-V. V: THE OMAft A SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 24, 1920. 9 f V I v 1 FOR RENT APTS. AND FLAT Unfumishad. t : - "THE ELWOOD" v .j)maha's Most' 'Beautiful Apartment Building We have one apartment left in this ibejutiful building. ,It con sists of, five rooms with six-room efficiency and is finished in, the - ' latest type and design; with such conveniences as incinerator, an extra Murphy-in-a-door bed, burg lar proof wall safe, a wall socket in each room -for your vacuum cleaner, floor lamp, and so forth. Tfce building itself is absolutely , fireproof, being constructed ei con ,cretff steel and brick, which also , makes each . apartment' sound . proof, a feature to be found only .jn buildings of the highest type of construction. f "The Elwood'.V is situated ' on Vine of the most beautiful points-i in wunaee, tne oeauty spot ot Omaha, and commands a mag nificent view of the surrounding territory, , v , There is a lovely lawn, with ar ttstically arranared flowers and shrubs, a beautiful pergola. for the - convenience ana use ot tne occu pants of this building -during jhe - warm summer months. . . -' If you are looking for a real home with all the comforts of same and without the petty ; worries and troubles attendant uport the private uniuijt, it wquia pc weu tor vou to get in touch with us alid make an appointment for an inspection of this apartment. . Y Call Walnut ,2243 , today or oti XL HIATT CO.,1" Tyler 0063. ' 900 First Nat Bank. - THE EL-BEUDOR. ' Dodge, at 18th Street ' V .. . Tyler 4200 i Omaha's fewest, and Finest elusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For. - Future Occupancy. V APARTMENT v FOR RENT A A brand new apartment just ready ror occupancy, win mi m attractive nw features, a splendid tun room fac inr iM east witn a postal M4 In it, Urge living roam, with a fireplace, good steed dining room, . a comfortabla bed room, nnd convenient kitchen, all floor . are oak except in kitchen which la com- p.wiuon, ana Darn which Is tu. Qum wyuu i . 1 1 1 a u , .itinru mDVKny in III agi room, vvte enamel in bedroom and bath. .Fur Urge cloaota. A 'real at tractive tome, welt arranged and well located at. 514 South ilat Street. Rent PETERS tRUSTCO., Tyl!'r M4, ' ' ' Th rnam gta. A R RENT-i-Buitnesa Property. WAREHOUSES .V'w one-story fireproof warehouse. J. t'tO so. ft. apace. Track. CKBI 1305-4-8 Nichola. Warehouse ,, si. i floor space. East end Nicholas St iaduet, , - 4 . . 'WALSH-ELMER CO., . ". ' . REALTORS. ' ' ' Tyler 1SSS SIS, Securities Bids. EXCELLENT; atore room -. for rent. Jot South ltth street. See Foster-Barker 1'oropany, - 301 South lata street, . tele phone Dnutlsa 13(0. I OR RJ5NT Excellent new store building in Mitcneii, a. v. une or tne ova 10. t. atinnn mxne state. N." E.-,ogan Hit- it rneii. b. v. TIRE Id floor. 4080 feet, strictly mod ern,' good offices and workroom; rent reasonable.,1 Wilt give lease. SSS N. 84th- St. '-..', IjBf-.-fr WANTED 100 CARS FOR DEAD Jt& , ' Job. haVtuiws transke STOR- TRANSFER CO., TYLER m OR WEBSTER SH. . WKLIi located storo room, suitable, tor of- fires. Dour. MS. Mr. Kemp.' OARAQE for-rent. I3T. ' 2310 So. 114. Har. MOVING AND 'STORAGE. FIHELIT Y:-!" CO, STORAdB. MOVING, PACKTNO , HOUSEHOtJD.OOODS AND PIANOS. ' -RKASOVARLE RATES. I FREE RENTAL SERIVCE. - . COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, istlv and Jackscn Sts. . Douglas SIS. MOVINO. PACKING. STORAOBv ! FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household , aonds and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. . s OMAHA VAN, AND STORAGE CO., c South lth. 1 - - Doug. 4113. METROPOLITAN ' VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R.-Bown Co. Tyler S490. OLOBE VAN. TRANSFERvAND . STORAGEXIO. For real service In hauling or ator age, call .Tyler 2S - or - Douglas . 4IIS. Auia or wagon service. UNION. TRAN8FER.CO - V x Let Us estimate your moving, packing and storage. Uou Dsvnnport., Doug. HQS. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. r FOR SALE Three ' fancy Boston Tenrier puppies, t male and a female. Thesa rupplea are well up tn the Aquoutum, Ringmaater.and'Tass stock. - No-better Bostons anywhere. Press, S40.I Sit and 7t. Midwest Kennels, C v W. Bl aland, Fremont; Neb. . -j " i - . , ... .. ....... t - COONHUUNVS ano- comDination vjur hunters, cat hound squirrel and rabsNH hounds. Free trial allowed. Also good farm for sale. J. E. ,WUllams,. Selmer. Tenn. " .''. - . - FINE brlndla bulb pupplea, eara trimmed. SIS: i wlra haired fox . terrier . female. it. Kennels. ! go. ltth Street.- MIXED grain 3. pec hundred delivered A. W. -Wagoner. II N. lth D. H4i. FERRETS -for sale, write 1 H. R. . Peek, tl Soiitheas' Stb 6t T)rr Moines, la. CHOICE fern, birds, tlM. Web. H0 IOITNQ thoroughbred1 Boston "terrier. Col- 179..' t , ; . . i - ROLLER Hars mtn. eanartea. . Wal. 0S1T. ROLLER canariee Calf Harney ! 1 YOUNG- dark' singer. Call Web.' IJ4S. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. GOVERNMENT and farm harness and leatlwr collars, i per cent discount. Wrlfe for free prlca Ilat. vDesk No. S. Mid West Harnessv 7 No. lath St PAIR of mares, weight S.5SS Iba, T and t years old. sound. " 110 No. 24th St. " Webster 2i HAT. Ill person delivered.- A. W.' Wag . ner. 101 N. 14th St. ' Douglas H4. Vxwo horsea for sale cheap. No reasoB- abje offer refused. Wat 4111. . i - ONH-4-year-old mare. Webster SIM. J10 No. I4th St ONE light double- harnesar- Jl1) No. 4tb) HORES for 'sale. 'Omaha Bxpresa Co. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. We have some splendid 1919 ticwly painted fords for sale; cash or terms.