Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Society ,
The marriage of Miss Vida Learn
er of Minneapolis to Rev.Alexandrr
Wimberly of Bayard, Neb., took
place in Omaha Wednesday, October
20. Mrs. Wimberly is a graduate of
Nebraska university and a member
of Delta Zeta. They will reside at
The marriage of Miss Grace Le
nore Cleaver of Columbus and Par
don Stewart Shepard. formerly of
Lincoln and now of Alliance, took
pr at the First Congregational
church at Omaha October 16. Mrs.
Shepard is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Cleaver of Cotumbus.
Mr. Shepard is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Pardon B. Shepard of this city.
Engagement Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Anderson an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Ruth, to Fred Ehrlick of
Lincoln, Neb '
Wedding Anniversary.
Gold and white roses, chrysanthe
mums and carnations formed the
decorations at a dinner given Tues
day at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. C.
C Cope, sr., ihe occasion being their
fiftieth wedding anniversary. Their
JO children, 27 grandchildren and
one great grandchild were present
The children are C. C. Cope, jr.;
Frank Cope and Deuel Cope, Mrs.
Earl Parker, Mrs. Bd Summers. Mrs.
George Ives of Omaha: Howard
Cope of Toliet, 111.: Mrs. E. S. Cooke
ot Red Oak and Mrs. Emmet Lone
necker and Mrs. George Fox, , Wa
hoo. Neb. i ,
Mr. and Mrs. Cope were, married
in Jfoliet,, IU., and have been resi
des of this city for 35 years.
Following the dinner gifts were
presented to them by the guests.
For Humane Society Delegates.
Delegates1' the AWrican Hu
mane association convention, which
is being held in Omaha this week,
were taken for a-ride about the city
Tuesday afternoon, followed by a
horse show at the Ak-Sar-Ben field.
At 4 o'clock they were entertained
atlan informal reception and organ
recital at the home of Mrs. George
A. Joslyn and ft banquet was given
' in their honr at the Hotel Fonte
nelle at 6:30 o'clock. 1
Dancing Party.
A dancing party was given by
Manuel Greeen at his home Sunday
evening. 'Those attending were
Rose Laserous, Sarah Brookstein,
Sarah Lervis, Ida Stern, Ida Green
berg, Bessie Farber, Rose Arnt, An
v na Rdsenblum, Fanny Sip. Ida Gold
berg, Lea Abrahamson, Sadie Green
and Nathan Adelsen, Meyer Gold
ware, Joe Maries, Ben E". Kubby,
Emanuel Green, Ben Snyder, Borris
Minken and Sam Minken. Harry
Green gave several solos and was ac
:ompanied by Lea Abrahamson.
For Bride-To-Be.
A surprise .shower was given for
Miss Martha"" Shultz, daughter of
Mrs. C D. Shultz, S407 Florence
boulevard,' whose marriage to Emil
Korstadt will take place Wednes
day evening. The affair took place
-et the heme of her cousins, Miss
Helen antr'Edith Puis. - The rooms
were decorated for the occasion. with
colored festoons. The centerpiece
of the table' was a bridal party,
kewpie dolls being used to represent
the members of the wedding party.
Dinner for Mrs.' Beaton.
Mr. and Mrs. A. V.- Shotwell en
" tertained at a bridge dinner Tuesday
evening at their home for Mrs.
David Beaton, jr., of Evahston, 111.,
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
E. Milliken. Covers were placed
for Mr. and Mrs. Milliken, Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Wood, Mr. and Mrs.
George - Laier and Mr. Harley
Conant. A
Bring. Tea Recipe Home.
Miss Belle Dewey, president of
the Omaha Woman's Press club,
has returned from New York City.
While there she, visited John Cow
per Powys, who will appear in a
lecture here November 3 under the
auspices of '.the club. Miss Dewey
says that Powys, like most British
ers, is a confirmed tea drinker and
bitterly bewails America's lack of
appreciation of the Japanese bever
age. He kindly gave this Omaha
woman his recipe, perhaps with the
hope that Omaha would offer him
tea the proper way.
