Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1920, Page 13, Image 13
V THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1920. IS gamins City rroduce, ' City. Mo.. Oct. 24. Mutter .unchanged, 65ct packing, un white $t.85el.30; Minnesota snd South Dakota Early Ohtos, $1.6501.80. liar Sliver. - , New York, Oct. 16. Bar Sliver to mesne, 99c; foreign, 69o; Mealc dollar, utictiaiiKed. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Market, Financial , and Industrial News of the-Day Kanaal Weit Creamerl changed, v. , .-. EgKB --HiBiiged, 40 0620, roultry Jleiis, 19injE;lc; springs. lc higher, 23c; turkeys, unchanged, 30c 1 i V Owner leaving citv. wiltin to sacrifice S-rooni. all modern bun galow, east front, A block to -car, oak finish downstairs, natur al finish upstairs. Price $6.50(1, easy terms. For appointment calf Walnut 2812. .. . , Montclair Bargain k Owner f M sell h km which Is leaving city and , willing his new home f0C $9,000. 1... ,l ..-t'!r, J ' " juh-uudv M-r Jr several n months aeo. Has six nice larjre rooms. Stucco construction. Oak finish downstair, white . enamel up. For particulars call Walnut 2812. BRAND new bungalow, oak finish, beau tiful dsoorntlnna, reduced from 47,460 la : 84.900. Krby terms. Duuelas 174. . A FEW homes and lota (or sal in Park wood addition; a safe place (or Invest, ment. Norria ft Norrls. Douglas 4370. North. $ 'ROOMS PRICE $6,250 1461 EMMET ST. $1,750 DOWN . ... 'i A strictly modern . two-story home, consisting of reception hall, large living room and dining room, t all oak floors and finish. Good sized kitchen, pantry and ice box room. Upstairs there are three good big bedrooms with closets - and bath. Full cement basement urnace heat and gas. Hot water heater. Situated on splendid lot, 50x125 feet. Paving paid. Only 1 block to Sherman Ave. car. On street of fine homes. Only $1,750 ; down 'and then $47.25 per month, including Interest. Call Mr. Nel son, Tyler 0050. , Evenings Har ney 6870. HASTINGS & HEYDEN , 1614 Harney. Phone Tyler 0050. FOR COLORED, ' $200 DOWN, $15 A. MO. , ' ' 6-room, partly-modern cottage, located 88th! Avenue.Tiorlh of Cuming Street, with nice lot, on paved street, paying paid, that can be sold on very reason able terms at a price of $1,600. Why pay rant the rest of your Ufa when you can buy thl place and owa It (or much less than rentT PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, f 0 . ftM XT. . tair XI Air nmiffla 1 7,1 vol vim .inta wn. jtmm. . -' " - Sunday, Call coirai ru. Attractive. Home in St. , Johns Parish .. One of best built eight-room house In the city, near Crelghton col lege. Oak finish throughout, very at tractive! decorated. Modern In every respect Price 88-.600. Terms to suit purchaser. ' Gallagher & Nelson, !8 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug-, 8S8. 2859 VANE STREET Brand new bungalow with breakfast rtom. (Ire place and all bullt-ln fea ture!. Kellastone stucco and textile ihlnglee. Oarage for one car, with ce dent drive. Will sell at a sacrifice price, $3,000, cash required. Balance Nsy terms. . Bee owner at 8868 Vane street evenings. or phone Tyler ,0714 ring tn ,aay lor appointment. ... ROOMS and bath, moasm except neat; small tot. but good house. Possession at once. 83.600. $260 down, $15 per month. Doug. 4128. ' '- .- S448 WHITlfORH), a rew 5-Tooro modern bungalow. Yours (or $$.000 caah and ha I. mo. Crelst. 8 B. Pg. 800. MINNS LUSA home and lota offer the best opportunity t Invest your money. , Phone Tyler 1ST. 6 ROOMS, strictly modern, full basement, 3 lots, garage, cement drive. Col. 4183. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and invest ment, 443 Bee Bldg. DouKlas 8037. COLORED, -rrn. part mod. cottage 11.410. $150 cash. Johnson, Web. 4160. SKVKN-ROOM modern home, hot water heat; 1369 cash. Johnson, Web. 4150. FOR colored, S Tooms part modern. Price, $3,300, $!S CTlfh. Douglas 722. Lake club, caw Doug, wi. 7- South. Six-Room House Just completed wish' garage, on paved treet and paved alley. House finished In oak and up to the very latest minute . In every detail.. Price $3,500; $1,500 cash,, balance $70 a month. Located at 3021 8. S2d street C. G. CARLBERG, Doug. 0586. SIS Brandeia Theater Bldg. THE .. manufacturer of a fast-selling electrical household appliance has deal ers (department stores, elec tric shops, hardware and fur niture stores) who need sales men trained to sell this and mother appliances. "We will train men 'of good character and place them to advantage with our dealers. Actual work n the field during: the train ing enables them to earn more than an average. salary. See Mr. Jech at Granden. Electri cal Co., ,1611 , Howard, after 3 p. m. ; . , , Big Lot Sale in Clearview 60th Ave. and Grant, St y PRICES $340 TO $400. ' Only a. Few Higher. $2.00 DOWN AND $2.00 . , PER WEEK. " Every Lot has city water. Every Lot has cement walks. Every Lot is graded. ' Every Street is graded. How t Get There Take Benson car, get off, at 60th Ave. Auto will be waiting to take you three blocks south to Clearview. ' : Payne & Carnaby Co. ' REALTOR SERVICE. 