- Try one and you'll 1uy it. -' -'' - Drive-It Yourself (Co., 1314 Howard St "j- tPoug. 3622. 3I DODOS roadeUr, eerd paaetura proof , ttreav an axtra, bumper, jrpnt tight, and euteot will trade far ettT ,pret artjr. Wabster-me AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE." USED. CARS 1920 6 uick Touring, 1920 Ford Touring. . . , 1 1919 Studebaker 7-passenger. 1919 Cadillac Victoria. 1919 Cadillac v4-passenger. 1919 Stutz '4-passenger. 1919 Hudson Coupe. , 1919 Oldsmobile 8 Sport. . V - 1919 Lexington Touring. -1919 Hupmobile. Touring. 1 1919 Haynes 7-assenger. 1 1919 Paige Touring.' 1919 Overland Touring. , , 1919 ScrippsBooth.- 1919 Allen Sedan. ' 1919 Buick 7-Palsenger. ,191$ Oakland Coupe. ' 1918 Oldsmobile Coupe. 1918 Cadillac 8 Sport model: 1918. Studebaker 7-passenger. 1918 F. A. Chevrole'C y 1918 Chevrot Touring. ' 1918 OMsmoblle Touring. . 1918 Chandler - Touring. 1918 OverlandNTouring. ' 1918 Lexingtoii 6, 4-pass. .. 1918 Oakland Six,- 2-pass. 1918 Chandler 5-passenger. 1918 Ford touring. t - " v 1917( Oakland 5-passenger. 1917 Ford truck. - - , . 1 1916 Hudson, ,7-passenfrer,s : 6-40. - ':- ! . - - f '.:'... - . . 1914 Ford truck. ' v . 1914For4 truei. And many others. MEEKS AUTO CO., 2026 Earnam. Douglas 41,01. r y OLDSMOBILE. ' TWO NEW MODEL 45-B TOUR ING. v - V ONE NEW MODEL 45-B PACE MAKER. - TWO NEW MODEL T OLDS- VTORTI.F- 1 ECONOMY, . TRUCKS, FULLY EQUIPPED. -CLOSED CABS, WIDE BODJES. COMBINATION -STOCK AND ClU ATW-W ACTCS. WHILE THEY LAST AT FAC TORY COST TO ME. . JJJ.PATTON, jr. 1 OMAHA ATHLETIC CLUB. ON account gding ; out of bust- . n ess,, we must sacntice at once: ' 1 1918 Liberty Touring. . 1 192Cr Buick Touring. - '1 1918. Auburn .Touring. : 1 1914 Cadillac. "S, '. ... BoxTlR Dodge, Buicks and Fords A fine line to select from,. Will take your i used - car in exchange. AH season - tops, Ames Speedster and Pleasure bodies for Fords. Dealers' territory open. O'koURKE AUTO CO., 3701,S. 24th St ! South 399. . Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car . We alwiys have a few first-class used cars whicji are real bargains. Eth is guaranteed and , with a real service behind it. ,Call Doug las 1970 any tmie for description of -cars and prices. ' ' " - 1917 . Velie .chummy roadster, over hauled, repainted and good tires. Terms to responsible parties. Call web. 5130. : : ; ' ; , v. ', A FEW, GOOD BARGAINS. ApperaoslT-S chummy.' x Appanon' 17-1 7-passenger. ' . Auburn, almost new. ' quipped with cord tires and wire wheels. . .. HIT Steams, A-l miehanieally. APPERSON NEBRASUpi MOTOR' CO., . S63S Dodge 8t TyUr 4414. FOR SALE ' OR WILL ACCEPf CHEAP AUTO AS FIRST PAYMENT ON ONE OR TWO IX)T8. THESE LOTS ARE PRICBD TO SELL. FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION CALL WALNUT 2812. BRAND new Stuiobaker Special , five corn- nr-, nig oiscount tor easg. mot O-ll.- Bea. .- AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. t'SEDAR PRICES SLASHED ; THE lUCCESa OF THIS BALI WILL NOT Bl IIEASUREb irjCHK MONET Wt TAKE IN,' BUT BT THE NUMBER OF CARS WB 8KLW " ( SAVE II TO 4 PER CENT. 'BEST BUTS.' DODGE SEDAN. Ilka new, all new tires. excellent condition. ' FORMER SALE ll,3t. Quick sale price II. 161, 10 1111 Ford S4aa. good running order, (Ti '- ' HUPMOBILE SEDAN MODEL "N," HIT, excellent condition, new tires. . FORMER SALE W, 260.10 . . v Quick sals price HT8.09 .V " " ' . - 1 OVERLAND. COUPE, llll, newly palndyT, thoroughly overhauled. -j, . FORMER SALE IX4.fl - ..-'. Quick sala price... .'.,475. 10 ' - ' -"f'-.S:V BUICK COUPE, HIT, new tires, mechan ically perfect. ... v w Quick sale price. .HtO.00 CHALMERS touring, . Hit,' newly painted, excellent condition. - ? . FORMER SALE 76.01 Quick sala prl ;.... 1571.00 DODOB roadster, Jl. new tires. FORMER SALE SUlO.OO a-t-'' Quick sala price. .,.,$7.0 " -J .. - i v- . iJfclCK -tourinc; 5I1T . newly Spalnted, bumper, spot light, other extras. FORMER SALE IfOO.OO '' Quick sale price .$76000 BUICKt touring. lull, like new. new top excellent condition. FORMER SALE f 1,110.00 . . . . Qu)ck sala price. ......... ...:.H,125.0O OLDSMOBILE ,"l" touring wspeolal FORMER BALE IST8.1I0 ' . . Quick ,- sae ' price .':$?(, HUPMOBILE tour'ng, HIT, ModeK "Jf," ww conauion. FORMER SALE 1194,00 Quick kala price........ ...... .7St.9 FORr. touring, new ' Ames ' built . bodv. mecnan.cauy pertect... .y ?. . .1271 perfect... .y. :- '. Vi. 4 - f ROJPIK tourmg. J17i ,' newfy painted, tnorouahly overi'iuled. FORMER SAXE 6.0 . Quick, aala price. . . .wi .'. . .S72S.00 HUDSON SUPER SIX touring, 1IM, like -VR; .'I . "am, oiner extras. FORMER BALE 11.490.00 QuIcB sale price ....,.1,1SS. ' " ' ' : j v " t'. ' 2?-i',,-VPl!,l,2nrer' n4Wly tainted. FORMER. SALE Sl.tl0.00 . ' Quick aala price.!,. ......... ...I75.9 PACKARD TWIN SIX. ' original finish, ilka -new ' tire . - . v , .... f . FORMER BALE S4.000.00' Quick aala price. . -...'. lata i model. I now cord :..' f ...... 13,250.00 iirii.g,A OVERLAND Tourii. order. 111,' good ' running FORMER SALE IHO.OO wuica saie price . 1115.00 .... . ' . setter hurrt ip t get that CAR TOU WANT. IT'S HERB WAIT ING FOR TOC MAKE UP4 t6UR MI iNb NOW TO COME TOD AT, . OR . CER ' TAINLT TdMORROW. K , . TERMS IF TOU WISH. OPEN SNDATS 10 TQ-J. . OPENr EVENINGS. JA AIJTO EXCnANGE COMPANT, !05l FARNAM STREET. BUY A gUY Li SMITH USJU IAK -b ' '. .V - . ' '1 ... The man who buys a Used Car wants three thlngs A good dependable automobile. A rea? lonable lnveststTrt. and a satis factory aervica after purchase. All our cars are of standard make, lata models and carefully selected. - Wo refuse mora of .'