Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Several Testify
Against Gilinski i
In Murder Trial
Omaha Gunman Identified by
Witnesses as Man at
' Wheel of Bank
Girl Given Poison
Goes Back Jo Stage
Bandits Auto.
Jackson, Mich., Oct. 27. (Special
Telegram.) Efforts to shake the
testimony of witnesses N who saw
Dave Gilinski at the wheel of the
car in front of the bank at Grass
Lake while the bank was being rob
bed signally failed at the"taking of
testimony in the trial of Gilinski,
Omaha gunman, on the charge of
first degree murder for the, killing
of Undershiriff Harry Worden at
-Mack Island, in a battle between the
officers and the four mtn traced to
the island after the robbery.
The physicians, who performed
the autopsy and removed the fatal
bullet from Worden's body, retailed
the character of the wounds and
iderrfffied the bullet by a private
mark which had been made in the
presence of the three doctors. W.
K. Mclntyre, proprietor of the Mack
Island hotel, testified that when the
officers came he went with them, to
the door of the up-stairs room of
the club house and told Harris, who
rrv.t to the door, that the men were
officers who wanted to look through.
He described the throwing back of
the door by Harris after his stall
tailed to work, and his words "Are
you all set?"
I -Witness Describes Struggle.
The witness stated that Harris and
Deputy Sheriff Verl Kutt, rolled
down the stairs in a, struggle for
Kutt'a. gVin as the shots rang out at
the door and that he ran down and
started for the telephone in obedience
to Kutt's order to call for help and
did not see Gilinski when he is al
leged to have appeared in the second
door down the veranda and fired
twice at Worden. ,
Floyd T. Mellencamp. cashier of
; the looted bank, detailed the holding J
up of the bank and the fleeing, of the
men in the waiting car. t
- Walter D. Rowe, Grass Lake
supervisor, told of his seeing the car
with the four men go by a barber
shop while he was facing the window
prior to. his going to the bank.
He declined to swear that the man
driving was Gilinski. On cross ex
amination, Attorney Noon sought to
question the probability of his recog
nizing any of the men as the car
v passed the barber shop and scored
a point against his own side; when
the witness stated that he now re
called that the man driving was
dark-haired, young and had a large
nose and he believed it was Gilinski.,
Grocer's Testimony Damaging.
The next witness, -John Fuller,
grocer, whose store is a few doors
Horn the bank, gave the most damap
ing testimony against Gilinski. He
stated that he-came to the door cf
his store and his attention was at
tracted to the car by the unusual po
sition in which it was parked, thc.
f ront wheels being out from the
curb, and the car being moved slow
ly backward and forward as though
for a quick start. He positively iden-,
tificd Gilinski as the man at the
wheel. 1
A new witness who was located
the day the jury was taken to Grass
Lake to view the bank premises was
next called in the person of Tohn
Rohr, brother-in-law of Harry Wor
den, who stated that when he saw
the prisoner in the car at the bank
while the jury was there' he recog
nized him as the man he had seen
xt the wheel of the car while pass
ing the bank on the day of the rob
bery. - -
Deputy Sheriff , John Smith of
Grass Lake told of his picking tip
Gilinski on the road and taking him
back to the Island at the point of
his gun. He told the jury thit
Gilinski appeared at the' side of the
road, wet to the waist and when
stopped and asked where he was
going, said that he wanted to go to
Jackson and that the sheriffs were
shooting hell out of everything at
the Island."" He stated that when he
cot back with his prisoner, Duptv
Sheriff Vert Kutt exclaimed: 'That's
, the fellow who shot Harry."
Miss Pankhurst Expects
.. Six Months' Imprisonment
London,, Oct. 27. Sylvia Pang
hurst, the militant suffragette, in a
letter to Nikolai Lenine, the bolshe
vik premier, which is now in the
hands of the government,, is said to
have made this interesting com-
"I expect six months imprisonment.-
I have considered the hunger
strike, but am afraid that weapon
has been destroyed since the gov
ernment is letting the Irish hunger
strikers: die."
Miss Pankhurst was arrested last
week charged with publishing redi
tious literature. She was admitted
to bail pending trial.
