Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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St. Louis American Ball
Player and Rathsteinto
Testify in Series Probe
1. ' . '
Chicago, Oct. 25. The special Cook county base ball jury will re
convene tomorrow with two witnesses, who have not yet appeared be
fore the jurors, scheduled to Rive testimony which officials in the state's
attorney's office tonight , said "undoubtedly would throw considerable
light on the scandal in the 1919 world s scries and might prove of a sen
sational character."
Joe Gedeon. second baseman of the St. Louis American league club,
and Arnold Rothstcin of New York, are the men who are expected to
testify. , . , ,
Gedeon arrived today from, his home in Sacramento in response to
a call from Ban B. Johnson, president of the American league, to come
and give the jury any uuormation he may have.
He was immediately taken to the
home of an astistant state's attor--r 'l TT .
duck Hunting on
Marshes Near City
Nimrqds Out in Large Num.
hers Seeking Elu
sive Fowl.
ncy and not allowed to see anyone.
It was announced that the St. Louii-
player would not be allowed to tes
tify until he signed an immunity
waiver and that he had agreed to do
The state's attorney's' office an
nounced that it had positive informa
tion that Roth stein would reach here
tomorrow and that he also would
sign an immunity waiver before go
ing before the jurrors.
Ban Johnson also probably will
tettify. . v i
The names of Gedeon and1 Roth
stein have been brought before the
jury by several witnesses, state of
ficials said, but it was not until last
week that Gedeon's identity was
publicly revealed. He had until then,
been referred to in announcements
made by the state's attorney's office,
merely as "a St. Louis player."
The jury has been told that Ged
eon attended all the 1919 world ser
ies games and was intimately as
sociated with some of the Chicago
White Sox nlayers, against whom
true bills have been voted, according
to state officiate. After last Tues
day's , session of the jury President
Johnson admitted to newspaper men
that Gedeon's name had been
brought before the jury and later
ht went to St. Louis for what was
then believed to be a conference with
Phil Ball, owner of the St. Louis
Browns, over basej ball reorganiza
tion. On his return, however, John
ion said he went to see Gedeon and,
finding the player was in Sacramen
to, telephoned him that he must
come hereinimediately to testify.
Cincel Commerce and
Fremont GridContest
Coach Drummond of tfttHigh
School of Commerce announced
Monday that his foot ball team would
not meet the Fremont high eleven
next Friday afternoon as previously
The Fremonters would not live up
to the contract for a game in this
city, according to Drummond. Fre
mont wanted the locals to journey to
its city to play.
Centre College to Have
Another Date With, Harvard
Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 25. Cen
tre college probably will ' appear
gain on the Harvard foot ball sched
ule next year, it was said today. The
Kentucky team, which held Harvard
even for two periods in the stadium
Saturday, and went down to a glori
nts defeat in a fighting finish, has
been asked to hold open,, a corre
sponding date on its next schedule.
Stockyard Team Loses.
The Scribner Foot Ball team won
its second game of the season when
it defeated the husky Stock Yards
team of South Omaha, 20 to 7.
"Swede" Olson starred for the South
Omaha team and "Stock" Ehlers
and Eidam. for the winners.
Scribner plays Blair, Neb., next
Sunday. - - j
Townsends Win.
The Townsends staged a remark
able comeback Sunday afternoon in
the game with the Bohemian's soc
cer team, and won 4 goals to 1
The game was fast. Rogerson, Bol
al, Lawerson and Saunders booted
the ball over the.goa for the Town
send tallies. J '
Cass Soccer Team Wins.
The Cass Grade school soccer
squad trounced the Henry, W. Yates'
team yesterday afternoon at Elm
wood park, three goals to one, in a
hard-fought and well-played contest.
Tommy Wells and Fred Pcnn played
the best ganie.
- Answers to Yntordar's twWii.
1. Th sixth (am of ths IMS world's
strlsa went to It innings. Chicago winning,
S to 1..
J, Th Cincinnati Reds flntstftd second
la the National league In Hit.
I, The highest th Browne have fln
lened ta th American league la aecond. In
i. Willi, was knocked out twice by -Sam
Langford) one In 1914 and In 1916.
I. Wright : won the Grand American
handicap In lilt and ISift.
f. Wright la th only one to win the
OHrand American handicap twice.
, J, Th national indoor tennis tourna
ment wa th first national tennle event
of the year, being held llarch 17-Aprtl 3
at. Hew fork.
t, In foot hall th penalty for roughing
klcier I meaaured. from th spot the
tall Was put la play.
S, Two atp kre allowed to th player
making a free catch. .'
19. Jackson,battd .401 in 1U. .
'" ..,..-; (w Question. ' -. .., .
