Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1920, Page 14, Image 14
1 . J 1 14 THE "SEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, UUTUaan zb, xsv. Classified Advertising Bates 1 per una (count t words tn Una) 1 day la par Una par day. 1 conaocutlve deya IS par Una par day, 1 consecutive deya 14a par Una par day, 1 consecutive daya .otiiiiii turn for lea than a total or J sc. Thaaa ratee apply either to the Dally or Sunday Use. All advartlaamanta ap pear In both- morning ana evening daily papers lor the ona charge. CONTRACT KATES ON APPLICATION. Want ada accapttd at tha following of fires: MAIM OFFICE.... 17th and Farnam Sta Bnuth Side tilt N Ft. founi-ll Bluffs ..19 Scott St. WANT APS RECEIVED It 1' HONES AT TYLER 1000. TUB TtKIC will not bo responsible (or mora than ona Incorrect Inaartlon of an advartlaement ordartd for mora than ana time. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS Evenlna Edition 11:44 A. M, Morning Edition ..9;00 P. M. Hur.riay Edition 9:00 P. M . Saturday LODGE NOTICES. OMAHA COUNCIL No. 1. R. S. A a K. M., will work the Super Excellent Degree on a class of 300 on Thursday, Oct. M. Maitonlo Tampla. All companion cordial ly Invited. WM. JOROENSON. T. I. XI. HARRr LEDYARD, titer. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. riOAOH Helen M.. 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jloach, Oc tober 27. Funeral services from tha residence, J 150 South 19th street, Thursday at 1:30 a. m. to St. Josephs church at 9 a. m. Interment Holy Bepulcber remf tery.' Deceased Is survived by her par ents and one brother, Harry Howard Roach. OOHMAN Mrs. Ellen Welch, aged 01 beloved wife -of Patrick J. Funornl Thursday morning from resi dence, 1101 South Thirtieth avenue, at 8:S0 to St. Patera church-at a. tn. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. SCHMIDT Carl T., died October 21. Ha Is survived by one brother, two sisters, all of Seattle, Wash. Funeral Thursday afternoon from o.Ihn A. Gentleman's Mortuary at 3 p. in, Interment Forest Lawn .cemetery. iiKSJ'NER Adellsn, October 28, 1920; aged 78 years, 2S09 Snhler Street Funeral 'f hurt-day, 2:30 p. tn from Fero Chapel, 23d and Cuming. Interment West I.nwn cemetery. Friends welcome. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST lW AMBULANCE Thirty-third and Farnsm.' , HULSE & RIEPEN . PIONEER FUNERAL PIRECTORS. 701 South 10th St. Douglas 12!8 j HEAFEY & HEAFEY, '.! Undertakars and Embalmrrs. . ' I'lione H. 206. Offlco 2U Farnam. FOR AMrtVLANCE call SouthlFoTkorlslto Funeral Home, 2Jd and O Sta. ' FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON S.1" U14 Douglaa St. j Douglas 824'. .IOHN BATH, 18th rarnam. D. 3000. Henderson, j61 Fnrnam. Douglas 12 4 8. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. i Births Ernest and Effle Bugh, hos- - vital, girl; Bernard and Agnes- Harlcman. hospital. boyJi Ray and Paulina Mullock, hospital, boy; George and Irene Mc Murray. hospital, boy; Chrja and Agnes .Vnsen, hospital, boyj Leonard nd raHierlna Srhmltz. hospltnl, boy; Frank r,nd Rose Lester, hospital, boy; Harry anil Krancca Kendlg. S607 Jonea street, girl; , Cnrl and Ada Nelson, 4408 Sttith Nlne Inenth street, girl; Anton and Anna Rlr.sek, 1333 Fort street, girlr Carter and Bouna Morcer. 2042 Davenport street, girl: Harry and Vivian Brown, 1614 Wirt street, boy. Deaths Arthur Anthony Devoll, 31, K502 South Thirtieth street: Joseph, Mar tin Tobias. 74, Arlington, Neb.; Elliabeth B. O'Donnell, 71, 127 Lincoln boXilevarrt; ': Poapltto Pol I to. 9, hospital; Cecil Beatrice Robinson, infant, 1144 North Nineteenth street: Rose Paulsen, 43, 4941 North Thirty-fifth street; . Ethel Burk- maii, 84. hfepltal. , MARRIAGE LICENSES. - The following persons were Issued per nits to wed: , Clarence E. Heaney. !7, Omaha, and V, Lorraine Proulx, 21, Omaha. - Free Henry, 11. Omaha, and Eddyth Hulscbus, 19, Omaha. Harry Cummlnss, 28, Omaha and Sarah Illckox, SI, Omaha. , Wllbert C. Eggleston, 81, Kankakee, 111., and Laura Fraker, 26, Mt. Pleasant, la. Henry T. Beatty, 22, Omaha and Gene vieve Eckman, 20, Omaha. . Harleh E. Nelson, 28, Omaha, and Mar garet Hames, 20, Omaha. John S. Brittaln, Jr., 46, St Joseph. Mo., and Vella Griffith, 24. St. Joseph, Mo. .Tames F. Tourck. 23, Omaha, . and Elizabeth Matcha, 20, Omaha. Sol Newman Hodes. over 21, Omaha, and Leah Spiesberger Slckel, over 18, Ottumwa, la. , Ben H.'Pharls. 31. Albla, la., and Janet Elder. SI, Albany, Ore. Flladelfo.Ru.i3o, S3, Omaha, and Con cetta Salonitio, 30, Omaha. ( Harry R. Craig, 24, Omaha, and Rose A. Blecha, 21. Omaha. Prince H. O'Dell, 61, Omaha, and Julia Palm. 43, Omah a. LOST, FOUNETaND REWARDS. LOST Two traveling bags, Safurday afrar rtoon. from car between St. Catherine's Ilospltal and north on 10th street, across the bridge and through Council Bluff.'. One tan. name "Cook" on inside, and one black, card "Sherry" inside. Both contained womet.'s clothing, purse, rings and other valuables. Sick girl very worried. Liberal reward for retun. Box Y-1324, Omaha Bee. t'OR ARTICLES LOST on street care tele phone Tyler 800. - Wa are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA & COUNCIL, BLUFFS ST. RY. COMPANY. LIBERAL Xrewird paid for return of , beaded bag containing keya and glasses. No questions asked. 209 So. 19th St Douglas 1360. s LOST Martin neckpiece between 31st and 35th streets en e'ther Dodge or Daven port. Call 8604 Dodge for reward. BOSTON bull dog, screw tall, whlta breast, neck also fore part Tag number 3117. Douglas 3976. Reward. LOST Gent'a glasses downtown Friday night Reward. Har. 4.'76. LOST Black silk coat In Kountxe Place. Reward. 