Here are Mr. Powys' instructions:
First sratrl trannt. and rnns. Al
low fresh ceylj water to just come to)
a boil and then at the psychological
moment out ' .'tea leaves, using one
. f i ! i
TH"Qnnniiii I or rarn run inn nnc
for the pot Take from fire and let
stand for a few moments.
il Either drink clear or with a little
milk, and eat with it a crust of stale
bread. .
Cream, sugar, butter, cake or7 jam
spoil tl.v combination for the
discriminating palate of Powys, so
remember, Omaha, he has warned
cou. rrepare nis tea as ne directs.
Entertain at Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Rudolph gave
i dinner Monday evening at their
home for .Mrs. , Roberta Eddy
Kitchen, who leaves the latter part
of the Week for California. Covers
were placed for 10. ,
A daughter was born 'Monday to
Mr. and Mrs. Shaji Osato. .
A daughter was born Sunday to
M. and Mrs. Paul E. Wadsworth of
Moline, 111.- Mrs. Wadsworth was
rormerly Miss Uarda Scott of this
.nty. .. ' '
' Miss Lean May .Williams of 6ma
a spent the', week-end in Lincoln
vith her parents. She had as her
-uest Miss Margaret Randall, also
f Omaha.
Mr. C. G. Ryan of Grand Island
left for Fremont Tuesday to attend
:he state club convention, after
spending several days in Omaha en
route. Mrs. T. L. Combs and Mrs. G. E.
Mickel have returned from a short
stay at Excelsior Springs. Mrs.
Combs also visited fier son, Morlyn
Combs,' at Kemper Military school,
Boonville, Mo. . . r,
Alfred Reese, Nebraska's Rhodes
scholar, has arrived . in England,
where he will enter the Lincoln col
lege of Oxford university. He sailed
to England with 32 other Rhodes
scholars on steamship Aquitania.
Russell Peters of Omaha, former
'Cornel man. won the scholarship
tfliatr, '
Gabby Lets "You
Peek on the
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave
when first we practice to deceive."
The following appeared in the
Gabby Dctayls column of Sunday,
October 24:
"The society editor was chatting
last week with one of our young ma
trons. The following was the con
versation: " 'We hear you are entertaining at
a bridge party Wednesday after
noon, .Mrs. J
"'Oh, nothing special, just three
tables. Please don't mention it. I
am just repaying some long neglect
ed social debts. There isn't a single
friend among the guests.' "
In order to protect the woman
guilty of the "not a friend" party
Gabby camouflaged a bit and
changed the initial in question, never
dreaming what might come of it.
In fact, she jumped right "from the
frying pan into the fire." Take a
look at the telephone book and just
see the numbers of the tribes of
Johnson, Jensen, James, Tones, Jack
son, Jacob, Jansen and Jenkins.
Promptly one and all of the ma
trons who entertained in any man
ner whatever during the said week
and whose last initial was J began
to wail about how horribly they were
treated, how dared such things be
printed, all their friends would never
forgive them and, oh, they had shed
bitter tears over the affair and some
one must be punished for their
Out of the chaos Gabby emerges
triumphant. After all weare all cut
on the same pattern and whoever
said, "A guiltyconscience needs 41o
accuser," must have been Gabby her
self in a-jtrevious incarnation.
If the shoe fits
' - University Club.. , .
The. University club has resumed
ita QftllMtlAa .trlfl. 1 1-1 a fill r nn py. n 1 -i 4
announces the following parties: Hands of roses printed upon it, and
October 30. Saturday. Halloween
dmner-dance; November 2, Tuesday,
election night smoker, returns will
be received at the club by special
wire; November 20, Saturday,
Thanksgiving dinner-dance; Decem
ber 18, Saturday, Christmas party
dinner-dance; January 11, Tuesday,
annual members' dinner; January 20,
Thursday, annual college men's din
ner; February 12, Saturday, Valen
tine party dinner-dance; February
24, Thursday, smokers' night, and
March 12, Saturday, dinner-dance.
