Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1920, Page 15, Image 15
fire BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 192Q. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS TWO DOUBLE BRICK FLATS RENTAL $1,770 A YEAR-PRICE $12,750 Both buildings pressed brick In front and on corner side. Four flats of 5 rooms each. Strictly modern. Oak fiinish. Screened porcheb. East front Shade, Terms $3,750 cash, balance terms. This is a splendid investment HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney 3t , Phone Tyler 0050. INVESTMENT ! OPPORTUNITY Her. la an excellent building for light manufacturing purpose, fireproof and unusually heavy construction. Ideated near 14th and Cumin, and can be nought at a. bargain price on good terms. Won't fall to Inquire about this. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. Doug. OOtt. I1&-1J City National. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. WW HAVB an unuaually well located plec. of trackage at 7th md Leavenworth, Mxl32. tracka en both sides. At right price Alfred Thomas. h01 Drat Kat'l Bank. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. ' " Benson, Classy 6-Room Bungalow NEW. STRICTLY MOD.. IN BENSON. IS0( DOWN PRICE l.00O $68 MONTH. Large living and dining rooms, splen did Kitchen with built-in cabinets,, all . oak floora and flnlBh, S fine bedrooms and bath on 2d floor, full basement, close to car and scluiole fell TV jsns Here Is Your Chance Only $2,800 " Oood S-R. home' In Benson, near car and erhool; ntc. large lot: fine shade; an unusual opportunity; ant quick. BROWN REALTY, CO.. Doug. HQS., 211 Kennedy Bid Dundee. c Dundee District .' " Eight-room, modern home, half block to car, 4 rooms on first lloor, 4 fced roomi and bath on second. Price, 14.250, . terms. Chas. E. Belnian, ' Doug. S22S. TPS PMera Trust Bid. Florence. p,un,,. vuuvmn prop ij. toi. Jf'J9. -1 . . .... REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West, LEAVENWORTH "HEIGHTS STUCCO BUNGALOW V REAL VALUE If you will inspect this beauti ful: new 5-room strictly modern stucco bungalow, you will have to ac'mit that thi3 is the best . built, " moft complete home yon would hope to find. Every modern con venience, all the latest features in the way of construction and fin ish Oak throughout, fireplace, tiled bath, beautiful fixtures, nicely I decorated,, window shades, attic, fcmcnt porch, .asphalt shingle roof. Now vacant, immediate posses sion. We cah sell this home on a reasonable cash payment, bal- ance same as rent. v J. L, HI ATT CO., 900' 1 st Xat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 0063. . Owner leaving city, willing to sacrific 5-room, all modern bun galow, ,ast front, Y, block to. car, oak finish downstairs, natur al finish upstairs. , . Price $6,500, easy terms. For appointment call Walnut 2812. . WEST FARNAM , , BARGAIN Owner transferred east", offers tils all modern 8-room home at a very low price for quick sale. Built six years; has built-in features lit dining room and kl'chen; extra large living room and den or musio room on first floor and four nice bed rooms with good closets and bath on second. Hot air furnace; complete 'basement: " East front lot; surrounded by good hew homes.- Can buy for less than cost to build. Call us for appointment; I.. V- GLOVER & MORELL, T18-20'Keelin Bldg. :'. Tyler 3623, ' CATHEDRAL DISTRICT,. By, owner, -room house, all modern, newly painted and decorated. Two blocks to car, on paved street. 13,001) cash, balance terms. Located at 620 N. 43d, or call Wal, 0168. Omaha Real Estate and Investment!? JOHN T. BOH AN, (31 Paxtoo Blk. Phone Tyler- 4880 Ten Good Reasons Why Consult with a tfie Owner of THE GUMPS 1 ' I V7 PROPPED " ' r X YJAS-SraiH6 UP IN HISN YhV. ITS StOPPEtT) 'f VHY CERTAINLY W OFPeP--) ' 1 feVT HE FOR 1 .'!y rrWENY- J EWALK? yyfT ' V THROUGH - V PCESWr tQCK j I ,Y PELL 6 STORIES AHt . , r , -TH v REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West CATHEDRAL ; , DISTRICT, $10,000 ing of living room arrangement on the rum noor, including fireplace; oak floors; three good bedrooms, sleeping porch and .tile bath 2d floor; complete basement, with laundrv tuba: Hniirt heater, and extra toilet; garage for two cars ana cement driveway. This Is a good home, but too small, for present unner, - Arrange xor inspection. v GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, Douglas 2850. lg-20 City National. WEST FARNAM HOME Across the Street From St. Regis Apts. . Seven-room strictly modern home with four fine bedrooms and bath on second J noor; large living room, dining room f and kitchen with vnnil t,an,c - frlgerator - room on first floor; dandy light basement, good furnace and laun dry facilities; immediate possession. 