.? xchangaa than wa accept. AH our cars are priced right 7jr we do not exchange on any b"l except aotual worth. All our cars are guaranteed to . ba satisfactory and our -wall au'risk ?'Pr0t,5,"u rom Salaa Floor ready to go. They "" H ; ood, dependable auto-- s&"2oMoA.d itSUa ..'.- v . . f , . Hudson Super Six Tourings. Hudson Super Six Sedans. Hudson Super Six LlmouslnoT V H.ud.'"Ln.Super Sl JSpeedater. V Studebaker Roadster. 1 Havnes Tnnrfnv I 1 WlHys-Kr.lght -Coupe. Oldsmobile Sedan. - Ford Sedan. N "X JKIIly-Knlght . Touring.' Lexington Tourlnr. ;Vi .!n.wsJ ot.hr ,u out-ot the pslrrt shop in a few day ; -Wf will be glad to show van any car st any time. . Visit oust BUY A GUY L. SMITH , : USED CAR: , ' , A Safe investment A :th Farnam Streeta. Phone D. - if ft. I - -BEST VALUES V-f . - IN USED FORD CARS Jf ALWATS". FOUND AT ' THE sJ to'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., . . - - , 1,1 (Ths Handy. Ford. Service Stating.)' ,. ; 1TH AND JACKSON STS.. V DOUO. 3500. , llll FOUR-PASSENGER Stuta, newly painted this spring; I good cord tlraa and wire wheels; car in excellent shape; will sell at sacrifice; also 14 -ton GMC I truck equipped with pneumatic tlrea, 1 extra;. S bodies, grain and stock; priced to sell . right.' Address Box StS, Aurora. N.eb. - APPERSON NEBRASKA MOTOR CO... " 22$ DODGE ST. . TTLER 448$! , .' THREE BARGAINS , ' AND' IN -A-l, CONDITION. , y APPERSON 1S-I SEDAN. ' APPERSON 1S-I CHUMMT. i ' AUBURN 8PECTAI ALMOST NW.; HIT MAXW!'. v: lu excellent con dition. Call Web. 'till, . , . AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Every One a Bargain , -. i . .. . ; ' Cadillac Sedan, Ilka new. Hudson Se dan, extra good; Hudson Conupe. like new; 'SO Naah tourfhg; Overland Sedan; 'II Cadillac touring; 'II Overland tour ing; 'It Chevrolet touring; 'IS Frank lin touring; 'It Studebaker alx touring; 'II Saxon stx touring; 'II. Chalmers six Mourlng; 'II Ford Sedan; 'IT Overland MadsterrJJVHynes six touring; 14 . Stfarna KnTglttvtourtngs 1T Allen tour- lng. Several Ford tourings from Silt ?., Kvery car. guaranteed and ready to hit the road. We give terma , to respon sibly' parties: , I -rr . - i- ' . " . Trawver Auto Co; Douglaa 1070.' till Farnatn. X ' PRICED RIGHT " ' " ."' and I" " . ' EASY TERMS .. t '. . i " i .One Oldsmobile touring, 1100 down, .balance easv terms, . j ; , ; One ChevrUTft . touring. 10 down, balance easy terms. V i ' . v - . -A . Qna Oakland touring, ioo down, bal . anca essy terms. N OnaoW iedVn, like hew.r ' ' Marsh-Oakland. Go., Cth and Harney Sty y Douglas S2S1. T -"A FORDS BUlCKS DQDOKa , NfcW AND USED CARS. ' WINTER TOPS, FORD BODIES. i.ff-- , V CASH OR ,TtME. iGOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., ' llll." HARNET "1ST. PHONE TT. ' 714. i . ' BARGAIN ;- ' - r in l-passengrr touring; good tires; new top ; newly Minted ; fine running order. IJS0 for quick sale. Inquire SIOT S. I lih St. or call Tv.'uSl after 5:S0 b. m.l BEAUTIFUL 14.000 Hit -passenger Na ,. tlonal Sextefor cash sale at 12,760 for aulck--action. Vfotlonala -are wonderfully It good cars of higher type of workman. f ship, In finish and mechanically. Like -t .' j. . . ... "A OMAHA MOTOR CO., ' . . Douglas 1134. f v 'J -. .. . . A; ; . . , . ,. HAVE taken iiii Stephens salient six on trade for real .estate which I-wlll sell Veasorable, or -what have you to trade. Box R-17. '- i-c V" v FCfR SALE AT A BARGAIN. . : MY 'FOUR-PASSENOBR WILLYS KNIGHT yCOUPE; - TERMS IF, DE SIRED. CALL HARNET 6066, v ASK .1 -4- , WE SAVE YOU r -nrt of every 110 on auto .nArance. Phona Douglas 77S. 311 Peter j Trusl Bldg. Continental Inv. Co, SPME basgains in used, Ford rara Me Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy "Ford Service Station; 16th and Jackson. Ooug las KtfO. ,v . . - FOR .SALE Stearns Knight 4-cyl.. 6-paR-. ..Xi fr;...i if... J. pegfoct condition. 1861 cash. Must tell by Monday. Harney 366S, WANTED For. spot cash. 100 jsed cars quick action; no' delay. Auto Exchange Co.. SCSI Farnam St. Dougtaa 60?l ' DUMP body, IV, or 1-ton. and.. Wood's Hoist for sale, very reasonable. ' Inquire 1501 Marcy St. Tyler 176; THE DIXIE FLYER, . 7" W.' R. NICHOLS MOTOR CO?iPAMT. 25iQ Farnam St. OAKLAND Ser.ilbla Six. MARSH-OAKLAND Co . 20th Harney Bfs. " WE have .10 good tmni . All tirl.M used cars to nelec' MEEKS AUTO CO. 8026 Farnam. " REO 6, 7 -passenger, 5 new tires, original .W tlr. Heiv1nl nnisn, like new. Webster 0721. . Phoire Harney. 6Z56 or 1 1120 Ford touring. 1. llll Studebaker hlc six. Phonn Dnuelas 834. . FORD truckNbody in first class condition. Closed cab. Walnut 1060. ' .-1 - - DODGE touring, 1118 model, at a Jrgaln Painting and Repairing. AUTO -WRE REPAIRING. VULCANIZERS. SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT. Sectlona,! molds, . half circle' molds, re treading ' molds, truck molds. ' Machine skived shoes .and rellners, cord ana raDric. job lots first and second tires; odd -size tires; self-curing tubes noil AlitA tnn YMtrhln J '6,000 JOxJi, N. S. Fidelity fresh firsts, wrapped., uu'A on uooaricn list. 2.000 tubes, $2.00 up; assorted sizes. 20.000 Blowout Patches, $22.60 hundred. 100 Reteread Bands, assorted sizes, $2 each. --.',' 2.000 First Rellners, $3 up;, assorted sixes. Second-hand equipment. - J JUVJSKITHiNU FUK 'THE VULUASIJ- - INO .TRADE. Out-of-town' Dealers . write .. VULCANIZERS SVPPLT CO. 2112 FARNAM St.. Omaha, Neb., Har ney 6SS2... ' " ' AUTO painting. 2761 Burt. H. Sill. Tires and Supplies. NEW-TJRE9. FIRST-GLASS. - SOxS ..,..lr I 32xS.......r$44.U S0X2H 11. IS j 82x4 20.IS 86x4 i...... 20.11 I 24x4 ....... 50.15 Goodrich Guaranteed Ford Tobea. S2.S0. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1722 .CUM INO. NEW TIRES, SO PER CENT DISCloUNr 40x8- ..