616 Omaha Natl. Bank' Bldg. Douglas 1016. rtn it Live Stock Otnaks, Oct. 21. Itocelpts ware: Official Monday.. Ksttruat Tuesday Two iluy (iiia k. Sam tiny lost wk Cattle Hog Shee: Sheen 1,4U 14,001) 40,411 44,02 .m 70,114 17,600 .18,880 ,M .11,700 4.4011 .11,520 s.l .40,3. 7,11 Same day X wk. ago. 24.1 8.844 fame day S wk. aOj31,S39 6,131 Sam day year ago. .31,18 8,828 Cattl Receipts ttala morning -wer 11,700 head which 1 (airly larva run (or a Tuesday. Tha market ahowed a (air amount of activity on all classes o( west ern cattlu." Stockera and (eedera opened nng to In spots a little higher and tor tho two days how an advance of , S&40c Ileal also , opened strong to aa much as Sue higher and cow wera steady to a little stronger. Beat western beevea her had not aold at this, writing-. The only natives ottered were ot plain kind and they do not attract much atten tion In competition with the good grass steers. L Quotation on Cattle Choice to prime beeves, 81. 50017. 80; good to choice heaves, tl4.60918.IS: (air to good beevea, $13.00Sl4.00i common to (air beeves, I10.00iil3.00; ' choice to prim yearlings, 116.004 17.60; good to choice yearlings, )14.(0lt.OO; (air to food yearlings, 12.004j14.00; oommon to (air yearlings, S. 004(111. 60; choice to prime grass beeves. (11. 60018.00; good to choice grass beevea, t9.00ll.00; (air to good grass beeves. $12,00414,00; common to (air grass beeves, I5.00O7.S0; Mezlcana. I4.0097.SO; choice to prime cows, 87.00 8.00; good to choice grass cows, l8.O0fjiS.7S; (air to rood grass cows, 6.t64.00; common to (air grass rows, $3,6045.00; choice to prime feeders. 88.8610.t0; good to choice feeders, $8.86 4J9.80; medium to' good feeders, $7,000 8.8S; common to (air (eeders. 84.0007.00: good to choice atockers, S.08.t6; (air to good Blockers, $7.00 8.25; oommon to fair Blockers, 5.00.60: stock hetfers. 84.8S98.75; stock cows. 4.8.00; stock calves, 15,00(98.00; veal "'yes, ' 88.00 12.00; bulls. Btaas. etc., S5.00O7.50. western TATTLE. No. A v. Pr. No, Ar. Pr. 83 00 3 46 7 16 8 16 7 78 60 ( 80 50 7 50 3 26 . f 60 10 00 8 00 0 26 3 25 8 80 7 25 7 35 6 00 3 00 7 10 S to 5 10 6 25 10 76 8 00 66 6 75 8 25 8 00 3 00 MONTANA. 10 cows. 047 S Stn..U73 36 Mrs... 7 1 Scows. 387 18 cows. 1181 87 cows. 1QJ7 t IS cows. 1026 1 strs.. 321 25 fdrs,.10(0 10 fdrs.. 343 14 strs. .1047 26 cows. 803 14 cows. 837 38 76 16 fdrs. 1181 5 80 2$ strs. .1130 COLOBADO. , 10 11 fdrs. 743 ( 50 17 fdrs.. 3 7 10 . SOhfrs.. S83 7 50 40 cows. 344 IDAHO. P. McMonitle. 6 30 S cowetlOJO , WrOMINQ. 7 00 84 strs. .1040 7 00 " 16 strs. .1030 H 00 45 strB.,1236 8 26 1$ cows. 324 7 60 Z( trs..lVTV 10 cows. -804 6 48 If strs. .1038 76 T.urtwls- Llndback. 4 hfrs.. 867 T 00 10 hfrs. 14 fdrs.. 803 7 00 IS fdrs. 872 371 S fdre.. S81 S 7S ' J Frank Ball. j 54 fdrs. .1033 3 00 46 fdrs. .1095 40 fdrs.. 23 S 80 ,8 37 hfrs.. 828 T, 00 21 oowsrf 347 17 fdrs.. 828 , 8 80 Al Osbjrhout. , 7 00 !4 cows. 822 6 26 37 fdrs.. 378 8 90 fdrs.. 835 47 hfrs:. 878 61 cows. .1009 64 fdrs.. 863 26 cows. 850 18 fdrs..l025 12 cows. 1058 17 sts-ts..69S 10 hfrs.. 522 22 cows.' 843 IS cow. 876 11 strs.. 806 18 strs. .1107 NEBRASKA. 4 35 2 civs.. 140 5 40 6 50 : f 73 7 60 S 85 5 26 7 76 16 strs. .1043 11 hfrs.. S33 22trs.. 335 4 clv.. 380 13 hfrs.. 817 10 strs.. 878 10 strs. .1113 44 fdrs.,1017 T 60 ' W. R. Orant. v W. R. ORANT. 17 fdrs.. 780 7 60 16 strs.. 83$ 34 strs.. 878 8 25 Hogs Today' run of hog were esti mated at ,400 head and early- trad wa very dull with tendency to price lowr. Packer bid averaged around a quarter lower. Trade finally hped up at a de cllne ot 16 26o with bulk of yupply changing hand at 18.1312.60 with best light hog making a top ot 112.30. BOOS. No. AV, 29;. 361 45, .300 38. .234 89.. 163 45. .258 12. .235 Bh. Pr. No. Av. SV. Pr. 180 813 10 ... 13 86 70 18 35 110 13 45 .a. 13 85 1J0 12 60 703,12 00 46.. 270 70 .70 .40 .40 18 20 25. .824 50. .384 66. .240 68.. 201 66. .373 13 30 18 40 13 76 13 30 82. .805 80 13 60 n'hn.n Knmerhlne- Ilka 14.000 sheen and lamba arrived for today' trade and pack ing demand appeared to be. fairly aotlve at prices a little higher, a general ad vance of 86o was noted on moat kind of fat sheep and lambs. Beat killing lamba here brought $12.26 and good fat ewes sold readily at $5.75j6.00. Feeder trade was fully steady and best feeding lambs brought the even money, $12.00. Quotations on Bheep Killersi Best tat western rambs,'. $11.7412.00; medium to good lamba, S13 O011.26; plain and coarse lambs. 311.25011.60; choice handy year lings, $8.50(13.00; heavy yearlings. 17.759 8.60; aged wethers, $8.267.60; good to choice ewes, $3.75(16.00: fair to good ewes. $5.O0(?S.50: cull and canner ewes, 81.60 8.00. Feeders: Best light lambs. $11.76 ll.OO; fair to rood iambs. 311.50911.75; Inferior grades. 318-25 11.86; yrllnif wethers. 37.0003.60; yearling w, breed ers. $7.608.60; good to choice young ewes, $6.507.60: one-year breeders, 35.60W6.26; good to choice feeder ewes. 35.0005.50: fair to rood feeders, 84,5005.00; shelly feeders, $3.2504.00. FAT LAMBS. . No. Av. Pr. No. ' Av Pr. 29Wyo.. 73 l! 00 677 Ida.. 71 811 60 676 Nat.. 77 11 85 ' SIS. D. 5S 10 80 863 Wyo.. 63 10 30 181 Wyo.. 69 11 85 -' FAT YEARLINGS. 44 Wyo.. 88 8 00 FAT WETHERS. 