3611 Jones St. Price only 16,600, easy terms. Payne & Carnaby Co., REALTOR SERVICE, SIS Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Dg. 1018. ; Montclair Bargain Owner leaving city and willing to sell his new home for $9,000, which is less than purchase price several months ago. Has six nice, large rooms. Stucco construction. Oak finish downstairs, white enamel up. For particulars call Walnut 2812. - T room modern home, AVest Faraani district, not new but in splendid condi tion. Four large -bedrooms. Oarage two cars. , East front. $6,600. ' Very easy terms. GLOVER & MORELL, 718-20 Keellne Bldg. Tyler S62S. BRAND new bungalow, oak finish, beau- tlful decorations, reduced from 17,460 to $6,900 Easy terms. Douglas 1784. A FEW homes and lots for sal in Park wood addition: a safe place for Invest ment, Norrts A Norrla Douglas 4270. BENSON A METERS CO.. 424 Om. Nafl North. PRETTIEST MILE Beautiful corner, 66x150. East front, overlooking Carter lake. A fine 7-room home finished in oak. Owner built house for a home and has always occupied same. Busi ness interests compel him to leave city. House is in excellent con dition throughout. Back plas tered. Lots of shrubbery and fine : shade trees. The best location on north side. If you are looking for a home ideally located be sure and see this. I MILLER PARK Facing this "beautiful park we have an elegant 7-room home. Beautifully finished in oak. Fire place and. all built-in features. Ga rage and drive. Close to car ind Miller Park school. Close to Miller park, car and schol. On a fine 52-foot south front lot. An elegant stucco 5-room bungalow. Extra large rooms. Three rooms can be fin ished up. Hot water heat CHARLES W. MARTIN ,& COMPANY, : " REALTORS, 742 Omaha Nat Bk.' . Tyler 0187. a Man Should Own His Home H owei it to his Family. He Will have no rent to pay. When he is old lie will have a place to live. All the work he will do around hu home will be of " benefit to him. It will add to his self respect. ' It will be a start to independence. It is as easy to Own a Home as to pay rent. v The trees and flowers he plants will be his own. v - Home ownership is the surest protection against poverty in old age. There will be no one who can say MOVE. , Realtor about methods of becoming Your Home. ; ; ? OMAHA REAL - REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. FLORENCE BOULEVARD BUNGALOW ' - - Owner leaving city, must be sold, near ly new. - Front vestibule with coat clos et, large living room, brick fireplace. built-in bookcases; attractive dining room, built-in buffet; 2 laige bedrooms. bath and kitchen, first floor. AH fin ished in oak with oak floors except kitchen, decorated throughout. Full ce mented basement, stationary laundry tubs, floor drain, good furnace. East front lot, 45x184 ft. Price 18.100, rea sonable terms. Oas stove and electric refrigerating machine in bouse can b bought at bargain price If desired. Lo cated between Redick and Newport Ave ' nues. FOWLER & M'DONALD REALTORS, Doug. J42." 1120 City Nat Bk. Bldg $500 DOWN, $35 A MO. We Just listed a coxy little home with 3 dandy large lots covered with-all kinds of fruit, in the northwest part of the city. This cottage is modern and all on one floor with a nice basement; good garage,, chicken house, reasonable distance from car and achool where It will make you a mighty good home and ground enough to raise all of your living. Priced for a short time at S3.760. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, , " 637 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. TJg. 1781. Sunday call Colfax 322T. Kountze Place Just the kind of home you have al ways wanted, finished in oak and white enamel, has screened porch, reception hall, beautiful living room with built in bookcases and beamed celling. Large dining room with long window seats, kitchen finished . all In white enamel, full cemented basement with hot and cold water, large lot and garage. Call us at once. R. F. CLARY CO., REALTORS .. . i 2406-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 0175. FOR SALE BY OWNER AT A BARGAIN STRICTLY MODERN j-ROOM BUNGALOW. LARGE LOT PAVED STREET. With paving all paid. Located in Prairie Park addition. Price (6,600. Call Douglas 4748 evenings and ask for Mr. Jones. $3,000 This handy 4 -room, all modern, house, modern except heat, located near schools and churches, close to car line. Do not fall to see this. R. F. CLARY CO. re altors 2404-06 Ames Avenue. Colfax 0176. I ROOMS and bath, modern except heat; small lot, out gooa nous, possession at once. $2,600. $250 down, $26 per month. Doug. 4228. , 2446 WHITMORE, a rew 6-room modern bungalow. Yours for $2,000 cash and hsl. mo. Cretgfc. 