1619 Blnney. LOST Talb from fox acarf. Reward. Harney 4066. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, rurniture, magazines. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. I'IPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, Incorporated. Douglaa 1C7, Arlington Blk., Ornate, Neb. ' LENT Hoover vacuum awaeper. Har. 1071. SWEDISH massage. 318 Neville Block. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth St ANNOUNCEMENTS. Patent Attorneys. JAMES W. MARTIN. Patent Attorney. 1716 Dodoge St Patent your InvenUon ana sen it to a manufacturer. Dentists. f DR. SECOR, 1017 1st Nat Bk. Ty. 218S. Dancing Academies. . MISS GRACE ABBOTT, Following Two Years' v NEW YORK TRAINING In the METROPOLITAN BALLET, : Will Conduct Classes In Classical, Stage and Social DANCING At tha Lyrlo Building, 7 under the Auspices or - THE O. E. A, CLUB. ' 8inee leaving Omaha, In 1918, when she was Professor Chambers Chief In structor, Miss Abbott haa been associated with tha foremost artist In bar profes sion. . - , For Appointment Phone Harney 7436. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME. Wa teach balll room and all kinds ot fancy danclngi D. 1681, or H. 2791. ifal.PinO School for Dancing. 2424. J i-cl A A11C Farnam. Tlnuw TIKB 'A SANCT DANCING FOR CHILDREN, SEASON, 820. KEEP'S, HOTEL ROME. Diamonds. DIAMONDS v w the bl UlAJUvli UO - price with privilege to bar back) at amall profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO, 49$ N. lata St Doug. M 1049. BRINGING Ut I MA.r vrviDCNT f I UeiNCVttYIO IP THeftfe NQ 0c ) OMC PACKAGED ENtH S'.r T YCXJ OOKT I RATHER TAf HOME. AN' - L TALK IN f r TOO . CO.O .'ftt MR. Jle, . Sxa, LEAVA r2A ' VVENENONEX-IT . II CLEVER F.J I .1 OO THE HCK ft . v 1 ' ;MO trim ftawM 9nm. mm, 1 A- 0-8.8" ' n' ' ' " ' 1 1 1 . . . - II,,,, 1 . II till - ' N ' . ' ' ' " ' ' ''" ' ' ' " . - - i ANNOUNCEMENTS. v FOR SALE. 1 HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED FEMALE. FOR RENT OOMS. MOVING AND STORAGE. Hemstitching and Pleating. Miscellancoua Articles. Salesmen and Solicitors. Household and Domestic. ; Furnished Rooms: , . ACCOR11ION. aide, knife, sunburst box T'leatlnf, covered bultona, all alsea and styles; bnrnstltcbJna;, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. SOI Brown Blk. Douglas H36, y Nebrr plenting A Button Co. H0t Far nam- St. I). 67. ( Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 311 NevlUa BlfcvKvldence secured In all cases. Tylar 11,18.' , RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. JBUlg. 'Dour. 2050. Night. Col. 466, Miscellaneous Announcements.' SEWING MACHINES W a rent, repair, sell tired lea and partt, MICKEL'S v v I5th and Hnrnay. Dnug'.as 197S. PAXTON-MITCHBl.L CO.. 27th and Martha tits., Omar a, Neb. Brass, bninac. aiumul'jm and machine gray Iron castings. SAFETV razor bladca sharpened, new ra aors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razof Sharpening Co., U22Vfc Dodge. 103 N. 16. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattress es made from your own feathers, sum mer & winter sldea. 1907 Cuming. D. Z4C7, BKLL'S MENfHVL OINTMENT can be purchased ht RIalto Drug Store. IB'h and Douglas Sts., Omaha. Nub. - FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Write for d-lcca The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard 8t7 w CARPENTERING, garages built, roofs raT paired, storm windows puV up. Tyler t 2S1S, , .s- FlILL dress suits and tuxedos for rent, 109 N 16th; St.. John Feldman. D. 312S. OMAHA WEI.DINO CO. "Tha Careful Welders." 16th and Jackson . D. 4397. WEDDING announcements and prln'tng. Douglas Printing Co. Tel Douglas 644. SEWING, silks, velvets, skirts, Jackets re lined, remodeled. Reasonable. H. 6804. SAFES BARGAINS, 12th Farnam. J. J. Darlght Safe Co. OFT our figures on roofs. Nof'th West tRead Roofing Co., 80't a U- ' PAPER . hanging and Walnut 498. painting-. Plion Painting, papering, plastering. Wal 4667. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. Uth. D. 628. MATTRESSES remade, springs rep. H 1762 RBN T Hoover vacuum, tl 26. Wal. 1947. WEAVING, old rugs remaae. ;y. 1453" FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION. AUCTION. 16 dbmpleto homes of 'extra high grade and staple furniture to be sold In 4 days In my Auction House j Southeast corner 18tU and Webslpr Sts. Wednesday. Thursday, Friday andSatur day, Oct 27, 28, i9, and 30. Starts each day at 1 p. m. sharp. This Is a wonderful sale of nearly ev erything, consisting ot pianos, talking machines, parlor furniture, living room furniture, nearly all kinds. Dining room suites in mahogany. American walnut and 3 finishes ot oak. Bedroom suites in mahogany. American wal nut, white Ivory, bird's-eye maple end Ttinl mahogany, brass . Simmons and Vernls Martin beds completo, dressers, dressing tables, chlffonleres, bookcases, writing desks, sewing machines, electric cleaners, electric lamps, rugs, drapes, linens, statues, pictures, gaa and steel ranges, heating and base burners, kitchen cab inets, dishes, cut glass and hand-painted china. ; One complete yrocery stock of staple groceries and store fixtures, and hundreds ot articles too numerous to. mention. This is a real sale. Runs 4 days, starting Wednesday, Oct. 27th at JAMES t. DOWD. AUCTIONEER, If you have .anything uaeil , Call Doug. 3285, Ty. 0906 or Ty. 2883. LEAVING CITY MUST SELL QUICK. Fine living room sulto consisting of large library table, 2 rockers, Spanish leather seats and backs. These are In fumed onk, and one reed rocker. These cost $190, take 896; one davenport, cost 830, take $126; one all Spanish leather rocker, cost $180, take $60; one white . Ivory bed room suite consisting of dress er, highboy with mahogany drawers, ono chair, two metal twlnlbeds with mattresses and springs, cost$.426, take $176. All new furniture. Leaving city. Call Harney 634 for appointment 4 BEDS, dining table and chatrs. Acorn gaa rangetable ihalrs. rockers and rugs, .1. &'AH. 911-T T,.!etnl WE BUY old and new furniture. We pay best price. Eureka Furniture Co., Web. 3380. 