Last Suspects in Child
, Murder Case Released
Mayslanding, N. j, Oct 27.-The
last chapter in the Dansey case was
probably written wheVi Charles S.
White and Mrs. Edith Jones, house
keeper for White's father, were dis
charged from custody. They had
, been under bail in connection with'
the disappearance of Billy Dansey.
the 4-vear-old boy whose body ws
later found in a swamp. Their re
lease follows the failure of a grand
jury to find' indictments against
them. . ":
1 V
Two Men Killed in Battle ,
With Colorado Officers
' Colorado Springs, Oct. 27. Two
men are dead and a Third is in a
'local hospital with bullet wounds
following a battle with Colorado
Springs police, who had been sent
tr the Black forest as Dart of a
' posse searching for automobile
v bandits who attempted to rob the
First National bank at Elbert,
General Barnett to Appear
In Probe of Haiti's Charges
Washington, Oct 27. Brig. Gen.
Bamett. former commandant of the
marine corps, will appear before the
raval court of inquiry investigating
;he American occupation" of Haiti to
give evidence as to his charge of
indiscriminate killings" of natives i'l
Haiti which brought about the in
vestigation. : ?
rmmmmmmmmmmmmim m ito
U v, j I
fit s " 1
riA I
' Veggy O'Neill, London music hall
favorite, who has . returned to the
siage following ajnonth's illness due
to an attempt to poison her. Miss
O'Neill says a box was sent to her
dressing room anonymously, and
tiporu opening it found it contained
chocolates. She ate some and was
taken ill immediately after. An
analysis of the confectionery showed
it contained arsenic and strychnin.
Urge U.S. to Buy Up
All Liquor Supplies
Washington, D. C, Oct. 27. Con
gress was urged by te board of
temperance, prohibition, and public
morals oL the Methodist church to L
buy up supplies of intoxicants held
in. bonded warehouses. The hold
ings should be got together in a
smaller number of warehouses, the
board's recommendation' said, and
after a sufficient supply for "legiti
mate purposes" had been provided,
the remainder should be rendered
unfit for beverage, and sold for in
dustrial purposes. ,
, Other resolutions asked the appro
priation of more money to enforce
federal prohibition, and for govern
ment action to "restrict the passage
of American citizens between Cali
fornia and the immoral resorts of
Tia Juana, Mexico." ' , t
College Professor Quits
, Calling to Become Salesman
Chicago. Oct. 27. Quite recently a
former schol principal made the an
nouncement that he had skimped
along for 30 yeais, trying to make
both ends meet mid. had then aban
doned teaching and opened a beauty
palor. Ia one "year he had rTliilt up
such a, bank acount that for the first
time in his life, he was paying in
come tax. He also made the caus
tic comment that women think more
of ...what goes on their .heads than
they ,do of what they have" inside of
them. - - ' r
Now; Prof. J. T. Nutall, for 14
years a chemistry teacher in Crane
Junior college, announces that he has
quit teaching and become a sales
man. He found that the driver of
a pie -wagon was making about
three times as much per week as
he wa.and it dees not'require any
high degree of mentality , or lone
years of study to drive a pie wagon.
Wilson Calls On
Pro-League G. 0. P.
To Save Treaty
President Addresses Group at
White HouseSays Ameri
canism Is Spurious and
For Party Purposes.
Washington,' Oc(. 27. -President
Wilson, speaking to a group of pro
league republicans today at the
White House, declared that "that
so-called Americanism which we
hear so much prating about now is
spurious and invented for party pur
poses only." . '
Appealing for the completion of
the "great moral achievement" which
he said the wa represented, the
president asserted that "the war will
have been fought in vain and our
immense sacrifices thrown away un
less we complete the work we then
"There is only one way to assure
the world of peace," the president
declared, "and that is by making itA
so dangerous to break the peace that
no other nation will have the auda
city to attempt it." '
The president warned his hearers
not to bevdeceivd into supposing
that imperialistic schemes ended with
the defeat of Germany or "that Ger
many lis the only nation that enter
tained such schemes or was moved
by sinister ambitions and long stand
ing jealousies to attack the very
structure of civilization." .
