and child
welfare, and Dr. Callfas in charge of
social hygiene.
lhe educational measures which'
will be urged by Mrs. Draper Smith
will be a request for a nine months
school year in rural districts as well
as in towns and cities. Equaliza
tion of school taxes will be a result
of this change, Mrs. Smith declared.
Divorce nrevetitativea will he a
vanced in the form of bills requiring
minors, who have the consent of
their parents to marry, to obtain their
license 10 days before their wedding
Starting to speak on the subject
of social hygiene, Dr. Callfas de
clared that any man or woman who '
has the right to vote and docs not.
do so November 2 is not a good
In asking; for social hygiene legis
lation of the next legislature Dr. Call
fas will urge the adoption of a bill
to expedite prosecution of assailants
of minor girls. ,
When maximum sentence of 20
years in such cases is given, she
says, women will see that the sen
tence is served. - . !
was hurled with tremendous force
across the table. Rudolph dropped
as if struck by lightning.
Baroness Was Shot ,
"A few moments later the Baron
ess Vetsera entered the doorway,
where she was seen to stand as if
petrified at the figure of her lover
stretched on the floor. Suddenly
there was a shot and the Baroness
Vetsera fell dead not far from the
spot where Rudloph tiad fallen.
lhe body ot the crown prince
was taken to the palace in Vienna
with the class splinters from the
champagne bottle still sticking in the
wounds in his smashed skull.
. "For reasons of state the govern
ment announced that Rudolph had
committed suicide rather than ad
mit the truth, which it was feared
would have a serious effect on po-'-litical
conditions at the time. '
Archduke Ferdinand says that all
witnesses to the , murder ot me
Crown prince took a solemn oath to
preserve silence, but that a full re
port was made to the emperor.
Divorce Court.
Divoreo Doercea.
rilMbeth Wella from Norton WU,
Croid Ha'rati from Jamea Harl; 'pifc?
"Maiia Grlswold from William OriaWoMI :
.Tnnnnh Buzlwlcs affatnat Fraflcii Bulla-
Tflci, cruelty. ... .'..'
Lucllla Adami arlnt Imul Aflamt
Brogues, with Wool Hose
--- The Combination Is Neat
OR Fall and Winter1 the combination of Brogue
Oxfords and Woolen Hosiery, is snappy, neat
appearing and comfortable. ' .
The Brogue Oxford is a shoe well deserving ot
bighest praise. Innumerable people have told .
us they would wear nothing else.
This shoe satisfies others and will satisfy you.
They are reasonable and durable.
Brogues are-selling at this store for $8.95 and
up. 1 . .
Wool Hosiery, $2.46 and $2.95., : h
No Charges
No Discounts
No Echnf es
Shoe Market
320 South 16th Street
N For Rent
at the . . ,
Hotel Fontenelle
.. . i V
The comer room at 18th and Douglas Streets,
known as the Logan Inn, has been remodelerj into
an attractive storeroom, with entrance at the cor
ner of 18th Street, and is nOw available or various
purposes, such as Stock and Grain Office, Branch
! Agency, Men's Furnishing Store, Furrier, Jewelry .
Shop, Railroad Ticket Office, Insurance, or for a
Smart Shop.
Rent includes light and heat for a long term
lease if desired. ' , '
See Manager, A. W. NOLET.
f , . ..:v , . ' , "... f , ...... ... .