Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1920, SPORTS AND AUTO, Image 23

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    the; U ihaha auniJAi pee: uyi upcng , gf.v.
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i .,,i,i .mntllMlflftntriift& ' i
nHvft for S7n nnn
Music Speeds Up
G. 0. P. Women
w v & Y v 7 w w v
arly Next Month
f ; .
ncreascd Prices Forces Or
ganization to Seek Assistance
Of Public, President of
Board of Directors Says.
The Young Women's Christian as
sociation of Omahav wH launch a
ciipatgn for $70,000 November 9,
according to an announcement made
ltb!ic yesterday by Mrs. George F.
Gilmore, president of the board of
directors. .",
"The association is obliged to ask
the public for $70,000 in order that
it miv continue its work alone its
Pi present basis," said Mrs. Gilmore.
f "The association has suffered as a
result of increased prices and has
been, a loser. The difference be-
tween the association's income and
its required budget for 1921 is $42,
000. We have bills for current run
ning expenses to meet totalling
$4,000. The equipment at Camp
Brewster cost us $8,000, and the
equipment for the boarding resi
dence which was opened in January,
1919, $i,ooo;
The sum of $6,000 is needed to
meet the deficit for current running
expenses of the residence. The as
sociation must raise $8,800 to cover
the cost of the property and equip
ment of the same to house the col
ored center. The-colored people of
the city will be asked to help raise
this portion of the $70,000 budget.
B-Cr.nnaian . headquarters will be
opened this week a,t the Central
Branch building, Seventeenth and St.
Marys avenue. Mrs. Gifmore will be
."general chairman of tho campaign
executive committee, and the other
members will include: Mrs. W. fc..
Rhodes, special gifts; Mrs. Edward
Johnson, lists; Mrs. Frank Judson,
women's teams; Mrs.!Henry Wy-
man, publicity, and jdrs. I, W. Car
michaei. speakers and meetings.
Mrs. Judson, chairman of the
i woptn's teams has I appointed the
following majors, each of whom will
enlist 10 captains to work - in the
campaign. Mrs. Palmer Fiudley,
Mrs; Charles Offutt, Mfs. B. S. Pet-
' ersoft. Mrs. Blanch E, Paterson, and
Mrs, George A. Roberts.
The Young Women's Christian as-
, sociation has done a creditable piece
of work during the past year, st aw
ing Ian increase in volume over that
ijpf two years previous. One of the
;ria, where during the past eight
nonths 347,815 meals have been
i-ved. while but 204.259 meals were
Served du.'ing the entire year of 1918.
Mrs. Carrie Ada Campbell, gener
al secretary, reports an enrollment
l. jnn .u. :.i. . l. j
Ul fUU gllia lit UIC 11 43 win It UC"
partment, an increase of more than
100 over 1918. For the fall 1920, the
educational classes have. an enroll
ment of 325 girls. .
Sugar Cane Mngs
Enormous Profits
I . ; i '
ramesteaders in Hawaii Net
57,000 to $12,000 on 20
, ;n Acres, Expert Says. ;
Honolulu, T. H., Oct. 23. Home
steaclers growing sugar cane m the
Territory of , Hawaii are making
enormous profits this year,' some of
them makingf from $7,000 to $12,000
T" . . All .
- vu acres, actoruniK to .ruuen
- Horner, territorial sugar expert.
Horner, in a report to Gov. C J.
McCarthy, deplores the practice of
many homesteaders in hiring alien
labor to cultivate their lands and de-
clares that when this state of affairs
rjp orougni 10 ine attention oi con
' Tress the lid will be clamped down
An tinmesteariincr hicrh clas cane
rJ'-'uffld in Hawaii
. w r . i j
governor jvicvanny saiu wuu re
gard to the report:
"The present system of cultiva
tion contracts is a palpable evasion
of the spirit of homesteading, It re
sults in making the homesteader a
landlord, who rents out his property
to Japanese cultivators and does
, nothing to develop it himself. Unless
. . it . - J! Ml 1 -
ms is stoppea nomesreaaing wiu uc
Volunteers in Republican
Headquarters Work Faster
When Pianist Is on Job.
VfnciV hath rhsrms not onlv tO
nntlia tks cauicr hreasti but it
lightens labor, according to several
observations in Omaha.
Women volunteers are siumng en-
310 South Nineteenth street. Among
. m T f
these volunteers are Mrs. tsen o.