1417 North 24th. OAK sideboard, rocking chairs, bed spring , and mattress cheap. Walnut 1849. Pianos -and Musical Instruments. WONDERFUL bargains In phonographs; s-e us before yon buy. Prices $50 to $100. Shlaea Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge St. A. HOSPE CO. .0 Planoa for rent, $4 per month. , DRUMS; traps, marimbas. Instructions, re pairing. Phone Harney 2967, Geo. A. Smith 2761 Davenport St. BUESHER E-flat baritone aaxaphone L. P. In case, slightly used. Web. 0184. MAHOGANY player piano, very reasonable if taken this week. Doug. 3066. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS , AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought sold, rented and re: aired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get cur price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. ' Central. Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4T20. 1912 Farnam. ALL MAKES, .Typewriter Co.. "all makes." 2t 8 18th 8t. Tyler 2424. PROTECTOGRAPHS, F. E.V. bargains. 320 Neville Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. ' 1-TON Fairbanks Ko. 4 standard acale, SHxJ foot platform, also 28-Inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office, 17th and Farnam St Phono Tyler 1000. GLASS FOR SALE. S1ZE8 6x7, 6x8.1x10, BEST GRADE; SS-PE,.8150 FOR HT HOUSES. WIRELESS SETS, ETC. CALL MR.-HADLET, - ' - Tyler 1000. ' ENGRAViro DEPT. HEMSTITCHING and pleotlng attach ment works on all sewing machines, $2. Full instructions. Douglaa Sales , Co.. 1318 N. 16th Bt Birmingham, Ala. ONE No. S 26A International steam boiler. 1,630 teat; Juat the thing for ga rage or store. 'Coat 1606. Will aell for $360. Ingulf 1791 Leavenworth Bt. $66 Stelndlock man' suit basket weave. 1 heather color, nearly new; sis 18; price ' eov. ie. -1 -K. BLUB white Welsten diamond, tl Tame, win UK ata. bob suit, FATHER HANDSOME fur roat, lateat model. 173; seal coat, large shawl coUar, 136 threa seal coata. trimmed Vlth beaver, eciulrrel and martin, never worn, aacrlfloe. HoteLl Namar. , ' SURE and safe investment, city warrants to pay you 10 per cent interest, 6100, $500 and 61,000 amounts. E. Q. Solomon 617 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 6262. HANDSOME 1160 fur coat, never worn, $76; latest model seal cot, sacrifice. Hotel Harlcy, 20th and Farnam Mrs. McNamar. - . VB buy, aelt safes, make desks, ahnw roars.etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co. S. vV. Cor. 11th and Douglas.. D. 2724. rrrtr i-rr: r . r 11 ' ' run balk at a Call Tyler 1976. gain, Woods' hoist. LADIES fur cloth coat, Blsa, 36. Dg. 8076. to hand sewing maohli.e. cheap.. S. 4391. KINDLING and lumber. Webster 0469. WANTED TO BUY. Manure Wanted Want to get In touch with party who nas a raw loads oi garaen manure. Will pay for hauling also. Box X-77, Omaha Bee. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and tiaded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Fttnim. t, eiio. VILL"nuy second-hand clothing shoes and furniture. Ty. 2698. A. Zavott, 706 N. 16. LIBERTY, bonds bought. Macks Bond House. 1411 First Nat l. UK. uirtg. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male: IF you are looking (or' a man who nas a ratr Knovieage, witn several years" experience handling- all classes of con struction material, buying, receiving. - keeping cost records and tracing, grant me an Interview, ilox K-a. iimana JBee, POSITION wanted by young man with Iilgh school education and- one year col 4ege. Box Y-13Z6. Omaha Bee. ODD JOBS repairing and upholstering xurniiure. wrua xayior, 2vu etu Aiarys avenue. JANITOR wants , work. Webster 6068. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch! the Domestic column of The Bee. Lota of good places are alwaya advertised, iron t missttnem. PLAIN sewing and washing and Ironing done at home. 2301 8. zoth St. - Colored girl wants week work. S. 2016. Laundry and Day Work RELIABLE colored woman- perfect In cleaning, or any. other odd . Jobs. Tyler MAID work, dusting In furniture store, cleaning offices, etc. Webster 4448. DAY work, bundle washing i experienced. Web. 1608. . DAY work, evetolngs. exp. laundress. Web. 6929, DAY work, laundry. 1306. cleaning, Webster CLEANING, Ironing, 1739. day work. exp. Ty, BUNDLE washing or as Janltress. Web. 1708. - - - DAY work wanted. Experienced. Ty. 0413 DAY work by hour, reliable. Call D. 1132. SMALL bundle washings wanted. H.. 7820. DAY work wanted, experienced. Web. 6216, DAY work and laundry. Douglas 6037. F.XP. Col, laundress. P. 3240 nfter p. m DAY work, house cleaning. Harney 61!. Doywork, 1st class laundress. Web. 1409. HALFDAYS, cooking, cleaning. Web. 334S. WOOL blankets, lace curtains. H. 1139. DAY work wanted. Exp. Web. 6216. DAY work wanted. Douglas 8167. BUNDLE washing. Webster 13'9. DAYWORK wanted. Web. 8703. DAYWORK wanted. Web. 6413. 