Every Saturday evening other than
tl.e above there will be informal din
ner dances. On formal dinner-dance
nights a la carte service will be
maintained informally in the ladies'
dining room.
Relative of Omahans.
Mrs. John Workman Elms, wife
of the son of Mrs. U. S. Grant, jr.,
whose bridal picture appeared in the
rotogravure section of last Sunday's
Bee, is a first cousin of the
Blanche and Grace Sorenson and
Mrs. Guy C. Kiddoo of this city.
Mrs. Elm's s was formerly Miss
Bernadine Gasmann of San Diego,
Cal., and was a distant relative also
of the late Rev. John Garmann, one
of the early rectors of Trinity cath
edral. Her marriage to Mr. Elms
in June was one of the notable events
of the Pacific coast.
One of the largest business con
cerns of Nippon, Japan, was created
and is being managed by a woman.
. ; i .
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound Did For Her.,
Morrice, Mich. "About a year
after my second baby was born I suf-
lered with dizzi
ness every morn
ing so that I
could hardly get
around. I had
heard from other
women about,
your medicine
and -had read lew
ten about it, so
my husband got
me Lydia E.Pink.
ham's Vegetable
Comoound which
I took according to directions ,and in
a short time I was entirely relieved.
I also took the Vegetable Compound
befo-e my last baby" came and am
thankful to say that it relieved my
suffering very much and I shall never
be without it at such times. I have
told others of its great worth and
shall keep on telling it." Mrs. En.
Thomas, Box 184, Morrice, Mich.
Women should not continue to suffer
flay in and day out and drag out a
sickly,- half-hearted existence, miBsing
three-fourths of the joy of living,
when they can find health in Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
If you would like free confidential
advice address Lydia E. Piukbam
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
- . r
Free Trial of a Method That Anyone
Can Use Without DUcomfort
or Loss of Time
We have a method for the control of
Asthma, and we want yon to try it at our
expense. Mo Anatter whether your case is
of long standing' or recent development.
Whether it is present as occasional or
chronic Asthma you should send for a
free trial of oar method. No matter in
what climate you live, no matter what
your aire or occupation, if you are trou
bled with asthma, our method should re
lieve you promptly.
We especially want to send it to those
apparently hopeless cases, where all forms
ot inhalers, douches, opium preparations.
fumes, patent smokes, etc, have failed.
We want to show everyone at our expense.
that our method is designed to end all
difficult breathing', all wheeling, and all
those terrible paroxysms.
This free offer is too important to neg
lect a single day. Write now and begin
the method at once. Send no money. Sim
ply mail coupon below. Do it Today
you do not even pay postage. ?
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
Revelations of a Wife
Why Madge Sought to Be Alone.
She's prettier thai she ever was
hut she doesn't lool happy, some
how." "Who?" I queried in startled coun
tering to Dr. "Jim" Paige's musina
comment, then realized that I had
no need tor his, answered lidie.
The big man's eyes were fixed upon
the pretty face of his "third or fourtn
or, fifth cousin" across Aunt Dora
faiges dinner table, ana mere was
that in his own face which told me
he had shared the secret uneasiness
with which I had watched the wrapr
confidences Edith and Dicky wers
exchanging. - . '
"You know her pretty well, don't
you?" His eyes were bent on me
now. And when I lifted mine to
their cool, gray depths, I felt a warn
ing little intution that there was
something behind the question, that
if in any way 1 bertayed my rea;
feeling toward Edith Fairfax it
would wound the honest heart 'mir
rored in those eyes.
