Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1920, Page 5, Image 5
t THE BEE : OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER '26, 1920. r V-. Nurse-Bride Has Too Many Mates, 0ne of 'Em Says Last Husband bf Columbus, Nebn Girl Asks Annulment Of Marriage; 2 Others, l VHe Charges. f Columbus, Neb., Oct. 25. (Spe-ciaI.)-r-Too many husbands are - charged to his nurse-bride of six weeks in a petition filed in Fuller' ton by rrank Gerhold, Nance coun ty farmer, asking annulment of his marriage to her in rremont, Sep tember 3. The matrimonial ventures" of Mrs, Margaret Hayes Gerhold, the bride, were fast and furious, according to the charges made in her last hus band s petition. The Kirl. who told Countv Altor cy Otto Walters of Columbus, she had seen exciting service as a nurse overseas during the war, has disap ' peared. Applies for Divorce, Her first husband was a man named Hayes, who died several years ago. - : Then she wed Raymond L. Morse m Bethany, Mo., August 15, 1918, and applied for divorce in Cass county, Nebraska, May . 31, 1919. without first establishing her legal residence in this state, according to Gerhold. Her decree was granted, however, November '5, 1919, and before the required six months had elapsed, she became the bride of Robert Shrader, January 24.1920. Married in Glenwood, la. This marriage v?ss solemnized in Glenwood, la., Gerhold charges, in order to circumvent the Nebraska law. The couple then returned'to Cass county to live, the petition states. . But this third venture of the mar rying nurse was bf brief duration, for on August 26, 1920, Shrader se cured a divorce from her, and she met Gerhold fhem she wed within the next 1C, days. - Gerhold asks annulment of his marriage on the grounds that both of his bride's divorce decrees are toull and void "because of irregular ities. ' He declares his wife's previous marriage record was unknown to him until after his own ceremony had been performed. County Attorney Walters, with whom Mrs.- Hayes-Gerhold con versed Tiere three weeks ago, de clares the girl told him she did not understand the irregularities charged against her by hr present husband and believes the girl's entangle ments in the divorce courts were unintentional. . Gerhold has no idea where his wfe is at the present time. New State Constitution to V v Give Ballot to Soldiers Lincoln, Oct. 25 (Special.) The new constitution of Nebraska will give soldiers, of the regular army Who are legal residents of the state a ngni io voie. . . ' ' Under the old constitution, every elector in the actual service of the United, States and not in the reg ular "jktray was entitled to vote. A , Thjf restriction and why it was made' has! never been very satisfac torily, explained, but the world war appears to have changed the senti ment and from now on regular army men may vote in this state if their legal residence is here. i "Governor McKelvie Makes Jfarm Reply to Morehead Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 25 (Special.) In art, answer to the statements of former Governor John H. Moore head ".democratic gubernatorial can didate Governor S. R. McKelvie, candidate for re-election, has issued a statement in which he calls at tention td the alleged ignorance of the democratic candidate on the mat ' ter; under- discussion. Runaway Girl . Dies of Poisoning Man Who Said He Was Her Husband Can Not Be ' Found. Helen (McGough, 19, died at 9; a. m. yesterday at University hos pital, the result of poison, which police believe, she took herself Wednesday morning at the Star ho tel, 804 South Thirteenth street Mystery surrounded the girl and her sudden illness. She went to the Star hotel early last week with a man known as "Clyde Jones." He registered at the hotel as "Clyde Jones and wife." Wednesday morning he said his wife wasn't feeling" well. That was the last seen of him. The girl be came seriously ill and was taken to the hospital. She said she took poison following a quarrel with her husband. Her father, M. C Mc Oough of Cheyenne, Wyo., declared his daughter ran away from home a month ago. Plans of the father to take the body to Cheyenne yesterday for burial were interrupted in the after noon by an order from