Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1920, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 14

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    4 B .
Potatoes in the
V Diet
A king had to start the fashion
of eating potatoes. Now; the aver
age family feels neglected if pota
toes do not appear at least once
. da on the family board.
the days are gone when the aver
age family stores potatoes 'in quan
tity for the winter. The woman
with small house or apartment, buys
possibly five to 10 pounds. If these
' . - i .Mj4:i, .. thA
i are not uscu uu icauuv. .
V anartment is warm, the potato be
nins to sprout. Potatoes should be
uarhiH ami these snrouts removed
sFor in sprouting, potatoes develop
a poison called solanin. inis, line
some other poisons, does not have
" . th same effect on every one, but
fn-nnrntlv folks blame other thing
.hev have eaten for their poisoned
.motion when it is frequently due
to the solanin developed in sprout
inff nntatoes.
A small brush should be kept
for scrubbing potatoes. Select
tied ootatoes rather uni
form in shape for baking. The skin
- of a well-scrubbed potato is edible
. and dieticians tell us we should eat
the skins of our baked potato. Yet
so many baked pqtatoes are so un-
t irht v. lhe SKins are an cnarrcu
nni th wiv to orcvent this un
" ' sightliness is to scrub and dry the
potato and then ruD n over wm. .
or oil with a brush or a bit of soft
paper. Place the potatoes on a pie
plate and bake 40 or 50 minutes ac
..rirn Iie. The oven for
L-i.-j ..... ikniiM h verv hot.
A nntato baked in a slow oven is
not easily digested.. ,
, k w.v.A nntatn is done when
knitting needle inserted into the
inter finds no hard place. As soon
u lhe potatoes are done crack the
skin to allow tne sieam m vv.
fi .1.. ; tint cracked the steam
rnni4cnsea into water in cooling
A irives t soggy, undesirable
K .
OX 1
Often the cook splits the potato
tit half lengthwise ana carcumy
.coops the potato out She saves
half the number of shells. The
...... ,tiinnd tin with salt.
pepper, milk and butter and packed
pepper, mint ana uuc.
back heaped into the shells. Thev
are then placed on a plate, each
brushed with milk and returned to
the oven to brown. They are called
otatoei on the half shell or canoes
This affords the thrifty house
,:f . var tn use tin certain Iett-
vers. Those scraps of boiled ham
mav he minced and added to the
potato mixture, or bits of green
pepper and onion may be mincei
'finely and added. Some like to put
grated cheese over the top instead
of brushing with milk before plac
ing in the oven a second time.
But the potato that the average
American man calls or n the res
taurant is the French fried potato.
These are not easy to prepare, bu
'hey give SO much satisfaction that
" cue feels the effect warranted. The
potatoes should be scrubbed, pared,
and eut into quarter inch strius.
Then they should be thoroughly
dried in a soft, absorbent cloth or
towel. Unless this is done the fat
, u liable to blare when the wet
potato goes In. ,
; Have ready .some deep, not fat.
- mt of the new vegetable oils on
he market are excellent for fryinir
. potatoes. When, the tat nas ceasea
' moving and a slight smoke begins
to arise from the top of it, lower
in some of the strips either in the
regular wire Irving basket or on a
wire spoon. Care should be exer
cised not to put too many potato
Arips in at once. This may caus?
'Jhe fat to overflow or it may cool
(he fat to the soaking point.
When cooked, lift the potatoes
from the fat, let drain a moment
and place on a dish in the oven or
" over a pot of boiling water to keep
warm. Jt is well to sprinkle the
potato (trips while hot' with salt,
Grilled sweet potatoes are first
boiled, peeled and sliced and then
dipped in oil and grilled until lightly
browned on each side.
Modish Coat
Frock .
IMrs. Rinehart On
"Gang" Spirit
For Girls
Mrs. Mary Robert Rinehart has
I been appointed chairman of trie Girl
Scout membership campaign, which
will take place simultaneously No
vember 6 to November IS in every
state, as well at in Alaska, Hawaii
and, Porto Rico, and the amount
sought is Sl.OJj.400.
In accepting the chairmanship,
Mrs. Rinehart said:
"It is time to realize that hundred
of thousands of young girls in this
country doubly important, now that
they are future citizens must be
given a feeling of responsibility, a
practical ideal to which they may
bring their innate loyalty and enthu
siasm. They need organized play
and athletics. They need something
concrete to tie to.
"They need to be taught, if you
please, what is the 'gang' spirit
among boys. They need to learn
that their young bodies are to be
used instead of decorated. Until they
learn that we shall have sickly moth
ers -and puny babies. No single
movement for the improvement of
the American people as a race, no
advance of science or sanitation, can
compare in importance with the ne
cessity for building up morally, spir
itually ana Doany our tuiure momcrs.