61 S. D.110 7 60 FEEDER EWES. 14 3. D. 86 6 60 375 Nat.. 34 8 00 FAT EWES. 117 Nat. .114 S 76 ; Chicago Live Stock. ' Chicago, Oct. 26. battle Receipt. 13, 000; choice weak to 26o lower; others very slow at steady prices; fairly choice steers, $17.3617.50; built, good ana cnoice, tm E0fiil7 16: srassy kinds. $9.26 14.2t; butcher cattle slow and very uneven; cows mostly 34.75W8.76; best bologna bulls ateady. 36.2506.75; light kinds, dull. 25o lower; closing steady to strong; choice vealers mostly $12.60 18.50; feeder tdy to higher, few early salea westerns steady to strong; market closed dull; bulk. 87.76 Bin. 26; best steers, $12.60. Hogs Receipts, 11.000 head; strong to ir.! higher, averaging 10 to 15o higher than yesterday's average; closing; strong; top, 313.36; bulk, light and butchers. $12.75013.16; bulk packing sjdws. $12.90 12.35; pigs. 25 to 50c higher, bulk de sirable. 80 to 126-pound pigs around 313.00. Sheep and Lamba Receipts, 16,000 hesd; all grades fat sheep and lambs closing 60 to 75o higher, spot $1.00 higher; choice ted western Iamb, $18.00; top native. 313.86; bulk native, $11.60011.60; choice fed western yearling wethers, 811.60: western aged wethera. $160; fed ewes, (7.00; bulk native ewea, 35.60O4.25: feeders, 35 to 60o higher; top feeder lamb, $13.00. Kansas City Live Block. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 36.-wCattle Re ceipts. 18,000 head; better grades of beef steers unevenly, 16 to 60 cent, lower) top, 315.60; other grades steady to weak; heifers. 26 cent higher; best, $18.78; bull and ahe-stock, steady to. strong; esn ners and vealers- steady ;v beat vealers, $13,601 calves, strong to 60 cent higher) stockers and feeders ateady, to 26 cents higher. Hoga Receipts, 11,000 head; closing generally steady to 25 cents lower than yesterday's average, mostly 10 to 16 cents lower: top. $13.00; packers top, 818.80; bulk heavy and medium, $12.26018.80: stock pigs, steady to 25 cents lower. Sheep .Koctlpts, 10,000 head; sheep and yearlings, 16 to 26 cent higher; western yearlings, $9.25: fat lamba, ateady to It cents highert top westerns, $12.50; natives, $13.00; feeding lambs, dull and draggy; sarly top, $11.36. Sioux City Live stock. Sioux City. la.. Oct. 26. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,500; market slow and weak to 15o lower; fed steers and yearlings. $3.00 017.00: grass steers, 86.5007.60; a raws cows. 3S.00O7.73; fat cows and heifers, $7.6nffl2.60: canners. $3.5005.00; vealers, 14. 00013. 00: common calves. 34.508.60; feeders, $6.6010.00; feeding cows and heifers. $3.7506.76; stockers, $5.00 8.00. Hogs Receipts, 4.600; market strong, 15o lower; light, .$12.75013 00: mixed. $11.4012.75;. heavy, $12.26013.75; bulk of sales. 312.60O12.6S. - Sheep Receipts. 1,500: market weak. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph. Mo.. Oct. 26. Cattle R. reiptr. 2.200 head; market aetlve, ateady to 25 cents higher: steers 37.04O18.6U: rows snd helfre, $3.80015.00; calves. 35.00 011.00: stockers and readers, $6.00010.00 Hogs RecelDts. 6.1100 - head: market stesdy to 10 rent lower; top, $12.90; duik, 3lz.nowu.90. SheeD Recelnts. t Ml. ii hlrhsr- lambs, 311.50012.60: ewea. 16. 0004. 00. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. Just. Finished Move into a new home and oav t r. . . a 1 ior u nice rent, a rooms, oak and white enamel finish, small cash payment wilf handle. Call Mr. Bilby. Walnut 2378, evenings, or Douglas 2428 days. birkett&co., rr,. rents real saute, lit Bee Bldg.. Douglas 031 Financial By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Chicago Tribune-Omaha lie I -rased Wire, New York. Oct. 26. The Steel corporation directors naturally did no such thing todaty- as had been predicted by the foolish rumor mon gers. The usual dividends .were de clared for the quarter, notwithstand ing the largest net earnings during the September quarter of any thres months' period since 1918... Both July and September showed larger results than any other month since the armistice. The interest of the financial community, however, is Jikely to be directed to results of the immediate future, which depends on the course of steel prices and the trade reaction. The statement was not given out until after the closing of the stock exchange, and United States Steel shares hardly moved all day. The rest of the market was again irreg ular with most of the day's net changes trifling. A 10 per cent call money rate for the third successive business day, and the report of a heavy deficit by the Central Leather company for the September quarter, were the main governing influences. Decline In Exchange. ' A sharp decline In exchange on France and Italy carried rate to the lowest level tn a fortnight; while sterling, after early Irregularity, clossd uncertain. With the French government's sales against -the Anglo-French loan payment apparently out of the way, this movement of European exchange is undoubtedly disappointing. Two facta in the aituatlon of the moment must, however, be kept in mind. This Is the time of year in which, even under ndrmal economic conditions. New York exchange habitually moved against Eu rope because of our large agricultural