. i, Tf ralo,4t0M play must th umplr
call th gajk) after, watting SO minute T
S, After an' umplr calls an Indeld fly,
1 ,tt tlll en Infield fly It an outfielder
catohet -tn bUT -
S. If thsr Is a ranner on first has and
th catcher drop th third strike, may
ta hatter run to first base? . .
4. Mow long may the bat b T
5. who wire runnsrs-up for th national
doubles tennis title T
I. How many foreign golfers qualified
tef t(r national -amateur tourney?
T. How many matches did Harry Var
don and Ted Bay -)o in, their sxhlbltlon
tour of thla country In ills? --
J, Bid Milk Men knocked out by any
beler b(or h wa knocked out- by
DtBPeyT .
I, Was Willi Jackson ever tn a decision
fight for a ehamplonahlpf .
. ,10. How many men did Princeton- bar
ok th ISIS All-American eleven t -..
Copyright, 1130, Thompson feature Service
i r o .j. '
lawyer vsppuses aecreiary
' of Navy in Talk to Women
Kelson H. Loomis, Omaha lawyer'
and Josephus ' Daniels, secretary, of
the United . States navy spoke' yes
terday .afternoon to the political
science department ' of the Omaha
A'oman's club, in the auditorium of
:he Young lien'a Christian associa
tion, v .i". , r, ''.
Mr. Loomis,. presented the . re
publican view, of the Wilson league
of the nations and the secretary de
fended the proposed league covenant:.-
. - . :'
King Duck started to have a
nervous time on the marshes, ponds
and l'latte river, somewhere around
6 o'clock Monday morning. Hunt
ers were scattered far and wide for
the feathered bird J. and observers
in the favorite duck districts made
some good hauls. ;-".
Nathan, Horseshoe, Still Water
and Quinbaugh lakes up north at
tract many sportsmen from Omaha.
Jack Lewis, local nimrod, received
word 'from an Omahan who is in
North Dakota after the birds, saying
that "the ducks are so thick that the
hunters up there " have installed
traffic cops on all nearby ponds."
Near Elkhorn and Waterloo, Neb.,
on the Platte rievr. are other good
places; to bag ducks.
Rhines Making Strong
Bid for Championship
I In Billiard Tourney
Chicago Tribune-Oman Bm Leased Win.
Chicago, Oct. 25. With 22 earnes
played; enough has 'been seen of the
2 players-competing in the National
Pocket championship to get a good
line on their ttbiljty. The play of
Bert Rhines.the Akron veteran,
stamps him as a strong candidate.
The Ohio player is not at all flashy,
but his generalship is that of a cham
pion, and he makes few misses. ;
Kreiger and Barackman
To Wrestle at Madison,
Madison, Neb., Oct. 25.-(Special.)
Adam Kreiger, welterweight cham
pion of Nebraska, and Mervin
Barackman of Scottsbluff, will
wrestle to a finish, Wednesday,
October 27, under the auspices of
the American Legion. Kreiger re
cently defeated "Heiene" Engle of
Iowa, on the Madison mat in a sen
sational match, winning two falls out
of three. I ;
Barackman is no novic on the mat,
having been an instructor at Camp
Dodge and has successfully met
such men as Paul Prehn, Womonoff,
Hoeffer, Daily and Joe Stakes.
. Sinn Feiners Lose.
The C. Y. M. A. reserves won a
hard fought -ad ; exciting football
game for the Sinn Fieners, 7 to 0.
Although out-weighed nearly ten
pounds to the man, the , Reserves
were , able to plunge through the
Irish elevens lihe for big gams.
, The! touchdown came as. the re
sult of a sixty-five yard run ty Star
4uck,t who carried the ball around
end for the touchdown, n , ..
Two Grid (iaines
Will Be layed
Here This Week
Creighton Tackles Marquette
And Commerce Meets Fre
mont Three Teams tin-!
defeated in Race.
Reported That McGraw
Paid Slavin $2O,0Q0
' . iNew York, Oct. 25. It was re
ported on Broadway that John J.
McGraw, manager and part owner,
of the Giants, had paid John C.
Slavin, the actor, a sum in the
neighborhood of $20,000 as settle
ment of any cause of action Slavin
had against McGraw. as a result
of the mysterious fracas on Au
gust 8, last, in which Slavin was
so seriously injured that hi life
was in danger for several weeks.
The affair, of which the reported
settlement is an outcome, started
at the Lambs' dub. .'., .-.?
Lace Curtain Values
For Four Days
Commencing ,
Tuesday ,
at Bowen's
As you rearrange your home
for the winter and find the need
of fie w ..portieres ,nd curtains,
remember you can save from .20
to 40 per cent on your pur
chases by taking advantage of
the reduced prices made at thl
Greater Bowen Store, commenc "
ing .Ttfes'day, October 26th.