Baker and Mrs. E. M. Syfert.
TTM'... aflkrnftAn tUm shift rAlA-
prised Miss Helen Morris, Mrs. F.
A. Ballinger and Mrs. S. E. Cole
man. When some one began play
ing a piano in an. adjoining room
these young women quickened their
movements and in a few minutes
they were keeping time to the music.
They stutted to nc runes oi
c.u:An.i r.iri -f Pmi" "Isle
of My Golden Dreams," "Beautiful
Ohio' "Lovely Indiana" and other
selections. ,
An Hmvlii wntnan wrirt lives in
the 6700 block on North Thirty-first
street avers that she starts ner pnon
icrranH while dninflf her morning
work and asserts that the music car
ries her through in half the usual
time for doing these morning chores.
Glorious Sunsets of
Hawaii 'Harnessed'
Professor Attempting to Cor
rect Light Refraction
M Your Credit Is iM jk
Same Old
Honolulu, T. H., Oct. 23.
Hawaii's glorious sunsets are being
"harnessed" to the drab treadmillof
scientific facts and figures.
Prof. Willard J. Fisher, late of the
University of the Philippines, is en
gaged in taking sunset observations
in Honolulu, which, it is hoped, may
be used to correct existing light re
fraction tables whereby navigators
will be greatly aided in figuring the
locations of their ships while at sea.
Present tables, according to Prof.
Fisher, permit observations no lower
than 15 degrees from the horiion.
By minute figuring of the bending
of the sun's rays as it sinks behind
the Pacific beyond the beach at Wai
kiki, Prof. Fisher hofes to. add ma
terially to exactitude in refraction
tables. When his observations are
complete he will forward the results
to Prof, tomstock of the University
of Wisconsin, who is collecting simi
lar data from different parts of the
world and by whom the final cor
rections in the refraction tables will
be made. - ,-
Terrorists Rule
In Azerbaijan
Despite Solemn Promises of
Moscow of Independent Goy
' ernment, Reds Control.
Paris, Oct. 23. An American cit
izen, member of the American Com
mittee! for the Relief of the Near
East, has arrived in Constantinople
from Baku with the; first complete
details of the establishment of the
bolshevik regime in Awbaidjanj
His confidential report, signed and
attested, is how on its way to the
Department of State in Waslfington.
Through his courtesy, The Bee is
able to publish for the first time au
thentic details of the bolshevik "ris
ing" which has resulted 1n the ab
sorption of Azerbaidjan by the Rus
sian soviet reoublic after solemn
promises from Moscow that her in
dependence wouia pe respeciea. 7
According to The Bee's informa
tion, there no longer exists such an
independent state. While it has its
dummy government, Gontrol. of all
affairs are in the hands of various
"commissions" from Moscow, and
the country is ruled by the terrorist
organization known throughout Rus
sia as the eheka, or extraordinary
At his own request, The Bee with
holds from publication the name of
this gentleman.
iHow Merchants Keep an Eye on You
There's No Guess Work About Credit System Main
tained by Retail Bureau If You're Slow to
.Pay They Know and "Dead tfeats" Haven't a
Chance in Omaha Stores.
The debt paying habits of 250,000
persons are on file on the second
floor of the Leflang building, Six
teenth street and Capitol avenue.
There is located the office of the
Associated Retailers' Credit bureau,
an organization which has been in
existence since 1912. .
It has one business m life the
establishment of the credit of every
man woman and child who opens
a credit account in 400 retail stores
and banks in Omaha, members of
. the organization.- s . ; , -
A man's wealth makes no differ
ence. If he is worth a million he is
put on file in the organization's of
fice and if he is slow in meeting his
obligations he is given a poor rating.
. The number of persons indexed
sa.1 filed in the organization sur
passes the population of Omaha.
,Chis, because out-of-town customers
are put on record, the same as the
Omaha customers, J. W. Metcalfe,
secretary of the organization, ex
plained. Look at the Rating Cards.
The minute a man, woman or child
applies for credit in an Omaha store
which is a member of the organiza
tion, the clerk says "excuse me," or
sends the would-be creditor to the
credit man. In that event the cred
it man savs "excuse me' ana calls
the Associated Retailers Credit, bu-
? reau. -,
"How's so and so? he asks.
