. .' v. v. 4 ' " THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE;. OCTOBER 24, .1920. 80. i m v II Classified Advertising Rites IS per line (fount t word to lino) 1 day sa por lino por clay, I consecutive daye Is por lino por day, T consecutive dayo lo per lino por day, 18- conaecuttv dayo X' n mAiim ,l,n ffrt tmmm Ihin ftntal nf lna. These ratee apply either to the Dallyl or Sunday at, ah aaveriisement p poar la both morning anil evening daily papers lor me one marge. CONTRACT BATHS ON I APPLICATION. Want 4s accepted' at the following of- ricoo: MAIM, OPTIC..,. 17th aid Farnam Bt. South Side 1311 N St Council Bluff It Scott Bt. WANT ADS RECEIVED BI PHONE AT TVt.MR 1000. ' ' THE BEE will not bo roeponalblo for nor than ono Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than ono time. i.ftHtun HOUB1 FOR WANT ADS Evening Edition 11:46 A, M t,ln Kdltlon ..8:00 P. M Suday Edition ......9:00 P. M.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. SCHWARTZ Mra.- Emma Pride, aired To year, wife of Charlo Schwarts, rwl(ht Apt., Oleo jrnaay, uci. it, m mmm city. Aio. Funeral services will be held on Mon day at 1:10 p. m. from H K. Burket undertaking establishment 29th and Leavenworth, Omaha. Relatlvoa and friends of family, also Udlea of the Vesta chapter of tha Eastern Star and of the Malna Shrine are invited. Interment prlvat. ' BORCZSKI Mrs. Theresa, aged 61 yeara. Rhi. ! survived besides her husband. John, by one aon. John Jr., and two daughters, Mrs. josepn nayevicu si Martini ton. Nub., and .Theresa, Funeral Monday morning from resi dence, lill So. 16th Bt, at 1:30 a. in to Immaculate Conception church at a. m. interment Bt Mary aiagaeiin remetery. AX.TMAN Mis Ann., died at Denver, - Colo., October Jl, a red It years. She la survived by f.ur sisters, Mrs. Ralph Jtamey, Mrs, Kaipn E. cox or lora; Misses Alice and Gertrude Altman. - Funeral from John A, Gentlemen's Mortuary. Tuesday at 8:30 a. m. to Bt Peters church, a. m. -Intermsnt Holy Bepulcher cemetery. CARD OP THANKS. I WISH to thank my many friends and the ladles of tha W. B. A. and ladlaa of tha B. R. T. No. J 10, for their beau tiful, norai orreringa, tneir Kinanesa and sympathy In the loss of my beloved wire. Charlie H. Hlgby, husband. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER . ' OMAHA'S BEST . 9 AMBULANCE KSX".. ;", Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. T01 South 16th St. Douglas lllf, HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Embalmers. ' Phone H. 165. -. Office 1611 Farnam. for Ambulance: can south so. Koriako Funeral- Homo, lid and O Bts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMONs VSff JStf Douglas St. '.'Douglaa 8244. JOHN BATH, 18th" and Farnam. D. 8000. - I Henderaon. ;1619 Farnam. Douglas 1248, RIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Frank and Barbara Taborsky, 240 8. 81st, girl; Blai and Rosa Luptch, 8605 A Slat, girl; Jo and Annt Hunk, 6831 8.. 88th, girl; Matt and Maggie Ove tas, HIW 8, 14th, girl; Bonnie and Cora Bell. 8444 S. 84th, girl: Simon and Mary Zuamlerovski, 4084 8. 88th, girl: Mllo and Helen .Kroll, 888 8. 5Jd. girl; DanleJ and Martha Conway, 8578 Spauldng, boy; Fred and Elinor Marsh, 8005 Locust, boy; TV. M. and Helen Burress, 1608 Z, boy; Robert and Grace. Moore, hospital, girl; Harold and Vina Holtz, hospltaf girl; Earl and Martha Engle, hospital, boy; W. Francis snd Bertha Groom, 8601 St. Marys Ave., girl; Qiarles and Sylvia Lytle. 1048 S. 23d, girl; O. E. and Mario Evans, 8718 Manderaon, girl; Albert and Myr-a Muel ler, koapital, boy; J. Frank, and Ella Boothi 80 St. and Nebraska Ave., girl; Archjo and Bertha Weltou, 4118 8. 81st, boy; Leonard and Fannie Van Bant, 882 Frederick; 'girl: Henry -and Jtsry'Haw tnan, 8815 S. Stth, boy; Otto said. Myrtle Llnder, 8633 Ohio, boy; William andnMa bel Simpson, hospital, boy. Deaths Mrs. Elisabeth Hornlnr. 78. 2318 S. 10th; George Bucher. 68, 1711 8. 18th; Gustav F. Oelschlaeger, 48, 1701 S. 18th; Frank a Copoland, 66, 114 N. 86th; Edward Bell, 16, hospital;' Jobs' A. Mo Nell, tt, hospital; Virginia Rosales, Infant, COt Pacific; Thomas Francis Sullivan, 68, 48th and M; George Naroch, 18,' 8108 T; Mrs. Lorretta Ray, 85, 8714 Spencer. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage licenses were lsued:io ths fol lowing, couples. Lorn Kelley, If, Omaha, and Viola B. Williams, 17, Council Bluffs, la. . Thomor Newsun, 28, Fort Dodge, la., and Esther Hoffman, 28; Fort Dodge, la. Thomas Douglas, 14, Omaha, and Ida Brown, 8T, Omaha. . . Allen Watson, 81, Omaha, and Agnes Egan, It, Omaha. : William E. RelnsR, 31, Sioux City. It., and Elvera H. Llndstum, 28, Omaha. - Bert Patch. 40, Omaha, and .Cora Lew iader,, S3, Davenport, la. Kenneth M. Snyder, 28, Council Bluffs, la., and Helen. Curtis. 23, Omaha, BUILDING PERMITS. 1 8hafer Oil and . Refining company, Eleventh and Nicholas streets, brick cold storage building. 81,000.- SPECIAL NOTICES. V. S. ARMT AIRPLANES FREE V, 8. Army airplanes free. Our airplane school opens January 1, 1121; off era. a course of study which requires -a com mon school education, takes six months and costs (600. It Includes aeronautical and motor designing, building,, engineer ing, a complete course in flying, a lly- ; er'a license and without further cost a new U. 8. army airplane which cost the government over 89,000 to build. In vestigate this proposition immediately, as the number of airplanes available under this offer la limited. Address Educational Dept, Poll-Eells corpora tion. Airplanes and Motors, Buffalo, N. T. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele iphdne Tyler 800. We are anxious to re- store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. COMPANY. LOSTi-Between Omaha and Beatrice, a . silk lamp shade. -, Finder please return to H. Schlachter, Beatrice, Neb. Re ward. FOUND In Bee Bldg., sum of- money. Owner can have same by Identifying and paying cost of advertising. Apply at LOST Bunch of keys on leather cord. Call Douglas 37J1 days, 'or Webster 1785 ' evenings. LOST Yellow male bulldog; tag No. 118L Calk -Harney 2665. Reward. LOST One Jersey cow at 2402 Reed St. Colfax 4880. PERSONAL. . THE BALVATION Army Industrial homo solicits your ohl clothing, rurbtrur. magaslnea We collect . Wa distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and Our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St ' EXCHANGE plota for -3$$$. Photoplay Ideas accepted, any form; revised, typed published, copyrighted, aold; free ad visory service. Universal Scenario, 715 Western Mutual Life Bldg., Los Angeles. CALLSTONE3 Free book tells of Im PI me.t.noa of trln Inflammation ' li?yJ Pr x ddock Box $M201, Kansas City, MOi t II RH nVMDMh On-l K m rly 'of Solar SanMariuitL, will glvs troat- " wmuej nu ami. nor nome. u. Svt. AFTER this date I will not be responsible for lillls contracted by my wife, Frances. W. fa Chambers, $208 So. 13d St. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. Incorporated. ' Douglaa 1CT RENT Hoover vacuum sweeper. Har. 1071. SWEDISH massage. 318 Neville Block. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth 8t. " RENT alee." vac, cleaner. $1 day. Col 4118. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing "Academies. Kel-Pine School for Dancing. 2424, Farnam. Doug. 7860. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME. Wa teach ball room and all klnda of fancy dancing. D. 3581, or H. 1711. FANCY DANCING FOR CHILDREN. SEASON, 320. KEEP'S. HOTEL ROME. Hemstitching and Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered but tone, all stsea and etylea: hemstitching, plcot edging, eye- ' let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Meal Button .and Pleating . Co 108 Brown Blk. '. Douglaa 1836. Nehr. 'Pleating A Button Co, HOC Far nam St D; MI. . " ANNOUNCEMENTS. Diamonds. DIAMONDS to buy back at small profit. GROS8 JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 14th St. Doug lss 6041. Dressmaking. SEWING, silks, velvets, skirts. Jackets re lined, remodeled. Reasonable. H. 8804. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all cases. Tyier 1136. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 3058. Night, Col, 466. Painting and Decorating. INTERIOR varnishing, decorating, enam eling, floors- refln shed, wall paper cleaned. Tyler 1426.' ' PAINT1NO. papering, . reasonable prices, 7 house painting specialty. Frank Kuli sek, Walnut' 3026, or Walnut 141'f PAPKR hanging and painting. , Walnut 4888. Phone Painting, papering, plastering, " Wal. 4667. Dentists. DR. SECOR. 1017 let. Nat Bk. Ty. 3138. Patent Attorneys. JAMES W. MARTIN, Patent Attorney, 1718 Dodoge BU .Patent your Invention and sell It to a manufacturer. Miscellaneous Announcements. . SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEY'S llth and Harney. Douglaa 1871. PATENTS bought for cash. Send copy or descrip tion. Iowa' Farmers' Protective Assn., Huxley, la. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., . 17th and Martha Sta.. Omaha. Nab. Brass, bronze, aluminum and. machine gray- iron oasungs. SAFETY razor blades aharnened. new re Sharpening Co.. 1632 M Dodge. 101 N, 16. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattreas- ea made from your own feathers, sum mer winter sides, hot Cuming. P. E47, BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purohased at Rialto Drug Store, 16'h ana uougiaa bis., umaua. neo. FILMS develoned: rjrlntlnr and enlarging. write lor prices, me jcnsign Co., jsu nowara bc. i FULL dress suits and tuxedoa for rent. - 108 N. 16th St., John Feldman. o. 31Z5 OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders." 16th and Jackson. D. 4887, WEDDING announcements and printing Douglaa Printing Co. Tel. Douglas (44. RENT Hoover vacuum, 11 26. Wal. 1847. Q A 1717(2 BARGAINS, 12th Farnam, OAf JZjO J, J. Daright Safe Co. GET our figurea on roofs. North Weat Reafly Rooting j Co.. 808 a. M. Dr. Bradbury: Wo. pain, til W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha Towel Supply, 2'aT 8. llth. D. 628, MATTRESSES remade, springs) rep. H 1761 WEAVING, old rus remade. Ty. 1438. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. - AUCTION. AUCTION. It complete homes of extra high grade ana staple lurntiure to oe aoia , x In 4 days 1 In mv Auction House Southeast corner 18th and Webster Sts. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Satur day, Oct. 27, 28, 28, and SO. Starta each day at 1 p. m. sharp. ) This la a wonderful Bale of nearly ev erything, consisting of pianoa, talking machines, parlor furniture, living room furniture, nearly a1 klnda. Dining room suites In mahogany, American walnut and - S finishes of oak. Bedroom suites In mahoKany. American, wal nut, whit Ivory, bird's-eye maple and Tunl mahogany, brass Simmons and Vernls Martin : beds oompleto, dressers, dressing tables, chlffonieres, bookcases, writing desks, sewing machines, electrlo cleaners, electric lamps, rugs, drapes, linens, atatuea, pictures, gas ana steel ranges, heating and base burners, kitchen cab inets, dishes, cut glass and hand-painted cnma. una complete grocery stocK or staple groceries and atora fixtures, and hundreds of articles too numerous to ' mention. : 'This is a real sale. Runs 4 ' days, starting Wednesday, Oct. 27th at JAMES L. DOWD, AUCTIONEER. ' If you hav anything to tell Call Doug. 8286, Ty. 0188 or Ty. 2882. ONE gas range and connecting pipe, $26; i caoinet arana piano, live: l manoc- any library table, 320; mahogany muale cabinet, fu a ciock, so; leaving cuy; must sen e,i once, can Boutn 3JB3. WE BUY old and new furniture. We pay Dear, price, t-urexa rurpiture Co., Web. 04Bv. ivii nana ztin. FOR sale Oak bed and springs, SIS. Call WOO. 3350. LEAVING city, furnltur cheap. Colfax 4883. 6-HOLB coal range, with water back, neoater mi. FURNITURE for sale. Web. 4475. Pianos and Musical Instruments. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN USED PIANOS' AND PLAYER PI ANOS. THE NICEST SELEC TION AND THE BEST VAL UES WE HAVE HAD THIS YEAR. Wing & Son,' mahogany; excellent con dition, 8676 new, at $350. Kimball, burl walnut, very good condi tion. $560 new, at $356. Whitney, mahogany, reflnlshed, $600 new, at $300. McPhall, mahogany, reflnlshed, $800 new, at $376. Huntincton, walnut, reflnlshed, $600 new, at $326. , Irvlngton, oak, very good condition, $400 new, at $265. Hlnze, mahogany, very good condi tion, $400 new, at $236. PLAYERS. Shonlger, mahogany. Ilka new, $850 new, $525. Johnson,' fumed oak. Ilka new, $80tt new, at $615. - Apollo, mahogany, good condition, spe cial, $500. Our prices Include a bench, acarf, rolls and delivery. , Comfortable terms If desired. A. HOSPE CO., 1111-15 Douglaa St Established 1874. SEEING 19 BELIEVING Coma In and look over our phono grapha. $100 slxe, $45; $140 slxe. $66. Bhlaes Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge St. Will exchange new player piano, piano or phonograph for sign work. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO., s-nunv XSUUK-. iOSd. ' 119 a. . lbtn St. SEEING IS BELIEVING. Come In and look over our' phono graphs. $100 alze, $45; $140. also, $66. oiiiHoa rnonograpn CO., JJOQge Bt. A. HOSPE CO. E;ATnhdlnmgu.lnc f lanos ror rent, $4 per month. DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, re pairing. Phone Harney 2867. ' Geo. A. Smith 2761 Davenport St. , NEED the cash. Will sell my large, beauti ful $200 mahogany phonograph, records and needles, only $86. Webster -211. MAHOGANY player piano, very reasonable It taken this week.- Doug. 3066. FOR sale. Silver, King cornet. B flat. In perfect condition. . Call Co. Bluffs, 4232. FOR SALE Piano, music cabinet, library table and other furniture. H. 7213. ALMOST new Knaba piano cheap.. Walnut Vf I 1. CABINET grand piano, $100; also clock fit Bitalak itijaafc 4B ,itk Af , - - "-'-- wines, ay, UUIII agsd, Typewriters and Supplies. ' TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agenta for the COROKA. uet cur price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Tnrw4 a At A . iu f arnam. p. .yicr mm. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard Fa'&t,'?. "2 Pltform. .1.5 28-lnch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust J2U',' Omaha Be office. 