$ 1.76 32x4 ..$1.S5 88x4 1I.5A 80x3 H. 82x3 11.10 14.10 34x4 ' "20.00 Mali Orders Filled. STANDARD TIRE CO.. 410.N.16TH ST, 1 NEW TIRES,. 60 PER CEN' 40x2 .......$ 1.76 I S2x4 NT DISCOUNT. ..$11.25 .. lf.SO .. 20.00 ' . . n . . ... .... 1 n . , evxersjv ...... -ti.YV 1 n. , ... $2XH..,V... 14.f0 1.34x4 munivn irtnv r-r, ii. xr 1 cTij rt Accessories. . ' USED .TIRES. - i SOxl.' $6.00; tost. $6.00, -- AH. sizes in proportion. Look over our rebuirta. Open Sundays. Tyler 3986. SAVIGB TIRES. A fOS'N. lth St. ' Keystone Tir Shop. , FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans - DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY, LOANS. t,oWst rates. Private loan -booths. Harry MaiasnocK. 151 idge. l). Ml! ks. iisi. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS . O'KEEFE ,,RBAL ESTATE CO., 1011 Om. Nat. Bk. -Bldg. Doug. 1716. PRIVATE MONEY. f 1100 to $10,000 made promptly.' F.;D. WEAD, Wead Bldg., 810 8. llth Sr. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN tk COMPANY. Doug. 4S28 I'ROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money.'' .Garvin Bros 34S Omaha Nat: $21 WI1VL rent space ton your car until March1 1. 1121, at 1601 Slurry St. Hart- ung'a Transfer Co. Tyler 1171. LEAVING for California and must sell Ply llll model, Mitchell 6-passenger, heap. In .. fine ahape. Run les thac -1,000 nvtles. Will- trade for dlantond ar . on lots. Web. 3438. r -."V DODOB SEDAN. , Late llll 4-door Dodge sedan, newly painted and In perfect shape; bargain price. 1120 8. 31th St.- v- FORDSs DODGES. BUICK FOR SALE OR 'TRADE. EASY TERMS. CALL S. 814. 0:ROURKE AUTO CO.. $701 Sv 24th St. Stocks and Bond. MONEY In bands. $60 in vest ei in foreign certificates gives opportunity to make $600, $100 will makM $1.1007 Prices low . .Art -nulck. Forrian StoHirltles Ass' a, S04 Dwlght Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo.iV FOR SALE or trad. :. io-arro oil lease tn ' on nf the most promising oil sections i" of Jryia.' leaving clt-. make'me an offer. Boa 0-JI, Omaha Be.' : . . r . ' yK - A FINANCIAL. stocks arid . Bonds. FOR SALE Any part 40.000 marks, Ber lin 4 bonds at 117.60 pVr 1,000 marks; any part JO.OUO francs French govern ment 4 1117 bonda at tl&JN per 1.000 franca AO. Anderson, Peteraon, IaK FARM LANDS. Alabama Lands. S'l Of . freealngr Rnlse stook Cheaply. (Vine south. Bargain, 42J acres, H-mlle ' HRlin clty limits (county seat), on Bunkhmd National highway; improved, . all splendidly fenced and cross-fenced with woven wirrS0 acres fine valley, well-watered, splendid soli. Ideal cli mate, exceedingly healthful; perfect title, house, uaraa, orchard; ideal stock farm; S2A acre, halt cash. 'Pay buyer's fare- bath ways. Cheuvront, Heflin. Al. ' California Lands. SEND now for free booklet, "How To Be Successful In the Real Estate Business." Statu present occupation, Mecdomxld Co-Operatlvo Renlty Co., San Dtego, Cal. Colorado Lands, SEE US for good wheat .corn and alfalfa farms neari Denver. Cheap lands, fine schools, fine roads. Ask the men who live here and know. Bennett utealtx Co. v Bennett, Colo. 4-7 140 ACRES Burlington, Colo., S00 down or will take Omaha property. Colfax 4113. Florida Lands. ESTABLISHED poultry farm for aalavln Florida consists of following, It acres. land unencumbervd on hard road, S ha been cleared and cultivated, small house , barn, 46 hen houses, 2 brooderhouses, .100 capacity each; duplex heater Incuba tor, total capacity 1,000 eggs; Fair- . banks pumping . system; 406 pullets, some beginning to lay; 200 yearling hens . and 25 cocks for next year's breeders, all white I'eggiorna: Cadillac car, good' tires', fresh cow, heifer calf, tools, ate. Poul try clears 12.500 a year. Tour own milk. eggs, butter, meat and Vegetables ana fuel reduce living expenses, A cnanco to step Into an Independent, already es - tabllshed business, where money begins returning th4 next day. Will pay your fare back If you find anything misrep resented. Price, 17,501.00. Don't write if you haven't cash, Because this is no ' forced sale. Seminole ' Poultry . Fi Rt. 4. -Box 267, Jacksonville) leyFla. Iova Lands. CAN offer 6 well improved Iowa farms -in exchange for city ..'neotne prope-ty, mortgages er good nptes. Can handle any ,sised deal. E. Pi Lucer dt Co., Storm Lake. Ia. - WANTED To War from owner of farm ' ot unimproved land for aalo. Mrs. W. Moth, Hlpark, 'Pes .Moines, la. Kansas Landsr IMPROVED FARMS Tms; 0 acres, tS, acre; SO acres. 174 acre; 80 acres - n-.lla towDi-POsacssioii.'Ctop, go 1100 acre. 13,000-wlll handle, balance per cent; j 160 acres, lot tillable, level land, owner old, boys left, must sell, SS acre, in cumbrance 11,700. P. H. Atchison, Wa- verly. -44a n. . ' ' ; FOR SALE. . ' 1.286 .iacres very Best corn andk wheat . land. 132.10 per acre. Also good raneh. ' Near Catholic church. Terms. . Emery R Ray, Ingalls, Kan. - Michigan Lanfls. Landseekers . Big opportunity -in Michigan. Hard wood -land 116 td 35cer acre. 10 to '160 a. Small -down payments, easy terms on balance. Big money in grains, stock,' poultry or fruit, i Big illustrated . booklet free on request. . Swigart Land Co., J1S5S First . Nat'I. . Bank Biog., Chicago, Il. innesota Lands. FARMLESS MEN 1100 will aUrt you to- .. it .......kin r . rm hrtTn. . ,OIU Kiiv uniiTiniui. -v .--.-- , Land .. that will produce general farm cropa inr one or siinnesoiu ur ties. In 40. SO-acre tracts or. up, S100 "down and $10 a month on each 40 Write for our free map of Aitkin county Thorpe Bros., 201 Andrus Bldg., Minna- apons, Minn. FOR SALE 160 acres 2H miles east of . Creighton. Neb., 15 acres under ultl , vatlon. House anM- outbuildings n- first class condition. Address Jos, Sholin, 8154 Indiana St.. Ban Diego, cni. Missouri Lands. 