Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1920, Page 6, Image 6
l- 1 - . " , 'S'ir:"!i'fVi" . THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 Thefts In24 Hours of Omaha Crime Carnival Thugs Highwaymen, Tfneves and Robbers Continue Hold Omaha In Grip. to Thugs, highwaymen, thieves, rob bers and their ilk continued to hold Omaha in their grip Tuesday night with 20 thefts, holdups and burg laries reported to Central police headquarters. - . - . , Diamond rings, kodaks, coats and qther articles of clothing valued at more than $500,' comprised the loot of burglars who entered the home s .of Mrs. M. Dushck, 320 North Twenty-fourth' street, by removing J, the lock from the front door. 7! Miss M. Kemp, Dclmar hoteCre i ported the theft of $3 from a bureau ;in her room. - Rome Hotel Looted. Several fountain pens and articles t of jewelry were stolen from rooms in the Hotel Rome, the management y reported. KMiss M. Rhea, 1942 Hamilton street, reported the loss of her purse nd watch in a downtown motion S nictureshow. - V L One tire was. stolen from a trlc ct the Nebraska fuel company, i parked at Eighteenth and Farnam . streets. f : One sealskin neckpiece, one lace .,co!lar and numerous pieces of silken, gfilmy lingerie, to a. total value of s$150, was stolen from the1 home of fHw. R.Wood, 1334 . South Thirty hith avenue ;' v j W. B. Montgomery, Brunswick S,notel, reports the theft of his army i'jnackinaw coat. 1 3f- Held Up by Mexican. k; Krad Almon, SOU South Twenty- sixth street, reported he was held up tty a Mexican bandit at the Armour plant and robbed of $45. -jr Leo Spreigter, 3639 South Twenty r?3ird street, reported the theft of &$150 worth of knives, forks and B spoons. ' - . i Mrs. M. Decker - 4607 North 1 Twenty-third, returned to her home to find the bureau drawers in dis- order and contents strewn about iff the floor, but nothing missing, pr, Fifty dollars in jewelry and if plothing'was stolen from the home gjjf W. H. Boppino, ,4826 South rwcnty-fffst. street.- "i , Frank Talbert, 2210 Meredith avenue, reported the theft of a f lavalhere from his homew lS h- Loses Fountain Pen. '.- ft.- : Arthur Schnase, 2103 Douglas street, reported thieves - entered his . . . . . . t i ana stoie awaicn ana two gold fountain pens. -- , ; , i Jewelry worth v$150' was " taken (from the home of Dr. J. . Maxwell, ' F. W. Kuener Hotel. Rome;., re- $ ported , he placed his grip among pother grips in the lobby of the yf hotel, but when he returned to take Sit with him, his grip -was gone. V ?, B. H. Feltman, 2608 Mason street, i said he hired a young man to clean lihis house for him and that while the stjroung fellow was at vrk $200 in kgold disappeared..,. ..,v.v . . - .. g Pickpockets secured . $35 ' from 5 Henry Schulty, Aetna hotel. ;! ! M. C. Shina reported that while he was asleep in his room in the White f hotel some one entered and stole his suitcase containing clothing and ; personal articles valued at $200. it i ' v I Kearney Cops Waging War 1 Against African Golfers tf Kearney, Neb., Oct. 27. (Special.) J The police here seem to be mak ing considerable headway toward ibrcaking up games of "African ;golf," which seems to have become exceedingly popular. ,; "i ,, Yesterday a raid netted sixteeri ar- reits out of a possible thirty players. This game was staged in the open, on banks of the Walker channel, 4 and some of the players, in their I mad flight for safety, took to the 1 water to escape. With two excep t tions the young men were given fines of $10 and costs. The excep :vwris got $50 and costs, being od ifptfenders. f- :'; Last week nearly a dozen arrests 'swere made and crap shooters donat yd over $400 to the city in fines. The police are determined to head off gambling and the court promises to lielp by boosting the .first offense Jlfine to $25 if necessarv.. ' & An instrument -has been developed i; lit the Oklahoma oil fields by which jthe quality of : petroleum tan be optically by comparing it with f standard colors. T. N. T. Used to Deflect v River Back to Channel 3 .pill 4k? ' -if s ( , -'s & V ' " ' - ! -' I ' ' wsV ? v- o State Of ficens Render Reports At Conventiou Mrs. John Slaker, President, Recommends Year Book And Revision of Consti By Staff Correspondent. Fremont, Neb., Oct. 27. (Special.) Motion picture censorship was bare ly touched upon by Mrs. John Slaker, president of the Nebraska Federa tion ofWomen's Clubs,:, in annual convention here, this morning, when she made her recommendations for the