1ST class laundress. Web. 2973. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED, GENERAL OFFICE ' CLERK. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNI TY OFFERED' FOR AN AM BITIOUS YOUNG MAN WITH SOME - KNOWLEDGE OF CLERICAL WORK. BOX X-67, ) OMAHA BEE, BOOKKEEPER. $136; bookkeeper, $100; Steno.-and Bkkpr., $136, $150; Steno., $ioo; .r ' WATTS B.EF. CO., 913 1st Nat Bank. EXPERIENCED Burroughs poatlng ma chine operator, bank work In Omaha, at once. Box 0-14, 'Omaha Bee. Professions and Trada. WANTED Competent- pharmacist. Best wages to one who la really quar.Tiea, ana has had experience showing this. Ap ply, general office, Sherman-McCou-nell Drug Co., 2nd floor, 19th and Far- - nam St. " CAR carpentera, experienced, - rebuilding box cars; long lob; liberal wages.' Shef field Car and Equipment Co.. Kansas City, Mo. - . WANTED First class auto trimmer. Coli seum Motor company, Casper. Wyomlag. MOLLER Barber College. 110 South Fourteenth Bt Catalogue Free. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Exoerienced tire sales- men with executive ability, capable of being promoted to manager of branch stores. State briefly your experience, whether married or single, what part of the country you are most familiar with, sal aiy wanted and volume of business secured for last, or present em ployers; also the class of trade. Only tried and producing sales men need apply. Box Y-1296, Omaha Bee. WANTED Four reliable, high grade, topnotch salesmen at once. Live leads furnished. Easy propo sitions to handle. You QUALIFY your prospects ONLY, our mana gers CLOSE the- sales. If you make less than $10,000 to $25,000 yearly, you can't stay on the sales force. Our best men are making as high as 450,000 yearly. This b not a stock, bond, leasing or pro motion proposition. It's a perma nent connection, and unlets you cm show a clean character and a successful selling record, do not ?up1y Suit 1123-4, First National ink Bldg. , ;7;.i:IL'i' sxlceman In silverware, ruga i-nd blankett; -n us ctrple of good men; out of town work. C. F. Adam Oa, 413 South Sixteenth Bt TWO solicitors to sell farmers eastern Colorado and western Kansas. We furnish car, com. or salary. Must leave town at once. Call V. C. Kuklman, Wellington Inn, between and 11 WANTED Ten salesmen to sell stock :J local farmers' elevators and mills. The'1 Bankers' Investment Trust, 905 Pioneer Building, St. Paul. Minn. Hotels and Restaurants. DISH washera and pan washers wanted, ;Hntel Fontenelle. Boys. WANTED Messenger boy, the hours are rrom 8:16 a. m. to about 4 p. m, work light See Mr. Moore, Journal BlucK-man Jo., stock Tarda. WANTED A hoy tor soda fountain. Unltt Docekal Drug. 17th Farnam, Miscellaneous. WANTED Laborers oo, - paving Job, ont of town, $6 per daj and quarters' steady- work. Apply 692 Brandels theater bldg, WANTED Capable man- in phonograph repair department. Schmoller A Mueller Piano uo 114-18 bo. 16th. Dg. 16Z3. CHEMIST FOR WATER ANALYSIS AND GENERAL LABORATORY WORK. REFINITE CO., 1024 HARNEY. WANTED Man to work In drug store. an route woric. l'rug store, 32d av and Arbor St. m WANTED Competent yard and house man. References. Apply G. Storz, 3708 arnam Bt. 20 CORNHUSKERS wanted at Farm Bureau' office, Court House, Council Bluffs. LV . . v. FIRST-CLASS soda dispensers Unltt-Doce- kal, ittii Farnam. Dg. onus. WANTED Bank Omaha Bee. messenger. Box 0.-12. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Yojfngsady for clerical poal tlon; must be q,ulck to learn and ac curate wltb figures and able to operate typewriter. Permanent pbsitlon with , good future. 'Apply Advertising De apartment, 4th floor, Brandels Stores. GIRLS to take course In shorthand, type writing, bookkeeping, etc.; personal ln- trnctlnn enahlpa vou to finish Quickly! Positions furnished call Douglas 7774. J Professions Und Trades. GIRLS! WHY NOT LEARN A PROFESSION? k i Telephone operating .is perhaps the most fascinating work open to young women today. . Good wages are: paid, meals are furnished at cost and light 4 and cheerful rest rooms are furnished Exclusively for the operators. Young women between the ages of 16 and 30 can be operators. Apply to , . - ' MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary, Room 616. New Telephone. Building. I 19th and Douglas Streets YOUNG WOMEN desiring permanent employment should take up long distance work. It Is not difficult to learn. Wa have painstaking tnatructora who will help you make a success of It. Come in today and talk It over with Miss Bell. . 818 Telephone Bldg. AMERICAN ' TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO., ; V Long Lines Dept. r WANTED AT ONCB EXPERIENCED SHIRT OPERATORS, APPLT MISS CARET. SD FLOOR, SCOTT-OMAHA TENT ATvWnG. 1601 HOWARD BT. ' WANTED Hand Ironera for ladles' clothes department Evans Model Laundry, 11th and Douglas Sta. I Household and Domestic, f COOK WANTED, ' w WHITE, , For Family of Three. A good competent cook will find thla position to her liking. 