"There are other nations," said the
president, "whiclN areV likely to be
powerfully moved or 'arc already
moved by commercial jealousy, by
the desire to dominate and to have
"Their Work .while you Sleep"
Take Salt to flush Kidneys
' and neutralize irritat
ing acids. "-v
"Kidney and piadder weakness re
sult from uric acid, says a noted au
thority. The kidneys filter this acid
from the blood and pass it on to the
bladder, where it often remains to ir
ritate and inflame, causing a burn
in K. scalding sensation, or setting up
an irritation at the neck of the blad-
der, obliging you to seek relief two
or three times during the night. The
sufferer is in constant dread, the wa
ter trasses sometimes with a scalding
sejisation and is very profuse, again
there is difficulty in avoiding it.
. TUnMpr wrtrnpee mnct f nW.'Q rati
it. -because tlitv can't control uri-V
natien. While it is extremely annoy-
ing ana somenmes-veryt painmi, mis
i. really one of the most simple, ail
ments to overcome. Get about four
ounces of'Jad Salts from your phar
macist and take a tablespoonful in a
glass of water beiore breakfast, con
tinue this for two or three days. This
will neutralize the acids in the urine
so it no longer is a source of irrita
tion to the bladder and urinary or
gans, which then act nonrurrfy again.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless
and is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and is used by thousands , of
folks who arc subject to urinary dis
orders caused by uric acid irritation.
Jad Salts is sploiidid for kidneys and
causes no bad effects whatever.
Here you have a pleasant, effer
vescent lithia-water drink, which
qufckly relieves bladder trouble
their own" way in politics and , in
enterprises and. it is necessary to
check them and to apprise them that
the world wii be united against
them as it was against Germany if
they attempt any similar thing."
Wilson Very 111.
In a formal statement issued after
they left the White House memhers
of the delegation said they were
"deeply touched by the physical ap
pearance of the president, who re
ceived them sitting, and plainly
showed the effects of his long illness
and the tremendous strain which he
has been carrying."
"He read from a "manuscript his
reply to the address' of the deputa
tion," the statement Continued, "and
was greatly moved as he did so.
More than once his voice choked,
especially when he referred to the
soldier boys and the mothers of
those who had fallen in battle."
Was Very Emotional.
"It-was evident that he was voic
ing the profoundest emotions of his
heart," the delegation added. "TheJJ
wnoic occasion was mespressioiy
solemn and tender."
"It was evident that the president's
intellectual powers were in 'no way
impaired," the statement continued,
"but the deputation felt that it was
nothing less than tragic, that the
great president of the United States
should have been brought to such a
stricken physical condition as the
result of his indefatigable labor for
his country and for humanity."
The delegation said "they "felt that
this might be the president's appeal
to the conscience of his countrymen
in the supreme moral decision that
they ate called upon to make."
To Sell Merchant Fleet s
Paris, Oct. 27. The cabinet decid
ed to sell the merchant fleet oper
ated by) the various ministries. The
fleet totals about 800.000 tons.
Bee want ads are business getters.
Farmer Slavs WorharL
Fires Her Home, Then
Sends Bullet In Brain
Harbor Springs, Mich., Oct.
John Harado, a threshing in
hand, shot and killed Mrs. Margaret
Kennedy at her farm home near here
Monday night, set fire to the house
and then went to the barn and com
mited suicide after.-setting fire to
othcrTarm buildings, according to
the testimony of the 6-year-old
daughter of Mrs. ; Kennedy at a
coroner's Jnquest here today. The
coroner's I jury returned a verdict,
charging Harado with the crime.
Neighbors discovered early , today
that the Kennedy home and other
buildings had been burned during
the night. The little girl was
found wondering along the high
way. '
According to her story Harado
had been an unwelcome visitr
several occasions.
' Curtail Production. t
Ware, Mass., Oct. 27. The Otis
company announced that its cloth
departments would operate only four
days a week beginning Monday, bs
cause of lack of orders. About 1,000
operatives are affected. A part of
the underwear department is al
ready on a four-day schedule.
Threatened Truck Strike
In New York Forestalled
) New York,' Oct. 27'A strike of.