And that is what the Girl , Scout
movement does.'
Navy blue tricotine and black
satin are combined in this interest-
ng street frock. The underskirt
pnd vest are made of the sain,
while the turnover collar is also
fashioned from this fabric. This is
finished with a black silk tie, which.
the wearer desires, may be re
moved and the collar folded over
the shoulders. Small cloth-covered
buttons and silk stitching add to
he beauty ot this dress. A nar
row belt of patent leather encir
cles the waistline. The hat is of
rosewood-colored felt, one of the
shades that will be much seen v as
the season advances. 1
Mrs. Ella A. .Boole, of Brooklyn,
N. Y.. a candidate for a seat ,m the
I United States senate, has been en
dorsed by a coalition of all the forces
opposed to James W. Wadsworth,
the present incumbent.
Tempting Honey Desserts
:-r: trim 1
Honey is a deliciour.Iy wtiolfsome
and inexpensive sweet that can be
utilized in numerous dainties. Honey
dumplings are especially nice.
Make a very thin batter with three
well-beaten eggs, a cup of milk, a
pinch of salt, and enough flour to
thicken. Have ready a saucepan of
boiling water and drop a spoonful of
the batter into it, allowing it to boil
three minutes. The water must be
boiling and only two or three dump
lings dropped in it at a time. Place
them an a sieve to, drain and serve
with honey.
Another dainty honey sweet is
honey apples. Peel and core some
apples, , fill the centres with butter ;
and put them on a well-buttered tm.
Pour honey over the appl;s and bake
them in the oven until thev are
tender. Baste them well, with honey,
take them from the pan and sprinkle
with a little grated cocoanut, which
will cling well and make a pretty
dish. Serve with cream.
To become a voter in Virginia
women must live in the state for
two years.
Rather than let them starve, many
mothers in France are selling their
children for a few francs;
' .... ' ' ... . v ,,
Tomato Nesta.
1 tomato
1 teaipoonful Worceiterihlra iauc
tt teaapoonful pepper
Vt teaapoonful aalt
l tut '
i tlices bacon
Hollow out the tomato: out' into
the bottom of it one-half of the
seasonings. Drop the raw egg into
tne nonow. rut tne remaining Wor-
cestersnire sauce, salt and pepper
on top. Lover with1 the slices of
bacon placed in a cross fashion.
Fasten the ends with toothpicks, if
necessary. Bake very slowly in a
moderate over for, 25 minutes.
Effective Monday, new prices on all
PHOENIX HOSE will be in order in
our stores. These new prices will put
PHOENIX on a pre-war basis the -reductions
are liberal, and in line with our
policy of selling all our merchandise at
honest prices. .
Tuna With Mushrooms.
I cupfuli minced tuna fish.
1 cupful thin cream or top milk. '
1 teaapoonful butter.
U teaapoonful aalt.
teaapoonful ntvorlfca.
rw Brain nutmeg.
Pew aratna eeyenne pepner.
i oupfula mushroom eut in dloe.
1 cupful thin white sauce.
1 tableapoonful minced sariler.. Toast.
VTo the tuna add the mushrooms,
tne cream and Seasonings. Mix to
gether and stir in the butter: sim
mer for 20 to 30 minutes or until the
mushrooms are soft. Serve on
strips of buttered toast and pour
tne not, wen-seasoned white sauce,
wun tne parsley aaaea, over all.
Butter Cake.
substitutes are the foundation. Tiit
variety of flavor, chopped fruits and
nuts, and filling or frosting. Under
this head may be classed plain white
cake, rlevila (nnA ratr nnt
pound cake, white fruit cake, loaf"
cake, devils food cake, nut cakes.
and a variety ot cookies. '
1908 Farnam
and 1508-10 South 16th
For Men
Do You Know---XI
Three Questions a Day for the
1. What are Malaga or mus
catel raisins?
2. When roasting meat how
should the heat be regulated?
, - ). How to toughen common
. glassware?
These questions will be an
swered by the Housewife.
Answers to Previous Questions.
!. Rice is richer in starch
than any other grain.
2. To grease the griddle pan
for pancakes have the pan well
heated and then rub with a piece
of suet held in a piece of cheese
cloth and pour pancake batter on
at once.
3. Cover new utensils of iron
or steel with fat and put in the
oven, allowing the fat to bake in
but not burn. This renders the
utensils less likely to rust.
(Copyright, 20,
by the McClure
Ouchi Lame, Back
Rub Backache, Lumbago, Soreness and
Stiffness Away Try This!
'Back hurt you? Can't straighten
; up without feeling sudden pains,
' sharp aches and twinges? Now
c listen I That's lumbago, sciatica or
'maybe from a strain, and you'll get
blessed relief the moment you rub
your back with soothing, penetrat
ing "St Jacobs Oil." Nothing else
takes out soreness, lameness and
- stiffness so quickly. Yd simply rub
' it on and out comes the pain. It is
perfectly harmless and doesn't burn
or discolor the skin.