608 B. Dg. 300., 6 ROOMS, strictly modern, full basement. z lots, garage, cement drive, col. 41 82. 3 B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest- ment. 44,2 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 8087. - $4,000 Five-room, modern home, lot 108x150, plenty of small fruit. Call Colfax 6294. , R. F. CLARY CO., v REALTORS 2406-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 0175. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the , best opportunity to Invest your money. I'hone Tyler 187. FOR colored, 6 rooms part modern. Price, $2,200, $260 cash. Douglas 722. NICE 6-room cottage for sale at Carter Lake club. Call Douglas 6251. South. CLOSE-IN INVESTMENT 624 South 17th street, 6 rooms, mod ern house, east front lot, 60x102 ft. A property sure to Increase in value. Out : of town owner anxious to sell. Price $7,660, $2,000 cash, balance due in 6 years. Income $50 per month. GEORGE & CO., REALTORS. Tyler 3024. 902 City National Bank. ESTATE BOARD. GOOD-BYE, MAIN Emotion Has No Place in Politics, Mrs. Severance St. Paul Woman, Decorated For War Work, Comes to Omaha to Speak Against. League. Mrs. C. A, Severance of St. Paul, Minn., who. came to Omaha yester day at the . direction of the speakers' bureau of the republican national committee, has a message which she delivered to Omaha women voters at a meeting in the First Unitarian church, ' Thirty-first and Harney streets, last night '' Mrs. Severance, who is a brilliant speaker, declares she has made more speeches on various subjects for the past two months than anyone ex cept possibly Oovernor Cox. Her principal appeal is directed to' the women voters to vote and vote right and not be carried away by emotion. .Last njght she told her audience the importance of women roiisine (up and dispelling the indifferent at titude that has asserted itself in cer tain sections she has visited. Twenty-three million women of the country have the deciding vote, Mrs. Severance declared, he urges that they cast it forenator Harding for president becausfc the republican party gave women suffrage. Mrs. Severance says it is unfor tunate, that Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, president of the. Women's Vot ing, league, is making an emotional appeal to the members of the league to support Governor Cox, on the. ground) that he will do away with war. Membership in the league will precipitate war sooner - than ,in- dependance of it; Mrs. Severance de clared. It is as deceptive a promise as Mr. Wilson made -when he said he would keep America put of war. Mrs. Severance is taking an active part in the republican campaign as a patriotic duty. She says she has no political ambitions. Women can be most valuable in this regard she maintains, because their work is done with unselfish motives, not contem plating any political emoluments. Before , the war Mjs. Severance took the platform in the interests of national ' preparedness. For her philanthropic services in the interest of children of the devastated areas of. Belgium she -. was decorated by the king of Belgium. Bee want ads are- bestbusiness getters. ; REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. OWNER LEFT CITY BIO SACRIFICE. HANSCOM PARK. ON WEST SIDE. $2,600 DOWN PRICE $5,600 $40 MO. ' You cannot build this new bungalow for $(5,000, saying nothing about 50x150 ft. lot. East front lot. Has finest large porch. Splendid full basement. 6 large rooms on one floor. Colonnade, bullt-ln seats, plate rail, etc.; 'oak floors and finish:' Let us show you this, A, choice location ' -and - neighborhood. ' Call Doug. 2282. - - - , , NOW READY A dandy 4-room cottage; pay $200 or $300 cash, then -easy monthly payments. On Farnam oar line, 12th and Arbor. Now ready, move right in. Doug. 0420. Miscellaneous. : r Just Finished - Move into a new home and pay for it like rent 5 rooms, oak and white enamel finish, small cash payment will handle. Call Mr. Bilby, Walnut 2378. evenings, or Douglas 2428 days. birkett & co., rr real estate. ISO Be. Bldg.. Douglaa (33 For Sale 210 shares Henry R. Gering Com pany : stock. Price $75.00 per share. Box 0-28, Omaha Bee. . "The Recollection of Quality Remains Long After tha Price is Forgotten." - GOODYEAR and CORNHUSKER AUTO TIRES and TUBES. Bicyclea, Repairs, Accessok-iea, Supplies, Gunsmith, Locksmith, Phonograph Repairing, Cutlery, Tools,, Razors, Vacuum Cleaner. v NOVELTY REPAIR CO, Roscoe Rawley, Prop. ' MAIL ORDERS. 