They were not eyesto be deceived
easily, however, and I summoned ail
my powers of dissimulation- as I an
swered lightly: -
"As well as one woman ever
knows another. You realize that's
supposed , to be an impossible feat,
don t you? But, seriously" as I
saw his eyes darken- vaguely "Edith
and Leila and I are very intimate
companions" I purposely substi
tuted the word for the closer, one
"friends," which I feared I never
cotild give to Edith Fajrfax.
"I suppose 'we know each other
better than the great majority ; of
women do. And you are right in
cne thing she is lovely tonight."
Dr. Jim' Uneasiness.
I spoke only -the truth. Edith
usually pftle. was glowing like the
roses in her corsace. She wore a
fijmy gown of cream tint with gar-
in her dark hair was fastened, a fillet
of cunningly fashioned satin rose
buds. "And yet," to speak the truth,
you're more beautiful than she is."
Dr. "Jim" Paige made this astound
ing and to me funny statement with
a face so honest that after a single,
ouick glance I knew he . meant v it.
"Not to me," he added hastily. "I
reckon you've guessed there'll never
be anybody prettier than Edie in
my eyes. But I know what people
generally would think. And that's
what makes me wonder. Look here!
I'm a rough body I've no business
to speak this way, but why don't
you- look after your husband better?
He's no business bringing a look
like that to Edie's eyes."
I didn't need to glance across the
table to see the, look he meant. I
had seen it often enough in Edith
Fairfax's eyes, and had only had
strength to endure it because I had
been reasonably sure that no answer
ing kindred glance was to be seen in
those of my husband. I wondered
if Dr. "Jim" or Major Grantland
had seen more than I had. v
"You see, he isn't in love with
her," the astonishing man went on,
"so I don't see why he should carry
clipped into a curtained alcove at one
end of the room. The curtains were
looped apart, but behind them there
was a cosy seat screened from view,
into which I slipped, determined to
plead fatigue in explanation if any
one found me.
"He has no business bringing
on like that unless he's trying to get ? JLA' "w"1
.. o...u: 'he s trying to get even for some-
An tw thi cnmMim vou ,h'n?- ' I wouldn t give .h.m cause.
...... 0 , j
IT. I I A I . M l
L-nm Anrf if 1 in vmtr filirf I f1" 100 gOOO-lOOKing . Uie
1 wouldn't give him any cause. He's ,CLveif TLn my
too goqd-looking a fellow to be let
1.- 1 1
iltivc 111a ucau.
He laughed a bit sardonically, and
f was thankful indeed that Aunt
Dora just then gave her little old
fashioned signal for the ladies to
rise, and so released me from the
necessity of making any answer to
Dr. "Jim's" astonishing monologue.
When next I saw him he was in the
drawing room bending over Edith
devotedly, evidently determined
upon keeping all other admirers at
arms' length.
Madge's Jealousy 'Roused; -
But his words lingered with- me.
I' felt as if I could not smile and ut
ter the small talk in which the vari
ous "cousins" near me were indjlg
ing, so at the first opportunity I
brain until I felt like shrieking,
The sound of Dicky's voice just
outside the curtain arrested my at
tention. "Rita got too fresh." he was say
ing. "There's your answer."
"What do you mean?" Alfred
asVed in startled tones. '
"Only that Rita tried to hand out
a choice assortment of scandal about
you -to Leila. Of course, Leila
wouldn't stand foe it, and I guess
Then It's Genuine
Aspirin is trade mark Bayer Manufac
ture Monoaceticicidester of Salicylicacid.
Beautify tie Complexion
Nadinola CREAM
The Unequales Beartifiei
Vd and EnJorttd
By Thousand
Guaranteed to remove
tan, freckles, pimples,
liver-spots, etc. Ex-V
tremn ch 9ft din.
Rids pores and tissues ot impurities.'
Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy At
leading toilet counters. If they haven't
t, by mail, two sizes, 60c. and $120.
Sold by Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Stores
, and Other Toilet Counters.
m n m my
friends ami-
HELP you
and tha
Niagara and Hudson Streets, Buffalo,
Send free trial of joor method to:
r -s. r - m e1 1
ffie flame Set
i "
Desk Lamps
Concentrate s the
where - it serves
purpose 1 best and
save your eyes.
