Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1920, Page 5, Image 5
.f '. v3rm- i-f- -') wt w THE-BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, i920, Three Men Shot By Chicago 'Cop' Two Captured, Oilier Routed In Raid in Notorious District. , Chicago, Oct. 26. Policeman Thomas Cooper was off duty, but he admits he put in his wildest night last night when he shot three men, one of whom is dying, captured two others and routed a dozen thugs in two expeditions into the notorious battle zone of the Wigwam Athletic club and Ragen's Colts, two power ful political organizations around the stock yards, neither of which is fa mous for its obsetvance of laws. A fourth man, shot down by two of Cooper'a-wictinis,' is believed to be The casualties, i as far as know n, nre as follows: William McMarthy, 24, a butcher, sliui t'oni; the heart in Garvey's sa loon, ..! who is living at a hospital, lie says Luwat'l l.ments shot him. John Ryan, 2J. wanted for more than a dozen holdup's and other crimes, shot near the 4ieart and through one arm by Officer Cooper; dying at Englewood hospital. Edward Clements, shot and wound ed by Officer Cooper, but escaped. Cooper was passing McDermitt's saloon when he encountered Ryan and two of his pals . Ryan immedi ately opened f irarjpon the policeman. who uuliinbcred 1iis artillery and re sponded. Two of the rrtcn were shot, but managed to et away. After Cooper had sent Ryan to a hospital, he went back to the saloon and ar rested Joe Lenhan and Martin Fan ning,., both members of - Ragen's Coltsand both of whom were armed. U.S.S. St. Louis Anchors At Omaha Street Corner The U. S. S. St. Louis hove into port yesterday. looked about for a harbor where it might weigh anchor and 'grounded at Fourteenth and Douglas strcets.v I The St. Louis is an exact replica of the big cruiser bearing its name and has been ordered here to give pro spective tars and landlubbers an idea what a real man o' war looks like. It has every equipment of the parent ship with the exception of theengine, weighs 850 pounds with out the table upon which it rests r.nd is 12 feet long from stern to bow.. ' The model will anchor in Omaha for about a month and Lieut. Com mander Lawder is looking about for a, safe harbor, in some large down town window. ' , ' Cornerstone to Be Laid. Loup City, Neb., Oct. 26. (Spe cial.) The corner stpne of the new Sherman county court house will be laid Friday,- October 29. The Odd Fellows will have charge of the cere monies. ' ' ' I Time to Buy Men's Shoes I I " ' r 11 f L tfSrfcV '''' I EveryNpair marked at I I w j yinVliITii Drices that make the I m ' W "S jKVJP values evident. We I I 1 11 TL-f iave our 8'e anc III N 1 A I I f C J f Sixteenth ant Douglas, , 318-320 South Sixteenth Street ; f IAHEK PIUSI I K SAWfflS- i i ; NEWEST AND SMARTEST "BLOCKS" EVER SHOWN IN OMAHA Wednesday Only $ t50 Values to $39.50 Many Maurice "Smart. Set" Mnd Ply- are included also other well known makers, whose names, are in the labels. There are Leather Bound Effects, Duve tyn and Beaver Combinations and All v. Beaver Models. : They come in Black, Brown, Taupe, Royal ' Blue, Nanking, Pheasant and Sand. For the "tailored" woman nothing is smarter or more jlesirable. .. . . A V MILLINERT. SECTION-SECOND FLOOR , Over tKe Political Fence Congressman ' Albert W. Jef feris will SDeak toniaht at Vallev. His itinerary for the rest of the week follows: Wednesday, Kennard and Arlington; Thurjday, Gretna and Elkhorn; Friday, Bennington and points in Washington county; Sat urday, Millard and Papillion. . S. Arion Lewis, head of the Omaha uranch of the league fdr the Pre servation of American Independence, is