4S09 S. 24TH ST. TEL. S. 1404. THE manufacturer of a fast-selling electrical household appliance has deal ers (department stores, elec : trie shops, hardware and fur niture stores) who need sales men trained to sell this and other appliances.: We will train men of .good character and place them to advantage with our dealers. Actual work . in the field during the train ing enables them to earn more than an average salary. ' See , Mr.. Jech at Granden Electrical-Co., 1511 Howard, after . 3 p. m. .- i N SPRING SUE'E PY-t T I AVE T X L E-'S "L' ' i . fW.t V" m s" ran a l ire r. r VV RY A RTHI , CHAPTER. IV The Freshet r .The tain had fallen steadily for I 1 J J M 1 1 I ' 1 two aays ana two nignis noi just a gentle drizzle, but a heavy down pour. ' " For some time it dii not in the least disturb Brownie Beaver and his neighbors that is to say, all but one of them. For there was a ver" old (rentleman in the village known as G-andaddy Beaver wl began to But Brownie Beaver didn't mind that. " worry almost as soon as it began to rain. , "We're a-goiner to have a freshet,1' he said to everybody he met. "I've seen 'em start many a time and I can always tell a freshet almost as soon as I see it coming." ' Grandaddy Beaver's friends paid no heed to his warning. And some of them Were so unkind as to laugh when the old gentleman crawled on top of his house atid began to niend it. "You young folks ctn poke fun at me if you want to," "said Grandaddy Beaver, "but I'm a-going right ahead and make my house as strong as I can. For w!.en the freshet fre'.3 'aere I don'': want my home washed away," , All day long people would stop to watch the old fellow at work upon his ro'bf. ; And everybody thought it was a great joke until the second day came and everybody noticed that it wao raining just as hard as ever, i But no one except Grandaddy Bea ver had ever heard of a freshet at that time of year. So even then no body else went to work on his house, thoup-h some people did stop s.niling. A freshet, you know, is a serious thing. . , ...... .- As the second .day passed, the rain seemed to fall harder. And still Grandaddy Beaver- kept putting Hew sticks'on the roof of his house and plastering mud over them. And at last Brownie Beaver began to think that perhaps the bid gentleman was right, after .all, and that maybe everybody else was wrong. So Brownie went home and set to work. And all his" neighbors at once began to smile at him. But Brownie Beaver didn't mind that. - . "My roof needed mending, any how,' he said. "And if "we should have a freshet, I'll be ready for it. And if we don't have one, there'll be np harm done." Now, all this time the water had been rising slowly, j But that was no more than everyone expected, since it was raining so hard,. But when the second night came, the WHY? Do We Speak of "Cutting a Person off With a. Shilling?" (Copyright, 1920, by The Wheeler Syndicate, Inc.) - Blackstotie, in referring to this phase synonymous with disin heritance, states that it has its origin in thi early Roman law, , and that it has persisted in mod err times notwithstanding the fact that the statutes leadjng to its adoption have long since been repealed. . "The Romans," says Black stone, "were accustomed to set 'aside testaments as being defi cient in natural duty if they dis inherited or totally passed by any of the children of the testator. But if the child had any legacy, however small, it was proof .that the testator had not lost his rea fon or hs memory, which other--wise the law, presumed. , Hence arose that groundless errof of leaving the heir a shilling or some other . express legacy, in' order effectually to disinherit Kim. , The law of England makes no such constrained suppositions of. forgetfulncss or insanity, and therefore, though the .heir - or next of kin be'totally omitted, it admits no deficiency in' natural' 'duty to set aside such a testa-' rftent" - . - Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith. mwMm