160 ACRES. Barton Co. farm; all under oitltlvatlAfir vood imDrovements: drill- lng for oil in vicinity; price. 70 acre; Address 1104 Sycamore, cartaage, mo. Nebraska Lands. xo tou want a farm , or ranch ALL READT FOR TOU TO MOVE ONTO ijompiete wun jiorses, narnees, Implements and appllancea if desired? I hava some .elegant places "at big bar gain prices. If you want to got away from tne paying or sign rent or me turmoU and grasping conditions or the lty. ly, thew write roe for my. list oi or rincs or call on me at the Roma hotel ; rt-r tn Omaha- either' Saturday, Sunday, or . . . . "ma - n ' ac v ll, & laonaay.-viciooer 40, o. b ycu teems cf from one-fourth to one hulf down and- the balance back in an nual payments. My places range from 160 acres up to as high as 1,440 acres in a body. Act immediately. uite ion and til ' Rome hotel. Arah L. Hungerford, Crawford, ' Neb. "Ttr LaneM of Independence '"The oardenN Be yond the .Sand Hills." - : . . SS ACRES mlles north of Florence; JO better per acre; good 6-roqm house, barn 1 . jm (i . . r a u .... 1 nn. UIJU suuu wen. fiuv yox twe.- f.v. cash will, handle. 40 acres adjacent to' above 80; has amali house and barn, also gooa wen; 1 ' acre raspberries ; part . of the rest un der cultivation. Price 1160 per acre. $2,000 cash will handle.. Call Sunday Weeth-Herron Cor, 2414 Ames Ave.. , Colfax 0926. Immediate Possession r 'Nisei Improved. Perkins count.. Ne braska, farm, 640 acres. Only $66 an . acre, 116,000 cash, balance 10 years ar 6. Best black 'soil, clay subsoil, 270 ncrea seeded to fall wheat, all goes to nurchsser. 1 miles frbm town: special reasons for selling. H interested writ Perkins . County State Bank, Grainton, FINE laying, quarter, near-' Murdock; T1 tillable; good Improvements; orcr-ara, fine blue grass pasture, $0 acres wheat; 1 rrifco, $265; one-fourth down, balance long time. Box '75, Springfield, Neb. . 4.00otACRKS Box Butte county farm land, $25 to $38 an acre in Half section lots i 8. s. 7and r. b, montqomert. ' 1 215 City National Bank Bldg. North' Dakota Lands. OWNER retired from farming offers at a , bargain .fully equipped 800 acres farm south of Beach. N. D.,-800 acrea culti vated, no waste land, good soli, good buildings.' Personal property alone worth 116,000.- .1 Might, consider some trade. Owner. James-Nelson, 2600 Elliott Ave., ' Minneapolis, -Minn. .1 Texas Lands. 1,000-ACRE ranch on main line of rail road, 40 milea from San Antonio, Tex. -400 acrea -jn cultivation (100 bales cot ton raised on place thta year), balance ' timber; IS buildings, store (30x60). bank, postofflce and school house re-enforced concrete:- hotel: $10,000 modern rest L. oenca 's artesjan wells; running water buildinka: railroad and running stream through ranch: 11 tenant nouses, also hotel -rented; aofl will raise corn, cotton, strawberries, watermelons, pea nuts, feed And garden truck ; good for fine stock or colonization; owner old, ' wishes ."to- retir;' tract with lmprove mfits.' $76 per acre;' bank references; - comeor-, sand -representative; wire .for descriptive circular. Box' 107, Pleaa- airton, .Tori '. ' . Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY special number just out con talnlng 1820 facts M clover lurid in Marinette county, Wisconsin. If 1 for a (home or as an investment yon are thinking of . buying , good farm lands where farmers ajrow rich, send at once ..for this. special number of Landology. It , Is free on request. Address Skldmore Rtehls Land Co., 433. Skldmore-Rlchle Bldg.. Marinette, Wis. - Virginia Lands. HOMESEKKER3 send for Virginia farm nsi. uept. 6. Kmporis. va, Miscellaneous. 275 Acres, $7,000, with 17 Cdws, 5 Horses', Crops and thoroughbred bull, 4 calves, poultry, II pigs, wagons, machinery, tools, gaa en l gine.'large quantity potatoes, oats, corn, -' fodder, - So- cords - fitted wood;, great moneymaker; near R. R. village; 17S acres, loam fields, big eroos: 40-cow Spring-watered, wire-fenced paature, ea-4 timated . in.000 cords . .wood, . .valuable tlmbef. nearby market; 100 sugar ma- I plea, many fruit- trees; 12-room house. i.'iwfl un.t-uiciii i'.i II. , u 1 1 ii i .1 H n .mi lioth .other . buildings;- owner made mnnty. hereof etirlng; Includes every thing; only I7.0HO, part cash, balance easy- terms. Details Page 23. 'Stroutt big new IlluStmtled catalog farm bar gains, 83 state. Copy free. Strout Farm Agency, 831 D.el'.. New York Life, Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. - - . v24;ACRES IMPROVED , ; Graham-iPetcrs Realty Co.. ' $:iOmsha Nat- Bl;. Bldg..- Omaha, Neb. . Douglaa SSI. . . Evenings Wat 1108.. Bee want ads arebest business geltes. . "' FARM LANDS. Miscellaneous. T1XA8 OIL IASKS AND CHEAP LANDS Several thousand acres ebole leases and fee lands near drllrlrg walls In twenty jountiea In Central, Went and Southwest Texas. New fle and ten-year ' leases, good titles and very low rentals. For quick, action wlll.muke ynu bst ' prices you aver, heard ot. Write -fir wlra for prlcea " ' A, F. LUSE; : -4SJ Burton Bldg." Fort. W.Vrth. Tex. 31. Acres Two mllea from Ak-Sar-Ben and avia tion field. Nice, sightly building spot, running, water. Price IJ25 per acre. We lio have a, large list ot Improved tracts, 4 to 8a acres, close to Omaha. CKeefe- Real Estate Co., , REALTORS, T Doug. 8715. 