ex ports. It haa equally been true, even in normal times, that tight money In New York at the end of October always oper ated similarly to depress exchange on Eu rope. How far a temporarily Increasing export trade from thl country to Europe I a cause ot the depressed exchanges, cannot be positively known until the figures ot the September exports by destination are published. It appear from a government bulletin given out today that, as against laat month' a lncreasee of $22,000,000 in total export 'as compared with August, shipments of cotton Increased $13,300,000 and of meat products $7,800,000; wheat export decreasing slightly. It will be most Interesting to see whether reduction of our Imports from Europe was an es sential, part of the $156,000,000 shlnkage in September's total Import from the pre ceding month. In August our Imports from Europe were $54,000,000 greater than those of 1919; in the first eight months of the present year they showed an increase of $637,000,000, or 146 per cent . Recovery in Wheat. An advance ot more than 10 cents per bushel tn today' wheat market brought the price 24 cents above the month's low eest level. The recovery la not surpris ing and there is not the least need to ascribe It to tho appeals of western func tionaries for th farmer to "Hold wheat for $3.00." When the Chicago Board of Trade was listening last August to storles'that the British food commission was buying large quantities ot our wheat at tha 32.40 per bushel price, people who bad some knowl edge of the fact were aware that not a bushel was being bought for England; that the English buyera were waiting for the $2 price which they were confident would come. When It came, and especial ly when the Chicago prises last week went well below the Canadian market, nothing was more reasonable than to an tllcpate the shifting of England's order from Canada to the United States with the natural rise In checking the declining market at Chicago. New York Quotations Range of prices of the leading stocks furnished by Logan at Bryan, Peters Trust building: , RAILS. Monday High. Low. Close, close. . 88 3814 83ft 88Vt . 47 46a ' 47 461, .125 126 126 126 . 82 81V 81 81 it ..1814 1814 18 18"A . 87 8 87 87 ..12 13 12 11 . . .... 83 . 5 5 6, 6 ..24 24 2414 24 ! ..27 7 27 27 i i 33 32 32 28 . 89 89 89 89 . 82 82 82 81 . 43 45 43 43 . 97 96 S7 97. . 87 37 37 37 . 99 98 98 99 . 10 30 30 31 . 43 41 41 41 .127 127 127 127 ..12 11 11 11 A., T. & S. F. Baltimore AO.. Can. Pacific . . , N. Y. H. R. , Erie R. R. at. North. Pfd. ., a O. Western Illinois Central , Mo. Kan. & Tex . K. C. South Miss. Pacific . , N Y N H A H , North. Pac, Ry.f, Ch. A N. W. ... Penn. R. R Reading Co. . .', C, R. I. 4 P. v South. Pac. Co. , South. Rail C. M. A a P. Union Pacific .., STEELS. A. C. Fdry. ..135 135 Allla-Chalm. M Am. Loco. Co. .... 9614 96 135 134 33 6 96 Bald. L. Works ..116 114 114 116 Beth. Steel Corp. . 71, 70 71 71 Crucible S. Co. ...129W 128 130 38 6 38 97 78 A. 1 9. Found. 37 37 37 66 38 97 77 96 66 89 tkL fltael Co. 66 ,38 87 79 65 88 97 77 94 65 89 xvjld. Steel O. Pressed S. C C R. L ft S. Co. .. Rail, Steel, S Sloss-Shef 8. A I. 96 65 89 if 66 89 U. S. Steel COPPERS. Ana. Cop 61 60 50 (10 16 14 25 43 18 82 11 14 57 A. S. ft R. Co. .. 59 54 69 14 24 43 19 22 11 13 67 Butte ft S. M. Co. Chile Cop. Co. . Chlno Cop. Co. , Inapt. Cons. Cop. Miami Cop. Co. Kenne. Cop. . . . N. C. C. Co. .., Ray Con. C. C. , TT,h Can. Co. . 14 26 .43 19 22 11 14 14 24 43 19 22 11 13 67 68 l.UUBinAL,i. Am. Beet Sug. Co, .... .... A. O A W I S B 146 144 A. Inter. Corp. .. 73 72 .... 75 . 144 145 73 72 87 82 25 25 99. 100 11 11 Am. Sum. T. Co. .87 87 A. C. Oil Co. .. Am. T.'A T. ... A. ., Ld. ft S. B. Rap. Trans. Beth. Motors . . Am. Can Co.. . . Chand. M. Car Cen. Lea, Co. . Cuba C. Sug. Co. Cat Pkg. Corp, Cal. .Pet. Corp. Corn P. Rf. Co. Nat E. A S. ... Rub. Co. .. 25 ...100 .. 11 .. 13 .. 4 .. 33 .. 66 ., 89 . 84 64 .. 27 . 83 .. 69 25 69 11 12 4 33 84 33 34 64 27 83 59 20 12 13 si" 85 39 34 64 17 83 68 20 138 17 60 67 84 17 70 40 62 14 4 33 85 38 34 64 27 82 69 20 138 4 17 49 7 84 17 68 40 50 14 1S 21 n. ir.lee. Co. ...1384 138 Gas. W. A Wig. .. 5 3 Oen Mot Co, .... 17 Goodrich Co 49 Has. A Brkr. C. .. 67 U. S. Ind. Al. Co. 84 Inter. Nickel 17 Inter. Paper Co. .. 71 Ajax Rubber Co. . 40 17 48 7 84 17 68 40 60 14 18 Kelly-spring, ii" oit. Key. T. A Rub. , 14 19 Inter. M. Mar. ., Max. Motcr Co. . Mex. Pet Mid. States Oil . Pure Oil W.-Over. Co. ... . Pierce O. Corn. , P.-A. Pet. A T. , P.-Ar. Motor ... Royal Dutch Co. .193 191 193 192 . 14 14 14 14 . 39 39 39 . 10 10 10 . 15 19 1 . 81 80 81 . 35 34 35 39 10 15 90 35 78 77 105 32 111 68 67 13 47 46 103 93 47 71 7S 78 7S 77 76 77 U. B. kuo. uo. Am. R Rfa. Co. ..105U 104 195 Sin. Oil A Rfg. ... 33 32 32 Sears-Roe. Co. .,'.111 108 109 Stud. Corp 68 57 68 Tob. Prod. Co. ... 14 Trans-Con. Oil ..12 Texas Co 62 V. S. F. Pr. Corp. 48 White Mat. Co. . . .... W. Airbrake West. TJn. W. El. A Mfg. ..47 Am. Wool. Co. ... 