County At torney A. V. Shotwell to hold the body in Omaha pending an investi gation. ' An inquest will probably be held, Shotwell said.' " A. P. Men Meet Scribes In Fest; Plan for Nov. 2 Two hundred Iowa and Nebraska newspaper men gathered at the Oma ha Athletic club Sunday afternoon to tormulate plans tor facilitating gathering of returns in the coming election, lhe meeting included As sociated Tress wire chief", and oper ators. Preceding a banquet, the news paper men were entertained by Urpheum and Gayety performers. Alter the organization of the Cen tral West Associated Press Good Fellowship club and the Nebraska and Western Iowa Editorial as so ciation. editors, reporters, operators and traffic chiefs responded to (oasts. Col. 1. W. McCulIough was toast- master. Existing co-operation between the traffic and editorial departments of the'Associated f ress was exDlamed and commended by Kobert L. Dunn division traffic chief, and Edgar T. Cutter, superintendent, both of the central department, in answer to toatts. Corn Huskers Are Greatly Needed On State Farms First of a Series of Weekly Letters On Crop Conditions In Nebraska Issued by- Crop Estimator. Lincoln, Neb., Oct.. 25. The first of a series of weekly letters on crop conditions in Nebraska was issued today by A. E. Anderson, agricul tural statistician for the United States bureau of crop estimates. The letter follows: "The harvest ing of coyi, potatoes and sugar beets is taking most of the farmers' time at present. The demand for corn husk ers is good. s "The bulk of the corn crop is ready to husk. A heavy freeze at this time would make it easier to sever the ear from the stalk Much of the corn is down due to heavy winds in September. The yields are good, many being very high. Wniter Wheat Improves. "Winter wheat has made improve ment since the recent rains. There are several reports of Hesssian fly infestation. "The harvest of the commercial crop of potatoes continues, but few are being marketed. Offerings as low as 50 cents per hushel have been made. The federal marketing agent at Alliance states that the sales of potatoes are not suffioiently numer ous to establish a market. "The commercial apple v crop seems to be smaller than expected. The same is true with the farm apple crop. Some university officials are making similar reports of the apple crop, s "block hogs are in great demand. Present prices of corn and hogs jus tify heavy feeding of swine. , Corn Huskers Needed. "The present demand for corn huskers is greater than the supply. The Department of Labor has calls for corn huskers from all parts of the state. Wages rang from 6 to 7 cents per bushel, the latter being of fered when the farmer has no eleva tor for unloading. i "The harvest of sugar beets con. tinues. The yields are heavy on I greatly increased acreage." .t.' t Seven Soldiers' Bodies Due to Arrive This Week The bodies of seven Nebraskans who died in France will arrive over the Northwestern railroad Tuesday or Wednesday with the bodies of five other overseas dead. They are Horace H. Miller, Stock ville, Neb.; Carl E. Clark. Falls City, Neb.; Maxmillian J. Foltz, Hum phery, Neb.; Joseph Johnson, Hos kins, Neb.; Walter T. Phillips. Free dom, Neb.; Edward J. McCarthy. Spalding, Neb., and Jos. C. McCaig, York, Neb. The others are Arthur E. Adolson, Maple, Wis.; A. Raymond A. Pike, Fairfax, S. Dr, Howard B. Skel ton, Missouri Valley, la.; William D. Brown, Lacreek, S. D., and Walter Chase, Lebanon, Kas. Eight of the deceased soldiers were members of infantry units of the Eighty-ninth division, the others also being with combat units. Aurora Man Found Dead. Aurora; Neb., Oct. 25. (Special.) Telegram.) A. F. M; Ryan, aged resident of this city, was found dead in his car last night. He had evi dently started the engine without opening the garage doors and was suffocated by gas. ; '. First Woman Flyer Makes Landing On Ak-Sar-Ben Field Grand Island Girl , Swoops Down In.Curtiss Plane to Win Honor After Flight J " .1 From Home Town. Miss Jlsie Allan, Grand Island, Neb., holds the honor of being the first woman aviator to land on Ak-Sar-Ben fyjd in Omaha. Miss Allan landed here Sunday morning in a Curtiss airplane .after .flying