1 . Wage $75 per month. : A , .Apply . .. ' . Mrs. George A. Joslyn, 3902 Davenport. MIDDLE aged lady wanted for general housework, S In family, good wages. Apply Mrs. Geo. T. Porter, 3626 Lin coln Blvd. , Walnut 2829. WANTED Maid for 12-year-old itlrl. must be good seamstress. -uy re. ences. Aenly Mrs. Ward Burgess, 122 No. SJnil St. W . WANTED Competent white girl for gen- era! houaework. It in lamuy, no wasn- Ing, S4th good wages. Har. 4Uz. lazv so. Bt. -J GIRL for general housework; must be good cook, $16 week; references required. F. & Caldwell, 3611, Harney, Harney 2390. ' SCHOOL girl or girl employed wanted to work for room and board, very good home, 1610 So. 36th St. Har. 6470. EXPERIENCED second maid, good wages. Mrs. Glen C. Wharton, 604 South Thirty seventh St Harney 0238. ' WANTED A girl for general housework, no waahlng. small family, beat wages. ' Harney 1669. ' WANTED Maid: bo laundry; refereneea. Mrs. W. J. Hynea, 433 8. ath C Har ney 4760. ' MAID for general housework. No children. LauncreM Kept. us nri bu waj. vtoi. SEE J ICCS AND MACCIE IN FULL FACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE GIRL for general housework, family of 4. no washing, good wages. Har 0382, COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. Arter, 3626 Harney, Har. 666. WANTED Competent house maid, apply airs, wara suriai, isa no. zzu Bt, MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK". CAL.I, HARNEY 3996. WANTED A white girl for second work, Telephone Har. 69. WANTED A girl for general housework. Hotels and Restaurants. COUNTER girls wanted. Good wages. Lincoln Inn, 16th and Farnam. Under v.. s. National Bank. r GOOD lady to work In luncheonette, Good pay. Olympla Candy Kitchen, 1618 narney. RESPECTABLE cirla to wait tables, ex- perlenced. Olympla Candy Kitchen, 1618 jnarney. EXPERIENCED chamber malda wanted. Brown Apts. 608 lo. 21st St Dg. 6644. TWO pantry girls wanted. Mercy hoe pltal. Council Bluffs. la. DISHWASHERS and pantry (girls wanted Apply Hotel Fontenelle. GIRLS wanted to wal tables at Candyland WAITRESS wanted. E. H. Hansen. Ty. 1023 Miscellaneous. -BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION for the benefit of business girls. 663 Bee Bldg Douglas 6692. LADY attendant in Turkish bath dept Ford hospital. Dg. 0340. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladies and boya to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri -City Barber College, " EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptometry, shorthand and tyDewritlng. railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service 'and all Eng-" lisn ana commercial branches, write, call or phone Douglas 1666 for large iiiusirarea catalog. Aaareas BOYL.ES COLLEGE. Baylea Bldg). Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of B'islness Day and Evening Schools. ' 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. L,h.I us send you our prospectus on Business and Residential Lots in oil town, Wyoming. The' Gate way to latest oil development ki the Osage field. , American Brokerage, , 522 Peters Trust Bldg. rhone JJoug. 6437. DRILLING FOlT" OIL In Oklahoma where production runs $1,000,000 per day. That's where we are drilling right now and -can sell you a 10-acre lease offsetting our well for $200. Act quick. -. T. 3f CANNON DRILLING CO., 92, City Nat'I. Bank Bldg. CALIFORNIA land corporation needs In formation agent In every community. Good money without leaving present occupation. Fully secured $100 Invest ment required. Address 319 Mills Build ing. San Francisco, Cal. MEXICO The wfTderinnd; write for free booklet. Read about this country f wealth. Don't miss this. Only a few lert. jsi Mexicans-American Syndicate, 709 ft Main Street, Fort Worth, Texas. FOR SALE N. Y. "apples, . hand picked nana cuuea, car loaas, duik; ti.bu bushel, delivered any point eastern half neorasKa. wicKham Berry Farm. Salem. r Neb. - ' - , FOR sale A tire shop In county seat of d.vuu, in s. v. Tire sales and repairing; good business, small Investment. Address Box T-1.127, Omaha Bee. TO GET in or out of business, see LEWIS & Co.. 411 McCsgue Bldg. Rooming Houses. FIRST-CLASS, fullvl eauinned blacksmith iy rhop, 7 miles from Omaha. Call or write TtAT 91 Ral.tnn U.h FOR SALE 8 -room rooming house and restaurant. uail so. 3360. FOR RENTROOMS. Furnished Rooms. EHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1000. AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINT BO EVERY WEEK FOR THB BENEFIT OF OUh READERS AND ADVERTISERS SINGLE and double rooms for men only; steam neat; running not ana cold wa ter; within walking distance.. Brown Apts., 608 N. 21st St. Doug. 6644. EXCLUSIVE. Very desirable room or sleeping porch with dressing room. West Farnam alia. trict Phono Harney 6076. v FURNISHED room in beautiful private home for gentlemen, block to Far nam car, $26 month. Walnut 0677. MODERN room to 2 gentlemen or couple employee; noma- privileges: 1 block to car line. 2204 K No.. 21st St ' VERY nice comfortable room, all con- , vejtlences, close to Crelgnton college, good home cooking. 2781. NICE roam In private home for 1 or I young gentlemen, with or without board. 3324 Harney. Har. 7221. . NICE room for one or two; g'.rla pre- - ferred; walking distanae to south Oma ha. 4740 8. 13th St LARGE, beautiful room, 3 windows, large closet bath, noor private, good nest, Harney 4080. NICE clean heated rooms, easy walking distance, gentlemen only. Tyler 1691. NICELY furnished front room, private, on 'car line, walking distance. Webster 2661 BEAUTIFUL modern steam heated room. Everything complete. Colored. Web. 6161. ' MODERN room; Vi block to car; close In; gentleman preferred; garage. Harney 1106. NICELY furnished froat room, private family, walking dlatance. Web. 3661. TO young man or. business woman, fur nished room, also garage. Colfax. 