10,0 ru"ni 8t ph" Tylr FOR SALS. nr. Ana mn bat.sl . SIZES 8x7, 4x3, 8x10, BEST OR ADS; CAN VI run nvri' auia WIRELESS SETS. ETC. CALL MR. HADLKY. Tyler 1000. ENGRAVING DEPT. 100 BU8HELS sprayed, handplcked Gano apples, 81 per bushel and 100 bushels extra select Gano applea, 81 per buehel; also, aweet cider and vinegar. Bring Jour own containers. Red Apple Ranch, miles northwsst of Florence on Wash ington Highway. J. J. Smith, ownsr. DIAMONDS On paymenta to reliable people at reasonable prices. THE DIAMOND SHOP, 801 Securities Bldg. . Tyler 3688. GENUINE mink scarf, nearly 1 yards' long; never worn, 160; seal sosrf and muff, 316 each; also plain and trimmed French seal coats, sacrifice Mrs. Me Namara. Hotel Harley. 10th and Far. IDEAL, No. W. 18-7 hot water boiler, Juat the thing for an aprtmont houae. Prac tically new. with extra set of grates. Cost 3674. Will tell for 8425. 2701 Leav enworth 8t. , FOR SALE 61 sharea Omaha Refining Co., 370; 80 sharea Andrew Murphy Son, 370; 10 sharea Wiena Omaha Brush Co., unas. ne vie k. Acme bm u. STILLS For water, oils, liquids, all drink ing purposes; gallon hourly;- 116 up. prepaid; circular free. European Sup- - ply Co., Box 1683. Pittsburgh, Pa. BOTTLES BARRELS AT NATHAN STEINBERG'S 1018 Harney St Doug. 6166. HEMSTITCHING and pleotlng attach ment, woras - on an aewina maoin. 83. Full Instruction.- Douglas Sale Co., 1818 N. 16th Bt Birmingham, Ala. SURE and safe Investment city warranto to pay you 19 per cent Interest, $100, $500 and $1,000 amounts. E. G. Solomon 817 Karbach Bldg. Douglaa 6261. WE buy, sell aafea, maka desks, ' show caaes,ete. Omaha Fixture Supply Co. 8. W. Cor. llth and Douglaa. D. 1724. FOR SALE 26 army, overcoats,: $3.76; good condition, dyed black and brown. ' 831 So. 28th atrect. Phone Harney 3378. ELECTRIC popcorn machine, cheap. Clif ton Hill Bakery, 1216 Military Ave. Wal. 8880. SEVERAL office desks and chairs, good condition, 3566 Farnam St. Har. 0110. NUMBER five Revelation kiln, whit -china palnta for aale. Walnut 4511.- TAUPE fox set for sale. Room 117. Call Doug.. 1787. HONEY White clover, finest quality, In all-glass jars. Douglaa 1112. LAWN manure for aale. Wal. 2616, KINDLING and lumber. Webster 46t. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6148. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. 2618. A. Zavett 705 N. 18. LIBERTY bonds bought. - Macks .Bond House. 1411 First Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED. I Male. A MAN with fine referencea and ability is open for position' aa bookkeeper, audj ltor, or executive position. Have had 18 years or successful hanking expert ence. Bee, Box 030. ' i PRINTER All-around, 16 years' experi ence, married, good town with good school; dally or weekly; do anything In back office. J. H. Honstedt, Preston, Neb. , Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the-Domestic column of Tha Bee. Lota o'f good places are alwaya aaverusea. jjon t miss tnom. MAID work or as Janltress. Web. 1708. Colored girl wants week work. 8. 2015. Laundry and Day Work SPECIALTY salesman wanta position, road or otherwise. Is a hustler. Also experi enced. In secret service work.. Refer ences. Address O-ll, Omaha Bee. RELIABLE colored woman perfect In cleaning, or any other , odd jobs. Tyler DAY-WORK by hour, reliable, colored. Douglaa 1182 ; i DAY work, bundle washing; experienced. Web. 1608. CLEANING, Ironing, day work. exp. Ty. 1738. . DAY work, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Web. 6182. DAY work, exp. 'laundress. Web. 6829, evenings. DAY work and laundry. 'Douglaa 6037. HALFDAYS. cooking, cleaning. Web. 3348. DUSTING In furniture atora. Web. 4448. COL. laundress wants day work. Web. 8101. SMALL bundle washings wanted. H. 7320. EXP. Col, laundress- D. 8240 Ifter 4 p. m. DAY work, house cleaning. Harney 612. DAY work, bundle washing. Webster 2861. DAY work wanted. Exp. Web. 6216. DAY work, laundry, exp. Web. 1306. BUNDLE washing. Webster lilt. DAY work, with ret Web. 6004. 1ST class laundress. Web. 2973. DAY work wanted. Di-ug. 5167. DAY work. Tyler 0411. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED, GENERAL OFFICE CLERK. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNI TY OFFERED FOR AN AM BITIOUS YOUNG MAN WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE ' OF CLERICAL WORK. BOX X-67, OMAHA BEE. Men Wanted to Become Draftsmen : SALARY $200-$250 per month when com petent Chief draftsman will train you personally also furnish free all tools. Training given until placed In position at above salary. Address, Chief Drafts man Dobe, 4001, Broadway, Dlv., 88A, Chicago. SALESMAN, oil,, advertising, hardware. urue; sundries, ana insurance, account ant, $160; steno., $160; clerk, $100. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bids;. STENOGRAPHER, executive ability, $160, 4?ooKKeeper, si&u. v WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 913 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Pen and ink artist for news paper work; no. experience necessary. Addresa Qua E. Guatafson, P. O. Bos sou, Lancoin, imod. , WANT some married man or woman to sen popcorn evenings. Good pay. Writ ior interview. Lock pox . Omaha, Neb. Professions and Trades. LEARN auto and tractor business In six to eight weeks: opportunities every where offering $150 to $400 a month: twice more Equipment and floor space used In dally practice training than any auio acnooi in America; master me chanic Instructor and Sam method we used to train thouaanda of soldier tne chanlca in (0-day courses; writ now for free catalog. Rah Auto and Tractor sqnooi, Z120 oak street Kansas City, Mo. ' BRICKLAYERS, carpentera and builder wanted. Highest pay goea to men who understand blue print plana. . You can learn quickly at home. Let me send you lesson in plan reading tree. No charge. Writ today. Address Charles W. Morey. Supt.. 2111, Chicago, Tech.-, Bldg.. Chicago. III. MAN to work this city, reflnlshlng. chan deliers, brass beds, automobllea, by new method; $10 dally without capital or experience. Writ Gunmetal Co., 171 Elm, Decatur, III. CAR carpenters, experienced, . rebuilding box cars; long Job; liberal wages. Shef field Car and Equipment - Co., Kansas City, Mo. 17. S. GOVERNMENT want railway mall clerk $136 month. Partlcu'ars free Franklin Institute, - Dept 228-H. Ro chester, N. Y. ' - WANTED Young man for clothing and furnishing department Martina, Grand Island, Neb. FIREMEN, brakemen. $2:5-8:60 monthly, experience unnecessary. Writ Railway, Box Y-1313 Omaha Bee. 4 MEN wanted for detectlre work. Writ J. Ganoo, former government detective, St Louis. Mo. WANCED First clsss auto trimmer. Coll aeum Motor company, Casper, Wyoming. Moler Barber College, -lit So. 14th 8t Catalog Free. Salesmen and Solicitors, SALESMEN Solicit accounta out of town. We pay 30c on account, other agenda pay 20c; $260 weekly. Illinois Adjust ing Corp., 127 N. Dearborn, Chicago. HELP WANTED MALE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Four' reliable, high grade, topnotch salesmen at once. Live Ituds furnished. Easy propo sition to handle. You QUALIFY your prospects ONLY, our mana gers CLOSE the sales. If you make less ttian $10,000 to $25,000 