from Grand Island: Warren Kite, instructor, NElew with Miss Allan as passenger. The trip was made in two hours and 29 min utes.' . f Miss Allan flew thet ship after but tix hours' instruction, Kite declared, and passed her stunt tests last Sat urday, now being qualified to loop the loop, do tail spins and half rolls and land with ease. 1 Miss Allan's plane was accom panied on its flight to Omaha by another plane piloted by W. A. Caldwell, of Grand Island, also a newly instructed flyer. Mrs. Cald well was his passenger. Miss Allan declared she Jjkes fly ing very much although the Sunday morning trip was very cold. ' She has lived in Grand Island most of her life and is the daughter of John Allan, abstractor of titles. Her fam- new in the game. ily has no objections to her flying, le declared, although she is stul More than 65 per cent of the tex tile Workers in Russia are women. Speakers Chosen For Convention of Teachers Here More" Than 3,000 Nebraska .' School Ma'ams Expected to , Attend Annual Meeting in November. . A program of the 54th annual ses sion of the Nebraska State Teachers' association in Omaha on November 3, 4 and 5, issued yesterday, includes speakers of highest standing in the educational world and artistic and musical features of the highest or der. . 1 Among the most noted speakers secured for the session is Will C. Wood of California, who is recog nized; as one of America's fore most state school executives. Thom as H. Briggs of New York and Frederick W. Maroney of New Jersey are two more speakers of note. Mr. Briggs is on the faculty of t Columbia university and is a recognized authority on high school matters. Mr. Maroney, who is di rector of physical training for the state of New Jersey, is reputed to be a speaker with ability to stir, his audience. ' " Sculptor I Coming.' Other speakers secured by the as sociation are G C Sargent of Colo rado; Lee L. Driver of Pennsylvania, Hugh S. Magill of Washington, D. C, W. A. Jessup of Iowa and D. B. Waldo of Michigan. Lorado Taft, known as "Ameri ca's foremost sculptor," will lec ture, ; His , subject will be "A Glimpse of a Sculptor's Studio." An added feature of the session will be the concert in the Auditorium by Mary Jordan, formerly contralto with the Century Grand Opera com pany. General sessions of the, associa tion will be held in the Auditorium Wednesday and Thursday evenings, Friday morning and Friday eve ning. Among the interesting sec tional programs which will occupy the time of teachers wishing to ac quire ideas in particular branches, is the story tellers' section. A new and novel method of effective story telling combined with aesthetic dancing will be illustrated. - Belle M. Ryan, vice president of the association, predicted this morning 3,000 out-of-town teachers would attend the three-day session. Contrary to sessions in the past there is little to base prediction on the result of the association's elec tion of officers, she said. Beaver City Farmers Will Hold Wheat for $3 Price Beaver City, Neb., Oct. 25. (Special.) At a meeting of the Wheat . Growers association held Saturday it was unanimously agreed to hold wheat for a price of not less than $3 per bushel. Resolutions were adopted that if banks will not loan money on wheat, that farmers of the 'organization will withdraw teposits ana loan money to otner members who are holding wheat for a better price., mm ASK FOR and GET . IrHorlicCs's ' The Original Malted Milk for Infanta and Invalids Avoid Imitations and Substitutes DIG STOUE PURCHASE Six Carloads of Stoves to Be Sold at Bowen's at a Re duction of From 20 to 50 per cent. . Unloaded at our warehouse last week were six carloads of Heaters and Ranges, purchased for cash at a price that enables us to sell them at a reduction of from 20 to 50 per cent less than" previous wholesale prices. These Heaters and Stoves are being set up and will be offered for . four days, commencing; Wednesday morning, at prices never before heard of. Let nothing stand in your way, keeping you from coming to the II. R. Bowen Co. and securing: one of these big stove values. Be prepared for the cold weather coming and save enough money on one purchase to buy several tons of coal. Watch