Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1920, Page 16, Image 16
10 HE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1920. More Truth Than Poetry By JAMES J. MONTAGUE A LAMENT On learning that Imported cheese are to be deodorlied. I've teamed to be a connoisseur; I order dinners now with ease; i I'm always careful to prefer The more dynamic forms of cheese. ' I sniff the humid camemberr, When with discerning friends 1 sup, And if it does not taint the air I pass it up. This knowledge came with riper years; There was a time, I freely own, That I was filled with direful fears ! When cheeses made their presence known, ' At gorgonrola I recoiled; At Pont I'Eveque I took affright; Frotnage 'de Brie and Roquefort spoiled My appetite. But now I've learned to pick and choose: I feast on cheese without restraint, And at my dinner I enthuse At scents that turn most people faint. , I cannot say I like the stuff, But having a discerning nose, I have discovered, is a bluff That always goes. But science now has wrought a spell ! Limburgers, Pont I'Eveques and Brit s Hereafter, so we're told, will smell Like ordinary grocery cheese.. 1 And so, alas, my hard won rep , Of being erudite and clever Enough to judge them by their pep Is gone forever. Trie? ThATy CAN C-HIS little flourish, which you can do with a golf or ping pong ball, or even with an egg, looks very, very " difficult.; You will find, however, that' - . ALMOST THERE NOW Cooks will never be satisfied till they get on a basis of all pay and no work. ALMOST THE RECORD Obregon has been president of Mexico nearly a month, and he is beginning to get nervous. NO LONGER STARVING APPARENTLY Armenia has gone to war. Wonder if that's what she wanted our assistance for. , ' (Copyright, 1920, By The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Locals in the Cleveland Federation of Labor are assessing themselves 50 cents per member to build up a "de fense fund" for use in fighting open shop campaigns. Only a few years ago the metal works in Petrograd employed nearly 150,000 workers, while at tbc present time the number of workers has fall en from 5 to 7 per cent of the normal. Hallowe'en With a Victrola from MickelV The Largest Exclusive Victrola House in the West A MACHINE FOR EVERY PURSE f EASY . TERMS OF PAYMENT 75.00 Come where you can choose from a complete line, including all styles and finishes to match your furniture. The Two Styles Shown Below Are The ! Ever Popular X and XI r $125.00 Acknowledged by everyone as the greatest values ever offered. Scientifically correct in every design has placed the Victrola outside of competition. $150.00 Children will spend their evenings at home if the home U attrac tive.. Outside attraction draw them with music. Buy your Victrola here, giving them what they love and crave at home. Y "The House! of Pleasant Dealings" V MICKELS X y Fifteenth and Harney Omaha . ) Laxativo Bromo Quinino tabioto are preferable as a remedy for Colds, Grip and Influenza: . Combines all the tonic and other properties of Quinine, with a laxative, and can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. Quality of Ingredients. Contains no Opiates. Positively Removes the Cause of Colds. Grip and Influenza. Be sure you get the Genuine. Ask for Grovo'o L B. Q. tablcio Price 30c. nothing in the juggler's bag of tricks is much easier. Hold the ball between the two forefingers as in the illustration. Each finger presses on the ball and each is carried, first slowly, then rapidly, around the other. The ball will travel around and around. The faster the fingers ' are moved, the faster will be the progress of the ball. Although the trick is easy to learn, here's a word of warn ingl ; If you try it with an egg, take up the parlor carpet before you start and make sure that the egg is fresh. (Copyright, 1919, Thompson Festurs '" . Service.) Trials Encountered