yearly, you can't stay on the sales force. Our best men are making as high as $50,000 yearly. This is not a stock, bond, leasing or pro motion proposition. It's a perma nent connection, and unless you - can i how a clean character and a successful selling record, do not apply. Suite 1123-4, First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Experienced tire sales men with executive ability, capable ' of being promoted to manager of branch stores. State briefly your experience, whether married or tingle, what part of the country you are most familiar with, sal ary wanted and volume of business secured for last, or present em ployers; also the class of trade. Only tried and producing sales men need apply. ' Box Y-129cs Omaha Bee. . SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL GENERAL MERCHANDISE . MUST BE LIVE WIRES AND FULL OF PEP. APPLY MONDAY AFTER 2 P. M. FARMERS UNION STATE EXCHANGE. ' 11TH AND JONES. ATTENTION! CANNED MEAT MEN. V.' If you ar a hlgh-olass canned meat specialty aaleeman, wa hav a pleea for you; permanent posi tion and good future ; well-estab-llshed Una; none but tha .beat need. ' apply. Address Box R-7, , Omaha Boa, - - . ' X AM LOOKING FOR A TIRE 8ALES- MAN WHO CAN SHOW RESULTS WHEN OTHERS FALL DOWN. HE IS NOT AN ORDER TAKER. HE IS ABOVE THE AVERAGE GOOD SALES MAN IN ABILITY, AND MUST BH ' ABLE TO COACH JOBBERS' SALES MEN IN" SELLING. TO THE MAN WHO CAN SHOW MB SUCH ABILITY, I OFFER A POSITION BRINGING RE TURNS COMMENSURATE WITH HIS "TALENTS. THE MAN I WANT IS PROBABLY NOW EMPLOYED, SO ALL INQUIRIES WILL BE HELD CONFIDENTIAL. WRITE, GIVING QUALIFICATIONS OR PHONE, ROOM 362. HOTEL SANFORD FOR APPOINT MENT.. SALESMEN WANTED Wa want to plaoi 'j eapable, energetic, business men In com - plete charge of certain blacks of ter ritory in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska. We offer tha ex clusive selling rights In these territories on tha Tokhelm "Sight-Measuring" Un derwriters Approved gasoline equipment, as well aa Tokhelm lubricating and oil outfits. Our line also Includes the United : States automatlo De Luxe air comprea--eors and devices, air and water stands To the salesman who la a good business man and who la determined to Improve hia standing and increase hla esrnlrg power we solicit Immediate reply. ' Hayes Equipment company, general dis tributors. Wichita, Kan. $2,500 TO $6,000 . SALESMEN WANTED by Bastlan Bros.' Co., Rochester, N. Y. house of national prominence and . $1,000,000 capital aa exclusive repre sentative In Omaha and surrounding territory to sell high-grade celluloid and 'metal advertising novelties, signs, . badges, buttons, emblems. Favorably known to and wanted by businesses of every six and nature. Orders range from $10 to $10,000 each. Liberal com mission paid. Fully atata business ex perience, qualifications and three first class business - references with first letter. SALESMEN wanted We are looking for permanent salesmen of character, selling ability and good appearance to aell our exclusive Una of art and utility calen dars, bank supplies and advertising specialties. An-all-the-year around line Season opens right after Christmas. If - you have the requirements you will 'be interested In a substantial proposition which will enable you to build up a profitable l-ncome of your own. Open territory. Nebraska, Representative will see you In person. Write at onco for information. Red Wing Advertising Co., Red Wing, Minn. SALESMEN Manufacturer nationally ad vertised phonograph product desires to secure the services of a live energetic traveling representative capable control ling business Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas . and Missouri. Must be In a position to " cover all towns 6.000 over. Liberal com mission or drawing account and com- mission with excellent opportunities for " large earnings. State age, experience, '" reference, also present and past " connections. Man with an acquain tance In phonograph field preferred. -' Jones-Motrola. Inc., 29 . W. 35th St., new i one uiiy. WANT 100 men and women quick to take orders for Comer raincoata and waterproof aprons; everybody buys; Mc Crary's profits last year were $6,218.00 new styles, wonderful bargaina; direct from manufacturer to wearer. Barnes mad $628 In 30 days: tremendous prof its for you; $2,600 a year for three aver age orders a day; $10 a day for your spare time; no delivering nor collecting; no capital required. I furnish every thing, Including a beautiful sample coat. Write quick for liberal offer. The Comer Mfg. Co., Dept G-167, Dayton, O. WERE you ever offered a grocery store? xou can nanate sugar. Hour, canned goods, dried fruit' coffee and entire line or groceries, as well as paints, roofing, alumtnumware and automobile oils, with no rent to pay: no money Invested: take large orders from samples: goods are guaranteed and proven quality; selling experience not necessary; ateaay, profit able Work for workers. Address Hitch- cock-Hill Co.. Dept. 121. V Chicago. Ill Reference: Any bank or express com-. pany. EVERY home on farm In amall town or suburb needs and will buy the wonder ful Aladdin mantle light; five times a Dngnt as electric; tested ana recom mended by government and leading uni versities; awarded gold medal; 4 sales a day means yearly Income of $6,000: no experience needed; excellent spar nms ana evening seller; no capital re quired. Write quick for distributor's proposition and lamp for free trial be fore territory is taken. Mantl Lamp Co.. 1878 Aladdin Bldg., Chicago, 111. WANTED High class specialty salesmen, 'who are accustomed to working; th re- tall trade in village-,- towns and smaller cities. For such men, who are- hard workers and producers, we have a line that will make you from $7,500 to $12. 000 annually. Majority of our salesmen average better than $800 per month. Want only Industrious, clean man wlt'u good references. Old established highly rated firm. Address Dept. K, 1606 Great Northern Bldg., Chicago. SALESMEN wanted for our popular priced line. Men's, young men's and boya suits and complete line summer goods, Including genuine palm benches. Strictly - commission basis or side line. Spring . 1921 line ready early -November.. Also have merchandise for Immediate de livery. Prices guaranteed, references re quired. M. Wolff A Co., 71-6th Ave., New York City. - SALESMEN wanted Toy of Carbo bulld lng units, mlnature representatives, life aiza producta. Greatest of recent build ing Inventions. Toy Is superior and more Impressive than Meccano, etc. Sell toy now. Building later. Aicol Carbo Fence Post. Reserve territory immedi ately. Carbo, Morgan Park Sta., Chi cago. LONG-eatabllsked manufacturer of sweat ers and fancy knit goods requires a salesman for Iowa and Nebraska; only experienced salesmen with a following need apply; opportunity for such appli cants t secure one of America's fore most lines; give experience and detailed Information In first letter. Box Y-1120, Omaha Bee. ONE order a day nets experienced special- . ty aaleemen approximately $400 per month, salary or commission, selling- di rect to consuming trade, mills, factories, farmers, garagea, property and ware. ' -house owners. Men with autoa pre ferred. Union Turpentine Co., 1186 W, llth St.. Cleveland. O. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Immediately, advertising sales men. Established line advertising signs and noveltlee. Exclusive territory. Ex penses advanced. Liberal commissions. Experience not essential. State age, height, weight, road or business exper ience and give $ late business refer ences. Stanford-Crowell Co.. Ithaca, N. T. SALE8MEN wanted A sure quick profit everybody sell our $21.60 all wool tallored-to-meaaure men's suits and overcoats. They sell like hot cakes. You have your commission every day, no waiting. Write Immediately, Beat proposition on earth. Style Center Tailors, Cincinnati, O. SALESMEN Opening for an alert sue cessful salesman. Twelve sheet, roll-top; art calendars; leather goods; bank sup plies; advertising specialties; good com missions; exclusive territory; references necessary. Ecor.omy Advertising Co., Iowa City, la. ' SALESMEN wanted by active producing oil company, strong corporation, aoma leada furnished, no advances made. We want clean cut men who can aell a clean cut proposition, truthfully and on Its ' merits in the state of Iowa. . 238-40 City Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ' 6,000-MILE tires, guaranteed; good money-making proposition for live wires: 30x3tt nonskld sells for 813.86 other sixes priced accordingly; prompt shipments; no capital or experience re quired, narrison xira Co., Hammond, Ind. SELL TIRES Make $760 per month; our new proposition the best out. We fur nish tlree, take old tires, 82.50 each. Live agents making big money. Full . particulars for postcard. Write today. Andrews A Burton Co., 1429 Cherry St., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Young man with high school education to sell a thoroughly established line In tha atate of Nebraska. Experience desirable, but not absolutely necessary. Salary and commission from the start to right man. Address with full particu lars. Box Y-1322, Omaha Bee. WE WANT six live specialty salesmen to .carry our Una of advertising novelties, pennants, caps, etc.,' commission basis. Excellent aide line. State preaent line, territory and references. The Fabrics Manufacturing Company, 126 East Sec ond St., Dayton, O. SALESMAN WANTED. We are drilling a well In Okl. and selling offset leasee. Have a wonderful opportunity for a few live tease salesmen. T. J. Cannon Drilling Co.. 926 City Nat Bank Bldg. MANUFACTURER Selling tires direct to car owners at 30 off Hat. Inner tube .. free, desires salesmen, wonderful op portunity to build up permanent Busi ness without capital. Paul Tire and Rub ber Co., 1600 W. 16th St., Chicago, III. WANTED Side line salesmen for the de luxe candy sales board lins of America. - Quality salesmen can earn big money with thla line. Blossom Candy Co., $711 N. Clark. Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED For beat selling drink now on market What everybody wants. Exceptional earnings made on repeat orders. Eagle Product Co., (059 State St., Chicago. SALESMEN wanted Holiday sideline. Big money maker. Three ounce pocket - aample. Sells all classes business and Jrofeaslons. Write quick. Box 402, owa City, la. SALESMEN Steel posts for Carbo Ten sion fencing, building units for Carbo ateel buildings, houses, garages, aheds, speclallsers. Apply Carbo Steel Producta Co... .Morgan Park, Chicago. 8ALESBOARD salesman. We offer you . a quality line of 100 different assort ments. Commissions paid on receipt . of order. Iowa Novelty Company, ' Mullln Bldg., Cedar Rapids. la. EVERY merchant using string will gladly buy gummed tape printed wltb Bis ad vertisement; $36 sale nets yon $10.60 commission. Ad-Lee Novelty Co., Dept A-17, Chicago. SALESMEN for bottle-capping , machines; sloe line; Hardware, malt and nop sales men preferred; fast seller; big commis sions. Berger Device Mfg Co., $51$ Armtta'ge, Chicago. SPECIALTY salesmen In silverware, -fugs and blankets; can use couple of good men: out of town work. C. F. Adams 1 Co., 8S South Sixteenth St. SALESMEN Live wire acquainted With merchants, part, or full time. Liberal commission. ,Good- 'repeater, ' Chicago Sales Book Co., Dept. 69, Chicago. , WANTED Experienced, successful retail furniture salesman., State, experience, past records and wages. State Furniture Co.. 14th and Dodge Sts. SALEMEN Inexperienced or experienced, city or traveling. Write for list of lines and full particulars. Address Nat'l. Salea mens Tr. Ass'n. Dept. 258, Chlcsgo, III. MEN for house to house work. No de posits required. Good men making Big money. Give phone number and ad dress. Box Q-81, Omaha Bee. ' ' STOCK salesman wanted for Industrial issue to farmers, strong endorsements, no promotion. Box Y-1323, Omaha Bee. Agents and Canvassers, LIFE agenta should sell' Columbia policies 1 and make most money.. Our selling I proposition has no equal. Policies ex- celled by none, no . estimates, ve-y figure guaranteed, settlement at maturity- of policy written out In full on first page of policy. Why not line up where you can make most money from your work Address Columbia LIfo Insurance Company. Fremont Neb., staring age ana experience. AGENTS Steady income. Larae manu. facturer of soaps, perfumes, toilet arti cles and pure food products, etc., wishes representative In each locality. Manu- racturer direct to conaumer. Big prof its. Honest goods. Whole or spare time. Cash or credit Send at once for particulars. American Products Co., 471 American Biag., Cincinnati, v. SALESMEN wanted to handle new In-tlre iiiai eliminates notn punctures ana Plow outs, $100 or more per week easily earned. Manufacturer Xo user. Also a money-making Sideline for tire sales men. A wonderful Invention. Address Protex Co., 176 Llvlngtott St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. - FREE Raincoat for introducing our com blnatlon storm coat and overcoat. All the rage. Big demand. $20 and up daily. Failure Impossible. Our free offer and selling outfit starts you. Liberty Rain- coat Co.. Dept. E-131. Dayton, O. MAN or woman to travel and appoint local : representatives. $1,091 and expenses . guaranteed first year with opportunity , to make $2,600. State age and qualifica tions. Experience not required. Universal nouse. i-niiaaeipnia. SANITARY wire-grip brushes, dustless mops, austiess furniture dusters, etc., are the .blar monevmakere nf th v.,r Exclusive territory and free samples for live salespeople. North Ridge Brush Co., larti oi., rreeport, ill. MAKE $5 hour selling "Columbus Rain coats." to your friends. Miller made $30 first day spar time. Big profits. - oampie iree. acc quicK. uoiumous rtain coat Mfg. Co., Dept. 161, Columbus, O. auents Large manufacturer wants agents to sell hosiery, underwear, shirts, dresses, skirts, waists, shoes, clothing, etc. Write for fre samples. Madison Mills, 603 Broadway, New York. AGENTS Sell custom-made guaranteed raincoats. No experience needed. We deliver and collect Big Pay. Sampls coat free. Temple Raincoat Co., Box xam-a, uaraner, -aibss. WANTED Lady or gentleman agent in ' the city of Omaha for Watklna Famous Product. Known everywhere. Big prof its. Write J. a Watklna Co.,, 67 Wl- nona, Minn. SELL necessities. . Everybody needs and buys the "Business Quid." Bryant cleared S0 In 30 days. Gutellus $660 In it days. Send for sample. It' froe. Nichols Co.. Napcrvllle. 