for our advertisement in tomorrow's paper. V Daniels Preaches in Church at Lincoln Lincoln. Oct. 25. Secretary mpnhti llanipi urhn- cravrri in Lincoln over Sunday, following his political address of Saturday night. filled the ouloit of St. Paul Metho-i (list tpfscopal church at the morning service, nis sermon was on tne cngin of Methodism and particular ly the activities of that church and other church denominations, during the was. ' r The 'war, Secretary Daniels said, had sent a challenge to the churches, and the churches had accepted that challenge by going to the trenches and battleships and ministering to the fighting men in life and death and establishing a zone in training camps from, which immorality and intemperance was banished. Beveridge Will Speak at Columbus School Opening Columbus, Neb., Oct. . 25. (Special.) November 12 has been designated by Superintendent C Ray Gates as the date for the open ing of the new Emerson Fourth ward school, superintendent J. ti Beveridge of the Omaha schools, will be the' principal speaker. The building is provided with a commu- niry room in wmcn inc entertain ment will be held. . f ft. ; t Buy by Name THE MAN who buys Eagle Shirts finds in the label the maker's trade-mark that has been a quality. pledge for over fifty years. He gets in addition the name of the individ ual fabric that distinguishes it from unpedigreed cloths and. makes possible his buying again the fab rics that please. F 1 $2.50 to $12.50 5. SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY. XOkRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN "" .' . -.. J 4( BESE two jobs took alike, don't they? But A there's a big difference a 75 difference. 'This one was printed on a job press. This one was PRINTED on the Multigraph, from real type with real printer's ink. , ; v I v K "Printed in our own office, . by one of our employees and deliveredj&si when we wanted it. No big overhead, no expensive equipment, " no high-priced labor, no delays. ' 5 I r Just an ordinary case showing a few of the "saving graces" of the Multigraph how it saves 25 to ;,75 on printing, saves bother, saves delay. But there are other savings even bigger and more vital. ii big saving of time all around for instance,, a delayed order blank, or route card, or letter, or folder may hold up the entire office, a factory department, or a sales campaign. A Ug saving of sales ejforf timely Multigraphed letters, bulletins, announcements, sales helps of one 'sort or another make it easier for the sales force to get and hold business. A Ug saving of advertising eft orfnothing like a Multigraph typewritten or printed follow-up to drive home the" impression madeby your advertising, to ap ply it directly to jobber, dealer, or customer and get action to cash in on the advertising effort. Many a time, too, you can go direct to your audience with the Multigraphandsavethe expense of general advertising. A big saving of opportunUy-mth the Multi- graph you can strike for business, while the Iron hot--CTcrytime. -: -. In fact the only time the Multigraph doesn't save is when it's idle. . Save time, now, by phoning for full information. You can't buy a Multigraph unless you need it P. P. BLACKWELL TKe American Multigraph Sales Co. .' 1037-40 City National Bank BIdg., . -; . OMAHA, NEB. Telephone Douglas 3715 MULTSRAPti SENIOR complete, compact equipment that turns out high quality printing and form typewriting at very low coat averaging a saving of from 25 to 76. It is simple and easy to operate rapid and convenient. Electrically driven, with printing ink attachment, automatic paper feed, signature device, automatic platen release and wide printing surface. Easy payments if desired . WfMULTWRAPtf JUNOR wonderfully efficient equipment for concerns which have a limited amount of work.- It does both form type writing and office printing and produces the same high quality of work as the Senior Equipment, but it is hand-operated only and cannot be equipped with electric power, automatic feed and signa ture device attachments as can Easy payments if the Senior. tfesind. if " 1 X ni c :ifi 11 h liilTlnTl i- -fe. Jl. 1MI Ikl tMUV V 1 V i. A ) ' ' ' " t . -. .' . . , '.- (.,. f ,1, ,