By "Ancient Mariner" Only Mere Trifles New York. Oct. 27. Hardships at sea that made the trip of the "An cient Mariner" seem comparatively comfortable, were told by the skip per of the Italian steamer President Wilson, which arrived from Trieste and. Naples. ' Soon after leaving Trieste a wire less warning that a field of fioatiilg mines had broken loose caused a wide detour; then fire broke out in the forward room as Naples was reached. In the harbor, labor agi tators harangued the crew to go on .strike, and at lea. the next day two ; dozen; stowawys were discovered, so Uhe .ship put back to Naples to de j bark them. I After leaving land again, the ship j came upon seven Moors exhausted j in a small boat. Theysajd a severe I storm washed away their sails and cargo. A. severe storm amounting almost to a typhoon, which lashed huge waves over the entire liner, was encountered off Gibralter. For six days she pushed against the head winds. Republican Chieftains In Panic, Daniels Declares Chicago, Oct. 27. Josephus Dan iels, secretary or the navy, in an ad dress, declared that the swing to. Cox in the east, the middlewest and west, had thrown the republican leaders into a panic from which they could not recover.. "Everywhere I have found many republicans, who are for Cox, who before Senator Harding's Dcs Moines speech had planned to vote for hinis That speech swung hun dreds of thousands of votes to Gov ernor Cox. In some places it is not merely a turn of the tide, but a revolution." Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham THE deputy constable is almost sure" he will go to the how next Monday night. Iy is a melodrama in which - one person gets hit three times with the same Pe. The Tickville Tidings records a six-legged calf, which recently ar rived in a nearby community. , Silc Kildew says he sure would hate to buy shoes for that calf. . Poke Eazley . says he don't re member of ever going on a camping trip that one of the party did not appear with a long face at the last minute and announce that it was im possible for him to go, as his wife was sick. ' Death Sentence Against Texas Man Is Affirmed Austin. Tex.. Oct. 27. The court of criminal appeals affirmed the death penalty against Jose Ferca ot til Paso, for the murder of Maria Ram hach. The statement of facts set out that Perea killed the woman and i Emanuel Sanchez, while on a hunt ing trip, and appropriated their prop erty when he returned to El Paso. Onion Outfitting Co. Giving Big Quantity Groceries Free With Ho osier Cabinets Puritan Flour Biscuits But tered With Nucoa, and Advo Coffee With David Cole Cream FREE A Beautiful Hoosier Kitch en Cabinet Given Away Friday' Evening, October 29 Dozens of thrifty housewives who realize the time and labor 8 a v i n g conveniences of the Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet are se lecting, a cabinet during the Hoosier Demonstration now go ing on at the Union Outfitting quantity of well known, high Company and getting a large quanity of well known,, high grade groceries Free with their cabinet. In addition to the groceries mtrAn awnv tusmv forma nf S1 a week are being made during I noosier wees. At the Hoosier Booth a dainty luncheon of Hot biscuits, mad? of Puritan Flour, and buttered with delicious Nucoa and hot "Advo" Coffee with Davd Cole Cream is being served Free to all visitors. 