THE OMAHA SUNDAY "BEE: OCTUlittK 24, lazu. BelgianBoy.Mascot Of 27th Division, Can't Find Parents Waif Adopted by Former Chaplain of American Red Cross Can't Remember Father's Name. ' Brussels, Oct. 23. Belgium is be- parents of a 12-year-old war waif, l'ow living in America, taho -cannot remember his family name. The boy has found a home with Mr. and Mrs. . G. Mi Conover. of Indian avenue. Newport, R. I. Mr. Conover was formerly a chaplain of the American Red Cross attached to he naval hospital at' Brest, where he found the little Belgian lying sick ana took him under his own care, later taking the boy to his home in America. Mr. Conover, thinking the boy's parents may still be living, ha ap pealed to the Belgian authorities to find them. The search is particular lv difficult in view of the laok of details concerning the young Bel gian's past. The boy dimly recalls that his first name was G-orge. He vaguely remembers the prtfix ''van" to his surname, indicating that' he is of titled birth, and believes that his lather was caned Baron. Germans Occupy Brussels, f . In telling his story he says that he was about six years old when the German army occupied Brussels, where he lived tn very comfortable circumstances with his fathei and mother. He was an only child. His, father; he says, was too old to go to war. He remembers very little of his mother, but recalls that his father was extremely fond of him, spend ing a great part of the day in his company, teaching- him Latin . and music and helping him wit.n his other studies. He remembers that his father once told him that he was the last of a very ancient family. " . When the German armies ap proached Brussels the boy's parents fled to a chateau near Dixmude Here they were overtaken by the invading forces and 'the boy was separated from them. He never saw his parents again and does not know what became of them. He himself ran away and reached the British lines, where he was adopted by a British officer. Joins Tank Soldiers. He liver for nearly four years with British troops until the sector was taken over by the American Twenty seventh division. He remained with the Twenty-seventh and followed his American friends to Brest aftr the armistice. Several attempts to .ooard transports and follow the division to America proved fruitless. Finally the n , n , j i i iuc oeigian icu sick ana was a Ken to the naval hospital at Brest, where Chaplain Conover found and adopted him. These facts are now tn the posses sion of the authorities in Brussels and it is hoped that by their aid some trace of the boy's parents may yet be found. ) London Taxi Drivers Quit When Asked to Pay for Gas London, Oct. 23. A partial taxi cab strike in London was called re cently because of the owners' de mand that drivers bear part of the increased price of gasoline. The price was jumped 14 cents a gallon, making the actual price over $1. About one-half of the employed drivers were on , strike, but owner drivers were almost all working. Cuticura Shampoos Mean Healthy Hair Especially if preceded by touches of Cuticura Ointment to spots of dandruff, itching and irritation. This treatment does much to keep the scalp clean and healthy and to promote hair growth. taatblKkVrwVrlMl. AUnwMlmU nMMrL lM.IUtaUUui." Soldanrr whit Sot Ol ntunot .od JOe. Talcum Be. IftiVCvtiraraSMP ahavca without MS. ADVERTISEMENT BEAM OIL For Your Hair Tim w torn m Im Mm . IbrmtaM(rfiiM4lioiM. . for saw tbf BMd kwr oil. with A JT Khcr poUat iariirats front I 1 th. HUM, Mora mi foraoto of A. I Notsr. A nlwMo (omuls lo Way 1 3 1 bvootit-ota, childroo. out. 81 ooalsf DANDRUFF. f .X I okn oU otoo f oOoi, , k poo. fVW V ;v Far smb. wooms, W Blow otbora. Paoitlnl wmAi frj Ohm KATALKO at the 4rmw ttaro; or nod it mmm (oBrar or stamp.) (or proof box end guraBtoo, to Mm Bart Brlttala. Stn. F. Now Yark ThisMMtertUbookwilke ssjnt rrretoany man hpm it Slang Is Esperanto of America "You Tell 'Em; My Tongue's in My Shoe," Declares. Shop Girl When Asked If English Purists Have Right Dope on "Universal" Language. , By A. A. GROH. "You tell 'era, Sugar; you're so refined." "You tell 'em, Puget; I can't make a sound." . "You tell em, Cotton; you're out on bait" "You tell 'em, Corsets; you're around the ladies." ' "You tell 'em, Niagara; you never stop." All aje members of the "you-tell-'em" family, the latest addition to the local slang tribe, a very numer ous progeny, indeed. 1 here s more slang used now han ever before. A glossary ot slang expressions used in Omaha would require pages. You hear them everywhere. In the more or less august city council chamber, one councilman has been heard to address another in this un- c'.assical manner, "Aw, tie that bull outside!', and the other councilman has been heard to reply, ' How do yeu get that way?" v Judge Is Slangy. A judge of the district court, used to dismiss juries -for recess by re marking to them: ' "You can go, chase yourselves for about 10 minutes." Where do slang expressions come from? Nobody knows. Nobody knows. They sweep into being and wax in popularity mysteriously. You can no more explain it than you can ex plain why a bean vine goes around the bean pole from left to right in stead of from right to left. Live