72 67 11 61 -7 67 12 68 47 46 71 44 71 Total sales, ,899.600, Monrlay Close Close 10 ' 10 .0145 .0143 3.48 3.48 Money , Marks , Bterllng New York Money. New York, Oct 84i-llercantile Paper 8 per cent Exchange Easy. Sterling Demand, $3.46: cable. $3.47. Francs Demar.d, 8.34e; rabies, .36c. Belgian Franca Unchanged. Guilders Detnard, 30.60c: cables. 30.70c. Lire Demand, 3.73c: cables, 3.75c. Marks Demand. 1.43c; cables, 1.44c, Oreecs1 Ptmand. 8.69s. New York Exchange on Montreal 9 cent iHsrount. Tim- toane steady; .unchanged. OH Momv Steady; filerh. 10: low, 8; rnlinrr rate. 9: closing kid. 9; offered at 10; last loan, 10. Omaha Grain Omaha, Oct. 26. Cash wheat prices scored a big upturn today, the market ranging 9llc higher. Offerings were taken readily at the advance. Chicago futures were also higher due largely to short covering and export buying,. White and mixed corn was hot much changed, while yellow'was up lc. Oats were llc tip, the bulk, lc advance. Rye was S6c higher. Barley was up 2c. Receipts of wheat today were moderate to - light and other grains negligible. , . I WHEAT. v No. 1 hard, t car. 82.07 (smutty, pe Ctal billing); S cara, 32.06. . No. 8 hard. 1 car, 32.08; 2 cars, $2.07: 8 cars, $2.06; C ears, $2.05.; 2 cars, 32.05 (smutty); t cars, $2.04; f. ' car, $2.04 (smutty); 1 car, $2.03 (very smutty). No. 3 hard. 1 car, $2.05; 1 car, $2.04; 7 cars, $3.03; 1 car, 32.03 (heavy): 1 cars, $2.03 (smutty); 1 cars, $2.03 (dark smut ty); 8 cars, $2.03 (smutty); 1 car, $2.01 smutty); 3 cars. $1.98 (very smutty). No. 4 hard, 2 cars, $2.00; 1 car, $2.00 (smutty); S onrs, $1,99 (smutty); 1 cars, 81.98 (smutty); 1 car, 81.98. No. 5 bard, 1 cars, 31.98; 1 car, $1,96 (smutty); 1 car, $1.95; 1 car, $1.94; 7 cars. $1.93: 1 car. $1.92 (bad amut). No. 1 spring, 1 car, 92.16 (special bill ing, dark northern); 1 car, $3.16 (darl northern.) I No. 2 spring, p car, $3.11. No. 3 spring, fl car, $2.10. Bample spring, 1 car, $1.71 $ cars, $1.65 (northern);. 1 (northern) : cars, $1.83 1 car, $1.97 (dark). No. 1 mixed, X car, (durum). No. 8 mixed, 1 car, (durum). No, 4 mixed, 1 car, $18$; $1.86; 1 car, $1.8$ 32.00. Jno, 5 mixed, 1 car, 31.97 fheavv). ! Sample mixed. 1 car. 31.96: 1 nr II fl taurumj; x car, l.ta; -j-i car, $1.60. CORN. No, 2 white, 1 car, 77c. No, 6 white, 1 cara, 74c. No. 1 yellow, 1 cars. Sic. No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 80c. No. I mixed. 1 cars, 76c. No, 2 mixed, 2 cars, 75c. No. 8 mixed, 3 cars, 74c. I No. 6 mixed, 1 car, 73c. Sample mixed, 1 car, 71e. . OATi v, No. 1 white, 1 cars, 60c. v ua vo a 4.UI a, isvii .... RYE. Na.S, 1 car, $1.62; 1 ci nil $1.81... NJ 3, 1 car. $1.61; 1 car, $1.60. m, a-Lv car, i.r8. Sample, 1, car, $1.61 (16.7 wheat) . BARLEY. No. 3, 1 car, 78c. No. 4, 1-10 car, 74c OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS tvars.j Week Year Today Ago Agt. .. 76 188 92 ..16 37 22 ..16 63 10 .. 6 15 3 , . '2 . 7 2 . 91 V 100 88 . 19 ' 16 21 8 T 19 .. 1 " 1 . 13 . 1 0 4 Receipts Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley Shipments Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. iBusneisj Today Year Ago 1,649,000 1,627,000 676,000 454,000 705,000 800,000 Receipts Wheat Corn ........ Oats Shipments Wheat Corn Oats 664.000 666,000 1,084,000 298,000 540,000 605,000 . CHICAGO CARLOT RECEIPTS. x Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wheat 38 83 217 Corn 319 302 .. Oats 16 174 KANSAS CITY CARLOT RECEIPTS. t Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wheat 181 , 138 . 197 Corn ,.23 16 14 Oats 19 23 18 ST. LOUIS CARLOT RECEIPTS. , " Tody. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wheat ,..v. 79 - 126 ". .92 Corn 26 31 45 Oats 22 40 S3 NORTHWESTERN CARLOT RECEIPTS OF WHEAT. Todav. Wk. Aro. Tr. Arn. Minneapolis ....... 523 . 361 649 nuluth ............ 180 190 Winnipeg 1,047 1.874 V. B. VISIBLE (BUS.); Today Week Ago ' Year Ago ...34,411,000 82,133,000 95,316,000 ..10,277,000 10,829,000 1,430,000 ..33,660,000 31.476,000 19,035,000 OMAHA STOCKS (BUS.) Today Week Ago Tear Ago .'. 1,084,000 , 777,000 6,604,000 .. 216,000 349,000 166,000 .. 1.090.000 876.000 653.000 Wheat Corn . Oats . Wheat Corn . Oats... tmtAuu eiutna (bus.) Today Week Ago Year Ago Wheat ... 691,000 669,000 18,448,000 Corn .... 6.249,000 7,449,000 709,000 Oats ....12,603,000 11,678,000 7.147,000 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. Doug. 2627. Oct. 26. Art Open. I High Low. Close. Yea'd Wht I Dec, I 1.01 2.10 1.00 1.09 1.99 Mar. i 1.94 2.02 1.93 2.02 1.93 nye. I Dec. 1.63 1.71 1.63 1.71 1.63 May 1.58 1.58 1.52 1.68 1.52 Corn I Oct. ) .82 .83 .81 .83 .81 Dec. .80 .82 .80 .82 .80 May .87 .89 .86 .88 .86 July .88 .90 .88 ,.90 .88 Oats. I I Dec. .1 .63 .6 .68) ,54 68 May .58 I .59 .53! .59 .68 Pork. I I Oct. (23.60 123.60 , 23.60 23.60 22.50 Nov. 123.60 123.00 23.60 23.60 22.50 T.nrd.'l 1 I , Nov. 19.07 19.43 19.00 19.45 19.32 Jan. 116.40 17.05 16.40 17.05 16.87 Ribs, j Oct. 116.60 16.56 16.60 16.60 16.76 Jan. 13.85 14.30 13.70 14.30 13.65 t Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. Oct 26. Flour Unchanged to 25c lower. In carload lots, family patents quoted at 310.7011.00 per bbl. in 5-iD. coixon sacKs. Bran $30.00033.00. Wheat Receipts, 623 cars, compared with 649 car a year ago. Cash: No. 1 northern, $2.112.14; December, $2.04; March. 