anxious to meet v in debate any Omaha proponent of the Wilson league of nations. . . Noonday meetings held this week ii. the South Side, under the direc tion of the Douglas County Repub lican . club, are attracting consider able interest. Many packing house employes are impressed with the rea sonableness of the republican argu ment. x - " ; Robert VV. Patrick, candidate for reflection as judge of the municipal courtwas one of a cpterie to start Aie ancient and honorable gamej of golf in Omaha. While he was a resident of Happy Hollow nearly 40 years ago, A. F. Findley, a Scotch? man, happened along and interested the Patricks in establishing a nine hole course southeast of the present club house at Happy Hallow. Fred Montmorency and Maj. W. B. Cowin were among the golf pioneers with Judge Patrick. ' Similarity of names was respon sible for referring to Raymond Crossman when Ray Coffey spoke last Saturday night at Fifteenth and Douglas streets. Both are render ing valient service for the repub lican cause. Dr. Jennie Callfas. president of the State Women's Dry Federation and democratic national committee woman, has signed a statement in which she declares: "I am for . the league of nations and the only way to get it is to vote for Cox." Sh: Schulze $300 Prize Contest Closes October 31st Every housekeeper is eligible to receive ; one of die cash-prizes we hre offering for the best recipes for the use of Si- !gg doodles ) 10 Cash Prizes First Prize $100 Redoes must be "different from those given on our ' noodle package. Any grocer will gladly show you these recipes without obligation on your part. Be sure to send your recipes to our office before October 31st. Every first-class grocer setts Schuke'tEgg Noodles 1 - Muktxcliulrdyfc? . SCHULZE BAKING CO. SchuWa Butter-Nut Bread ' Schulze's Rye Bread Schtjuze's Celebrated Package Cake adds that a league in the hand is worth two in the bush and that as a "dry leadcT," she ts for Cox. The Wray campaign committee announces that a "Wray for Gov ernor" meeting will be held in the Auditorium Thursday night. A. G. Wray, mayor of York, Neb., is the farmer-labor candidate for gover nor ' Voters of the Fourth judicial dis trict will elect seven district court judges next Tuesday. L. B. Day, one. of the candidates, is no relation to Judge GeorgeA. Day, candidate for the state supreme court. Judge George Day was formerly' on the district court bench here and was You can go direct to the Coast and ee beautiful Alpine scenery en route from a compartment -observation car. You can see Fifty Switxerlands b One " without side trips, by traveling over the Canadian , Pacific Railway through spectacular mountain ranges and down the Fraser Canyon to Vancouver and Victoria. This trip is equally delightful in return ing from California and the Pacific Coast The - y Canadian Pacific Railway makes direct connections with steamers totfonolura, New Zealand, Australia and the Orient, as well as with trains to all points on the Pacific Coast. Reservations, tickets and fuH partic ulars cheerfully furnished on ajv olicaticn to CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Thof. J. Wall, General Aftnt 140 So. Clark Street Chicago; III. - ajMeatiMejMt V . n , - ' ' 1 ' appointed to fill a vacancy in the su preme courts L. B. Day is a young Omaha lawyer. It is noted that in its judicial endorsements organized labor has not included Judges W. A. Redictj and Charles Leslie. T. F. Stroud,-republican candidate for county commissioner in. the Third district, is being supported by an'organizaticm'of citizens who have no other . interest to serve except hat of electing a competent man to