111. AGENTS $60-8200 week. Free eamoles. Gold sign letters anyone can put-on store winnows, uix demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co.. 435 N. Clark, Chicago. AGENTS Wonderful seller. 86o profit every si sale. License unnecessary, no . stock to carry. Sample free. Mission, 2818 , vv. flco, Los Aiigeles, Cal. A BUSINESS of your own. Make sparkling glass name plates, numbers, checker boards, medallions, signs. Big illustrated book sent free. E. Palmer. Wooster, Q. WATER stills. Write- for free booklet giving prices and description of our heavy copper water stills. Bover A Co.. N-776 Farnam Bldg., Omaha. Neb. IDEAL side line. Patented 31 specialty. sample, tree. it. Home, 1H67 warren, Chicago. AGENTS wanted; aalary and commission. singer Sewing Machine, 203 N. 16th. Doug. 418. i- Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Kitchen man to do miscel laneous work; good pay; room and board. Wise Memorial hospital. DISHWASHERS WANTED. HOTEL FON- TK.MKLLC,. PANWASHERS WANTED. HOTEL FON- TENELLE. Boys. WE OFFER A SPLENDID OP PORTUNITY! FOR AN IN DUSTRIOUS OFFICE BOY; MUST BE 16 YEARS OR OVER. APPLY IN PERSON. MOR RIS & CO., SO. SIDF, Bee want ade ate business setters. . HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED young man .to - wait en soda table evenlnga, ahort' hours, good pay. Apply Phelpa Hut, 1708 youglaa St. Miscellaneous. MEN Age 17 to 65. Experlenoa unneces sary. . Travel; make secret Investiga tions, reports. Salaries, expenses. Ameri can Foreign Detective Agency, 476 St. Ioule. IF YOU are out of work or In need - of help try EMPLOYERS' FREE EMPLOYMENT ' BUREAU, 1311 Harney St. Tyler 1100, STOP dally grind, atart silvering mirrors. auto headlights, tableware, etc; plana free. Clarence Sprinkle, Dept 44, Ma rlon, Ind. WANTED Frrty corn pickers to atart work at once; will pay 7 'and 8 centa for good average corn. E, P. Reeves. County Agent, Audubon, la. WANTED experienced licensed fireman for high pressure heating plant. , Houra I p. m. to 10 p. m. Hotel Conant, 16th Harney.. t WANTED Competent yard and house man. .Referencea. Apply Q. Stors, 2708 Farnam St ' EXPERIENCED attendent. St. Bernards hospital. Phone Council Bluffs 279. MEN. wanted. Concrete Engineering Co., llth and Nicholas. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. ATTENTION, i BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA. MANY COMPETENT WOMEN TO FILL ALL KINDS OF POSITIONS. CITY WELFARE EMPLOYMENT AOCT., CITY HALL, PHONE TYLER 1928. GIRLS to take courae in shorthand, type; writing, bookkeeping, etc.: personal In struction enablea you to finish quickly; Positions furnished call Douglaa 7774. STENOGRAPHERS. $126, $110, $100, $90, $85. Bookkeepers, $120. $126. Office clerk. $60. WATTS REF. CO., 811 1st Nat Bank. " STENO. and clerk, private aecretary to department manager, $110. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. ' THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. GIRLS! WHY NOT LEARN A PROFESSION? Telephone operating is perhaps the most fascinating work open to young women today.... , .' . . . Good wages are paid, meals are furnished at cost and light and cheerful rest rooms are furnished exclusively for the operators. . Young women between the'ages of 16 and 30 can be operators! Apply to .. . MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary, Room 616. New Telephone Building. 19th and Douglas Streets. , YOUNG WOMEN . . l h : i . dealrlng permanent employment should take up long distance work. It la not difficult to learn. W have painstaking Instructors who will help you make a -success or it. come -.in today and -talk it over witn miss iien. 21$ Telephone Bldg. AMERICAN ' TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO;, Long Lines Dept TWO GIRLS WANTED FOR CANDY FACTORY. ONE BON BON DIPPER. ONE CHOCOLATE DIPPER. PERMANENT '"pdsITIONB. APPLY SUPT. BALCONY, BRANDEIS STORES. WANTED AT ONCE EXPERIENCED SHIRT OPERATORS, APPLY MISS CAEY. ID FLOOR, SCOTT-OMAHA TENT ft AWNINOi, t;': 1501 HOWARD ST. WANTED MACHINE GIRLS. . STANDARD LAUNDRY, 2405 NO. 24TH. WEBSTER 0130. WANTED Ladies to learn barber trade. Special rates and inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. SPECIAL NOTICES. . Household- and Domestic.. WANTED Middle aged woman for house keeDer on farm, must be neat, no ob jection to one child. Must furnish best , references, box- xixir, omana -bm. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework. 2 In family, no wash ing, good wagea Har, 4042. 1320 So. 14th St WANTED Maid for 12ryear-old , girl, must bo -good - seamstress. City refer ences. Apply Mrs. - Ward Burgess, 122 No. 22nd Bt. GIRL for general housework; must be good cook, $16 week; reference required. F. & Caldwell, 8611 Harney,' Harney 2390. WANTED Good girl to assist mo with housework; family of 8; good home and wagea to right gin. Harney 4061. SCHOOL girl or girt employed wanted to work for room and board, very good - home, 1610 So. 35th St. Har. 6470. WANTED Whit reliable cook. Refer ences required. Mrs. Arthur Storz, 315 & 64th St. Wal. 8215. MIDDLE-AGED woman, permanent good home. Tyler 59C0. Evening and Sun day, Doug. 795?. . NEAT whit girl for general housework. No laundry work. N. C, Leary, 1304 S. 35th St. Har. 2290. WANTED Maid; no laundry; referencea Mr, w. j. Hj-nes, 432 8. asm Bt Har ney 4760. MAID wanted for general housework. Mrs. Geo. T. Porter, 8625 Lincoln Hlva.. wai. 2829. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; good home; first-class wagea Har. 1424. 234 S. 32d Ave. EXPERIENCED second maid; good wages. Mra Glen C. What ton, 604 8. 87th St Har. 0238. ' EXPERIENCED child's nurse, Mrs. F. L. Deverrux, 170B Ho. sza Ave. Harney (. EXPERIENCED chlld'a nurse. Mrs. K. H. Patterson. 127 No. 40th St. Har. 3bt. GIRL for general housework; family ot 4. No laundry. tooa wages. Har. ossa. EXPERIENCED child's nurse. Mrs. K. H. Patterson, 127 N. 40th St. Har. T. WANTED A girl for general houae work, no laundry, walnut 1176. WANTED A white girl for second work. Telephone Har. 69. WANTED Girl for general housework. Walnut 0847. MAID for general housework. No children. Laundresa kept. 6808 Hurt Bt wai. u-ni. WANTED Girl tor general housework; no washing. Wal. 0780. GIRL for general housework. South 1964. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Girls to wait on tables. Hen- stiaw Valley of Sweets. 1509 Farnam. DI8H WASHERS and pantry girls wanted. Appijr Hotel ronteneue. 