, Several thousand pain of lace
curtains several hundred 'por
tiere patterns that will make up
and match with your other fur
nishings are included in the tal(
' Decide 'now what you want
and buy at Bowen's at a saving.
Sale ' commences Tuesday and
will continue up' to ''and includ
ing Saturday.
University of Omaha, against Cottier
university at Lincoln.
Commerce against Fremont at Rourk
South High against Nebraska City at
NeoraaKa City.
Creighton university agaluat Marquett
at creighton field. . ..
Central against Beatrice at Beatrice.
King Foot Ball will play another
important part in Nebraska athletics weew when the various univer
sity, college and high school teams
in the state stage scheduled contests
Friday and Saturday. . ,v
The gridiron contest between
Creighton and Marquette University
cf Milwaukee, scheduted for the
Catholics' field Saturday afternoon,
promises- to be the feature attrac
tion of the week for Omahi follow
ers of the gridiron.
Coach Mulholland's team staged a
hard fight against the Kansas Aggies
last 'Saturday, but the kicking of
Huston, and his ability to drop-kick,
spelled a 3 to 0 defeat for the
Creighton bunch rHowevr, it wa.i
evident in Saturday's 'contest that
the local squad is able, to put tip a
hprd struggle with any eleven in the
Missouri Valley. . '
Commerce Playsere.
The Marquette squad has played
three games thus far this year, win
ning one. The Repion college elev
en, member of the Wisconsin con
ference, lost to the Milwaukee team.
Friday afternoon Commerce Hich
and Fremont clash at Rburke park
in the local's second home game of
the season. Loach Drummond s nro-
teges have yet to suffer a defeat, and
expect to add another victory to
their list when they buck ud aeainst
the light Fremont aggregation.
Central High and Beatrice niav
on the lattePs field Saturday in
K'hot is nredicte4 to be a h&rd-fouolit
affair. The loca:s will enter the con
test with Beatrice the favorite, be
cause of the fact that the latter
squad held the Heavy Commerce
eleven to a 14 to 7 victory. . 'i
Nebraska has an open date this
week. The Cornhuskers.; who will
meet Rutgers in New York City on
election day, and Pennsylvania State
on the tatter's gridiron -on Novem
ber 6, did not have to extend them
selves to beat Scuth Dakota, 20 to 0,
last Saturday.
Coach Schulte's team was held to
Grand Island, Doane and Maroon
v Conference Teams Leading Race
- .
University of Omaha Only Eleven Not Scored Upon
Thus Far This Season Hard-Fought Games
Expected Friday and Saturday.
University of Omaha .
Grand Island College .
Doane (.'oiler
Peru State Normal ..
Midland Unlvereity ...
Kearney state normal .......
York College
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Hasting College
Nebraska Central University ..
Cotner Unlvereity .............
Wayne Stat Normal .........
8 -
Lost Tie Pc. Pts. Opp.
o, so
0 1 ' 1.000 3) II
0 1 1.000 3T 13
1 - o .760 m ii
0 .600 T
2 0 .333 8 . 10T
i 0 ..183 30 44
0 1 .000 7 T
1 1 .000 13 , SI
t 0 .000 1 7
1! 0 ' .000 13 S
0 0 .000 0
Game.' riayed Last Week.
Teru. 1041 Kearney. 0.
Urand Island, 20; Cotner, S.
University ot Omaha, Ii; Nebraska Cen
tral, 0.
Midland, It; York, 1. . '
Doane. St; Hastings, .
- Nebraska Wesleyan, 0; -Montlngjld
aniverelty, 11.
flames Till Week.
University of Omaha against Cotner
at Lincoln.
Peru against Nebraska Wesleyan at
University Place.
Midland agalrist Nebraska Central at
Central City. ! -
Qrand Island against Ketrnoy at Kear
ney. Hastings against York at "York.
Grand Island, Doane and Univer
sity of Omaha foot ball teams lead
the championship race in the , Ne
braska Collegiate conference as a
result of last week's games.
tWith the season half finished, the
conference elevens are playing bet
ter ball and from now until the last
contest is played, several hard-fought
and close games are predicted oy tne
followers of the schools.
Grand Island and Doane college
teams, by virtue of having played
in three contests thus far this sea
son, lead the race, although the Uni
versity of Omaha aggregation has a
clean slate.The Maroons under Coach
Ernie Adams have only staged two
Wisconsin ...
Indiana .....
Michigan ....
Purdue 0
Won Lost
conference games, winning them
both by large scores.
The University of Omaha team has
piled up a total of 80 points to its
opponent's nothing. Coach Adam's
squad easily defeated Central last
week, 73 to 0. The Maroons buck
up against the Cotner aggregation
at Lincoln Saturday. ,
Peru, fourth in the standings, wal
loped the Kearney State eleven last
week with a score of 104 to 0. Coach
Speers' nien play against Nebras
ka Wesleyan this week and should
defeat the Wesleyans.