4095. FURNISHED rooms, near car line, In private family. 1618 Lake. Web. 3738. 2614 .TONES, dlslrable warm room, strict ly modern. Hjlvate home, Doug. 4124. DESIRABLE room for, gentlemen; also garage; breakfast optional. Har. 4885. LARGE hleely furnished room; large closet, suitable for 2 gentlemen. Tyler 2962. 2228 JONES, room for gehtlemen, pri vate, walking distance. Douglas 3770. ONrt large sleeping room, rultable for 1 or' 3 gents, reasonable. Tyler' 3661. 1820 CAPITOL Ave., well heated, large and small furnished rooms. Ty. 4969. ' FURNISHED, room for 1 or 2 ladles, very reasonable; good heat. Harney 34795 - WELL furnished rooms. 2215 California. Private. Walking distance. Dg. 6293. FOUR' newly decorated rooms, partly fur nished; very reascnaoie. iJg. sais, NICELY furnished room suitable forll or 2 gentlemen. Good heat Dg. 7678V NEWLY papered and furnished sleeping rpoms; gentlemen only. Ty. 6169. NICK furnished room, modern apartment, close In, for 1 or 2. Harney 7212. , NICE rooms for rent 1 124 So; 24th St. Well furnished, good lieat. Ty. 2347. $997 8. 23d Bt 1 blk from car. Furnished . room foe gentleman. Call So. 1103, brick DUNDEE home, 1 or 2 nicely furnished rooms, good heat Walnut 0234. FURNISHED room, block to car. Capitol avenue, Harney 1130. 2612 SUITE of nice, well heated robms; private home. Phone- Har. 6198. COMFORTABLE nut 2675. Dundee. Wal- Room to rent for colored. Web 6151 2 nice warm sleeping rooms. Har. 4453. ROOMS for colored. Web. 1897. Housekeeping Rooms. 2707-1)9 Dodge St., 1st and 2d floor rooms en suite, reasonable. Harney 2032. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, sonable. 812 No. 16th St Rent rea- TWO large, unfurnished rooms, for house keeping. 1309 S. 32d St. 3 OR 4 rooms furnished for light house keeping. Harney 4920. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 1624 Cass. Board and Rooms. LARGE room, good location, family of two, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; home privileges; no other roomers; breakfast If desired; walking distance. Harney 4100. . NEWLY furnished room tn private home for two people employed. Will aorve one or two meals If desired. Prices very reasonable. Col. 4381. BOARD and room In private home, sult ' able for couple or gentlemen. Harney 1913. 3720 N. 18TH, ST.Room, private home, ladles preferred, i Webster 4069. SLEEPING room with board. Harney 0604. 2 PARLOR rooms with board. D. 7994.. Unfurnished. WANTED, two .downtown unfurnished, steam heated rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. Box Y-1326, Omaha Bee. TWO unfurnished rooms for couple with out children; heat and gas. Har. 5128. 3 ROOMS, modern, except heat. To couple without children. Webster 2443. FOUR ROOMS AND BATH, NO FUR NACE. WEBSTER 2164. SIX unfurnished rooms for rent. Dg. 4688. 620 20th St. Call UNFURNISHED rooms. . Call Dg. 7994. VFOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. MODERN house for rent. 6 rooms fur nished, November 15 to May 1; $85. DUMONT & CO., 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Doug. 0690. Unfurnished. VERY desirable home Finished in oak throughout Four bedrooms. Hot water heat. 3867 Farnam Sti4 Vacant soon. WALSHrELMER CO.. REALTORS, Tyler 1536" - 333 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT Six-room cottage, good lo cality, South car line, modern except heat, $40. Douglaa 7163. N FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. EVERYTHING furnished, 3 rooms and bath. Ideally located, close Nn, fine apt. bldg., good neighborhood, best of janitor service, winter rate i $95, ref erences. Douglas 1734. FURNISHED APARTMENT IN . THE BLACKSTONE. HARNEY 945. Unfurnished. THE ELWOOD i IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Beautiful 5-room apartment, 6 room efficiency, with all the latest and uplto-date conveniences. Close to car and school. Monthly rental $137.50. ,For further information and appointment for inspection call ' , J. L. HIATT CO., 900 1st NaYl Bank Bldg. Tyler 0063. 6ROOM - flat with water, janitor service and heat furnished; 3 rms. downstairs and 3 rms.'-upstairs; close to school and car; West Farnam district; walking distance from town; monthly rental $112.50. Now Open for inspection. If in terested call J. L. Hiatt Company. Tvler0063. 900 1st Nat'I Bk. Bldg. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tvler 4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel.' Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy, 6 ROOM apartment. Strictly modern. 10th TV, a nnn.aiiv . Dff. 6392. FOR RENT Business Property. EXCELLENT store room for rent, 203 South 19tn street. ee r osier- nurmr Company, 209 South 19th street tele- phone uougias laou, WELL located atore room, suitable for of fices. Douglas 6832, Mr. Kemp. MOVING AND STORAGE. WE assemble and forward carloads ot both household goods and automobiles. Watch this column, aa It will keep you informed when we art makltg carload ahlpments - to. ' If you are shipping to arty of the cities represented or to towns adjacent to om shipping points, see us about our rates, aa It Is likely that our through rat Is less than the regular local rate and you have the advantage of carload aetv- 'CTodav we are accepting shlpinenta foi the following cities: Minneapolis, Minn. I.os Angeles Cal. , Oakland, Cal.' 'V- " " San Francisco. Cal. , 's- " Chicago, III. I Cnltimku. CI - GORDON FIREPROOF WARE HOUSE AND VAN CO..