8ECO.N u cook wanted. Clarkson Hoa- pltal. Bee want ads are best business getters. . "" HELP WANT ED-FEMALET Miscellaneous. GOOD BUSINESS CONDITIONS AND An Increased nation-wide demand creates several splendid openings for well educated women betweun 35 and 40 who are free to travel extensively. Po sltlons are with well known sales, or ganisation now paying pormanent workers an average of $76 per weelf. and offer railroad fare, salary and commls- ! slon to start. Southern territory during winter. Gtve age, education and expe rience In first letter. Address 8. J. Glllflllan, 88 East Washington St, Chi cago, III. PHOTOPLAYS 6,000 Ideaa r.eeded: work Ing girl paid 310,000 for Ideaa she thought worthlesa: details free. Wrlta Producers' League. 287. St. Louts. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION for the benefit of business girls, (63 Bea Bide Douglaa 6692. i HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boya to learn barber trade; big demand; wagea while learning; strictly modern. Call or wrlta 1403 Dodge Bt. Trl-Clty Barber College. AMBITIOUS men. women over 17 wanted; U. 8. government poslttot.s; $135-$195 month; list positions free. Franklin In- ' stitute, Dept. 228-H, ochester, N. Y. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, machine , bookkeeping, comptometry, -shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 166$ for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, ' Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Ub. LEARN tire repairing and retreading; also tub repairing and all rubber vul canlxlnr IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVB TIRE REPAIR SCHOOL IN OMAHA. . Three weeks' training. $26. -Writ or call. . NATIONAL TIRE SHOP. 17th Street and Capitol Avenue.; We do not aell vulcanising machinery. Van Sant School of B'lslnaes Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg Douclaa 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR 8ALE The largest gasoline and oil station in southern California, clearing $1,600 per month. Guarantee, work foi ,, 4 people. Price $16,000; Immediate pos " eesslon. If you are coming to California and want to engage at one In the beat paying oil station In southen California this Is your opportunity. Address Q-119 West 24th St. Los Angeles, Cal. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capable men to open branch office and manage salesmen; $300 to $2,000 neces- , sary; handle your own money; exclu sive rights; patented article; money- , making possibilities unlimited; will-pay expenses to Baltimore if you qualify. Address Mr. Olemmer, Sales Manager, 60S N. Eutaw St., Baltimore Md. MANUFACTURERS' representative wanted by established corporation r open local office. Merltorloua proposition sold to merchants, wholesalera and retailers. . Should net $10,000 annually; about $1,000 capital renulred. President 822 Reaper - mock, Chicago. . FOR SALE Real live implement baslneaa In real live territory In central South Dakota. An exceptional opportunity for , live wire, nave gooa agencies ana un limited territory to drew trad from. ' ) Owner retiring. Address Box Y-1JU - Omaha Boe. FOR SALE Only ladles' furnishing and 'ready to wear. County seat - town, ibest . ; location In state. Stock and fixtures run '.about 810,000. Act quick, If you want thla Write J. W. Holllngsworth, 1400 No. 26th St., Lincoln, Neb. FOR SALE Prosperous country week ly in northoastern Nebraska town. Good business and modern shop. . Will take small Income property In aa part pay ment Will, stand closest Investigation. Address Box Y-1321, Omaha Bee. - WE OFFER wonderful opportunity to re name man to make from $50 to $100 weekly at home in spare time; direct by mall proposition; no experience needed; capital required, only $120. Mutual Co., Minneapolis, Minn. TWO 14-ROOM bouses, ready Nov. 1. Now Deing repaired, suitable tor rooming or rooming and board. Strictly first-class - neighborhood, near the business center. 2213 and 2215 Howard. $100 each. Bur- bank, 811 Omaha National Bank. GOOD garage and repair shop In Benson, full line of stock and tools, also only . auto ambulance. Can show good busi ness to responsible party. Must leave city Nov. 1, and will sell quick for $900. Wal. 0763. FOR SALE Restaurant, doing thriving business; on busy car line street; fully quippea witn goea fixtures, .also good siock on nana; i,4uu; sv-wiu han dle. See owner, 1720 Cuming. Dg. 6660, FOR SALE Restaurant in good location, nrst-ciasa place and good buslnesa. Worth 82.000, On account'of other busi ness will take 31,200, $500 down, balance izd per wecK. uox wmana Be DISTRIBUTORS wanted - for newly pat ented automobile accessory. Exclusive territory granted to responsible parties. Preferable car owners. Mitchcell 4 Liv ingston, Mohawk Bldg., New York City. FOR SALE Corner candy shop In Beautl r.l-nlA mk ft, AHA ui vi.'i. , t, i iirsH,i , iiiu,,, fl.UUV UUWTI, balance monthly payments, Personal supervision by lady or gentleman will pay well, uirc.ie Theater, ottumwa, la, $260 MIGHT make you rich. Investigate my Duval county, Texas, oil lease, where on companies are now arming on all sides, w. o. frank, 20Z Neville Sllc. Omaha. FOR SALE Up-to-date cafe, new fl iures. doing good business, town of 8.600, good reason for selling. W. O. Peck, Oerlng, Neb. i CAPITAL Stock or bond Issue wanted. will consider issue of going or new en terprise of merit Moore, 703 Chamber or commerce uiag., unicago, in. ONE Cahner doughnut machine, com plete; will consider car in trade. Doug. 5G60. TO GET in or qut of business, see LEWIS at Co.. 411 Mccas-ue ttiag. STOCK AND FIXTURES 11TH ST. TY. 2690. AT 1908 SO. Rooming Houses. FIRST-CLASS, fully eaulooed blacksmith rnop, 7 miles irora umaua. Can or writ Box 216, Kalston, Neb. TWELVE-ROOM rooming house and fur ntturs for sale. 533 So. 22d St Ty. 4488. BARGAIN, 8 housekeeping rooms, close in rent :4t, garage, uwner sick, must sell. Ty. 0368. 11-ROOM rooming house at bargain. $22.60 rent. 2310 Webster. Ty. 6318. FOR SALE 8-room rooming house and restaurant, can south 8360. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. Diinvc- irus wiv-p . r T-ic-n , T3TwTrxT"r, TYLER 1000. AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERT WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUH READERS AMU ADVERTISERS - SINGLE and double rooms for men only: steam neat, running not ana coia wa ter; within walking distance. Brown Apts., 608 N. 21st St Doug. 6644. EXCLUSIVE. Very desirable room or aleeplng porch with dressing room, west Farnam ais trlct. Phone Harney 6676. FURNISHED room In beautiful private. modern home, one-half black to Farnam car line, for two gentlemen, $26 month, Walnut 0877. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room apt., suitable ior i or z; use ot living room to share with young couple. 606 S. 26th Ave. References. MODERN room to 2 gentlemen or couple employed, home privileges, 1 block to car line. 2204 tt No. 21st. Web. 2313. BEAUTIFUL large front room In mahog any, reiepnone. auuaDie ror x gentle men or couple. Call Web: 1376. NICE room for-one or two; girls pre ferred; walking distance to south Oma ha. 4740 S. 13th St VERY nice comfortable room, all conven iences, close to Cretghton College, gen tleman. I)?. 2781. THREE Kood rooms, ladles or gentlemen employed, hot and cold water in rooms. Ty. R479. ' NICELY furnished room, private home, north side. Married couple employed. Col. 3216. - NICELY furnished room, modern home, steam heated, walking distance. Har. 7.140. FURNISHED room, private home, busi ness man preferred. 