IrKrnTT raiicv water, began to rise very fast. It rose so quickly that several families found their - bedroom floors under water almost before they knew it. Then Old Qiandadoy Beaver went through the village and stopped at every door. "What do you think about it now?" he asked. ., "Is, it a freshet or isn't it?" ; In tie house3 where the water had climbed atove the bedroom f.oors the people all agree 1 tnat it was a fresh et and that Grandaddy Beaver had been right .all. the time. But there were still plenty of people who thought the old gentleman was mis taken. , 1 "The water won't come any high er," they said, w "It never has, at this time of year." But they looked a bit worried, in spite of what they said. - ' ; - . -V ; ' s "It's a-going to be the worst fresh et that's happened since you were bbrri," 'their caller croaked. "Yon mark my words I" ' , ?1 When he came to Brownie Bea ver's house Grandaddy found that there wad one person, at least, that had taken his advice. ' ' "I see you're all ready for the freshet!" .the old gentleman re marked, ;"They laughed at me; but I was right," he said. "They laughed . at me, too," Brownie Beavep told him. "There's nobody in this village that'll laugh again to-night," Gran daddy said very solemnly, "for there's a-going to be a flood before morning." ' (Copyright, Orosset & Dunlap.) ; A new grip that fits over the mui- vXC of a riveting hammer protects a users, hands .against boras and gives him an unobstructed view of his- work. : I . . . PICTURE MAKERS 'vt:'.'for PRINTING This is the pictorial age! Note the success of the movies pictures; the magazines pictures; rotogravure sections of newspapers pictures! BEE ENGRAVING CO. PHOTOGRAPHERS, ENGRAVERS, ARTISTS -j- Tyler 1000. . Salvation' Army to Start Fund Drive in Alliance Alliance, Neb., Oct. 27. (Special Telegram.) The local corps of the Salvation Army established last week will hold a drive Saturday to raise funds to meet expenses of the new post Plans have been made by the county advisory board for a later campaign to raise Box Butte county's quota of $900. The two women workers sent here from Hast ings, Neb., have engaged a hall for permanent headquarters and will start nightly meetings in the hall and on the streets immediately. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN On account of a change in our Accounting Department, it is found that we have on hand a quantity of the illustrated checks ' suitable for Lunch Rooms, Cafes, Soda Fountains, Billiard Rooms, pr any enterprise where small checks are required. 2 3 4 5 O 7TlT 15 2165 20? 70 25fi75 30 3.W 80 40 1 J 1 90 45 a295 50 $1 Considering the - paper market to-' day we "offer these at the price purchased a. yn, ago, ,in million Jots,, of 35c a thousand, in any quantity or ( com plete icjts. ; .jvjV. $1. 2 3. 250,000 of These. See Manager, Hotel Fontenelle. ' ' Y ! , . I Ml All forms of advertising should carry illustrations-pictures of the righf sort-in-, teresting, vivid, artistic, that make people think. ;ye produce this kind of by modem process methods. . Oiiialia Irishmen Demand Death Of Lloyd George Friends of Irish Freedom Ask Execution for Death of Mayor MacSwiney Score Cox and Wilson. Execution of Premier LlovA George of Great Britain was called ( for at the meeting of the Friends of Irish Freedom in Labor temple . Tuesday night, held on the occasion of the death of Lord Mayor Ter rence MacSwiney of Cork. President;. Wilson Governor Cox and the league of nations were all severely denounced by the Irishmen. A cablegram, of sympathy was or dered sent the widow of 1 the lord mayor. ' 'i. ' ' 5 A committee was appointed to set aside a day to be observed in. Omaha as a memorial to Mac Swiney. A resolution was adopted denouncing the British government as a menace to civilization and the State Department of the United States for taking no action in the case. , , , Stirring speeches were made by the Rev. Father Driscoll, Louis D. Kavanaugh, President Tony Dona hoe, William O'Shaughnessy, M. B. Hogan, Patrick Darcy. Several hundred were present Several manufacturing firms in Germany now have agents in Italy endeavoring to persuade skilled me chanics to leave their native country and go to Germany, where they are promised better wages than they are receiving at home. ' N? 1296 51 . 845 16 d! 50 15 155 20 J 60 25 l l65 30 1i TO 5 I" 75 I 1 ' 325,000 of The... engraving ij 204 Peters Bldg. (- m . i