,j3ftakes the clerk about two- mln
mir to find the ratine card of the
r 1 person desiring credit and give the
2l retail store credit man the informa-
.7 tion desired.
4 The credit bureau s rating usually
J decides whether further credit . will
be extended or not '
If the customer is new to the city,
, ing to -the satisfaction of its. mem
bers, Mr. Metcalfe stated.
the retail store's credit man decides
whether to put him on the books or
Then the customer is put on file
in the rating bureau. From that
time until he leaves Omaha every
move he makes in the credit busi
ness is filed and his bill-paying
status is decided on the information
on file.
Outline Omaha Plan.
In some of the larger stores there
is a direct Jine from the desk of the
credit man to the bureau. The di
rect telephone lines leading into the
bureau number five.
A majority of the members send
their, credit transactions daily to the
The Omaha plan is looked upon
as one of the best in the middle
west. On October 25 Mr. Metcilfe
will go to St. Joseph to speak to the
retailers there and outline the Oma
ha plan. St. Joseph is contemplat
ing the opening of a similar bureau
From St Joseph Mr. Metcalfe will
go to Kansas City' and speak before
members of the credit bureau there.
The Kansas City bureau is functicn-
. Extraordinary sale Monday .of
beautiful silk dresses, velour
dresses, tricotine dresses,' etc.;
values $35 to $49.50; JOC
choice, at ........... P AO
Whether you need a dress or
sot in justice to yourself see
these wonderful values bright
and early Monday. -'
1508-10 Douglas St.
For tomorrow we have gathered together bargains that cannot be duplicated in Omaha and you will find it
well worth your while to investigate. If saving means anything to you, we know that you should buy ycur rugs
from Omaha's largest Rug Department-from Hartman'sJ The entire Second Floor is devoted exclusively to the
display of the finest rugs on the market. Note some of our specials for tomorrow:
Worsted Wilton Rugs of the finer quality, fin
ished with linen fringe:
9x12 SIZE Most attractive f0t 5 1 A T50
patterns at , A"'3
8-3x10-6 SIZE For the smaller
6x9 SIZE An unusual assortment $
at...... U-..
LO-6 SIZE For the smaller $ 7-
1, at.'.
See our extensive showing of high-grade Fringed
Royal Wilton Rugs: . -
9x12 SIZE A choice assortment Q3
8-3x10-6 SIZE A big reduction in $QQ75
price, at. . . , , . . .x. , OJ3
6x9 SIZE Many beautiful patterns ' ' $E075
9x12 Seamless
- Axmlnsters
$6 IE
Woven from a fine
trade of material in
a manner that In
sures lasting quality.
Sxll Seamless
Wool Brussels
Many new and
striking- patterns to
choose from at this
special price.
Famous Wittall Rugs
We are now showing the
full line of the famous Whit
tall Anglo-Persian Rugs at
prices that mean a saving on
all sizes a splendid assort
ment to choose from.
1x12 Seamless
Tou must see these
rugs to fully appre
ciate the saving at
Monday's reduced
price special.
8-3x10-8 Seamless
Wool Fiber
Suitable for bed
rooms, etc. The best
Inexpensive rugs
made. Come tomorrow.
You Are Guaranteed
Absolute Satisfaction
at Hartman's
Your Credit Is
Good at
Mahogany and Cane Suites
In JVIany Patterns of Velour
. - ..... .
Rich mahogany trames polished to a high luster with backLanJ
made of double closely -woven cane. Your chbice of many
beautiful patterns m jviuioerry anu
Blue Velour. Needless to say this
Is a bargain that can't be beat
anvwhere In the city. . Our price is
only ..
Davenport Bed-Suite
A Startling Money Saver
Is is an exceptionally gao
This is an exceptionally u V
arm chair, .and massive Davenport
A Pullman Suite in Spanish fabri
coid upholstering. Davenport opens
to a full size bed In an instant
Liberal terms to all
54-In. Table and Genuine
Leather Seated Chairs
Tou will like the very distinctive design of this dining suite.
lZ7s in beautiful walnut finish, polished to a . high luster
(fT fl OC constructed of the finest
mil H OD materials throughout. Chairs
0k 1 wmmt . have genuine leather seats. A
LtW i special value.