125 N. 23d St H. 6087. FURNISHED room In beautiful private horn for gentlemen, U block to Far . nam car, $26 month. WaU 0877.- FURNISHED room .to gentlemen only. private,. walking distance. -Harney 147. NICE room for one or two girla preferred; Walking distance lo So. Side. So. 2S74. FURNISHED room for rent. Har. 1281. 1045 South 29th St.; gentlemen preferred. FURNISHED room for gentlemen, prlvat family. 1113 N. 26th St. Har. 4466. NICELY furnished room fur one or two gentlemen, references. South 3780. ROOM and board. 1823 Webster, three blocks from Webster street station. FURNISHED room In all modern prlvat home. 6662 Ohio. WaU 48)8. Fvrtnfthed Rooms, t NICE room, private home,, for 1 or 1, gentlemen only. 107' No. 26th St PLEASANT south front room with aloov and closet, on car line. Bar. 2824. 1211 DOUGLAS Well-furnished rooms, $1 up. Good heat ' Call Doug. 9761. , LARGE we(l furnished room for 1 men, very large floeet Ty.1660. sntls- 1643 NORTH Sixteenth St., nicely furnished rooms, reasonable. Webster 801. V FURNISHED room, block to car, 1411 Capitol avenue, Harney 1110. 106 8. I5TH AV(i Nicely fuinlahed to gentlemen or man and wife. LARGE and small, furnished front rooms. 1820 Capitol Av. Ty. 4959. 2614 JONES; very desirable room, atrlctiy modern home; Deuglaa 4124 ' LARGE and small furnished front rooms. 1820 Capitol Ave.. Ty. 4969. ROOMS, near car line in private family, La Ka nr.. vveo, iin. SUITE of nice modern rooms, in , private horns, Harney 6198. - STEAM heated room with running water. 2474 Harney. EXCLUSIVB room, gentleman. 0491. Harney 1543 N. 16TH ST. Nicely furnlahed rooms. Reasonable. Web. 803. , . LARGE furnished room, all modern, hot water heat, gentlemen. Doug. 6140. ROOMS near car line In privet family. 1618 Lake. Web. 1718. 2 nice warm sleeping rooms. Har. 4468 BEAUTIFUL large room, alcove, p; 8144. Room to rent for cn)ored. Web. 6161 ROOMS for colored. Web. 1887. ROOM for rent South 1494. Housekeeping Rooms. 611 8. 2.115 3 light housekeeping rooms; -no objection to children. 1 UNFURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. 4737 North 40th St. Col. 6246. 1643NOKTH Sixteenth St., furnished room for llgnt housekeeping. weosier-su. 2208 HARNEY Single - housekeeping rooms, south exposure. Doug. 6434. . HOUSEKEEPING room with kitchenette. 2821 Jackson. Har. 1576. , 2222 FARNAM, SUITE OF HOU8EKEEP. ING ROOMS. BASEMENT room for housekeeping. Har. 0504. 1643 N. 16TH ST. Furnished room for light housekeeping. - Web. 601. 1-ROOM apt furnished for housekeeping. 2628 Dodge, Apt 1.. Doug. 677r. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. Tyler 4828. Housekeeping rooms, furnace ht D. 6144. LIGHT housekeeping; rooms. :1621 Cass. MODERN rooms with bath. Doug. 650. MODERN rooms with bath. Doug. 7650. Board and Rooms. LARGE room, good location, family of 2, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, horn pitvileges; no other roomer; breakfast If dotl.-rd. Walking distance. . H. 4100. NEWLY furnished room. In private home; for two people employed. . Will rv on or two meals if desired. Price very reasonable. Col. 4381. HAVE, very dtsirabl room In modern' horn to bar with young man; 2 meals; close In. Twin bed. Best references.. , Har. 4033. ' . " DESIRABLE - room In modern' apt with board; steam heat; bath; 'plenty hot water at all times. Suitabl for two.. Doug. 9146. , i , : LARGE, nicely furnished room; , good board; su'.tabl for 2 gentlemen or cou- -pie employed. In. private family., Har-. ney 8166. 1 ' ' ' WANTED Two men of good habits t room with private family: oreakfaat if desired. 3203 Corby St., call Web. 4131. WANTED Children to- board; prlvat home; good care; reference given. Wal. 1278. . ., 2 OR 3 unfurnished rooms for couple without children, with heat and gas. 607 8. 29th St COZY, chearful. Warm room; good hofne- ' cooked meals; for .gentlemen) H. 7163. 3720 NORTH 18th -St., room, prlvat famt ly; lady or genf. Web. 4069. BOARD and' room. ,-Merrlam Hotel, 25th and Dodge. " BOARD and room, 2 young men. modern room, walking dlst.ir.ee. Ty. 2570. .. , BOARD and room for I young ladies. South 4583. . . Board and Hoom Wanted.- YOUNG couple -with 3 -year-old boy wan; . flrst-claae board and iroom. near- . t4$ta , and Leavenworth. Phone Tyler 3688.. Unfurnished. FOR RENT Third -floor, t large reems unfurnished. 740 First Ave., Council ' Bluffs. Inquire-Ella Dental -Co., Court ney Bldg. ' ' UNFURNISHED housekeeping, partly modern. Web. 89.36. '. . .' 4 ROOMS AND- BATH; NO FURNACE. ' WEB8TER 2184. 4 FINE rooms. 2206 N. 18th, FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. MODERN 4 rooms; partly- furnished; adults; no objection to good baby under year old; $40 month. Call morning. ssis iNorrn zven bc r lorence car. 1 Unfurnished. 3-ROOM house newly painted and papered with 2 acres of ground on Poppleton avenue, near 64th. $25.00- per month, PETERS TRUST CO.,. Tyler 0544. 17th A Farnam Sts. MODERN five-room -bungalow. 80th St.. Colfax 4062. ' 6006 No. ' FOR RENT APTS AND FLATS Furnished. Will rent to responsible party; beautiful, completely furnished, practically new, Dundee seven room home, modern in every re spect. Double garage.' $15l) per month. Call us for aooointment. THE BYRON REED CO., Doug. 0297. 1612 Farnarh St. WEST FARNAM. Very desirable home. Finished, in oak throughout. Four bedrooms. Hot water heat 8867 Farnam St., Vac. Nov. lat . . " WALSH-ELMER CO.' Tyler 1536 833 Securities Bldg. . . VERY well furnished, seven-rooni 1 I j J 1 . W V ' -. aa modern nonse. xianscom .Tarn district. $125 nor month THE BYRON REED CO., Doug. 0297. 1612 Farnam St. FOR RENT Furnished house, attractive. excellent lurnace, seven rooms; no chil dren. Phone, between 10 and 6 o'clock, Webster 6839. IF YOU need a dandy little furnlahed: apt. ciose in, in nixn class apt oiag., ror $96 per mo., call Wat 6188 or Cot 1811 after 7 p. m. FURNISHED APARTMENTS IN THE BLACKSTONE. HARNEY 845. Unfurnished. . A RARE -OPPORTUNITY Is being offered you In this six- ' room flat located at 3208 Harney street. ' If you do not want to be both- . ered with the care of a heating plant or shoveling snow and all the other, troubles: attached to a., private home, and yet do not want; to live cooped up. in an apartment, it will pay you to look at thi& flat. There are six beautiful rooms, finished throuhgout in oak and newly decorated living room, dining room, kitchen i and large closet on first floor, three jdandy., bedrooms and tile bath on second floor. ' i- A private and . rear outside en trance to each iiat, giving one all the privacy of a detached dwelling with none of the worries. Open for inspection today. If . it is worth your while call Tyler 0063 tomorrow. for . further infor mation. i - - - J. L. HIATT CO., A TWO year leas at $80 per month. Very aesiraoi e-room apartment, wen lo cated, ran be oba,lnd by th purchas of furniture. Furniture not over ":1 months old, Inventories about $8,400. Price 83,600. Only parties able to furnlaa, bert of rerorcTJcea will. considered. .TRUST CO., - Tyler 0544, lJtb, Tarnam atv , i (7