New York's 50,000 'truck men on
verbal agreement was ' reached to
continue present vforkiiig conditions,
until final agrcecients ara reached
at a meeting of t&e Teamsters' union
and the wage' fcale committee of
the Merchants Trackmen's bureau.' '
Sage TlUtti fcriieirrsfiii.-vfliiDS
-SVJX"-'""! "OfwrtwCMIdwa I RtehMIIk.M1tedQlnBtr.etlDKl
avwnginairooa unnKrorAUAga I CooUngowruUnjrDteMtiUii
lie Ordinal
vU SubitihitM.
Do you feel "out-of-tune?". You
are bilious,' constipated I You feel
headachy, full of cold, unstrung.
Your meals don't fit breath is bad,
skin sallow. Take Cascarets tonight
for your liver and bowels and wake
up clear, rosy and cheerful. No
griping no inconvenience. Children
love Cascarets, too. 10, 25, 50 cents.
Doctor Tells Dow to
Strengthen Eyesight
By the
a i m d I e
u a4 o f I
Ft vtk m Ik mm.ll
aya Dr.
Lewis, I
have seen
ened 60
in a week's
time i
many instances, and quick relief
brought to. inflamed, aching, itching,
burning, work-strained, watery eyes.
Read the doctor's full statement soon
to appear in this paper. .Bon-Optois.
sold and recommended everywhsre'tur
Taking. The In
Out of Indigestion
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet Are
Nicely Balanced to Enable You
to Eat What You Like
Without Distress.
Indigestion ii about .the most nnivcnal
complaint of mankind. - And when the
stomach Is sour, ussy, Moated-Hke and
you get that peculiar bilious taste in the
mouth - due to indigestion or . dyspepsia
mere is nothing- more relieving than one I
or two Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Many people, are afraid of nearly all''
the good old savory dishes, the fried
eggs, sausage, steak ana onions and so
on, as they usually experience the peculiar
acidity which often follows such food.
But Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets were de
signed to supply the stomach with the
alkaline effect to offset the acid condition.
For this reason many physicians recom
mend these tablets and you ean gelsthem
in any drug store at 0 cents a bo3S
Kill That Cold With
Colds, Coughs
La Grippt
v Neglected Colds are Dangerous .. , '
Take no chances: Keep (his standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. '
Breaks' op a cold in 24 hours Relie ves
" Grippe in 3 days Excellent lor Headache
eQuintne In this form does hot affect the head Caacara la bet Z'irie
LaxaueNo Opiate in Hill's,
For Thursday
For Thursday
' p 1 :
r .f
In An Unprecedented Value Giving Event
Through Orkin Bros. Great Buying Power we are able
to offer this Great Special Purchase of Fine Dresses at
Such Very Loy Prices --- Less Than the Cost of Materials.
Values to $39.50 Values to $59.50
and i
Wool Tricotines
Wool Velours
French Serges ,
Poiret Twills
Wool JMseys
Velvet Velours
Charmeuse Models
Finest -Tricotines -Poiret
Best Satins
Broadcloths ,
These are exceedingly Smart and Practical Dresses for Street,
Business, Afternoon, Dinner, in fact, for Every Wear and are hand
somely embroidered, lavishly beaded, and trimmed with novelty com
binations and effects of great chic and beauty. ,
500 Winter
Highest Grade Plain and Fur Trimmed
Woolen Cloth and Fur Fabric Coats
. in Great Special Reductions
Values to $95 Values to $150
Crystal Cords Peach Bloorris
Duvet De Laines '
Baffin Seal
Peco Plush
Yukon Seal s
Ndshni Seal '
Behring Seal
1 t A Great Special Purchase Sgle of .
1 ,000 Georgette Blouses)'
ts . '. ...
i Wonderful Values Of Highest Grade Georgette In every size and color
Tunics and Overblouses High and Low Necks Tailored and Dress Models with
Convertible Collars-With Every Wanted Trimming. .
. mjUUSft OCiUliUXN MAI IN t lAiKJsS.
I ; - .
All Sizes
I ii j
7 p i i bb .j
! 1 - ' I . v I - .. ..
. -. . . . . . " .
I 1