coming year and gave her report cf the activities of the federation for the last year. , Mrs. Slaker recommended a year book, revision of the constitution, definition of the status of the dis trict chairman and district president in state and national conventions. Mrs. A. E. Sheldon, general feder ation director for Nebraska, spoke of the desire for simplicity in the ma chinery of the general federation. Mrs. Sheldon is trom Lincoln. . Mrs. J. W. Welch of Omaha, state treasurer, reported $340 in. tne treasury. Mrs. M. L. Lord of Omaha, rep resenting ithe Second district, urged a closer, community interest ana recommended a building for the Sec ond district to house the records and serve as a meeting place for the clubs. . The entire morning session was consumed by reports of special and standing committees and state offi cers, V-'"-' . , .. ."x Most every large city in the coun try employs female detectives. K part of the process ! Elkhorn river back into Here's a blowing the its old channel under the Elk City steel bridge. The river ran away from the bridge last spring and formed a new channel 450 feet far ther west. x By means of a "current deflector" and T. N. T. operations State En gineer Johnson and County Sur veyor Louis Adams are attempting to force the stream back into its old course. The T. N. T. operations started Tuesday. Heavy charges used to remove snags and driftwood in the river threw columns of water from 100 to 150 feet in the air. 8,700 Dials Placed on Douglas, Tyler Phones Dials have :been placed on 8700 Douglas and Tyler telephones as one of the .steps necessary to pre pare for the establishment of auto matic service in Omaha's downtown district . . . Tests show 'that many telephones are disconnected in Omaha every day by subscribers moving the dial but slightly while carrying on a conversation. Movement of the dial but one-sixteenth of an inch cuts off the subscriber at conversation. Raw From Eczema Why not im wbkton bottt of D.D. D. will dot W tuaranttt rttult: Itching itops at ooc Mvoc, I l.oo. Try D. D. D. Soap, too. IE2).n).ID. EL lotion for SWn Disease Five Sherman A McConneU.Dnif Stores. fit' - .11 ;the oi tested Tr lines o Buy NOW MY Loss Is YOUR Gain I am closing out my stock at a great sac rifice. . i My lease will sooii expire. X bank takes my present location. I have found no suitable place and am closing out. DIAMONDS, WATCHESJEWELRY, SILVERWARE Ryan Jewelry Co. Securities Bldg. Geo. W. Ryan, Pres. Wilton, Axminster, , - Velvet, , and Tapestry Carpets Reduced in Price The logical time to jcarpet your office, the 'reception hall, living room and bed room of your home is when it can be done to. advantage and at a saving. The H. R. Bowen Store offers thousands of yards of the best carpeting made, in beautiful weaves and colorings at prices little to be dreamed of this early autumn. Measure your rooms, then come tothis big, growing store and select what you want from our immense new display. , You will find it money saved to supply - the things needed for your home 'from the Bowen store of Value-Giving Prices, a Union Outfitting Co. Makes A. fortunate Purchase of Floor and Table Lamns The Entire Stock Goes on Sale Next Saturday at Unusual Reductions - High Piano Lamps, Low Davenport Lamps and ' - Table ; Lamps Included If yon desire to solve the prob lem of ' making: the living room more : attractive at a moderate price,yonr opportunity comes in the special purchase of floor and table f lamps, which ; the Union Outfitting Company places on sale next Saturday. In the immense purchase are scores of artistically carved or graceful plain bases that harmon ize so pleasantly with the favor ed schemes of present day dec oration. " 1, . . N 5 The shades are mostly ' of Cheney silk in many tones, some with neutral silk lininps, fringe, tassels, and beads. The bases are principally, mahogany fin ished. .- . 