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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1920. 0 ' I 1 i True Meaning of Humane Society Told by Member Head of Massachusetts Body Denounces Cruelty to Ani mals Before Lions Club. Sisters and Brothers File Objections to Eckman Will On grounds ihat Ellsworth Eck man, late president of the Eckman Chemical company, was not of souml ; mind and that he was under improp er and undne influence when hi made his last will, his three sister Dr. Francis Pawley, president of the Massachusetts Society for the .Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, I in Jin address before the weekly Y luncWon of the Lions' club at Hotel - Rome yesterday, said that people in general do not k-now the true mean ing of humane Society work. They associate the word humane wholly v with the prevention of cruelty of animals, he asserted. This is but a Dart of the work of a humane society. Jt is the results obtained toward the uplift of morality and a realization . of the need fox compassion before business prosperity that is worth while, according to Dr. Rawley. "There are three common modes of cruelty that are rarely brought to the public eye," continued Dr. . Rawley. "The fur trade has created the most inhumane traffic in the would. One put of every IS fur-bearing animals caught in steel traps gnaws off its imprisoned leg in their passion for life. 1 "Trick animals that so commonly amuse theater-goers, arc taught their antics only through the greatest pos s sible punishment. In order to dis courage this , form of cruelty, the Jack London club, with 150,000 embers, has been formed. When the trained animil number appears on the stage, members of this or ganization leave the audience until the act is over. "Over 40,000,000 meat animals are slaughtered annually. Thirty per cent of the cattle, 50 per cent of the sheep and all the 1 swine killed in packing houses are swung up by the feet, throats cut and 'eft to bleed to death without first heinir stunned, or tnocked unconscious." Orcutt of the Sioux City, club, gave a short dis- the possible sisterhood sioux City organization and the local club. District captains reported dona tions of $500 -for the- Salvation Army drive, with more assured. The first Lions' club dance will be held in the ball room of the Rome hotel tonight at 8:30 - ... ...i.n.. ii ii ., hi 42 Enrolled This Year At University Law School Registration at the University of Nebraska law school this year is giv- " en as 42 in tHe. first official enroll ment figures issued by officials of the university. This is 16 more than last year. The new students include Dag Dag, Filipino, who intends to leturn to his native islands to prac tice, i W. M. Burton, counsel for the Omaha & Council Bluffs street raii way company, and Amos Thomas, Omaha attorney, have been added to the faculty. Mr, Thomas will in- struct in constitutional law. Mr. Burton will teach torts and damages." knocked unci , R. VV. On Ta Lions' c Icussion on t 'of (he Sioux and five brothers yesterday filed Cedar Rapids, la. They are hat: k..; ,i,. ,;ii ;n j.ctrirt mni-t i '"others and sisters of Ellsworth ' ... , . , hr -m, ncconing to Emmctt Han- V-w ot Mr. Eckman. tions yesterday are: Ruby Eckman, Perry, la.; Zilda Bruncr, Cedar Rap-; An Australian Antarctic- expedi- ids, la.; Bailey Lckman, Uhio; Urant - . .i a meteorolog- Eckman, Oklahoma; Coy Eckman, ical sation to give warnings by DenverA Colo.; Hugh Eckman. I wnelcss of storms that'sweep the Kansas cuy ana cveiyn r.. nazier. far southern seas. Bluffs Miracle Healer to - Appear at Moon Theater Mrs. Mary E. Cunningham, 144 Harrison street, CoXncil Bluffs, who declares visions Jot .Christ and of dead relatives have given her power to heal the sick, will appear at 9 tonight at the Moon theater and tell of her visions and ber alleged cura tive powers. Mrs. Cunningham