Short Lives. And when the slag expression has run its course it dies a death as mysterious as was its birth. A person who would say Ishka bibble" nowadays would be marked at once as decidedly behind the times. Yet, only, two or three years ago, everybody was saying "Ishka bibble" or its English equivalent. "I should worry." . Today, if one 'would be in the swim, he must employ the more modish expressions, one of the "vou-tell-'em" family, or "How Come?" or "Where do you get that stuff?" all creatures of mysterious birth and existence. Purists All Wrong. Purists mourn what they are pleased to call the decadence of the language. But the purists are wrong. They are blind to the fact that many of our purest idioms started out in life as slang. They have their lowly birth, but, by paying strict attention to busi ness, doing their best day by day, fitting themselves into the language in a useful manner, they finally gained a foothold in etymological society and are admitted among the aristocrats and come to be used by Addison, Swift, Kipling and the present writer. Slang Old as Pyramids. They had slang expressions iri an cient Rome and before that. But the dry-as-dust historians have tried to cover them up and clothe the sayings of great men in solemn and stilted language. They tell us that while J. Caesar was being assassinated he gazed sad ly at his friend, Brutus, who was wielding a big knife, and murmured meekly, "Et, tu, Brute.' Now does that seem reasonable? Not by a jugful I Caesar was a gaz abo "full of pep, peperino, tobasco sauce and barbed wire," as Rev. Bil ly Sunday would say, and he wasn't the kind of guy to die with any such piffling expression. It Is extremely prbbable that Caesar looked at Bru tus and exclaimed: "You big bum, I'll 'get' you for this. I'll make your hair curl, you double-crossing porch climber 1" Nero Was Slang Artist And Nerol Do you suppose that wicked emperor merely played his fiddle while Rome burned. No. He probably remarked to Poppea: "Some fire, eh, kid?" And Poppea probably replied: "I'll say sol" "California Syrup of Figs" For a Child's Liver and Bowels Mother! Say "California," then you will get genuine "California Syrup of Figs." Full directions for babies and children of all ages who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on the bottle. Children love this delicious laxative.; '. -M , , II " .HI Mil and otkereytemaf pains quickly soothed ' ' I 'HAT dragging, wearying backache, that so many women suffer from, is quickly eased by an application of Sloans Liniment Just spread it over the aching part it warms and stirs the blood to action no rubbing, mussiness orskin stains. Use Sloan's freely. Its good for all the family. An excellent counter-irritant for rheumatism, neu t ralgia, pains and aches that follow weather exposure, sprains and strains. Buy the largest size bottle, it's more economical, you get 6 times as much as the smaller size. Limffignt You can tell ty its healthy, stimulating odor that it will do you good. All druggists; have Sloan, 35c, 70c, $1.40 1 L r v i x aixia i yenemyy Lavender Pajamas Scare Passengers t - Wealthy Oakland Business Man Loses Suit While Sleeping In Pullman. Oakland, Cal, Oct 9. Attired iu pale lavender pajamas, wearing a straw hat and carrying bamboo cane in one hand and a collar and tie in thj other, a passenger left the train at the Sixteenth street station here, dashed wildly through the station out to a taxicab and was speeded1 away. Today the unconventional traveler had been identified. He was Julius Landsberger, the wealthy president of the Hunt Bros.' Canning company, and he was re turning from a trip toExeter. Tulare county, where he had been inspecting on, of the company's plants. He brought back a fine report, but noth ing much else besides his pajamas. rThj embarrassment of the bystand- era in the station was equaled only by his own; Landsberger found that he was at tireless when he woke up on the way to Oakland. Hence the dash to the taxicab. When he reported the theft to the police on his way home he had to remain in the taxicab while the desk sergeant came out of the station. France Leading World in v High Cost of living Paris, Oct. 23. The cost of living is higher in France than in any other allied or neutral country, according to the report of the council of the league of nations prepared for the Brussels financial conference. The figure 100 is taken as the unit cost before the war of necessities, and the present cost is estimated as follows: Franc 339'England ..235 Italy SOO Holland 199 Norway 2t!i United Statea 198 Swltierland 237 Indigestion Sourness Gases Acidity Flatulence Palpitation Instant relief! No waiting! A few tablets of harmless, pleasant "Pape's Diapepsln" correct acidity thus regulating digestion and ' making distressed stomachs feel fine. Best stomach corrective known. r (B3 1M Only for ladies who end corns ' Dainty shoes are only (or those , who end corns. , The way is simple, quick and easy, and is sure. Millions of people employ it Apply Blue-jay, the liquid or the plaa- ter. That touch will stop the pain. Then wait a little and the com will loosen and come out. 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