Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1920, Image 3

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randeis v Stores
"It Is Nots by the" Gray of the Hah;
That One Knows the Age of the Heart'
1 o
g3 - .
HI . . . . . ,t (
B An
1 v Economy
m v "
g;" Column
H The Best
jj Clothing
jj Opportunity
m ' xr i
H in i ears:
- Worth
ip to $115
In Two
fAt Two
5 ' ' If.' IT "i
H ine ramous
I Hart,
B Sdnaffner &
and Other
jj fine Makes
Enormous Crowds of Shoppers Throng Our Store
They Appreciate the Quality arid Prices
of the goods we offer in pur 39th Anniversary Sale. You will find
(in every one of our departments unmatchable values for every day:
Anniversary Sale of Season's Very Smartest
Wooleim Dresses
100 Beautiful Models, Worth $50 to $75
On Sale
The season's very smartest woolen
dresses in a very special offer
.'X 'i
WINTER is here again, and just, when woolen dresses are becoming more com
fortable as iwell asx fashionable we'are givin'gy)ur patrons the benefit of t
unique saving opportunity. Here are 100 of the smartest models made of tlx
v -
best qualities, elaborately embroidered, beaded or strictly tailored
Season's Styles at Exceptional Saving!
Fashion still accords the chemise dress great favor, but mucl( admira'tion hy
also won by the chic coat-like modes. These stunning winter models offer con
siderable opportunity for individuality. Let us prepare you, for we do not
want one of our patrons to miss this unusual sale. , Valdes ranging from
59.6) to 75.00 will go at ' ' - 29.50
You '11 seldom see a greater bargain!
, Btandeis Stores Second Floor West.
Specials m Women s Vests
Worth 50c to 75c
Anniversary l yJ
Sale Price , 0 C
Extra special values will be procurable in pink and white
vests, either in bodice style or, regulation straps; all( sizes;
vests worth 50c and 74c, special, each, at, 27c
. ' . -. y-Y. --' . -,. -Y : ',:
v -JThird Floor Center. , i
Men's Shirts and Drawers
" - , " ,i -
Samples Worth $1.5Q to $2.00
Wool, Wool-Mixed and Cotton Shirts and Drawers; manu
facturers' samples and surplus stock; slightly soiled;' only
a few drawersiin the lot, the majority of the garments are
shirts; worth, per garment, 1.50 and 2.00, at ' 79c
- , Main Floor Men's Store.
Itefris for
32-In. Kilburnie Zephyr Ging
ham; was 50c yd., NOW
36In. Unbleached Sheeting;
extra heavy; was 48c yd.,
35 g
25 (
36-In. Bleached Outing Flan
nel; was 48c yd., - NOW 29M
Lining Cambric in - assorted
colors; was 24c yd., NOW 15
V , Basement Center.
Rick Rack Braid; 4-yd. bolts;
was 15c, ; NOW
Inside Skirt Belting; this was H
15c yard, , NOW 7V2? If
Silkene Crochet Cotton; this ' H
was 15c ball,. NOW- 10 ,M
Real Human Hair Nets; these
were 15c eacl, NOW 4 for 25 , M
Good R u b b e r S a n i t a r y B
Aprons; were 1.00,' NOW 49 1
Men's Shirt Collar bands; H
all sizes, were 15c each, - s
,x, ' NOW 2 for 25 j
Sanitary Napkins; these were j . "Wk
1.00 a dozen, x NOW 59
Main Floor West,
Pear's Transparent Glycerine n
Soap, was 5c, NOW ,- 15c jj
Rose Bath Toilet Soap, was 8c, m
NOW ' 3c
MaifT Floor West
A Great Sale of Smart fur Chokers
Choice v
o f Arty .
in the
. .. B
. n
j - - '
At Omahars Lowest Prices!
A limited number of Animal Chokers in Squirrel,
Minki O'possum, Fitch, Raccoon and St one Marten;
exceptional values which insure ready sale
Child'sWarm Comfy Scarf s
Sig Values for School Wear
is $2.98
N Anniversary
Sale Price
Nicer warm Comfy" Soarfs for the children may be found
in our neckwear department. These are all-wool, in fancy
jstripes, belted and having pockets, hey come in brown,
navy $nd other combinations. Special, each, 2.98
Main Floor North.
One skin Natural Squirrel CJiokers, were 19.00 NOW 12.50
'- i - . - . i
One skin Mink Chokers, were 3500 r NOW 19.50
One skin Australian Oposgum Chokers were 37,50 NOW 19.50
One skin Liberty Fitch Chokers, were 35.00 " NOW 19.50
One skin Dark Raccoon Chokers, were 25.00 NOW 19.50
One skin Stone Marten Chokers, were 69. 00 ' NOW 35.00
Two skin Stone Marten Chokers, were 119.00 NOW 69.00
Two skin Mink Chokers, were 59.50 (hd 72.50 NOW 42-50
Two- Skin Liberty Fitch Chokersr were 59.50 NOWv 42.50
Two skin. Australian Opossum Choker were1 59.00 NOWv 42.50
randeis Stores Second Floor Center v . '
Spreads and Towel Sets
Satin Bed Spreads
For one day only a big special in high class Spreads ; plain
or scalloped, cut corner endsj large size in a range of Very
pretty patterns ; worth 8.00 and 9.00, choice
one day only, each, at vx ' K xs ?