5 , , -' f The wonderful values result ing from this fortunate purchase (further- emphasize the ever growing buying power of the Union Outfitting Company, lo cated out of the high rent dis trict As always you make tout 1 own terms. . JEFFEEIS FOR CONGRESS CONGRESSMAN ALBERT W. JEFFERIS REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE . FOR v SECOND TERM Election Nov. 2 -V State Humane Society Officers AD Re-Elected Officers of the Nebraska Humane society were all re-elected at the annual meeting in Hotel Fontenelle Tuesday as part of the national convention of the American Hu mane association in session there. J. . Davidson, therefore, remains president; M. A. Hall, vice presi dent; W. W. Bradley, secretary; O. T. Alvison, treasurer, and Robert Cowell, C. L. Farnsworth, Dr. B. W. Christie, Mrs. George B. Prinz. John R. Ringwalt, W. W. Bradley, Lincoln Frost, Howard Kennedy and Herbert M. Rogers, trustees for three-year terms. State and national workers held a banquet at the hotel in the eve ning. H. H. Baldrige was toast master. J. H. Beveridge, superin tendent of schools, spoke on "The Humane Society and the School." - The Rev. Frank G. Smith spoke on "The Humane Society, an Op portunity for Service." President Davidson lauded the work of Miss Guenn P. Godard in charge of the Children's Aid depart ment. Doctor Tells Lions flub of Cruelties to Animals Three common modes of cruelty rarely brought to the public eye were, explained Tuesday night at a meeting of the Lions club in the Rome hotel by Dr. Francis Rawley. president of the Massachusetts So ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. - These are, according to Dr. Raw ley, the fur trade, teaching animals tricks, and the present method of slaughter in packing plants. R. W. Orcutt, Sioux City Lion; spoke on the possible sisterhood of the Lions clubs of the. two cities. The first Lions club dance was held in the ball room Tuesday 'night. Queen Wilhelmina, of Holland, is an expert milliner and designs her own hats. 1 -k "' NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream inNostrUs; To Open Up Air Passages. 1 Ahl What relief I Your clogged nostrils open right up, the air passages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, mucous j dis charge, headache, dryness no strug gling for breath at night, your' cold or catarrh is gone. Don't stay stuffed up! Get a. small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it , penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relict Ely's Cream Balm is just , what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It s just splendid. - Aspirin "Bayer" on Genuine Warningl 'Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin , prescribed by physicians for 21 years and proved safe by millions SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of genuine' "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc tions for Headachy Earache, Toothache; Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American ! t. Handy tjrj boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cent Larger packages. JUfelriB ! tht trad mark of Bayer Manufacturo of If onoactUcacfdeatsr of Btllcrtlcaete piIIIIIH ' f' $ci)8 ' j 'ttiS. f ffidfigsStti Choice of Blue eSTCS1 111 TlffaTtfnl B convinced, sea them on II S Wg Special Sale thSI, i Jr on - ; m Duofold Another special value for tomorrow. Opens to a full size bed and is . comfortable to sleep on. On terms at JpZZZZlil: Credit A Two Piece Spedal There need be no doubt in . your mindabout this bargain ' for It is Just as pictured in the g-olden finish, and very special at iecial Sale Of AU Overstuffed Suites '37 ; Oak Dresser - Save tomorrow and come to Hartman's special sale of dressers. The one illustrated In solid golden oak. With large" mirror at only 192 am Money Real Use Your Credit Tomorrow v Royal Wiltons Fringed 9x12 Ft. Size A Combbation Coal and Gas Juaranteed as a baker P"38 or 'S-as. o": ered in blue or white porcelain, trimmed in nickel. Just a few to of fer tomorrow, cash or credit; at '128H Buy Rugs Now Saving Values Tomorrow's price will more i than . interest the keen bar gain nunter,' for these are truly bargains extraordinary. ; Your very style is to be found . here. The special prices range up from f $ 198 Two "Cole" tins As Here Pictured The colder weather Is coming, o be prepared. You can rely n a "Cole's Hot . Blast," - which s sold to you with a guarantee, of absolute satisnsetion. A farge warmth-giving heater, at .ractively trimmed in nickel. 48 Large Size Hot Blast On Easy Terms If You So Wish Another "Cole's" special for Thurs day's selling. You do not need ready cash, yourfCREDIT 13 GOOD. Exactly as illustrated, with large fire pot and trimmed in nickel. Remember, this special bargain is for tomorrow only $175 Heavy Seamless $ q 7 5 Axminstera .... 0"" m Axminstera 7-6x9 ft. Wool Fiber Rugs at. 1475 Bp Wise and Buy Your Heater Now Don't delay purchasing your heater. Buy now while our stocks are complete and before the ex treme cold weather Is upon you. SjxjthBetwcen Harney and Howard ariwWM-i- jpMSMtoiV. VweiwwA'-. X Si 4. 1 1 If t V