10y Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. RATlESTAtE . WANTED REAL ESTATE : will buy .Omaha Improved real estate to thj value of $200,000, brick flats and small apartments preferred. Giye Mil description and price In ilrst letter. Box R4 Opialia Bf?e." " y WE WANT HOUSES TO SELL, Buyers galore! Come in and see us. IT J. .MULVIHILL, Realtor. ' , 200 Brandets .Thea. Bldg. 1 Phone Doug. 0096V: "WanteJ-House8 to Self Our organization backed by ft years of experience in real eatata is at your service ; buyers call pn us every day. We need 'listings In all parts of the city.' , . '. . : - , . McCague Intestnfent Qo., Doug. 1545. . '" 150S Dodge St. (irouna rioor. WE WANT HOUSES . . . TO SELL V r ' Especially ' houses that - can be sold for from 1500 to 11.000. cash and balance monthly.- Let u know what you have to sell and wa w'.ll sell It for you. Creigh, Sons & Co., tOI Bee Bldg. . ' Dotfglas 0200. LISTINGS wanted. Homes, flats, , apart ,, ments, business property. Try us, for ' quick results. 40 years in eTmaha. DUMONT &-UU., 416-411 Keeline Bldg. Doug. IIP. To buy qr sell Omaha Real Estate ace F0WiER;&.M'DONALD W20 City-Nat. BU. Bldg. - Douglaa 1'4J0. tOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE' Want quick afitlonT Just try us Call Tyler 496. 1 ' OSBORNE REALTT CO.. 430 Bea BldgT HAVE buyers with 1500 cash down. List with us. R. F. Clary Co., 2404-OS- Jk.ma ' Ave.. North Omaha Realtors. Colfax 175. ' - W. aSHRIVERR.B.e.E.!TAT t v r w v i I'aUI ta.iia.-v 10471 jjmalia Nat- Bk.-Bldg. Doug. 1689. HAVE inquiries for homes; do you want to' sell you property i,isi wnu- v. A. Grimmel, Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. LMT your home with me of I' yu ars r looking for house . se, me, Frank' i Panowlch, 3t Paxton Blk. HAVE buyers' with $8(0 cash down.i List with vUs. ...R. F. Clary Co 24J4-08 Ames ' Ave., North Omaha, RealtoriTCot. tl7t. WANT homea In colored nelghborhaoo, Benjamin A Frankenberg. Doug. V22 REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE DOUBLE flat building, close in. In first-class condition. Renting $960 a year.. Encumbrance $5,0Q0. Will exchange equity for clear quarter Kansas, Nebraska, or South "Da kota landC Box R-6, Oniaha Bee. 1 HAVE a modern 6-roonv house, hot water ' treat, -in- good neignporncoo in T.lnnnln. will nwhann fjlr t . Will exchange wt rne Mine n Omaha. Direct owner. 2008. S 26th. St. T I...1. ... SUBMIT" what,, yon have: to offer in ex change for mortgages : on mwa - Ian ' Can put in some cash. L. B. 367, Storm ' Lake, la. - ' - v . WANTED 5 or S room all modern, good location, have Sterna-Knight 1820 model and some money. Room 247, Paxton ' Hotel.---' '-.,'.-';" ' - S REAL ESTATE UNIMPROygP- J TRACKAGE ; ; CORNER 88x142 1 - IMPROD ' Old frame warehouse which rents for $125 per month. Will pay you good tn- tarest on your ' investment until you-aru ready to build. Located at 13th and - Nicholas.' See us about thiB. The price ". is low. ' A ' .1 . . WALSH-ELMER CO.' " : REALTORS " - Tyler 163. -333 Securities Bldg. - 10 ACRES WITH. FINE IMRROVEM&NJS Ttlah and sVrhriv: nothing finer around Omaha; large, comforts ble house 1 with bath, flectrlo . lights and other elty conveniences, . itorage,. f oeanpg . orchard, shade -trees' and' shrubs. Close -to elty limits," dno road ordered paved. . Moro land mv to 70 acrea If wanted,- i DUMONT & CO., i 416-18 Keeline Bldg.,: Omaha. Phone' D.SIO WB HAVB an unusually well locate. piece of trackage at 7th' and, Leavenworth, , S1v13 iranltm An bnth aMea. At ,'lizht '. price Alfred Thomas. 1.04 Flrat J.'at'i name. . -i --j ' Trackage. ELEVENTH atreet trackage; $5j per tt. v S. P. BOST.WI h " r . . ' , REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, T V . ;' APARTMENT , : WEST -FARNAM- " ' ' . . .' .',".. ': . " ft- ' New two-story brick building, consisting , of six five-room . apart ments. .Large -66xl24-foot "corner k lot, one block' to car line. Oak finish throughout, steam beat. Pres ent income 4,eu per year, uwner has put an exceptionally . low-price .'.of $28,500 fkr quick sale on terms of. leai than one-half cash, Shown by appoiritmentNjnly; Sunday call Walnut 5032, Z : ; . - " : J. LHIATT CO., V Naff Bank Bldg.' f N 900; First Nail Bank Bldg. '": . - Tyler 09,63, INCOME $,686o per . year. - This - should interest- youin a brick apartment, located close-to down town business., sect itfn,- within 7 minutes' walk -tJ postoffice. " - Three apartments of Jl .rooms cach,v with ,4i Dedroomsvin i each, I apartment;;, modern in every re spect; J4 block, distant from 4 car lines; paving paid; in .full." ,, For price and erm?, which are very reasonable, $aJlUi ; V yv ' SHULERi' CARYi v realtors) 'v , Douglas 5074. 203-8 Keeline BJdg. INCOME $1,800 PRICE ,113,500 Duplex pressed' brick flat, near Bodge St., all oak finish, T rooms on each side, This proposition Is a clean, sura invest ment ano wiiipar it per cent, net on money invested.' ( Terms. BEDFORD -"JOHNSTON COMPANY,;- Wead Bldg. Doug. 17J4. VrLSW-BI.MBR- CO.,' - Realtors. Real r.STate. Invent nint. lnstiranre. Rentals. Tyler 1138. 81$ Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. BARGAIN LOTS Anticipate Wxt season's lower building hcosb by buying well-located vacant lt now at pre-war - prices. - two lull tots 1 uiock norm or iwrug park, cement walk, water, sewer, etc Only 1600. v - - 4111 Poppleton. ' Fit lot with shads, on atreet car line. 6. . Twenty-fifth and Titus (Minna Lusa.) High and sightly, surrounded by aeauu ful- homes, paving, ornamental lighting, eto A bargain at ll.soo. vary small cash payment required and only. $11 peg mnnili t hufaa t ter. - - .. 1. Forty-thtrd and Pierce and 48th and Piolflr. ' Seven excellent lots ehwa to Leavenworth Heights. $100 each. feflEDD - INVESTMENT .COMPANY,: ,187 RsUeTfcy Exohanfe. v Douglas 42(4. 