A Comfort That Assures
Complete Warmth
A soft, downy comfort that means complete warmth the cold
nights we are going to nave. uome in
various colors, and are In every respect a
bargain that is much needed at a price
ihat will save you much money. Price
inly ;
(j 'STmrsm B
Buy on
Of Finest Carpet Sweepers
Here are
that you
carpet sweepers In large array tremendous values
need in your home right now. Just the sort of money
..iln Annnpf linttv .T I1 11 Vl 13 ITS k..ll TIT (I 1 1 1 T1 IT f T
QC you owe it to your pocketbook to be on hand
vv Monday morning and secure one' of these Hart-
,man guaranteed sweepers lor your nome. rice
cut very low. t
See if You Can Beat Our Values
Porcelain Top Table
A sturdily constructed kitchen
table with a porcelain top that is
easily cleaned. A table at a price
so low that it is almost unbeliev
able, i'ou'll want this bargain
Ranges and Heaters
That Are World
Beating Bargains
A range that will
burn wood, coal
or gas very eco
nomleil and a
sensible range for
winter or sum
mer. Attractively
trimmed In nickle
and porcelain. A
bargain that you
can't afford to be
without Our price
Is only
Come to Hartman's Before You Go
Anywhere Else if You
Want a Stove
Guaranteed Cole's
The Coles Stoves are nationally
known for their most excellent
workmanship and the broad factory
guarantee that backs every one of mtnvun Vnil. nf Hheet steel
and has Hi-Oven that Is always
warm. You'll want this bargain
tomorrow at
the low price
we are ask
ing for It! A
bargain at....
-ant this bargain
A Cook Range
That Can't Be Beat
ftcnnomv Recrent is a wonderful
burner and heater. Will keep the
kitchen warm all winter. Excellent
wnrkmnnshln throughout Nickel
trimming. , Has high warming oven
and is an ev
cellent vilue.
Tomorrow at
the low price
we ask. .
You Can
Make a
Here oil
Hot Blast Heater
Everyone knows what a Hot Blast
heater is they know its many won
derful heat-giving qualifications.
The fact that this Is a Coles hot
blast makeOt all the more attrac
tive. Beautiful nickel trimmings en
hance the beauty of this heater.' A
price, that our competitors cannot
duplicate tomorrow. Price only "
A Good Burner
This Is a large heater that will keep
your living rooms warm tnis winter.
A verv economical burner made in a
beautiful design. Attractively
trimmed in- nickel. There Is value
represented here that you will find
nowhere else at the low price we
ask. A bargain tomorrow at, only
3-Burner Oil
Cooker Bargain
An oil stove that is a wonderful
heater and a very clean burner. You
will find that the usual order that
is associated ' with an oil stove wilt
not be found in this stove. Very
sturdy construction throughout. A
bargain that cannot be duplicated
elsewhere. Price only j
Kitchen Cabinet
Sellers cabinet that Is made very
exactingly even to the minutest
detail. Has sliding porcelain top
and lowering flour bin, Beautiful
golden oak finish. An exceptional
argain tomorrow.
'Happy Day
t 1 ! J. For over three generations Hartman's have
I J C il O I l,ICulf furnished homes complete or by the piece on
vroMM v tlje most libei-a.! credit terms in existence.
There is to reason why they should not furnish your home your
credit . Is 1 good. You may have anything you desire and
while you are paying for it It is really a very sensible way to
buy. Our prices are always the cheapest and the value the great
est Step in and look over our- bargains and have whatever
you want sent out. ''.
Ivory Dresser
r Has large beautiful French mir
ror and roomy dust proof draw
ers. Best construction and finest
materials. You'll want this bar
gain tomorrow at the unheard of
low price that we ask. '
Jacobean Finish
Has 54-Inch top and nicely grain
ed. In the very popular William
and Mary period. Tomorrow's
price will attract bargain hunt-.;
This machine will mean ' that tha house
win hova a vnrv nleasant wash day
when she uses it Has electric motor
and is a very thorough cleanser. Our
Bargain price, to
morrow will be a
revelation to you
as to Hartman's
1 I lllM IB' 1I 1 .
III Sixteenth -Between Harney and Howard HiillU!
-. ' ' ,..; ,,;
Mac hi rie
Columbian sewing machine that Is
fully guaranteed and very expertly
made throughout Has complete set
of attachments for plain and fancy
sewing that will be appreciated by
the woman who knows. Drophead
rolden finish.
A . bargain
3 .
: ,1
S '
1 :