- ,v 21 N. 11th St Phone Douglas 394. , Omaha. Neb. MOVINO, PACKING. STORAGE. PIRKPROftl? WAREHOUSE. Separate locknl rooma for household goods and pianoe, moving, packing and 'oSSilf. VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 909 8oth 16th. Doug. 4163. FIDELITY rNDRAvABN CO. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKINO HOUSEHOLD OOODS AND PIANO REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERIVCE. COMPLETE LI8T OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jaekacn Sts. Douglaa 289. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Dowen Co. Tyler 2400. UNION TRANSFER CO. , Let ua eatlmato your moving, packing and storage. ltOa Davenport Doug. 2909. TWO modern sleeping rooms In i flat Walking distance. Dg. 6662. Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright. 1920 International New Service GLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND STOKAUB. CO. For real service in hauling or stor age, call -Tyler 230 or Douglai 433), .Auto or wagpn service. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FERRETS for sale. Write H. R. Pack 601 Southeast 6th St., Des Moines. la. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. GOVERNMENT and farm harness and leather collara, 39 per cent discount. , Write for free price list Desk No. 9, weai narness, 7ii no. ittn Bt, HAY. $19 per ton delivered. A. W. Wag ovi no. mm Bt., tg. imz. HORSE formate. Omaha Express. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. CADILLAC USED CAR DEPARTMENT, We have Just prepared some used cars for sale, having put them In fine condition throurhotit. ' BUICK 45-K touring. OLDSMOBILH touring. PATTERSON 1920 touring. COLE; wheels. 1920, t touring with ' Disteel CHANDLER, 1920 tourtoig. HUDSON1 Super Six tobring' DODGE touring. CADILLAC 64 4-passenger. CADILLAC 66 '4-passenger;" will be pair.tea to suit purchaser. . CADILLAC 59 touring, used sllghtll as a aemonscraror. CADILLAC 63 roadster. Fill In tha attached coupon If yon rannoL ran, una we win nun you description of any car you are In terested In. '(Cut this out) COUPON. Car Kama A- Address Every gr In good reasonably priced. condition and J. II. HANSEN CADILLAC CO.. !6th and Farnam. Harney 710. Omaha. 3uy a Guy L. Smith . Used Car We always have a few first-class used cars which are real bargains. Each is guaranteed and wiih a real service behind iL tail uoug ias 1970 any time for description of cars and prices. - Hudson Touring Thla la - a 1919 Hudson Super Six, T-paasenger car which la Just like new. Haa been used here In Omaha and haa had very little usage. We will give the Same guarantee with this car aa with a new one, and It Is a real bargain at the price we ask. There are more Hod sons in Omaha than all other high grade cars combined. See thla ona. It la a bargain. Guy L. Smtih, 26th and Farnam. Douglas 1970. We have some splendid 1919 , newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy Drive It Yourself Co.,. 1314 Howard St. Dousr. 3622. SOME GOOD BUYS. '17 Patteraon Chumy. like new $600 19 Overland, like new .$375 '17 King Eight perfect 9500 '17 Overland, sedan top...... $175 TRAWVER AUTO CO.. .... 2210 Farnam. Douglaa 9070. $36 WILL rent apace for your ear ontll March 1. 1921. at 1601 Marcy St Hart , ung'a Transfer Co. Tyler 1976. WE SAVE YOU $6 otit of ovary $10 on auto .naurance. Phono DouglM 7768. 813, Pater Trust Bldg. Continental Inv. Co. I komk hircaln In used For.t rare. Mo Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th M Jackson, noug las 86t)0. DODGE SEDAN. Late 1919, 4-door Dodge 8edan, newlv painted, and In -perfect shape. Bargain price. 606 Keeline Bldg. 1920 FORD sedan, self-starter, demount able rims, perfect condition, good tires, cheap: cash or paymente. Tyler 6304. FORDS, DODGES. BUICK FOR SALE OR TRADE. EASY TERMS. CALL S. 891 O'ROURKE AUTO CO..' 1701 8. 24th Bt WANTED -Pot spot caah. 100 Jeert cars quick action; no delay. Aulo Exchange Co.. 2069 Farnam St Douglaa 69J5 WILL sacrifice m or 3-ton dump truck. Inquire at 1601 Marcy y. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. HAVE practically new Ford louring ear and $600 cash as first payment ou a- a or 6 -room house. Douglaa 9699. THB DIXIE FLYER, R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2610 rarnam Bt i iklind Ser.alble Six. MARSH-OAKLAND Co 30th Harney Sts. WE have 60 good used oara to eelec' from. All prices. ' MEKKS AUTO CO.. 202S Farnam. nnop in,in fine shane. will saorlflre. Leaving city. Address Box R. 99. Oma ha Bee. as - A Overland ear. fine condition. $450. Cash or Liberty bonds. Tyleif 3206. D-46 BU1CK roadster, fine shape. 1L 2605. RBO SIX FOR SALE. HARNEY 6266. Painting and Repairing AUTO painting. 2761 Burt H. 6911. Accessories. VULCANIZERS, SUPPLIES AND v EQUIPMENT. Sectional, full, half and third, circle, retreading molds, truck tire molds, flex ible buffers, steam air bage and gen erators, machine skived shoea. cord and fabric I, 2. 3 and 4-ply cord and fabrlo rellners. second-hand equipment, toola, etc. Everything for tha vulcanlxer. "Out of town dealers write . VULCANI7.KRS SUPPLY CO.. 2911 FAR NAM ST., OMAHA NEB. .Harney 6833. . USED TIRF.8. 20x8, $5.00; 80x3 $9.00. . All elxee In proportion. Look over out rebullta. Open Sundaya. Tyler 2986. SAVIOE TIRE8. 909 N. 16th Bt. 7 Keystone Tire Shop. Tires and Supplies - . NEW TIRES. FIRST-CLASS. SOxS t 9.95 I 82x3 IM 9l 80x3 ..... 11.95 53x4 ,. 20.91 sr,.4 20.95 I 34x4 20il f- Goodrich Guaranteed Ford Tubes i HH k-lIMAM T1RK JOBBERS. 1722 CUMING. vhmv .TlBP.St. 60 PER CENT DISCOUNT.