Doane college spoiled the Hast
ing team's chances of finishing the
season with1 a clean slate when the
former eleven trounced Coach An
drews' men. 24 to 6.
a scoreless tie in the first half, but
came back in the last two periods
with a slashing attack combining
forward passes and drives through
the line and off tackles.
Memphis Woman Golfer
Low Medalist in Tourney
New Orleans. Oct. 25! Mrs.
David Gaut of Memphis carried off
low irfedalist honors in the qualify
ing round of the ninth annual
tournament of the Southern
Women's Golf association today.
Her score for the 18-hole match-
play-round was 45-4590. Mrs. K.
G. Duffield and Mrs. J. Hodges, both
of Memphis, also, had scores of 95
and 107, respectively, and were the
only other players to finish under
lUU. Ibis trio captured the team
Reed and Strayer
Matched for Bout
-I i
Lightweights to Swap Punches
In Semi-Windup of Ameri
can Legion Show Nov. 8.
Arrangements were made yester
day bi the athletic committee of the
Douglas county post of the Amer
ican Legion for an eight-round bout
between Harry Reed and , ''Battling"
Strayer, to be. staged as the semi
windup of an athletic show to be
held in the City auditorium on the
night -of Monday, November 8.
, Kid" Schlaifer of Omaha and
Jack Leahy of Wjnner, S. D., are
going to have It out in the main
event, a scheduled 10-round affair.
The former scrapper has been breei
ing along over his opponents as
fast as they come, but when the lo
cal welterweight starts on Jiis 10
frame trip with the Dakota battler,
he is likely to meet a stumbling
block, as Leahy is a tough nut to
Jake Isaacson, in charge of arrang
ing the show, expects to have two
or three good preliminary' events
for local followers of the slam-bang
game. . ;
The heavyweightsare being passed
up here, for the present, at least.
George Lamson is in Walthill round
ing into condition, and is not keen
to engage in any fistic encounters
with any of the big fellows until he
is in trim. . It is doubtful if Andy
Schmader appears in any more bouts
in Omaha, because of his, ring tac
tics. Form Hockey Circuit.
Philadelphia, Oct. 25. The United
States Amateur Hockey association
was formed today with Boston.
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, St. Paul
and Cleveland making up the circuit.
, Candidate for '
Supreme Judge
Now sorving on Supremo Court
. -Sovontoon yoara Judgo District Court,
4th Judicial District (Omaha). Former
ly on Supremo Court Commission. - '
' Thirty-six years resident of Nebraska. .
i Candidate for Judicial offices ' trill appear on a separate n en-political ballot.'
Cincinnati Reds to v
i Train in Gsco, Tex.
Cincinnati, O., Oct. 25. Officials
cf the Cincinnati National Leqgue
Hase Ball dub have practically de
cided upon Cisco, Tex., as the loca
tion for the spring training camp.
A proposition satisfactory to the
owners has been received, it was
said, and Business Manager Frank
Bancroft will leave here in a few
days tb inspect the grounds and
close a contract, providing the con
ditions are found to be satisfactory.
Western League Club
Owners W Meet Nov. 8
"Pa" Rourk'e, ownctof the Omaha
ball club, received word 'yesterdau
that President Al Tearneyv oMte
western league naa caned a meet
ing of the club owners for Novem
ber 8, at Kansas City the day be
fore the national ' convention ol
Minor league' club owners. The
meeting will' be held for general
discussion ofthe present base ball
situation. .'
It's Worth Your While
To Buy Coal Now
The men who deliver coal are
human. .
They enjoyjtheir work better dur
ing these fine fall days than they
will when storms and cold con
spire against their comfort.'
Try Sunderland
Service Now
You will find our drivers efficient,
courteous and accommodating.
Your coal win be thoroughly
screened, carefully handled and
placed in your bin' as you want it. ,
You will suffer no discomfort now
from open windows. You will es
cape the inconvenience of slow and ,
uncertain delivery that always'
, comes with the sudden demand
for coal following the arrival of
real winter. : . - V ' '
Sunderland Brothers Co.
" 1 ' - ' ; " -H-:'
Main Office, Entire 3d Floor Keeline Bldg.
v. " 17th and Harney Streets , .. '
jm-A r a v ' -
i,t , it sir i-
mm mmmm i i si; Im n.iii 1
Jay Burns. Bakery Co.. booth typifies Betty Ross and colonial times.
The Two Lucky Ones who won the Beautiful Betsy
Ross Dolls given away at the Pure Food Show were
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JVe extend our heartiest thanks to the many friends of
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So Does the Price!