Office efficiency and
eye strain, never go hand '
in hand. s
Let us show you our as
sortmeat at ,
$4.50 and Up
Artistic Lif htlnf Fixtures , and Else-
trie Household Appliances. -
406 So. 15th St. Douglas 7649
Neat Door to Orpheusa.
100 Men in the
are recognized and re
warded py Honor and
.Cash Bonus System.
. Have your Cadillac at
tended by. efficient Cad
illac men trained to "
render the best service.
We do it right.
J. H. Hansen Cadillac Go.
Service Deph v
Cuy A. Wheaton
S. J. Alexander
Hairy Raid
little Rita got her walking papers
pronto. Madge is in it somewhc e,
according to Edith probably put
the skids under Rita. I ll find out
before long and let you know. But
I think, old man, it's good riddance
vou know the rest of it.
' Amenl" heartily rejoined AlfreJ
Durkee. and thev moved away. But
my jealous spirit had fixed upon that
liaise, abLviuiu. iv IjUIUIi .v.
close thev roust be in each other's
(Continued Tomorrow.) ,
Mrs. Emma Lehr of Canton, O.,
has invented a paper hat and is now
making them as last as she can for
her townspeople, i
Mrs. Emma Coates, who- will be
99 years old in December, and Mrs.
Elizabeth Yerkcs, who was 102 on
Iuly 2, and sisters, registered in
ledia. Pa., so that they would be
eligible to vote at the coming presi
dential election.
The model bungalow at 5705 Ma
son street, built by Maenner Realty
Construction company and fur
nished by Corte Aldoui Hunt, has
been sold. These new and up-to
date furnishings are offered for sale
Wednesday and Thursday at attrac
tive prices. Call at the bungalow
or telephone Mrs. E. R. Houghton,
Walnut 1889. Advertisement .
Just because she wears riding
trousers, the garments she; habitu
ally wears at home, a young woman
who is " homesteading a piece ol
ground near, Bend, Ore., has been
forbidden to enter the town in het
home attire.
From ' aN Republican Standpoint By
Nalson H. Loomis
Mrs. C. A. Savaranca
Thlrtjr-firs and Harvey Streets.
Buy an electric iron you can depend
upon. One that will always be ready for
usee No troublesome repairs to bother
or annoy you.
The "mericaoBeiy" is so sturdily construc
ted it will give , the same satisfactory .
service afer years of use as upon the day
you purchase it.
SU by EUctrical, Hardware, and Department
Store, and Electrical Companies
y Manufactured by
Ariierican Electrical. Heater Company, Detroit
. -. -. . .
Makers of a Complete Line of Elawtric Heating Device.
Wediie sday-rthe Last Day of
Ouj Electtic Washer Sale
( Don't tear your hair if
the laundress fails to
come. Prepare for just
such an emergency. .
Nebraska Power
- Company
If necessary set the dock ahead an hour, and cometo. the C j
Electric SIjop Wednesday and buy an Electric Washer for yourr
home ' . - v . V - r' .." ;i ."".:?v.
Saying as Much as $40.00
; . ; .. ' -u I,-.
You will find it time and money well spent. ; '-
Thor, A J. Clarmda '
lectric Washers
The machines offered in this sale are priced from $62.50 to
$150, and include washers that have been used for demonstrat
ing purposes washers that show marks and finger prints from
shop-handling washers that have been rebuilt. ; . ' . . . .
places a washer in your fibme, after which you pay us from $5.00 to $10.00 per month until the
washer is paid for. ' '
- Each of the plumber offered (and the number is limited), has been thoroughly overhauled
and is in first-crass shape, and carries the Nebraska Power Company one-year guarantee.
. - '
See These Washers on Display at the Electric Shop
Power Co.
2314 M St Sa Side
Nebraska jp?
Tamam at Fifteenth,