32.07. Corn No, 8 yellow, 34085c. Oat No. 3 white, 4960c. Barley 76 79c. " Rye No. 2,.$1.70O1.71. Flax No. 1 $2.712.72. 1 A St Louis Grain, St. Louis. Oct 26. Wheat December, $2.09; March. $2.02. Corn December, 3c: May, 89c. . Oats December, 64 c bid; May, 69 o, Kansas City Grain,' , Kansas City, j)o., Oct 26. Wheat Do cimber, 33.03; March, $1.96.. Corn December, 75c: May. 82c x CHICAGO STOCKS. The following Quotations are furnished by Logan A Bryan, members of all prin cipal exchanges, Room ,248, Peters Trust building (formerly Bee building). Sev enteenth i and Farnam streets, Omaha, neb. : ,1 Armour A Co.. pfd Armour Leather Co., common . . Armour Leather Co:, pfd Commonwealth Edison Co Cudahy Packing Co., common. 91 16 .....92 ....103 63 92 7 74 Cudahy Packing Co.. pfd ... Continental Motor Hartman Corporation, common Llbby, McNeil A Llbby Montgomery Ward Co. II .64 9 13 106 29 .......68 National Leather Reo Motor Car Co Swift A Co. Swift International Union Carbide ft Carbon Co. ., New York Metals. , New York, Oct. 26. Copper Unsettled; electrolytic, spot and fourth quarter. nominally I4wi6c. Iron Nominal, unchanged.' Tin Firm; spot and nearby 50; futures, $41.37, Antimony 6.37c. i , Lead Steady, unchanged. ! . Zinc Quiet; East St. Louis delivery. spot 7.001)7.150. . ; At liOnaort spot: copper, (tn. is. 6d; electrolytic. 99; tin, 1256, 12s, 6d: lead 39, 6s, tine, tit, 15s. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Ga., Oct. 26. Turpentine Firm: 91.0001.00; ale, 402 bbl.; re ceipts. 613 bbl!..; Hblpments. . 1.835 bbls.; stock,' 20,410 bbls. Rosin Firm: sales. 495 casks: recelnts. 1,640 cSBks: shipments, 3,708 casks) stocks, 53.636 -cask.- Quote: B. T, E. F, O, Ii. L K. M. N. WO, WW. $11.15. New York General, New York. Oct 86. Wheat Spot, firm er; No. 2 red and No. 2 hard. 82.34 spot c. t f. track. New York, and No. 2 mixed durum. 12.29 c. I. f. to arrive. Corn Spot, firm: No. 2 yellow. 81.08 ana no. z mixed, $1.07 c. 1. f. New York. m-aay snipment. Oats, firm: No, 1 white, 46. Lard Ky; middlewest, 320.40020.50. Other article unchanged, Chicagp Grain By CHALES D. MICHAELS.. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Chicago, Oct 26. The big - ad vance in wheat today was due largely to export buying arxl shorts covering. A great deal of the export buying was actually for local sllorts, but the trade was, not aware of it until after the close. - A number of the big local traders have become very bullish on the .statistical situation. In a week 7,000, '0K) .bushels of wheat have been taken for export, a large partsbeing Mani tobas, which is being moved through the country. The export buying of corn is at low prices, and has lifted the market , out of the rut. , The United States can easily spare 300, 000,000 bushels of corn without .dis turbing consumptive requirement. Sentiment was more favorible to the buying side at the last, despite the heavy reduction in the short in terest and the markets are regarded as having been sold out. Houses with Omaha connections were large sellers of wheat early and turned buyers around the top. Stop orders buying from $2.07j4 up was 'a big factor in helping the advance. ; Gains At Close. The close was near the outside with gains of 10c on wheat, 102o on corn, l61o on oats, 568o on rye and 4a on barley. . Corn gave a better account of Itself with the export buying and tho advance in wheat a leading stimulant. Selling pres sure wa light except for a time at the opening, and prices moved up from 80 O 82 o for December, with the close at al most the top. - Stop order and buying againat offers absorbed the selling on the budges.' Strength in the caah i market with prices c higher, and premiums lo higher, combined with light receipts. 134 cars, had a bullish influence. Industries did little, but offerings were well absorbed by shippers. Unsettled weather was also a factor and if continued will check re ceipts. . ' - Sellers of oats on Monday avr the buy er today, . particularly at the opening, when offerings were absorbed. House with eastern connections were good buyers snd a better market was experienced with an advance of lo, which lifted the mar ket out of the rut and closed It at tho top.. Cash prices wer all sharply higher with receipts 80 cars. - Seaboard houses were good buyers of rye and have been for several days Mc-Kinney-Dickman leading. Prlceawere 84o higher with 20,000 bushel sold for export at 22o over Chicago December, track New York. . ,1.1. Barley was wanted by exporterf od In dustrie and;feders took-a little more In terest, with a.tlrmer undertone?, to both cash and futures. . i j'. fit Note. . '!'5 Export sale of wheat- In all Position; the past few. days, - aggregate 2,000,000 busheia including 750,000 bushels Mani toba to SyWIn. Within the last two dajra 760,000 bushels, of corn have been -soldMo Holland and Germany. The rate ) was. 12 cents over Chicago, December for white and 10 cents over for mixed corn, c. 1 f. Buffalo. Export sales of rye were 20,000 bushels in all positions at 23 cents over Chicago December, track New York, for first half November loading. Dowostlc sale of wheat were 15,000 Bushels, corn 106.000 bushels, oats 22, "000 bushels. Charters were tor 850,000 bushels to Buffalo at 6 to 6 cents, the latter for loading the last of this week. Cash wheat price in Chicago were 5 to 10 cents higher with premiums 1 to 2 cents lower on red winter, unchanged to 1 cent higher on hard winter, and unchanged for springs. Receipts were 31 cars. No. 1 red waa -11 to 13 cents over December and hard 7 to 8 cents over with No. -1 northern S to 15 cents over, depending on quality. Minneapolis was unchanged for choice to 8 cents higher on light weight springs. . St. 