this position of trust. Mr Stroud was drafted by his friends to make the primary race. ' lie has agreed to give to the office his best thought and effort, wishing to round out a ousy me wun a penou 01 puuuw service well. done. ' The Least Expensive - Coal v More heat units per pound. ; More pounds per dollar. Therefore low-' est cosj; to you. That's what you find in ' ; v' Sunderland's Illinois Coal s Economy ; Q1I -TK per Lump, Egg or Nut m 1 " ton E-Z-Lite Lump-Nut 515 75 p ton . Carefully -. screened at our yards. Delivered promptly, by. courteous j , drivers and Yell-0 Wagons or Trucks. ; ' Sunderland Brothers Co. Main Office ; Entire Third Floor Kwlino Buildif . . Sfveateenth and Harney Streets ' FASHION PARK TUROLE " TREATMENT - THE TUROLE " STYLE ? TREATMENT DEVELOPED BY OUR TAILORS AT FASHION PARK EN TIRELY ELIMINATES STIFFNESS THROUGH THE WAIST. CHEST, LAPELS AND SHOULDERS OF AiJACKET. IT INDUCES, THE FRONT TO ROLL BACK SOFTLY OVER THE WAISTCOAT. WHEN DESIRED,-OR TO BUTTON UP COM FORTABLY. IT GRATIFIES EVERY COMFORT AND STYLES REQUIREMENT , OF THE MAN WHO SEEKS.' AND EN JOYS AN EASY. CORRECT AND AGREEALE APPEARANCE. FURTHERMbRE, THE TUROLRr COPYRIGHTED MODEL RE PR ESEN TSZAIvA LU EWH IC H IS DIFFICULT, TO OUTLINE&FOR.ITOISECURB SOFTNESSINtA GAR MEN TITXISXALWAYS NECESSAR y'70 EMPLOY HAND' TAILORING; IT IS PRESENTED AT PRICES WHICH SEEM IMPOS SIBLE WHEN QUALITY AND CHARACTER ARE CONSIDERED. ITJS PUT4FORWARD FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEVELOPING A GREATER. VOLUME OF DESIRABLE BUSINESS AND-ITiSHOULD PROMPTLYGAIN CONSIDERATION AND RESPECT., t CUSTOM'SERVICE WITHOUT THE ANNOYANCE OFA TRY ON ' READY-TO-PUT-ON TAILORED AT FASHIONPARK ALWAYS PRICED TO WARRANT VALUE ' . Tmr ttff fuThi Msm' t hti m drus, u rttit ' t Mens, Young Mens, Younger Young Men sand Bo$sr, Clothing Entire Second Floor Mam Building and Annex V ClfiCl 1SEE OUR WINDOWS A TODAY 40HNA SWA.NSON.fRts. WM t HOIZHAN.tmm COMPARE OUR VALUES v ALWAYS ': : CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN "LEAGUE OF NATIONS" From Republican Standpoint By . NaUon H. LoomU ) Mr. C. A. STrBc WEDNESDAY EVENING . 8 P. M. UNITARIAN CHURCH Thlrty-flrtt and Harnay Straalt. These chilly mornings you should fire up a little with, good COAL The Kind You Got From tko UPDIKE LUMBER & COAL CO. Phono Wolnnt 300. H.R.BowenCo. 16TH AT HOWARD It's a ' Continual Saving When You Shop at i Bowen's Continuing our regular pol icy of assisting Omahans Jo save, we again quote several items tor which there is a material saving to be had if they be purchased at Bowens: Another Breakfast Special POST TOASTIES .3 pkgs only 25c CARNATION MILK largo aire tana 2 cans only 25c ' . v l r Walter Baker's Baking Chocolate H-VB. CAKE 23c Hatkina Hard Water CASTILE SOAP, per bar, only 5c. , ' 3 bars to a customer 6-lb. Jewel ELECTRIC IRONS nickel plated, 6-ft. extension , cord - $3.95 H. R. Bowen's Special Carpet Sweepers $1.95 .1 BOWEN BROOMS, well made, strong handled brootnt, .- 33c Substantially made well finished Filmed Oak Rockers an ideal rocker for use in any room. Specially priced, at $4.25 Fumed Oak LIBRARY TABLES $19.50 All quarter-sawed oak, heavy N Colonial design, size 126x45. This is an exceptional table at an exceptionally low price, so avail yourself of this oppor tunity to get - a high grade table at small cost' Simmon's Wood Cribs Drop side; can be had in ivory, white enamel or ma hogany finishes, size 27x54; priced at only- $1200 BUFFET SPECIAL Quarter-sawed oak plank top buffets, 42-inch top, spacious drawer room, mirror back, ,navy Colonial design; priced to your shopping advantage at $37.50 H.R.BowenCo. 16th and Howard Sts. 4 V.V