2-STORY BRICK LARGE CORNER . - . ,v -'-,... ,v ' .i j . -i ' ' ' Are you looking fof- ' lwatlon 1 for your business? Here's a building built In llll, about ,11,000 square feet of floor space. Fine steam heating plant, mod ern plumbthg... Large- corner lot. with plenty of roor for additional ImpTove- mentar Priced at far teas than tha worth of the building alone. $20,000. . About a third .rash WALSH-ELMER CO., ; Tylet; 1631. . 838 .Scurities Bldg, Tlose-In Investnient Two prnsaed brick flat bullrings' with 3 apartmenta of 7 rooms in each build ing, making S fine apartments; oak fin ish, separate heating plants and every thing right up to tha minute; Urge, ' close-in corner ' lot. An elegant Invest 1 ment. Present Income $450 per month end irents .are fowArlce, S43.O0, but might consider less tot quick cash deal. . Mortgaga $26.000. . J- , BEDFORD" - JOHNSTQN COMPANY, . - Wead Bldlj. Doug. lT?4.. DOUBLE STORE ; BUILDING FOR $4,000 The building Is 45x50, having two sep arate store rooms; each has a lerga base ment, bricked up: foundation of building tuns to bottom of cellar; separata toilet n each" bkwement; stalrwiy to second flooas f Ive'rooms over each store, hav ing bath. And gas. Building needs soma) repairs, but could ba made to bring In t rental of $100 per month'. Lot is 68x 124. Located on 24th St. car line. BK1 BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE. . . . x - W..H. GATES, - 647 Omaha National Bank Bldg. P. 1284. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. BEAUTIFUL BEN SON HOME 7 ROOMS :50L6TS r ; Just listed, this home on .(SSth and Evans, a very attractive place . with elegant trees and shrubbery. House consists of. large. Jiving rnnm arroe the? front. COod sized Mining room and kitchen onfirst floor, 4 good sized tedropms ana bath oh second. Full cement base- ment and good furnac. This? is the biggest bargain we have listed - for' a : ldng ; time. The .owner is moving away. $2,000 cash re quired to handle.. Call Tyler OOSfl and ask for Mr." Nelson, i Sun day Harney 6870. ,' V HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 HarneyvryleV , BENSON HARGAIN , how Five-room, modern ' home 'ground enough' for a small track - farm; lot, lOSxlW; bearing cherry trees; sldewaHu All In, Call Colfax 5214 Sunday or evgs. R. F. CLARY. CO., V ' r ' '.REALTORS.' ' Dundee. BEAUTIFUL DUNDEE HOME COMPLPJTED An exceptionally well construct , " ed of brick and Flexatile stucco. Has vestibule with'tile floor, cloak closet, large living room, fireplace, sun room, dining-room finkhed in beautiful-oak, breakfast rdom, but ler's pantry, kitchen and refrigera tor room finished in white enamel. " Four bedrooms and tile bath oil secpnd floor.- Ivory enamel finish. , Large closets. ; Third- floor, two . grooms and ba,th, also large store room. Fully equipped basemtnt, jCpal bin.-fruit closet, toilat, laun "dry, etc.. Very oett materials used throughout and real workmanship. ,Yird will be graded. You may se Mecf lighting fixtures. Located on 51st St.; between Dodge and Far nam. Inspection invited.- ' ' THE BYRON REE C0M Doug. 0297. 1612 Farnam St s NEW DUNDEE 4 HOME 308 South 50th Street Just completed and ready for immediate possession. Six rooms, two-stort and attic. Living roon I i ana aming . room, iiniencu dciuii- fully in inahogany.: .specially at " tractive fi'replMe ju thislarge living- room. .Convenient kitchen jvitrfr -built-in ; features'aftd one- piece iSink,;. all in 'Jiyory, enamel. Threev. large bedrooms 'and tile bath inv ivory enamel. . Full plas tered hasemeilt, with separate laiin-. dry and- stationary tubs. House completely decorated. All wih- dows and-doors . weitherstripped. . Yard iV beautiful condition, with t growing shrubsj, Dewnspouts con ',. nected to wer. This is one of . the, best .' buys in . Dundee ' right , now and priced right at $13,000. ' Attractive terms. ; Let us show , you this home.., V ' ' . . MatS0N & SMAILS, li4 Gi(y Kat. Bank. Doug 8102. ; i ; A Real -BargaiiT . t 6-room all modern,5 ' 2-story ifrartie residence in .Dundee, just what vou have been looking for. Only $8,500, $3,S00 ash and easy terms.. 'Call Walnut 2812 forpar tlculari. , .r ' . . Dundee District -room modern i heme half block ' to ear, 4 roorlla on first floor, - 4 bedroom and bath en seeond. Trire, - $4.iS; terms. . , - , , - 1 .-- . . 4 pha. - E. lelman, ' REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. N.EW STUCCO HAPPY. HOLLOW , . ; B0ULEVfRT3 ' ' . ' Right rooms.' double garage. ' Just re cently completed and now ready - for H occupancy. Large living room with " fireplace. Sun room - adjoining. Large, square dining , roooi. Kitchen , with ' bullt-ln cablnots and breakfast nook. . , Three masters bedrooms, enclosed, heat ed sleeping porch, and tiled -bath on second. (Large, comfortable servants' k.lpAim with lirlval tiatto. on third. tPnlilt r.m.nl.il hlMm.nl with floor -' drain and axtra toilet. . Vapor, stean heat.- Oalt floors throughout, Includ Ina. servant's ouartars on third. Walnil earn 111 : , lnntv, wkllA .n.m.K flnlah I '.wtll.t.l V dacoVated. PrlceX only 121.904. Veryt liberal Acrms. , , . WALSH-ELMER CO., : REALTORS. Tyler 118$ 33$ Securities Bldf. TUP F IT. REAL BUNGALOW BUYS 1. This H a new -room stucco bungalow in Dundee and it has many bullt-ln features, Including fireplace. A real buy, with a cash payment of $2,800 , and balance monthly. - . '", . No. : Owner leaving town and will modern bungalow in Minns Lusa and Ik worth the monny. You enn buy for $2,000 Cash and tha balance monthly.