'Louis. 3 to 4 cents higher on red and 7 cent higher on hard winter; Omaha. 9 to 11 cent higher; Kansas City, 4 to 8 Cent higher. Corn was bought mainly by ahipping and elevator interests wiui Chicago 1 to 4 cents higher and premiums up 1 cent with the close 3 cents over tor mixed, 4 cents for yellow and 6 cent over De cember for white. St. Louis 1 to 1 centi higher on yellow and steady to 1 cent lower on white. Omaha unchanged. (Kan sas City 1 to 1 cents higher, yellow lead ing, Peoria 3 to 3 cents higher. Re ceipts at Chicago, 137 cars. Oats were to 1 cents higher with receipts 60 cars. St Louis advanced 1 to lc, Oma ha to 1 cents. London Money. London, Oct 26. Bar Silvef 52 d per ounce. - .Money 4 per cent CENT A SHARE, 6 Producing Wells. 1,000 shares $10, 10,000 shares $100, all cash or one-fourth cash, balance 5 equal monthly payments, fully paid, non-asscsnable. First dividend vlaii uary, 1921. Honest, competent man agement that caters to Production and Dividends. Greatest oportunity in the history of the oil business, for honorable, legitimate dealings and fair returns on investment. Some ot our holdings: fiO Acres Wichita Coun ty, Texas, with Six Producing Well on Tomp and Pipe Line; 200 acre Nacogdoches County, Texas, well No. 1 on this tract now drilling, 160 acres In .Eastland County, 480 Acres Brewster County, Texas, In five tracts close to new production, 0 Acrea Pecos County, Texas. 750 Acres Wise County, Texas. Production and Di vidends Is our slogan. We expect to drill at leant 30 wells in the next 12 months. This stock Is Bound to -advance In price. The Gulf American Oil ft Refining Co., 214 Main Street, Fort Worth, Texas. Fine Columbus Building Being Constructed by Home Builders mm - ' -- J.erJMm - This picture of the Evans 'Hospital, Columbus, Neb. was taken on October 11th. , . - t ' ' . '" Situated on an eminence in the center of a city square otherwise unoccupied, the hospital will be one of the most conspicuous buildings in Columbus. The site is ideal for hos pital purposes since the building is removed from the noise 1 of traffic. Sunlight and ventilation are unobstructed. Home Builders Inc. is the general contractor. The property Is financed entirely by The Evans Hospital In - corporated, the capital having been subscribed in Columbus and vicinity. The value of the building after completion will be approximately $225,000.00. . ' St II 1 II II II 11 i- 1 8aji u 11 n Bonds and Notes Bonds andnot ,qut(W .Ion furnished by Petera TrUst Co.; . .;, App'at ..'..," "BUI. -Ask'd. yield. Am. T. A T. '6s,' 1834. 2 93 1.30 A. T. A T. 48, 1336 4i6 97 -6.8S Am. Tob. Co. 7s.. 1939. .,'. , 99 .7.10 A. Too. Co. .7s, 1923 ....9 1X10 7.00 French Govt 8s, 1946 ...VU.102-- 7.80 Armour Conv. 6s, '2Q-'34 ..93 9ti , 7.35 Armour 7s. 1930. ....... .97 ' 97 I 7.30 Belalan Gov. 6s. 1925 . . .83 92 , 8.30 Belgian Gov. 7s. 1MB 400 100 Beth. Steel 7a, 193ft ..aV94 94 Beth. Steel 7. 1813 s ,'J, ' 37 British . 6s, 19:9 ,..y.89 , 9 7.40 7.60 8.40 7.10 8.10 6.1U 6.30 C li. A Q. 4S, 1921 ,.-98 Can. Gov. 6s. 1921. ... .9S Can. Gov. 6s. 1929 '..94 96 9 94 90 C. C. C. ft S. L. 6s, 19,20 190 7.60 Cud. Pack. Co. 7. 1921V', ;97 98 7.90 Goodrich 7s. 1925 90 91 3.50 Jap. Gov., lst 4s,-1926 J74 74 11.90 Jap. Gov.: 4s, 193J .'67 67 10.40 Llgt A Myers lis. 19?l -.97 Norway 8s. 1940 101 101 Proct A Clam.-7s. 1923 ..9 Swift A Co. 6s, 1921 ...87 98 Swiss Gov. 8s. 1940 103 104 llTilon Uaclflo 6s. 1928 ..99 100 8.00 7.80 6.90 8.00 7.60 6.00 8.20 Kvilson Conv. s, 18 ....80 86 City of Paris s, iai 96 IO.SOn , , New York Cotton. New York, Oct 26. Although 3 to 11 points lower, the cotton market was bare ly steady at the opening, considering easy cables and active selling by the south. When Liverpool demand' wa -supplied, the decline became more pronounced and extended about 40 points net- The New Orleans ootton exchange will bo closed .Monday, November 1, All Saints day. also eleotlon day. .1 A private cable from Bombay says that present prospects point to an Indian crop of 4,000,000 bales this season, against 6,000,000 bales last season. - Wet 'weathor created Boms buying and the decline was checked around 40 to 69 points net lower. Rallies followed on covering and continued Liverpool buying, with tho market only 10 or 15 points off around midday. 