1 The Union Outfitting NCom- Sany, known as the "Home of ome Outfits" is making special inducements this fall to young couples just starting housekeep ing. No transaction is ever con sidered complete until the cus tomer is satisfied. Mexico Urged to Punish Murderer of Americans Washington,' Oct. 27. The State department today announced that it had taken steps to urRe on the Mex ican government, prompt and effec tive measures for the apprehension and punishment of the murderers of two American citizens. Arthur L. Moselv and Gmtave Salazar, slain near Tampico last Monday. Salazar, Last Timet Today "THE SPOILERS" With WILLIAM FARNUM Engagement Extraordinary MIE. MAINE cunmiieiiAM NOUS RAGLE HEALER Appearing at 3 p. m. and 9 p. m. today and Friday in connection with the showing of the great underworld drama "TBE mm ma n By Frank L. Packard, Author of "The Miracle Man" it was said, might have been Ignacio Moreno Falazar of Tucson, Ariz., to whom a passport was issued Octo ber 8, for himself, wife and two chlidren to visit relatives in Mexico. rHOTOt'LAVS. WiUi?AUcn.Mutes AMfKEMENT. 94 .Wilt .MWWM Matin Daily, 2:1 S Every Nlfnt. 8:16. LICHTNER GIRLS NEWTON ALEXANDER; JACK TRAINORj CKarlaa Kanna; John Orren and Lillian Draws Taaehow'a Catat Miaa lolcant Marcua and Booth; Topica ot th Day; Kinoframa. Matinaaai lSe. 25c, S0c aoma TSa and SI. OO Sat. and Sun. NihUl 15c, 25c, SOc, 75c Si. 00 and $1.28. : mm i Sat. Grand Opening Tonight 8 P. M. i AMrSlCMKXTS. TONIGHT FRI. AND SAT. Cao. M. Cohan' Comedlana fat The Royal Vagabond . A Cohanlaod Opora Conlqu Company el 78 Auamantad Orthaatra TICKETS! B0c-$1.0O-UO-2.0O-2AO SUNDAYl "Bualaeaa Beioro PlaaauiVV "0MAHAJ3 FUN CENTER" rMMaTV7 "ally Mat, 15c to 7So XJXZZj&Mj Nlta 2S t. 15 Th smw Thit Snrfrlwa Win ?.. coopers FOLLY T0WNBMuu Braatfwaif ana 47th Stt. BlHMt Mailwl Wa tvw HSSSI&3IS& 'mTINEE WEEK? DPaTs Hat. mu A Wa: alhr Burt MaliU of Amerloa. EMPRESS Ntw Show Today HOLLIN3 SISTERS A CLOUTIERi LOVE A WILBUR; BIG JIM; FRANK GOULD; Photoplay attraction, - "Th Gamaatara." f a a t a r i n Martuarita Fiahart Mack Saonatt Comadyi Fo Nowa. PHOTOPLAYS. WUBI Today Friday Saturday Today , Friday Saturday AFTER several years of unusually intelligent work as leading woman for Harold Lloyd, Thomas Meighan and Wallace Reid during which time she nation-wide DODularitv this clever and stun- won ningly attractive young woman has at last come into her own screen stardom. We know that you'll en joy every minute with this new star of the radiant per sonality. ! IN cant: aaBBtBBB nT m EJ1 A Realart Picture beatty;s Co-Operative Cafeterias Pay Dividend to These Who Do the Work NOW PLAYING The Cohan & Harris Stage Succew STOPS TM1EF! AIo A Sunshine. Comedy CHASE ME" A romantic comedy as sparkling as sunshine upon a dew-drenched mea dow; as joyous as the song of a lark. This is adapted from two com plete Saturday Evening Post stories "You Never Can Tell" and "Class," by Grace Lovell Bryan two complete Post fea tures done into one BEBE DAN- 1ELS scenario. Of course you remember Miss Daniels' super work in "Male and Female," "Everywoman," "The Dancin' Fool," "Why Change Your Wife." "A bit of the mystic Orient slumbering within a lovely New World person ality' . ! Christie Comedy, "Goin' Thru the Rye" Pathe News 1 Vrf- . ki-';'V: Mil -j la 1 1 awnBBaaaaanaaaBaaaaBanMaBnBnn Greatest Values in Omaha's History Think of buying stylish apparel at less than Half the manu facturer's cost. 1417 DOUGLAS STREET. Use Your Credit Daring This Sale No restrictions. Supply all your immediate apparel needs now. Ready cash is no necessity. Business Is Humming The Crowds Keep Coming In This Startling All Inclusive , rl R It . . wLLb m Jb BUB aUHHaJ From miles around people come to this mighty sale. jNever before has such a buying opportunity presented itself.. ' Insurance Adjusters Compel Complete Disposal of all New $80,000 Stock Women's and Misses' Apparel Thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of merchandise was barely touched by the odor of smoke, yet not a garment has been reserved from this daring sacrificing of prices. ' - " ' Tailored Suits, Fur Coats, Cloth oats, Silk and Wool Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, Petticoats, Millinery Buy! Buy!! Buy!!! Fill your every need this is your opportunity. Prices never have been so low and our credit policy has never been more liberal than now. A. X t on box. v