de clares several of her recent faith cutes have amounted almost to iniiracifs. Ihe Moon also announces Mrs. Cunningham's appearance at 3 and 9,; Thursday and Friday. Saturday between 11 and 1, Mrs. Cunningham will talk to women only at a spe cial ladies' matiyee. Sends Cold Watch and Chain To Democratic Committee Chicago, Oct, 26 Edgar Carlton Stinger, of Clear Lake, Minn., sent a gold watch and chain to the dem ocratic national committee as his T contribution to the democratic cam paign fund. Still running, the watch was. received at headquarter with a letter from Stinger. i Hradnchra From Might folds CSROVKS' U H. Q. tahlala UxtlKt Urotm Uulnlna tablcta) relieve lh H.'udmhs In curing tha Cold. A I on to la in II va itlo irerm itwlroypr. - Ak for CIROVK'S L. H Q. tublcta. Look for aignatura of E. W OROVM on box, J0e. mmercial High Hot , - . 7 With Political Argument Starting today Commercial High school will be the scene of a seeth ing political struggle. Following the straw vore taken there yesterday on presidential can didates, which showed Senator Hard ing a two-to-ona favorite over his rival candidate, cane the announce ment that a short period each day would be set aside for debates on national issues. . . . Youthful spellbi'iders are now pre paring convincing speeches setting forth their views. On election day , another straw vote will be ta.ken. ICURA HEALS ERY BUSTERS On Little Girl's Arms. Burnedand Itched. Criea All the Time. . 1 ' ': ( ' " Our little pirl eat some kind nt a fasji tin her arms from herelbows to m uugcr-ups. n Drone oui in little, watery blisters, and after a few days turned into sore eruptions. They burned and itched so much she cried all the tlme. I kept her arms bandaged. , "I purchased Cuticura Soap and Ointment and the first application eemea to Drug relief. When I bad iSed one cake of Cuticura Snn an one bos of Cuticura Ointment for tea days she was healed." ( Signed) Mrs. Levi Dick, 539 Chippewa St., Chip pewa Palls, Wis., Jan. 19, 1920. Make Cutienra Soan. Ointmm an Talcum your every-day toilet prepa rations and keep your skin healthy. . JJ mmj ... l . vium. wj. Soap So. Ointment 26 and We. Talcum tta. 'Cutcr Sea ahavaa wi Sthyt mug. ADVERTISEMENT To Free Your Arms , of Hair- or Fuzz (Boudoir 'Secrets.) No toilet is complete without a small package of delatone, for with it hair-or fuzi can be quickly ban ished from the skin. Tn r,mn hairs you merely mix into a paste jnougn ot tne powder and water to cover the objectionable hairs. . This should be left on the skin about two tninutes, then rubbed .off and the skin washed, when it will be found free from hair or blemish. Be sure iron get delatone. , . Money back arithort qaettoa C t HUNT Ian fain B tba Ajgt of ITCH. ECZEMA. ItHritehlnt akiadiamca. Try n mm aaa at our rua. Sharmaa at McCnaaall Dru Co. mi n 1 PARKER'S I HAIR BALSAM ITImiii i i nDandrng 8topHlrranlna I Raateraa Color and jBaaarty to Gray and Faded Hair "If we fasten our attention on what we have, rather than on what we lack a very little wealth is sufficient." ) f am die is ores "Content extinguishes repining, destroys 1 inordinate ambition, gives sweetness to conversation and serenity to thoughts" - f Timely Illustrations of the Many Big Opportunities Regularly and Consistently Offered at Erandeis Stores ''The proof of the pudding is in the eating" is b homely saying and as old as-the hills: Bitt it is readily understood. The proof of , the bargain is the 'quality and price of the goods.' ..j A- You will readily understand that, too. The ability to give real and continuous saving in the way of prices depends upon the ability to tke advantage of bar gains offered by. manufacturers or jobbers who are in need of immediate cash. This is particularly true in times when money is as "tight" as it isxriow and has been for many month's.