Three-Piec4 Towel S
its .
These sets consist of one large towel,,one guest size and ono
wash cloth, the three pieces to match, in pink and blue bor
ders, in neat boxes ; worth 2.25, special per
Main Floor South
Georgette Crepes and Crepe
de Chines; goodcange colors; .
were, per yard, J.95, NOW 95
Satin Charmeuse; 40 inches g
wide; in all the seasons' col- .
ors; were 4.9 NOW 2,95 1 g
Satin Radiant ; 36 inches wide ; v i .M
splendid weight in soft lus- m
trous finish; were 2.50, NOW 1.25 .' g
Main Floor ' iH
Men's Store 2nd Floor i
Sale of Exactly 200 Trimmed Hats
- Shown J for First Time Thursday!
Exquisite Models Worth
$13.50 to $18.50, Special af
WONDERFUL selections and exceptional prices, and practically no two haU
alike. This 4ot includes Dressy Hats, Street Hats and Tailored Hats iron
Hatter's Plash, Lyons) Velvet, Panne Velvet
Y aW 'Silk Velvet
In all the most desirable colors, such as black, brown, navy, hennas pheasant,
purple, gray and the new blue ; shapes to frame every face, and hats for every
occasion. The hat you want at the price you want to pay. Thursday, at 6.50
B randeis Stores Second Floor East. ,-. Y - '
China and Glassware
At Low Anniversary Sale Prices
Baby Plates
Something new, 89c
values, special,
Fry Oven Ware
each. fri.uu ! Japanese Cups
Cut Glass Bowls and Saucers
Inwhlte and gold;
2.60 vals., set ot six,
i Regular 2.50 values,
. special, each,
j - Special 20 discount on all jardinieres.
Fifth Floor East.
Home Patterns Shown in the
Ladies' Home Journal
You cannot make a mistake if you fashion your garments from
designs shown in the Winter issue of the i , " ( ' ;
' . Y N ' i -
Home, Book of Fashion, Price 25c a Copy
Call at our pattern department and get a copy of this beautiful 65
page book containing a pattern coupon worth 15c. ,
Main Floor South. v . 1
Mahogany Nut Bowls,with n
brass bound hammer; were
1;00, J NOW, 75 g.
Fleece Lined Leather Slipper , g
Soles; were 60c, NOW 39 H
Silk Table Lamp Shades, 24-
inch size; were 20.00 NOW 12.50 ' m
Third Flooi- -WesU xM
Japanese Grass Rugs, 9x12V
stenciled designs; were 9.93; .
NOW 5.00 m '
Chinese Matting Rugs-; close -
durable weave; 9x12; were S3
7.50, NOW 5.00
Royal Axminster Rugs; 9x12; ;--'B
new designs and coloringk; ' ' ' gjj '
were 69.00, NOW 55.00 fj V'
Royal Wilton Rugs; 9x12; B
seamed or seanlless, with or .. .
without fringe; were 139.00," Y '
NOW 95.00 m
Wool and Fiber Straw Car-' ' g
pet; 27 inches wide; reversi- V Y '
ble; ww 1.00 yard, NOW G9 V jjj
' Fourth Floor Center. '..
i p ,N
Glass Bath" Room Shelves;. Y H
highly nickeled brackets ; were
1.98, NOW 1.49 fl
Glass Towel Rods; nicely nick- ' S
eled ends; were 1.49, NOW 1.19 Wi
Nickel Plated Towel. Rods; :B
one-half inch brass, nickel- if
plated; 24 inches; were 1.49, .
KOW- ,1.19 g-
Bath Tub Soap pish; fits over g
rim of tub; nickeled; were Y s':
1.49, x,, NOW 98 M
Patent Paper' Holders; wood
roll; nickeled back; were 1.49, "-
' . NOW 9S
Fifth Floor West. H
Kayser Silk Hose; an excep
tional quality ; were 3.50,
NOW 3.39
Brandeis Queen Brand Silk
Hose; very econ mical ; ' were
2.25, ( ' NOW 1.75
Children's Heavy Ribbed
Hose; full of ear; Were 95e,
Main Floor South.
) m
IIIIHIIIIIII"1- mih"-" iii-milllHIUIHIl ll!l!IBIll!lllllliiilllliIHlllllllW
75 p
l 1 3
Knit Caps; exceptional qualiv s
ties that were 50c, NOW 29
Trimmed Hats; season's latest .
that were 5.00, - NOW 3.45 H
T '7
Misses', Children's Hats; pood
styles; were 2.95; NOW 1.79
Feather Bands; an economical J-g"
purchase; were 1.50, NOW G9c
. . -
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