Limber up! Don't suffer 1 Get a
small trial bottle from any drug
store, and after using it just once,
..!1 f a. 1 A 1 . '
jvuu .uigci ygu ever naa oacK
ache, lumbago or sciatica, because
your back will never hurt or cause
any more misery. It never disap
points ana nas been recommended
tor ou years.
Anemic People Need
Blood-Iron Phosphate
Anemic people are twlljr thin, pale.
weak, discouraged, nervous wrecks; show
ln that lack of iron in the blood is all
too frequently accompanied by run-down
nervous system due to laek of phos
phorous. Strength, health, vim, vigor
and energy depend almost entirely on
making up this deficiency in iron and
Unquestionably one of the best things
for this purpose Is the great French dis
covery known among our druggists as
Rlond.Irnn Phosnhate. Folks . who have
tried it say that on five-grain tablet with
each meal quickly restore depleted nerv
ous energy, enriches the blood, increase
strength, vitality and endurance, and those
who are thin usually put on pound of
olid stay-there flesh in a short time.
Inaamneh as Sherman A McConnell Co.
and all other druggists are authorised to
sell Blood-Iron Phosphate under guaran
tee of satisfaction or money back, every
thin, weak, nervous or anemic man or
woman should give it a trial without delay.
Important Blood-Iron Phosphate i
old only in original packages, containing
enough for three weeks' treatment, at
M per package only SO coats a week.
Flush your kidneys occasion'
ally if you eat meat
It's Grandmother's Recipe to
Bring- Back Color and(
Lustre to Hair
re Proof To You
AU I wast is your Bam and address to I can scad yoa a free
traataeat. I waat yoa just to try tkls tmUMat that' ail
try tt. That's my oaly arrnmeut.
- oen la tliuuil Uruf Basines tor ft year,. Ian
1 fy" SaV
J. C. Hutsell, R. P.
i Secretary of the Indiana State Noam
m rawnwr mrimoeoi ei me neiau urugguta' Association. Nearly everyone in Fort Warn
kaowssk and knows about my tucceoral treatawnt. Orer lowvoo. a its a el --'
cervd bytti. tmfaiont mSTSwto thi&Tnolicr,'u " u"'r
eJllSwfervlrrw ft ha.
iiHiwiNtinNiHMH CUT AND SI All TODAY -mtTinii ,
U C. KVTZKU PrHntot, J74 West Mate Stv fwi Wayae, mL
Flani tmi wlttaejt out r ooUgaUog t sae yonr Free Proof Troataet.
That beautiful, even shade of
dark, glossy hair can only be had by
brewing; a mixture of Sage Tea and
Sulohur. Your hair is your cnarm.
It makes or mars the face. When it
fades, turns gray or streaked, just
an application or two ot sage ana
Sulphur enhances its appearance i
hundredfold. j
Don't bother to prepare the mix
ture; you can get this famous old
recipe improved by. the addition of
other ingredients at a small cost, all
ready- lor use. It is called Wyeth a
Sage and Sulphur Compound. This
can always be depended upon to
brinp: back the natural color and
lustre of your hair.
everybody uses Wyeth s &age
and Sulphur Compound now be
cause it darkens so naturally and
evenly that nobody can tell tt has
been applied. You simply dampen
sponge or soft brush with it and
draw this through the hair, taking
one small strand at a time, by
morning the gray 'hair has disap
peared, and after another application
it becomes beautifully dark and ap
pears glossy and lustrous. .
Henry Johannszen
Glass Jb Paint Compaay
Phona Douglas 349 '
114 So. 14th St., Omaha, ob.
No man or woman who eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by
flushing the kidneys occasionally,
says a well known authority. Meat
forma uric acid which clogs the kid
nev oores so thev sluggishly filter
or strain only part of the waste and
poisons trom the blood, then you
get sick. Nearly all rheumatism,
headaches, liver trouble, nervousness,
constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness,
bladder disorders come . from slug
gish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull ache
in the kidneys or your back hurts,
or if the urine is cloudy, offensive,
full of sediment, irregular ot pas
sage or attended by a sensation of
scalding, get about four ounces of
Jad baits from any reliable phar
rrucv and take a tablespoonful in i
glass of water before breakfast for a
I j j i.i j :n .1
lew aays ana your muncys win men
act fine. This famous salts is made
from the arid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with lithia and has
been used for generations to flush
clogged kidneys and stimulate them
to activity, also to neutralize the
acids in urine so it no longer causes
irritation, thus ending bladder dis
orders. t "
Jad Salts is inexpensive and can
not injure; makes a delightful effer
vescent lithia-water drink which all
regular meat eaters should take now
and then to keep the kidneys clean
and the blood pure, thereby avoiding
serious kidney complications.