- fn this particular Brandeis is well fortified to serve its army of customers. We Can Pay the Cash Whenever Cash Means Material Reductions in Pricey For that reason 'we can, in our 39th Anniversary Sale, as well as all other occasions, offer t high quality goods at prices which cannot be discounted by any 'Other store in America. By Way of Illustration Look at the Prices Quoted in Some Sample Prices Cotton jfleeccd pnion Suits, very ex- ceptional bargains, were 1.25, NOW V C ( Children's Mercerised Hose, stock up at OQ this low price, were 59c N6w C Men 's Army Wool Sox, wanh and full OQ. of wear, were 59c, NOW a7C Women 's Silk Hosiery, a very fine Q Q bargain, were 75c seconds NOW OUK BasementArcade this advertisemenUand com pare them with formerprices 29c 25c Fleeced Flannel, suitable for kimonos and wrappers, was 39c, ' NOW Amoskeasr Apron Gingham, in assorted hecks, was 35c. NOW' Fancy Printed Nainsook, tinted grounds O Q . splendid qualities, was 48c,7 NOW- C Shirting Madras in assorted colors and QQ' nfttterHs. was 95e. , NOW Oi7C Juported Zephyr Ginghjun, one of our best offerings, was 95c, NOW Bleached Sheeting, 72-inch size, an exceDtional Durchasd. was 95c, NOW Bleached Seamless Sheets, 1 QC 63x90 inches, were 2.50. ; NOW 1 Indian Head Bleached muslin, splendid puality, 36 inches wide, was 55c, . Batement North Women's Fore Thread Silk Hosiery full fashioned, were 1.98 NOW ) Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery O O Q silk to top, lisle tops 3.50 to $4 NOW O 75c 65c NOW-JiC Main Floors-South 59c Cotton Jersey Bloomers for misses' and young girls' wear, were, 1.00 NOW Slightly Imperfect Sleepers for 1 O children were 1.35 to 1.75, NOW 1 1 V Women's Winter Union Suits, highv OA neck, ankle length, 1.75 to 2.00.NOW ' , Third Ffoor Center ' . Cretonne, 36 inches wide, 3 to 10 yard lengths, was 39c, yard ' NOW Mill remnants Sateen, wanted plain OA colors, was 59c vard. NOW 0C Muslim, Cambric and Longcloth, fine mill remnants, was 29c yard, , NOW Lining Cambric, mill remnants, -1 Ol assorted colors, was 20c, yd. NOW 1 fci 2C I . Batement West 25c 19c "Boys Overcoats, full and half belted models were 8.95 to 12.50 NOW Bibbed Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, and best makes, were 1.25, ' . NOW Men's Store Basement , 6.95 95c 9.95 Boys' Corduroy Suits in all sizes from 7 to 17, were 12.50 V NOW Boys' Coveralls, in sizes from 1 to 8 qq were 1.75 values, V; NOW OcC Boys Sweaters, sizes from from 26 to Q Q C 34, were regular 5.00 values, NOW O JO Boys' Blouse Waists, dark and light QCS colors, sizes 6 to 14, were 1.50 NOW O C Boys' Corduroy Pants all sizes from ' 1 QC 7 to 17, were 3.25 values NO W " 1 O Third Floor South !, 2.95 Women's Sample Shoes; black, com binations, '2 to 5, were 6.50 NOW Men's Tan Work Shoes, solid through- O Aft out, double soles, were 5.50 1 NOW " 3 Tt O School Shoes for small boys, double 1 QQ soles, sizes 9 to 12. were 3.00 NOW 0 Women's Felt Comfy Slippers, . sizes 4 to 8, were 1.79 NOW. Children's High Cut Elk Skin bcJots Q QQ zes-8& te 2, were 4.00 , N0W-wjO , Pasement Arcade 1.49 Our Entire Stock of Women's Leather Coats , v Exactly 133 Garments In Two Sale Lots Lot 1. 78 Coats, worth 39.00 r Lot 2.-55 Coats, worth 89.o6 $20 Mostly short lengths, plain and of good quality; some are. interlined ; all belted; special while they last, at Some with Australian Opossum . collars; practically all. are belted; and a number are 42 inch coats; special while they 'last, each Brandeis Stores Second Floor Center 840 Women's and Children's Sweaters A Surplus Stock Purchase, worth 3.50 to 8.00 A This surplus stock bought at a great sacrifice from-manufacturers and , jabbers, including Coat Sweaters, Slip-o vers, Fishtails, Tie-ons and Tuxedo styles. The "majority jrf these styles are all wool and medium weight. ' mst .Colors include American Beauty, buff, salmon, peacock, turquoise, brown I O) CZ and navy. .Practically all sizes in the lot, but not all sizes in each style. 