--' Address 8448 Wh'tman Ave. No. 3 Owner leaving - town and will" -sacrifice his beautiful 8 -room bungalow. -r-Located on corner lot, paving, all paid . t; . All oak" floors, ak 'and whit enamel finish. Five laige rooms and bath of) , .one floor. Big attic., full basemejif, garage. Many bullt-lnMeatures. t-i . arrange easy terms. Sea this .at once. , Sunday call Walnut 4767, ,-', We have several other good bungalows tor sat and would be glad to talk to -you about them " " -CreigK, Sons & Co., ' 808 Bee Bldg. . Douglas S$. STOP. T.OOK1 LISTEN! STOP at tOOSi Webster St. this afternoon., house open for inspection, snd LOOK at that t-story Kellestoiin home,' with attractive living room with brick - .fireplace said bookcases', large dining .room: up-to-'dgte kitchen with cozy ' a.MalF4j mXXV An e f vas s, onrn rooms,' abundance of closet room; tiled bathroom with bullt-ln tub and ped-7 estal lavatory; extra toilet -and lav,... , ' atory between two bedrooms; nice base,. ment with laundry tubs. - toilet, fruit, . room, etc. Beautiful lighting -fixtures and artistic decorations; .now, LISTEN, 'this house was but by owner for hl -home, haa.Just been finished and can ( give Immediate possession full lot; paved alley ; all specials paid. - Don't - fall . to Inspect this Ikeautlful home; , , L remember It,, will ba open all afternoon, i iUUA X . . - . ' '- . . C. A. ORIMMEL, Realtor. ','" Om. Natl. Bk. Bldg. Phone B. 1418 ::TZ . tft SOUTH S1ST AVE. - ' ' Somebody will et this bargain. Will you-ba the lucky -one? A dandy kella--atone, S-room and sleeping porch, locat- ,, j ed on th prettiest street in Dundee, nt overlooking . Happy Hollow- Blvd. 1st.,,. floor, living room, 14x27 with brick fire. . place, bullt-ln bookcases, dining room' '" ' 1 8x14, . run room, kitchen, refrigerator 7"," room, tlledvestlbule, Snd floor,' 4 bed rooms aruTtwated sleeping porch, tiled bath, oak finish on first floor, Ivor - - enamel on Snd floor, full basement with 't plastered Walls. - Thig home will be open " "' today from 10 a. m. to I p. m. Drive t'V . out and look this over ss this is a rea'l t"."; bargain. Open- week days from 8 a. m, to i p. mi Owner will be then to show you through.- Prlca $13,000 for qulelc -v sale, will make allowance for decoratloaa17 "' and light, futures, $4,100. cash will handle. - - - ' . ,ri DUNDEE', ' ' This beautiful, home, - consisting of 8 .fine rooms on two floors and two fln-i Wished rooms on third: has every mod-r ern convenience on could wish, lncfud- .Mng breakfast reem,.alaeplng porch, fire . place, hot water heat,, cistern and a lot . 100x138 beautifully- landscaped. Must be seen to be a, appreciated, and can sell , on reasonable .terms. Call .us for- appointment.-'', '.. .; v, . . L Jf. SHOLES CO., ; ,-sV BEALTOB8, Douglas SOi.. tll-XT City National. DUNDEE located "mear , 10th .' and California streets, 8 rooms and sun porch-Jet floor; ;'T 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, 2d floor: 8 complete baths; lAald's room' and bath --id floor; oak finish, and oak- floors .1 .... throughout furnace '.heat; -pasement plastered; 1-car garage. '.Price. $14,600.v- GEORGE & CO., " , Ty'.ef 30J4. $01 CltjNat'l Bank Brag. t New Happy Hollow Home Large 7-rootn home,'-finished In' oak, ,n with white enamel upstairs, .tlledbath. .. t fireplace, double garage, sunroom, etc. All ready to move Into. Price $14,800, on easy terms, or might consider (malt mod ern home as part Pay. v; -rr BEDFORD JOHNSTON, COMPANY, Wead Bldg." .- - Doug. 1784-- J DUNDEE VACANT CORNERS -J? ' i . - - . . . . , . ' 81st and Dodge. 1S5x13S, $8,128. 81st Ave. and Dodge, 78x188. 84,875. . 82d and Chicago, 100x135, $6,000. i Many others. See us flrsf for loca- 7 ' Hons in thia fine Suburb. , - - s.j WALSH-ELMER CO., ! i ller 15J9. REALTORS. v 33$ Securities Bldg. 70$ Peter Trust Tilda Doug. $2S8. DUNDEE, $9,000 Oak finished. ' two-story home m-Dun-: dee.' S rom and' den downstairs and $ .-,' bedrooms and sleeping porch -upstairs. , Nice slsed lot- Bargain,' $$,000; inlm terms can be arravngadf BEDFORD - JDHNSTON Ti COMPANY Wead Bldg. Dour. 178$. " WARM, sunny 7-roem house, all oak floors. . large fire place, hot water heat, near , choot. . Walnut 1881. ' ,. , South Side. FOR SALE' by owner, S-room modern- j house, full cement basement wlthloor ... drain, screen porch, atorm windows. A bargain, 220$ C St., South gld ' . Phone So. S08$. - - , V Florence. - .VKTHAWAT. 8ub'.rban prop'ty. Cel.' UP. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED. Wet. 1" . CATHEDRAL ' . DISTRICT : ' . Just listed,' this beautiful ' biriclc -home, . on a beaitiful residence. "t "1 street, surrounded by good homea; "This honie consists of 7 fineJ , rooms, full lengvh living room with fireplace,' with B.'1. bookcases, ' with double French plate doort be-.i"! .. tween living room and dining v' rOom; convenient ki tchen. icebox -room, etc., downstairs.' On the " second floor there are 4fiiic bed-- . rooms and tiled bath; good plumb- ' ing. Basement has laundry -tubs. " '' cyclone cellar, coal bin, fruit room and extra toilet. Hardwood floors and finish throughout.1 Lot 63x150 , beautifully, landscaped and," in f act a complete, comfortable home; The j best of it 'is- we can sell this on ' reasonable terms, as the owner has -.f purchased a larger , home and .can afford td sell this way. t s , , . D. V. SH0LE CO realtors;- . Dotte. 0046. 91S-17 Citv National: - " " ' 'I.'-'A 'I ' ' iii i .---.n FOR HALK Ry owner. New two-story --' stucco hnuae in rieerment addition. ti 'W ' "room, bath and brakf rooms, oak-'It and white enamel finish, beautifully dec-. ; I orated- and read t mov Into, oeJ trm to right party. Phea Has, $118, , , . ' V;; 1 if - t -f. - V- . a m im. 7