- K.I 1 9 76 I 32x4 $19.20 JOxSU 11.90 83x4 19.59 ,S2l3Vi 14 90 I 34x4 . 20.01 Mall Orders Filled. STANDARD TIRE CO.. 410 W. 16TH ST. FINANCIAL?" " Real Estate Loans DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harrj Malashock, 1614 Dodge. P. 6619 Es. 1894. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2716 PRIVATE MONEY. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. X). WRAP, Weart Bldg.. 310 S. 18th St PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. "4229 PROMPT service, reaaonable rates, private money. Garvin Bros. 345 Omaha Nat. Miscellaneous. A FORTUNE IN OIL. Fortunes are made In oil leases. We are drilling right now In -Oklahoma and can sell you 10 acres offsetting our well for $200. T. J. CARMON DRILLING CO., 926 City Nat'I. Bank Bldy. : FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. SEE US for good wheat .corn and alfalfa farms near . Denver, Cheap landa, fino schools, fin roads. Ask the men who live here and know. Bennett Realty Co. Bennett, Colo. 160 A. Washington Co., Colorado. - No Improvements. Easy terms. $1$ per acre. Section 2. 4, 66. 2502 Wirt St. ' -Omaha. 160 ACRES Burlington, Colo.. $500 down or will take Omaha property. Colfax 4183. Michigan Lands. Landseekers Big opportunity In Michigan. Hard wood land $16 to 136 per acre. 10 to 160 a. Small down payments, easy, terms on balance. Biffmoney In grains, stock, poultry or fruit Big illustrated booklet free on request. Bwlgart Land Co., J1252 First Nat'I. Bank Bldg., Chicago, m: Nebraska Lands. WANTING to quit the real estate busi ness on account of my health, I'm go ing to offer all my land holdings. I have at Cheyenne Wells, Colo., for sale at bargain prices, and good terms. If you are Interested In getting a quarter or half section or section right, wrlta C. L. Tate Inv. Co.. 659 Omaha National Bank Building, Omaha. Texas Lands. 1,000-ACRE ranch on main line of rail road, 40 mllea from San Antonio, Tex.; 400 acres In cultivation (100 balea cot ton rhlsed on place thla year, balance timber; It buildings, store (30x60), bank, postofflca and school house re-enforced concrete; hotel; $10,000 modern resi dence; 2 artesian wells; running water to all buildings; railroad and running stream through ranch; 12 tenant houses, also hotel rented; soil will raise corn, cotton, strawberries, watermelons, pea- nuts, feed and garden truck: good for fine stock or colonisation; owner old, wishes to retire; tract with Improve ments. $75 per acre; bank references: come oi send representative; wire for descriptive circular. Box 107, Pleas anton, Tex. 4.000 ACRES Box Butte county farm land, $25 to $35 an acre In half Sot tlon lots, a 8. AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City National Bank Bldg. RIO GRANDE valley publio sals at euc . tlon; fifteen irrigated farm tracts and 4 Improved farms, November 9. Address Drawer $69. Mercedes, Tex. Virginia Lands. HOMESEEKERS send for Virginia farm M'.n uepr. b, Kmnona. va.- . y Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY special number Just out con taining 1920 facts of clover land in Marinette county. Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you ar thinking of buying good farm landa where farmers grow rich, send at once for thla special number of Landnlogy. It Is free on request AdnTess Skldmore Rlrhle Land Co.. 493 Skldmore-Rlchla Bldg,, Marinette. Wis. Miscellaneous. 24 ACRES IMPROVED " " Graham-Peters Realtv Co.. 629 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Douglaa 653. Evenings wal. 1101. REAL ESTATE WANTffD. "Wanted Houses to Sell Our organization backed by 40 years oft experience in real estate is at your service; buyers call on us every day. Wa need listings In all parta of th city. McCague Investment Co., Doug. 1345. ' 1506 DOdg Bt Ground Floor. WE WANT HOUSES TO SELL. Buyers galore! Come in and see us. J. J. MULVIHILJL, Kealtor." 200 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. . Phone Doug. 0096. To buy or sell Oman Real rcstatee FOWLER & M'DONAtD 1120 City Nat. BK. Bldg. Douglas HI'.:. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE Want- quick action? Just try us. Call qs,i,. JAd OSBORNE 'REALTY CO.,v 430 Bee Bldg. HAVE buyera with $500 cash down. List wltn us. rt. -jr. i.isry to;. Z404-06 Ames Ave., North Omaha Realtor- Colfax 175. W: G. SHRI VER frsuranTATE 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 16". HAVE Inquiries for homes: do you wan. to sell you property? uai u witn ... A. Orlmmel, Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. LIST your home with me or If yor are looking for house see me. rrana 4 Panowleh. 6J5 Paxton Blk. - REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE HAVE a modern 6-room hotiae. bot water heat In good '-neighborhood In Lincoln. Will exchange for the same la " Omaha. Direct owner, 2009 8. 26th St. Lincoln. . GARAGE, two-atory brick, garage and stork In eastern Nenrasxa town, niu exchange' for land. Carl Pfelfer, Scot Carl ."-J VjEl'.'. land, S. Dak. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. WAREHOUSE s 1115-17 NICHOLAS ST. Three stories and basement warehouse. 66x120 feet with trackage and loadlnot t platform. Elevator and sprinkler sys tem. J-rirf. -.,a,Ti", eany irrmn. GEORGE & CO., REALTORS. ' Tyler 8024. 90 City National Bank. V'ALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors, Real Estate. Investment, Insurance, Reotala. Tyler 1139. 33$ Securities Bldg, "It- I 9 . T m 4r ,, '. ' r-