1 1 jrJ) Regular values 3.50 to 8.00, special . 11 - ' ' To be sbld on Main Floor Big Bargains in Flannelette Gowns r Values Worth from 1.95 to 2.98 High' and low necks; long and Jdmono sleeves; good range of colors 11 OQ in pretty stripes. One of the biggest bargains we have to offer; supply Jf youineeds now at this low price; worth 1.95 td 2.98; special, each 4 T Brandeis Stores Third Floor Center , " .. . Men's Fine Negligee arid Golf Shirts Regular Values from 2.50 to 5.00 V v We have bought from a local jobber their entire surplus stock of Men's Negligee and Golf Shirts, made of fine corded Madras, Russian "corded Madras, Silk and Cotton, Satin-Striped Madras and Fibre Silk. Economi cal men with shirt needs will be here early tomorrow. Regular values 2.50 to 5.00, special . , H 89 Brandeis Stores Main Floor Men's Store Entire Stock Men's Suits and O'coats Your "Choice of the House -Worth to $115 ' , : . - i In 2 Big Lots- As a fitting accompaniment for our 39th Anniversary Sale we are continuing for Wednes day our "Choice of the House Sale of Men 's .Suits Hart Schaf fner : & Marx and makes. other Overcoats - At the same time your "Choice of the House" in Overcoats worth $65.00, for ' Brandeis Stores Men's Stores Second Floor Some Sample Prices Fine Table Cloths, copies of high n AO class linens, were 5.00, : NOW -w0 Turkish Towels', plain o.r fancy border, OQ fine for the bath, were 59c, N0W3C . Main Floor South " Imported Crepe de Chine Hander- OVzr chiefs,-were 25c values, each NOW A C , " Main Floor East Marabou Capes Black, seal and 1 'f AA natural, were 18.00 and 19.00 " NOW 1U-UU Fancy Warp Print Ribbon, dark, light Aci colors, was 69, 79 and 85c yard NOW V Moire and Taffeta Ribbon, 6 inches wide, all colors, was 55 and 75c NOW Smart Draped Veils, very attractive, come in chtfhille dots, were 1.25 , .v- '-ifi-- Main Floor North .60W Colored Madras, fine quality, 50 in. f wide, was 2.75 yd . v ' NOW ' Printed Voiles with colored borders, were' 1.00, per yard NOW Cretonne, assortment of colors, 36 inches wide,' was 1.00 yard NOW 500 Pairs Voile Curtains, with Jaie V JA edge,.were 2 :5() "pair 1 ' . NQWOJFC Fourth Floor East , ' 1.75 59c Filet Nets, 40 and 45 inches wide,v were to 1.75, yard "r - NOW Drapery Madras, was regular ' QQ ' -i 2.00 oualitv. Der rard 1 NOW OC Dotted Swiss; nets and marquisettes 50 pieces, was worth to 69c ; NOW L Fancy Scrim, 75 pieces, was worth 1 A ' 19c rd, this sale NOW 1 V U Tapestry Rugs, size 27x54, attractive n C patterns, were worth 2.50 each NOW 1 O V Basement West - " v' 89c 35 c 2.98 Wool Sweater Suits in colors of red and rose only, were 3.98 each NOW BabyCoats in white and colored, O ; C Q were 4.98 to 5.98, N0W.5 mOy Colored Velvet Hats, exceptional nj CQ values for this sale, were 5.98 NOW O O 5 Infants'. Soft Sole Shoes, very well CQ- : made, and durable, were W0, NOW O C Third Floor East 98c - Tea Pots of Jet Ware, plain and fancy decorations, were 2.00 NOW Cups and Saucers of white Republic i QO China, complete set of 6 " NOW' t0 : Cut Glass Salts and Peppers, exceptional rO jJUt V tralnno fnf thia'cnlo nair fJCTJJ iwuo rv.. -' v Inutation Cut Glass sugars, creamers, , OA naDDies. bowls, were 50tf. NOW 3 17 C Fancy Handpainted Plates, nicely . , finished and decorated, were 1.50 NOW ' ' Fifth Floor East 98c Garbage Cans 14 gal size, galvanized Jtiffhi cover, was 3.79, NOW Berlin Kettles Greyenamel, all with wooden bail, were 1.49, NOW Barracks Bags, made of heavy duck with draw string, were 98c NOW Preserving Kettles 6 quart size, grey enamelware, were 1.29 NOW comblnette medium size, all in fine white enamel, was 2.98, NOW . Fifth Floor West 1.98 98c DC 79c 2;79 Women's Black Kid Lace Shoes, fine values, were 6.50 and 7.50 NOW 1 , Main Floor West 3.85 ana v lwi at aratnrisia. HJjtwjyChjmWJjaVili