9 A. M.
An Unequaled Sate of
Exclusive Pattern Hats
"One-of-a-Kind" Models From
New York's Leading Hat
Makers-Monday Only-
Up to
Many Fur
Brims of
Mole, Seal
and Beaver
There are Metal Brocaded Models with Fur Brims Models
of Silk Duvetyn and Metal Brocades Large Lyons Velvet Pic
ture Models Draped Models in all materials Cire Effects
Panne Velvet Models and many others. ; , ,
Trimmings include every Parisian Novelty, Pins, Ornaments and
Feather Effects, Exquisite Glycerined Ostrich Trimmings, Fur Bows
and Balls, - Silver Ribbons, Embroidered ( Effects and many others.
A New Principle in
Complexion Treatment
Mest creams are Injurious when used
habitually. They clog the pores and
eventually form a permanent, soggy.
stilling rum which Interferes with ellmin.
ative action and make the skin sickly
and pasty. There is an application
mercolized wax which acts upon an en
tirely different principle. While perfect
ly harmless, it has the" peculiar property
of removing by absorption the dead tend
halt-dead particles of tsearf-skin, as well
as unneaitny matter in tne pores, thus
it takes away from instead ot adding to
the complexion, differing in this respect
from cosmetics. The result is a perfectly
natural and healthy young eemplexion.
Mereolised wax, procurable at any drug
store (one ounce is sufficient), is applied
at night like cold cream and washed off
in the morning.
The correct principle in the treatment
of wnnklea is to titrhten the tkin. which
naturally irons out the lines, A face bath,
remarkably effective in thia direction, may
be made by dissolving an ounce of pow
dered saxolite in a half-pint witch nasal.
1212 Farnam. Tel. D. 353
Art Mem opm
$ave$ important
Gas and Electric
Home Labor-Saving
Devices of All Kinds.
1511 Howard Street
.a m
aSV 1
i 1 . mfl4m
Bff Many secrets you I :fm ' (4 ) I I
. MB will finri rva1ri tt I 1 it V I
S Nadine Face Powder B rwr II
a iii fct- " f rz iz
I woman would aolva tecreta of H ,1 " la
H pnonal charm. S Yy, ts II
O Tha tacret of toaa-patal com- 9 . II la.
8 " The file Ui ll
Swomannooa , w fl uke from A II
Tha aaeret of Uitlna? charm If I JLfkm i i - n 1
WM " w m M f naa nilfflB mWW m
9 I
Constructionists and Engineers
Estimate FurnuheJ and Work
Don oa a Fixed Faa Bast
And All Kinds of Industrial 'Building
Many secrets you
will find revealed
in the grten box of
Nadine Face Powder
Thaw art sacrott which every
woman would solve aecreta of
Bartons! charm.
Th secret of a Tomptal com.
pleilon NADINR'S gift to
womannooo. vv
Th stcrat of lasting charm
charm Which ondiirss through
out th day.
Tha sacral of sldn-comfort
with navar a bint of harm.
To you, as to a million other,
NADINS will reveal inese
lotJmata secreta.
Tea aa araeur NADINS from
your nvont tenet coubiw
or by mail Soc
-aa. a t as m
ran, isaa., u. a. . jw.
Naw Y.rk
, St. LouU
Bostoa Detroit
Omaha Kansas City
-Harney 3463 and Trier 1123
I H with never a bint of harm. S I
I IB To you, as to a million other, O 1 1
, I ' I J Intimate secrets. R
Tea eaa araeur NADINS from 8 I
I 1 -t r" favorite tellet counter B I
Ira r mail-SOc Jg I
MfaifcW. U. 1 A. $ J
SoW hf BrndU 3toi-M and Oth tc ' I
I Why Not Try a!
I I 111 U s s llrtvi- A ri 111 I
The plant of the Strassel-Gans Paint Company, Louisville,
Ky.. was destroyed by lire on May 20th. The following is
an extract from their voluntary testimony to the fire-resistance
of Art Metal:
Wt bad in oui offict one of your No. 1000 Mahog.
any ef Metal Leite, Files. All the "wooden fixtures
around thts file inert ctthet destroyed ot burned so badly
as to be' rendereo useless. When the file bad cooled ntf
fiaently to enabit us to bandit it, aw were very much '
surprised to find tht contents intact and the letters and "
papers therein not even scorched. , '
Not on mere claims but on its performahce In actual fires
may you place your confidence in .the fire .resistance of Art
Metal steel. ,' :
Step in and let us show you these files and other Art Metal
Steel Office Equipment.
complete catalog on request. , z
j Omaha Printing Go.!
Thirteenth at Farnam , Phono OougUs JT3.