1 Covering by early sellers for a reaction prompted ' an advance in the afternoon which extended 30 to 37" points, ( . Liberty Bond Prices. New York, Oct. 26. Price of Liberty bonds at noon were: 8a, 93.96: first 4a, 1.9.80: second 4s, 89.00; first 4s, 90.02; second 4s, 83.66; third 4b,80.68; fourtn 4s, 88.76; Victory,; 3 s, i6.28; Victory 4s.. 90.30. ' Liberty, bonds closed: 3s, 98.80) first 4s, 89,80; second 4s, 88.80; first 4s, 89.62; second 4s, 88.30: third 4s, 90.60; fourth 4s, 88.60; Victory 3s, 96.20; Vlo tory 4 s. 90.16. New York Sugar. ' ' New York, Oct. 26. There wa not much activity In the local raw augar mar ket today, Put the undertone was easier ana price were a shade lower. There were sales of 2,800 bags of Demerara sugar' ex-store at 7 cents 0. t f., equiva lent to 8.6I0 duty paid, tho spot price, and at the close,, there were further ot ters, without being taken. , Cuba holders, however, were not press ing their supplies, although with outside sugars available at 7 cents, c. 1. f., It was doubtful if buyera would pay above iu, cents for Cubas. unless it be for some very nearby shipments for filling in pur- PUBI'B. ... "EAGUEOF NATIONS" . From a. Republican Standpoint By ' '.'h Nelson H. Looniis , Mrs. C. A. Severance WEDNESDAY EVENING 8 P.M. UNITARIAN, CHURCH I . J EARNING! Before buying stock or lending money and securities to dishonest and Irresponsible brokers, read our weekly paper Writ for sample copy. NEW YORK CURB : 11 Broadway, New York City aw to make a gProfit on Stocksil ' t" "' , . The investor who buys high, a grade listed securities outright, , 7 in well diversified groups, and UeAArn ,hm (nr nnunent flain. At in position to make a UberaTprofit beyond the dividend yield. '." Whit kind of stocks to boy, also bow and when to buy them, is in terestingly told in our book, juit 1 published, entitled "The Principle of Profitable Investment" ' Its 64 pages tefl you the vital things about the stock market how to judge a security how to make a profit on stocks. . tt contains no "dps" on certain issues, and nothing for the man who , wants to take s short cut to wealth, but deals with fund amentais. You should read it before investing. J V Write today. It's free. Dtpt 1. .' VM ,L - V.' IfencuJldcrg WOsHrsa"' 1 mm m LIU X : 5' W. Boyd, ones . Manager Construction Department Dodge, 'at 18th ., Omlhai . Assets Over $1,400,000.00 C. e.'Mlrnr, rrr. - - ; O. A. Bohrbough, ftee.-Treas. Chicago Potato. Chicago. Oct. 86 Potatoes Weak; re- celpts.-121 'cars; Minnesota and Wisconsin Neiv Subscription Rates The Omaha Bee ! By. mail inside the Fourth Postal Zone . (within 600 miles of Omaha) Daily Only $R00 a Vear (Week-day Issues) a v'al Daily sdday Writ your order en this rounon, tear it out and mail to, N Th Omaha Be today. The Omaha Bee, I Omaha, Nebraska. - Gentlemen: Enclosed . 1 The Dally and Sunday I ' Th Daily only .. - f for Name Street ov P. O. Box.. Town...... Date to start Th Bee:.......,....,..... ..... ' $&ve$iiniportant record i The filets K I I Ukenfrom 'A- II I the ruins w I the plant of the Strassel-Gans Kv.. was destroyed bv fire ' an extract from their voluntary testimony to the fire-resistance of Art Metal : ; ; v "We had in our office one of your No. 1600 Mahog- ' dnj cArt Metal Leitet tiles. All the 'wooden fixtures arouni this file inert etthet destroyed ot burned so badly as to be rendered useless. When the file bad cooled tufi fictenily to enabit us to handle it, tve Jere very much surprised to find tht contents intact and the letters and v papas therein not even scorched." ; Not on mere claims but on its performance in actual fires may you place your confidence in the fire resistance of Art Metal steel. ' 1 , . .. Step in and let us show you these files and oth& Art Metal Steel, Office Equipment. . " Complete catalog on request. j Omaha Printing Co; ! THE OFFICE Thirteenth at Farnam .. . Jlillnllll'lll'lillltlrlliliiliiliiiiiiiiinii'iiiritlllilllilnlMliiliillillltiilliliillili'liiliilllliilliliillltlllllliiiiililliiliiliiliiHiK The . : v , UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY Operating large, up-to-date Terminal Elevators in the Omaha and Milwaukee '.v markets, are in a position to handle your shipments in the best possible manner, ' i. e., cleaning, transferring, storing, etc MEMBERS Chicago Board of Trade Milwaukee Chamber of Com merce Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce St. Louis Merchant Ex- change v Kansas City Board of Trade Sioux City Board of Trade Omaha Grain Exchange It will pay you to get in touch with one of our offices when wanting to BUY or SELL any kind of grain. WE SOLICIT YOUR Consignments of All Kinds of Grain to OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, KANSAS CITY and SIOUX CITY Every Car Receives Careful Personal Attention The Updike Grain Company THE RELIABLE Linseed OU. Duluth. Minn. Oct. 26. Llnseift Oa track and to arrive, 33.71. $900 a Year .192 I find $. . , . f or which' send xa one year State........... Paint Company, Louisville, I on Mav znth. Th fnllnun'nrr SUPPLY HOUSE Phone Douglaa 2793. OFFICES AT OMAHA, NEB. LINCOLN, NEB. HASTINGS, NEB. CHICAGO, ILL. SIOUX CITY, IA. HOLDREGE, NEB. GENEVA, NEB. DES MOINES, I A. ; !; MILWAUKEE, WIS. T' HAMBURG, IA. KANSAS CITY, MO. All t thst efftMt, tmest Kasui City, ' are cennMKe with cash etker fey srlvat wlrs. CONSIGNMENT HOUSE if v., I I 1 1 1 1 I r..lSllSillliIlllll.iiaii!l,ISIiaM.liSIIlll,HliiltMlia.llliuS.:l:.;.Sli.i:iilSi.SllSut4.,,I .l:....,..,t.lJ